Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Top Acai Berry Benefits

By Becky Kay

No doubt you are reading this because you want to discover some of the health benefits of acai berry. There are certainly many of them, in fact too many to list in this short article. However read on and you will learn more about this great supplement.

I have had a great boost in my energy level. My skin has a more youthful appearance and looks healthier. I have an improved digestive function because my intestine are cleansed by the anti-oxidants. There is a lot of fiber content as well.

A number of other benefits include: improved circulation, enhanced circulation, improved mental clarity and focus, relief from minor aches and pains and a stronger immune system. There is an enhanced sexual desire and performance along with increased strength. Your stamina will be improved and you may sense an alleviation of symptoms of depression.

One of the top acai berry benefits that everyone talks about is the weight loss associated with the supplement. Acai gets the metabolism to speed up which results in a faster calorie burn. It does help to watch your diet and exercise on a regular basis but you should already be doing that.

Essential fatty acids, amino acids and fiber all work side by side to process our food faster resulting in fat loss. And I gotta tell you that when the weight goes off the spirits jump for joy.

Bottom line is that in my personal experience over the past year and a half that I have been taking a top acai berry product I have lost and kept off my extra weight. I feel better than I did prior to the acai berry. Is that because of the acai berry benefits, well I guess I cannot be totally sure. After all I did change my diet a little, but only a little, and I do exercise a little bit more than I did before.

I have been extremely pleased with the results I have had with the berry. Every day that I take my acai supplements I am reminded to also watch what I eat and continue with my regular exercises. I cannot be happier and will continue to take it.

Without a doubt the acai berry benefits far outweigh any reason for not taking this top supplement. Actually in all my research, and that has been a lot, I have not found any negative side effects only positive. I use it, I like it and I will continue to benefit from it. - 17274

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Organic foods online

By Karol Wariala

Brought to you by: Salad Ceasar. Not every consumer gets the chance to shop in a store or hypermarket where there is an organic food section. Online organic food stores are a smart and modern solution to have access to healthy products that are otherwise unavailable. Even for online orders, there is still a rule of proximity that governs transactions meaning that the supplier still has to be pretty close in terms of geographical location in order to make a good advantageous delivery. Thus, one can find all sorts of online organic food depending on personal needs and preferences, from fresh greens to frozen and chilled products.

In order for such foods to be delivered to your door, they will be wrapped in special packages that will preserve the optimal temperature. This specification also requires our mentioning the fact that some online organic food orders are more expensive than others, according to the purchased items and the overall conditions of the transaction. Depending on your location, the goods can reach you on the same day or within maximum two business days by a professional carrier.

Besides the delivery details, there are some other things you ought to know and pay attention to.

Thus, carefully choose the supplier to work with. It is best to shop with the actual producer of the products, but this is not always possible. Most of the time there are intermediaries but even for such cases, you should be able to track the origin of the food.

Serious, reliable businesses will specify the source of the online organic foods so that the clients may have details to refer back to if necessary. Thus, if a certain organic food farm is mentioned on a web page, one can check the location, see what they deal in and even contact them for further data a consumer sees fit to check.

Direct shopping definitely comes first on a list of consumer preferences, but the possibility of the online organic food purchase cannot be ignored either. The advantages of purchasing organic food from the hypermarket cover the flexibility of the purchase, the individual choice of every item as well as the lower costs. Nevertheless, regardless of the alternative, the fact that people care to buy and look for organic products is a positive indicator of the concern for health, the environment and the future of the consuming society. - 17274

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What To Do For Ringing In The Ears - Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

By Matt Hellstrom

Tinnitus retraining therapy is a therapy that has proven to be very effective in helping people deal with tinnitus. If you have it, you are going to have to accept that in most cases, there is no cure and you will suffer from the symptoms for the rest of your life, so you are going to have to learn how to control them.

For those people that have never heard of tinnitus or are not aware of the condition itself, it is when you constantly hear a noise in your ears that no one else can hear. You know the symptoms, a ringing or a buzzing that will simply just not go away. At some point in about 20% of the population, tinnitus has been experienced at one level or another.

This is where tinnitus retraining therapy comes in. As stated, there is no real cure, but this therapy will allow you to eliminate the noise by becoming more accustomed to it so that it no longer bothers you. By doing this, your brain will not process the noise as a disturbance and it will no longer be a problem for you.

As you can see, that while you may not be able to eliminate the noise outright, you can get rid of the pain and or discomfort that comes along with the condition. If it does not make sense to you, imagine the person that lives next to a firehouse. Unless they are able to ignore the noise of the fire engines leaving the fire house at 3am, they would never get a good night's rest. After time, they have heard it so much that it is just background noise that no longer bothers them.

