Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, August 7, 2009

Eight Things to Avoid for People With Dementia

By Esther Dacamay

A proper diet with balanced nutrition is the building block our bodies use in order to fight off disease. It is no wonder than that knowing what foods to eat and how to prepare them is essential in the fight against Dementia. Listed below are ten things that will help you decide what you should and shouldn't be putting in your mouth.

1) DON'T Drink Milk! - Dementia patients should eliminate all dairy milk from the diet and instead, consume milk made from goats, soy, rice or almonds.

2) No Beef - People with Dementia should eliminate red meat as well as all processed meats such as sausage and hot dogs. In their place, you can partake in plant based sources such as soy or alfalfa sprouts and fish. Fish like tuna, sardines, salmon and cod carry high quality Omega 3 Fatty Acids which are beneficial to the body.

3) Extra Crispy? - Although the extra crispy chicken from KFC might taste real good, its best to avoid all fast foods and fried foods altogether. They contain too many free-radical-forming agents because of the type of oil it is deep-fried in.

4) Beer or Wine - All alcohol consumption should be limited. In France, a recent study showed that those partaking in one or two glasses of red wine per day were able to fight stress more diligently. The reason for this beneficial reaction is the antioxidant activity in theoligomeric proanthocyanidin substances found in the wine.

5) No Refined or Man Made Sugar - Eliminate sugar found commonly in donuts, cookies and cakes as well as sugar substitutes such as aspartame, NutraSweet, equal and saccharin.

6) No More Red Vines - Licorice is an old fashioned favorite candy treat. However, it should be eliminated from the diet as it potentiates cortisol which leads to compromised potassium intake, thus leading to hypokalemia.

7) Be Happy - Stress can be harmful to the body in many ways including cortisol, which mentioned above compromises potassium intake. In addition, it is very important not to inflict undue stress on the body with things such as red meat, caffeine, refined sugar, processed foods and nicotine.

8) Ban Aluminum - There has been some significant speculation that the ingestion of aluminum from cookware, antiperspirants, antacids and foods contributes highly to the onset of Alzheimer's disease, a cortical type of dementia. - 17274

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Diet Tips For Everyone

By Katharine Larsen

Pretty much everyone has heard of the Low Carb diets. These have become so popular within the past few years. The Atkins diet is probably the most popular of the carb cutter diets.

Nothing more than a few weeks is enough. Once you pass this period, you will probably begin to notice some unpleasant side effects. Your body will try to inform you that something is wrong.

Do we know if they are safe and effective? The whole foundation of the Low Carb Diet is to cut carbs. This is because they promote insulin production which only equals weight gain.

The path to effectiveness is led by setting goals. Start by deciding the amount of weight that you wish to lose. Set that goal and don't be afraid to set even weekly weight loss goals.

If you set weekly goals and discover that they are unrealistic you can always change them later. No diet is going to work if you have to eat foods that you really don't care for. The best thing to do is to do a bit of research.

Find out how many calories and how much fat content are in the foods that you do enjoy. This will allow you to sort of custom create your own diet. Just be health conscious of what you decide on.

Make sure that you include fiber and a lot of water. You absolutely must have an exercise plan or else you will not lose weight. You have to burn up more calories than you consume.

You don't have to go to the gym or run two miles everyday. Just do something that is vigorous that you enjoy. Do your exercising as early in the day as possible.

The later in the day that you wait then you start to compromise a restful night?s sleep. Your body will be charged up but your mind will want to rest and go to sleep. You must be consistent and remain consistent for all of this to work.

You can do something vigorous that you like. Complete your exercise early in the day. Later in the day you start to compromise a good night's sleep.

The truth is that it does not matter if you eat a high-or low-carb diet. You will lose weight if you restrict your calories. That is just common knowledge. - 17274

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Personal Training - Why It Is Worth Your Investment?

By Albert Mason

The recent trend to look slim and trim has led health enthusiasts to either avoid certain foods or restrict their consumption. Such extreme measures may help in reduction of weight for a brief span, but pose serious health hazards if continued for a long enough time. Hence, it is much more advisable to spend a part of your day engaged in some form of exercise, and using the services of a personal trainer is even better.

