Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Why Bodybuilding Supplements?

By Henrick Scofers

Is it really important to take bodybuilding supplements when you could just exercise? It's true that exercise is very important when it comes to building muscle, but you need more than that when it comes to building big muscles. For more muscle mass and a "ripped" physique, eating has to be streamlined and basically built on science. In other words, you can't build muscle if the building blocks to do it aren't there, so if you want to gain muscle, you have to have the proper raw materials so that your body can start building muscle mass before you ever pick up a set of weights and buff up.

Why are supplements important? Because they're full of something muscles need, protein. Protein is a food source that your body can most easily convert to muscle when it's digested. All foods you eat have energy units called "calories," which you need to keep your body running right. You get your calories from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Protein calories most easily convert to muscle mass. You can get a lot of protein if you consume protein rich foods like meat or eggs.

However, it doesn't just mean you can stuff yourself with eggs and meat. That's because you don't just get protein when you eat these foods. Yu also get fat, which is very easily stored in your body as "extra" energy. Unfortunately, it can be stored in your belly and on your arms as unsightly "lumps" of fat, which of course you'd rather not have. Eggs, too, are rich in protein, but there's a problem with eggs, since the protein can be altered when it's cooked. You could eat raw egg whites, but this could lead to salmonella poisoning. And discarding the egg yolk is simply wasteful. So, there has to be a better way.

Bodybuilding supplements can give you a safe, high dose of protein that's easy to take. Once you have enough protein in your diet, the next thing you need to do is to concentrate on bulking up the part of your body want to be the most muscular. That is, you "strain" the muscles you want to build up. When you strain these muscles, you break them down. They build back up using the protein you fed your system, and they come back bigger and stronger. This is so that they can handle the added strain you're giving them. But of course, a good side effect of this is that you get bigger, leaner muscles.

Once you have enough protein in your diet, it's a matter of simply concentrating on the exercise you do. Most trainers suggest you work your muscle groups to exhaustion. In other words, concentrate working out on a particular muscle group until you can't do any more repetitions. As one example, if you want to make your biceps larger, keep doing bicep curls until you can't do another repetition. As your muscle breaks down from this exercise, it rebuilds itself bigger and stronger from the protein you've taken in, thus giving you increased muscle mass.

So as you can see, bodybuilding supplements are ideal for muscle building. And better yet, these supplements come in many different forms that are convenient to take, like pills or drinks. - 17274

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The Acai Berry - Truth Or Scam

By Rose Z Howard

The acai berry is a current all-inclusive wonder as it has only been in the past few years that this berry has been presented all over the world. The acai is local to Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. It has been a staple of the diets for centuries for much of the resident residents. The fruit is greatly fragile and it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree before to make it accessible to other people all the way through the planet.

The acai berry is extraordinarily healthy however, the exotic nature of a fruit that is only grown in the Amazon rainforest adds to the allure and interest with the advertising of this little fruit. This berry has been touted as being beneficial for everything from disease impediment to male impotence.

Many of these claims may very well be embellished however, the fact remains that the acai berry is one of the most healthful foods ever found on earth. It has a organically beneficial mixture of antioxidants and phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, phytosterols and amino acids. There is no question that the acai berry is very healthful.

The acai in fact boasts one of the highest ORAC, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacities of any foodstuff found on the planet. The spices, ground cloves, ground cinnamon; ground oregano and sumac bran and sorghum bran are the only things that top this berry as per oracvalues.com.

The acai berry is full in an antioxidant called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are in reality the deep purple pigment found in many enormously good for your health foods from blueberries to purple cabbage to red wine. The acai berry contains 10 to 30 times more of this very important antioxidant as red wine and as much as twofold the total of blueberries.

Anthocyanins are a promising antioxidant for weight loss. A study involving laboratory mice confirmed that mice given purified anthocyanins were able to lessen their body fat extensively more than a control group. Though, there have not been any studies on humans.

The acai berry is extraordinarily wholesome and it can be advantageous but it is not a powerful medicine that can resolve every ailment. The fact of that matter is that a vastly nourishing diet combined with a good for your health life can be advantageous for all of the things that the acai berry is marketed for, including disease prevention, weight loss and the sexual virility of men. The acai berry is just an additional in a long line of nourishing foods and it can be a fantastic complement to a beneficial nutritional regime.

