Your Pre Workout Diet And After Your Workout
Secret Key
In this article however, we will focus on the important nutritional strategy before and after the tedious workout that people do. People usually don't eat enough prior to extreme exercises and they eat more than adequate after the workout. This in turn will become an imbalance that will result in rendering all the efforts of your workouts useless.
It is important that you work to rectify this imbalance so that you can give your body the building blocks that it needs to give you the muscles that you are working for.
The recommended amount of time that you should eat before a workout is an hour and a half. The same time frame is used after a workout as well. When you consider the amount of time before the workout, the amount of time after, and the time of the workout, you are looking at a four hour crucial time period for giving your body nutrition.
Your nutritional intake before the workout need not be a special one. What you usually take in during an ordinary meal can suffice your pre-workout meal requirements. However, it is important to observe the 1.5 preparation time. This means that meals must not be taken immediately before a workout. It is advisable if you take in food about an hour or the better if 1.5 hours before starting the exercises. This will give your body ample time to break down the food you took and use them as energy. There will be no other unnecessary chemical conversions needed to power up your system.
The foods that you eat during this time period do not have to be particularly special. An ordinary meal will suffice as long as you remember to include protein, carbohydrates and fat in the meal. Fruit juice is a good choice for a carbohydrate before your workout. Just be sure that you are eating the meal in the hour and a half time frame before your workout. It is not a good idea to eat right before your workout.
The foods that are eaten after your workout should be high quality food. Make sure that you are taking in enough protein so that your body will have what it needs to begin repairing your muscles. It is during this repair process that your muscles will be built up. You should also look to consume about a quarter of your calories for the day during this meal.
The key point to consider is the timing when you eat. It is advisable to eat within the 1.5 hours of post-workout time. However, the sooner you have the ingredients for muscle repair, the earlier the rebuilding process will commence. A good sports drink may be a good beverage to start with. All in all, eat freely and don't be anxious of becoming fat if you eat excessively after workouts because this is the time when your cells are literally hungry! - 17274
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