Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, December 21, 2009

The History of Woman Muscle Building

By James Cook

Woman body building is a serious competitive sport. Not all bodybuilders compete, but it is an option for those who are extremely dedicated to their craft. In the earliest years, female bodybuilding was little more than a bikini contest. The women were not truly muscular and toned.

It wasn't until the late 1970's that these competitions actually began. In the early 1980's, female bodybuilding competition became serious. Women were now being judged on their muscularity and form just like male bodybuilders. Several women emerged immediately as forces to be reckoned with. The promoters of female bodybuilding were handpicking women based on how well they could be promoted to the world. Women had to send in resumes and photographs in order to be considered for the competition.

Within a few years, there were several major female bodybuilding competitions available, including NPC (National Physique Committee) Nationals, Ms. Olympia, and Ms. International. As these competitions increased in number and popularity, women focused more and more on muscularity. This decade saw the inception of the American Federation of Women Bodybuilders. This was a gigantic step in the right direction for female bodybuilders.

Changes in Female Bodybuilding

When the 1990's rolled around, female bodybuilding began to face a lot of controversy. Many people felt that women were being chosen still based on their marketability rather than based on the set standards. It was even stated in some of the rules that femininity was going to be judged and that women should not be too large. This was met with extreme disapproval from spectators.

The popularity of female bodybuilding was growing stronger and stronger. While previous competitions had been televised, it would be months after the competition had actually taken place. In the 1990's, these competitions were sometimes televised live. These competitions were no longer considered "filler" programming, but garnered enough viewers and sponsors to be televised live.

Female bodybuilding is still not as widely watched as male bodybuilding and therefore, women receive far less money in prizes. It is more difficult to find sponsors and turn bodybuilding into a career. The new millennium saw many rule changes that have made female bodybuilding much more appealing, but the lack of money involved is still discouraging.

Female bodybuilding is only going to continue to gain in popularity. Even though it has been almost three decades since these competitions began, it seems that the rules are still being ironed out. Eventually, there will be more stability and female bodybuilding will be recognized as what it is: a true competitive sport. - 17274

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Find Out The Best Means To Have That Six Pack Abs In The Safest And Most Guaranteed Way

By Jessie H. Clover

A guy with six pack abs is every woman's dream. Especially when seeing that sexy body by the beach or in a gym, these perfect abs are something that will surely catch everybody's attention in a snap.

Having six pack abdominals for guys is an achievement that they should be proud of. Although achieving those perfect abs requires lots of efforts and patience, it is best to attain them through a natural means that doctors, nutritionist and fitness experts would also recommend.

The natural method that we are talking about is through proper diet and abdominal workouts. The opposite would include injecting steroids, taking fat burning pills and some forms of liposuction that sculpt your body creating six pack abdominals. Those methods can be faster, easier and an effortless move towards your dream abs. They can be very costly as most of them are yet to be approved if safe or not. On the other hand, it's always best to choose the most natural way of attaining washboard abs, through proper food intake and intensive exercises.

Knowing which food and what nutrients you will need to build up your abdominal muscles will be very helpful to know. What food to eat, which to avoid and what amount you will need to intake to get the best results. Also, it is important to note that even with a thin layer of fat that resides on your stomach area, the fruit of your efforts will not be seen. Aside from taking the right amount of nutrients, it would be best to lessen your food intake in general so as to lose those unwanted fats. Not just from your stomach, but on other parts of the body as well.

While having discipline over your food intake, a proper workout that will enhance your abs is the next thing that you need to be serious about so as to achieve those sexy abs that you desire. Once your body is used to your regular routines, it will then be time to add some new exercises and increase your repetitions. This will help your body to cope with the intensity of the workout your body needs to achieve the muscles that you are dreaming of. Through this, your body will soon produce the outcome of your efforts, resulting in the washboard abs that you desire.