But a large number of people are not sure about the effectiveness of daily workouts under the guidance of a personal trainer, and don't feel there is a strong enough case to opt for such an arrangement. Appointing a personal trainer in fact always gives you significant benefits.

Firstly, the personal trainer, with his carefully developed exercise program, devised especially for you, will help you to remain focused to achieve your aims. This will drive you towards the type of hard work you are capable of putting in to care for your health and fitness.

Secondly, the expertise of a personal trainer will help you learn the right exercise methods, and will provide you with a personalized exercise and diet program, which will perfectly suit your needs. Therefore you will be able to progress from an irregular exercise and dieting plan to a more systematic and efficient one.

Thirdly, issues regarding your health and fitness standard that you could be reluctant to face will be highlighted to you by your trainer. Your road to a longer and healthier life will also be cleared by a personal trainer who will plan for you strategies to battle against typical health issues.

Fourthly, a personal trainer will assist in injury prevention and recovery, and also impart to you information that will in the long term make you self-reliant with your workout.

Lastly, a personal trainer generates in you an obligation towards the maintenance of your good health and makes you more aware and committed about your schedules and deadlines.

A personal training arrangement makes it easy to make sure that the trainer is concentrating on only you and your requirements. Optimizing your advantages from personal training is merely a matter of being clear about your requirements and goals right at the beginning. Besides, checking the trainer's certificates and references will give you confidence that you are appointing the right guy, and you should build a good rapport with him once your training begin. A cautious consideration of all these factors can ensure a very successful personal training experience. - 17274

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Sore Joints - What Could Be The Reason For Sore Joints?

By Mitchell Tyrell

Sore joints can have a wide variety of causes. Arthritis in its most common form, osteoarthritis, is the leading cause of sore joints. However, many other factors can also have a negative effect on joints.

The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Most people over the age of 70 are afflicted with severity ranging from mild to severe. However, after the age of 55, the illness affects more women than men. Osteoarthritis is the erosion of the cushion between the bones. The cushion is a layer of cartilage - the same tissue that makes up the bridge of your nose. Age and normal use causes some of the wear. However, with osteoarthritis the cartilage completely disappears, which leaves the exposed bones to rub against each other. Painful outgrowths of bone, called spurs, can also occur.

Osteoarthritis wears away the cartilage between the bones. The cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones. Almost everyone over the age of 55 has some degree of osteoarthritis. As we age the cartilage naturally erodes. Those afflicted with osteoarthritis, though, will eventually have no cartilage left. Once this occurs, the bones rub against each other causing painful bone spurs to form.

Another soft tissue in the joints that can be affected by overuse is the ligament. Ligaments are the tissues that hold bones together in a joint. Ligaments can be damaged in a couple of different ways. Strains are caused by overextension of the ligament. As the ligament is stretched beyond its limits, tears occur in the fibrous tissue. These tears cause the ligament to swell and the sore joint to occur. Sprains, on the other hand, are caused by the joint twisting in a direction that is not normal. Overuse can also cause damage to the bones. Stress fractures can occur in the weight bearing bones of the legs, especially in people who do a lot of running.

Osteoarthritis is not the only illness that affects joint health. An autoimmune disease called rheumatoid arthritis causes swelling in the joints for unknown causes. A bacterial infection can cause septic arthritis. Many other forms of arthritis also exist. - 17274

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Can Colon Cleansing Help You Lose Weight?

By Jean Johnson

Many people are wondering whether colon cleansing can help them with weight loss. I can assure you that it does. Many dieters have received very helpful results. Generally, you will lose a small amount of weight during the colon cleansing period itself. The amount of weight that you lose will vary depending the on the cleansing product and how long you are on the cleanse. Some persons have lost up to 10lbs during this initial period. However, greater amounts of weight can be lost over time because your colon is clean.

