Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Losing Weight Before My Wedding, Will Acai Berry Help Me?

By Ricardo d Argence

No matter how long you have until your wedding day will might be struck by how much weight you want to lose in time. Many people use dietary supplements and one that is recommended is Acai Berry. What are the details of this supplement and does it do everything it says it will?

Acai Berry is one of the most advertised supplements being offered on the internet. There are many claims (supposedly truthful testimonials) that call this fruit a miracle that will increase your energy and endurance, cure all ills, and even cause you to lose weight in record time to be ready for your wedding day. But before you get too caught up in some of these ads, you should do some research yourself and know what the Acai berry is capable of.

While some fruit, berries, and foods are natural and good for people to enjoy, many of the claims get spun into outlandish and fantastic claims that will offer more disappointment than benefits. No one fruit or food can possibly do all that the Acai berry is supposed to be able to accomplish.

The amount of benefit that a person would receive is directly proportional to the amount of berries that they eat. It will also depends on how fresh the fruit is when you eat it. Unless you're lucky enough to live in the Amazon region, you're not going to find this fruit in its fresh form because it has such a short shipping and shelf life.

Acai Berry may indeed have some viable claim that there are some components that can increase energy, boost the bodys natural immunity systems, and fight or prevent certain cancers but research is just in the early stages and many other factors have to be considered.

As a supplement the FDA is not able to make the advertisers curb the ads. Acai products are being sold at incredibly high prices now with nothing to back the hype and claims that are being made. There have been just disapointment for the ones that have oredered some of these products.

There are no side effects that would warn people away from these products, but if you place your entire faith and hope in what the Acai berries can do for you there will likely be some disappointment ahead. The berries do have vitamins and good fats that can add to a normal diet and the antioxidants are also present, but not in quite the degree that many advertisers claim.

You must have in mind that you still have to burn approximately 3500 calories in order to lose a single pound of fat and this is not possible just eating the Acai Berry, and never will be. Losing weight requires a real commitment to cut your calorie intake and exercise.

If you pay careful attention to every advertised weight supplement, diet plan, and magic weight loss formula there is some tiny writing that says this same thing. For people who really want to change their lives and get on a healthy track, there is no way better than following the basic principles of healthy eating, regular workouts with weights, cardio exercises and willpower. - 17274

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Advanced Wellness Research Deal

By Linda Kemp

Are acai berries really as good at helping people lose weight as they are made out to be? Considering the number of people testifying how great these supplements are, the answer seems to be yes. There are so many people who are claiming that they were finally able to lose weight just by adding Pure Acai Berry to their diet that it definitely seemed like a worthwhile quest in order to try this idea out.

To determine for myself whether acai berry is worth taking as a weight loss supplement, I decided to add Pure Acai Berry to my diet for a month. I choose this particular supplement because it seemed to be the most pure and the most concentrated. Having a free trial offer of it also helped because I knew that I would not be wasting money if I didn't like the results! Not knowing what I would experience, I was definitely not very certain at first if this would be worthwhile. However, I was exceptionally pleased with the results of supplementing my diet with this berry.

Before starting my acai berry supplement routine, I was carrying a modest amount of extra weight- just like most people in this country. I knew that summer was coming up and I was really hoping to find a way to get rid of the extra weight so that I would look good in the summer clothing that I wanted to wear. However, all of the diets I had tried left me hungry and cranky and never helped me lose weight because I would go off of them too quickly once I got tired of them. And other diet supplements I tried were horrible too, because they left me jittery and feeling strange. But this berry was not at all like any of those other weight loss experiences. I felt no ill effects while taking it and I started noticing results right away.

Basically, after a month of taking Pure Acai Berry, I was feeling and looking noticeably slimmer and I also felt very energetic. This was sure a different feeling than I've had on other diets! I am actually looking forward to summer this year and to trying on bathing suits, especially after continuing the supplement routine for another couple of months! Plus, because I've had more energy ever since taking this supplement, I've also found the energy to exercise. This has really made a difference since I look more toned and fit and the weight is coming off even easier than ever before.

