Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Are You Trying To Get Rid Of Common Warts?

By Deborah Valley

We all take pride in the way that we look and feel and if we find a wart on our body then we tend to panic. While you may think that you are the only one who is dealing with the common wart the truth is that millions of people end up suffering from this problem. Many people have absolutely no idea what it takes to get rid of common warts.

In fact most likely if you have come to the internet then you have found yourself dealing with the HPV virus; which is the virus that is responsible for this condition. Many people end up coming to the internet for tips and resources that they can use to overcome this illness. Yet most people do not even think about this condition until they have been the ones who are suffering from this condition.

The good news is that if you really want to learn how to get rid of the common warts then you can learn how to do it naturally. Many people who suffer from this condition usually become depressed about their situation and they tend to find ways to live with the problem. As long as you are willing to keep researching ways to overcome this condition the truth is that there is absolutely no reason why you can not get rid of your warts.

We have discovered that using natural methods to get rid of warts is the best defense for getting rid of them. This is because all the natural methods are going to target the root of the problem this will prevent it from coming back. In fact there are rumors that products that you may have at home will help you get rid of your warts such as; duct tape, vinegar and other household products.

However do they really work and if so what is the best way to use these products to get the best results? Well this is where people tend to mess up; they have absolutely no idea what it takes to get rid of this condition.

If you are serious about learning how to get rid of the common wart then you will want to visit the site below. We have provided you with some great resources that you can begin using to get the relief that you are looking for. In fact you will find information about the best self help guide that will walk you through the entire process. - 17274

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Best Protein Shake Recipes For A Bodybuilder's Diet

By Bernard A. Norris

Professional bodybuilders and athletes in training already know that eating a high protein diet offers several health and training benefits, which is why many add whey protein shakes and powders to their daily diet. However, consuming ready-made shakes and supplements can become boring, making it difficult to stick with a training diet for the long term. Trying new protein shake recipes can help.

You can create your own shake recipes by mixing protein powder with other ingredients. In this way, you create a drink that suits your tastes while providing the nutrition you need. Authors Susan Bowerman and David Heber, of the book "The L.A. Shape Diet" explains that protein shake recipes can be adjusted depending on the nutritional needs of a person. Try these shake recipes to spice up your training and nutritional program:

Banana Protein Smoothie: You'll need 1 medium banana, 1 cup of soya milk, 1 teaspoon of golden syrup, 3 to 4 ice cubes, 2 tablespoons of vanilla yogurt and of course, 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder. Place all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. This drink can be consumed as a meal replacement.

Strawberry-Nut Protein Shake: The ingredients for this are 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, 1 cup low fat strawberry yogurt, 1/4 cup sliced strawberries and 5 macadamia and pine nuts. Shred the nuts and place all ingredients in a blender.

Chocolate Coffee Protein Shake: Mix together 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder, 1 cup of soy milk, 1 cup of water, 1 spoonful of instant coffee and 5-6 ice cubes in a medium blender. This protein powder shake recipe tastes a lot like the creamy, frozen concoctions available at the coffeeshop and can be consumed for breakfast, as a dessert, or as a snack between meals.

Wild Berry Protein Shake: Mix together 2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder, 1/2 cup raspberries, 1/2 cup chopped strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries and 1 cup of soy milk in a blender. Add a few ice cubes and blend until cubes are crushed. This frothy protein shake is a great pick-me-up in the late afternoon, and can also be enjoyed for breakfast or after a workout.

Peanut Butter Protein Shake: Mix together 2 scoops vanilla protein, 1 tablespoon butterscotch pudding mix, 1 tablespoon chunky peanut butter, 1 cup cold soy milk and 3-5 ice cubes in a blender until smooth. This is a very rich and sweet shake that can be a great addition to a high protein meal, or consumed as a snack between meals.