The entire purpose of colon cleansing is to get your body to expel the toxic materials that have accumulated in your digestive system over the years. Your colon itself is benefited by this because the cleansing stimulates its muscles and improves its functioning. You end up with a system that is not only waste, parasite and bacteria free but also is healthy and working well. Many people who have had a lot of trouble losing weight have found colon cleansing to be the key to finally achieving their desired weight. Colon cleansing combined with a healthy, nutritious diets can provide your weight loss program with it needs to finally get in high gear.

For best results when cleansing your colon, changes in your diet will be necessary. Processed foods will need to be eliminated as much as possible. Herbal supplements or teas will be used during your colon cleanse. The more raw, healthy fruits and vegetables you can take in the better. The avoidance of empty calories like those found in junk foods and processed carbohydrates cannot be emphasized enough.

At the end of your colon cleanse, there should be a noticeable improvement in your energy level and your digestive system should be working optimally. However, it must be stated that returning to old unhealthy eating habits will not yield good results. Maintaining a diet consisting abundantly of fruits, vegetables, fish and poultry will keep you going strong with your weight loss. Remember also, to add healthy fats like avocado, olive oil and olives. Consistency is essential to weight loss. An occasional treat may be added here and there (as long as its occasional and not habitual) and still continue to enjoy the good effects of your colon cleanse.

All in all balance will be needed in order to maintain colon health and a healthy weight. A healthy diet is important but we must be careful not to go to extremes. Allowances must be made for spontaneity and variety. Physical activity must also enter into the equation because colon health will be difficult to maintain without it. Also, an increase in the amount of water taken in on a daily basis would be helpful. Putting it all together, a healthy colon will be achieved through a consistent and balanced lifestyle. - 17274

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Is It Possible To Have Specific Techniques of Muscle Building Which Can Be Used By All?

By Ryse Edwards

When looking to build muscle, everyone seems to have the same question; what are the perfect muscle building techniques? Unfortunately, just like losing weight there are different methods and techniques that apply to everyone.

Because everyone's body is different, it is difficult to say there are specific techniques that will work for everyone. Instead of focusing on what others are doing, you have to find what is going to work best for you.

As soon as you put together the perfect training regimen, you then have to stay consistent. Working out once a week is not going to get you anywhere. You have to be dedicated and motivated to lift at least three to four times a week if you want to build muscle.

You can choose from a plethora of routines for building muscles depending on your final goal. The three most important upper body muscles that people generally target are the biceps, shoulders and pectorals. Nevertheless the other muscle groups like the abdominal and triceps are also important.

Generally most fitness enthusiasts work out in the gym to mainly develop their upper body muscles since that's what really captures the attention of most people. However for a healthy body, you also need to focus on your lower body which can help you to develop strength and stamina. Leg exercises like lunges, calf raises and squats are quite useful in this aspect.

However, there are no universal muscle building methods which can be used for all. Hence, instead of wasting time on looking at what works for others, you can utilize the same time in researching different techniques for your self and trying them out. Once you have the right techniques which suit your individual needs and goals, you will also be able to see the results that you want. All you need to realize is that you can include a variety of exercises and lifts to suit your training routine. - 17274

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Acai Berry- Miracle Weight Loss Cure Or Just Miracle Food?

By Catherine H Campbell

Read the advertisements about the acai berry and you will see that there are a variety of claims ranging from miraculous fat loss to male impotence and insomnia, disease prevention and anti-aging. However, there is no scientific verification that this unusual little berry from the rainforests of Brazil, actually does any of these things.

It is in reality accurate though, that the acai berry is one of the healthiest fruits ever found on the planet. This little berry has one of the utmost ORAC levels or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacities of any separate food found in nature. It also contains a plethora of other critical nutrients, including essential fatty acids, in the form of Omega's and oleic acid, fiber and many other valuable vitamins and minerals.

When you impart your body with excellent nutritious, it always responds in a positive manner. The Standard American Diet that is such a big share of our society in recent times does not provide our bodies with the wholesome nutrients that it craves and needs.