What has really surprised me about acai berry is that weight loss is not the only benefit I've felt. I've just felt overall healthier since starting to take it and my improved body image is really starting to show in my confidence in myself. I am also very impressed with the amount of nutrients that this berry contains and know that getting plenty of antioxidants, fiber, omega fatty acids, and other nutrients will really help me stay healthy over my lifetime.

After my trial period of taking Pure Acai Berry, I am definitely sold on the effects of this superfood. I will continue to take it in order to keep my weight under control and for all of the other great health effects and I sincerely urge everyone else to do the same. Do your own trial of this supplement and you are sure to find out, like I did, that it really is a miracle food. - 17274

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Mangosteen Juice as a Natural Thyroid Remedy

By Julieanne van Zyl

Taking Mangosteen Juice may assist in alleviating the symptoms of hypothyroidism. The symptoms may be fatigue, dry skin, putting on a lot of weight, irritability, memory loss and many other physical conditions. However, the worst problem with hypothyroidism is the problem losing weight even when you're on a low calorie diet and you frequently exercise. Even if you are taking thyroid hormone replacements, you may still find that your metabolism is a lot less than what it was before.

There's good news though - you can increase your metabolism and treat your thyroid problems naturally. You can give your thyroid the energy it needs, with these natural methods and it can start functioning properly.

The most recommended way to speed up your metabolism, is to eat all your meals, especially breakfast. Breakfast is the meal that gets your metabolism started for the day. Your body has been starving all night, which lowers your metabolism, so breakfast will get it going again. Also, it's a good idea to consume lots of smaller meals during the day to keep your glucose levels consistent.

To increase your metabolism and help your body function properly, water is absolutely necessary. Water increases healthy function of all your vital organs and assists in keeping your hormones balanced and it also assists in burning fat.

To promote a healthy thyroid, it is important to follow a healthy diet. Don't eat junk foods or empty calories. Ensure that you consume foods that are rich in iodine and B vitamins. It's important to consume more whole grains, seeds and nuts, and include fish and root vegetables in your daily diet.

Another important thing for a healthy thyroid, is to exercise. Exercise makes all parts of the body work better and also slims you down. The body parts that will work better with exercise, include the glands that produce the hormones we need to live a balanced healthy life.

A good quality multi vitamin will also help your thyroid in functioning properly. It's necessary when purchasing a good multi vitamin to avoid purchasing them in the discount drug chains. They produce in bulk multi-vitamins, such as Centrum, and these do not have the bio-availability or potency that you require.

Look for a multi-vitamin that has adequate levels of minerals and vitamins, and contains trace minerals also. Ensure the multi-vitamin is as natural as possible without additives such as coloring and flavors. It's also important to take some extra vitamin C, or make sure the supplement has higher amount of Vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance.

Another critical factor for a healthy thyroid, is to look after stress. Try to eliminat the stressors from your life and teach yourself relaxation techniques. Practice meditation, yoga, tai chi or other relaxation.

See your doctor for an accurate diagnosis, if you think you have hypothryoidism. The doctor may want to run more extensive blood tests besides just a TSH. Try some of the above ways to get your thyroid into tip-top shape, if you do have a thyroid problem. - 17274

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Nutrients Deficiency-Healthy Living Part 1

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Healthy eating really does depend on being cause over your food selections. As long as you know what to eat, eating healthy could be very cheap.

Before we start planning our diet, let us find out what nutrients do we need in order to stay healthy. There are certain things that our body needs to function properly, whether you get them in a vitamin or a supplement or get them from food.

1. Vitamins-Vitamins are the fuel that your body uses to create new tissue, new cells, and to keep all the systems in the body running properly. Without vitamins you can?t survive. Vitamins are essential for life and good health.

