Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sports Massage Benefits

By Jim E Nolen

Sports massage should be an important element to your training curriculum. Most athletes view massage as part of the therapy after an injury. Although, massage is very effective in assisting in the recovery after an injury, it should be used on a frequent basis to help minimize injury. There are many benefits to receiving regular sports massage including enhanced performance, better range of motion and better physical condition.

Sports massage grew up around professional sports franchises. There was a need to find ways to reduce injuries and extend careers. Massage therapy was applied and evolved as effective methods were developed. Many benefits for athletes include a reduction and blood pressure and heart rate. Increased flexibility is another vital benefit of massage to help minimize injury when the body is being pushed to its limits.

Massage therapy has been used for centuries for pain relief and restoring health to the body. Many of these treatments have been traced is far back as 2000 BC. There are numerous individual techniques which involved in various parts of the world.

Different massage therapy is applied in different areas depending on the needs of the athlete. Certain muscles or areas of the body may be targeted depending on the type of competition. The massage technique may be more subtle and superficial or could be deep and penetrating.

Sports massage has a number of physical benefits for the athlete. Many athletes report that they have better range of motion of the joints, better overall performance, longer sporting lives and are in superior physical health. These benefits are obtained when massage is done on a routine and frequent basis for the sports participant.

One of the more important benefits of regular massage treatments is increase the flexibility of the muscle tissue and joints. Enhanced flexibility allows the body to increase the envelope of performance. Competition pushes the body to its limits where injuries can occur. Regular treatments are important to maintain the flexibility of the soft tissue areas.

Sports massage also helps to increase performance. It helps the muscles to be more flexible during competition. Competition tends to push the boundaries of peoples physical limits. Having extra flexibility is important to avoid injury.

Maintaining your body in prime physical condition is another benefit of frequent sports massage. It helps to increase blood and lymph flow, decrease muscle tension and relieve pain. It accomplishes this through natural methods.

Many athletes believe that receiving frequent sports massage therapy helps to expand their sports life span. These types of treatments help the body to recover more quickly after physical stress and strain. It relieves pain, stiffness and other tension in the body.

Some physiological effects of receiving regular sports massage are pain reduction and relaxation. These treatments help both the mind and the body to relax. Muscles are more able to relax with the stretching and elongation of the treatment. Is very soothing to receive these treatments which help the body and mind to relax and recover from physical exertion.

The top athletes have a staff of trainers and massage practitioners. They are able to receive these treatments pre-event and post event. This enables them to get the enhanced benefits from periodic treatments. To take your game to the next level, you should add a massage chair to your training regimen.

The nature of sports is increasing competition. Every athlete is looking for an edge over the others. Sports massage provides a number of important benefits to athletes. Massage chairs provide a convenient and effective alternative to staffing a masseuse. A massage chair gives you tremendous convenience to receive sports massage prior to your competition and also after. See how a massage chair can help take your game to the next level. - 17274

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Bodybuilding Tips, Avoid Overtraining if You Want to See Results

By Ricardo d Argence

It seems that you are trying to get yourself in shape. It's likely that you're spending hours in the gym doing intense weight lifting. If you're not, then it's probably true that you're not going to get the results you want and you'll need to step up.

However, there is one caution you're going to have to take note of. That is, you've got to avoid overtraining. Overtraining occurs when you work too hard, so you're not giving your body the rest and recuperation it needs between weightlifting sessions so that you can repair and beheld the muscle you're breaking down.

To really understand the risks that go with overtraining, you should first understand how your body builds muscle. Remember that when you are going to the gym, you are not exactly creating muscle; you are creating tiny wounds and tears in your muscle that your body needs to repair and bulk up.

What you should take from this experience is that the tears that have healed and built up are tougher than the tissue that was there before. When you move forward and stretch your muscle, you will find that you need to let your body repair so you can get the building stage.

When you overtrain, you're not giving your body the rest it needs in between workouts to properly build and repair. What this means is that you're actually preventing muscle from building.

