Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Make Your Heart Strong As Hell

By Rick Steel

Today the leading factor of deaths globally is heart attack which is also known as myocardial infarction. A heart attack is a heart disorder where the arteries supplying the oxygen-rich blood to the heart get clogged. This interrupts the smooth blood supply resulting in the death of the starved tissue. Rick Steel says this aint cool.

Heredity and genetic condition play a major role in matters of heart - and I'm not just talking about love here *sniff*. You might have an increased risk of heart disease if someone from your family is suffering from this disease; therefore it is crucial that you take precautions beforehand. Choose the right family. Other risk factors include gender with men being more prone to develop heart disease and progressing of age where the body becomes more susceptible to diseases.

Understanding the signs and symptoms of heart attack can be a primary step in the prevention of heart disease. Some of the common signs and symptoms that act as a red alert are:

1. Discomfort, pressure or pain in the centre of the chest which can span for a few seconds

2. Throbbing pain in the upper back, teeth, jaws and arms, assuming you're not being attacked by voles

3. Spasms while breathing

4. Sweating profusely, even if you have air conditioning (which I don't)

5. Fainting

6. Nausea, lightheadedness, and vomiting

7. Fatigue

Keeping regular tabs on your heart reports can help to assure that heart attacks are prevented to a certain extent. So check out your heart reports. To lead a quality life it is essential to identify the symptoms in the early stages and to take precautionary measures right from the start because prevention is always better than ending up in ICU, especially with Obama trying his best to screw up healthcare. Following are the basic guidelines to help reduce your risks of getting heart disease.

Blood pressure management: High cholesterol foods should be totally avoided and blood pressure checked at least once a year.

Put an end to smoking: Smoking is the chief aggravator of all fatal diseases. It deprecates the life of the organs and hampers their function. Getting rid of this habit is a challenge from what I've heard but the effort does not go fruitless. Not even if you don't eat fruit.

Healthy diet: Reduce the amount of fat, cholesterol levels and salt in your daily routine as these intervene with the smooth blood flow and cause clot formation which results in the arteries getting blocked and blood pressure levels rising. Healthy foods should be integrated into the diet which include fish, green leafy vegetables (not grass though, I learned that the hard way), and lots of fresh fruits. These are very salubrious - yeah that's right - in preventing clot formation and bolstering the arteries from rough abrasion.

Exercise habitually: exercising aids in the strengthening of the muscles and improves the oxygen flow. It can control diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and help in maintaining a healthy body weight. Walking vigorously for half an hour daily can work wonders on your heart. Plus walking vigorously makes you look like a badass.

A heart attack is no simple problem. It can be very traumatic and daunting (unless you're Rick Steel). Diagnosing this disease early can be the key to its prevention. It is never too late to take steps to strengthen your heart and keep it fit and healthy. Many people who have suffered heart attacks lead happy lives. Changing your habits and following the above steps can go a long way to guarantee that your risk of getting a heart attack is reduced to minimum. - 17274

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Best Way To Lose Weight? Have Skinny Friends!

By Henry John

Being overweight usually means that you become very conscious of the way you are. There are comparisons to be made everywhere you go, at the office, in the street. But do you take any notice? Do you think that you are different? Actually most overweight people have a 'switch off' mechanism which (for most of the time) protects them from what they believe are critical looks from other people.

To feel more comfortable and to avoid critical looks and comments, overweight people like to mix with other overweight people. They feel safer and shielded from criticism.

Unfortunately what this does is to act as an 'unsaid' endorsement of the way they are. There is no criticism, implied or otherwise. In fact maybe it's the skinny people who are out of line!

Because overweight or obese people keep each other's company, obesity is becoming contagious. The way they are is deemed to be acceptable. In their minds this may be absolutely fine, but there is a cost for this attitude and it it's health, long-term health in particular. This problem is very dangerous. So what to do? Do you ditch all your overweight friends? No, that would be the wrong thing to do. It does help, though if you are aware of the problem. If you are then there's a far better chance of you being able to do something about it.