When you realize that as much as 17% of the population has or will experience tinnitus, you can see how important a tinnitus retraining therapy such as this is. Imagine being debilitated by a noise so much that you were not able to concentrate on your work or just function in everyday life. That noise not going away could literally be enough to drive you crazy.

If you are not experiencing the symptoms but are worried that you may, simply take preventative measures to ensure that you don't. It is infinitely easier to try to reduce or not engage in activities that may cause tinnitus than it is to try to cure it once it develops.

You can lower the volume, you can wear ear plugs and you can control or even eliminate the stress in your life if you put a concentrated effort forward to do so. Tinnitus retraining therapy can assist you in tuning out the annoying sounds in the environment, but it's up to you to make sensible choices when it comes to your own noise pollution. - 17274

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Why You Get Acid Reflux and How to Stop It

By Mae Summerville

Normally, when food is swallowed, the lower esophageal sphincter valve will open to allow food to enter the stomach for digestion but with this condition the valve does not close properly. However there are times when the lower esophageal sphincter does not remain closed, when this happens acid from the stomach can reflux or flow back into the esophagus.The conditions proper medical name is called gastroesophageal reflux disorder. At the moment it is considered that a poor diet is the underlying reason for the acid reflux problem but not the main cause of the condition,although overeating may also contribute because when you overeat, the stomach cannot keep up with the demand to process all the acids.

It is never wise to eat large amounts at is puts a significant strain on the stomach muscles which in turn results in pressure within the gut itself.something has to give; this being the acid which returns or refluxes back up the esophagus bringing with it the very unpleasant heartburn. Since this valve protects your esophagus from your stomach acid, you need to take care this valve does not allow digested acidic food to pass back into the asophagus.this can be achieved by consuming smaller meals; the incidences of heartburn should reduce. To maintain health your digestive system needs to be healthy so requires looking after if you want to remain in good health as well.this is because the stomach is not only responsible for breaking down our food but also for preparing this food to be converted to specific nutrients that every person needs.

Using drugs and other acid reducing drugs readily available from drugstores will block the natural processes of your stomach on a temporary basis,the problem is these short term remedies can create other problems as they interfere with the natural functioning of the digestive system. It may take a while but the best solution is to make adjustments to your drinking and eating habits which may have caused the acid reflux condition,this should be done for a period of a few months to strengthen your stomach's normal processes. If you can reduce the heartburn occurrences, in time you may well be able to slowly start eating those dishes that have needed to be cut out.

Lifestyle changes extend beyond those of just eating habits as other contributing factors to acid reflux can be:

*Regular smoking *Having allergies to particular foods e.g. peanuts *Prescription medication *Drinking to much alcohol *Lying down after a meal

All of these factors are within your control and it only requires a change of habits and behavior on your part,this is all possible if you want the heartburn problem to ease. All that is required is a little dedication on your part to be careful about what you eat and drink to possibly clear up your acid reflux problem,this is a decision which only you can make but it should not take Einstein to know what the choice should be! - 17274

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Tap Into Your Mind To Attain Fast Weight Loss

By Robert Hudak

A large percentage of Americans today have been labeled or classified as being obese. Many people are tired of using weight loss pills and following strict diet programs. I think it is safe to say that no one enjoys the no calorie, no fat and no taste diet programs. If you want to experience Fast Weight Loss and try something new, perhaps using hypnosis to gain control over your eating habits is your answer.

The existence of hypnosis can be traced back to thousands of years ago. The average person can develop will power and discipline by gaining control of their mind. Plain and simple, your body responds to the instructions and impressions that it receives from your mind. Fast Weight Loss can be achieved by properly programming the subconscious mind.

Under the right circumstances, by taking simple steps every day to control your eating habits and adding some physical activity to your daily routine Fast Weight Loss is easy to achieve. There are many myths to losing weight but the biggest myth of the all is that you starve with a diet. The two things that speed up the metabolism are eating and exercising.

Skipping meals and consuming small amounts of food is not an effective way to achieve Fast Weight Loss. Believe or not, food is one of the ingredients that revs up the metabolism. If you want to keep your metabolism running at full blast eating three to six meals a day can actually speed up your weight loss process.

If you want the true secret to speeding up your metabolism and putting your body in a position to experience Fast Weight Loss, you need to learn what NOT to eat. Here is some of the food that eliminates weight loss success, junk food, processed food, and anything containing chemicals or artificial ingredients. If you make the right choice and pick the right foods, you can enjoy as much as you want.