What are the symptoms of overtraining and what can you do to make sure that you are going to be on the right track?

First of all, when you are overtraining, you will be working really hard, but you won't be building much if any muscle. That's the first thing you'll probably notice. If you keep going with overtraining, though, you're probably going to notice other symptoms, too.

Your testosterone levels will go down. If you don't let yourself recover between your workout sessions, your testosterone level is going to drop.

You might get fatter. As counterintuitive as that sounds. You might gain weight you don't want to, in the form of fat. That's because if you keep overtraining, not only will you be breaking down muscle without building it back up, but you also increase your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that makes your body want to retain fat.

Have you noticed that your health is taking a blow? If so, this is definitely a sign that you need to stop. When you work out too hard, your immune system is going to suffer for it. If you see that you are getting colds and flus more easily, it is time to slow down. Working out should give you less health problems, not more.

Are you losing muscle mass? When you overtrain, your muscles are going to suffer for it as much as any other part of you. Remember that you are training to get results. Essentially, a good bodybuilding regimen is going to be ideal when you want to avoid the symptoms that go with muscle loss while still getting the body that you want.

How to fix this problem? It's very easy, rest and nutrition are the key factors. When you're bodybuilding, your pattern should be one day of intense weightlifting followed by one day of rest.

Work out one day and then do some light cardio when you work out on your rest days. Remember that you should rest your body between the heavy duty lifting that comes along with it.

Finally, remember that when you want to build up bigger muscles that your body needs the tools to do it. Go for lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. This will help you get the results that you need and it will keep you healthy while you do so! - 17274

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High Blood Pressure

By Dr Jason Fowler

We all know someone with high blood pressure (HBP), possibly a beloved family member or a lifelong friend. This common problem affects one in four American adults.1 An alarming 75% of patients with type 2 diabetes also have HBP.2

High blood pressure is particularly dangerous because, there are no symptoms until severe damage occurs. Heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, and eye disease are some of the serious problems that may result from untreated HBP.

Normal blood pressure is in the range of 120/80 ("120 over 80"). The first number represents the systolic pressure, the pressure at which your heart pumps blood into your arteries. The second number represents the diastolic pressure, the pressure in your arteries between heart beats (the resting pressure). The systolic pressure can increase in response to stress or physical activity. Systolic pressures over 140 and diastolic pressures over 90 suggest the possibility of HBP. Blood pressure readings should be repeated several times, over a period of several days, before a diagnosis of HBP is considered.

Medical treatment for HBP consists of blood pressure-lowering medications (antihypertensives). This group of drugs is typically effective in reducing pressure, but getting the dosages right may be complicated and there may be unwelcome side effects.

Lifestyle strategies and activities (complementary medicine, lifestyle medicine) offer significant, well-documented benefits in reducing blood pressure levels. Regular, frequent exercise is an important part of all lifestyle programs targeted toward lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.3,4 Regular exercise makes your heart stronger, and a stronger heart pumps blood more easily and efficiently. Over time, regular exercise may reduce blood pressure levels by an average of 10mm.

Meditation is another key reducer of blood pressure levels.5 Much more than a New Age fad, meditation has consistently demonstrated benefits related to several health issues. Meditation is easy to do. All you need is a comfortable chair or cushion that allows you to sit in a straight posture without any tension. There's no special breathing to do and you don't have to do any chanting.

To meditate, sit facing a blank wall (if possible) and let your hands relax in your lap. Tilt your head slightly downward, and let your eyes achieve a soft focus at that slightly downward angle. Breathe easily and gently. Breathe in and visualize energy going up your spine in the back. Breathe out and visualize the energy going down your spine in the front. Silently say "one". Continue up to "ten" cycles, and begin again at "one". That is it!

How long? This is completely up to you. Start with five minutes twice a day, and gradually build up to 20 minutes twice a day. You'll probably notice you're feeling much more at ease, more relaxed, with more energy during the day than before you started meditating. The benefits are powerful, and again, there is a profound effect on high blood pressure.