It is possible that you can get the good results from the acai berry is you combine it with an all-around healthful diet and everyday life. However, if you survive on a excessive fat diet of trans-fat loaded white flour pastries and fried foods while you veg out on the couch for hours at a time, you might as well not misuse your cash on the acai berry because no food can overcome that, not even the extremely wholesome acai berry. - 17274

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Protein Shake Recipes

By Samantha Carter

Whey protein shakes along with whey protein itself have grown massively in popularity recently. The ability to get large amounts of protein quickly into the system has led to a huge demand for whey protein and whey protein based products. One of the most popular uses of this supplement is to make very simple but very tasty protein shakes.

Making protein shakes are easy, if you are looking for, lets say as an example, 24 grams of protein, then you would add one scoop to whatever liquid you like, which could be milk or water or something else. Then to this you add the flavors or even additional protein in different forms and just blend it all together.

One of the reasons whey protein was shunned initially was because of its association to supplements with additives such as steroid and other agents harmful to the body. Fortunately whey protein is pure protein and its only real failing is that while affordable it is still a little expensive to have it in large quantities.

An example protein shake:

Peppermint Oatmeal Shake Ingredients: Mix 2 scoops of Alpine Milk Chocolate Protein Delite or other protein with 1 cup sugar free vanilla ice cream 1 cup oatmeal 2 cups non-fat milk 1.2 cup water a splash of peppermint extract!

Or you could try this one out:

Chocolate Coffee Shake Ingredients: Mix 2 scoops of Alpine Milk Chocolate Protein Delite or other protein with: 1 cup of skim milk 5 ice cubes 1 cup of water 1 spoonful of instant coffee! Tastes like a gourmet concoction!

Have a protein shake like this after your workout and feel the difference. - 17274

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Make A Life Style Change And Include The Acai Berry

By Casey Wigwire

Berries and chocolate. Generally a great combination, right? What if there was a berry that had a cocoa flavor in it? Well as nature would have it, there is. This extraordinarily nutritious berry is called the acai berry (pronounced a-sigh-ee). While it doesn't exactly taste like pure chocolate, the bitterness of cacao is incorporated into acais intense flavor. The flavor is actually hard to pinpoint as some of its juices have been compared to bitter raspberries while others claim acai produces a salty aftertaste (like say, olives.) Ok, I'm the one that said that. But the flavor is not the only thing that makes acai so unique.

From the rainforests of the Amazons, acai berries have been consumed by Brazilians for centuries. But recently, more and more of these grape-sized berries are falling from the South American palm trees into juice bottles around the world.

Labeled the antioxidant superfood, its known for its substantially large amounts of antioxidants and nutritional value. Acai has double the cancer-fighting power of blueberries, the formerly known antioxidant contest frontrunner. Consumption of the berry not only helps prevent and attack cancerous cells, but it is said to boost energy and overall immunity as well. Actually, the list of supposed and even validated benefits is virtually endless from improved digestion to better circulation, and even better sleep. It is based on these extraordinary characteristics that acai has been referred to as the most healthful fruit in the world.

The cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment or pregnant women or women planning to go family way; or feeding mothers, should particularly let their health care provider aware of their condition. Acai berry benefits are best when you are cautious and use the supplement in proper way. Acai berry benefits are huge, we still do not have any data that shows any particular problem that has arisen due to overdose of the fruit.

In another recent study a purified form of anthocyanins was given to laboratory mice. This study concluded that the mice in the control group who received the purified anthocyanins were able to reduce their body fat and maintain it whereas the group of mice that were given the placebo and another group of mice that were given the actual fruit did not. - 17274

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Healthy Living Tips For Kids

By Isabelle S. Mihajlov

Are you following any of these healthy living tips?

Illness and disease cannot invade the body when it is in a pH-balanced environment, and the immune system is strong. When body pH is acidic and your immune system weak, your body is more susceptible to illness or disease. There are other times when God permits sickness and disease to come our way, but many times it is a result of the bad choices (many in ignorance) we make.

One way to experience great health is by consistently following these healthy living tips.

Hydrate Yourself with Filtered Water

Our Creator God has given us all the power of health and healing within our own bodies. Illness and disease cannot invade the slightly alkaline body that has a healthy immune system. In order to experience vibrant health, we must deal with the root cause of sickness and disease, and not just treat the symptoms. Regular activities like getting moderate exercise, a healthy deep sleep, properly dealing with stress, personal hygiene care, and a spinal adjustment all help promote vibrant health. Ok, this tip is not new, but are you doing anything to practice these activities?