Learning some simple physical and mental tricks can stimulate Fast Weight Loss and help you control your eating habits. Many times people are thirsty and confuse it with being hungry. In our society many people are dehydrated. Consistently drinking water on a daily basis is very affective in cleansing your body and reducing the amount of food that you eat.

Do you really want to see a reduction in the amount of food that you eat? Just drink 12oz of water 15 minutes before you sit down to eat. Like magic there will be an immediate reduction in the amount of food that you are eating. Drinking water throughout the day will also keep your body hydrated and curve your appetite.

Daily exercise is a second ingredient for speeding up your metabolism. Many people avoid exercise because they think it has to be grueling, boring, and uncomfortable. Exercise can become a pleasant experience that you look forward to daily. Did you know that you can experience Fast Weight Loss with as little as 20 minutes of exercise a day?

Developing the correct mind-set will also help you experience fast weight loss. All of us have heard how important the right attitude can help you be more productive. We become what we think about on a daily basis. If you want to become slim, trim, and fit. Plugging in the right attitude can help you control your eating habits and allow you to lose weight in record time. - 17274

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6 Quick Tips to Turbocharge Your Fat Loss Efforts

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Watch everything you consume from the food itself to what you top it with. Garnishments and condiments can sabotage a healthy meal because they are typically high in fat.

2. Fix times to have meals and stick to it. Try to have food at fixed times of the day. You can stretch these times by half an hour, but anything more than that is going to affect your eating pattern, the result will either be a loss of appetite or that famished feeling which will make you stuff yourself with more than what is required the next time you eat.

3. Quit snacking in between meals. Do not fall for snacks in between meals. This is especially true for those who have to travel a lot. They feel that the only time they can get a bite to eat is snacks and junk food. The main problem with most snacks and junk food is that they are usually less filling and contain a lot of fat and calories. Just think about French friestempting but terribly fattening.

4. Go easy on tea and coffee. Tea and coffee are harmless by themselves. It's when you add the cream and sugar that they become fattening. Did you know that having a cup of tea or coffee that has cream and at least two cubes of sugar is as bad as having a big piece of rich chocolate cake?

5. Count the calories as you eat, but don't overdo it. It's a good idea to have an idea of the calories that most food items have. If it is a packed thing then the label is sure to have the calories that the substance has.

6. Stay away from all things fried. If it is breaded, it is better that it is baked. Fried foods are immersed in fat and oil. Even after the excess oil has been drained away, there is still oil absorbed into the food item itself. - 17274

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Best Chest Workout Routine

By Cade

The Chest has two different muscles the pec major and minor and they do slightly different things. The pec major pulls the arm in towards the center of the body and flexes your shoulder.

The pect minor depresses the scapula and downwardly rotates the scapula. All muscles of the body have an origin and an insertion point.

It is very important to know these 2 points so that you can understand which movements will work which muscles. For a good chest workout you want to focus on the pectoralis major which originates from the sternum and inserts on the bicipital groove of the humerus.

To work a muscle most effectively you want to shorten the distance from the insertion to origin. So, for the chest when the humerus comes closer to the sternum the muscle will be worked better.

Knowing the biomechanics lets take the most popular exercise at any gym which is the bench press. With a normal barbell benchpress you lower the weight until it touches your chest and then push it straight up.

There are two things that you shouldn't be doing here. When the bar is touching your chest it requires the front delt to do most the work and is doing more harm than good for your body.

You need to stop a couple inches before the bar touches your chest and this will result in fewer injuries and no loss in strength gains.

The second error is that you aren't able to shorten the distance from your bicipital groove to your sternum with a straight bar. Using dumbbells is much more effective in building muscle in your chest. - 17274

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Anything that you focus on expands.

By Taiana Camarado

That's a well-known principle of life that people have discovered. If you don't like something, and it doesn't make you happy, why would you want to have it in your life? You wouldnt, I'd hope!

Now that you know this unique principle, can you stop focusing on things you don't want? A friend of mine told me a story. When he was teaching classes on how the human mind works, he asked a group of people in a large class, to think of a number from 1 to 10. Then, think of carrot, and then select a color.

From listening to the audio of the class, I recognized that he was using a mind game to lead them in a certain direction. The majority of the people chose 7, carrot, orange! I knew what he was doing, and more than 90% of the class got all 3 correct, and voila he'd given them confirmation of their mind power. Sure, it was a game, but he was expanded their minds in just one minute to believe that they were powerful intuits. He continued.