Your doctor of chiropractic can help participate in a complementary approach, assisting your body and your nervous system to function at peak performance.

1Undiagnosed hypertension is common among urban emergency room patients. Medscape Medical News, Sept 2, 2005 - http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/538785. 2Schutta MH: Diabetes and hypertension. Epidemiology of the relationship and pathophysiology of factors associated with these comorbid conditions. J Cardiometab Syndr 2(2):124-130, 2007. 3High blood pressure and exercise: Why activity is key. August 11th, 2006 - http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/high-blood-pressure/HI00024. 4Zanabria E, Welch GL: Hypertension and exercise. American Fitness March-April 2003. 5Walton KG, et al. Psychosocial stress and cardiovascular disease. Effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation program in treatment and prevention. Behav Med 28(3):106-123, 2002. - 17274

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The Cutting Edge Nourishment From The Superfood's

By Annie S Russell

It is a actuality that some foods are healthier than others. Few would contend that an apple is more healthy than a potato chip and you will be healthier if you have broccoli rather than gummy bears, but there is a group of foods that are so excellent in dietetic value that they have been dubbed "superfoods". These are foods that can help us to live longer and healthier lives.

The superfoods are foods that have a high intensity of imperative nutrients for the total of calories that they have. Ongoing inquiries into these nutrients shows that they are helpful in preventing disease as well as reversing the average effects of aging. Consuming a diet that is plentiful in these vital nutrients can help thwart cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancers, type II Diabetes, hypertension and even Alzheimer's disease.

The superfoods boast a extensive mishmash of antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols, omega fatty acids and more. Most of these foods are found in nature. They are complex and they still contain hundreds if not thousands of yet to be identified compounds and nutrients.

Most of the enduring investigation suggests that these nutrients function best in synergy with each other. It is best to eat a healthy and balanced mishmash of foods rather than focusing on just a few. The sophisticated nutrition from a wide variety of foods is the finest resolution for promoting excellent healthiness and preventing the ailments of aging.

The ORAC scale or the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity measures the antioxidant capability of a food; this is a measurement of how well the antioxidants contained within the food were able to stabilize oxygen free radicals in a test tube. The higher the ORAC number the higher the antioxidant faculty of the food.

Many foods count high on the ORAC scale but the food that scores the peak is the acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil. The little berry is loaded with antioxidants, polyphenols, essential fatty omega acids and even a complete series of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

Other superfoods include but are not limited to all the other berries, in particular blueberries, cranberries and pomegranates, spinach and other greens, cabbage, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables, wild salmon, walnuts and other nuts and even tea and dark chocolate.

Eating a nourishing and balanced food intake that includes the first-class nutrition of the most nutritious foods on earth is almost certainly the very finest manner in the world to stay fit and strong, and to ward off sickness as we get older. - 17274

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A Low Cost Solution To Eating Organic Food At Home

By Virginia S Froyski

Difficult economic times usually mean many cuts in spending, unfortunately this probably includes eating organic food but before you give it up entirely consider the suggestions in this article to make it a much cheaper proposition.

So, by what means can you get organic food on a budget?

For starters the best way to go is to start growing your own.

If you are already a keen gardener then I am sure you will know about growing organically already, just a few containers, some specially prepared compost and natural pest control methods are all you need to make it a success.

Keeping chemicals away from your plants is a governing principal but natural control methods can work just as well.

But this is not a problem, with the growing interest in all things organic special compost is available at most garden centres and of course manure is available in all country areas.

When it comes to pest control you need to get creative as well as attentive to the condition of your plants. A solution that is gaining more mainstream popularity is to introduce into your garden benign insects that prey on the bugs that target your crops.

Remember that you do not have to turn your whole garden organic but can raise produce like tomatoes, strawberries, peppers and herbs in stand alone containers.

In this way you can provide your plants with a mini organic environment which is easily controlled and transportable too.

