Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Great Dirty Trick Beats Fat Loss Plateau

By geanor fremooor

My old training partner showed me a trick in beating the plateau effect. When we would workout he always added like 10 lbs extra without me knowing. I would do 215 lbs for 8 reps and without me knowing hed put 10 more pounds on which went to 225lbs. Funny thing is I wouldnt even notice, I thought I was still doing 215 lbs for 8 reps. The point is my partner knew I had more strength to offer then I thought. If you have any plans on doing this make sure there is a spotter present.

How exactly can you receive a benefit from his dirty trick? You can receive a benefit In 2 ways.

1. Change how you think and the way you see yourself

If you are at the point where you are stuck at the fat loss plateau effect and keep putting stuff in your head like you are meant to be fat, guess what? Your never going to win.

You need to tell yourself that you will burn that fat off and gain the muscles you want. Believe in yourself so that you will develop a great mindset. Just picture yourself relaxing at the beach not embarrassed of your body or going shopping for some new clothes.

Heres a good mindset for fat loss!

Eating yesterday went pretty good. I resisted a plate of fries and didnt even try to order a burger I usually get. I used the mindset change and I am overall a healthy person. Being healthy doesnt involve eating greasy beef burgers and fries.

They grab a turkey sandwich with veggies which is low in fat and has a lot of protein. Thats the kind of sandwich I love. Develop a strong mindset and resisting fatty foods wont be a problem.

2. Break a new record every time in your workouts

Your body will not change if you arent improving and arent putting more weight on each time. My friends dirty trick made sure I was doing more every time in each work out, and doing that made sure I was always making a gain.

When it comes to your fat loss muscle building workout youre going to want to pick an area where you want/can improve on for each workout you do. No matter if its just one more rep, 5 pounds or more added to the workout or faster intervals. Beat the old record and make a new one every time and just like that you will reach success. - 17274

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How Your Weight Lifting Program Will Grow Your Muscles

By Wakelin Smith

The right weight lifting program is crucial in attaining the goal of any muscle builder seeking to build his muscle mass. It entails the design of a program that will bring about the desired result. This means that a muscle lifter should not simply go into the gym and throw weights around. Rather, he should have a specific routine to follow. Specifically, lifting weights involve weight training programs that are based on the proper science and tested techniques. According to some professional weight trainers, there are some rules that should be followed. Here are the five rules in weight training.

Most men would like to get a mighty chest, big biceps, and six-pack abs. there is no harm in wanting these of course. But instead of training like a bodybuilder and relying on single-joint exercises designed to isolate specific muscles, start training like an athlete. Meaning, improve your strength rather than your size. You will finally build the body you want as you also improve your performance, minimize injury, burn fat, and feel more motivated.

So the following workout must increase the number of reps with the same weight compared to the previous session. If the body builder intends to use the same number of reps from the previous sessions, he is required to increase the weight he would lift. Though he goes out of the gym more physically drained than the previous session, he is assured he went through a workout that trained the full body. Also, aside from seeing faster results, he need not go to the gym frequently as others do. This gives him enough time to do other important tasks.

The other type of weight training is dubbed periodization. This type of weight training shifts the focus from intensity to frequency. So the weight lifter goes through three phases of weight training under this type of program. In the initial stage, he needs to go through light training for at least a three-week period. After a few weeks, this is followed by medium training. Obviously, this medium type is an improvement from the initial stage of the workout.

Only after such training is he allowed to go through heavy training in the final phase. Unlike its counterpart, its focus is not to gain mass after every workout. Instead, it seeks to achieve cumulative gains after all of the three phases. Its general idea is to shift in intensity at every phase to prevent overtraining.

Stand with feet hip-width apart holding body bar, barbell (or dumbbells in front of thighs, palms out. Bend elbows and bring weights towards the shoulders (without swinging). Lower back down and repeat.

Lastly, a weight lifting program involves the fundamentals of a science. As such, it involves proper form and execution. Any weight lifter must approach it with precision and care. Otherwise, the time he spends in the gym comes to naught. It is important that he goes through the program with this in mind if he seeks to be successful in transforming his body into the muscle buff he desires that it becomes. - 17274

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Anti Aging Diet Care

By Marianna Pells

As a result perhaps of the media and the common perception that youth is beauty, more and more people are getting conscious of how they look these days. Consequently, more and more anti aging diet care methods are arising to keep up with this demand. However, if you are to get the most out of these anti aging diet care methods that promise the results you want, you will have to do more than enter into an anti aging diet care method. If you want lasting results, you will have to look into other health concerns such as calorie and fluid intake as well as a healthy lifestyle.

