Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Loose Weight Fast

By Alexis Kenne

Today it is very common to hear someone is on a diet, taking diet pills or a natural weight loss supplement. It seems like almost everyone is on a diet or thinking about a weight loss program. Surely if you yourself are not on a diet it is likely that you know someone who is dieting. Diets themselves have proven to be frustrating. Especially fad and starvation diets. People tend to starve themselves to see quick weight loss. Then their metabolism slows down from dieting and their results slow down and they eventually fall off the diet. No wonder people begin to detest even the mention of dieting. Truthfully, you can never have healthy weight loss with a starvation or fad diet that teaches you to ignore a food group or just eat one thing.

A persons metabolism can be slowed down due to many different things, namely your genetics, overeating and also age. As this happens it become more and more difficult to burn the calories that you eat through out the day. Losing is weight is good, but not too quickly. There are health and appearance risks for doing so.

The raw food diet is said to provide you with quick weighty loss results. Use raw vegetables almost exclusively, since the vitamin value is at peak this way, and the crispness of the vegetables is most appetizing. Various combinations can be used with vegetables, cottage cheese, or gelatin recipes.

Weight is an issue that most of us face at one time or the other and while there are a variety of products out there that will assist us to loose weight such as medication, diets, cream and exercise we also need to ensure that in the process we dont weaken our body and immune system by providing our body with dietary fat loss supplements.

When you are thinking about combining diet nutrition and supplements for weight loss, you will find that you need to make sure that you are giving your body a good proportion of fat burning calories to nutritional calories. The goal here is that you are trying to get the right balance that will enable you to start burning calories more quickly and more efficiently.

As part of a weight loss plan, many people may try to figure out diet nutrition by thinking they eat too many sweets, or drink too much alcohol, or not enough fruit and vegetables, but they really have no idea how many calories they take in or know anything about diet nutrition. These people may sometimes look at weight loss supplements, as something they can add to their diet, that will take off weight, or curb their cravings.

Staying fit and making certain that you are not carrying too much fat is a crucial thing to many people. Unfortunately, it is also something that is very tough to achieve in the busy lives that most people follow. Thats not to say we cant do it.

The only way to approach weight loss is to understand your body first and in order to do that you must consult your doctor and/or dietician and fitness instructor. After carefully examining and understanding your present health state they will be able the draw out the best exercise for fat loss for you.

Regardless of the method employed for weight loss, once you reach your goal, keeping the weight off permanently should be your focus. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not only improve your physical appearance, but can add a few years of longevity. - 17274

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The Fountain Of Youth From Excellent Diet

By Karen Lynch

Since the creation of time, people have been searching for the obscure fountain of youth. Startlingly enough, it has been with us the entire time.

If you want to slow down the normal declines that are linked with aging, you need to look no further than your local supermarket, health food store or farmers market. Unending investigation is always proving that as much as 85% of all age-related illnesses can be deferred or totally avoided through the consumption of an superb food intake of high nutrition.

A inventory of the best superfoods includes many abundant and delicious items that persons have been eating for millennia. Some of these foods have been staple items in certain parts of the world, and one of these foods was maligned at one time and thought to be toxic.

Berries top the list of one of the healthiest foods constantly. Most berries are plentiful in a plant-based flavonoid called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are essentially the deep purple pigment that gives berries their bright colors. Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and grapes fit into this grouping. The tiny acai berry actually has the maximum antioxidant power of any particular food ever found in nature and it has long been a staple food for the natives of the Brazilian rainforest providing up to 45% or their nutritional regime.

Tomatoes are rich in a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. This potent substance helps to stop heart disease by protecting the blood vessels against oxidative damage. It has also been shown to offer guard against many distinctive types of cancer, including lung and prostate. The tomato is one of the few foods that is essentially healthier in a processed state rather than a raw state. The strength of lycopene is highest when tomatoes are heated such as in spaghetti sauce and since it is fat soluble, the nutritional advantage is improved if you add in a wholesome fat, such as olive oil.