Perhaps a more obvious reason why overweight people like their own company is that they find it impossible to lose weight. They have been on endless diets, but the weight just keeps coming back. So why not give in and have fun with friends in the same situation?

The reality is that diets have caused a problem not solved one. Diets only deliver short-term weight loss. The weight always comes back. Little wonder that overweight people give the whole thing up as a bad job. The fact remain that if you want to lose weight you have to change, not go on a diet. You have to get rid of your bad habits, particularly the ones that make you fat. After that you learn new slim habits. Only then can you be assured that your weight will go away and not come back. - 17274

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Advance Wellness Research Acai Berry Review

By Linda Kemp

Keeping yourself at optimal health can be a challenge with a hectic lifestyle. With all you have to do during the course of the day it's not easy to get to the health store or pharmacy to pick up supplements that contribute to better health.

Think of how much easier life would be if you could have supplements for better living delivered right to your door without having to worry about placing an order every few weeks.

Advance Wellness Research Acai Berry Reviews is a company that will take the hassle out of getting the best supplements and products for your good health.

The Advanced Wellness Research team strives to find the best supplements, and then deliver them to you risk free. Supplements like: Pure Acai Berry and the Bright Teeth Whitening System are proven effective and safe.

In fact, the people at Advanced Wellness Research promise never to sell any product they wouldn't give to their families. They seek out the best health products and then put them through rigorous testing to ensure their safety and high quality.

Every product that Advance Wellness Research Offer Information markets is available for you to try, free of charge, before you commit to buying.

Convenient Auto Shipping - With many companies that sell health supplements you have to remember to order additional supplies, or make a trip to the store. But with Advanced Wellness Research, you will receive automatic shipments of your favorite supplement at intervals convenient for you.

You can choose to receive an order every month, every other month, once a year, or whatever suits your needs with the freedom to cancel at any time.

If you're tired of missing doses because you forgot to order, or just can't make it to the store, then you owe it to your health to try Advanced Wellness Research. With their risk-free policy and cancel-at-any-time shipping, you have only superior health to gain. Click here to find more information about Advance Wellness Research Acai Berry Review. - 17274

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Best Weight Loss Tip? Watch Out For Good Advice!

By Henry John

People are always eager to offer good advice - sometimes whether it's wanted or not. For example, if you decide to lose weight and you foolishly decide to tell people, you'll be inundated with advice and weight loss tips. Maybe it will be no bad thing, but when you are deciding to lose weight, you should really spend quite a lot of time researching the course that is best for you. Yes, advice can be useful, but it can be confusing too.

Do you have the resolve to see a weight loss program through right the way to the end? If you don't then you might as well not start because you will not be successful. You have to have commitment if you are going to succeed.

Too many people believe that they don't have to try too much on a diet. They believe that the diet will do it all for them. It says so on all the publicity! Actually it's totally the opposite. If you want to be successful in losing weight - and at anything else, for that matter - you have to have commitment.

Easily one of the best weight loss tips you will ever get is 'don't go on a diet'. You could also add to that... 'don't pop pills'.

If you decide to go on a diet, then fine - as long as you understand that your weight loss will be short lived. The weight will come back again. Pills have the same effect.

So, the best way to lose weight is to identify the bad habits that make you fat and get rid of them. How do you do that? By learning new habits, slim habits. It's all about making change. You know that you have to change, don't you? Well your salvation lies in learning new slim habits. The result will be permanent weight loss. - 17274

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How You Can Get Rid Of Cellulite Now!

By Danielle Clayton

Many fortunate women never worry about cellulite treatments. However, the cold hard truth is that multitudes of women search for the means to get rid of cellulite.

Cellulite causes many females a great deal of stress. Learning what you can do to get rid of cellulite can reduce this stress and anxiety. However, the last thing you want to do is worry about cellulite problems since the last thing you need to do is create more stress about the way you feel about your body. Today, with the advancement of scientific technology and medical procedures, there are various cellulite treatments that can help you improve your looks and get rid of cellulite available to you.

Your cellulite is caused by either your genetic composition, not consuming the proper amount of nutritional foods or a lack of exercise. Having cellulite does not mean that you are hideously disgusting. You must first change your lifestyle to achieve cellulite reduction.

