Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weight Loss Tips & Tricks

By Marcus Werthen

Calories in, calories out. While weight loss plans might suggest that the formula is something much more complicated, the reality is that how much you eat is vastly more important than what you eat, and in what combinations. Eat fewer calories than you burn (through regular, daily activities as well as exercise) and you will lose weight. This truly isnt rocket science.

Although many of us have eaten low carb, or visited weight loss centers or joined weight loss plans to help us lose weight, and those arent inherently bad programs, we really need to be focused on how many calories we are eating. Studies have shown that while low carb diets do work, its not because they provide some magical scientific method for losing weight. Its because you naturally eat fewer calories when you eat low carb. It all comes down the number of calories eaten.

Counting calories seems easy enough, and you might think that you dont need to follow any plan, that you can simply count calories. You can, but many of us might still thrive knowing that we are following particular guidelines set by a diet plan. You can save time if you follow a plan because you dont have to do the menu planning yourself. The final benefit is that following a plan ensures that you get the right nutrients, since menu plans you get from some third party sources are often formulated by dieticians with your health (as well as weight loss) in mind.

But you can certainly create your own diet too, that is based on the nutritional advice you might get from magazines or books. You can consult a dietician, and create your won menu plan based on your individual food preferences. But doing so can create problems if you arent careful about the nutritional content of your meals.

Many people do well at reducing calories, but in reducing calories, also end up reducing the amount of vital nutrients they get. They might not get enough (or any) calcium, or might forget to think about Vitamin C and fiber. Many times, those on calorie-restricted diets dont get enough protein. When you do your own low calorie menu planning, its important that you think about the vital nutrients you must get and make every calorie count.

Finally, record what you eat. When you write down what you eat (whether electronically or on paper) you are instantly accountable for what you have eaten. It makes you think about what you have eaten and maybe question your choices. Its also an excellent way to count every calorie and ensure that you dont go over your daily allotment. Keeping a count in your head will always cause problems.

The bottom line is weight loss is more about wanting to lose weight and taking the right steps than it is about the fancy plans you throw into the mix. People who are really serious about losing weight (and who back up that desire with dedication and purpose) often find that the plan they follow is irrelevant. What is relevant is how many calories they eat, plain and simple. - 17274

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Do Spartan Way to Build Muscle Fast

By John Knight

You can build muscle fast the Spartan way! This is one of the secrets of how to blowtorch off your body fats and build natural muscles. But first you must have good diet and good heath to do this so you have the strength, stamina, endurance and power.

You can always control your physical appearance and those dense functional muscles will make you look awesome. You can be proud to take off your shirt at the beach anytime to show those packs. You look good when you get that lean athlete-looking figure. You also feel the power from within you and when you feel good, you look good. When you look good, you feel young. And when you feel young, you look young.

Always have positive thinking. This is a regimen that also needs mental toughness. If your mind dictates your body that you are too tired to exercise then you really re too tired. Use your mind power to be optimistic. But before you go on any rigid exercise make sure you have a good heart condition. Never forget to ask the advice of clinical professionals or physical fitness instructors.

You can build your home-gym and have your private physical fitness within your comfort zone. Using weights is one of the secret to build muscle fast. You need some weight to do these. Choose the weights which do not strain you. If you do these at least for five to seven days every time you wake up in the morning for at least three to five minutes you will see the difference.

You can build your home-gym and have your private physical fitness within your comfort zone. You do not need to over exercise for that can be fatal. Just use the weights that are comfortable for you for they can help build muscle fast. - 17274

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Disease Prevent from Fat Burning Foods

By John Knight

The importance of fat burning food to our body is tremendous. They offer bone protection and relieves asthma, helps prevent Alzheimer's disease lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Some can reduce the risk of cardiovascular or heart diseases, control blood glucose, slow aging, sharpen brain function and improve vision. Most of these kinds of foods prevent certain types of cancers and diabetes, and aids in weight-loss management. These fat burning foods are very common and these are tomatoes, apples, white, and some spices like cinnamon.

Tomatoes: One tomato contains vitamins C, A and K, and potassium and fiber. A medium-sized tomato may provide almost half of a persons recommended daily amount of vitamin C. The red pigment in tomatoes is called lycopene, an antioxidant that is good for your eyes. Lycopene is more easily absorbed by the body when tomatoes are heated, either during cooking or processing.

Apples: They are a great source of antioxidants and nutrients because they are loaded with flavanols. Sprinkling some cinnamon on an apple or pairing it with cheese or peanut butter makes for a tasty and nutritious snack. Besides keeping your skin from wrinkling and promoting hair growth, apples contain antioxidants that protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer development.