The tomato has an remarkable saga as back in the 1500's most Europeans thought that the tomato was lethal because most of the flatware at the time was made out of pewter, which has a high lead content. High acid foods such as the tomato would cause lead to leech out into the food, which resulted in lead poisoning and loss of life. The poorer people, who ate off from wooden flatware of course, did not have the same trouble and thus only the destitute people of the day ate tomatoes.

Other extremely nourishing foods that can avert aging include greens, such as spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, Swiss chard and more, orange foods such as pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes and beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, Tea, red wine and dark chocolate.

The mysterious fountain of youth that everyone was searching for was with us all along. We just need to include more natural, whole foods to our diet and eliminate the junky artificial foods that are so widespread in our society. - 17274

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Tone Flabby Arms - Without Having To Exercise At All!

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone flabby arms so easily you ask? You probably think I'm full of it. But I'm not.

Now exercise is great for you and it definitely accelerates the toning process. But if you are looking for other options, I am here to provide them.

So what's the trick? The trick is to put your body into spontaneous fat loss mode. When you enter spontaneous fat loss, you unconsciously eat less food. It's so easy.

So without any more delay, here are 4 things you can do that will tone flabby arms the easy way:

1. Keep junk food in places that are not visible. A landmark study showed that an individual will eat 300% more candy when its close and visible. So keep the junk at a distance. And also make sure to keep healthy food nearby.

2. Use smaller eating implements. When using large spoons and bowls people unknowingly eat 50% more ice cream. Why does this happen? Because the scoops of ice cream look a lot smaller next to the big spoons and bowls. In this case, our perception can interfere with our feeling of satiety.

3. Use tall and thin glassware when drinking calorie-laden liquids. People will poor up to 30% more liquid when using short glasses versus tall glasses. Why? Because a volume of liquid looks much smaller in a short/wide glass versus a tall/thin glass.

4. Don't let your plates be cleared at a buffet. If you do, you'll end up eating 25% more. You see, when your plates are constantly cleared, you forget how much you have eaten. The result? You keep on eating and eating and eating.

Spontaneous fat loss is the key to sexy arm stardom with minimal effort. Learning how to tone flabby arms doesn't have to be a long and drawn out battle. At times, the easiest approach is the best approach. - 17274

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Order Acai Berry Pills - Acai Berry Weight Loss As Seen on Oprah

By Xylene Belita

Acai Berries are small fruits of the Acai Palms, 8 species of the genus Euterpe which are local to tropical Central and South America. The tree itself is appropriately named, Euterpe was the muse of delight in Greek Mythology, and without a doubt the fruits of the Acai Palms are delightfully good for you.

Acai Berries themselves seem like small round grapes, deep purple or green depending on variety, but with lesser pulp. The Acai Berry seed makes up 80% of the fruit. It has long been harvested by the Caboclo populations of the Amazon jungles as a source of food. In fact, Acai Berry comprises an amazing 42% of the food intake by weight of these natives. So what's so special about it?

Acai berries have been scientifically confirmed to contain just the ideal amount of fibers, beneficial monosaturated fats, iron and amino acids, the Acai Berry is also the richest source of antioxidants in nature. A particular class of flavonoids called anthocyanins are found in remarkable amounts in Acai berries. Up to 10 times that of grapes and double that of blueberries.

In case you did not realize, antioxidants are molecules that help prevent free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that come from natural processes of the body, pollutants, pesticides, cigarette smoke etc. They injure the cells and can cause chain reactions that can lead to diseases and even damage the DNA that can lead to cancers. Aside from fighting free radicals, antioxidants also strengthens the immune system and leads to a strong increase in energy levels and resistance.

The Acai Berry also has essential fatty acids (Omega 3, 6, and 9) that help combat bad cholesterol while at the same time maintaining good cholesterol. Thus, helping prevent heart disease. Not only that, Acai berries have just the exact amount of nutrients that can considerably help battle fatness. Antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and phytosterols act collectively to make your body work more effectively. Aiding in digestion and burning fat better. Having a proportionate body makes it much easier for you to accomplish your weight goals.

