Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Have You Tried Cooking in Clay?

By Jana Banks

We recently ate at a friend's home and enjoyed a juicy roast along with fresh steamed broccoli with cheese followed with a surprisingly delicious baked apple with caramel topping for dessert. I was helping her clean up after dinner and saw that she had prepared everything in her clay cookware. This was new to me since I'm used to the standard pots and pans I grew up with - namely made of aluminum, stainless steel, ceramic bakeware, or copper. But it turns out that clay cooking is quite popular around the world, including here in the U.S. My friend raves about her clay pots and thinks everyone should own at least a piece or two in their kitchenware collection.

People have actually cooked in clay for thousands of year, back to when beef or poultry was packed in mud and placed into a fire's embers. While the clay dried in the fire, the meat was cooking inside. When finished, they would then break the clay open to enjoy the delicious, juicy meal that had cooked inside.

Clay cooking is generally thought to be quite a healthy way to cook food because the food does not need any additional oils and fats added to create moist and tender results. Before cooking, the cookware should be soaked in water before placing the ingredients inside. This is done to allow the clay to absorb the moisture, which is a factor that helps to deliver such juicy results. If a pot is placed in a pre-heated oven it is likely to crack, so always be sure to set the filled clay pot inside a cold oven prior to setting the temperature at approximately 450 degrees. Check your recipe for the exact temperature recommended.

There are many wonderful recipes that have been adapted specifically for clay pot cooking. One such recipe called Beggar's Chicken. Made with chicken drumsticks, you add a variety of spices and including garlic, ginger and pepper as well as small amounts of flavorings from soy sauce and sherry. This is a very tasty and satisfying dish you can serve with side dishes such as risotto or rice pilaf and your family's favorite fresh veggie.

You can even use a covered clay pot as a stockpot for soup or a slow cooker for your favorite chili or stew. This versatile cookware is perfect for making casseroles, stocks, and more. If you're in the mood for homemade soup, why not make a batch of thick pea soup or cheesy potato soup? You can create a tasty vegetarian casserole or a chunky chicken stew. You and your family are sure to enjoy the fantastic flavors produced by these great slow cookers.

This unique cookware is quite beautiful and comes in a variety of styles and sizes. One well-known manufacturer of quality clay cookware is Romertopf. They offer everything from bread pans to garlic bakers, fish roasters to apple bakers, and much more. So when you're ready to treat yourself to some new cookware, consider adding a special clay piece to the top of your list. Though once you buy one, you'll likely be hooked. - 17274

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An IBS Treatment - Find One That Works For You

By Julieanne van Zyl

Feel assured that you do not have to put up with those embarrassing and painful symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for much longer. There is an IBS Treatment that will work for you, its just a matter of finding the one that suits you. The first thing to consider is whether you want to consume medication for the rest of your life or if you would prefer to find a natural treatment.


Your medical practitioner will recommend different types of medication depending on your specific symptoms. The effect is usually temporary when taking medication, because it doesn't clear up the symptoms, but just "hides" them for awhile. In addition, there may be side effects to medication which could leave you feeling worse.

If you have severe symptoms and are feeling depressed, then anti-depressants of psychotherapy may work for you. This could be a dangerous way and will most likely just hide your symptoms instead of dealing with them. There are alternative treatments that you may want to look at first.

Another treatment is Hypnotherapy, and research shows that it's working for some folks.

More Natural Treatments

Although they take a little longer to work initially, natural treatments are quite often longer lasting. Natural treatments may relieve this IBS for years, and perhaps the rest of your life.

Nutrition - Your Diet

Which food irritates your bowel? Find out which one and then stop eating that food. This treatment is frequently recommended. Later on, you can slowly introduce those foods back into your diet. First of all, stop eating all the foods that bring on your symptoms, then start consuming each one again gradually, and notice if you have any reaction. This method can be a real nuisance when you go out to dinner or go on vacation.

A Mangosteen Juice Supplement

Taking a high quality whole food nutritional supplement is a good way to eliminate the symptoms of IBS. Once your body gets used to the supplement, you can eat whatever you want. Mangosteen juice is one supplement that settles the digestive system, and some vitamins and minerals can also settle your tummy. The mangosteen can also reduce inflammation in your bowel, reduce diarrhea and pain. If you want relief from your IBS symptoms in a short period of time, then a supplement is a good solution.


Other treatments include taking herbs such as peppermint that relaxes smooth muscles in your intestines. Before taking herbs check with your doctor in case they may interact or interfere with any other medications you may be taking.