Proper nutrition and regular exercise are beneficial for everyone, including those who have no need of weight loss plans and those who never suffer from cellulite problems. Actually, stress is one of the major causes of many of the health problems suffered by individuals, including cellulite problems.

As mentioned earlier, there are various cellulite treatments that may help you get rid of cellulite. Many women choose the option of undergoing cosmetic surgeries for cellulite removal. However, it is not necessary to undergo such painful procedures that are very costly to achieve cellulite removal.

The internet is a fantastic place to read up on any kind of information that you might be curious about, including ways of cellulite removal or treating a cellulite condition. To get started, you can get rid of cellulite by doing more exercise and drinking more water each day. Pure water is very good for your overall health and it can also help in cellulite reduction.

One of the best means of improving you blood circulation, increasing your heart rate and toning your legs is to seriously begin taking energizing walks according to your physical condition. Engaging in active walking, can help you get rid of cellulite however, it does take time. You may even want to join a gym and then do some mat Pilates to increase your stronger core muscles or even begin a series of aerobic activities.

If you want to get rid of cellulite now without having to purchase expensive for cellulite removal creams or other types of cellulite treatments you can work on your cellulite problems yourself with diet and exercise. Delightfully, you will find that when concentrate more on leading a healthier lifestyle you will begin to notice a big difference in the appearance of your body when you work towards that goal in hardly any time at all. - 17274

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Can You Lose Weight On The Grapefruit Diet

By Ron C George

One of the popular fad diets in Hollywood was the grapefruit diet. Stars and starlets used it as far back as the 1930s. Then in the 70's it became a piece of fax junk, sent from machine to machine, and became known as the xerox lore. The Mayo Clinic, which is often credited as the diet's creator, claims to have nothing to do with this unhealthy diet.

Originally the grapefruit diet was an Atkins style diet that added one half grapefruit before each meal. There was no cheating on this diet only three meals a day and no in between meals snacks. The diet made astounding claims such as lose a pound each day for 10 days.

The distribution was just as far fetched no weight loss for four days then five pounds lost all on the fifth day. Supposedly grapefruit contains enzymes that destroy fat, but no study has ever proven that to be true.

In 2004 it was proven that the diet may work. 1/2 grapefruit with each meal helped people lose 3.6 pounds in only 12 weeks. Drinking the juice from the grapefruit led to only slightly less weight loss. Some people in the study lost as much as 10 pounds in the 12 week period.

Researchers attributed the weight loss to decreased insulin levels caused by eating grapefruit. However, all the participants slightly enhanced their exercise programs, which may account for the lost weight.

The grapefruit diet works like this:

- Drink eight servings of water a day. - Stop eating when you feel full. - Eat all the listed foods at each meal, don't skip food as it interferes with fat burning. - The catalyst to the whole process is grapefruit, so don't cut it. - Drink only up to 1 cup of coffee at meals. - No snacking before or after meals. - You can have Butter that is OK. - No starches or sweets can be eaten. - Meat and vegetables are fine. - It's important to eat into you're full because the more you eat the more you will lose. - Skip two days between each 12 day diet period. - Eat one half grapefruit, or drink 18 ounce glass of grapefruit, at each meal time.

The grapefruit diet may be for you if you like this regimented lifestyle. ut to me you need some flexibility in your diet and at least some foods that you like to eat. - 17274

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Getting the Habit Is The Best Way To Lose Weight

By Henry John

Sometimes this can be a bit of a dilemma. You want to lose weight desperately, but you don't know what to do. You've heard so much about the latest fad diet, but you are suspicious of the 'hard sell' and the promises that all seem far too good to be true.

Making a decision can be difficult because you don't want to end up like so many of the people you have met who are still as overweight as they always have been despite having been on endless diets.

Can you spot the 'hard sell'? When you are dealing with health and well-being, you don't want to have to wade through a lot of hype and nonsense. However, the snake oil salesman is alive and well and is after your dollars!

