Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Time to Change the Way You Eat for Life

By Thong M. Dao

Presently almost everyone is preoccupied about their weight and health. It is challenging to be healthy and slim because of the way many of us lead our lives. We are inclined to eat out a lot.

We sometimes have foods which are poor choices at home, picking sugar-filled snacks instead of healthy foods. How can you stop it to lose those pounds and become fit?

Some of the things which many folks must do if they are trying to lose weight is to stop the bad patterns that they're engaged in. This will most likely be particularly challenging for those who have been eating a certain way for an extended time period.

Sugar, aspartame, caffeine and bad carbohydrates are just some of the bad things that many people are dependent on. It can be a real battle to be free from these but it is the best way for you to, in reality, take hold of your health. Go cold turkey some days to break free of a bad cycle, only if you're having an especially difficult time.

When you are free of the bad eating habits, you need to incorporate good ones. Although you are not required to eat perfect everyday, you must make sure that you stay with a nutritious plan for a month at least.

But why? It takes that long to form a new habit. If you apply a diet that is both healthy and balanced for 30 days, it will become your normal way of eating.

Certainly that's not all. Make sure your diet is sound. Stay low on GI (glycemic index) in order to regulate your sugar level.

Ensure that you are consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Most importantly, make sure that you have lots of water throughout the day with some sea salt. You have to be consistent in your efforts, and you will see them pay off in the form of a healthy, trimmed figure. - 17274

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The Reliability of Free Rapid Weight Loss Tips

By William Bartelli

If you've been looking for some free info on the web on how to lose weight, you may have clicked on a link that promised free rapid weight loss tips just for giving your email address. But are they really free?

We get great entertainment from the media so when we're looking for facts or weight loss tips avenues such as newspapers, magazines or the TV is usually the first place we're gonna look.

Within these popular media forms you will find all kinds of healthy advice because healthy sells and what can see like a bunch of great free weight loss tips actually winds up being a series of commercials.

One successful campaign in particular is the one where some average Joe says that all they did was eat at a certain restaurant and the weight just fell off them.

This average Joe then goes on a whirlwind tour telling every form of media that will listen that they lost all their weight just from eating a certain kind of sandwich or something.

But savvy marketers know, more often than not, what is not mentioned is the amount of exercise that person had to also do to get the kind of results being touted all over town.

So despite what you've heard, if you're looking for free rapid weight loss tips then don't be fooled. You will need to do more than just eat a load of fat free sub sandwiches to get the kind of results you're after.

It's worth a mention that another fallacy being told a lot lately is you secret to free rapid weight loss is to just eat whatever you want and drink bottles and bottles of water.

A long time ago some agency started to tell the world that drinking a certain amount of water every day is healthy for you. When bottled water became popular the bottlers of water used these as free weight loss tips and started to tell everyone that drinking water will help you lose weight.

Drinking water will help you lose the water weight you gain from drinking all that water if that makes any sense at all.

Media Bombard From All Sides

In the end when it comes to free rapid weight loss tips you have to do what is best for you.

Sporting goods companies will tell you that more exercise is the way to go because that means you will buy more equipment.

Eat more fruit will be free rapid weight loss tips given by someone selling fruit.

So check with your doctor if someone tries to give you free rapid weight loss tips that you are a little concerned about as they will give you the straight dope. - 17274

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The Candida Cleanse is a Colonic for the 21st Century

By Eleanor Candy

The body of the average human contains a pound or two of other life forms - life forms that live within us. Bacteria and yeasts account for most of it. Candida is a yeast; a genus of yeast, actually.

This genus of yeast lives inside the bodies of host animals from insects to humans. Like all yeast, Candida is living organisms. In certain cases of yeast infection, some people do a Candida Cleanse, the name for a colonic that targets the Candida where it is most plentiful - in the intestine.

Yeast infections not surprisingly occur in the areas where there are yeast; the mouth, the gut and the genitals. Back in the Seventies there was a debate over the extent to which uncontrolled yeast might not infect internal organs, causing other problems that go undiagnosed.

Anecdotal evidence, organized support groups and a thriving business in Candida Cleanse solutions are evidence that some endorse anti-Candida colonics despite the lack of authoritative acceptance.

If you are taking treatment that lowers your level of immunity to yeast infection, maybe you should see who he or she feels about Cadida Cleanse colonics.

What treatments lower the ability of the immune system? Chemo-therapy regimes for certain cancers, steroid treatment for medicinal purposes, and cortisone-based inhalers for the treatment of asthma, chronic bronchitis and other symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; use of all of these therapies is increasing, and all lower the efficiency of the body's natural immune system.

