Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Wonderful Nutritional Value and Benefits of Papaya

By Fredrick Baxter

There is huge benefits to knowing what food is good for what. It's funny that we will go years and maybe a whole lifetime without learning what the food we are eating does to our body. By sitting down and learning just for a short while, you can understand how the food you eat affects your body, positively, or negatively.

A food you eat or foods you are eating may be adversely affecting your health. Without understanding how your eating habits affect your body, you may unknowingly be doing yourself harm. Certain foods do certain things, and in the end you are what you eat!

Natural foods have nutritional and often medicinal value. The trick is to know what they are. By knowing what helps with what, the next time you have a cold, you may reach for the cayenne pepper and cook yourself up something spicy instead of gorging on a bowl of vanilla ice cream (which would do you absolutely no good).

Papaya is an extremely nutritional fruit. What does it contain exactly? Papaya is rich in vitamins A, C, E, potassium, fiber, folate, iron, calcium, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, lycopene, lutein, zeaxathin, as well as digestive enzymes.

Aside from the tremendous nutritional value of the papaya, it also does wonders for digestion. It is great for improving digestive health and can help with indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, and gastrointestinal distress.

On top of getting your digestive system back on track it also helps flush out the lymph system, fight infections, and its good for your heart.

The next time you are thinking about grabbing a candy bar crammed with calories, do yourself a favor and eat a papaya. Papaya is low in calories, and it's good for you!

Papaya is very nutritional. It is rich in lots of vitamins and nutrients, and it's great for digestion, heart health, infections, and the lymph system. Eat a papaya the next time you crave a snack and you're body will love you! - 17274

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How To Get Sexy Arms With Proper Nutrition If You Workout In The Morning

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Nutrition for getting sexy arms isn't too complex. Especially if you ignore all the fads.

However, there are certain situations when basic nutrition just won't do-some advanced techniques are called for.

Working out early in the day is one example here. Since your body has been starving all night, proper nutrition with precision is mandatory.

So here is your early morning nutrition guide for getting rid of fat arms:

1. Drink water before anything else. You have to rehydrate your dehydrated body ASAP. You also need to drink enough water so that you can digest breakfast.

2. If you're going to exercise 3 hours after waking up. Have a full breakfast with food items from the following groups: protein, carbohydrates, fat and vegetables. This is the schedule I personally recommend.

3. If you're going to exercise 1 hour after waking up. Have two slices of whole grain bread with some type of nut butter like peanut butter. The bread will give your body much needed fuel and the peanut butter will slow down the digestion of the bread.

4. When the workout is 10 minutes upon waking. You could make your own shake with an easily digestible carb like maltodextrin or dextrose, and add in some casein protein. Alternatively, you could have a supplement like power gel.

I understand that you may have a very hectic and "tight" schedule. However, I strongly recommend against working out 10 minutes upon waking up. It's extremely difficult for the female body to digest any type of food or supplement within such a short time frame. You're likely to burn through a lot of muscle if you do this. Not good if you want to get rid of arm fat and get sexy arms! - 17274

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Trying to Shed Pounds Fast? Is It the Right Way to Go

By Don Smith

Patience is a characteristic that individuals who are attempting to shed weight seem to need more of. The fat can by no means be lost quick enough to satisfy what their idea of how weight loss should happen. The idea from mainstream media is that losing weight can be effective done rapidly. Because of the lose weight fast hype of one hour reality tv shows, it seems to be a breeze and is long term. This mindset promoted by the world is a tad bit skewed from what happens in real-life.

Immediate weight loss looks like the ultimate intention of anybody who is fat and needs to lose pounds, but is it smart? The truth is that it isn't the best line of attack to tackle weight loss. It is natural to want to lose weight fast, but there are a number of real problems that go with that mindset. There are many problems that can arise from losing weight too fast. What many people don't understand is that when you lose weight, you are losing different types of tissue in your body. Generally this is fat and muscle. The faster that weight is lost, the more muscle is lost, not fat. Muscle loss can create more problems in the future than it helps. The weight will return once the metabolically active muscle is in a lower percentage in the body. In addition, the faster we lose the weight, the faster it will come back. Sounds disappointing? Lose weight slow and you will be successful. That is how the game of weight loss should be played.