The important thing to remember about losing weight, is that there is no 'quick fix'. There is no wonder pill which is going to magically get rid of the excess you are carrying round your middle.

Don't you think that if there were such a pill or potion that it would have attracted worldwide attention? Don't you think that the inventor would be hailed as a hero and would be sitting aboard his luxury yacht in Monte Carlo?

The bottom line is that if you want to lose weight it will need commitment from you. It can't be done for you. You have to do the work...it's not onerous, but it does mean that you have to make change in your life, because change is the only way you are ever going to lose weight permanently.

Whatever you do you don't go on a diet, or take pills. The very best thing you can do is to identify the habits that make you fat and learn new habits, slim habits.

Learning new slim habits is the key to permanent weight loss. Why? Because it enables you to change your behavior and this is the path to permanent weight loss. - 17274

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Maintenance To Delay Treadmill Belt Replacement And Repairs

By Chloe Adisson

Treadmills need maintenance, too, just like any other machine. The most common part that breaks down easily is the belt. However, the degree of damage may vary for home and commercial use.

For treadmills that are used daily at home, usual lifespan would be between 2 and 3 years. For serious runners, the treadmill's life is shorter. So if you hope to make your treadmill's lifespan a little longer, it is important to maintain it properly.

Basic maintenance tips:

- Lubricate your treadmill at least once every year. This is if its usage is only minimal, say 3 to 5 times a week and you're only using it for walking and jogging.

- Lubricate your treadmill at shorter intervals if you're a serious runner. Depending on the nature of your speed, distance, and inclination, the average maintenance should be every 6 months.

- Use the appropriate lubricants. Every treadmill's manufacturer has a specific lubricant. However, there are also those that don't need any lubrication. Make sure to use the correct one or else, contact your dealer.

- Read the user's manual. This is very important. Proper maintenance and treadmill belt replacement procedure is found in the treadmill's manual for you to use. Take time to read it and understand.

Well-maintained equipment can save you a lot of trouble and a lot of money from repairs and replacements. In fact, maintenance is always an advantage as it prevents damages from happening soon. If ignored, you will find that a treadmill belt replacement can be very expensive.

How can you tell if your equipment is in good condition? Before a repair or a replacement or parts like the belt is decided, inspection is conducted. Below are some of the common and obvious things done in troubleshooting a treadmill.

- Belt and Deck Inspection - Centering and Tensioning Test - Belt Slip Test - Speed Test - Adjustments of the Belt

Of course, there are more parts. If you are not sure about how these things are done, it's best to call the repair center or customer service to assist you. It may cost you a few bucks but it's safer and reliable.

While a treadmill belt replacement is the common problem in problematic treadmill equipment, not all repairs need replacement of parts. Here are some of examples below on repairs between those that need treadmill parts replacement and those that don't.

Repair of your treadmill needs parts replaced when:

- The running board is broken - The console is faulty - The motor (heart of the treadmill) is the problem - Belt is faulty

Repair of your treadmill do not need parts replaced when:

- The belt is just slipping - The belt is not centered and tensioned properly - The treadmill only needs recalibration

Ask your service center for a routine checkup. Familiarize the type of replacements and repairs too. This way, you will understand the complexity your treadmill's problem better and perhaps delay the treadmill belt replacement even further. - 17274

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A Healthy Diet Will Be Always Your Best Choice to Lose Weight

By Ricardo d Argence

The basic idea behind nutrition must be understood in order to have a healthy diet. You'll hear a lot of talk about carbs, proteins, and fats, but what does it all mean? For starters, a couple kinds of carbs exist. Sugars are known as simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are storage units for glucose. Your digestive system breaks the starch down and releases the glucose into the bloodstream. All carbohydrates should not be completely avoided, as these give your body needed energy.

Protein makes the cells in your body grow, regenerate and maintain themselves. In both animal and vegetable foods,proteins can be found. Animal sources of proteins, such as eggs, milk, and meat, contain all the essential amino acids.