For most people, calorie restriction is a good way to start. It is believed that minimizing calorie intake and maximizing nutrition could benefit many of us who want optimal health and a longer life expectancy. Findings have shown that calorie restrictive diets significantly help us live longer by preventing diseases and deficiencies that are evidently associated with aging.

Statistics have shown that individuals in their 50's who practiced lesser calorie intake had blood pressures of a 10-year-old. Other studies show that in rodents and primates, those that were on restrictive diets lived longer than their maximum life spans.

Furthermore, the Hormesis Hypothesis of calorie restriction suggests that controlled calorie intake lowers stress levels that cause aging. It explains that animals are able to live longer because calorie restriction induces a defense mechanism that helps them survive.

Although decreasing your calorie intake is already a big help in your fight against aging, having a healthy food diet which includes fruits and vegetables can help you even more. This is because fresh fruits and vegetables contain anti-aging properties. The following are more examples of food that can help improve your overall health and delay aging:

Berries - berries of any kind contain antioxidants which is a primary weapon against anti-aging because it prevents free radicals from damaging your cells.

Avocados - These fruits contain monounsaturated fat, which can lower down bad cholesterol in the body. It is also a good source of potassium that prevents high blood pressure and Vitamin E, which heals and maintains the health of skin.

Nuts - Nuts contain high levels of protein and minerals that strengthens the body's immune system. It also helps repair damaged body cells, making it an excellent diet for those on an anti-aging diet care.

Garlic - Garlic are excellent remedies for decreasing high blood pressure.

Cruciferous vegetables - Broccoli, radish and cauliflower are just some examples of these cruciferous vegetables which help prevent cancer diseases.

One of the more common health practice that help delay aging and strengthens one's immune system is the hydrotherapy or drinking lots of fluids, especially water. Since dehydration causes stress-induced damages on our body's cells, replenishing our body adequately with the water it needs can effectively help flush out wastes and toxins and rejuvenates dehydrated tissues.

Fasting, or the avoidance of food and drinking only water for a certain period, is also known to help delay aging. Fasting with adequate hydration can help flush out toxins in our body, as well as help control our weight. Fasting can also result to healthier skin (due to fasting's detoxifying effect on the body), better bowel movement, better blood circulation and delayed cell deterioration. - 17274

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Massage Chairs Help Ease Chronic Pain

By Claudine Balsells

Massage is a relaxing treatment to help your mind relax. Massage therapy services the muscles of the body. This is even true for chronic pain conditions. Research is showing that massage therapy has a significant impact on assisting in relieving many chronic conditions from migraine headaches to pain and the lumbar spine. Many health professionals are using massage chairs to provide direct treatments for their patients with chronic back pain.

One interesting study was performed by the Puget Sound Center for health studies in 2001. This study found that massage therapy provided greater pain relief to patients than either acupuncture or self-care. This study reported that even after one year that massage therapy for back pain provided more benefits than acupuncture and self-care.

Chronic pain has two main impacts on the patient. One is dealing with the constant pain felt throughout the body. The other is dealing with the psychological impact of constantly having pain. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce one's stress by relaxing the mind as it sues your aches and pains.

Many chronic pain sufferers are afflicted with migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, arthritis and sciatica. These particular conditions affect the soft tissues of the body. Soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments, joints and muscles can be put under stress. In time the stress fatigues the muscles and other soft tissues. This makes them stiff and inflexible.

When you suffer from chronic pain, you may also have increased stress. Stress produces a reaction in the body that releases adrenaline. The adrenaline serves to give the body energy to protect itself. Under sustained stress, the energy starts to fatigue the muscles.

Massage chairs come with many excellent features to provide therapeutic benefits. Most massage chairs have a variety of massage types program to into their controls. A remote control is used to tell the massage chair exactly what it needs to do. Massage chairs can perform massages such as shiatsu, Swedish, reflexology and many more.

In addition to massage, massage chairs have included supplemental treatments as well. It is popular to reduce swelling and enhance blood flow. This is used extensively in sports. Massage chairs have built-in heaters throughout the chair to apply heat where needed.

Traction systems are being added into massage chairs as well. Traction is a way of pulling or stretching the muscles and soft tissues of joints. Massage chairs have lower body stretching systems which can stretch the body from the hips down to the ankles. This type of stretching can be very therapeutic for the lower body.