He said, Ive just demonstrated how intuitive you can be without even trying. Next, he asked the students to remember their favorite moments with their family, when they were kids, and everyone was smiling. Then, he asked everyone to remember their first kiss and everyone had big grins. He continued with stimulating memories: the first time we made love, the most passionate time we made love, and then everyone was moving in their seats.

Last, he told us to remember our most frightening moments in life and we were trembling and crying and he said . Now that you are all scared let me tell you this:

What you think about happens. Whatever you think with either happy feelings or fearful feelings can happen easily! Those emotions make them happen faster. Emotions, he said, are the key to making all of it happen. Break Through the Barriers Dramatically Improve Your Mind and Body!

Emotions are feelings, they are emotional energy, they are psychic energy and it's vital to harness and control the energy for good reasons and goals, not to experience any fear or horror because that will screw up your life plan and life style.

I wanted to get that said, early on in this book, because it will be necessary for you to get on the same page with this concept of thought/emotions being energy. As you'll learn, the power of thought is an all important part of the great Secret of the Universe. We'll get back to this later on.

Taiana is 26 yrs old. She practices Reiki in her work as a professional body worker, with study and experience in Holistic Therapies. Taiana is also personal trainer, and has extensive experience with coaching individuals to make the breakthroughs in life, that they've waited for " all their lives. She believes in rekindling the flames of inspiration in life's first step for motivation. Taiana lives in Australia, where she relocated to 16 yrs ago. - 17274

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Tired of Meat? Try Tofu

By Kristen Thorpe

There was a time I could never imagine a meal that wasnt based on meat and potatoes. But as I began to eat healthier over the years I would make more dishes that didnt involve meat like pasta or eggplant. A sister once remarked that one day Id serve Tofurkey for Thanksgiving. I laughed it off at the time though now I see that its not that implausible to me anymore.

It seems the healthier I eat the more I move toward less meat in my diet. I simply crave it less and less. Seems that happens for a lot of people. While some people make an overnight change to vegetarian diets, others grow towards it gradually.

Now I cant say Ill never have another cheeseburger ever again or go without chicken cutlets the rests of my life. I just find myself finding more ways to build my meals without requiring meat as the main dish. So I suppose I am more of a near vegetarian, someone who generally eats a veggie diet but who hasnt given meat up completely.

One of my favorite meat replacements has to be tofu. I dont eat it constantly since I think you can overdue it with soy like anything else. Soy is a top allergen along with eggs, nuts, and dairy so I think its wise to be moderate with any food. Especially if you already enjoy soymilk and yogurts, youre getting a good amount of soy in your nutrition.

Not all vegetarians come to love that taste and texture of tofu. Theyll often substitute bean dishes and other food items to make up the protein in their diet. If you have never tasted tofu its certainly worth a try, it packs a good amount of low-fat protein that is very satisfying. Plus it absorbs flavors and spices very nicely making it a versatile food as well.

If you havent tried it, Tofurkey is a great tofu foodie. I found a great selection at my health food store in town and bought a package of sausages to try. I made a pepper and sausage dish that mimicked the meat sausage and pepper dish so well it might have even fooled my dad, who loved his sausage & pepper sub sandwiches.

For anyone who is thinking of their health and trying to eat a healthier diet with less saturated fat, I highly recommend you check out tofu. Youd be surprised how good it can taste. You can try a little of the pre-cooked soy sesame tofu tossed in a wok with some noodles and veggies " delicious!

Visit a local grocer or health food supermarket and see if they have Tofurkey. You can pick up a package to make sandwiches " like a Tofurkey sandwich with salad greens, mustard, and tomato grilled on your indoor electric grill or panini sandwich maker. The taste might surprise you " and your body will thank you for the healthy choice. - 17274

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Train Smart - Workout Routine for Beginners

By Chris Jensen

Frustrated and disappointed about your workout routine? Perhaps you're looking for some tips that can be applied right away for you to get the ball rolling. If you want program that is effective I would recommend Train Smart by Pete Sisco. But before taking any exercise, you must know first what to do when you're into it.

Bodybuilding involves eating high amount of protein and calories. It is important to cut down your fat and carbohydrate intake. Supply enough protein into your diet. Take some supplements. Multivitamins can help repair your muscles and recover after a whole day work out.

In choosing body program, choose a whole body program like Train Smart by Pete Sisco. Consider you goal in choosing any program. Do you want a workout routine to gain muscle or to lose fat or both? However, in deciding which one is best for you depending on your purpose, look for an effective program and fast bodybuilding workout.

It is important that the program you choose focuses on building a muscular body. But if you wanted to burn more fat, add up some cardio routine into your workout. Obviously, you don't need to be a bodybuilder expert just to achieve your goals, do some research and take note everything you've learned and you'll be surprised of the results.