For those people with limited space such as a balcony containers are a great way to get in on the organic food movement.

Budget Shopping For Organic Food

If you live in an area close to farmland then you may be lucky enough to have an organic farm from which you can buy produce direct.

Organic farming is gaining popularity and as demand for fresh produce grows more and more farmers are opening farm shops to sell directly to the public.

Buying your fruit and vegetables from local farmers is beneficial to both of you, farmers get to earn more profit than supermarkets will pay them and you get to sample fresh local produce and help your local farmers to survive.

A great thing to do in the summer months is to visit farms that let you pick your own fruit, usually you get to eat a lot whilst picking so trying out the goods in advance, organic of course!

You buy by weight and always get a good deal on price, if you go with a group of friends or family as well you can share out the produce and all profit from the day.

Of course whilst you are at the farm why not see if they also sell other organic produce like meat and dairy. Last year I bought some wonderful honey at half the price I would have paid at my local store.

You might be able to buy some organic free range eggs as well, useful for the kitchen.

I hope that you can find some ways in this article to keep it organic and not give up on your healthy lifestyle. - 17274

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2 Easy Ways to Conquer Weight Loss Plateau

By Thong M. Dao

You were probably losing weight successfully for the first few weeks after you joined a new diet program, only to be stuck to a certain point later. Whenever we begin a dieting plan we quickly drop off some pounds, as most dieting plans are made to offer you 'quick fat loss'. Unfortunately enough, this 'fast fat loss' is generally 'short-lived' fat loss.

You will lose weight very quickly for the first few weeks but after that, you will suddenly discover that the scale is not going down anymore! You're not shedding any more pounds than you've lost already! You've come to a position typically called fat loss plateau! In such situations, the only remedy is a complete overhaul of your lifestyle habits.

You've likely performed the same sets of workouts and eaten the same types of food time and time again within these first few weeks while you were shedding pounds. As an outcome your body became used to your dieting and workout routine. When that happened, your weight loss methods failed to bring any sustainable results!

If you want to go through this point, you need to change your diet and exercise regimen. Here are 2 things you have to adopt to break from the fat loss plateau.

1. Calorie-counting is not the way to go: When you count your calories, you basically limit the intake of calories to an abnormally low level. If you consume low calorie food, there's no impetus for your body to boost metabolism because it has to burn off just some calories. The consequence is that your metabolism all of the time stays at a really low degree. When your metabolic rate is low, you aren't able to burn fat!

So to burn off pounds and slim down with success, you must ignore calorie calculating and consume enough therefore your body is affected to maintain your metabolism at a higher degree. Your body needs fuel to burn fat, and it can get that fuel only from foods!

2. Exercise more: If you have been avoiding exercises altogether, or have been doing only light exercises, then you cannot lose weight. Fat loss is easier when you do high intensity exercises regularly. Rather than being frightened of workouts, attempt to enjoy them. Exercises are yet another powerful way of increasing your metabolic rate.

Adopt those 2 techniques and you'll shortly be capable to get the lean body you want! - 17274

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Treating the Knee Surgically: Total Knee Replacement

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Total Knee Replacement

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Total Knee Replacement (MIS TKR) provides patients with a better postoperative experience. A patient who is operated on using this technique can expect less pain, a shorter hospital stay, and a speedy recovery.

A very small incision is all it takes to accomplish MIS TKR. Various factors about the patient determine the exact site of the incision; however, the incision does not involve the quadriceps tendon. This is the very large muscle that is located on the front of the thigh. Because of this reduced soft tissue trauma, the patient enjoys a quicker and easier recovery.

Dr. Tarlow has been using a combination of Computer Navigation and MIS TKR techniques since August 2004. This produces the most precise knee placement possible.

Many patients wonder if they would be good candidates for MIS TKR. A surgeon who is experienced in this procedure can determine this with an in-office evaluation and examination. Sometimes, the decision to use this procedure is made during the knee surgery.