Yeast infections are like a canary in the coal mind - an early warning signal of low immune levels. For cancer and COPD sufferers, a yeast infection can present serious issues.

The reasoning behind a Candida Cleanse colonic is hard to dispute. One; a colonic is the fastest way to cleanse the intestine. Two, Candida Yeast lives in the intestine.

Makes sense to me, but I'm just a person with a respirologist who just told me my asthma medication was what was causing my thrush infection. - 17274

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6 Pack Abs - The Power Of Core Exercises

By Dan Solaris

Losing love-handles or a protruding belly is the main reason most folks decide to hit the gym and start working out. Having an unflattering midsection is one of the things that keep countless people from having fun in the beach or in a pool during summer.

Most exercise buffs, despite having spent years in the gym or working-out at home are still unsatisfied with their physique. An overwhelming number that don't see clear results even stop going to the gym- disheartened and bored with their workouts.

In order to get fast results and keep having fun with your workouts, the right exercises have to be done. If your goal is a nice rippling set of 6 pack abs, core based exercises should be incorporated into your weekly workout schedule.

Though most people are unaware about them, the power of core exercises in producing a rippling set of 6 pack abs cannot be stressed enough. Common flat-platform sit-ups and crunches can't compare to the core-strengthening movements of Pilates or improvised ab exercises done on a Swiss ball. Core based exercises entail more muscle effort leading to a leaner midsection in less time.

Furthermore, focusing too much on the ab muscles (a way too common mistake) leads to an imbalance of power. A strong stomach with a weak lower back will ultimately result in strain on the lower part of the spine- leaving us prone to injury.

Strengthening the abdomen, lower back, and oblique muscles means stabilizing our body's center, its foundation. A stronger core will give us better balance, flexibility and endurance. It will give extra support for our spine and hence give extra protection against injury.

For the countless folks aiming for fat loss and 6 pack abs, core based exercise together with cardio and resistance training lead to sure success in lesser time. Targeting body fat by maximizing calorie burn will ensure fast weight-loss and inches off your waistline.

True, the proverbial road to 6 pack abs is paved with a lot of sweat, hardship and sacrifice. Knowing which exercises are most effective in eliminating body fat can help speed-up your journey however and get you to your goal of a lean, rippling midsection faster. - 17274

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Weight lifting tips - Why recordkeeping is essential

By Jon Cardozo

If you've decided to build significant amounts of muscle, you should already know the most important components of your program. I'm talking, of course, about a resistance weightlifting program and a solid nutrition program.

The problem is that many people don't know how to act really measure their results. In other words, it's one thing to know that you should increase your calories, but how do you know whether or not things are working for you? If you don't keep track of what you're doing on a daily basis, there's no way to tell how much progress has been made or what you're doing incorrectly. That's why you need to write down everything that you eat and all the exercises that you do.

It's a simple procedure that can go a long way towards improving your muscle building program. It's really not that difficult once you get used to it. You simply have to discipline yourself to take a few extra moments and write down a few things. Start with how many calories you're eating, how many grams of protein you're eating, and what kind of exercises you're performing.

Writing things down in this way is a great way to keep track of your progress, because if things don't seem to be going the way you intended you simply go back to your record. Chances are you did something wrong either with your diet or with your workouts.

There will be times when you're not even sure if you're making progress all. There are some tips to keep in mind however, such as trying to gain a pound each week. This is one example of a goal you can shoot for that can help you track your progress along the way (as long as you also measure body fat percentage).

As for weightlifting exercises, your record keeping is just as important here. Your goal should be to gradually lift more weight from week to week, and you'll easily be able to see if you've met this requirement by writing things down.

It really is necessary to write things down because you're simply not going to remember later on. Having this set of records will help you change things as necessary.

If you're trying to make it through a muscle building workout plan and you're not keeping track on paper, you really are wasting your time. - 17274

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Toned Abs, Tight Jeans

By Dan Solaris

The fast-food culture people in the Western countries have combined with the hectic schedules that leave little room for daily exercise are causing more and more people to fall victim to obesity. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts the percentage of overweight Americans at 66% and almost half that number already obese.

Indeed, as the pace of life becomes increasingly faster, our waistlines are growing and wearing tight, sexy clothes have ceased to be an option for most folks. Working the daily grind has made it quite difficult to stay in shape these days but not at all impossible if we really put our mind to it.