Our bodies are intended to exist on the tremendous nutrients that nature has provided for us. This is the whole fare that are grown in nature. Fruits and vegetables, lean proteins such as fish, poultry and eggs, and whole grains are the foodstuff that our bodies must have to function at optimal capacities.

The acai berry is a unique and exotic fruit that does have the variety of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids and even 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. This tiny fruit offers the excellent nutritious that our bodies need in a small and delectable little berry.

However, this small berry can only be located in the rainforest of Brazil, and because it is very perishable, it must be processed within 24 hours of being plucked from the tree. There are a couple of diverse processing applications, but it has been found that the top manner to defend the necessary and important nutrition that are inherent in the berry is to use a freeze-dried processing method. This method maintains the natural goodness.

You can find acai berry products in a variety of distinctive forms, from juices to smoothie mixes, and even powders and capsules. If the product contains mostly acai berry and it was freeze-dried when it was processed, you can feel relaxed that you are getting the vital nutrients.

By providing your body with outstanding food, you can be secure that it will react in a constructive way, making it more simple for you to lose fat, conquer factors like male impotence, sleep better and defer or foil the predictable signs of aging. You will also be doing your part to nip in the bud many of the most serious diseases. Good nutrition just makes sense and direct scientific verification is not automatically required to know that. - 17274

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Gain Muscle Or Lose Fat, How To Make That Hard Decision

By Ricardo d Argence

Gain muscle or lose fat? Maybe you have never thought how important is to know when to stop losing fat. Or how does it affect in your way to get ripped. Keep reading and you will discover the best way to achieve success.

I often get scrawny guys asking me how to lose fat, when they have no muscle underneath the fat...they think they will look good if they "get ripped", but in reality, they will look like they are starving. They should focus on gaining muscle instead.

I will explain how to use it later. I will just tell you, for one more time, that in this way you will know what you have to do, if you must focus in gain muscle or if you have to lose some fat. So, here you have my famous "gain muscle or lose fat" chart, it is the result of my experience in working with athletes and dozens of men in the gym trying to lose fat and gain muscle : 5'6" - 140 pounds. 5'7" - 145 pounds. 5'8" - 150 pounds. 5'9" - 155 pounds. 5'10 - 160 pounds.

And so on. For every inch taller, add 5 pounds. For every inch shorter, subtract 5 pounds. For example, if you are 5'8", 150 pounds, you should NOT be focusing on losing weight. You need to gain muscle if you want to look good on the beach and have muscle. Focusing on weight loss would be the worst thing you could do. If you do, you'll look like crap, and practically anorexic, to be blunt.

Well, you should now by now if what you need is to lose some fat, or to gain muscle. And that's a good thing because now you know what you must do to achieve that look you want. Keep in mind that this chart is not designed for that people who want to look "huge". If that's what you are looking for, you are in the wrong article. What I mean is that this chart is for regular people who wants to have great, defined muscles, big, but not precisely huge.

To use Turbulence Training to gain muscle and lose fat, simply stick to the weight training workouts only. Avoid the hard interval cardio for at least 4 weeks as you gain muscle, and eat extra calories right after your workout (as well as having a bigger breakfast than normal). These two changes will allow you to gain muscle and lose fat. - 17274

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Important Facts That Make Excellent Weight Training Routines

By Emmanuel Palmer

I know you've heard it before and have said it once or twice with tears in your eyes, 'No Pain, No Gain'. It is the courageous cry of those yet to see the peaks of Mt. Body Beautiful. It is true that you will experience pain, at times almost rendering you immovable from your bed; however, pay close attention that it is pain caused only by muscle soreness. In your zeal to put checks in your list on how to build muscles, be mindful of some factors listed below to help keep your body free from injury and unnecessary pain.

When one is starting out this exciting, adrenalin pumping journey to fitness-a common mistake is to hit the gym too often. Over training has caused many to get burnt out quickly. More than that, the immune system will suffer and the risk of injury to the joints and bones are greater. Go to the gym a few days but take most of the days of the week to concentrate on getting quality rest and just relax. It will surprise you how much better you will be because of it.