Something else that is often recommended is Probiotics found in certain foods such as yoghurt. These are known as good bacteria that usually live in your intestines

Folks taking Probiotics for IBS show they decrease the symptoms.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments may assist you. There is evidence to support that certain cases of IBS result from the malfunction of nerves that control the gastrointestinal system and/or the immune system. So, the adjustments will assist in healing the nerves, and therefore remove the symptoms of IBS.


Acupuncture may work for you. It is successfully being used by some individuals to improve bowel function and relax the muscle spasms.

Choose a Treatment for you

One of these IBS Treatments will assist you. Choose one of them and when your symptoms are gone, your life will change for the better. - 17274

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Reviewing the KitchenAid Classic Mixer

By Moses Harun

There are various KitchenAid mixers designed by the company and several of these machines are engineered to help prepare smaller portions of food. An example is the KitchenAid Classic stand mixer. This appliance is small as mixers go although it still makes it simple and quick to make satisfying foods and dough. This handy little mixer also is able to employ many different KitchenAid accessories.

The KitchenAid Classic stand mixer features a 250 watt motor. This motor utilizes a ten setting speed control which enables you to combine the contents quickly and effectively at the most efficient speeds from a quick whip to a leisurely stir. This appliance also offers a time-saving tilt-head design. This works in that the spinning part of the machine can be moved up and back to make it easier to take out the beaters and to simplify access to the mixing bowl.

The KitchenAid Classic is designed for a four and a half quart mixing bowl. This bowl is able to handle eight cups of cake batter. It can assist you in making three loaves of bread or six dozen cookies in a single use.

Another quality part of this mixer is that it has a satin stainless steel finish. This finish is all over the complete mixer and brings you a mixer that is more durable and easier to use for many more years. This sturdiness is further enhanced by the complete one-year warranty where a full replacement can be provided for the unlikely occasion when a KitchenAid mixer breaks down.

Still another useful feature of this mixer is the inclusion of "C" dough hook kneads. These kneads are designed to work with bread dough at various speeds. It works very well for kneading dough to use for bread and pizza. Other specialized mixing attachments can be used with different dishes also, and these include a wire whip and a flat beater.

The power hub located on the top of the mixer can be used for all sorts of additional functions. These features from KitchenAid include a food grinder, a ravioli maker and a pasta cutter and roller and many more.

The last feature of this KitchenAid mixer is that it is surprisingly affordable. The usual selling price of the KitchenAid Classic mixer is just $240, although most stores will have sales where it can cost just under two hundred dollars. This is an unbeatable value for a quality mixer.

The KitchenAid Classic stand mixer is an ideal mixer to use for any home. The KitchenAid Classic mixer is indispensible for kneading dough and blending other foods in an easy way. It can perform at a useful range of speeds and is also durable. This mixer is also reasonably priced for any budget. - 17274

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Acai berry diet: a trend with no substance

By Alex Stern

It seems as though every day a new weight loss method is developed. From slimming belts to miracle fruits, nothing is surprising anymore. A decade ago, some of the products and techniques being marketed today would have seemed ridiculous. One of the techniques which would surely be most scrutinized is the acai berry diet.

The acai berry is the fruit of the Brazilian palm tree. Its properties are really quite similar to other berries such as blueberries and blackberries. There reason many fall for the claims made by the marketers is that Oprah mentioned the health benefits of the berries on her show near the end of 2008. After that, people began searching wildly for acai berry products in the hope that consuming them would facilitate weight loss. All the while the fact remains there is not much truth to all of this.

In North America where many have noticed a huge growth in popularity of the berry, it is typically bought and sold in extract form. While the extract makes a decent supplement, it is a poor substitute for the whole fruit. Many of the beneficial substances within the fruit are lost in the process of drying and extraction.

One aspect of the acai berry diet which is particularly interesting is the idea that one can increase their metabolism and lose weight solely by consuming a fruit. Fruits, no matter which type, all contain fructose which is one of the most fattening of all carbohydrates. It is surprising that so many are unaware of this contradiction.

Acai berries make a good dietary supplement and surely the antioxidants they contain have some anti aging benefits, but there is no truth to the idea they will facilitate weight loss. It would be smart to consume them while exercising regularly and take advantage of their antioxidant properties to slow down the oxidative stress such exercise causes. A healthy diet in combination with regular exercise will always provide the best results for weight loss. - 17274

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The Evolution of Authentic Mexican Food

By KC Kudra

Mexican food is gaining popularity all over the globe for many reasons. There is a wide range of Mexican food and you can taste combinations you might not have tried before. It smells wonderful, tastes great, and is also very healthy. Mexican food differs through the ages, depending on the ingredients available but the sheer volume of Mexican restaurants appearing all over the world prove what an exciting and enjoyable cuisine it is. Authentic Mexican recipes are easy to find but if you want to make your own Mexican food, you can be as creative as you like.