Click here for more on Knee Arthroscopy.

Women may to better with MIS TKR than men. For one thing, they tend to have a BMI (body mass index) less than 35. Additionally, they may have greater preoperative flexibility of the knee tissues combined with good ROM (range-of-motion). Furthermore, women tend to have bowed or knocked knees. This mild deformity is actually an advantage to the surgery.

Men may not make good candidates for this procedure due to generally having a BMI of greater than 35 coupled with more muscle tissue and stiffness of the knee tissue. Multiple past knee surgeries often complicate the procedure for men as well as large knee deformities.

Computer-assisted surgery reduces errors and improves outcomes in hip and knee surgery. When used in an orthopedic application, computer-assisted surgery is very helpful in identifying the surgical anatomy, which helps improve surgical accuracy.

Using computer based tools makes it easier to repeat surgical procedures. They increase the accuracy of the procedures and improve the quality of orthopedic surgery. However, these techniques are not yet fully accepted in the US. In Germany, this type of surgery is used more than 40% of the time, while in the US, it is used only 3% of the time. The reasons for this have to do with cost, surgeon preference, efficacy, and technology variations.

In order to best benefit society with this technology, it will be necessary for industry, government, and surgeons to work together to develop standards for computer assisted surgery and imaging.

Click here for more on Dr. Stefan Tarlow, a leading Phoenix knee doctor. - 17274

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Choosing the Best Exercise for Weight Loss is so Easy with These Simple Tips

By Thong M. Dao

The best exercise for weight loss for you totally depends upon you and what you wish to do. What you don't like doing, paying gym membership, and whether or not buying equipment are things you have to look at and answer.

You will not possibly follow your exercise program if you pick out something that you do not like. For instance, you will find it difficult to get up early in the morning when you hate walking. In the worst case where you do not like whatever at all, pick what you hate the least.

Walking is very popular as it doesn't require a high fitness level. Everyone can walk, the only difference is how far and how long. Another advantage of walking is that you'll easily find a workout partner, which will make your training session a breeze.

Whatever you choose as the best exercise for weight loss, don't forget to set out slow and build upon over time. It will prevent you from being inundated and you will adhere to it longer. What is more, when you push too hard from the beginning, you will likely suffer injuries and need to stop your program.

If you have difficulties exercising, start with a 10 minute session, then increase by 5 minutes every week or two. Sometimes, you can try a different route or find a new partner to spice things up a bit.

When walking does not suit you, consider attending the gym. You'll be able to use a lot of equipment and get your inquiries answered rapidly by the trainers. Make certain to select a gym centre with sound service.

If they don't treat their customers well, run a mile. And don't forget to check if they take good care of the equipment. You can do this by listening. If the machines make a lot of noise, they've most likely not been touched for a long time.

When you still are not sure what to do, so you should check out golf or tennis. They are great social activities, and you'll be able to even find new friends. Tennis is good for fitness though it Is not for somebody who's just starting out. When you have not worked out in a while, then golf might be the best exercise for weight loss for you.

- 17274

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The Truth About Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250

By Reg Rubio

What is Superpump 250?

Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250 is a pre-workout beverage. The primary utilization of the aforementioned beverage is to drink it prior to doing work outs then you will determine results from these sessions promptly. Its quietly the same matter as any other product in the marketplace and at present I've the joy of reexamining it for your cognition.

The Good

There are just a lot of things to enjoy in the brand-new Superpump 250. Foremost, there are autonomous analyzes which demonstrated that the information you find in Gaspari's site are genuine and precise, meaning, you don't have to concern a thing when you devour this fantastic pre-workout beverage.

This drink has been analysed doubly in two distinguishable trials from recognized bodies in the scientific profession. And it surely has no problem in passing those tests. The product have been affirmed and substantiated by autonomous bodies making it reliable on its claims for good condition issues.

Have the most concentrated workouts of all time!