If you want to bulk up, then many topics on how to build muscles will encourage you to concentrate on gaining body mass and stay away from too many cardiovascular workouts that burn calories needed. While you do need to pack on serious pounds for this particular fitness goal, you should not completely eradicate cardio training. Practicing aerobic training helps in your cholesterol levels and your hearts' arteries' elasticity-a strong enough motivation if you think about it.

When you are in the gym, practice the necessary precautions for yourself and the other members training with you. Return the dumbbells you've used back to its racks and make sure that when you finish with a particular machine, the weight plates are properly kept and locked in place. Keep your head on especially as you pass by equipment with overhead bars, pulleys and cables. Wear the appropriate clothes and footwear and make plenty of space for the other trainers as they do their own exercises.

Always keep the correct position and form as you execute your drills. A lot of people make the mistake of rushing through the last few reps just so they can complete the given set but doing so may potentially put your body in an injury with serious consequences. Study and know the right way of performing the assigned exercises, starting with the lesser weight and gradually increasing it. If a joint or tendon feels particularly over extended, do not force the movement. Stop and ask your instructor on the best way of doing the task.

Finally, eat right. If you have the right diet not only will your energy up to par for your workouts, your muscle development will benefit from it as well. Whether you are planning to trim down or bulk up, get your calories from protein and carbohydrate rich food. Meals should ideally have fish, chicken, whole wheat grains, etc. Drink plenty of fluids particularly in days that you workout.

Pay attention to the seemingly insignificant details and watch yourself overtake your hardcore fitness colleague even in his best weight training routines. The secret-rest, eat and exercise well, it does not get any better that that. - 17274

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Anti Gout Diet Tips

By Rashel Dan

If you are looking for an anti gout diet then you are most probably looking into preventing gout for life. This is not such an impossible task. Diet does play a large role in controlling and preventing gout, so depending on your daily intake, you can either increase or reduce your risk of gout.

A person can suffer from gout if he is born with it, it is present in his family or he is obese. It is also more prevalent among men and those who are 40 to 60 years of age. If you can relate to any of these then you may want to focus on preventive measures.

Primarily, anti gout diet consists of low-purine foods.

Purines are highly associated with foods high in fats and proteins. Vegetable oils, greasy burgers and fatty fish are all high in purines, so you should avoid fried foods and naturally fatty produce. Basically, high purine content is found in almost all kinds of food: pork, beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, oysters, scallops, creams, eggs, peas and beans. But there are ways to have a low-purine diet and are illustrated below:

Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Many fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. Potassium regulates electrolytes in the body and has the ability to get rid of uric acid crystals from the blood. Potassium-rich fruits are bananas, avocados, apricots and cantaloupe. High-potassium vegetables include spinach, potatoes, asparagus, beets and pumpkin.

Start an anti gout diet now.

Start with a low-fat protein food for breakfast. For example, drink low-fat milk and utilize only egg whites when cooking. Add onions and garlic for taste and use low-fat butter or margarine. High-protein foods that are low in fat have been found to be safe. Quench your thirst with vegetable juice or concentrated blackberry juice.

For lunch, prepare a cleansing lemon juice. Lemon juice is filled with vitamin C and antioxidants to help flush your body from unwanted uric acids. Couple the drink with a hearty salad and meal using tofu to replace red meat or chicken, finely chopped fresh garlic and extra virgin olive oil.

For dinner, go for baked or grilled lean meat in a foil to retain moisture. Pair with potatoes and steamed spinach. After dinners make sure to have a bowl of cherries, berries or grapes on the side.

Other tips for your anti gout diet:

Carefully watch your weight. Gout has been linked with health problems such as diabetes and obesity. Slowly restrict calories by introducing more of the gout preventing foods mentioned earlier. Avoid crash diets as these can actually trigger gout flare-ups. A good anti gout diet is always a balanced diet.

Drinking several glasses of water, from 8-10 a day, would also be good to prevent gout. Water dilutes uric acid (a cause of gout) and rids them from the body. Cloudy urine means you have high acid content in your body and this is not a healthy sign. Clear urine suggests that you are properly hydrated and well on your way to good health. - 17274

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Quick Muscle Building Tips Anyone Can Use To Transform Their Body!

