Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Your Pre Workout Diet And After Your Workout

By Westy

You might be wondering what is involved in a muscle building diet. Well, it is the foods that will help your body grow the muscles that you want. In other words, the diet contains all of the nutrients that are vital to the body when it is growing muscles.

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In this article however, we will focus on the important nutritional strategy before and after the tedious workout that people do. People usually don't eat enough prior to extreme exercises and they eat more than adequate after the workout. This in turn will become an imbalance that will result in rendering all the efforts of your workouts useless.

It is important that you work to rectify this imbalance so that you can give your body the building blocks that it needs to give you the muscles that you are working for.

The recommended amount of time that you should eat before a workout is an hour and a half. The same time frame is used after a workout as well. When you consider the amount of time before the workout, the amount of time after, and the time of the workout, you are looking at a four hour crucial time period for giving your body nutrition.

Your nutritional intake before the workout need not be a special one. What you usually take in during an ordinary meal can suffice your pre-workout meal requirements. However, it is important to observe the 1.5 preparation time. This means that meals must not be taken immediately before a workout. It is advisable if you take in food about an hour or the better if 1.5 hours before starting the exercises. This will give your body ample time to break down the food you took and use them as energy. There will be no other unnecessary chemical conversions needed to power up your system.

The foods that you eat during this time period do not have to be particularly special. An ordinary meal will suffice as long as you remember to include protein, carbohydrates and fat in the meal. Fruit juice is a good choice for a carbohydrate before your workout. Just be sure that you are eating the meal in the hour and a half time frame before your workout. It is not a good idea to eat right before your workout.

The foods that are eaten after your workout should be high quality food. Make sure that you are taking in enough protein so that your body will have what it needs to begin repairing your muscles. It is during this repair process that your muscles will be built up. You should also look to consume about a quarter of your calories for the day during this meal.

The key point to consider is the timing when you eat. It is advisable to eat within the 1.5 hours of post-workout time. However, the sooner you have the ingredients for muscle repair, the earlier the rebuilding process will commence. A good sports drink may be a good beverage to start with. All in all, eat freely and don't be anxious of becoming fat if you eat excessively after workouts because this is the time when your cells are literally hungry! - 17274

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Chest Muscle Building Basics

By Westy

You should realize that a big chest may not be something your body was made to have. There are some people who are predisposed to having a big muscular chest and others who are not. The size of your body will have a direct impact on what you can and cannot do with your bodybuilding. Be honest about the type of body that you have and make your decisions from there.

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The pectoral muscles are not the only muscle that is in your chest. They should be in good condition for the shape of the chest to get that chiseled look. One of the best exercises for this look are bench presses. When you are working the muscles in your chest, make sure that you pay attention to all of the muscles that are under your chest. Here are some of the things that you can do for your chest muscles that you may have never heard of before.

Builders have always relied on bench pressing for chest muscle building. It can help build and shape your upper chest. Maybe it is time to try out these other chest muscle building exercises and give your routine some variety. Bench presses can be done with your hand grasped closer together to work diffeent muscles for example.

One exercise is called the seated chest press. It is the same as the lying bench press except you are sitting. It strictly works the Pec's but may be more efficient because you are not using all your back and abdominal muscles. You let the bar stretch back and tear the muscle and concentrate on the negative, bend your elbows and straighten your arms.

To do cable crossovers, you should sit with your front toward the machine. Hold the handles of the machine and pull down toward your waist. Bend your body in a forward position and release the handles back to their original position. These can be done high or low depending on your preference.

Incline flys on a bench can also give you some great results when you do them on a bench at a forty five degree angle. The arms should be bent at a ninety degree angle.

The last exercise that you should try are dips. These are a difficult exercise, but they will give you great results. There are a number of variations of dips that you can do for your chest muscles. The most common form of dip is done seated in a chair. Lift your body off of the chair using your arms and then dip below the level of the chair.

These are some of the exercises that you can add to your workout. Your diet also plays an important part of the workout and will ensure that you are getting all that you need for your muscles. - 17274

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Muscle Building Books - Your Personal Muscle Building Trainers

By Westy

Ever wanted to possess one of those attractive and firm bodies? Well, you need to do many things. There are numerous walkthroughs for you to achieve the perfect body shape. You may start off with a consistent exercise routine. Another strategy could be a diet plan to eliminate all the fat in your intake or a special kind of protein-rich diet to help make those overwhelming physiques.

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The Internet gives us too many chances to find information about muscle building to pass it up. For anyone who is interested in gaining some information on muscle building, all you have to do is go online and you will find it in a variety of ways.