Eat Living Foods, Avoid Junk Foods

Quality food plays a major factor in keeping our cells healthy and our immune system strong. Food not only provides energy to your body, but all the nutrients that are essential for a vibrant health. Unfortunately, our modern society has created an unhealthy demand for "on-the-go," heavily processed foods. These are stripped of vital nutrients and are overloaded with refined sugars, refined grains, chemicals, additives, and preservatives. Additionally, many foods today contain excessive amounts of antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, artificial substitutes, and heavy metals. "Junk" food may taste good, but it will provide little energy nor give our cells what they need to work efficiently. Alkaline forming nutritious foods like organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains like brown rice, millet, buckwheat, and oats are a valuable source of the vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Exercise Proper Body Preventative Maintenance

Our Creator God has given us all the power of health and healing within our own bodies. Illness and disease cannot invade the slightly alkaline body that has a healthy immune system. In order to experience vibrant health, we must deal with the root cause of sickness and disease, and not just treat the symptoms. Regular activities like getting moderate exercise, a healthy deep sleep, properly dealing with stress, personal hygiene care, and a spinal adjustment all help promote vibrant health. Ok, this tip is not new, but are you doing anything to practice these activities?

To enjoy optimal health, knowing these healthy living tips is a start and will lead to consistent vitality. But, you must take responsibility for your own health and apply these tips before you start experiencing any symptoms. It may include many lifestyle changes, but I am sure you will agree, great health is always worth it! - 17274

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Gym Routines, the Best Way to Get a Sexier Butt

By Ricardo d Argence

Almost everybody wants to have a firm and sexy butt. In order to have that highly desirable and perfectly toned gluteus, you need to know the secret to rear-end success. You must eat a healthy diet and follow a good exercise routine. People are very busy these days, but it must be understood that a little bit of work will be involved with getting a perfect body with head turning results.

If you are looking for the best way to achieve that perfectly toned gluteus and become the envy of your friends, you don't have to look any further. This article will provide some very effective solutions. There are some great exercises that will help you get a rounder, firmer and sexier butt without leaving your house. We have included some of the best exercises for the gluteus that will prove to be successful.

Quadruple Hip Extensions: These exercises rely on contracting the gluteus muscles. The quadrupled hip extension work very will since they are targeting the gluteus maximus. Using ankle weights will speed the results because of the increased intensity.

Lunges: as there are various types of lunges, you need to find one that suits you the best. The most basic lunge is the drop-knee version, which is also one of the most difficult ones. You can use hand weights in this exercise if you feel you need more intensity.

Step ups work on the hamstrings and gluteus, but some people wonder if they work or not. In order to get any benefit from this exercise, you need to make sure that you are stepping on a platform that is high enough, preferably 15 inches to activate the muscle fibers. To add intensity to the exercise, you can hold dumbbells.

Squats: squats are a great exercise that activates the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. Squats are also good for the hips and the thighs. If you want back support, you can make use of a ball that can help get into that perfect position without hurting your knees.

Multi-hip extension will target the hamstrings, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximums. Using this machine can be a little tricky so you would be advised you seek to help of a professional for the required adjustments.

One Legged Squats: Squats will target the gluteus medius and the gluteus maximus and are very similar to regular lunges. There are a few different ways that you can do one-legged squats. You should be able to find one that you can tolerate. If you are looking for more intensity you will need to choose a more challenging version with a higher range of motion.

Each of the exercises mentioned will help you get that fantastic head turning rear that you have always desired. Start slow and increase the intensity over a period of time. Plan your exercise routine with your fitness capabilities and goals in mind. If you work out every day for about half an hour, you will no doubt have a round and sexy butt in no time.

Apart from this, eat right and practice regularly and that's all there is to it. Go put your sneakers on and start working out to get that perfect round, toned butt that only Michael Angelo's David could match. - 17274

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Washington, DC Weight Loss Expert Reveals 4 Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

We will never run out of people that claim to have the information that all of us need to lose a lot of weight. That makes sense since we will never run out of people in need of a solution to their weight gain issues. That is the reason why so many Washington, DC weight loss centers exist. People always seek out a dependable trainer that will help them shed the pounds. Sadly, the fact still stands that there are quite a few myths out there with regard to how to lose weight, whether you are in need of weight loss advice in Washington, DC or in need of it anywhere else in the world. Most of these myths have now become information accepted by everyone. That is why in order to return proper focus to weight loss goals, it is important to dispel some of these myths.

Myth 1: One of the most basic diets for decades that is a poor concept is the high carb, low fat diet. It is a diet based mostly on limiting calories and it is overflowing with problems. That is to say, if the carbs you take in are not burnt up, they will turn to fat fast! That is why it is important to decrease carb intake when you want to lose weight.