Exercising consistently, every day if possible, is the most effective weapon against unsightly flab. The multiple benefits we get from regular work-outs make any questions about the value of exercise in fast-paced times like these is a no-brainer.

The elevated metabolism, a more positive mood, stronger immune system and several other health improvements we gain by exercising constantly puts to rest any questions whether making the effort to sweat it out each day is worth it. Another plus factor in working-out (a good one to think about to stay motivated) is being able to wear nicer clothes and look great in public.

Making it a point to exercise everyday also does wonders for our demeanor as it promotes the release of endorphins- chemicals which give us a feeling of being content or even happy. Exercising then goes beyond physical gains and even relieves us of pent-up stress, making us feel better about life.

Nicely toned abs and a better disposition- what better way to offset the ravages of an unhealthy diet and job stress? Having a tight schedule is no excuse because with the right combination of exercises, it's possible to create a daily calorie deficit in just 30 minutes a day.

Cardiovascular exercises have long been known to be the best way to burn calories from body fat, but one needs to keep at it for at least an hour in order to burn enough calories and facilitate fat-loss. For folks whose schedules are packed, intensifying cardio and muscle-building routines will let them reap the same weight-loss benefits for less than an hour each day.

Doing moderate cardio exercises interspersed with periods of high intensity maximizes calorie-burn- enabling us to get out of the gym quicker. The same goes for with doing abdominal exercises and weight training using an exercise ball or similar aid. The effort of trying to stay balanced while doing the reps recruits more muscle groups in activity and this means more caloric energy spent in less time. - 17274

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Fish is Food for a Better Brain

By Michael Byrd

Grandma was pretty smart. She knew eating fish was good for your brain long before scientists proved her right.

Every day there seems to be good news about fish oil and how it benefits your brain. Scientists have proven that fish oil benefits the brain from a baby in the womb to an elderly person suffering from Alzheimer's.

A baby's brain is made up of about 70% omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids. These fatty acids are necessary for the optimum development of a baby's intelligence, brain function and emotional well-being. And the only source of these vitally important nutrients is from the mother's nutrition. They're so vitally important that the U.S. National Institutes of Health recommends pregnant and lactating women supplement their diet with 1,200 mg of DHA and EPA a day.

Yet, the average pregnant or nursing woman gets only about 18% of the NIH recommended amount. Actually, just 3% of the women surveyed were getting the omega 3 they needed in their diet.

If the fetus doesn't get the DHA and EPA necessary for optimum brain development from the mother's diet, it takes what it can from the mother's brain. As a result of this depletion of DHA and EPA, many women lose as much as 3% of their brain mass during pregnancy. Many researchers think could be a major cause of post-partum blues.

And, if mother's not eating fish, you better believe her adolescent and teenage children aren't getting the DHA and EPA they need. The resulting omega 3 deficiency has been linked to the childhood behavior problems, temper tantrums and learning difficulties of ADD and ADHD.

However, British scientists recently discovered that omega 3 fish oil supplements can significantly reduce the symptoms of dyslexia, ADHD and ADD. After putting the children on omega 3 capsules for just six months, the children's spelling score was six months higher and their reading skills were a year higher.

Daily omega 3 supplements or eating fish a couple of times a week can also help to keep the adult brain healthy. Adult brain problems, such as depression, bipolar disorder and migraine headaches, have all been linked to omega 3 fish oil DHA and EPA fatty acid deficiencies.

Dietary deficiencies of omega 3 DHA and EPA have been linked to a higher incidence of migraine headaches, depression and bipolar disorder. Eating more fish or taking fish oil supplements, on the other hand, has been found to provide good quality, natural relief for these conditions.

Fish oil can also be a big help for baby boomers as they age over the next twenty years if they don't want to join the five million Americans who already have Alzheimer's disease. According to recent studies, people who eat the most fish have much lower risk of both Alzheimer's (39%) and dementia (47%).

Did you know that eating fish just once a month can reduce the risk of stroke or "brain attack." According to the Harvard Medical School, eating fish just once a month could reduce the risk of ischemic (blood clot) stroke by as much as 44%.

So, you can see Grandma knew what she was talking about. Eating fish and taking fish oil supplements is good for your brain. So get smart and follow Grandma's advice. - 17274

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Acai Berry Helps To Maintain Good Health

By Terry Rossi

The Acai berry is a delicious rainforest fruit that has immeasurable value to the human body. It is also a highly acclaimed super nutritious food that many people have a great liking for. Its nutrient content includes; proteins, as well as naturally occurring Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils. Some benefits of the Acai berry are; it acts as a source of energy for the body, it helps in detoxifying the body, it cleanses the body, it relieves pain that is found in joints and strengthens the heart muscles. Visible results can be seen within a few days when one takes the Acai berry. A regular intake of the Acai berry also hugely boosts one's immunity. Good news for those trying to lose weight is that the Acai berry will help them do it effortlessly.