Massage chairs come equipped with MP3 players and headphones to provide a relaxing environment. You music helps to quiet the mind and to take its thoughts off of stressful situations. As the mind relax, so to the muscles of the body. Massage chairs provide a soothing and relaxing environment to receive a massage.

We continue to be amazed at the therapeutic features that continue to be added into today's massage chairs. The software is becoming more sophisticated to provide more effective massages. This provides users with more options and greater targeting for relief of their particular symptoms. For those with chronic pain, it is important to find relief on a continuous and reliable basis. Massage chairs can be your best friend in this respect. - 17274

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Optimizing Your Nutrition Program - Tips and Strategies

By Marcus J. Dawson

A solid nutrition program, backed with knowledge on nutrition, is necessary for any serious bodybuilder. Many uninformed bodybuilders go to great lengths on their training and are often met with disastrous results. Stressed and fatigued bodies are the only outcome of wrong nutritional beliefs and practices. All a bodybuilder has to do to avoid this is to arm himself with basic knowledge on nutrition and practice it. Following a good nutritional program designed for an individual is just a matter of recording his food and caloric intake and matching it up against his recommended nutritional needs.

Many misconceptions surround nutrition. Fairly recently, high protein diets have become popular. However, limiting yourself to eat only protein has its downsides. Catherine Jackson in her book "Nutrition for the Recreational Athlete" maintains that a high-protein diet often causes irritability and lowers endurance in an individual. I'll list here some basic and valuable guidelines on nutrition to help you with your training.

Decreased strength - too little protein often results in decreased strength, which can make it very difficult to maintain a consistent workout program. Eating the right types of protein, and not relying solely on protein powders and protein bars to meet your daily requirements is essential for good health; eat lean proteins such as chicken, tofu and egg whites to make sure you're getting enough of this nutrient in your daily diet.

Moodiness or irritability - irritability is often the result of low blood sugar which means you might not be getting enough carbohydrates in your diet. Maintain healthy blood sugar levels by eating whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day, combined with protein to slow down blood sugar absorption. Not eating enough carbs can also affect your ability to concentrate and focus during your weight training routine, so eat healthy carbs at regular intervals throughout the day to optimize your results.

Getting sick more often - not eating a varied diet can make you prone to developing a cold or infection, which makes it very difficult for you to maintain a consistent workouts schedule. Getting a cold or catching a flu that doesn't go away could also be signs of a weakened immune system; make sure you're getting enough B-vitamins and minerals from a variety of foods to stay on the right track.

Eat something before training - A lot of people starve themselves before training. This practice is actually counter productive since you'll mostly run out of energy in the middle of training. Eat just a small amount of carbohydrate 1 hour before training. This will give you the fuel you need especially if you are training for speed.

Lack of motivation - losing interest in working out is a surefire sign that you're not eating enough and getting enough rest. Make sure you're eating small meals throughout the day to maintain a steady level of energy; successful athletes typically consume a small 'meal' every 2-3 hours to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and sustain themselves through a training program. - 17274

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Drinking Wu Long Tea Every Day for Weight Loss and Health Benefits

By Zak Hunter

In recent times there have been some incredible claims for the properties of Wu long tea and not just about weight loss. According to some it lessens signs of aging, increases energy levels, improves your teeth, even reduces hair loss, is beneficial to improves the immune system...the list continues.

In recent times there have been some incredible claims for the properties of Wu long tea and not just about weight loss. According to some it lessens signs of aging, increases energy levels, improves your teeth, even reduces hair loss, is beneficial to improves the immune system...the list continues.

This is a truly amazing product and well worth sourcing to bring into your life's every day routine. Find some on the net or simply go to your local Asian speciality store. Research so far has indicated that Oolong Tea boosts the metabolic rate and definitely assists with weight-loss.

A Japanese journal claims that this tea can increase the body's ability to burn fat. This declaration has increased the demand of Oolong Tea, and it is meant to be scarce in supply. Green tea and black tea come from the same plant, Camelia sinensis; the differences in taste and colour are due to the way the leaves from the plant are processed.

Wu Long Tea tends to be an in between colour...more brown with the higher quality teas showing tinges of green. Oolong Tea also has less caffine than green tea but both teas have similar, incredible properties.They are both full of anti-oxidants. This remarkable product can be easily found at most Asian supermarkets.