In fact, there are ebooks writtenn on muscle building every day so that you will have no shortage of information about what you can do for your muscles.

The ebooks that are available on muscle building will cover a wide range of topics. You can find information on virtually any aspect of the science that you are interested in learning. There are some that are available for a high price and others that are given away for free. Of course, the one that doesn't cost you anything is most likely the best choice.

The population today is getting smarter and more people want to seek assurance first before grabbing a certain muscle building strategy in order to meet the desired results of having well built muscles at the fastest time possible.

Make sure that the information that you receive about nutrition is based on facts and science. The diets that are in these muscle building books are designed to fit into the needs of many different needs. Find one that is tailored for you.

When you find the right ebook for your muscle building needs, you will not have to spend a fortune seeking out the program that will work for you. All you need is the right information in the right muscle building books and you will be ready to get started with your program. It is always best if you have as much information as possible about muscle building before you begin your program. - 17274

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The Best Muscle Building Supplements

By Westy

Most bodybuilders who are very serious about their muscles, will add supplements to their diet to increase their muscles and get better results. You don't have to use supplements in your bodybuilding routine, but you can get faster results if you do. There are so many choices to be made when it comes to supplements, but if you stick with the basics, you should be able to find a good combination for your routine.

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The supplement that you will be using is simply a tool that will help you to get the results from your muscles that you want. There are so many out there that you might become overwhelmed. Protein is one of the simplest and most important for your muscle building goals. The experts recommend that you use a one to two gram per pound of your weight for a good supplementation to your diet. You should be able to get the additional protein in the form of shakes and bars that can be added to your diet.

The supplements that contain the best protein are those that use whey, soy, egg, and low carbohydrate protein supplements. It is important that you take your protein throughout the day.

Creatine is one of the best muscle building supplements. It is good for producing muscle mass. Creatine is a natural human nutrient. Creatine will give your muscle more energy. There are different types of creatine products. Creatine is to be taken after your workouts.

Another one of the best muscle building supplements is glutamine. L-glutamine is the largest amino acid in muscles. Glutamine is used to prevent muscle waisting and ease muscle recovery. Glutamine should be taken with creatine but not at the same time. Take glutamine before your workout.

Multivitamins are often a part of the muscle building program. Bodybuilders will need more vitamins than someone who is not working out their muscles. Look for one that is designed just for athletes or bodybuilders. Your trainer should be able to let you know which one is the best.

One of the best muscle building supplements are natural testosterone boosters. Increasing your testosterone helps build muscle. Women may not want to take it because of the side effects, but it is a legal, natural product.

Human Growth Hormone is one of the best muscle building supplements and is a natural nutrient in the body. These are just a few of the supplements out there for building muscle. Talk with fellow lifters, nutritionists and owners of stores with supplements. Do your own research. Be careful with supplements they can have side effects too, just like a medication can. - 17274

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Developing Your Body Building Schedule

By Westy

People who are beginning a bodybuilding program wonder what the best workout schedule is to get the best results. The simple fact is that there is no one schedule that is right for everyone. There are many programs and books that will tell you that they have the best schedule for you, but it is impossible for one program to be everything to everyone. The schedule that will work for you is the one that will work with your current lifestyle and work schedule.

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One thing is common in all successful bodybuilding workouts, however, and that is consistency. You must develop a schedule that fits in with your needs and that you are capable of continuing every day. Your workout days will have to be adhered to no matter how you are feeling on a particular day. Discipline is the key to success with bodybuilding.

Beginners should pay careful attention to their bodybuilding schedule. You should start with a lighter program in the beginning and move up to a heavier program later as you progress. There should be full days of rest in between your workouts.

As to the schedule proper, it is best to start your first day with a workout that is directed towards your upper body. The next day, it is now advisable to have some aerobic exercises to let all oxygen come into your system. On the third day, the opposite of day 1 will follow. This time, the focus will be on working out your lower body. Then the same alternating pattern follows for the entire week.

The muscles must have a full day of rest so that they can begin to build. It is during the rest periods that your muscles grow, not on the days that you are working them.

To place it in simple terms, what we are doing in this body building schedule is to establish a variety of exercises that are geared on the development of not just one muscle group. Because our body is a very efficient and intelligent vessel, it can immediately adapt to almost any type of stress that you give it. If you try to focus on only one area for an extended period of time, chances are that you will have a decreasing amount of positive gains as the coming weeks will progress. Hence, a multidimensional approach to body building will be necessary. There will be greater growth and more muscles will tend to grow concomitantly if you try to build different muscle groups almost simultaneously within a week.