Stable weight loss should be the goal of anyone trying to lose their love handles. Trying to attain short term weight loss too sudden will hinder your weight loss stability later on in your life once you're not able to exercise as hard or regulate your diet as well. It is recommended that you should lose no more than two pounds a week. Pass beyond two pounds per week, and you drop muscle mass and the percentage of fat in your body increases. Muscle is active part of your body and therefore burns more energy. Adipose tissue is not as energy consuming and doesn't raise your body's metabolism. Think for a minute that it took a period of years to gain the fat that you now have. Pounds of fat just doesn't accumulate in your body overnight and it won't leave overnight. That is that we why you need to slow it down in your weight loss regimen.

There are certainly exceptions to the hard and fast rule of 2 lbs. of weekly weight loss. The exceptions go for the morbidly obese over 300 pounds. At a higher weight, weekly weight loss can be looked at on a percentage basis. In most cases of morbid obesity, 1% is the general guideline for maximum weight loss in a week.

Where the real blubber, I mean the rubber, hits the road is and how much fat tissue is lost during the process. It is also recommend that a physician oversees the process. There needs to be any increase in lean body mass ratio as you lose weight.

When you want to lose weight, you should look at adding a weight lifting regime to build muscle in your body. Muscle is a more active type of tissue that will help you keep the weight off.

If you carry on with an excessive weight loss every week and you are losing more and more lean muscle tissue, once you stop dieting and exercising the ratio of fat tissue will be higher than when you started. Therefore what would you will have is a slowing down of your metabolism, and you're setting yourself up for a future gain in weight. At the point that you have lost the weight, you are almost like a "skinny fat person". Yeah of course you've lost weight but not the right kind of weight.

How do I recognize if I'm losing fat as opposed to muscle?

There are a number of home testing kits that can help you measure the fat ratio of your body. One of those is the bioelectric impedance analysis body fat scale, but the best thing that you can use is body fat calipers. We won't go into the formula of how you analyze body fat ratio using calipers measurements, but what you do is pinch a loose portion of your skin on your separate parts of your body and assess the depth in millimeters. From this you will get the best accurate understanding for body fat percentage. The formula that you utilize will account for height and weight and sex. Websites that perform the calculations for you can be found quite effortlessly on Google. Just insert the data and you'll get back your fat ratio percentage.

Generally just reflect about the manner that you had your weight gain. It wasn't fast process. It took years. If you'll take the initiative, and lose weight slowly just as you gained it, and stick to it, you will have great success! - 17274

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Do I Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

By Dr. Jason Fowler

You're getting ready to launch your new business. And, being a savvy entrepreneur, you've been spending a lot of time doing research on the Internet. Entering searches, following links, cutting-and-pasting, typing, mouse-clicking, dragging-and-dropping.

By the time you're ready to "go live" you have begun to notice a dull ache in your wrist (the one that does most of the mouse-ing). Theres an annoying tingling sensation in your thumb and the tendons in your forearm hurt whenever you move your fingers.

"Oh, no," you think. "Ive got carpal tunnel syndrome."

The news is probably not as bad as that. Its much more likely youve developed repetitive stress syndrome, which can be effectively treated by a chiropractor.

Repetitive stress syndrome can often be misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome by family physicians, internists, and even many orthopedists. The doctor thinks, "wrist pain and thumb pain, must be carpal tunnel". This path of least resistance leads to much unnecessary neurologic testing, needless medication, and unwarranted surgeries.

Real carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is actually uncommon, usually associated with pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, or decreased thyroid activity. Also, pain is more noticeable at night, rather than during activity. Finally, a quick test for CTS is to place the tips of your thumb and index finger together, forming a circle. Hold the circle closed while another person tries to pry your fingers apart. If your fingers are strong and can keep the circle closed, you probably don't have CTS.

The wrist, tendon, and forearm pain most of us experience after too much time at the computer is due to repetitive stress syndrome (RSS) - basically, too much of the same activity repeated frequently over too long a time. These new pains can be very uncomfortable and cause significant limitation and frustration.

The primary solution is rest and avoidance of the irritating activities. In practice, rest can mean relative rest.3 One key approach for computer-related repetitive stress is to begin using the opposite hand to do mouse or trackpad activities. This may take a while, but its a highly effective method. And, once your non-dominant hand gets up to speed, you've got two hands that are smart, not only one!

What about chiropractic treatment? Several trouble spots may contribute to RSS, for example, tight shoulder and neck muscles. Your chiropractor will do a complete physical examination and determine the sources of the problem.

Treatment may include gentle chiropractic manipulation to improve the mobility of your neck and remove stress from that area of your spine. Trigger point therapy will help to relieve pain and relax tight muscular "knots" in your shoulder girdle and forearm.

Treatment combined with relative rest and rehabilitative exercises can likely result in rapid improvement - decreased pain, greater mobility, and a renewed focus on the work you want to get done, rather than the pain that is getting in your way!

