Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, March 16, 2009

Peptic Ulcer Disease: It's process and prevention

By Katie A. Price

When you have peptic ulcer disease, the linings of your stomach called mucus layers are disrupted due to the increased acidity in the stomach. A peptic ulcer disease can show no symptoms in the beginning when the condition is not yet grave or the disruptions are not yet deep. Peptic ulcer disease is said to be idiopathic but a lot of experts would associate it to many predisposing factors. Helicobacter Pylori, a bacterium found in the stomach is also believed to contribute to the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease.

The excessive amounts of acid in the stomach cause peptic ulcer disease. This happens because the protective coverings in the linings of the stomach can no longer function properly because they are already irritated. The acid that causes the irritation in the mucosal lining of the stomach is none other than hydrochloric acid. This hydrochloric acid causes the disruptions and erosions in the mucosal tissues of the stomach.

A person with peptic ulcer disease will experience a sharp gnawing pain in the epigastric area of the abdomen. This pain is experienced every after eating and is not relieved by food intake, when it is gastric in origin. There are a lot of predisposing factors for the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease, and one of them is stress.

Increased gastric motility is present in people who are stressed out because the body tends to relax to compensate for the fatigue that it is experiencing. When a person is in a relaxed state, there is an increased movement of gastric contents or the food that was previously ingested. To complete the process of digestion, hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach so that the foods are broken down into nutrients needed by the body.

Alcoholics and chain smokers can't escape peptic ulcer disease because they have a greater risk for developing it. Alcohol is known to be an irritant. This component causes increased irritability in the protective layers of the stomach aside from the increased hydrochloric acid. Alcohol is also a potent vasoconstrictor that causes increased blood pressure and blood flow to the stomach causing increased gastric motility. This in turn causes additional secretion of hydrochloric acid that will add to the stomach's irritability.

Aside from alcohol and smoking, another factor for peptic ulcer disease is caffeine. Coffee drinkers who drink excessive amounts of coffee per day are also at risk for developing peptic ulcer. This happens because caffeine is also a stimulant and a vasoconstrictor just like nicotine in cigarettes. Coffee should also be not taken as a replacement for a meal.

Patients with peptic ulcer disease often experience nausea and vomiting. Aside from that, the typical sign is the presence of pain in the stomach after or during eating. When peptic ulcers become bleeding or perforated ulcers, this will cause the patient to vomit blood and to defecate with blood. Blood will be colored black because of the blood mixed with stools. This condition is called melena.

Prevention of peptic ulcer includes the changing of habits such as alcohol drinking and smoking. Patients who are alcoholics are advised to undergo rehabilitation to fully drop the habit of alcohol drinking. Drinking coffee should also be done in moderation and should never replace a meal. - 17274

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Three Methods of How to Eat a Pomegranate

By Walter Yoo

Florida, Arizona and California are a few of the US states that grow pomegranate. They are of course more common in their native south asian countries like India, Iraq, Pakistan, Afganistan, and Turkey where the summers are very hot but the winters are cooler but not icy.

The flower and the fruit of a pomegranate develop beautiful bright red colors. With tons of essential minerals and vitamins, and only 100 calories per cup of the fruit, poms are perfect to eat if you are trying to control your weight or lose some calories. It is healthy and tasty.

The red outside shell of the fruit is not good to eat. In fact it is quite tough and sometimes hard to get into. The best way to open this fruit is to remove the top, section it without going all the way through and put it in a bowl of water for several minutes. Then pull the fruit apart while it still sits in the water. The heavier, fruit-laden seeds will sink to the bottom while the white inside walls and rind will float to the top. Remove the resulting top layer and drain the remaining fruit. Now you can eat it easily!

Throw away the white pulp and rind. Strain and rinse the fruit and put in a bowl. Now you are ready to eat it. You can eat the seeds with the red fruit. If you just eat the fruit and leave the seeds, (which is very slow-going) you have the bonus of being able to lay them out to dry. Once they are dried you can ground them up to season foods, or you can use them whole in a variety of dishes, including hot main meal dishes and your favorite cool desserts.

Another method of how to eat a pomegranate involves cutting the fruit in halves. Cut several more segments along the rind of each half without cutting all the way through it. Turn the fruit upside down and push or tap the back with a heavy kitchen spoon or spatula. The fruit should fall right into the bowl beneath. Then you can discard the rind and eat the tasty fruit.

Of course you could opt for the original way, which has serve mankind moderately well for a millenia now. Grab the fruit off the tree and peel back part of it with your fingers. Dig the seeds out, pop them in your mouth and eat. But be careful! If you do this at home, you can use a spoon instead to scoop the seeds out into a bowl. Be very careful of the juice using this method, it will stain anything that it comes into contact with. If you get it on your clothes, counter tops, or even just your hands it is very hard to wash out. - 17274

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Need More Energy? Forget Coffee, Make Fresh Green Juice Instead!