Everything is possible for those who are willing to do their best, to work hard and wait long enough until they are able to finally achieve their dreams. It is not easy to achieve six pack abs, but it is very possible. Not through injecting steroids or through a series of liposuctions, but in a better and more natural way that will require you to exert effort but assures you of positive results. Those efforts that are considered to be the best include proper food intake, regular and proper exercise and having a healthy lifestyle in general. This is what every expert recommends towards achieving those perfect abs that you are always dreaming of. This is also the safest and most effective way to not just have sexy abs, but also having a healthy sexy body overall, free from any negative effects that steroids, fat burning pills and beauty procedures can cause. - 17274

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Hemp Protein Contains Powerful Immune System Building Proteins

By Kathryn Barry

Hemp Protein can be obtained from drinking Hemp Milk made from Hemp Seeds which contain some of the highest globular proteins found in the plant kingdom.

A Large Percentage of Hemp is Globular Protein

Globulin Edestin makes up approximately 65% of hemp seed protein. These edestins are plant protein globulins and globulins are considered the most vital and numerous proteins that make up your body.

Hemp protein contains another very important protein called albumin. Albumin together with globulin make up two important globular proteins.

Some of the most vital chemicals that are responsible for the life that goes on in your body are produced by these globular proteins.

These proteins serve such functions as becoming enzymes, hormones, and hemoglobin. You could say they are responsible for the main work of living. These proteins are also responsible for both the natural and acquired immunity a person has against invading organisms.

Many Food Items Can Be Made From Hemp

Hemp seeds from the hemp plant have several food uses. Hemp seeds can be made into a protein powder or meal, sprouted or eaten raw, made into hemp flour, made into milk, and hemp seed oil can be used in salad dressings or made into a hemp mayonnaise.

The Basics to Making Hemp Milk

Measure about 1 Part shelled hemp seeds to 3-5 Parts water (thickness will vary on amount of water used)

Blend in a high speed blender for about 1-2 minutes

Use your nut bag to strain the pulp from the liquid or not

Transfer to a glass jar with a cap and milk lasts in your refrigerator for about 3 days

You can add your favorite sweetener, salt, vanilla, or super foods to kick up this milk

Hemp Protein Can Aid Your Immune System

Globular protein which is abundant in hemp seed protein can make antibodies to attack foreign microorganisms and toxins.

Globular starting protein is a much easier protein to start with instead of your body having to make this type of protein from the foods that you consume.

It just makes sense to eat foods that contain a good amount of proteins that are easier for our human bodies to utilize and assemble into these life giving substances.

How well you are able to bounce back from an illness or how often you get sick, may depend how much you consume of these globular forming proteins. - 17274

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Home Made Yeast Free Bread That Rises

By Matt Bournston

If you've recently discovered you have a yeast intolerance or yeast allergy, you probably want to know what the best yeast free bread recipe is. The thing is, without yeast, bread doesn't rise. Well, that's not strictly true, because in this article I'm going to show you a great yeast free bread that rises just like normal bread.

With this yeast free bread recipe, you'll still be able to enjoy eating bread like you did before. For example, you'll still be able to have toast for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch.


* 8 cups of Spelt Flour

* Half a teaspoon of salt

* 1/2 cup sesame seeds

* 2 tsp baking soda

* 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses

* 4 and a quarter cups of milk


1. Grease two 9 x 5 inch bread tins, and preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Mix the spelt flour, sesame seeds, salt, baking soda, milk and molasses in a large bowl. Once it is nicely blended together, separate the mixture into the bread tins.

3. Bake in the oven for 1 hour 10 minutes, or until the tops have turned golden. To give the bread a nice crust, place a tin of the same size over the top of it.

What is blackstrap molasses?

Blackstrap molasses has the least sugar of all the types of molasses, and has the highest amount of vitamins and minerals. This makes it one of the most nutritious methods of sweetening food. And food isn't just about health, it's about taste and enjoyment as well.

By following a recipe like this and making your own bread, not only will you be able to control what ingredients are used, but you will also be able to eat it fresh, straight from the oven, the way bread is meant to be enjoyed. - 17274

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Determining Protein Qualities

By Victoria Isabel

Do not know what to look for in a protein supplement? Can't decide on the the best source of protein in your diet? Whether it is eggs, beef, whey protein, casein protein or soy protein, you might like to learn more on which of these products are best for your needs.