By Austin Smith

A Great Deal of our readers have emailed us questions asking how they can build muscle quickly. Especially with the summer months being here, an increasing number of people are hoping to get fit and improve their bodies.

There are particular steps you can take to speed up your exercise routine and begin developing lean muscle quickly. Naturally it takes some commitment, but getting that dream body is worth a small bit of work right?

Going to the gym a minimum of five times a week is critical to your success. Your workouts shouldn't be any more than an hour - any longer and you are body will not be utilizing the extra time in a useful manner.

It is so critical that you make sure you have good form when weight lifting. Don't attempt to lift more weight if it means that you sacrifice your form. By observing the right form your strength will grow much quicker and your muscles will grow at a much faster rate. Don't stress that you might be lifting a touch less because you will see much better gains if you follow this advice.

It's a good idea to utilize a three day rotation for your workouts. Plan your workout routine so that you exercise every muscle group during the three days. By only taking 3 workout sessions to work on every one of your muscles you will have results much more rapidly.

Finally, you must eat healthy and eat often. Make certain you eat at least six meals each day. Of the six meals, three of them should be your typical ones and make the other three smaller snacks that have roughly 300 calories in total.

Using a protein powder is very useful - you must be taking in a lot of protein to help your muscles grow and repair themselves. Using a protein powder is a terrific way to take in pure protein and you can purchase them for very little these days.

Gaining the body you desire isn't hard when you put in the effort. With some hard work and by using the above advice, you'll be able to develop muscle and increase strength quickly. - 17274

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Make Your Weight Training Program Work For You

By Emmanuel Palmer

It's time. You've been sitting by the sidelines long enough, now it's time to get that physique you've always wanted. One of the best tools to reach your goal is an effective weight training program that will work best for your body. Read on to find out more about the best muscle building exercises and information to get you started on your way.

High intensity and periodization are the two main schools of thought used today for weight training. High intensity workouts are short and very physically demanding, with much of the drills executed until failure. Periodization allows you to get to your destination at a somewhat more leisurely pace of around two to three months. You start at light, then proceed to medium and then high level every couple of weeks. The focus here are the collective gains the body earns at the end of training and not at the end of every session.

Nowadays, most people use both philosophies by getting parts of each that works best for them personally. What you need to remember is that sooner or later your body comes to a plateau wherein it becomes accustomed to the drills you are inflicting on it. When this happens, training will cease to be as effective as it once was. To avoid this, vary your exercise drills and weight loads every so often. Push yourself constantly to new levels and see the progress in your physique.

The power triumvirate of serious bodybuilders is weight training, rest and nutrition. For the more inexperienced trainers, the latter two usually not as given much attention; however, it needs to be said that all three are equally essential to the success of your training. Like for resting; when you exercise and put little tears in the muscle, it is rest that repairs it and develops the tissue to become the stronger and harder muscles that you enjoy. When you work out certain days; use the remaining days of the week to concentrate on getting good sleep.

The best muscle building food are meals that are rich in carbohydrates and protein. Examples of these would be chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, etc. As much as possible, do not pig out on high fat content food to fill your calorie needs. If you prefer, consume protein shakes and muscle building supplements to add to your nutrient requirements for the day.

Also, make time for a thorough stretching before training. Warm ups and stretching can spell the difference between a good workout session from a great one. Doing these increases your body temperature and blood flow, as well as enhances the body's flexibility-ensuring your body's optimal performance. Practice stretching also between sets.

When you are bulking up you need more calories so do not load up on extreme aerobic training in the beginning stages. That being said, cardiovascular training is important to the health of your heart so never neglect this aspect in your training. As you get closer to your weight objective; increase the frequency and time you allot for aerobic exercises.

A successful weight training program will not make itself known overnight. Sometimes you gets hits and misses but you will find your own rhythm soon enough. The important thing is that you are making an effort to get to your goals and your reward will not be long in coming if you keep at it no matter what. - 17274

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