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Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Basics Of Acne Cure Home Remedy Treatments, Mandatory Reading For Those With Acne Troubles

By Michael Poulle

Before you begin any type of acne cure home remedy treatment make sure that you are not allergic to any type of natural substance like papaya, eggs, milk, lemon, garlic, etc. The great thing about natural remedies is that you are sure to find a natural substance that will work for you and you do not have to worry about any kind of chemical side effect.

Let us begin by getting to know what causes acne. Blackheads are usually the start for pimple formation. Pimples are the result of dirt, oil and dead cells becoming trapped in a pore. When you have pores that are inflicted by these substances they will become inflamed to form a pimple. Access pimples on the face are known as acne and can be very stressful on a person's self-confidence.

Below you will find a list of acne cure home remedy treatments that will help your acne. Keep trying until you find the one that works best for your skin type.

1.) Increasing your vitamin B intake will help your acne. You can do this by taking a vitamin B supplement. This should help you acne improve within a few weeks.

2.) Check out your diet. What are you eating? If you are eating too many unhealthy foods clean up your diet and you'll be surprised by the affects this will have on your skin. A healthy diet can dramatically clean up acne.

3.) Mix cold milk with ground nutmeg. The milk should be just enough to give the nutmeg elasticity. Apply on your skin and let it soak for 2 hours. Use this on a daily basis and watch as your skin clears up.

4.) A honey and cinnamon powder paste can be used as a mask and applied before going to sleep. Wash off in the morning. Use this for 2 weeks consistently or until acne is gone. You can use it thereafter for maintaining clear skin as well.

5.) If your skin is more durable you can add 1tsp lemon juice to 1 tsp cinnamon powder and use as mentioned in step 4.

6.) Garlic (yes, I know it does not smell good) can help your acne. Rub garlic on the pimple and the surrounding affected area. This will clear up acne as well as prevent scarring.

7.) Applying mint juice to your skin over night as a mask can help fight acne and also treat other skin irritations as well.

8.) Tomato pulp is another natural ingredient used to cure acne. Apply on affected area for an hour and wash. Repeat daily until acne clears.

Your skin may dry out from any one of these treatments, this is normal, just apply your preferred facial moisturizer accordingly. - 17274

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