Biological Value (BV)

This value is a calibration of the quantity of nitrogen absorbed by the body when protein is consumed in an empty stomach. It indicates how digestible and available the protein is for use by the body. For example, a whole egg has a 100% nitrogen absorption rating.

Net Protein Utilization or NPU

Net Protein Utilization is a comparison between the amount of nitrogen taken into the body versus the amount retained. NPU is a percentage value of 100% as the highest utilization of dietary nitrogen as protein. An example of this is whey protein isolate.

Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)

The protein efficiency ratio (PER) is based on the weight gain of a test subject (mainly lab rats) divided by its intake of a particular food protein during the test period. Unfortunately, rats handle protein differently than humans and may cause slight calculation errors. The FDA uses this ratio to calculate the recommended daily allowance of protein on food labels

Amino Acid Score or AAS

The amino acid score is a measure of the quantity of individual amino acids in a protein, relative to the need for the amino acid. This type of measure does not evaluate whether or not the protein is digestible. Values of 1 or more are proteins that carry amino acids that are required by humans. Example: Whole milk Methionine + cystine (84), threonine (94), lysine (97)

Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)

PDCAAS pattern is based on the protein requirements of preschool-age children (rather than lab rats) combined with the AAS score, thereby, correcting the shortcomings of the PER and AAS methods. A protein with a high score of 100% PDCAAS, means that the food provides about 100% of protein synthesis for the human body, such as whole egg (1.00).

Amino Acids - Essential and Non-Essential

Essential amino acids are amino acids that are needed by the human body but cannot be made by the body; therefore, they have to be provided for in the diet.

Glutamine - a non-essential amino acid

Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that is found in massive amounts in the muscles of the body. Because it easily passes through the blood-brain barrier, it is also known as a brain fuel. Glutamine can be converted to glucose and used for energy rather than blood sugar. Glutamine also increases growth hormone levels thereby increasing muscle cell volume as well.

Arginine - a non-essential amino acid

Arginine is a non-essential amino acid that thwarts both physical and mental fatigue. It releases both growth hormone and insulin in the body during intense exercise, thereby promoting muscle growth. It is also involved in the metabolism of ammonia and nitrogen transport. Arginine may also increase fat metabolism and lower LDL cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.

When absorbed into the human body through diet, the twenty-one standard amino acids are either oxidized to urea and carbon dioxide as a source of energy or used to synthesize proteins and other biomolecules. About ten of these are essential, and therefore, must be included in the diet.

A diet that contains adequate amounts of amino acids (especially those that are essential) is particularly important in some situations: early development, puberty, pregnancy, lactation, or injury and for building muscle. For muscle building, pick a protein supplement or add to your diet foods that score high in several of the standards mentioned here. - 17274

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Weight Lifting Workouts for Weight Loss?

By Thaya Kareeson

Contrary to the common opinion and the impression that is given by many infomercials and ads about weight training workouts, they are not primarily designed to lose weight. Find out about the most common misconceptions in this article.

Weight lifting workout routines usually activate a few specific muscle group at a time. Because of that, the body's heart rate and overall fat burning capacity remains low throughout the workout. More energy and fat can be burned off by activating more muscle groups in the same amount of time.

Weight lifting exercises actually contribute to weight gain because they workout only specific muscle groups. A proper diet and a good amount of fat burning exercises should be added to your workout routines to avoid weight gain from weight lifting workouts.

Because of this, a balance "weight lifting workout" should consist of a cycle through different actual weight lifting exercises that are changed up with fat burning exercises like jogging or bicycle. It is also important to give the different muscle groups time to build and "digest" the strengthening exercises for certain time intervals before addressing them again with intensity.

The way you come up with your workout schedule will vary depending on your goals. If you are just starting to exercise and only have 3 days per week to exercise, you will have a significantly different schedule than a person that is in tip-top shape and is available to workout 5 days per week.

For most people, a simple recipe to help you lose weight and achieve a better overall fitness level is to maintain a routine with 2-parts fat burning exercises and 1-part muscle building exercises.