Despite the rumours, WuLong Tea is not overly expensive but it does vary in quality. Oolong Tea is more flavoursome and beneficial as a loose leaf tea as opposed to tea bags. To find out more please come and visit us at wulongteahouse.net

Wu Long Tea can very affordable or very expensive and well worth finding. Whether you buy from the internet, at a tea house or an Asian Speciality store you will not be disappointed. The price varies according to quality. I find you can purchase a weeks supply for around $5 Australan.

Higher quality blends are from $15 for te same quantity.That is loose leaf and I would drink around 6 cups per day. I also paid the same price for a higher quality Oolong Tea and receive 10 tea bags ! The quality was definitely noticeable. Buy a few brands and find your own way. I now drink more Wu Long Tea than I do coffee...now that can't be a bad thing.. - 17274

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Creatine: The Little Molecule that Packs a Big Punch

By Henrick Scofers

If you are someone who is into regular exercise, then you've probably heard a lot about creatine. In order to understand how creatine can benefit your workout, it is important to understand what it is and how it works. Creatine is an amino acid compound that takes advantage of your body's existing amino acids and the food you eat in order to help store energy. Red meats and fish are creatine rich foods. In the human body, you will find creatine stored as phosphocreatine. What this does is works with your body's natural system for storing energy in the muscle, and in this way provides energy for muscle contraction. It also contributes to the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) regeneration process.

During a muscle contraction, ATP loses one phosphate molecule in order to create energy. It also gets converted to ADP or adenosine di phosphate. If more energy needs to be produced, ADP needs to be converted back to ATP. When ATP becomes depleted, creatine comes to the rescue and is able to convert the ADP molecule into an ATP molecule. If you have a lot of creatine in your body, the quicker the body is able to produce ATP molecules. In this way more energy becomes available for muscle contractions. This is mainly how creatine acts as a terrific energy source for those short bursts of exercise namely body building, sprinting and other athletic activities.

Also, taking creatine helps reduce fatigue and aids with protein synthesis. In this way creatine promotes the development and growth of muscles.

What's even more exciting about creatine is you don't have to wait any significant time after taking it for your body to be able to have access to this extra energy. For weightlifters and sprinters, as well as other fitness enthusiasts, creatine is a supplement that is essential for their fitness toolbox. Not only does it allow for an easier time doing exercise that requires frequent or sudden burst of energy, but it also improves energy overall and helps your muscles recover after doing exercise.

Chances are if you are someone who bodybuilds, runs, or participates in other related exercise programs, you may have heard of creatine already. If you haven't, you need to try it out! Not only is creatine and excellent supplement for bodybuilders, it's also good for anyone who wants to increase their muscle efficiency as it helps maintain hydration in the muscles. Creatine is derived naturally from an amino acid of the liver, pancreas, and kidney, from glycine, arginine, and methione. Water is well retained in the muscles when a person takes creatine. Not only does this help build strength, but also increases your muscular endurance.

If you are taking Creatine to help you build muscle and you understand what Creatine does and how it helps you build muscle then you will not be disappointed. Research has shown it to be both safe and affective for those wishing to increase muscle mass and performance in fitness activities requiring short and explosive burst of energy. On the other hand, if you take Creatine and hope it will grow you bodybuilder's muscles without putting in any work then you are sadly mistaken. It helps to develop body when you do exercise with Creatine.

When you take this supplement and put in some hard work and effort, your muscles will grow stronger. There may be some confusion that Creatine builds big muscles; it helps your muscles to build themselves better and stronger when you put in some effort and work.

If you use weights on a regular basis to work out, or use a personal trainer, you should start taking creatine. As you work out, with time, you'll see muscle growth, and you will also see maintenance of definition because your muscles will not become dehydrated. The way creatine works is that it goes to the muscle tissue via the bloodstream. If you take a supplement of creatine, your muscle cells will also become better hydrated. This will create an appearance of fuller and bigger muscles. Most of the body's creatine -- over 90% -- is stored in the tissues of the muscle. You'll also find a little bit in the brain, testicles (of men), and heart as well. About 120 g of creatine are found in an average adult. Your daily recommended amount of creatine is about 2 g. Make sure to bear that in mind. If you suddenly stop your creatine regimen, you will lose the expansion as well as the water gain in your muscles. But you'll still keep the muscles that you worked so hard for. It's not that creatine builds large muscles, its that it helps the muscles you build remain strong, so long as you do the hard work and put in the proper amount of effort. - 17274

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