2. Minerals-Dietary minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms. Appropriate intake levels of certain chemical elements are thus required to maintain optimal health. Without the right minerals you won?t be able to process food effectively in order to get the vitamins that the body needs.

3. Amino Acids-Amino acids are critical to life, and have a variety of roles in metabolism. One particularly important function is as the building blocks of proteins, which are linear chains of amino acids. Amino acids are also important in many other biological molecules. Due to this central role in biochemistry, amino acids are very important in nutrition.

4. Fat-Even though fat is vilified as the source of obesity human beings need fat in their diets. Fat is stored in the body for energy. Fat also keeps the brain functioning well and helps protect the body from damage and temperature changes. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble, meaning they can only be digested, absorbed, and transported in conjunction with fats. Fats are also sources of essential fatty acids, an important dietary requirement.

5. Protein-The best-known role of proteins in the cell is as enzymes. Enzymes carry out most of the reactions involved in metabolism, as well as manipulating DNA in processes such as DNA replication, DNA repair, and transcription.

6. Carbohydrates-Carbs give you energy, and without them you will soon find yourself unable to do even simple tasks, even though some weight loss plans promote the idea that you don?t need carbohydrates. In order to have the energy that you need to get yourself out of bed each day and function in the world you need to eat at least a minimal amount of carbs everyday.

As we have studied the essential nutrients that our body needs to function properly. In part 2 we will detail a wide variety of foods including vegetables, whole grains, fruits, non-fat dairy products, beans, and lean meats, poultry and fish to eat in a low budget. - 17274

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Why is Mangosteen so Healthy?

By Clive Talbertson

The mangosteen fruit grows on a tropical evergreen tree that is native to the Sundra Islands an the Moluccas of Indonesia. The tree grows very high, 80 feet or more in certain areas. The purple fruit that is produced by this tree is edible, sometimes compared in taste to a tangy peach or apricot, and sometimes compared to a very sweet peach. The qualities of this fruit are legendary when it comes to healing and health benefits. The rind is sometimes tough to get through, but will soften as the fruit becomes ripe.

'Superfruits' are becoming more and more common each day. New fruits are being found in many countries and are now being cultivated in some of our states. Mangosteen's unique nutrients allow it to fall under the category of being a 'superfruit.' Although the nutritional value seems to below the FDA daily allowance, and it seems to be made up more of water than anything else, it does have some hidden attributes that make it a great choice for your health.

It is the perfect fruity snack for those who are trying to control or lose weight. But since more and more research has been done, it has been found that the Mangosteen contains 40 of the 200 Xanthones known to science, a number not equaled elsewhere in nature. Xanthones are super-antioxidants. This makes this fruit unquestionably a 'superfruit' since antioxidants are so important to keeping a healthy body.

Xanthones travel through our system and mop up free radicals that can cause disease and malfunctions in many of our organs. Mangosteen contains the Xanthones alpha-mangostin, gama-mangostin garcinone, beta-mangostin, garcinone-a, garcinone-d, garcinone-c, gartanin and mangostanol. All of these Xanthones and the all the other antioxidants contained in this fruit have anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsive, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, and platelet-aiding properties.

Oddly, some health officials are concerned about consuming too much of this fruit juice. There have been reported cases in Thailand of severe acidosis in relation to consuming large quantities of mangosteen juice. More studies are ongoing.

Western countries can carry the product in a few different ways. You can find mangosteen in frozen or canned and sometimes liquid form in a few western markets. Mangosteen and other Southeast-Asian fruits have been banned from being imported to North America, (Because of harmful insects) but a few years ago the Puerto Rican farmers have started growing them for us so you might expect to see some in your local produce section and perhaps health food stores soon. - 17274

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3 super-food that purify and alkalize your body while you sleep!

By Dr Annie Guillet DC BsSc

You chemistry teacher was right! Sinking a tooth in a glass of cola destroys the poor tooth in no time. Step by step, the tooth softens, breaks up and completely dissolves. Acid-forming foods and drinks cause similar damage if theyre not neutralised by our pH-regulating systems.