By Joanna Verdan

When it comes to nutrition and boosting energy, nothing beats a glass of freshly pressed vegetable and/or fruit juice. Forget coffee. Forget sugar. No other food is more enzyme-rich and nutrient-rich and easier to absorb by our body, than fresh juice. Many people may be skeptical, because when they think of vegetable juice they typically picture a bottle of V-8 or tomato juice. However, even the biggest skeptics can be converted, when they try this delicious Green Cocktail recipe and experience first-hand the benefits of juicing.

If you feel you aren't getting enough nutrients, if you are feeling insatiably hungry, if you are craving junk food, if you have any physical or emotional complaints, a glass of juice can help. Grab your juicer (if you dont have one, you should seriously consider getting one!), make yourself some vegetable juice, and drink it twice daily for amazing results, daily for great results, three times a week for noticeable results, or even just once a week for improvement!

Fresh vegetable and fruit juice has all nutrients that your body needs in a form that can be instantly digested and absorbed. Its also great for your health. If you search the Internet, you'll find thousands of stories about people who healed themselves of various ailments, lost weight and improved their well-being by drinking freshly made juices.

Recipe for a Green Juice Cocktail

There are many recipes that you can find on the Internet and in books on the subject. Here is one versatile recipe for a Green Juice Cocktail, that is often recommended as you browse through various resources:

Simple version (few ingredients):

1 head romaine lettuce or 3 stalks of celery

5-6 leaves of kale

1-2 apples

1 whole lemon (with peel)

Additional ingredients (optional):

1 cucumber

1/4 to 1/2 ripe papaya (1/2 makes the juice sweeter)

1 handful of cilantro or parsley (or both for deeper green juice)

1 cup of fennel (stalk can be used too)

If you like, throw in some beets or carrots too, but then of course it will no longer be green cocktail... You may also like to add a small piece of garlic or ginger.

Drink it every morning or afternoon to jumpstart your energy!

Note: It is best to drink your juice on an empty stomach.

The Benefits of Drinking Fresh Juice

So why juice fruits and vegetables instead of just eating them? What's the benefit?

First of all, a juicer separates the juice from the fiber of the fruits and vegetables making them easier to digest, leaving you with organic water with all the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the plants. And second, just imagine having to chop and then chew all the above ingredients - it sure takes a while!

Of course, eating fiber is important too; but when it is removed from the juice, your body will not have to spend precious energy on digestion. The nutrients will be absorbed instantly, going straight to the cells to do their work. So, whenever you are experiencing low energy or any health issues - make yourself some fresh juice. It can't hurt you, and will most likely help! - 17274

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Proven Techniques Help You Gain Muscle Mass - Guaranteed!

By Allen Brian

Males are desired for gaining more muscle mass. But, if you want to do it on your own without using artificial supplements or dangerous steroids, then you need plenty of commitment and discipline to your diet and your physical training. You need to think about your schedule and decide how much time you can spend working out as well as making changes to the way you eat. Here are a few hot tips for helping you shape up and gain that wanted muscle mass.

Do You Count Sodium

Sodium not only increases our muscle growth and the fluid volume in muscle cell but an essential mineral that our body needs. Though it's a nice water keeper, but is not good for building muscle mass. To store more carbohydrate and absorb more amino acids are also two-addition function of sodium untaken. Another good thing of boosting the rate of fluid in cells, it can slash the chances of damage to your soft tissues and help your joint leverage improvement and relax your muscle strength while you do training exercises. Sodium has another function to improve the responsiveness of muscles to insulin.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish and foods contain a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids which can help you to gain more muscle mass. Salmon, lake trout, mackerel, sardines, tuna and herring are fishes that contain a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids. Oregano, tofu, soy beans, Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, mustard seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, cauliflower and broccoli are also good Omega-3 fatty acids sources. To make our muscle more susceptible to insulin, you can eat foods above, which can help you to store more glycogen and grow more muscle mass. This happens while storing glutamine, which is an important nutrient for preventing muscles from deteriorating and improving our protein metabolism.

Free Weights Training

In order to gain more muscle mass, you have to do more things, not just follow a right diet. You also need resistance training like working out with dumbbells and other free weights. Ancillary should be trained for gaining and building compound mass. Dumbbells are extremely useful and versatile in building muscle because of the range of motions you can perform when using them. With this one small muscle building equipment, you can work several muscle parts to gain muscle mass.