Cinnamon-Oatmeal Shake: The ingredients for this recipe are 1 cup dry oatmeal, 3 dashes of cinnamon, 2 scoops of vanilla protein, 2 tablespoon of maple syrup, 1 tablespoon chopped almonds and 1 cup of soy milk. This shake is an excellent source of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Pina Colada Protein Shake: Mix together 2 scoops vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup pineapple juice, 1/4 cup orange juice, 1/4 teaspoon each of rum and coconut extracts, 1 packet of artificial sweetener and 1/4 cup soy milk in a blender. Add 4-6 ice cubes to thicken and blend until smooth; serve immediately. - 17274

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How to Build Pecs: My Secret Method

By Frank Hommes

If you're a beginner to weight lifting, you may feel like you're not doing something right when you're trying to learn how to build your pecs. You may see yourself doing all of the same exercises you see other people doing, but you're still having trouble getting your pecs built up. What you missing, is the understanding that's not just about the exercise itself, there's other things involved.

1. The first tip is to eat the correct types of food, because this is just as vital as doing the proper exercises. The reason for this, is that muscle can't be built without certain types of nutrients. Muscle is composed of protein and in order to build up the muscle properly, you should be eating food with a lot of protein. Eating foods rich in carbohydrates can also help, because they give the body extra energy during the workout.

Your overall health is an essential part to building your pecs, so it would be in your best interest to have a well balanced diet. Along with a lot of protein intake, you should be consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables. Your body will be able to properly build new muscle as long as it is healthy.

2. The second secret is stretching. A person trying to build their pecs should do stretches that get the upper chest ready to do some hard work. One can do something as simple as mimicking the motion of a push-up while standing can stretch out the pectoral muscles.

People should avoid overworking their pecs for the same reason they should stretch. Too much activity on the pectoral muscles can strain the muscles causing them damage as opposed to making them stronger. It could also lead to overly pronounced pecs which some people call "man boobs."

3. You need to do the correct types of exercises if you want to build your pectorals. Exercises like push-ups effectively work the pecs and can be done without a gym. If you have access to a weight lifting bench, you can do bench presses as well. - 17274

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5 Terrible Sources Of Protein For Flabby Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Getting rid of flabby arms entails a solid understanding of protein. Why? Because protein plays a major role in the female body. And if you don't know how to manage your protein intake, results could come at a much slower pace.

Unfortunately, not all sources of protein are beneficial.

In fact, there are certain kinds of protein that can seriously damage your health over the long run. So here are 5 terrible sources of protein for flabby arms that you should stay away from like the plague:

1. Farm-raised salmon. This type of salmon has way too many toxins to warrant continual consumption. When possible, stick to wild salmon only. And try to get the fattiest cuts.

2. Protein that has been deep fried. Not only is the fat on the protein bad for you, but so are the fumes. In fact, inhaling fumes while frying meat increases rates of lung cancer.

3. Overcooked protein. Overcooking protein to the point of crunchy blackness may taste good, but it's very unhealthy. How so? Increased rates of colon cancer.

4. Fatty meat. Meat isn't necessarily bad for you, it's the fat within the meat that creates problems. In fact, grass fed meat is quite healthy because it has more omega-3 fat and less saturated fat. The only drawback is that grass fed meat can be quite expensive

5. Deli slices. Deli cut meat is ultra-convenient and ultra-unhealthy. Unfortunately, the nitrates found in said meats increase rates of cancer. So please stay away from deli cuts no matter how tasty or convenient they may be.

Choosing the right source of protein for getting rid of flabby arms will not only accelerate results but will also maintain your long term health. And getting sexy and lean arms should be a healthy process in both the short-term and long-term. So avoid the above sources of protein! - 17274

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Coconut Nutrition - The Hidden Treasure for Your Health

By Kathryn Barry

Coconut Nutrition has been some how buried for decades. Meanwhile, coconut's fat has taken on a bad reputation because it contains a large quantity of saturated fats. This has lead people to believe that eating coconuts is bad for your heart.

The saturated fats present in coconuts are not harmful and contain medium chain fatty acids which help to prevent various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

Saturated Fats are Needed by Your Body

They are important for fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K. Dietary fats are needed for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A and for mineral absorption.

Saturated fats are a great source of energy and they are the building blocks for your cell membranes. This fat is required by your hormones and hormone-like substances to carry on with their numerous jobs inside your body.

Saturated fat works closely with Omega 3's inside your body.

Your cells communicate better when your diet has this fat and your cell membranes should be made of about 50% saturated fat.

Vegans or Vegetarians who do not eat any animal products should look at coconuts as a source of saturated fat.