The problem starts when we overburden our bodies with excessive consumption of acid forming foods. Over time such a deadly cocktail of over-indulgence literally poisons your system and robs you of your energy and vitality. Also, it makes you prone to infections, allergies and other diseases. Below you will find three great foods to help you restore your bodys acid-alkaline equilibrium, cleanse your system and improve your energy levels.

So heres our first one...

SUPER-FOOD #1: Alfalfa Alfalfa is packed with nutrition goodness. Its calcium, chlorophyll, carotene, and vitamin K content make alfalfa an important nutritional supplement. The nutrient content of alfalfa is one of the richest known, making it a highly recommended herb for the human diet. Alfalfa is rich in many nutrients which include calcium, potassium, iron and vitamins C, D, E and K. This makes it a great herb for restoring strength to the sick and weak. It is used to treat all digestive weaknesses. Alfalfa builds strength and vitality and can be used to increase weight. Alfalfa seed also has cooling properties making it ideal for disorders related to heat and inflammation. Uses of the herb Alfalfa includes treatment for cystitis, burning urine, lowering fevers and lowering cholesterol, diabetes, ulcers, arthritis and rheumatic problems and lower back ache. Alfalfa sprouts have increased in popularity mostly because of their great taste and crispy crunch. A sprout is actually a tiny plant that is very easy to digest. Since these delicate sprouts have high water content, they will fill you up fast, but with few calories.

The next one...

SUPER-FOOD #2: Chlorophyll The molecular structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of haemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout your body. Chlorophyll happens to be central molecule for increasing oxygen availability in your system. It is also vital for the bodys rapid assimilation of amino acids. The way to tell if a vegetable has enough chlorophyll content is by looking at its leaves. Algae are the highest known source of chlorophyll. Dark green veggies like spinach, broccoli and alfalfa are also very rich in chlorophyll content. These vividly coloured plants not only brighten your plate but also add a lot of nourishment to your diet. They are also a rich source of antioxidants and studies have shown that they go a long way towards preventing liver cancer, skin cancer, colon cancers and rheumatoid arthritis. Enjoy them cooked, steamed or raw.

Lets move onto our final power-veggie...

SUPER-FOOD #3: Spinach Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins C and A, and iron, and contains about 40 percent potassium. It leaves an alkaline ash in the body. Spinach is good for the lymphatic, urinary, and digestive systems. Spinach is a rich dietary source of vitamin K - a vitamin that unlike other fat-soluble vitamins is not stored by the body in appreciable amounts and must be replaced on a regular basis. Vitamin K is essential for the production of six of the proteins necessary for proper blood coagulation. Blood simply won't clot properly without it.

It's been hypothesized that vitamin K plays a role in vascular health. Low levels of vitamin K have been linked with lower bone density and an increased risk of hip fracture in women. Just 1 cup of fresh spinach leaves a day gives you 190 percent of your daily requirements of vitamin K. Alfalfa, chlorophyll and spinach alkalize and cleanse your body. Our high-paced, caffeine and sugar-powered lifestyles overburdens our bodies with an excessive acid load making our bodies feel tired, worn-out and prone to allergies, hay fever and food sensitivities. The toxins produced within an overly-acidic, oxygen deprived body may contribute radically towards runny noses, sneezing, itching and tearing of the eyes, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, skin rash and other allergic reactions.

Your body needs a slightly alkaline pH to be able to perform at its peak level and remain in optimal health. Studies show that an alkaline body copes better with stress and resists disease more effectively. Alkalizing foods, like alfalfa, chlorophyll and spinach, improve physical energy, mental clarity, emotional well-being and even optimism. As a final reminder, you need to consume the above alkalizing foods regularly for maximum effect. - 17274

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Coronary Artery Disease -What You Need to Know

By Katie A. Price

Heart disease is a general term for any ailments of the heart; however, it is also frequently associated with coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease mainly affects the coronary artery of the heart. The coronary artery is a major vessel in the heart that receives oxygenated blood and distributes it to the heart muscles. Plaque is formed in the arterial walls causing narrowing of the vessels and limiting blood flow. This results in increased blood pressure as well.