A lot of Mexican food today is based on the traditional Mexican recipes from thousands of years ago, when the Aztecs and Mayas first made them. Some exotic and authentic Mexican food recipes include spider monkeys, rattlesnakes, and iguana. These ingredients are not unheard of but few modern Mexican recipes include them and you will not find them in Taco Bell!

Mexican food developed further, when the Spanish colonists arrived in the country, bringing with them different cooking methods, and ingredients formerly unknown in the area. One ingredient, which has always been popular in Mexican food, is chili pepper. Some Mexican recipes have a Caribbean influence and this is especially true in the Mexican states of the Yucatan and Vera Cruz. Other Mexican dishes contain a French influence. Bolillo, which is a popular type of bread in Mexico, has a French influence.

There are many health benefits when it comes to Mexican foods. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, with low fat and calories. You are not eating authentic Mexican food if you eat at Taco Bell. America has added many fats to the foods, which does not contain all the nutrients you would eat if you ate in Mexico. Mexican dishes contain many fresh ingredients that you may not be able to find in other types of cuisine. Tomatoes, peppers, onions, and others are very healthy for your body.

Each Mexican region offers different Mexican food. A lot of this depends on the geography and climate of the region and its ethnic differences. In the north of Mexico, meat dishes are very popular. In the south, vegetables and chicken are widely used. The Mexican state of Vera Cruz produces a lot of seafood dishes because this state is long and tropical and there are lowlands running up and down the Gulf of Mexico. Fish such as grouper, red snapper, mojarra, and snook are easy to find. Mojarra is an especially delicious local fish. Lobsters, crab, and oysters are plentiful.

Besides the ocean, the state has more than 40 rivers that run through it. It has an endless supply of freshwater fish and shellfish. The food is prepared in a way that reflects unique dishes of the state. Seafood is very healthy for your body and can add a different taste to regular classic Mexican food dishes.

You can learn a lot of history and facts about Mexican food by the different regions. Trying new recipes will give you a taste as to why they differ. With Mexican culture rich in history, it is always nice to learn about how the foods came about and how they are nowadays. Once you are knowledgeable about the dishes, it makes it even more enjoyable when cooking and eating. - 17274

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Acne On Your Body

By Lucy Collins

Do you have body acne? Finding the right treatment to clear it up right away is easier than you think.

Contrary to what many people believe, acne is not only a facial problem. In fact, a vast number suffer from acne on other parts of their body which in most cases, has spread from their face. In reality, wherever you have pores, you can get acne and that means, you can get acne anywhere on your body. In the event that you are indeed suffering from some form of body acne, you need to find a suitable cure without delay.

Body acne treatment is a lot different than treatment of acne on the face. Luckily, most body acne can be covered up most of the time and skin on the body isn't as sensitive as skin on the face, so you can try harsher treatments. Treatments might not be necessary, though - make sure there isn't something in your life causing the acne like a fabric softener or deodorant.

Wearing a lot of tight clothing that is constricting to the skin can cause body acne in some cases, so rid yourself of clothing that can't breathe properly. Wear clothes that are made of natural fibers as well, because they breathe the best and can keep your skin moist.

As most sufferers know, exercise is a great tool against your fight with acne but if you find you are having frequent outbreaks, it is more than likely due to the increased amount of sweat resulting from the exercise. To combat this, be sure to shower immediately after each exercise session as this will effectively prevent the sweat and body oil from going into your pores.

If the problem is really persistent, it may be necessary to discuss it with a dermatologist in order to get some recommendations as far as acne sprays are concerned. Alternatively, most drugstores will stock a wide variety so a trip to your local store may be all that is needed. An added advantage of these sprays is than most come in dispensers which make it possible to spray all those areas which are difficult to reach.

If you've changed your style of dress and deodorant, then I would seriously recommend a form of topical treatment, either in lotion form or as an antibiotic. Here again, the average drugstore has a huge variety and most, if not all, are available over the counter without prescription. For the most part, these topical treatments are highly effective so don't be afraid of trying one or two of them.

If all else fails and you have found that these treatments are not working for you, then look to your doctor for something stronger. Usually your doctor, or dermatologist will be able to prescribe a medication that will come in pill form, and you will take it once a day.

The correct treatment is out there for you. You just need to look a little to find it, and try out some body acne treatments. Even the doctor cannot tell what might work for you in most cases, so it is just a case of trial and error. - 17274

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