From that, you will be able to really reason that the autonomous tests are the mainstay on the claims of the company about this product. Including the claim to acquire brawn mass in a small time period and naturally the power to last lengthier when performing intense work outs subsequent from drinking this exquisite beverage before commencing.

Aside from that there are other benefits that you can get from the Superpump 250. And all of it had been verified by the independent studies done for the product. So Superpump 250 not only promises to give you the best physical fitness experience ever but its true to their word, they can deliver the promise they have given according to those autonomous studies.

What's Not beneficial With The Product?

If you want to buy this product, don't hesitate because fortunately there is nothing bad to say about the Superpump 250. One thing that bothers some physical experts though is the lack of info about the product's ingredients. There is a bit of info about the amount of these ingredients but the mixture have been concealed due to corporate reasons.

While this is comprehensible from the standpoint of the company, it's simultaneously unfortunate that we don't have the entire account prior to making the leverage. Naturally, the presence of autonomous data backing up the affirmation that the Superpump 250 formula works continues way towards getting rid of the need for data on the patented blend.

The Interesting

There are more athletes that use Superpump 250 prior to their exercise and there are several that have accomplished not only the vascular "road map" look that Gaspari claims is easy with the Superpump 250 product, but there are also numerous that have profited in their sports accomplishments because of it. Because of this, I would surely advocate Superpump 250 to anybody that's concerned in getting afresh pre-workout formula. - 17274

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Tips To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

By Bangang Nkouppitt

High blood pressure affects more than 50 million Americans and hundreds of millions worldwide. The number of high blood pressure cases keeps increasing because more and more people are living stressful lives and eating junk-food that is rich in fats. Those who drink alcohol and smoke for a long time are also at a great risk of having high blood pressure.

What if you had high blood pressure? There is the threat that you could be put on medication, which could be for the rest of your life. That doesn't sound very appealing, in fact, in reality it is not very appealing, especially when you take into account the amount of possible side effects that you could suffer from as a result of having to live with taking medication on a daily basis.

If you want to lower your blood pressure then you have two choices: medication and natural treatment. Many prefer to lower their blood pressure without medication because the drugs must be taken for the entire lifetime and they may not be effective or may have side-effects. If you want to lower your blood pressure without medication you need to do two main things: to change your lifestyle and your diet.

If you are overweight you need to lose weight. Every lost pound can lower the blood pressure a little.Alcohol and tobacco must be eliminated completely since they seriously increase the blood pressure.The diet must be changed so that it contains as little sodium as possible. Sodium is an important mineral that the body needs daily, but if the needed quantity is exceeded it can raise the blood pressure dramatically. Salt is the main sodium source. A teaspoon of salt contains twice the normal amount of sodium, and many types of food also contain sodium, so its easy to consume much more sodium than the body needs. The easiest way to cut down sodium is to eat very little salt or none.

Lose Weight The correlation between obesity and blood pressure has long been documented. Losing even a moderate amount of weight is almost always accompanied by a corresponding drop in blood pressure.

Work with your doctor to determine just how much weight you need to lose in order to see the most benefit, especially if you are extremely obese or have any other medical considerations that need to be taken into account.

If you happen to be overweight and have high blood pressure then you could lower it just by losing some weight. The kind of foods that we eat can also have an affect as well. So the bottom line is that it can boil down to your effort to make changes to your lifestyle or medication, which one will you choose.

For almost all of us high blood pressure is related to weight and diet and this is a big problem today when two thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. Additionally, the majority of Americans get much too much salt in their diet and not enough of the many other beneficial vitamins and minerals which can actually reduce blood pressure. In a nutshell, you can eat your way to a lower blood pressure, if you know how to do it. - 17274

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Using Resveratrol For Your Health

By Laura Lane

Oprah Winfrey is known for providing her viewers with expertly researched advice concerning the latest advancements in medical advancements, particularly as they relate to the concerns of an aging American population. Recently, Oprah featured the Turkish-American cardiologist Dr. Mehmet Oz. According to Dr. Oz, the recently discovered antioxidant known as resveratrol may be the key to slowing or even-in some cases-reversing the aging process.