White Tea: White tea actually has more antioxidants than green tea, even though it comes from the same plant. White tea is produced from an immature plant bud still covered in fine white hairs, hence white tea. While green tea is produced from leaves that are more mature and dried out. Because white tea is handled more delicately, it retains more of the antioxidant content than green tea. Adding some honey or natural sugar will boost the sweetness of this delicious drink. Always remember that white is not and not green!

Cinnamon: The spice alone can decrease blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol, as well as improve your bowel movements due to its fiber content. They have a hefty amount of health benefits for such a tiny grain. If you have all of these on a daily basis you will feel wonderful and do not forget that they are the fat burning foods - 17274

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The Health Benefits Of A Juice Maker

By Ian Randin

Many people are ware of the health benefits to be gained from using a juice maker and, as such, these devices are, indeed, very popular in the kitchen. With these juice making appliances it is possible to make the freshest of juices. This is a vital point, as over a period of time juice deteriorates and becomes less beneficial.

Flavors are at their best, and sweetest when freshly prepared in the maker. For example, carrot juice is very sweet around the first half hour after making, and that is the optimum time to enjoy the best flavor from the drink. With citrus juices, it is advisable to drink them within twenty minutes to avoid acidity developing.

Another great benefit you get by using a juice maker is that juices are at their highest and best nutritional value. You can guarantee that there are no extra additives or chemicals in your juice, and you can create many amazing combinations instantly.

Use organically grown fruits or vegetables for the most natural juices. You have the option of keeping pulp, rinds and skin in your juice, or removing them. It is good to keep them, as they do contain many nutrients. Since raw fruits and vegetables contain many essential vitamins, you have the benefit of making the very freshest juices possible when you use your own juice maker.

The fresh, raw vegetables and fruits are also an excellent source for getting the live enzymes and amino acids that are vital for good health.

With a juice making machine you get more benefits per ounce from your raw produce. One cup of fresh carrot juice provides about the same amount of nutrients than four cups of raw carrot. Juices are also more easily digested and place less of a workload on the body and are much more easily digested.

Retaining the pulp, rind, and skin for added fiber can help with the bowel. There are many claims by health experts and fitness gurus like Jack LaLanne, that consuming juices will help prevent many diseases including heart disease and cancer. They also maintain that fresh juices slow down the aging process, as well as boosting health and energy levels. There are many more benefits to the drinking of fresh and raw food products, and juice is an vital tool in controlling weight.

Juicers come in at different prices fro thirty dollars to many hundreds, depending on the functions they have. If you are a regular juicer, then horsepower is important. Some of the juicers around will also masticate food and so can be used for additional functions such as making nut butters, baby foods and sauces. - 17274

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Hypnosis And Weight Loss - How A Simple Technique Makes Losing Weight Effortless And Easy.

By Cynthia A Williams

Using Self Hypnosis for weight loss is very easy because we all go in and out of trance regularly on a daily basis. Examples of when you experience trances include watching an interesting movie, finding your way home and not really remembering any part of the journey.

The experience of hypnosis is very similar to these trance states that we already experience on a daily basis but the difference is that we now use it in a conscious way to achieve our dream weight.

I use hypnosis on a daily basis to achieve my goals, see things in a more positive light, and relate better with people. The good thing about hypnosis is that you can use it for just about any aspect of your life that you would like to improve upon.

Self-hypnosis for weight loss has numerous benefits. Firstly it makes losing weight easy and effortless. The reason is because it goes right to the root of the issue, your subconscious mind. It changes the negative programming that has held you back into a more positive one where losing weight becomes easy and enjoyable.

It also helps you develop good long term eating and exercise habits, and let go of all bad habits and false beliefs. So apart from helping you lose weight you will begin to establish new beliefs and habits that will stand you in the stead of time and never to back to the days of yo-yo dieting.

Using self-hypnosis will help you develop a new self-image that will build your self-esteem and self-confidence. For me though I have to say the greatest benefit that I have received from using self-hypnosis has be the feeling of being in control; in control of my life and my weight.

I also find that I look forward to my listening sessions because it helps me relax. With just one session I become more relaxed and therefore get a better night's sleep. But I also get positive mental programming at the same time. Nothing could be easier.

So far we have looked at how self-hypnosis for weight loss is very easy and the benefits that we receive from using it consistently are huge. There are so many hypnosis experts out there, but how do you tell whi is real or not? - 17274

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Lose Weight Programs - Which One is Worth the Money?

By Patsie Adams

There are so many lose weight programs available. But which one will work best for you? This article will give you the lowdown on the most popular weight loss regimens so you can make the right decision.