This is just a basic schedule that you can follow for your bodybuilding workout. You should tailor it according to your needs and make sure that you are following it consistently. When you use your workout days and rest days to the most, you will begin to see amazing results with your body. - 17274

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Research Shows the Acai Berry Combats Cancer and Leukemia

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

A recent study done by the University of Florida on the South American acai berry found that it has enough antioxidants to actually destroy cancer cells.

The results showed that the acai berry destroyed leukemia cells 86 percent of the time where it triggered a self-destruct response according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry where the information was initially published.

There is a rich source of antioxidants found in the acai berry and antioxidants are important in fight off harmful toxins that lead to cancer. The reserach showed that having some sort of acai berry extract added to the daily diet can do wonders for the human body.

Please note that this study was not to show hat the properties in the acai berry can cure leukemia in humans.

This study was never intended to raise any false hopes that the acai berry is a cure for leukemia. The results are still very positive however. The human body has shown promising results with compounds that have been tested under the cell-culture model.

Other fruits, such as grapes, guavas and mangoes,have antioxidants that have also proven effective in destroying cancer cells. Research has still been uncertain how much effect antioxidants have on cancer cells in the human body, due to factors like the amount of nutrient absorption, metabolism and the influence of other biochemical processes.

Acai berries is are perishable and must be eaten immediately after picking. The process to preserve acai berries have only been available for about five years, so researchers in many parts of the world have had little or no opportunity to study them.

The Euterpe oleracea is the palm tree that produces the acai berry, and are commonly found along the flood plains of the amazon river. The color of the berry is a dark purple and the size of a blue berry. There is a large seed that is surrounded by an edible pulp encased in a thin layer.

Historically, Brazilians have used acai berries to treat digestive disorders and skin conditions. Acai berry can help in reducing weight, lowering cholesterol and gaining more energy. - 17274

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How long does it take to build muscle?

By Westy

The question about how long it takes to build muscles is one that requires you to consider a lot of factors. Those who are wondering how long before they begin to see results on their body, will have to take the time to consider some of the following points.

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The first thing that will determine how long it will take for you to see results from your exercise program is the food and the exercises that you are doing. You should consider how and what you eat as well as when you eat your food.

Next, take a look at your genetics. There may be reasons why you will not be able to build your muscles as quickly as someone else. Everyone is a unique individual and you will have to determine how your body responds to your bodybuilding efforts.

Next you should try to determine what type of body you have. This will play a large part in your ability to build muscles. Some body types build muscles quickly and others don't.

There are some people who gain weight quickly and have a difficult time gaining muscle. These people are referred to as an endomorph. This person will have to make sure that they are working to get rid of the fat on their body and uncover their hidden muscles. For this person, a fat burning plan is the first course of action.

The so-called gifted people share one common body and that is the mesomorph build. In comparison with the previous build, this body type is known to be more athletic and has little body fat. If you have this body type then you can build muscles a lot faster than the endomorph.

The ectomorph is the opposite of the endomorph. They will not gain weight quickly and they will have a very difficult time gaining muscle even though they are working out. These folks tend to look very skinny.

Hence, all of these factors must be carefully understood and evaluated, even at some little degree, so as to build muscles quickly. Muscles don't develop overnight. You have to work hard to earn them. There is no magic spell these days that can give you big and firm muscles with a single swing of a wand. You have to reap what you sow! In short, to build muscles generally takes a long amount of time like a month or even more, although it is dependent on the factors sighted above. - 17274

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Tips For Building Arm Muscles

By Westy

If there is a body part that will put on a really tough fight for it to be toned well, it is definitely the arm muscles. Building the arm muscle, although not impossible, is a very challenging endeavor that often places huge amount of strain on the person. The arms are said to be one of the most difficult areas of the human body to develop.

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The area of your arm muscles that you will want to concentrate on first is the upper arms. You should focus on your triceps and biceps. This should be the area that you work on first to get the kind of tone and definition that you want in your arms. The forearms and the lower part of your arms will be worked out right along with the biceps and triceps so concentrate on these areas first.

The most important region in your arms that you must develop is your upper arm muscles. Focus on building your biceps and triceps. Thus, most of your exercises must be geared towards improving these two vital regions. They are the ones that need the most of your attention because your lower arms or forearms will just be exercised while you are doing almost any type of activity involving your upper arms.