And the best thing about the Acai Berry? Not like other usual health food like wheatgrass, Acai berries in fact taste excellent. It has a definite taste that has been described as a mix between berries and chocolate. The only downside is that the Acai berries spoil very quickly after harvest, so they are not readily obtainable in fresh form unless you reside somewhere in Latin America. Luckily, they are now quite easily obtainable in other forms. The most common being the bottled Acai fruit juice or Acai Berry pills as health supplements. - 17274

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Muscle Building Supplements - Do I Really Need Them?

By Ricardo d Argence

Bodybuilding supplements are taken by weight trainers to build muscle mass and reduce fat. They are also taken to improve a person's performance and make recovery from exercising and training easier.

Some supplements are necessary to insure that you body receives the right amount of nutrition when you are increasing your activity due a training program. Lack of these can cause you to not have the energy necessary to do the strenuous exercises involved in bodybuilding.

Protein supplements such as creatine and whey protein are necessary to help you with building muscle. You need the basic vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure you do not become deficient in these during training.

Vitamins and minerals basically change the food we eat into energy. Vitamins also help with muscle building and burning fat. Protein supplements that will help you with building muscle along with your training program include creatine, amino acids, testosterone boosters, and whey protein. These proteins are essential for building muscle and help with muscle soreness.

Carb blockers, fat burner supplements, and appetite suppressants will help you along with burning excess fat. Antioxidants such as green tea are good for a natural energy boost. There are many energy boosters and supplements on the market to help give you more energy and stamina during your training program.

Eating balanced meals that are healthy is very helpful and important. Supplements are not the only way you should be getting the nutrition that you need. Of course even though we eat good foods, we don't get all the nutrition needed because of cooking the foods and processing them. Supplements can provide the extra nutrients needed.

Vitamins and minerals alone will not build muscle. It takes hard work and dedication to build lean hard muscle mass and lose fat. Taking supplements alone without a good diet and training program will not help you build muscle.

When it comes to bodybuilding, steroids are a bad choice. They can help to build up muscles fast, but they can harm the body. When the muscles grow so fast, the ligaments and tendons often can't keep up. This causes those using steroids to deal with more injuries.

Aggressiveness can be caused by taking steroids and you will find that the liver and other organs can also be affected by taking steroids. There is no pill out there that will take the place of hard work when you are trying to lose fat and build up more muscle. Remember, products like steroids can be quite dangerous and won't give you the results you really want. - 17274

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Cure For PCOS - Two Magic Herbs That Work Wonders.

By Crystal Adeyemi

Is there a cure for PCOS is a common question that people ask and the answer is Yes. Mix together three simple ingredients - good nutrition, regular physical exercise,and natural herbs and you will eliminate the signs and symptoms of PCOS and Ovarian Cysts.

Herbs in particular are extremely useful in the treatment of PCOS, because they are much gentler on the body, have fewer side effects than synthetic drugs and can be used for sustained periods of time.

The two most effective herbs commonly used and that have been shown to be very effective are:

1. Agnus Castus (Vitex/Chastetree Berry): This herb has a direct effect on the pituitary gland. This gland is involved in regulating hormone production and the menstrual cycle.

It is an adaptogen, which means that whether you suffer from a low level of one hormone or an excess of another, you can take Vitex and this herb will regulate the pituitary gland to achieve optimum levels of the hormone.

This herb is particularly useful to those with low levels of progesterone as it restores it to normal levels. Low progesterone levels can cause miscarriage, so vitex can help prevent this from happening.

You need to be aware though that Vitex has a few side effects, the most noticeable being digestive upsets and a mild rash.

Vitex should be taken for a period of several months in order to help with the cure for PCOS and ovarian cysts.

The typical recommended dose of Vitex is organic tincture is 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day for 3 or 4 months. This herb can be taken daily for up to 18 continuous months, unless pregnancy occurs.

Please consult your doctor if this is something that you think would help you.

2. Garcinia Cambogia (Also known as Brindall Berries)

This small tropical fruit is also known as Malabar tamarind.It comes from central Asia and contains HCA (hydroxyl-citric-acid). This Acid enables carbohydrate to be turned into useable energy instead of being deposited as fat.