Myth 2: Keeping an eye on you calorie count is the best way to get in shape. Although eating decent portions is important, counting calories is overemphasized. This method is idealistic since it is not practical to keep an exact count of your calories and is also does not give much attention to the composition of calories. Eating lean protein cannot really be that bad.

Myth 3: You will eventually lose a huge amount of weight in a years time, if you reduce a small amount of calories from your daily diet. For instance, you will lose 20lbs a year, if you cut out 200 calories from your diet per day. As a matter of fact, if this was true then no one would need the help of the Washington, DC weight loss services and they would go out of business. The truth of the matter is you have to watch what you eat. 200 calories of fat will not cause as much harm as 200 calories of carbs. Therefore it is far more important for you to consider the composition of your calories rather than the amount of calories.

Myth 4: People that are overweight develop such a problem due to a character defect. This is a very mean-spirited myth. Ask a Washington, DC weight loss expert that has seen multitudes of clients why people are overweight and he will respond with many reasons. Often, it is simply because people lack a fundamental understanding as to what goes into a weight loss program. It is not because they are weak willed or undisciplined people.

This is why it is extremely important to take the advice of weight training professionals that possess a deep understanding of nutrition and exercise. They will not steer you wrong and they will disavow many of the unhelpful myths permeating the diet and fitness world. - 17274

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Massage Chairs Bring Many Bodywork Benefits

By Jim T Knolan

People are really going back to basics. We can tell this is happening as bodywork is becoming more popular as a way to maintain health and vitality. No doubt some of this is coming as a way to find ways to release stress and anxiety. We all seem to be under much more pressure these days than just a few short years ago. With this increased pressure, it is even more important to find ways to relieve stress consistently from your body. Massage chairs provide a practical way to obtain frequent bodywork.

Bodywork is a general term used to denote alternative medicine or therapies focused on therapeutic, healing and personal development work. Massage chairs cannot help you with Tai Chi, but they can help you with massage therapy and relaxation.

A massage recliner provides you with a relaxing environment. Many come with headphones and a built-in MP3 player. Select a new age soundtrack and slip on the headphones. Let your mind drift off to the rhythms of the music.

There are few forms of bodywork for maintaining your health. These are all natural therapies which include treatments such as reflexology, acupressure and shiatsu. These techniques relate to the energy flow in the body.

Acupressure massage uses the body's acupoints. The acupoint is stimulated with certain movements and penetration. These acupoints are believed to able to release blockages of energy in the body.

One of the symptoms of stress is stiff and sore muscles. This is because the body is being held under tension from the stress. The muscles become fatigued and sore. Bodywork therapies are designed to help relieve and release this tension. By using particular strokes and actions, muscles are soothed and relieved.

Massage treatments are also used to enhance the circulatory and lymph systems. These treatments encourage enhanced blood and fluid flow. This helps to maintain a healthier and more balanced system. The removal of toxins and other waste products is vital for healthy living.

Stress can cause us to get out of balance. This is especially true if it continues to build up in the body and is not properly released. In order to reverse the effects of stress, the mind needs to be able to relax. Relaxing is equivalent to healing. The body needs quiet time to rebuild and prepare it for its next great adventure.

To get the most out of your bodywork treatments, it is important to get them on a periodic and frequent basis. Just as stress does not take a day off, so does counteracting stress. If you leave your stress unchecked, then it will build up and cause much more damage. It is preferable to relieve it as soon as possible. This helps keep a better balance between the body and mind.

Many of these natural therapies have has been used for centuries. Many state back to the earliest recorded records on hand. Also, practically every culture has some form of these therapies. It is interesting that many diverse techniques evolved in different areas. Many therapy schools teach these diverse techniques which are thought to number over 200 types. This is a tremendous variety and diversity of natural therapies for body work.

Massage chairs are a convenient and practical way to get routine massage therapy. The importance of counteracting stress when it occurs is vital to maintaining a harmonious balance in the body. A massage chair provides you with the convenience of relieving stiff and sore muscles on the spot. Get your body and mind and balance on a frequent basis with your own massage chair. - 17274

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3 Weight Loss Tips to Burn as Much Fat as You Want

By Thong M. Dao

How pleasant would it be when you can drop off pounds non-stop, correct? But, that's just doable if you do not think of 'cutting off' your food consumption day in and day out. Everyplace you go, it appears as if there's a general cure for fat loss called 'cut back, cut down, cut off'- cut carbs, cut fat, and so forth.