1 Source: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke - http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/carpal_tunnel/detail_carpal_tunnel.htm. 2 Piazzini DB, et al. A systematic review of conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Clin Rehabil 21(4):299-314, 2007. 3 Akuthota V, et al. Shoulder and elbow overuse injuries in sports. Arch Med Phys Rehabil 85(3 Suppl 1):S52-58, 2004. - 17274

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Gout Diet: Low-protein Foods as Gout Remedy

By Paul J. Easton

When you have gout today, you must ensure you avoid food that protein-based in your diet. The gout diet you must take must be low protein foods. That means you will need to avoid red meat as well as seafood. This gout diet might be strictly low protein and should be coupled with strong will power but this gout remedy is proven effective.

Seafood is amongst the food you should avoid always especially sardines, herring, scallops, roe, mussels, trout, and haddock. These foods must be avoided because they can make your gout worse. We are sorry if seafood is a favorite, but it must not be included if you want to avoid gout attacks.

Foods that are high in purine could cause a lot of pain. Want to have some more examples? Here is a list of food that is high in purine: Salmon, Veal, Turkey, Liver, Trout, bacon, Pheasant, Goose, and Yeast.

The next in the list is not really a food, but it is more of a beverage: all alcoholic drinks especially the fermented ones. If you are a regular drinker, this might cause you to be panicky, but it will help you out in the long run. After all, excessive alcohol intake can cause a lot of health troubles. Nonetheless, we will not delve on that deeper, that can be found in a whole other article. Anyhow, avoid the alcohol as much as you can to prevent your gout from worsening.

You must especially limit beer as this is high in yeast. Yeast, as mentioned, is one thing should keep off from. Any fermented food should also be taken away from your diet.

Finally, the food list to avoid with gout can be long. We have only covered some of the basic, everyday food that you must stay away from as this will only create bigger problems with your gout.

Looking for tips and advice with Joint Pains brought by Gout? Want to know more of Natural Cures for Gout the Natural and Effective Way? Check out these fresh information at Cure for Gout.

Check out more Free information with valuable tips for Natural Gout Remedies. - 17274

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Is it Possible to Build Muscles Quickly?

By Ricardo d Argence

If you're a bodybuilder, your first concern is probably how you can build your muscles fast! But many people don't gain muscle weight as fast as they want and become frustrated. If you're discouraged because you're not seeing the results you want, keep reading.

There are a few key points that can help you build muscle quickly that are relatively easy to implement. So without wasting anymore time here are a few quick tips to build muscle quickly:

1. Harness the Power of Visualization. Visualize yourself the way you want to look with the muscles you want to achieve. Imagine how your body will stand out in a crowd and the kinds of looks you will get. Imagine how good you will feel. Visualization harnesses the power of the subconscious to make what you see become reality.

When you hold an image in your mind continually, you change your actual behaviors to help create that image as reality. It also boosts levels of confidence and motivation and that keeps you moving forward to achieve the goal. Practice visualizing yourself as you want to look for 10 minutes per day and see what a positive affect it has on your progress.

Did you know many well-known pro athletes incorporate visualization into their training routine? This includes people like Usain Bolt, David Beckham, and Tiger Woods, among others. Give it a try!

2. Shake Things Up a Bit With Variety. Keep your routine varied and interesting so you don't get bored and want to quit. Utilize compound sets. This means to do a set of exercises for a particular muscle group and then switch to a different exercise that will also exercise the same muscle group right afterward.

For example, dumbbell flyes done immediately after bench pressing. A magnificent burn can be felt whilst doing these. Other excellent techniques for maximising growth are: supersets, partials, drop sets, giant sets and such like. make use of as many of them as you can.

3. Snack Smart for Muscle Energy. Eat for workout energy. About 1 hours prior to your workout, eat a hearty snack. Then, about 30 minutes prior to working out, eat a piece of fruit.

As soon as possible post workout try and get a large dose of both carbohydrate and protein in to your system. Other times when it is essential to take on calories to build muscle quickly are just before bed and immediately upon arising. remember your muscles grow when they are at rest and at night time they need the calories to do this!

4. Workout for 30-45 Minute Intervals. If you work out for longer than 45 minutes, your body will trigger the release of hormones that could impede muscle building and growth. So you always want your workouts to be kept under 45 minutes total.

Ideally, a 30-minute workout is the best goal. This will leave your hormone levels right where you want them to be to enhance muscle building, build mass, and keep you energized.