This herb can also be used as part of the cure for PCOS because it helps to suppress appetite, reduce sugar cravings and insulin resistance, and inhibit the formation of fat and cholesterol.

This herb is readily available in capsule form and you should be able to get some from good health stores.

The most important thing to bear in mind is that our bodies react to different things in different ways and these two herbs used in the cure for pcos, may not necessarily work for you the way they have worked for others. - 17274

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Top Treadmill Feature Considerations

By Nick Gellar

Treadmills outsell any other form of exercise equipment on the market. That's because running is a workout that everyone knows, and knows is a great way to get that burn.

Those looking into buying a treadmill might notice that there is an abundance of models to choose from. Starting at approximately $700 and up to almost $3500, it is not a small purchase by any means. That is why you will do research before buying. But after you've determined what your demands are, there are a few things to look at when you start shopping.

The most important part of the treadmill is the motor. This should be the primary focus of your research. It needs to be durable enough to meet your demands, especially if you intend on using the treadmill heavily. A treadmill that will be used on a regular basis will need a 2.5 CHP motor at a minimum.

The running surface of your treadmill is the deck. It's just beneath the belt that you will be frantically trying to stay on. Look for rubber or polymer cushions placed under the deck. It needs to have plenty of shock absorption otherwise you might as well go running over the pavement outside, it's cheaper too.

These days almost every treadmill has an incline feature so you can pretend to be running uphill while actually you're just running in place, at an incline. It's great for forcing yourself into a more strenuous workout. The ranges vary more or less steep but if you're looking for intense workouts make sure you have a treadmill that supports that feature.

Most treadmills also come with a heart rate monitor in some form or another. This lets you track and measure your heart rate. It's handy to have and kind good for maintaining you heart rate through you desired workout time.

Another cool feature that many people like is the calorie counter. Based on the intensity of the workout and the duration the computer calculates the amount of calories you burn using the weight and age data you input to begin the work out. The only issue is that most models have overly optimistic calculators so use it as a guide, not a rule.

The most important thing, your insurance against any problems is the warranty. Look for manufacturer warranties that will back up their treadmills for a decent length of time. It's not uncommon to find a treadmill with a warranty for 10 years on the motor, 3 years for parts replacement, and 1 year in servicing the machine. - 17274

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Anti-Aging Benefits And Health-Promoting Benefits Of The Acai Berry

By Herman Ruiz

The acai berry can only be grown on a palm tree that is found in the rainforests of Brazil. It has only been in the past five years or so that superior processing methods have enabled the acai berry to be available for worldwide use.

The acai berry is chock-full of a variety of healthy nutrients. It is believed that this berry can be beneficial for a multitude of ailments including obesity, heart disease and the prevention of cancer. Few scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of the tangible berry but many studies have established the efficacy of the nutrients contained within the berry.

The acai berry is rich in an antioxidant called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are actually the deep purple pigment from healthy foods such as blueberries, red wine, purple cabbage. In a study involving laboratory mice that were given purified anthocyanins, this nutrient was shown to be of use for the lessening of body fat. This fundamental nutrient is also believed to have a considerable influence on heart health and the healthiness of the entire cardiovascular system. The acai berry contains 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine.

Anthocyanins are tremendously helpful for cardiovascular health. Studies show that it improves blood circulation, prevents blood clots, relaxes blood vessels and prevents atherosclerosis. Further studies have concluded that anthocyanins also have antiviral and antiallergenic properties and it may be possible that they can play a part to cancer prevention by blocking carcinogens on a molecular level and stimulating tumor cell death.

These berries also include good for you fat in a form that is very similar to olive oil. They contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 acid, and linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated omega-6 acid. All of which help to lower LDL cholesterol, or the "lousy" kind and preserve healthy HDL cholesterol levels, or the "healthy" kind. Healthy fats also increase the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K, which are fundamental to good health.

The fatty acids from the acai berry are able to penetrate the cell membranes, which in turn makes them more supple. This greatly reduces inflammation by allowing hormones, neurotransmitters and insulin receptors to operate more efficiently. Reducing inflammation is critical to prevent the problems of aging, because it is a primary cause of the problems of aging, including dry skin and wrinkles, gray hair and particularly dementia.