First of all, there are any number of dieting books that come out each year. These range from no carbs to all carbs and everything in between. Some are based on specific food combinations. Others are based on strict calorie limitations.

Go with your instincts. If the book or program makes sense to you and seems to fit your lifestyle, go and try it out. Give it at least two weeks to a months time to get a real feel for how it may work - or not - for you.

The more popular diet books inevitably lead to paid membership web sites, supplements, and other money making ventures. If a diet has been successful for you, it may make sense to join. However, you should stick to the books plan for a few weeks before investing more money in the program.

Some programs are based on meetings. In Weight Watchers, for example, you can have a set number of calories (divided into Points) on a daily basis. Weekly meetings are held for weigh-ins, progress assessment and motivation.

If you go for Weight Watchers, consider going to at least three meetings and choose different schedules before you settle on one. You will notice different meeting leaders have different styles. Even the crowd at a meeting can affect the tone, so find a group you can jive with

Jenny Craig is a great lose weight program for busy people who want to be able to microwave their meals. Everything - except a few products from the produce aisle and milk - is included with the program. You will also meet one-on-one with a consultant to track your progress and do the weekly weigh-in.

Jenny Craig will come with a steeper price though. Be ready to shell out about $150 per week on Jenny Food then add about $30 to $50 for grocery store necessities. Still, the food is quite good. Some call it good enough for any restaurant.

Nutrisystem provides a similar program at a lower cost. The food is shipped to you four weeks at a time. Three fourths of the meals are shelf stable (i.e. freeze dried) and dont need to be refrigerated. A new component to the system is their frozen food which composes one week of food each month that you can spread out through the month.

Some have been disappointed by Nutrisystem's freeze dried food. But, this is a program that's easier on the pocket compared with Jenny Craig.

There are so many lose weight programs around that you have to pick and choose what works best for you. Dont swing from diet to diet. Instead, pick a plan that feels right and stick to it for the long run or until you meet your weight goals.

When you've made the right decision and invested your money on a lose weight program, stick to it. Because you do want to lose that weight as well as make the most of your time, effort and money. - 17274

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Mighty Memory - Martin Mak Mighty Memory Review

By Chris Jensen

The human brain is a fascinating organ, being the master control center of the body. It stores information that has been perceived by the senses. Human beings have the most highly developed brain of all. Thus, the human brain may be referred to as the "mighty biological computer". Among the many functions of the brain is storing and retrieving memories. But how does the "mighty biological computer" have a "Mighty Memory"?

Memory is not something we are born with. Instead, it is something that can be learned and trained. No matter how bad you think your memory is, you can find ways by which it can be improved.

The Mighty Memory System by Martin Mak provides effective tools for improving memory and learning. The package includes a main manual and an mp3 Alpha state recording. Alpha state brainwaves frequency ranges from 8 to 14 cycles per second. They stimulate intuition, imagination, and higher awareness; calm your mind and body while maintaining mental alertness; and improve mental processes such as concentration, clarity of thinking, decision-making, and memory. The package also includes freebies like the Guide to Mind Control, Speed Reading Monster, Study Secrets, and more.

The system trains the left and right sides of the brain and teaches techniques that help improve memorization. Moreover, it uses all your senses together with your brain to help store and retrieve information quickly and effortlessly. Whatever you read, see, hear, feel, or touch is recorded in your mind.

If you study hard but seem to retain only a bit of information or if you frequently experience information overload, if you forget things easily or if you constantly misplace your things, and if you can't learn quick enough or if you think that your memory is getting worse by the day, try the Mighty Memory System. Remember, there is no poor memory; there is only an untrained memory. - 17274

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Want To Build Muscle Quickly? Here's a Routine That Will Pack On The Muscle Fast!

By Austin Smith

If you visit the gym and are involved with weight lifting, you might be curious about what tricks there are to develop muscle rapidly. Particularly with the summer around the corner, an increasing number of guys are wanting to build muscle and get in shape.

It's possible to speed up the pace at which you build muscle by following a few easy measures. If you are committed to getting built and looking amazing, you can get some amazing results by using the proper techniques.

You must head out to the gym a minimum of four times every week. Make sure to follow this rule! Also, when you are at the gym keep your workouts to 50-60 minutes.

While you are lifting weights, always keep two important words in mind - "good form"! Don't attempt to increase the weight you lift if it means that you sacrifice your form. To grow muscle fast, you must make sure you are targeting every muscle the right way. You must ensure you are isolating the muscle and using good form. Don't stress about the fact that you might be lifting a touch less because you will get much better gains if you follow this advice.