As Nutritious as Mother's Milk

Coconut's saturated fat is special because it contains a large amount of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) or medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs).

Mother's milk is another source of these powerful fatty acids. I think we all know how important mother's milk is to newborns. And good luck finding some to drink!

Coconut Nutrition and MCTs

These fatty acids digest more easily in your body and put little strain on your digestive system.

Your body rapidly turns MCTs into energy for your body.

One of the most powerful fatty acids found in coconuts is called lauric acid and it has the ability to kill germs and parasites.

MCTs help your thyroid to function better and help to increase your metabolism.

Coconuts are Good for Your Cholesterol

Recent studies show that dietary coconut oil does not lead to high serum cholesterol nor to high coronary heart disease.

It is now thought that coconut oil actually helps to raise your Good or "HDL" cholesterol levels.

In the past, studies found that coconut's oils or fats was a risk for heart disease because it raised people's cholesterol levels.

These studies used hydrogenated coconut oil which is damaged to begin with. Forcing hydrogen gas into oil at high pressure is what changes and damages the oil.

All hydrogenated oils have been shown to increase serum cholesterol levels which contribute to heart disease.

What's more people in tropical areas who consume large amounts of coconuts are rarely overweight and do not suffer from many of the disease that plague people in the Western World.

Organic Coconut Cream

This is one of my favorite ways to consume coconuts. Organic coconut cream is very similar to coconut milk, but contains less water and has a more thick paste-like consistency. This rich and thick cream has a light sweet taste and contains more nutrients than coconut oil.

Coconut Nutrition and Raw Coconut Cream

Coconut oil is fat soluble, but coconut cream has both fat and water soluble properties.

Thus, you will get all the benefits of coconut oil, plus the ability to break up stored plague.

This powerful solvent can break up stored plague created by consuming cooked fat, cooked cholesterol, and certain medications.

Favorite Culinary Uses

Use it to replace dairy and make interesting ice creams

Using this fat in smoothies makes it very satisfying and healthy

Adding it to soups, stews, and rice makes it a hardy and more balancing meal.

How to Make Coconut Cream

You'll need two things to make great tasting coconut cream. Organic coconuts is the best type of coconut to use and a Green Star Juicer makes it so easy.

Basically, you would crack the coconut open, drain the coconut water or drink it, scoop out the fresh coconut meat, and then feed it to the Green Star Juicer and presto - freshly made coconut cream. - 17274

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Zhu Ling Mushroom - A Chinese Pharmacy Staple

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Go into a Chinese apothecary and ask for Zhu Ling and they will bring out a container with thin slivers of dried medicinal mushrooms. Zhu Ling is sold as a diuretic and anti-tumor medicine. It is also used as an antibiotic, in particular for urinary tract infections. [300]

Zhu Ling grows under the ground on rotting wood. It stays fresh in wet soils for over a year, which proves that it has a powerful immune system loaded with chemical compounds to fight off microbes.

In accordance with the use of Zhu Ling in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a contemporary study concluded that it had an inhibitory effect on Chlamydia. [302]

Other modern studies have found Zhu Ling useful against parasites, hepatitis B and for strengthening the immune system. [303, 304] It's also been reported to have an effect on certain types of cancer in conjunction with standard cancer treatment, [305, 306, 307, 308] including bladder and liver cancer, [309] as well as leukemia. [310, 311] Used as an adjunct to chemotherapy and radiation, it appears to help speed up immune system recovery. [312] Two papers published in 1991 and 1994 also presented findings that Zhu Ling administered after chemotherapy and radiation helped lower cancer recurrence rates by 68% and 50% respectively. [313, 314]

Two parasites that have responded well to treatment with Zhu Ling extract are Plasmodium falciparum (malaria) and Brucella spp. (brucellosis). Lab exposure of the malaria parasite to Zhu Ling extract proved 100% effective. [310] We don't as of yet have any report from a study on live patients with malaria.