If you can only work out 3 days per week, you can perform two days of fat burning and one day of muscle building. If you can workout 5 days per week, you can do 3 days of fat burning and 2 days of muscle building. For best results, you can just try alternating fat burning and weight lifting days. - 17274

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Yeast Infection Home Remedy - Get Rid Of Your Yeast Infection Fast, Here Is How

By Carole Bishop

Have you got a yeast infection but find it hard and intrusive to discuss the issue with your doctor and would prefer ayeast infection home remedy instead?

Or are you tired of taking the same drugs your doctor has been prescribing for you, which seems to work for a while only for the infection to return in as little as 14days, then you need to read on.

So is there an effective yeast infection home remedy? The truth is there are few things that you can do that will relieve the itching, irritation and burning sensation that comes with having the affliction.

1. Choose the right clothes to wear: What you wear can either encourage or discourage yeast growth. Things like pantyhose, nylon underwear, wet bathing suit, tight jeans, and synthetic materials all encourage warm moist conditions that yeast thrive in, so avoid them wherever possible.

Make sure you wear 100% cotton underwear at all time and go without where possible.

Secondly try not to wear any underwear to bed, this will ensure that the affected area stays dry and well ventilated while you sleep.

2. Certain dyes and perfumes in soaps, bath gels, lotions, sanitary products and laundry detergents can cause a reaction in some people which in turn leads to irritation encouraging yeast infection. So steer clear of perfumed products and use mild and fragrance free products where possible.

Lastly one of the best yeast infection home remedy is the use of apple cider vinegar solution.

3. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal properties. To use vinegar simply fill a bath tub with warm water, add a cup of apple cider vinegar and soak in the solution for 20 to 30 minutes.

If you follow the steps highlighted above, then you should see a significant improvement is no time.

It is important that you get to the root of your yeast infection, otherwise the infection will keep recurring. It is however impossible to discuss all you need to know in one single article. - 17274

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Finding The Right Substitutions For A Vegan Diet

By Ben Pate

When cooking a strict vegan vegetarian diet, it will be important to do some research on the types of substitutes that can create the flavor you want in a quick and easy way. Vegans do not eat any foods that are made from animals or animal products. This include honey and foods that you may not think had animal products used in their processing.

When cooking for a strict vegan diet, you will want to substitute ingredients in recipes that meet the needs of the vegan, but which will also be tasty to the non-vegans who may eat the food. With most of the recipes, where plant substitutes are used for protein and other ingredients, you will want to use more spice than would be used normally. Most of the ingredients used for cooking vegan foods do not have the level of taste that is in other foods. Many will absorb the flavor of the food being made.

Most people automatically select honey when they are not going to use sugar in a recipe; however, honey is not an option in a vegan diet. Therefore, you need to expand your horizons and look to natural syrups. When using syrup as a sweetener, you will want to decrease some of the liquid that is called for in the recipe, as the liquid in the syrup will create some of the liquid called for in other parts of the recipe.

Agave Syrup, Date Syrup, and Golden Syrup are also commonly used with cooking and sweetening hot drinks. Each syrup will impart a different flavor in the recipe you are creating. Experimenting with a small amount of syrup with the other ingredients will allow you to find the best sweetener for your recipe. When finding the best sweetener for a hot drink you will find that herbal teas react differently to each type of syrup.

Substitutes behave differently when they are used for baking or stovetop cooking. You will want to be sure and check on the substitute ingredient you are using to assure it is the best product for the recipe you are cooking. When baking, Soy or Almond milk is an excellent substitute for milk. These milks have more fat than other types of milk substitute and interact with other ingredients well during baking. Rice milk is excellent when used for stovetop recipes.

Soy and Almond milk will burn and scorch more easily on a stovetop than rice milk, and their fat content often will overpower a delicate dish. When you need a heavier milk for whipped cream or pudding, coconut milk is a great choice. This milk is very sweet so you do not need the amount of sweetener that is called for in the recipe. It whips beautifully and will create the peaks that regular whipped cream makes.