Research has shown that the Acai berry is laden with huge amounts of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and fiber, essential for attaining and maintaining good health. Health experts now recommend the Acai berry diet as a good way to lose weight. It's a safe and healthy way of losing the pounds without going to the extreme and denying the body nutrients. The Acai berry diet works by reducing appetite while increasing the rate of metabolism. While many diets are said to be fads, the Acai berry diet has gained popularity owing to its quick, positive results, and the added advantage of improving overall health.

The Acai berry also acts as an antioxidant. These antioxidant properties cleanse the body by removing toxins that have accumulated in the body over time mostly due to unhealthy eating habits. Products to clean the colon are nowadays also being made from the Acai berry. When on the Acai berry diet, one is advised to embrace healthy eating habits and combine this with regular exercise for optimum results.

The acai berry has been used to make many products that are used as a source of energy i.e. energy giving food and as part of a weight loss diet. The acai berry pills are regularly used as a diet supplement. The acai berry is an excellent replacement to red wine because it contains high concentrations of the anthocyanin component that makes drinking a glass of red wine daily healthy without the alcohol. Products made from the acai berry include the acai burn, the acai berry detox, UltraPrime acai, white tea acai among others. Resources and details of how you can gain access to these products are available online. - 17274

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Flat Stomach Exercises Are High Intensity Exercises

By Jose Loni

Flat stomach exercises can be defined as anaerobic high intensity exercises. Spot reducing does not work when it comes to getting a flat stomach. Anaerobic training is the fastest way to achieving ripped abs. Increasing your metabolism by incorporating interval sets into our exercise program and training with greater frequency will give you a flat stomach.

Spot reduction does not work. Training the abs will not give you ripped abs. To get a flat stomach, you must train the whole body and burn fat. When you burn the fat throughout the body and the belly, the abdominal muscles under the fat will be more visible.

High intensity training causes a lowered oxygen situation in the muscles, which results in increased accumulation of carbon dioxide and lactic acid. Resulting in lowered muscle function.

When the intensity of the activity is decreased or removed, the body is better able to replenish oxygen into the muscles to repair and nourish. The increased metabolic activity requires more energy to function and helps remove waste products from the muscles.

Interval set training also creates an oxygen debt situation in the muscles. This causes the body to really increase its metabolic activity to keep providing energy to the increased physical activity, thereby increasing overall fat burning.

The muscles utilize the calories from the food we eat and when that is fully consumed, it turns to the fat stores on our body to provide the necessary energy. This fat burning process increases the body's capacity to burn fat and keeps actively replenishing and repairing the muscles well after the exercise session has ended.

Flat stomach exercises are basically anaerobic exercises. To get the fastest results, we must train with anaerobic exercises by increasing our metabolism through interval training and regular exercise. - 17274

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Exercise - Establishing A Routine

By Kareem F. Samhouri, DPT, CSCS, HFI

Fitting in an exercise routine to an already busy schedule can be challenging. In reality, this becomes easy once you have adapted your day to day routine. The majority of people who report that they have difficulty finding time to exercise also report that they just can't "fit it in." To truly find time for exercise, you'll need to become organized with scheduling, plan your exercises for the week, and create a dynamic gym environment.

Effective exercise programming involves planning it into your schedule while you are not tired. This suggests that you would be more likely to succeed with your fat loss goals if you choose to schedule in advance for an entire month, instead of each day. For example, you may choose to exercise at 8am on Mondays, but 5pm on Thursdays. This is perfectly normal, but planning for exercise to be as binding as a doctor's appointment is a suggested strategy for success.

Exercise time management also involves pre-scheduling of your workout routine. Clients of mine who are most successful exercising independently develop their workouts ahead of time. In fact, the most successful plan their workouts for at least an entire week in advance. If you think about it, your choice of exercises for today should be based upon your choice of exercises yesterday and tomorrow.

Choosing which body parts to exercise on a given day can be a perplexing decision, although this is beyond the scope of this article. As a general recommendation, be sure to leave at least 48 hours between exercise sessions that involve a pure strengthening protocol. On the other hand, endurance workouts can have more frequent repetition, as well as decreased isolation of muscle groups.