In the case of brucellosis, Zhu Ling extract helped reverse the suppression of the immune system, which is part of this debilitating disease. [315, 316]

Another use of Zhu Ling in Traditional Chinese Medicine is for the treatment of hepatitis B. Several studies have confirmed that Zhu Ling has an effect in the treatment of hepatitis B. [317, 318] However, Liu in 2001 concluded that the effect is not strong enough to be able to rely exclusively on Zhu Ling for the treatment of hepatitis B, although it can be used effectively in combination with other forms of treatment. [319, 320] Zhu Ling also demonstrates a protective effect in cases of toxic hepatitis. [321]

A 2008 paper reported Zhu Ling being powerfully anti-inflammatory, [322] which could make it useful in a large number of conditions involving inflammation.

One modern study showed that Zhu Ling extract appears to balance urine production by increasing low urinary output and decreasing it if it's too high. [301]

A non-glamorous but pragmatic use of Zhu Ling Might therefore be to offer it to patients waiting to give a urine sample, to shorten the wait. [300]

Medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets (Mycelium Running) also lists lung conditions and viruses as areas of therapeutic use for Zhu Ling. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes.

Credit: Thank you to Paul Stamets for source material. - 17274

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Organic Gardening - How to Start a Successful Home Garden

By Rhonda Abrons

The key to starting a successful home organic garden is to remember to start small. This way will allow you to learn and become comfortable with your journey without causing you unwanted stress or frustration.

Begin Small

Landscape Planting - Placing your starter plants among your existing landscape is quick and easy.

Small Beds - A small area no larger than 10 x 10 feet is the easiest to care for.

Use Containers - This method allows your starter plants to be close by and easy to manage. They can be on a porch, balcony or even near some bushes.

Map Out Your Location

Water - Having water close to your garden allows for easy access. Having to trudge heavy watering cans long distance can be both back breaking and frustrating.

Kitchen " Not necessary, but it is convenient to step out your kitchen to pick fresh produce.

Compost Piles - If you have a wheel barrow or a compost pile close by, you won't have to work as hard.

Grow Your Personal Favorites

Take Note of What You Buy - When you shop for produce, make a mental note of what you buy. This will give you a list of what your personal garden should contain.

Grow Your Expensive Favorites - If some of your favorite veggies are just too expensive at the store try growing them yourself. Just remember to research if they thrive in your climate zone first.

Use Variety - Having your own organic garden allows you the opportunity to experiment. Go for it.

Keep it Simple

Plants rather than seeds " When you first begin, starting seeds can be frustrating. Encourage early success by buying starter plants from trusted nurseries instead of buying seeds.

Amend the soil " Make sure you mix your soil with compost, peat moss or other amendments to keep good drainage. Compacted soil wont allow nutrients to the plants or allow the roots to grow. Soggy, clay will rot the root system.

Use mulch " Especially in dry hot weather, mulch will conserve water to your plants. A thick, 2 to 4 inches will discourage weeds that compete for water and nutrients. - 17274

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Pure Organic Acai Berry Supplements, Be Sure You Get The Real Deal

By Russell Kase

The Fruits of Acai berry are mainly found in the lush tropical region of amazon and the Brazil. They have come to be recognized as the definite "super food" offering innumerable varieties of vitamins and necessary greasy acids, photo elements and a horde of more dietary paybacks. Disadvantage, however, is to undermine the acai berry, the day it is harvested, so manufacturers have to come up with clever ways to deal with the distribution of fruit, but retained in their natural flavor and health benefits.

Hailed as this generation's super food, the miracle cure, the crown jewel of the Amazon, the lowly acai berry has indeed risen from obscurity as a palm fruit in the heart of the Amazon rainforest into one of the most popular and safest health supplements available in the market today. Beneficial to health, from natural lose weight, lower cholesterol levels, strengthen veins and blood vessels and possible treatment of certain types of cancer increase the demand for acai berries to add a 1000-fold in recent years.

The capsules is directly dependent on the freeze drying process that the fresh acai pulp or acai berry extract is made to go through. Here, the moisture is removed from the acai berries using a very low temperature (-20C) and a vacuum. Preserves are natural deep purple color,and freeze drying keeps the nutty-berry flavors of the acai fruit.

Best of all, the freeze drying procedure ensures us that the acai berry powder and capsules have retained almost all of the acai berry's natural vitamins, enzymes and nutrients, mainly carotene, anthocyanin (antioxidant) and vitamin C.