Always keep in mind that perfect muscular body doesn't happen overnight. It requires so much effort. Everything will be achieved through hard work, patience and determination. After all, all the hardships will be paid off. - 17274

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Diabetes and Eating Popcorn

By Jason Lee

Your diet is one of the biggest factors of your overall health. It is essential that people maintain a healthy diet when diagnosed with diabetes. You need to get your blood sugar under control and in check. Without a healthy diet your health could be in a lot of danger.

Now of course that makes logical sense, but once one receives that diagnosis the difficult part is not the logic. The difficult adjustment is actually determining what you can and cannot eat if you are suffering from Diabetes. You will have tons of questions going through your head like, can you eat popcorn with Diabetes? Candy? Cheese? Bread? There is not a real hard and fast rule, but there is some basic education that you will want to make sure that you have.

Carbohydrates are a big part of our diets, and are not necessarily bad by definition. However, you must note that there are simple and complex carbohydrates. When putting together your diet, you will want to be sure that it is one that has a higher component of complex carbohydrates as opposed to the simple carbs that are so prevalent in our food choices today. Simple carbs are basically sugar, and diets that are full of these sugars are exactly the type of diets that can lead to type 2 Diabetes. However, complex carbohydrates are a good choice to add to your diet because they are more difficult to digest. Therefore, your body has to work harder to process them, and that will give you a longer lasting energy source.

Your diet should also be rich in lean proteins. Lean proteins are a great source of energy for your body. This type of fuel encourages your metabolism to burn at a faster rate, and can actually help you to build muscle mass and to burn fat.

Fruits and vegetables are great because once you eat them they make your body feel full so you won't have immediate cravings for foods that are unhealthy. Fruits and vegetables are very nutritious and should be included in any balanced healthy diet.

It is a constant challenge to find out what type of diet works best for each of us individually. To answer the question Can you eat popcorn with diabetes? The answer is yes you can eat popcorn. Just eat it in moderation compared to the more healthy foods your body needs. - 17274

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Fast Weight Loss For Your Fat Belly

By Robert Hudak

Perhaps you have heard the old saying once you reach the age of 40, you start heading downhill and then come the middle age weight gain. The days of starving yourself for days at a time to achieve fast weight loss are no longer an option. Have you seen how young kids and teenagers have developed the middle age weight gain as well?

You will now hear the secrets to fast weight loss and belly be gone. Hypnosis has been very effective in helping people lose weight and reduce the belly with proper suggestions and programming. While in hypnosis the person is given suggestions to leave food on their plate or that they will feel satisfied with less eating and feel disinterested in food.

Drinking 12oz of water 15 minutes before each before each meal is the second secret to slimming down the mid section and achieving fast weight loss. Just drinking water all day long and 15 minutes before each meal will make you eat half of what you normally would.

So many people are struggling with weight gain and belly fat due to the enormous amounts of chemicals that are put into our food supply. Avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a major way you can achieve fast weight loss. Although HFCS is in almost all foods, there are still plenty foods without it. Most excess weight gain is caused by HFCS.

In 1970 HFCS was added to our food supply. Every generation of Americans are heavier without any relief in sight since that time. Can you believe that just stopping the consumption of HFCS will cause you to experience fast weight loss and reduce your belly size?

Perhaps the next thing that you need know is how HFCS affects your body. HFCS increases appetite and makes you addicted to whatever you are eating. High Fructose Corn Syrup is processed differently than regular sugar and it negatively affects the metabolism and the insulin levels. If you want to have fast weight loss then remove HFCS from your diet.

Another secret to shrinking your belly size, eliminate soft drinks. Regular soft drinks have 13 teaspoons of sugar. The diet version is not any better; it is full of artificial sweeteners that make your belly much bigger. If you want to have fast weight loss and to sit back and watch your body and belly shrink in size, say goodbye to soft drinks.

Another secret is become physically active. All you have to do is get out of the house and start walking. It does not have to be much, just start moving. The goal would be to walk 20 Minutes per day. Now if you want to experience fast weight loss, combine hypnosis with your walking to add discipline, will power and self-control.

Here is the final secret. Have you noticed the amount of people that walk 45 minutes or longer but still do not experience fast weight loss? It is because once their body gets accustomed to a routine, it adapts quickly. If you are not huffing and puffing, it has a limited affect on your body. To speed up your metabolism and burn belly fat, you need to burn that belly fat and turn that 20-minute walk into an interval workout. Your cardiovascular system will become stronger and you will lose your weight faster. - 17274

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