Different Exercise Regimes

We are not born and knowing how our bodies will interact with different exercises. If one kind of exercise works find for be, it does not guarantee that it works for you. You need to know what kinds of exercises can bring you positive results, i.e. gain muscle mass, and you have to try it to find out. But if you want to learn more, there is abundance of sites where you can visit for some great advices on building muscle especially if you have tried but failed in other exercise regimes. - 17274

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Advanced Wellness Promotions

By Linda Kemp

Ever since I first noticed signs of aging, I've been looking for a way to keep the progression of the aging process under control. Specifically, I've been looking for a natural dietary supplement that would be able to minimize the aches and pains that my body has been accumulating, renew my libido to the vigor that I enjoyed back in my twenties, help me to keep my weight under control, and stave off the kinds of chronic disease conditions that I'm more likely to have to deal with as I age. I've actually found something that can do all of those things. It's called the acai berry and it's available in the form of Pure Acai Berry which is a completely natural nutritional supplement.

When I first heard about the acai berry I did a little bit of research. It turns out that the acai berry isn't really a brand new discovery. Of course it's only recently been introduced to American society, but the natives of the Brazilian rain forest where the acai palm grows have been taking advantage of this fruit for thousands of years. The proof that the acai berry is so effective at maintaining human health can be seen in the fact that the natives of that rain forest are some of the healthiest people on the planet!

Of course acai palms won't grow very well in North America, but we can still enjoy the benefits of their fruit through the use of Pure Acai Berry. Pure Acai Berry concentrates all of the beneficial parts of the acai berry into a supplement that is easy to use and affordable. It basically contains all of the antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega three fatty acids of the acai berry in a form that stores well and is easy to add to any diet.

When I first incorporated the acai berry into my diet I started noticing measurable improvements to my health almost immediately! I began sleeping more soundly, my mind was sharper, I had more energy and my energy level was more consistent over the course of the day. It didn't take me much longer to notice that my joints ached less, my sex drive had improved, and that I could keep my weight more consistent with less effort!

The most profound effect that the acai berry has had on me is that it has given me a greater ability to control my own life. This comes from a variety of different properties of the acai berry. For example, the fact that it lets me sleep more soundly means that I don't need to spend as much time in bed in order to get the rest that I need. This in turn allows me to get up earlier in the morning so that I can take care of extra business, eat a healthier breakfast, and possibly even get some exercise before going to work. While I'm at work, I definitely notice the improved mental acuity that the acai berry has given me, and I feel less of a compulsion to get into the ubiquitous donuts in between meals! The fact that I have more energy has allowed me to cut back on the coffee at work, and after work I still have plenty of energy to get some more exercise and to take the time to prepare a healthy meal!

Everything has definitely been better for me since I started taking Pure Acai Berry! - 17274

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Menopausal Weight Loss Products, Estrolean

By Ricardo d Argence

If you are a woman who is approaching menopause, you will notice that there are a lot of different issues on your mind, one of the most common things is weight gain.

Most women find that when their hormones are recalibrating during the experience of menopause that they are dealing with at least some weight gain, and with that in mind, you may find that your thoughts are turning to supplements that you can take that can help you with this issue. Estrolean is one supplement that gets talked about a great deal. What is it, and what can it really do or you?

You must look at the ingredients of Estrolean diet supplementation when looking at it. You will find that the average dose of Estrolean contains primarily amylase, apple extract, pomegranate extract, sea vegetable extract, lipase, protease, guarana, green tea, yerba mate and ginger. You can solve the problem of weight gain by changing your hormones with Estrolean. That's what they say at least. Interestingly, it is one of the first supplements out there that was fashioned to get rid of weight gain in menopausal women.

So, what does Estrolean do? Essentially, the enzymes in the supplement are designed to help the dieter by improving your digestion and helping you process food better. The purpose of the amylase is to facilitate the breakdown of starches in what you eat, as protease promotes general wellness.

However, one important thing to remember when you are considering Estrolean is the fact that there is no hunger suppressant in it. This is unfortunate because as you enter menopause, you'll find yourself in a place where you are having unusual food cravings and where you are going to need to learn to regulate your appetite all over again.

The special way that Estrolean seems to employ is through the advantage of stimulants. Yerba mate, green tea and guarana all figure heavily into the ingredients list of this supplement, and you will find that upon further reflection, they are stimulants. When you use this supplement, you will acquire a sudden burst of energy which is very handy when you are looking at wanting a boost to get you to exercise. However, keep in mind that this kind of stimulant aren't always the best for every woman.

Take some time and really consider your weight loss goals. There are many out there that you are going to need to think about, and you will find that overwhelmingly, they can be met through good diet and good exercise. Take some time to really take stock of what is going on in your life and how you can make sure that diet and exercise play a part in that. - 17274

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Dealing with Stretch Marks from Bodybuilding

By Cliff Bacot

People think that stretch marks only afflict pregnant women, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Bodybuilders are another significant group that is susceptible to getting them, because of the speed at which the acquire muscle mass. When the gain quickly the skin is stretched beyond its limit and has a tendency to tear.