Many people believe that working out in a home gym is an adequate way to get the muscles in their arms that they want. However, you will need some training and guidance from a professional trainer. You may not get the results that you want and even worse you could injure yourself in a home gym. When you workout in a gym, there is a professional there that can show you the correct way to use the equipment.

It is a better idea to take a weight training course and work out with a trainer. You will find that your workout is more effective when you have the benefit of a trainer. The technique will be better and you will have greater access to equipment in a gym. In the gym with your trainer, you will learn how to use the equipment in the correct manner and realize greater results from your efforts.

Push ups and push downs are two exercises that you can do without the use of weights. The trick to doing successful push ups and push downs is to hold the positions.

Your diet is important in your muscle building workout. If you eat a poor diet, you will not be able to get the results from your muscle building that you want. - 17274

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Cholesterol Normal Range - How To Stay Healthy

By Adrian Fletcher

If you have worked hard over the past few months to lower your cholesterol levels, you want to ensure that you keep it within the cholesterol normal range that is considered acceptable. Simply put, in order to stay fit as you age, you will want to continue to monitor your cholesterol levels, eat a proper diet and exercise regularly.

Once you have determined which diet is helping you control your cholesterol normal range, stick to that diet with determination. Snacks now and then are not completely off limit, as long as you don't indulge excessively. Your primary problem might have been over eating the bad choice foods. So resist the temptation of falling back into unhealthy habits, and continue the good work.

To keep within cholesterol normal range your exercise routine should be kept up too. Getting used to daily exercise is not easy initially and once you start missing your exercise sessions, you may find yourself getting back to your old routine. So every time you feel like missing a session, recall how hard it was to make exercise part of your daily routine. Also, a bit like your diet, do exercises that you will enjoy (or dislike least if you really are averse to exercise). check with your doctor if you are starting exercise for the first time.

It's important to maintain a routine of good health habits. Even though you have successfully gotten into a cholesterol normal range for the time being, there is still the possibility it can rise again. Remember how good it feels to have your health and vitality back whenever you're tempted to cheat.

If you are one of those people who find it hard to maintain cholesterol normal range levels, consult your doctor for some medication. Not all cholesterol levels can be lowered easily. Sometimes medication is necessary, especially when cholesterol is produced in excess in the body. It's also necessary when you've had a heart problem, and when natural ways to reduce cholesterol take too long.

Medication is not a miracle cure all. Medications can lower your levels to cholesterol normal range but you must keep your self on the right track. Your cholesterol levels are important to maintain a healthy heart and long life. Eating an unhealthy diet can only counteract the medication and keep your cholesterol dangerously elevated. And most doctors make it a condition of taking medication that you male healthier lifestyle choices.

Stick with eating healthy food and exercising daily. Once youve achieved cholesterol normal range levels, this should be a natural part of your daily routine. By doing this, you will surely feel and look much healthier, younger and at your most fit. - 17274

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Nutrition For Building Muscle

By Westy

Good nutrition is at the core of all building muscle diets. You can work out all you want but if you are eating empty calories like beer and chips you will not build the muscle you desire. Many building muscle diets emphasize increasing protein sources but there are also other nutrients you need to build that chiseled chest.

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To build muscle, most experts recommend that you eat five or six smaller meals all through the day instead of three big ones. You will burn more fat when you eat this way than you will with the traditional meal plan. If you are allowed to go too long between meals your body will begin to use your muscle tissue instead of fat. This means that you could begin to lose muscle.

When you allow your body to get into this state, your body will begin to think that it is starving and will go after the muscle tissue for nutrition. This means that your body could actually become fatter. If you eat your meals every couple of hours, you will avoid this state in your body. The meals that you eat should be nutritionally balanced with forty percent of the food being protein, forty percent carbohydrates and twenty percent fat. The carbohydrates are necessary to absorb the protein in your body.

You should always strive to keep your diet well balanced no matter which stage of your muscle building efforts you are. The foods in your diet should be varied and there has to be enough calories to build your muscles and repair them after your workouts. It is important that you are educated on nutrition and what your body needs and what foods you should stay away from.

Your largest meal should be right after your workout and a smaller one before bedtime. You need to drink a lot of water throughout the day and while you are eating to help your body digest. Include all the food groups and use common sense when making food choices. There are many books and people at the gym who know their nutrition

Many people have the goal of increasing their muscle and gaining weight while they are bodybuilding. To do this, you should be sure that you are eating a high protein diet. Of course, you should choose the right kind of protein for your diet that will help you build your muscle in the right way.

There are some good sources of protein for this type of diet that you can use to get the best results. Egg whites have a great protein value and will help you get the nutrition that you need on this kind of diet. Fish, especially cold water fish is a good source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Lean meats and poultry are great sources of protein for your bodybuilding diet.