In France, as well as nations such as Italy, Spain and Portugal, red wine practically flows- and is a staple at almost every meal to counteract the effects of fat and sugars and add to their over-all well being and longevity. Acai berry juice is simply the best way to obtain the same health benefits provided by acai berry, it is a concentrated source of a kind of flavonoids which is referred to as anthocyanins - this is generally the same phytochemical that red wine possesses.

Acai berry complements are actually expensive, particularly when you search for certified organic acai berry capsules acai or acai liquid and powder. You have the confidence in knowing your decision to buy was a good one. Cheap imitations with inferior ingredients can hamper and even make the acai berry supplements ineffective. - 17274

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Sustain the body with Antioxidants

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Recent research has shown that there is very little benefit from taking diet supplements to obtain antioxidants. A better way, according to a report in the September issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter, is by eating a diet rich in antioxidant foods. Antioxidants such as:

vitamins C and E




Many other other factors could possibly aid in preventing diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and macular degeneration. Antioxidants are thought to help because they can neutralize free radicals, which are toxic byproducts of natural cell metabolism.

Antioxidant production in the human body is extremely inefficient and declines with the progression of age.

People who regularly eat foods rich in antioxidants reap many health benefits according to studies. It is best to receive antioxidants through food rather than dietary supplements because foods contain an unequivocal array of antioxidants.

Supplements are limited because they only offer a few of the many types of antioxidants that are found. This is a problem since Doctors do not know which antioxidants are responsible for the health benefits. Some of the better known antioxidants are:

Berry Group: Acai Berry, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries

Bean Group: Tiny red beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans

Fruit Family: Apples, avocados, cherries, pears ( all types)

Vegetables: Artichokes, spinach, red cabbage, red and white potatoes (with peels), sweet potatoes and broccoli

Drinks: green tea, coffee, red wine, acai berry juice

Nuts: Walnuts, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts and almonds

Herbal family: Ground cloves, cinnamon or ginger, dried oregano leaf and turmeric powder

Grains: Oat products

Dessert family: various types of dark chocolates

Taking too many antioxidants through supplements such as vitamin c can cause more damage than good according to a recent study.

However, many foods higher in antioxidants offer an array of health benefits, such as being high in fiber, protein and other vitamins and minerals and low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

There is currently no guideline by the government for which antioxidants to consume as well as how many to take as part of their daily diet--this is also the case for vitamins and minerals. A major reason to this is due to a general consensus amongst researchers.

It is encouraged for the time being to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables that have a high concentration of amino acids like cranberries. - 17274

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Body Building Tips, Alcohol and the Muscle Gain Process

By Ricardo d Argence

During the next few sentences, we will discuss why alcohol influences growth of new muscle tissue.

Another thing that will frustrate your efforts to build muscle is consuming too much alcohol. People underestimate the affects of alcohol and the way this drug changes their lives.

It negatively affects protein synthesis. Protein is made by the joining of amino acids to form complete proteins. The problem becomes obvious when you realize that your muscles, which are composed of mostly protein, work less when alcohol is consumed in large amounts.

It lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen. Testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body. One of the limiting factors that determines how much muscle a person can gain is their level of free-flowing testosterone. If you are serious about building muscle and burning fat, you want all the free testosterone levels you can get.

It causes dehydration. Acute dehydration can be caused by the kidneys having to use a large quantity of water to disperse the alcohol. Water is an essential part of the muscle building process, so you must stay hydrated or suffer the consequences of seeing less progress. Your muscles themselves consist of 70% water.

Significant vitamins such as A, C, B, Calcium and several others are depleted quickly when you drink alcohol. Natural supplements keep your bodies running correctly and much of this is related to muscular development and maintaining such.

Alcohol can be surprisingly fattening because of the 7 empty calories per gram. One key process in burning fat, the Kreb's Cycle, is influenced negatively by alcohol consumption.

Alcohol consumption, especially at the times when you would normally sleep, can have effects on the quality of sleep. Clearly high quality sleep is extremely important to the rebuilding and growth process of muscle. Without proper rest and recovery, your gains will be affected.

While it is vital to enjoy things in life, excesses may result in trouble. For attaining substantial results in muscle-building, one's alcohol consumption must be checked and if need be, brought down moderate levels, and this is imperative if you are serious in your intentions.