Another recommendation to get the most out of your weight lifting is to use a three day structure for your routine. Structure your workout routine so that you exercise every muscle group throughout the three days. By just taking 3 workout sessions to work every one of your muscles you will get results much quicker.

Obviously your diet plays a major role in your workout efforts. To keep your muscles well fed and ensure your metabolism is at the proper pace, take in six meals every day. Of these meals, three of them should be your typical ones and make the other three smaller meals that have roughly 250 calories in total.

Your muscles will also gain out of using a protein supplement to provide your body with the protein it needs to repair muscle. A protein powder is a great means to get pure protein and they are incredibly affordable these days.

Gaining muscle quickly and getting the perfect body fast is possible by being dedicated and observing the above advice. - 17274

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Juicing For the First Time

By John Chan

Once you have bought your first juicer you are ready to start feeding your body a concentrated source of nutrients and minerals. But if you are not a regular fruit and vegetable person, figuring out which juicer recipe to try first can be a small stumbling block. There is a simple way to figure this out, try something- anything at all- and your palate or digestive system will tell you what your body likes and what is too much at the moment.

To find juicer recipes, there are a lot of books written on the subject as well as free online resources. Just do a search and you will find more recipes than you can wrap your head around. Pick out a few recipes that are simple and use common ingredients that you are familiar with.

The fruits and vegetables that you actually like to eat, however few and far in between they may be, makes juicing that much easier to begin. You use those ingredients as your base and expand upon it. Soon you will be looking forward to trying what you now are considering weird produce.

Fruit juice can be easy because the sugar makes it delicious for even the most spoiled palates. But others, mostly vegetables, may take a bit of getting use to the taste. When starting out for the first time, it is a good idea to take it easy and experiment with ingredients you are most familiar with.

Carrots are used in most common vegetable juicing recipes. Since they are on the sweeter side, it makes a great base for juices that include less typically tasteful greens. The next best step, while sticking to the carrot base, is to add celery, beetroot and cucumber.

Another carrot based recipe that is great for beginners includes oranges, tomato, and apples. These ingredients go well with each other as their flavors blend well. When preparing the ingredients for this recipe remove the green part of the carrot and peel the orange while trying to leave as much of the white skin as possible.

The important thing about juicing, or just eating in general for that matter, is variety. Mix up the ingredients each time and try new juicer recipes. Expand this practice to your solid food world as well and try foods you never tried before. This helps you to digest a variety of nutrients that you may never know you were deprived of. - 17274

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Why The Enzymes In Food Are Vital For Health

By Terry Adams

Enzymes are important to the various chemical processes in the body and have been shown to be important for maintaining health. Raw food is full of these important chemicals which are catalysts for many of the metabolic processes that go on in the body. They are especially important in the digestive system as they help in the breakdown and absorption of food.

They are also vital for the many functions that go on in the body as a whole and can be found all over including the muscles to help muscle contraction and in the brain where they are important for neural functioning. Nothing can happen within the body without them..

If you ingest more of these enzymes, from foods such as fruit and vegetables, into the body via your food then the less your own body will have to make and the less you body will be depleted of its own supply. Therefore, it can work more efficiently and work on other more important processes.

Cooking destroys a lot of the enzymes in food, which are very sensitive to heat, than when eating the food raw. To combat this we often have to eat more of the cooked food to get the same amount of these chemicals which increases the calorie intake and also increases the general demands on the body. Eating food raw puts a lot less demands on the body than cooked food.

That is why your appetite is often satisfied faster eating raw foods such as fruit and vegetables than when eating cooked foods, and at less calories. Higher calorie intake not only increases the risk of obesity but due to the increased stress it also increases the rate of aging.

A great way to get raw fruit and vegetables into the body is by eating salads and drinking fruit juices. Drinking fruit juice on a daily basis and eating a salad every other day is an excellent way of increasing your intake of enzymes and boosting your health quite considerably.

A quick and delicious way of getting all of your nutrients and enzymes is to consume a daily juice of a combination of fruit and vegetables. Some fish and meat can be eaten in its raw state which will also boost the nutrients and enzymes supplied by them in the same way. Eating a rare steak will, however, not only increase the nutrients supplied but will also be easier to digest. This will, in turn, reduce the risk of complaints such as constipation.

If you do decide to follow this plan then I would advise starting by just replacing some of your foods on a daily basis with fruit and vegetables. Then each day replace more and more and before you know it you will be experiencing the full benefits. - 17274

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Facts You Should Know About Bodybuilding Supplements, Creatine

By Ricardo d Argence

Creatine is not actually a drug, it is a natural substance that our bodies produce. It's a combination of three amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine. We can get creatine from our diets, mostly from animal products like meat or fish. Whatever creatine is stored is usually stored in our muscles.