You have probably attempted all the craze diets and understood that they only taught you to starve in different ways! And please don't forget this: starving won't help you slim down.

With 1 out of 3 children in the U.S. found to be overweight, we often wonder how obesity can happen so soon. You might have guessed the answer: burgers, soft drinks, cookies, sugar candies, chips, etc. It's mainly what and how people eat that add inches to their waist.

1. Do not skip over breakfast. It is among your best allies in your fat loss journey. When you've breakfasts, your metabolic process will be up all day which assists you to burn off pounds more rapidly. Warding off breakfasts is a sound idea if you would like to put on weight.

2. Eat small portions. Don't be afraid of foods! In fact, you should eat more frequently. If you think I'm crazy, it's because the idea of starvation is always on your mind. Just try 5 to 6 small meals daily and see what happens.

If you don't have the time to prepare and still want to stick to 3 meals per day, then make your breakfast the biggest. This will boost your metabolism and weight loss for the whole day.

3. More protein, please. The more protein you eat, the better (reasonably, of course). Protein-rich food includes: lean red meat, fish, chicken, and so forth.

You should likewise have protein a few hours after you complete workout. Protein can help you build up muscles which, in turn, can burn off fat for you! Finally, you'll drop off pounds!

- 17274

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Have You Tried the Acai Detox Diet?

By Nicole Peters

Have you been feeling sluggish and tired all of the time? Experiencing constant heartburn and indigestion? How about painful bloating after meals? Try the acai detox diet. This diet is a super effective weight loss program that will get rid of toxins and wastes from your body. Generally, the human body does an excellent job of removing toxins and harmful waste from your body. Even still, excess waste and toxins can accumulate in the body and cause you to get sick. You become more vulnerable to colds, flus, and stomach viruses. You can even find yourself gaining weight. Mix in added stress, and you have a bad situation made worse. An acai detox diet just might be the answer for you.

Acai detox diet supplements are very beneficial to the detoxification of the system. You can eliminate excess waste, and flush toxins from your body. This cleansing diet is such an effective weight loss program that it will get rid of toxins and wastes from your body. Generally, the human system does an adequate job of eliminating toxins and harmful waste from your body. Even still, excess waste and toxins can create a build up in the body and cause you to get sick. You become more susceptable to colds, flus, and stomach illnesses. You can even find yourself gaining weight faster. Mix in added stress, and you have a bad situation made worse. An acai detox diet just might be the right choice for you.

Generally because acai berries are so packed with antioxidants, they will give you more energy, fight off free radicals, and give you a healthier body. Acai berries are also known to suppress your appetite. Many people overeat when they become stressed. The acai berry detox diet can ease this anxiousness, and curb your appetite to prevent overeating. Combine the acai berry detox diet with regular exercise, and you will start to burn calories more efficiently and raise your metabolism.

You can reverse the signs aging with an acai detox diet. Smooth wrinkles, fine lines, and brighten dull skin and hair. Give your body the fresh new start it deserves. Try the acai detox diet today.

You can find a range of detox kits on the market today, but the acai detox diet is all natural and it will help your body to heal itself. Acai berries are not a miracle drug, however they are a super food because of it's rich concentration of antioxidants, essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

After your acai berry detox, be sure to change your diet and start to eat more healthy fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Add lean protein, and drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Try an exercise program and stick with it. Regular exercise will improve the functioning of your heart, respiratory system, brain, and it also helps with your digestive system.

As with any diet, you will want to see your doctor to get their expert advice. Combine a healthy diet, regular exercise, and an acai berry detox, and you will reach your weight loss goals. - 17274

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What Are The Drawbacks And Benefits of A Detox Diet

By Ron Cripps

Possibly you've read a lot of written articles regarding detox diets, their efficiency in addition to the drawbacks. Likewise because of all the different write ups that you've read about it, you're currently confused as to whether or not you really want to try this regimen. Certain articles might have been written stating it is quite efficient and in only a few days, you will drop several pounds. Others, on the other hand, might inform you that this diet isn't good for you at all and it might have certain negative aspects which are not worth the try, so what then should you think?

It is possible with the right motivation and intention, the detox diet might actually improve your way of living. With just the title of this program, you are certain to become freed from those toxins in your body, and those are the substances which are believed to be harmful for your well being. Maybe if you know why and how the detox diet should be properly performed, then you can never have any errors.