The stretch marks are more common in bodybuilders who use steroids because muscle growth occurs at such a rapid pace (though the stretch marks are not necessarily indicative of the use of steroids). On the one hand, building muscles lets a guy look their best, but on the other hand it causes the appearance of stretch marks which can be quite ugly.

In my opinion, the only true cure for stretch marks is to avoid them in the first place by maintaining a relatively stable weight. In other words, not to bulk up to an unreasonable degree. The practice of "bulking up", which is increasing a large amount of body weight in the form of muscle and fat in an attempt to gain net muscle over the long term, is an invitation to develop stretch marks. Gain lean mass slowly and never get fat.

People are often surprised when the first begin to notice the formation of stretch marks. There are so many myths out there. Some men don't think they can get them and stare in disbelief when they discover the red marks. Others think that they are caused by sweat or a strenuous workout. This is not the case either.

Once you do get them there are a number of creams that can be used both to prevent and treat them. These creams have ingredients that go into the places where the skin has been damaged, and once they have reached the second layer of skin, they begin to repair

Don't let these minor nuisances get you down. Stretch marks are a testament to how successfully you are building muscle in a short period of time. The indicate very hard work and you should celebrate that instead of letting it get you down. - 17274

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Natural Remedies For Acne.

By Julieanne van Zyl

Over 50 per cent of individuals between the ages of 12 and 21 suffer the injury of acne. The pustules often start when puberty starts and the body's hormones are rising. Individuals become more tendency to acne anytime hormones begin to lift or surge in the body. Women who are pregnant, or going through menopause, or anybody who is using steroids is likely to suffer from acne. If not treated, the acne often results in scarring.

To moderate the scarring, the condition needs to be treated, wherever the acne appears, face, arms or buttocks. The choice is between remedies prescribed by a physician, which will be laboratory made, or natural remedies, or a combination of both, one supplementing the other.

Open pores in the skin are an invitation to the bacteria and oil which create the pustules and cysts of acne. A simple protective method is to close these open pores by rubbing the face with ice for 10 to 15 minutes each day. Closing the pores will go help a lot in preventing new pimples.

The acidity of tomatoes presents another option as they help to diminish large pores and black heads in people who have oily skin. Slice the tomato open and rub it on the face letting it to dry for some minutes before washing it off. If you have very oily skin, do not wash the face with soap and water. Instead, in the morning and evening, use lukewarm salt water which will eliminate the oil without drying out the skin too much.

Crushed mint leaves tied in a muslin cloth and squeezed is another natural remedy for acne and blackheads. Use the juice on the face.

By far the best natural treatment for acne is stop it from happening in the first place.. When conceivable acne victims are aware of that time in their lives when their hormones will be flowing such as during puberty, pregnancy or when they are using certain medications, it is good policy to use good skin cleansing and general good health practices to prevent the pustules and blackheads emerging.

The largest organ in the body is the skin, and it is fed by the food that we eat. By eating junk the skin will produce junk. Improve your overall diet by reducing your intake of processed foods, foods that contain undue quantities of trans fatty acids or foods that are high in fat. This means relinquishing as much as possible foods like hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, excessive chocolate and processed foods like chips and candies.

Change your diet to one that's high in green leafy vegetables, fruits and trace minerals and pimples will not come near. And, while fluids are very important to the health of your skin, it is well to remember that soda is a toxin full of excess sugar and other chemicals. Water is the best fluid to flush out toxins from the body and give your skin overall health and glow.

If the pimples do occur, resist from the use of makeup. Cosmetics tend to bother the condition and assume the appearance of pimples covered by makeup.

The sun is valuable for both the prevention of acne and its treatment, but there are several things to remember. Be sure that you are using an approved sunscreen to prevent sunburn to your face or any other exposed areas of the body. Tanning by the sun may make the acne look less visible but it also speeds the aging process of the skin and increases your risk of skin cancer.

Include in your diet an sufficient amount of vitamin A and beta-carotene. These have been found to help rebuild healthy tissue and discourage outbreaks in those who are prone to acne. Cucumber juice, either by itself or mixed with lettuce, carrots or alfalfa, has been found to be another natural choice which provides the vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for the skin to help rebuild itself. It is important that these juices should be made and consumed within 12 hours of making, or the active living enzymes in them will die and will decrease their efficacy.

Vitamins B, E, and C have been found helpful for both the prevention and treatment of acne. Potassium deficiencies have been associated with people who have acne but because potassium is also important in the electrical conduction of the heart individuals should desist from taking supplements and just eat bananas. Bananas are high in potassium.

Although there is no one vitamin that is of dominant importance in the prevention of acne, in combination they work jointly to provide a curative process for the body from the inside out. - 17274

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