Using cheese in pasta is always an important part of an excellent Italian meal. Making Ricotta cheese is easy when you use a silken or mashed tofu that is blended with a bit of lemon juice. This "cheese" bakes in pasta beautifully and when fresh basil is mixed in with the cheese you get a great Italian flavor in your pasta. - 17274

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Know How To Make The Best Use Of Creatine To Improve Your Muscle Strength

By Christian James

Today you can find many sportspeople and athletes who take fitness supplements on a regular basis, and for good reason. Studies have proven that supplements which contain creatine can increase energy levels, boost muscle mass, and enhance stamina. To ensure the desired outcome it is good to know how to make the best use of creatine.

Some supplements get a lot of bad press but creatine is safe to use. The only issue will be just how big you want your physique to get. Creatine actually occurs naturally within our bodies, by consuming a supplement we will only be adding to the effect.

If you want to have the best outcome then there are a few different ways in which you should take creatine. A lot of athletes choose to consume five grams just before their workout and the same amount shortly after finishing. There are other sportspeople that will tell you it is good to start off on a high dosage then bring it down after a week.

It usually helps to consume around a gallon of water a day if you plan on taking creatine, also by having a diet high in carbohydrates you can aid digestion and absorb the supplement more effectively.

You will not have to wait long to see results if you take creatine in the correct way. It is important that if you are going to take a body building supplement you continue a regular and strenuous fitness regime or activity.

By using creatine you may end up with a physique that you never thought possible, if you have always wanted a good looking body then now is your chance. Your muscles will impress any man or woman. - 17274

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Can Tonalin CLA Help Belly Fat

By Jane Moore

Tonalin CLA caplets seem to be getting some positive reviews these days from an assorted bunch of reputable sources. It's enough to get me interested enough to give them a go. I struggle relentlessly with a stubborn 10 or 15 pounds and I need some sort of extra boost to get me on the right track. In the event that CLA doesn't work for me then I have lost nothing because there are no side effects and the cost of a one or two month supply is fairly minimal.

What I have read so far is impressive to say the least. The two most interesting reports have come from two research universities in North America. One university is Canadian and is located in Guelph, Ontario. The other university is American and is located in Wisconsin. Both of the research studies claimed that Tonalin CLA really works.

The Canadian study was conducted first and was based out of the University of Guelph in Ontario. The study was conducted in November and December and was particularly focused on monitoring the potential weight change over the Christmas holidays. It was an eight week study and studied 60 over weight adults. Thirty people took a CLA pill everyday while the other thirty people took a placebo pill. The results were simply remarkable. The CLA group lost weight in the time period leading up to the holidays and didn't gain any weight over the holidays even when they didn't exercise and ate loads of holiday treats. The placebo group gained some weight leading up to the holidays and then gained even more weight over the holidays.

Impressed by what they heard out of Canada, a group of researchers from the University of Wisconsin tried to repeat the Canadian results and were entirely successful. The American study used forty overweight adults and they studied them for six months including the 8 weeks used in the Canadian study. The participants in the American study also claimed to have lost fat from their belly region when they took daily a CLA pill. The cardiovascular experts were delighted with this extra result as belly fat can lead to heart disease which is a deadly threat to their patients.

Both the Canadian and American studies made sure that all of the subjects had the same amount of daily exercise. The studies also made sure that all of the participating subjects consumed approximately the same amount of calories per day. By controlling diet and exercise, the scientist could make sure that it was the CLA pill that was responsible for any changes.

The fact that these two studies were performed by professionals at respectable North American Universities makes me think that the studies are solid. I have nothing to lose by trying this natural supplement. I am going to try Tonalin CLA and continue with my regular exercise and diet. - 17274

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The HCG Low Calorie Diet, Day 4

By Amelia Handley

First things first...have you ever heard of Ranking.com or TrustGauge.com? I have. And let me tell you...it's kind of a big deal for a site to get noticed by them in a positive way. And I got a google alert letting me know that HCG Diet Direct not only got ranked #1 in the diet and weight loss category at Ranking.com, but they're also awarded 10 out of 10 on the Trust Gauge scale. That's impressive. So, of course, I forwarded the info to my diet buddy, Lisa's, husband. He was a hater from the start and I think this will really bug him. I love being right.