Finally, in order to manage your time effectively with exercise, you'll need to consider having a variety of exercises in your routine. The typical exercise program repeats once or twice a week, indefinitely. This allows your body to acclimate to the exercise demands placed upon it, thereby decreasing your results over time and leading to plateau. By selecting a larger variety of exercise, as can be done with proper workout development skills, you will be constantly stimulating your body to react to new demands, and thereby increasing fat loss and fitness results. For this reason, marathon runners are able to look relaxed while running at insane speeds. After awhile, the human body accommodates this 'abnormal' demand, and learns to burn fewer calories and conserve more energy. The same thing is true with your exercise program. Be careful not to make this mistake. - 17274

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Lower Ab Workouts - Why This May Be Setting You Up For Failure

By Jose Loni

Doing lower ab workouts and why this may actually be setting you up for failure is a question you may be wondering about. Most people focus on lower ab workouts when they want to get ripped abs thinking it's logical - there's a flabby problem area so let's work in that area to fix it. But your body doesn't operate that way. Flab means there's fat so you need to lose the fat first and no amount of isolation exercises can burn that fat away.

Ab machines and ab exercises promise you rock hard abs in 8-12 repetitions. Other variations of the same products claim to help you flatten your tummy in no time at all. But the fact is, they're all empty promises because spot reduction doesn't work.

Focusing your training just in the ab area will not sculpt and give you six packs. Sit-ups, crunches and lower ab exercises can strengthen and tone but they will not sculpt. The fact is, you likely won't see any visible changes.

To see a difference, you have to do cardio and a full body workout in order to speed up your metabolism enough to start melting away the excess fat surrounding your ab muscles that's preventing six pack visibility.

The more large muscles you work out, the more energy is used up to fuel muscle activity. Activities like brisk walking (especially on an incline), cycling, running, lunges and squats work the large muscles so they will help you burn fat.

Another way we can increase our metabolism is through interval training. When we do short intense bursts of activity, our muscles react by working so hard that there is a build up carbon dioxide and lactic acid in the muscles. As a result, the body must work extra hard at clearing away and getting oxygen to the muscles. The muscles react by increasing in size and also consuming more energy by working hard to adapt to the physical activity.

All this clearing away, replenishing of oxygen and repair work uses up a lot of energy, which the body gets from excess fat stores. Addtionally, the training enlarges the muscles, which now require more energy to fuel their new size. This all translates into an increased metabolism.

When all is said and done, do we keep doing lower ab workouts and should we really be targeting something so specific? Current research says "no" and as far as sculpting six pack abs go, it definitely makes sense to lose the fat and the flab in order to allow the six packs to show through! - 17274

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For Anyone Considering Iron Supplements

By Royce Linford

In order to stay healthy we need many different vitamins. Using supplements to help boost vitamin levels is a good idea, especially for iron vitamins. For anyone with an iron deficiency, an iron supplement is a must.

Iron is an essential nutrient so its something we need to make sure were getting enough of. Iron deficiency is especially prominent among women. Several foods contain iron, most notably red meat, eggs, walnuts and green vegetables.

If youre not sure you have an iron deficiency here are a few tell tale signs. Low energy or feeling faint, Dizzy spells, abnormal headaches, Blood rushing to your head as you stand up These are the easiest to notice, but there can be more serious symptoms, so if youre experiencing any of the above symptoms go to your doctor and have some tests done.

Iron deficiency is much more common in women than in men. Women generally need more iron than men, especially pregnant women. Iron helps make up hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to the cells. Pregnancy increases the amount of oxygen used which increases hemoglobin production thereby increasing the need for iron. During menstruation a women loses most of her iron from the bleeding. Children have a greater need for iron than adults. Because children are growing, they are constantly using nutrients to fuel their growth. Iron deficiency is something all parents need to be aware of, children need iron to grow and stay healthy. A multivitamin containing iron can be a good choice for children who are not eating an iron rich diet.

A balanced diet is a must for any vegetarian, iron is especially difficult to get without eating meats, supplements may be needed to make up for this. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, nuts and soy products. Talk to your doctor before taking an iron supplement.

Iron deficiency among dieters is higher than normal, many of these diets cut out iron rich foods. If youre on a diet that is low in iron, youll probably need a supplement, not only for iron but for other vitamins as well. Especially if you want to keep your energy levels high in order to exercise and speed up weight loss.

As you can see Iron supplements and other iron vitamins are needed by many people. You should always talk to your doctor before going on any iron supplement. Staying healthy isnt always easy, but its definitely worth the effort. - 17274

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