Toxin Eliminators

Your body's organs are under constant attack by toxins referred to as oxidants. Oxidants and the endless war against them engenders wrinkles on the surface of your skin, while beneath that surface organ damage and even cancer are products of these toxic invaders. There are, however, naturally occurring substances-antioxidants-that can and will preserve the body's cells, organs, and organ systems, especially the nervous system. Furthermore, these antioxidants are able to rejuvenate the body, both inside and out.

What is Resveratrol?

Among antioxidants, resveratrol is one of the (if not the most) powerful found by our scientists and doctors. As a catalyst, resveratrol sends out a kind of "call to action" to one of the protectors of our immune systems: "Sirtuins." Sirtuins are durable genes that assist in stopping cellular decay, allowing other cells to rejuvenate themselves. An aging individual who ingests resveratrol regularly-in large enough doses of course-will therefore notice that he or she has more energy, reduced fatigue, and a healthier appearance, complete with softened wrinkles and lines.

There are in fact numerous blessings derived from regularly imbibing resveratrol. This amazing antioxidant is capable of preserving the body's immune system and even aids in the struggle against cancer. If your body is subject to radiation it will help to prevent radiation sickness. In addition, it is extremely beneficial to those of us who need to shed a few pounds.

Still, this is only the tip of the iceberg! Studies concerning resveratrol are still in their infancy, and GlaxoSmithKline has already invested almost a billion dollars to further our knowledge of this seemingly miraculous antioxidant.

A Natural Solution

Chances are you have already consumed resveratrol at some point in your life, though you probably weren't aware of it! Utilized for ages in the East as a restorative cure found in Japanese Knotwood, resveratrol was given the name "ko-jo-kon" in 1963. Japanese Knotwood is not, however, as exotic as you might imagine. In more than thirteen states it has been designated as a hostile and overwhelming weed, with the capacity to overrun your backyard in no time. The power of this plant is generated by-you guessed it-the large amounts of resveratrol contained within it. Knotwood has so much resveratrol that companies have begun using it to create dietary supplements, although some people simply cultivate it and cook with it: Knotwood is a tasty replacement for rhubarb.

Peanuts-ordinary, everyday peanuts, available in bulk at your local grocery store-are another source of resveratrol. Indeed, though they appear to be high in fat, studies show that people who ingest peanuts on a regular basis actually have a lower body fat percentage than the average person.

Do you drink red wine? If so, then you are drinking resveratrol. Back in 1992 scientists discovered that grapevines contained copious amounts of resveratrol. Thus drinking red wine is a heart-healthy choice for many of us. Even so, it's important-given all the benefits that resveratrol has to offer us-to remember that a single dose of a resveratrol supplement contains the equivalent of almost one thousand bottles of red wine! - 17274

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How Much Protein Should We Be Eating

By Pierra Kierra

Protein products have become quite popular these days. This is why many people ask: How much protein should I eat? The majority of bodybuilders take huge quantities of proteins each day. But the answer to this question really is different from one person to another because it depends on the , it depends on the body weight and fat percentage as well as the number of calories in their diet.

A lot of excess protein can also ruin your appetite and disrupt your digestive system. Extra protein doesnt have any real side effects but you can cause some damage to your kidneys when you do so in order to avoid this happening, drink a lot of excess water which should help them deal with the extra protein in your system.

For a person who works out, how much protein should i consume?

In order to find out how much protein you need, just calculate it based on your recommended calorie intake for the day. The story is different if you workout at least three times a week and are trying to build muscle mass. In that case just simply consume 1g of protein for 1lb of your body mass. So a person who is 135lb should consume about 135g of protein each day.

What quantity of protein should i be eating when im on a diet?

This also depends on the amount of calories you have each day. If you are not working out and also not trying to have a muscle mass and you just want to lose some weight, you need to have at least 35% of your daily calorie intake from protein. - 17274

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