Now on to the next item on the agenda. I've created a bit of confusion with the numbering of my days on the diet. I'll clarify. I've actually been on the diet for 6 days. I've been on the low calorie portion of the diet for 4 days. There were 2 days in the beginning that were definitely NOT low calorie days. They're called loading days. They talked about it in all the HCG diet reviews, but it was definitely a unique experience. You have to eat as much high calorie, high fat foods as possible. It helps your body absorb the HCG.

Day 6 on the diet I got up and weight myself and I went up. Dang it! Now I'm at 164 pounds. I figure this is only just punishment for when I fell off the plan for about 5 minutes on Saturday. I've sworn not to step foot in another mall food court until the diet is completed; regardless of my intentions of not eating. The temptation is apparently just too great!

I didn't let the gain get me down. I took my HCG and I tried to drink a lot of water. For lunch I had one of my "leftovers." Whenever I make one of the recipes I try to make extra and save them in individual sized Tupperware. That makes it easy to pull out, warm up and have HCG approved lunch or dinner within minutes. It's very handy. You should try it. This time I had Turkey Chili. With the chili I had Spicy 3 Pepper Melba Toasts and an apple with lemon. You'll be surprised how different the apple is after you cut it up and squeeze lemon on top. It's yummy.

I bought some huge (not very cute, but HUGE) plastic cups that I've been using to make sure I get enough water throughout the day. I fill one up and cart it around with me throughout the day so I always have a massive amount of easily accessible water on hand. I think it's helping me get more water in. For dinner I attempted a new recipe: Rosemary and Chicken. And I totally messed it up. Apparently marinating is important (who knew, right?) I'll have to try that one again later.

I also attempted to get attached to a new kind of tea. It was called Red Zinger. It was MUCH better than the Green Tea I tried originally, but I still can't say I like it. It's more of a guzzle it fast to get it down and then think about something else so it doesn't try to come back up kind of thing. So I'll try another flavor sometime soon. Maybe I can access some of the HCG diet reviews online and find some new herbal tea flavors that others really enjoyed. If only hot chocolate were an option...not THAT I can definitely get attached to. - 17274

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Best Ways To Burn Belly Fat

By Brad Setti

I often get asked, "What's the best way to burn fat and lose my belly?" People want to know if aerobics is better than strength training, or if traditional cardio exercise is better than intervals.

Well, to say I've done them all would be an understatement.

Using laboratory research and training for at least 15 years both for myself and sports I can tell you what exercises work and what don't.

But first of all, I want to frame my responses. I'm going to talk about what works for people that have a limited amount of time to exercise, mostly because I expect your readers don't have 90 minutes per day to devote to a workout, unlike the typical audience of a fitness magazine.

That's why there is a huge disconnect between some of the information found in magazines and the ability of the reader to apply it to their lives.

For someone who is not a triathlete and just wants to tone and lose weight you don't need to work out 6-8 hours/week.

Therefore to get a better body, you need...

For warming up use your body-weight, to build muscle use strength training supersets, and then to burn fat in a short amount of time and finish your workout use interval training. This system is made so that you can be in and out of the gym in 45 minutes only 3 times per week.

Warm up using 5 minutes of bodyweight exercise. This will be much more effective than walking on a treadmill. Walking on a tread mill will only get you ready to walk more on a treadmill.

Then we move into the strength training supersets, where we use two exercises performed back to back with minimum rest between each. This cuts our workout time, while still giving us maximum results. We only need 20 minutes for this, and we'll use basic exercises, and sometimes even more bodyweight exercises, depending on the client's goal for muscle building.

Last but not least, interval training for 18 minutes. It is important to warm up. Next do six short intervals at your skill level while using short periods of low intensity recovery.

Most people run, cycle or ride a cardio machine for 45 min. straight which will burn calories. But won't get you that six pack.

In fact, long slow cardio has a downside. We already know results are different. But overusing muscle groups leads to injuries and it is an inefficient form of exercise. When are you going to build your muscles and sculpt that beautiful body if you are on a cardio machine for 30-45 min straight?

The best way to burn belly fat is fast and fun and it works using a combination of strength training and interval training - 17274

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