Exercise Programs For Lower Abs
Workouts for Lower Abs for males and females
Leg Lifts
This is the most simple of all of the work-outs for lower abs for men and ladies. You want to lie down on a level surface, and place your arms on your side. Tighten your abdominal muscles, control your respiring and lift both your legs up off the ground, until they are vertical to the ground. Keep them there for a couple of seconds.
Then gently lower them back onto the ground. Start off with sets of 10 - fifteen repetitions and perform two - 3 sets at a time. As you progress and your abs get stronger, you can increase the amount of repetitions per set.
Alternate Leg Walk
This exercise is similar to leg lifts. You need to position yourself in a similar way as before and then proceed. Now lift your legs together until they are at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground. Now gently lower one leg towards the ground, but ensure not to let that leg rest on the ground. Meanwhile the other leg must remain as it was. Now get the leg you moved back up and move the second leg towards the ground. Set the amount of repetitions for yourself depending on how long you can continue this process. Don't forget to time your respiring to perfection.
Leg Circles
This is another one of the finest exercise programmes for lower abs for women and men, that you're going to come across on many occasions. You must lie down on a flat surface for this exercise too. Place your hands under your back or your butt. Now you need to lift your legs up to a ninety degree angle ( just like you probably did for the leg lifts exercise ) and rotate both your legs together in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. As you are feeling your abs getting stronger, you can increase the number of circles you make. - 17274
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