The anti-aging capacity of the acai berry is possibly the most essential benefit of this wonderful fruit. The combination of fundamental nutrients such as antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids are all valuable in slowing the aging progression.

The acai berry is a exceptionally helpful dietary find. It has one of the utmost antioxidant capacities of any food, the content of healthy fats is outstanding and the fiber and protein add to its marvelous nutritional value. The acai berry is truly a astonishing dietary find. - 17274

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Why Acai Berry Products Have Received Critical Acclaim

By Chris Channing

Losing weight and finding healthy foods is now a task that the majority of the world is, thankfully, starting to take part in. One such "super food" that is being investigated is the acai berry. This berry in particular is being boasted as a new miracle fruit- but can it live up to the hype?

Finding a fruit you have haven't tried before is, granted, a little daunting. Acai berries have been hiding under your nose the whole time, since they are very easily found in health food stores around the world. Even if you live in a small community that has a poor selection of health foods, you could use the Internet to obtain dried acai berries or extract in which to consume.

How you consume the berry will determine the nutritional content you gain from them. Just like boiling vegetables can remove nutritional value, freezing fruits can do the same thing. If you want the full effect it is recommended you consume the berries whole and fresh. Otherwise a concentrated mix of juices or extract can give the same results as raw berries.

Over the first few weeks you will start to notice you feel healthier. Acai berries are considered to be antioxidants, which have been known to keep the body clean and healthy. Acai juice has been shown in studies to outrank orange juice, apple juice, and certain types of tea in the ability of the beverage to act as an antioxidant. Other juices such as pomegranate juice still ranked higher, however.

As physicians have always said, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is key to losing weight while on an exercise routine. Marketers who claim that the acai berry is a cure-all fruit are sadly mistaken, but it does no doubt help bring about weight loss through a healthier immune system, which in turn stimulates more energy. Be careful of false claims, as the FDA has not released results of official studies yet to the general public.

There are no known major health defects associated with consuming acai berries. However, it is a good idea to consult your nutrition consultant or physician to see if you should work the berries into your daily consumption routine. Acai berries have been known to speed up heart rate in some cases, and if one has a problem with the heart of related condition, it could contribute to a health problem.

Final Thoughts

Acai berries have a lot of controversy shrouded around them. Keep in mind there are no official studies out confirming the drastic effects that some marketers claim there are. Be wary of any limited time offers or free trials as well, and be sure to read the fine print! - 17274

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The Superfood Properties of Wheat Grass

By James Campion

Wheat grass is a grass which belongs to the large family of grasses such as rye and barley which we are more familiar with. The type that is used to manufacture juice is not grown outdoors but inside on special trays. Much of the dehydrated grass that is about sixty days old is mainly used in nutritional supplements.

When combined with wheat berries, the fresh wheat grass can produce a highly nutritious drink rich in chlorophyll. This drink is believed to assist in the prevention of cancer but is known to neutralize many of the toxins in the body, cleanse the body and reduce the rate of aging. Many people are aware of the health benefits of the juices after watching those TV adverts for the Jack Lalanne juicer machine which extol the virtue of fresh juices.

A number of medical professionals have done studies to show that wheat grass can benefit a number of medical conditions. The herbal form is often used as a medicine and is believed to possess healing powers similar to those of the aloe vera plant. The theory can be better understood as most cats and dogs can be seen nibbling on the grass especially when they feel unwell or sick.

All the rotten food that sits in the alimentary canal, producing toxins, can be neutralized by this foodstuff. Wheat grass contains lots of enzymes which have the power to neutralize and detoxify many of the toxins and additives found in the diet.

The life blood of plants is chloropyll which makes the plants a green color. Most medical professionals believe that wheat grass should not be cooked as cooking could kill most of the chlorophyll and therefore destroy its beneficial effects. The most known fact is that most of the grass eating animals are generally spared from cancerous conditions as they eat chlorophyll in the fresh form. Chlorophyll cannot detoxify the body itself but has enzymes present in it that do have the power to detoxify.