Don't be afraid to go out and have a good time once in a while, just make sure to keep your drinking nights infrequent and properly nourish yourself to lessen its effects. - 17274

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Tips For Those Interested in Weight Loss Surgery

By April Kerr

Weight loss surgery is a surgical procedure that helps patients to lose weight.

This procedure, performed in an operating room causes the digestive system to be restructured in such a way as to cause weight loss. The size of the stomach is greatly reduced through banding or stapling so that it holds a much smaller volume of food.

Since the stomach's size is smaller the patient feels full after only a few bites of food. Thus, the patient's intake of calories is reduced and he or she loses weight.

According to the procedure chosen, there may be a re-pluming of the large intestine. This results in even more weight loss as the nutrients form the food are not as effectively absorbed into the blood stream.

This procedure is usually reserved for patients who are morbidly obese. That means that over thirty percent of their body weight is fat. In practical terms, the person must be at least one hundred pounds over their ideal weight.

Weight loss surgery is not without complications. As with any surgery, some of these complications can be very serious and can even cause death. Some of the possible complications include blood clots, blood loss and problems with anesthesia.

After the surgery there are also some serious side effects that should be considered. Some patients have hair loss as a result of the surgery. Others have problems getting all the necessary nutrients. In particular, patients report problems with anemia. Anemia presents a whole new set of problems that have to be dealt with. Patients should be sure to take iron and B-12 supplements as prescribed by their physician.

Before having this surgery, there are some procedures that should be done. Since it will no longer be possible to do a proper upper GI series after the surgery, many surgeons order this test prior to the surgery.

When large amounts of weight have been lost, there is often hanging skin that needs to be removed in a second surgery.

The advantages of weight loss surgery are numerous. Patients are able to lose and keep weight off. Weight related problems may be reduced. Patients may no longer have back problems and type 2 diabetics may be able to stop taking any medication yet have blood sugar levels remain in the normal range.

The decision to have weight loss surgery is a serious one and should not be taken lightly. - 17274

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Expand Your Weight Loss At The Gym

By Michelle R Clark

Most of us want to lose weight and get fit. Starting an workout program or joining a gym always seems like a great first step but if you have ever spent any time at a gym you will see that not everybody there makes improvement on his or her fitness goals. It is not being at the gym that helps you to get fit but it is how hard you work at fitness that makes the difference.

If you are going to see any results from an workout plan you are going to have to work hard and break a sweat. That means getting your heart rate up into the target zones and keeping it there. There is some indication that if you keep your heart rate at the lesser end of the zone for a longer period of time that your body will really burn more fat than carbohydrates, however, that does not necessarily convert to fat loss.

Burning fat stores as an energy source when you work out is not nearly as vital as the amount of calories that you burn altogether. For instance you may burn 350 calories from fat during an simple 60 minute workout but if you add in some demanding high intensity intervals during that same 60 minutes you could end up burning 750 to 1000 calories or more and that will help your body drop weight much more resourcefully.

HIIT or high intensity interval training is probably the most helpful weight loss tool that you can add to your fitness program. The plan is to get your heart rate into the target zone and then maximize it for 30 to 60 seconds at a time, taking your heart rate up to 90% or more of your max, and then let it come back down and repeat. By doing HIIT you can in fact cut your cardio exercise time in half or more and still get excellent outcomes for fat loss.

To establish your target heart rate training zone, take 220 and subtract your age, then take that number and multiply it by 60% and 80%. This will give you an ballpark figure of your target-training zone. You will need to keep your heart rate in this zone during your exercises for the best results.

If you want to drop fat for the long term, you will need to gain muscle. That means that you should pump iron. Muscle is a biologically active tissue. That means that you will burn more calories just in the process of living if you have more muscle on your body. Fat is mostly an inactive tissue and it will not help your body to burn any calories at all.

While exercise is essential the most crucial aspect to getting results from any fitness program does not happen at the gym. 6-pack abdominals are built in the kitchen, not at the gym. Incorporating a highly wholesome diet is the most critical aspect of any fitness plan. You will never see the best outcomes from an workout plan unless you eat a good diet.

Maximum fat loss can be achieved by following a few ground rules. Supercharge your cardiovascular workout by adding in some HIIT, start on a solid weight-training program and improve your diet. If you do all of these vital things you should see some results quite quickly. - 17274

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