Many professionals believe that cleansing your body is important and that is exactly what a detox diet offers - an overall cleansing of your body system. Although the body is equipped with organs which are made to clean the body, the detox diet can still be performed for both assistance as well as reinforcement. But, Many experts additionally think that the detoxification must not be done for a long period.

They advise that twice annually or just one time every 6 months is sufficient, because a detox diet isn't really for losing weight. Its objective should actually be for the elimination of detrimental substances and the attainment of great health. By this we indicate its natural ability to make you healthy, physically fit and active.

Nevertheless, presently, the value of a persons well being is dependent on their lifestyle and on the opinion of others who influence their life. Remember that you should take care of your well being by constantly leaving it in decent condition, as this will lead you to the places you need to go.

Aging may also be yet another reason to use detoxification and is much better than using medicines which claim to stop aging. Using a detox diet, toxins are flushed out of your system - and these poisons are the same triggers of aging as well as impairment. Becoming old is something that each person has to experience, and it is an inevitable path - although, you must be capable of going through this properly and with some amount of grace. Using medications might just flood the body with more poisons, thus detoxifying is a better option.

You should know what's important when it comes to your health since urbanization and commercialization have, over time, caused people to create different priorities, other than their own well being. Used in the right way, the detox program is a perfect method to keep your health and leave it in great condition. You'll get better defense from sickness and diseases since your system is purified and cleansed, therefore with moderation and proper guidance, you should not go wrong with a detox program. - 17274

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A Look at the Direction of Nursing Careers

By Sophie Peters

What does the future look like for nursing careers? It is predicted that in the next ten to twenty years, things might be quite different from how they currently stand. As new technologies, treatments and drugs, shifts in health care policies, insurance policies, limited healthcare professionals especially nurses, indications are that the health care profession may have to reinvent itself. For instance, with advancements in technology, many functions could be automated. For instance, patient records and documentation, smart beds that can monitor patients vital signs, use of bar codes, and automated medicine carts could conceivably be used to save time and reduce errors in medication dispensing. Also voice-activated technologies would cut down the need to write down many things. Tasks such as serving meals could be taken taken over by trained aides to free up nurses to provide a human touch to their patients.

Due to nursing shortages, hospitals and other healthcare institutions have to use their staff more judiciously. Nurses will be tasked with spending more time at the bedside to serve as educators and care coordinators. This will refocus their role with their patients. As the lengths of hospital stays getting shorter due to medical costs, nurses must make most use of the time they spend with patients. Nurses will also work in more administrative roles and supervising positions. Given that, they will need to know how to access and retrieve knowledge and information in order to share it with their patients and their families.

The changes in technology will possibly attract more men and minorities into the profession. Greater emphasis must be placed on supporting teaching careers and recruiting educators from diverse cultural backgrounds to relieve the serious shortage of nursing school faculty. Therefore, more loans and scholarships for master's and PhDs would also have to be in place, and the colleges would have to pay the instructors more money.

As healthcare trends stand today, it is safe to assume that if the the nursing shortage persists, long-term stays and hospital admissions may have to be reserved for the patients that need it most. Thus, the number of outpatients will likely increases as will the need for more home-healthcare nursing professionals. It is also conceivable that nurses will play a larger role in insurance agencies, health consulting firms, and healthcare technology and software development companies. Nurses will also be involved more deeply with community health and population-based health work. Their responsibilities will include identifying health risks and setting up healthcare priorities for populations at higher risk. Healthcare professionals will also be involved in community education, and working with healthcare institutions and insurance agencies to develop healthcare programs that are designed to promote health and save costs for both the patients and their healthcare providers.

Medical personnel who work in gerontology and geriatrics, for example nurse practitioners also face what would be considered a bright future in terms of their careers. With people in the baby boom generation reaching retirement medical professionals will be required to focus on patients in this generational group. Further, nurses who are also baby boomers might not be ready to retire and may find themselves in a role of consulting. They would serve as healthcare providers who they themselves understand the needs of their patients better.

As technology and research progresses, nurses would focus more on preventing the illnesses rather than treatment. Also, drugs designed for healthcare that targets diseases before they start, and identifying risks for those diseases will enhance preventive care. This means that people are going to have to learn to take care of themselves more. The nursing shortage and rising health care costs will also put pressure on the health care system to change from an illness model to a wellness and prevention model.

Regardless of what the future of healthcare holds, nurses and other medical professional will need to be prepared for the expanding and changing roles. They will need to remain lifelong learners in order to remain up-to-date with the medical field. As you can imagine, that comes easier when one is passionate about their profession. - 17274

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