Many people who have bought a juicer by Jack Lalanne understand all too well the benefits of juicing. Adding wheat grass to the fruit juice will provide a very refreshing and healthy drink. These juices are full of many essential vitamins and minerals that can contribute very well to health.

The cleansing effect of juices on the body have been known for a lot of years. That is the main reason most of the doctors prescribe taking vegetable and fruit juices when we have a stomach ache or are not simply feeling well. Weight for weight, wheat grass contains more protein than eggs, fish and beans and more iron than spinach. This is a relatively little known but surprising fact.

A lot of people are discovering its health benefits and wheat grass could should be considered one of the superfoods. Try adding wheat grass to your diet and experience the benefits it has to give. - 17274

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Getting Through the HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

The ever popular HCG diet is being called the cure we've been waiting for when it comes to weight loss! It's unique results set it apart in a society overflowing with diets and supplements. But successfully maneuvering the program requires some work. Here are some tips to help you on your way:

1. Stay on the diet. Going off the diet even for one tiny taste of an indulgent food will have an effect on your weight loss. The HCG alters your body's method of using and storing body fat so that you can decrease your body weight quickly with long term results. But the addition of fat or sugar into the body during the program inhibits the process.

2. Prepare your meals ahead of time. Go ahead and cook full recipes and then divide the finished product up into individual portions. Set them aside and have them on hand when you need them. If you prepare in this way you'll never find yourself STARVING with nothing quick enough to eat. This is one of the main reasons dieters break from the meal plan. And breaking from the meal plan will affect your weight loss just as immediately as staying on it.

3. Find an herbal tea and stevia combination that you enjoy. You can depend heavily on your tea as one of the very few unlimited substances allowed on the diet.

4. Take advantage of the "seasonings" you are allowed on the diet. Lemon juice in your water can make a huge difference. Have a variety of spices so that you feel like you're having something new and exciting when you serve up another meal of grilled chicken. HCG dieters have even suggested that cutting up an apple and drizzling lemon juice on it serves as a very yummy dessert.

The majority of HCG dieters successfully complete the program. The low cal diet, the HCG's effect on the hypothalamus work together to provide the most effective weight loss available. - 17274

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What is Acai Juice?

By Roger Hawthorne

Acai juice is becoming more and more popular nowadays. It is made from juicing acai berries, which are purple berries only found in the rain forests of South America. The areas where they grow are usually swamps and floodplains. They grow on the acai palm tree, a member of the genus Euterpe palms. There are eight other species in the same family as the acai palm. You will find many acai palm trees in Central and South America, from Belize southward to Brazil and Peru.

Young acai berries are green in color. As the fruit matures, it changes color from green to deep purple. The acai berry is a small berry. Its size is comparable that of a blueberry. On an acai palm tree, which averages 15 to 25 meters in height, the berries grow in bunches similar to grapes. Each berry contains only a small amount of the precious acai pulp which is the most nutritious part of the berry. The stone inside the berry makes up about 80% of the acai fruit.

People native to the Amazon, have recognized the many health benefits of this fruit for centuries. The berry has both nutritional and medicinal benefits. Typically, they would drink the acai juice made from pulping the fruit or consume the acai pulp itself.

In the US, people care a great deal about their health. They welcome any healthy fruits including the acai fruit. But, there are no acai palm trees in the US so there are no acai fruits. Therefore, instead of eating the fruit, people in the US drink acai juice. As the demand for acai juice increases, more manufacturers start producing more and more products containing extracts from the acai berry.

When the acai juice was not so popular, you could only find a few brands in only selected, specialized health food stores. But, now that the demand for acai based products has skyrocketed, there seems to be more acai juice brands than most other juices. Two famous companies have attracted the most attention. They are Sambazon and MonaVie. Sambazon has a wide range of acai products, not just acai juices, whereas MonaVie is a network marketing company with only a few lines of products.

Regardless of the acai juice you are interested in, it is very important that you educate yourself on the acai nutritional facts and associated acai berry benefits before you buy. That way you are less likely to get caught up in an acai scam that is common nowadays. There are plenty of products you can buy in your local grocery stores. - 17274

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