Using creatine, your body will be able to handle high intensity workouts with relative ease. You will be able to perform a great workout, and your muscles will not be quite as sore when you are done. They will recover and regenerate quickly, and it will lower the volume of lactic acids which end up being accumulated throughout exercise.

Even though you can get creatine from your diet, taking supplements of creatine will give you larger amounts of it; taken within reason, this can help you exercise longer with less fatigue and soreness, and with faster recovery times so that you'll recuperate for less time between workout sessions. This is especially helpful for bodybuilders or other athletes who wish to build muscle mass quickly by working out longer and harder.

So let's explore how all this actually works. In essence, there is this composition called adenosine triphosphate, which is also known as ATP. ATP is kept within your muscles until you need it, generally during a workout, at which time it's instantly released. This is where the term explosive workout comes from.

Creatine works because once it's ingested, it becomes creatine phosphate. That creatine phosphate replenishes the ATP in the muscles by replacing the phosphate molecule that was used up by the muscles during the intensive phase of your workout. When that intensive physical activity happens, the ATP becomes ADP, adenosine diphosphate.

Through this, creatine can help you out quite a bit. It replenishes the phosphate molecule that you have managed to lose, and that way the ATP reserves in your body are ready to be used as needed. Creatine will allow you to work out longer than usual and give you much better results in your workout routine.

As with anything though, there are some disadvantages to using creatine, one of which is that water will be retained in your muscles. This means that if you want to keep your body hydrated and get water to other organs in your body, you will have to drink more water than usual when you are using a creatine supplement.

Creatine can help you work out longer, harder and more frequently than you can without it, which can help you build muscle faster. It can also greatly reduce muscle soreness after workouts, which not only means you can work out sooner, but you'll also feel better.

However, it has some drawbacks. You will gain weight because you will be retaining water in your muscles. It's not really a bad thing, just be prepared for higher numbers on the scale. In addition, if you're not careful, you can experience dehydration and related side effects like nausea, vomiting or even seizures. Also, if you have kidney problems, you shouldn't take creatine; it can place greater stress on your kidneys.

And, how important is a good diet? Simply put, no matter the supplements you take, your body's not going to function right and your workouts aren't going to be as effective or as efficient if you don't eat right.

You can take all the creatine in the world, but if you sit there and eat junk food instead of concentrating on lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, you're not going to be helping your workout.

Muscles require some sort of building blocks, therefore make sure your diet is healthy, and make sure it has lots of lean proteins such as lean meats, fish, complex carbohydrates, among other things.

Using these guidelines, creatine will help raise the efficiency of your workouts, and your muscle mass will increase so long as you do it right. - 17274

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Five Known Fat Loss Mistakes People Continue To Do

By Tomuse Gospuse

There are five big mistakes people make during their workouts. I watch a lot of people do this all the time. Don't make these same mistakes and you will have no problem losing fat.

1. Not having any support behind you

Working out with no support is not how you should be exercising. Support from your family, friends, doctors is the best way to approach losing fat. Use 2 people out of the group who was successful in exercising for support.

2. Not following a program that will keep them on track

If you walk into the gym wondering what you are going to do first today then you should just leave because your wasting your time. Make a plan, understand what you got to do. Stay with it and complete it. Now you wont be walking around the gym figuring out where to start.

3. Keeping the same workout after 4 weeks

The longest you should go with one program is 4 weeks. If you have stayed with a program more than 4 weeks and if it hasn't worked yet, it isn't going to magically start now. Change it up more frequently. You will receive more results and have a lot more fun.

4. Not taking it into consideration that nutrition is a big part to losing fat as well

If you want to lose fat you will have to eat right for fat loss to occur. You won't be able to train like an animal then eat junk food and still expect to lose fat. No program can promise you that. Diet is just as important as training, eat whole natural foods in 6 medium sized meals a day. Intake lots of fiber, a lot of protein and vegetables. Eat good fats, stay away from trans fat and Drink as much water as you possibly can. Pretty simple, very effective.

5. Not knowing when to draw the line

People always ask me if they should add even more cardio and lifting to their workout plans. People get this idea that if some is good, more training should be a lot better. The answer is NO, you must draw the line somewhere. Adding more and more exercise is a no no.

Your body will breakdown to fast due to to much working out, mainly when you are dieting. Training to much and a low calorie diet will not go together. This type of training will not optimize your engine and it won't run to its fullest.

Look towards quality in your workout not quantity. For lots of reasons stick to high quality training and high quality nutrition. All that matters is the results that you see not aching muscles or exhaustion after each exercise. It is all about quality exercising and a quality diet for a healthier better looking body. - 17274

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