Believe it or not, but fats are also important to your diet. Your body burns fat as fuel, providing you with energy. The only way to get certain essential fat-soluble vitamins is through food. Your body has no way of producing these on its own. There are two kinds of fats, saturated and unsaturated. High fatty foods like dairy products (butter, cream), mayonnaise, and oils should be limited.

The best way to prevent obesity is to eat right. Many illnesses and conditions are caused or complicated by obesity, including diabetes, stroke and heart disease, cancer, sleep apnea, gout, osteoarthritis, and problems with the gall bladder. This is the type of thing that can cut your life short, and cut you off from a normal lifestyle.

While it is important to maintain a healthy weight, it is equally important to realize that a healthy diet is not going to change your body image overnight. If you're doing it to try to look like a supermodel, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons. The goal is to get yourself healthy and fit, and this will take time.

Don't rely on quick fixes like diet pills or starvation diet fads. These results are never permanent and can actually do more damage than good. It's not just about dieting, it's about making life changes that will improve your overall health.

Also necessary for achieving this goal is exercise. This is especially vital for great heart health. While it's a fact that muscle is heavier than fat, still it is more ideal to be well-muscled weighing more, rather than having flaccid muscles and weighing less.

When you have the necessary information, it's time to get started. Your first step is to decide on what your goal weight-loss is. You need to have a plan for how you are going to get your goal. Give yourself a reasonable timeframe. Sit down and figure out exactly how many calories you should be taking in daily, and how much exercise you'll need to stay in shape.

Be ready to experience a few highs and lows in your mood, yet don't be dissuaded simply due to gradual and not instant weight loss results. Stick to your plan, no matter what. After reaching your goal, do not return to your old ways. Keep in mind this is a change in how you live to keep you healthy, not only a diet. - 17274

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Slim Fast Diet: A Review

By Kim Archer

Maybe you have a few pounds to lose, and you're looking for a healthy weight loss program that's easy to follow. You might have heard that the Slim Fast program fits both those criteria. Here's an overview of the program that should help you decide if it's the right plan for you.

In the original Slim Fast diet, you made up a shake by mixing Slim Fast powder with skim milk, twice a day instead of meals. There were three flavors: vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. You would drink one of these shakes at breakfast and another at lunch, and then have a nutritious dinner of about 600 calories.

Since then, Slim Fast has introduced new flavors and products to its line. There are ready-made canned shakes, a wide variety of snack bars and soup mixes, which you can have a few times per day. As well, you are now required to drink eight glasses of water each day.

That's the short version of the Slim Fast diet. Next, we'll take a look at the pros and cons.

Pros: Perhaps most importantly, you can lose quite a bit of weight on the Slim Fast diet if you combine it with an exercise program. It's not difficult at all to follow the program. The shakes are quite portable and you can take them with you anywhere. You won't have to pack a lunch for work. You don't have to count your calories or go to meetings.

Cons: The Slim Fast shakes aren't filling, and you're bound to miss eating real food for breakfast and lunch. This makes it difficult to sustain this plan over the long haul. You won't be consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, so you'll be short on fiber and some essential nutrients (although the shakes contain vitamins and minerals).

It's certainly possible to lose weight on this plan, but given the disadvantages, it might be easier to use the Slim Fast products for snacks instead of meals, and enjoy healthy foods at mealtimes. The shakes are tasty, but you won't experience the enjoyment you get from eating actual food.

As a final note, it's not uncommon for dieters on this plan to put back on all the weight they lost, plus some more. One woman followed the Slim Fast program and exercised moderately for a year. She lost 60 pounds. And then she gained it all back the next year. The problem is, if you haven't changed your eating habits, and then you stop using the shakes, you're likely to go back to eating your unhealthy favorites.

Recommendation: Since it's so difficult to stay with this plan indefinitely, the Slim Fast diet is best for people who only need to lose a few pounds. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you could use this diet as a starting point for some quick weight loss, then move on to food-based plan to help you continue to shed a pound or two a week.

With all the diet plans you see advertised every day, it's difficult to pick just the right one. When you're considering the various diets, keep in mind that some quick-loss diets will work in the short run, but are not necessarily sustainable or as healthy as changing your eating habits for the better. - 17274

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