5. Keep your focus. Keep your eyes on the prize and prevent your thoughts from wandering or never let yourself get distracted whilst training. You workout for only a short length of time so train hard and intensely and then leave. Start wearing a headset and keep a training log, these can both help you remain focused. This will keep you motivated by giving you suitable goals to try for in each workout.

These five tips will keep you going strong and building muscle. Follow them yourself and see how effectively they work as your muscles grow and take on new definition. - 17274

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Why Acai Berry Juice?

By Erwin Z. Timothy

Why is it that so much global attention is being given to such a small fruit from the remote regions of the Amazon Rainforest? How can a relatively unknown fruit become so praised, maligned and exploited? It real or a myth?

Having personally sampled Acai fresh in the rainforest along the banks of an Amazonian tributary I can confirm that the Acai fruit is real and is here to stay. The versatility of this fruit as it transforms from a savory dish to a sweet dessert to an amazing drink speaks to the uniqueness of this aptly deemed Super Fruit. The acai palm and its fruit has been around for an undetermined amount of time. The fruit and its discovery have been documented for its benefits.

Acai is indehiscent meaning that the fruit does not open on its own to release seeds. It is a fleshy or pulpy, indehiscent, superficially berry-like fruit in which one seed is encased in a stone as in cherries. It was first described as a berry in late 1769 by Joseph Banks, one of the worlds greatest botanists. He recorded in his journal and described Acai as "palm berries (that) appear much like black grapes but for eating have scarce any pulp covering a very large stone."

Acai is known to have been used as food staple since pre-colonial days in the Amazon rain forest. The local people of the area tell of the legend Acai that originated during the pre colonial era of northern Brazil. The claim that it was a fruit discovered by fate during very desperate times in the jungle. The legend declares that the discovery of Acai literally saved the tribes of Indians from death and disease. Acai has been documented in the writings of British, Portuguese and American explorers of the Amazon during the 18th century during the Age of Enlightenment. In each respective accounting of the discovery of acai by these intrepid expeditionary naturalists the fruit is described as being harvested and eaten in the same manner as it is today in that area. Acai was only recently introduced to the rest of Brazil in the 1980s.

During the 1980s Acai was transformed into an acai bowl. It was not the raw earthy food staple of the Amazon but a more commercially accepted form of the fruit. To make it more commercially acceptable, sugar and guarana, a natural form of caffeine and a popular ingredient in guarana soda pop, were added to the Acai and then frozen into a sorbet like serving. The exotic purple sweetly energizing slushy treat grew in popularity along the beachside resorts in Rio de Janeiro. This popularity spread both south into the more business oriented Sao Paulo area and northward back toward its origin the Amazon. This spread of Acai as sorbets, jams and ice creams was mostly along the coastal areas of Brazil.

It was in the 1990s that a couple of brothers from southern California on a surfing vacation to Brazil first tasted the acai in this form. They fell in love with the taste. This love for acai fueled their fledgling entrepreneurial skills and soon acai was introduced into the United States commercially. Since then acai has been adopted and promoted by many different companies. It has become widely available in powder, pill and juice forms. The fresh acai fruit is impossible to sell in the United States because of its tendency to spoil quickly after harvest. Many of these companies selling acai in North America are merely marketing firms cashing in on a generalized frenzy about acai stimulated by televised exposure on the Oprah show. Her then 'guru' Dr. Oz spoke highly of the nutritional benefits of the acai and declared it the perfect super food. These companies have brought a bad name to the Acai fruit through overstating the benefits of the fruit as a magical weight loss solution and trapping consumers into costly credit card charging schemes. Many of these companies have been identified and are being held accountable for their illegal activities by the Attorneys Generals of many states and Oprah and Dr. Oz themselves.

Still there are many very good and reputable companies working very hard to continue providing very good Acai products to the public. Acai has many good and beneficial qualities that support good health. Just as the fruit sustained the wild Indian tribes of the Amazon Rainforest we too can enjoy the Acai fruit as a dietary supplement that can sustain us in our modern world. Remarkably the antioxidants (boosts immune health), monosaturated fats (the good ones) fiber (good for both cardiovascular and digestive health), phytosterols and amino acids (improves muscle contraction) all work together synergistically to provide an anti-inflammatory result. Many of our modern-day disease processes are inflammatory diseases. So much pollution and over exposure to unhealthy elements we have re-discovered the power of antioxidants. Acai is a very good source of antioxidants that have been proven to be readily absorbed into the human blood stream. It is truly amazing to realize that the old adage 'the more things change the more they stay the same' is as true as in the case of Acai. A fruit that once gave life to a dying tribe of jungle Indians gives life to the modern world to those who will add Acai into their diet as a dietary supplement. - 17274

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Changing your Staples

By Amelia Handley

Some people don't have a favorite restaurant. Some people don't really care which entree they end up ordering for dinner. Some people can quite happily choose an item off the "light" section of the menu without regret. There are even those who can't tell the difference between regular and "light" cheese. But for the majority...these are not tiny, inconsequential things. For some people Diet Coke just doesn't cut it!