Fat deposits in arteries are very dangerous. Aside from the fact that these arteries should not be present in the arteries, these deposits also cause a disturbance in the heart's normal functioning. The blood vessels with fat deposits are narrowed. It also causes hardening that inhibits the normal elastic function of the vessels. It causes decreased blood flow to the heart which results in chest pain called angina.

Angina is the pain that patients with heart disease dread. Not enough oxygen reaches the heart muscles. The heart muscles, just like any other muscle, need oxygen to function properly. Oxygen is transported through the bloodstream. Because of the fat deposits, less supply of blood reaches the heart. Angina now occurs. It is described as a stabbing chest pain that can also be felt at the back and extremities.

A heart attack is inevitable after an angina attack. Angina is like the alarm for an upcoming heart attack. The heart fails to function because it lacks the supply of oxygen needed for its optimum functioning. Heart muscles become necrotic or dead and malfunction because of the prolonged inadequacy in the supply of oxygen rich blood.

Now that you know all about the disease process of coronary artery disease, you should also know what its risk factors are so that you'll be able to prevent having such a disease. If you have a family history of coronary artery disease, you will have a greater chance of developing it. Smoking can also increase the risk of developing heart disease because nicotine causes blood vessel constriction which further narrows the arteries.

If you are living a sedentary or inactive lifestyle, it is now time to change your ways and to do some serious physical work. A sedentary lifestyle will increase your risk of developing heart disease because without physical activities, your heart muscles will become flabby and weak. You need to do some simple exercises to tone your heart muscles and make it strong.

Those who are overweight need to drop those extra pounds because they are also at risk for developing heart disease. People who are overweight have too much fat in their body which causes their muscles to be weak and not toned. Fats can also form plaque in the arterial walls which causes coronary artery disease. Exercise and proper diet should therefore be their approach to prevent developing heart disease.

All in all, heart disease is caused by living an inappropriate lifestyle. Keep in mind that no matter how rich you are, it is not an excuse for you not to work. Exercise should also be a regular habit so that your muscles will be tougher and can reach their optimum functioning. - 17274

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Advance Wellness Research Trial Offer Information

By Linda Kemp

Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. is dedicated to bringing you, our customer, a wide array of innovative and pioneering wellness products that will both enrich and extend your healthy years of living.

We do this by searching the globe for hidden jewels in personal wellness to find revolutionary products. We then conduct extensive research to determine the products effectiveness and safety.

Only after this lengthy process, will Advanced Wellness Research bring the item to you for consumption. It's your body and your life... we won't ever carry a product that we wouldn't give to our own families.

Testing - our products are thoroughly tested for effectiveness and safety. Unlike other "snake-oil" products on the market today, our products have actually shown measurable results.

Free Trials - most of Advanced Wellness Research products come with a Free Trial. Don't just take our word for it, try our products for free before you commit to bring them into your daily lives.

Convenient Auto Delivery - once you have tried one or more of our products and determined it's for you, we will enroll you in our monthly reorder program designed to ensure that you always have our products available for consumption.

Before we bring you any product and make certain promises about products, we make sure that these products are thoroughly researched and proven effective for most user. While we do not claim to have created each and every product we sell, we can assure you that a lot of thought and analyzing went into selecting the product among many others.

At the present time, Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. is researching some products in weight loss, detoxification, skin care and general wellness. Provided that these items pass the stringent tests we require, we will begin introducing these products in 2009.

You owe it to your health to try Advanced Wellness Research. With the risk-free policy and cancel-at-any-time shipping, you have only superior health to gain. - 17274

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