Some building muscle diets do what is called caloric cycling so your metabolism does not get used to a certain amount of calories. If you want to build more muscle you take 2 days out of the week and eat fewer calories. If you want to lose fat. You eat less 5 days of the week and than 2 days of the week you eat more calories. There are formulas to figure out how many calories. Body sculptors do similar caloric changes. These are just suggestions. Study up, read, talk to nutritionists and other body builders to figure out what diet is best for you. - 17274

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Power Food for Building Muscle

By Westy

Food is one of the areas that you will have to work on when you are building your muscles. You can work out as much as you like and use supplements, but you must eat a good diet or you will not gain any muscle.

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Protein is the food that you will need to build up your muscles. Some of the foods that you should add to your diet for muscle building are eggs, milk and cheese, beef, fish and chicken. You should have as much protein as your body needs according to your body weight or about one gram of protein per pound of weight.

The proteins that you will be adding to your diet will help your muscles after a workout. Muscles are built when the body is repairing after a workout. If there is not enough protein in your diet, you will not gain the muscle mass that you are after.

Bodybuilders are encouraged to eat five or six mini meals instead of three regular meals. The time of the day you eat your protein affects our muscle growth, you should eat your largest amounts of protein at your post breakfast field, right before bed and after your workout.

Many people use protein shakes and protein bars to help them get the amount of protein that their body needs in a convenient manner. When you are trying to get the recommended amount of protein in your diet, it will require you to do a lot of planning with your meals. One shake can give you up to twenty four grams of protein. This will help a great deal when you are trying to get the right amount of protein in your body.

Your diet also has to include fats and carbohydrates. Your diet should include a lot of vegetables and carbohydrates with fiber. These foods help to digest the protein. Salads and steamed vegetables are a good source. Essential fats are another food for building muscle. Carbohydrates provide energy through glycogen.

Fats are also important for helping your body digesting the foods that are eaten as well as making you feel full and satisfied after each meal.

The bottom line though for weight gain is eating more calories. Your diet will be higher in protein but you need to balance that with a certain amount of fat and carbohydrates for each meal. Try to balance your diet and provide variety. Fruits can provide quick carbohydrates. For weight gain you should eat 20 more calories per pound of body weight. There is a lot of information about diets and supplements for bodybuilding. Do your own research. Talk to trainers and other builders. You could also get advice from a nutritionist. - 17274

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Loose Flabby Arms

By Westy

As we age, many people are stricken with loose and flabby skin under their arms. Many people are looking to lose some weight in that area to give them back the toned muscle that they once had, but there is no way to target a weight loss in just that area. It seems as though the problem is more common in women, but there are men who suffer from the same problem. The question becomes, how do you get rid of loose flabby arms.

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As we age we lose much of the collagen and elastin our body produces. Some people just genetically have extra fat there in their upper arms. When we were a kids, they were called "Grandma Arms". Do not despair, you have options and can get rid of flabby loose weight build muscle arms.

This part of the body is not the easiest to lose weight in so you should recognize this problem before you get started. You also will not be able to target this specific area of your body for weight loss. There have been some gels and creams that have come on the market that are designed specifically to reduce the fat in this area. However, there is still not enough information on whether these products actually work.

One extreme option is surgery. The particular procedure is called a brachioplasty or arm lift. It is a same day surgery and it is done under general anesthesia. You will have stitches or a drain that come out the first week. It takes two to six weeks to recover and you will have a scar on the underside of your arm. You wear compression stockings on your arms for a while so you do not get any blood clots.

Liposuction is another, a little less invasive surgical procedure to take the fat out of your under arm. Many times they do a combination surgery with the brachioplasty and liposuction. After surgery you will have pain and be given medication. You will probably be out of the work force for at least a week.

One of the least invasive ways to eliminate the problem of flabby arms is building muscle in this area. There are a number of exercises that you can use that will help you recover some of the tone and muscle in the under arm area.

To work on the muscles in this area, use a push up or a push up that is done against a wall. The forearm extension is another exercise that can work on the muscles in this area. This exercise is done bending forward at the waist while you are standing. Hold onto a chair and extend your forearms while you are keeping the arms straight.

Bench dips might be difficult at first, but they can be very effective at eliminating the flab and loose skin under your arms. Sit on a chair or bench and lift yourself up with your arms. Lower yourself below the bench or chair and then back to your original position. These are some of the things that you can do to reduce your flabby arms. - 17274

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