Most of the general public really would prefer to indulge in the full calorie version of classic Coca Cola rather than the zero calorie versions that are now accessible. Cola has actually become one of the iconic symbols of the American lifestyle; like baseball and Apple Pie. Why is that? It's because most of us LIKE to eat Apple Pie and drink soda. It tastes good. And for a large portion of the public something that tastes good is enjoyable. The question then becomes...should we try to remove something from our lives that brings enjoyment?

When it comes to weight...it's often a question that ends up with a tricky answer. There are negative health issues that often occur due to obesity or even just extra weight so the issue of indulgence becomes one related to far more than just pleasure. Deprivation is something that just has to occur in order to lose weight. And it can be done; especially if homeopathic HCG is used to ensure the weight loss process is as efficient and painless as possible.

The HCG drops are easy to administer (3 times daily) and the diet's rules are easy to understand. You're allowed 500 calories per day. You're limited to a select group of food items so there's no confusion as to what is allowed and what isn't. There are no easy justifications that will leave the dieter despairing at the end of the day because they've absolutely destroyed all the progress they've made in the past week.

The homeopathic HCG Diet is effective because people are able to stick to it. The very simple rules and requirements mean that dieters actually follow them and stay within the guidelines. And staying within the guidelines is possible because of the natural and phenomenal physiological effects offered by the HCG (a natural substance to the human body that actually stimulates the portion of the brain that controls eating and drinking so dieters can function on the very low calorie diet).

Once dieters have successfully dropped the extra weight they are required to stick to a slighly more mainstream "maintenance" eating plan. By the end of the dieting period and maintenance period the dieter is able to keep off the weight because of the long term effects of the HCG use. At this point most dieters find that they can still gain enjoyment from food. They can still see the benefits between one food and another because one tastes good and the other doesn't. The difference is that they've learned to depend upon healthy, low calorie foods for the majority of their eating and have severely changed the frequency of their needs for other "sweet treats" and unhealthy foods that had been a staple prior to the program. - 17274

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Awesome Abs Work Out

By James Statham

So you're looking to find the best abs work out to get that six pack you've desired for so long, am I right? Well in this article, I will tell you a few of the best abs exercises around. However, you can't just expect to get a six pack with only a good workout routine. Your diet is also a key component to getting ripped. By the end of this article, you'll have gained valuable information about how you can get rock solid abs!

This may shock you, but did you know that crunches and sit ups are some of the worst abs work out exercises! Most people new to working out often get mislead by friends of magazines that tell them to perform lots of crunches, but this isn't true. Infact, I believe that there is something more important than doing the right exercises. You need to lower your body fat levels. If you can't see your abs right now, it's because you have excess belly fat which you need to trim!

When you're exercising, your body burns fat, pound by pound, from all over your body, not just from one certain area. This is why crunches aren't very effective, as they're not very intense and won't burn body fat quick enough. A good abs work out will contain highly intense compound exercises. Compound exercises don't just target one specific muscle group, but involve alot more of the body. As you're working more muscles, you'll be burning more fat and therefore seeing much quicker results!

These are two of the most effective abs work outs around. The front squat is a compound exercise, and really stresses the body for maximum fat burn! Similar to a normal squat, however you rest the barbell on the front of your shoulders, under the neck, and cross your arms, so your right hand is holding the barbell on your left shoulder. Then perform as you would a normal crunch. You'll really feel the burn in this exercise, especially in your abs! It will also work your legs and shoulders, and is a very intense exercise. Another top exercise is the classic pull up. All you need for this is a bar. Grab the bar from above your head, and pull up, and lower yourself down slowly, not just letting go. Perform this until you can no longer do a rep in good form. Another highly intense exercise which will really blast your abs!

Now you have knowledge of a proper abs work out, you need to improve your diet. Lowering body fat levels is crucial if you want to ever see your abs brilliantly defined. Cutting out the rubbish foods such as crisps and cakes is a must. Also, aim to eat foods that have a high protein content. Protein is considered the building blocks of gaining muscle, so is vital to make sure your getting enough protein in your diet. - 17274

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