Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, December 12, 2008

Food Contamination - What Can We Do About It?

By Lidia Peru

It seems that every time I turn around there is another story in the news about food contamination. Whether it is tomatoes, spinach, or strawberries, there doesn't seem to be any way to know that the food we are buying in our fancy supermarkets is safe.

Where did this tainted food come from? We cannot blame the foreign growers, not when we hear about recalls of spinach from California. There are a lot of variables in growing fruits and vegetables, and it is not always easy to control the environment.

In a report edited by W. Jongen at the Wageningen University in the Netherlands, there are many considerations in improving the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods can come in contact with contaminants many times during their growing and processing cycle.

A naturally occurring danger is the overgrowth of pathogens on our foods. Given the right conditions these pathogens can create a protective shell, protecting the bacterial growth below them. These bacteria include E. coli and salmonella, to name a few.

Pesticides residues can also remain on our produce. Foods can appear to be clean and attractive, encouraging consumption without proper cleaning.

Naturally occurring fungi can be found on any organic matter. When those fungi multiply, the mycotoxins can become harmful to our health. This risk can be found in foods fed to livestock as well as foods consumed directly by consumers.

Is there anything the consumer can do to improve the qualities of their food prior to consumption? One tool I have found is to use a low cost naturally occurring chemical process that occurs when I mix miracle mineral solution, or MMS, with a food based activator, like lemon juice. The chemical reaction is to produce chlorine dioxide, an important chemical that is also produced in our bodies. Chlorine dioxide has been recognized as a water purifier for over 70 years.

One step we can take in our food preparation is to do that final cleaning prior to use of our produce. The method I prefer is to use MMS, or Miracle Mineral Solution and a little citric acid to produce chlorine dioxide. This combination was discovered several years ago, and used to treat thousands of malaria cases, hence the name miracle in Miracle Mineral Solution. The resulting chemical output is chlorine dioxide, a water purifier and naturally occuring detoxifier in the body.

I know that the health and wellness of your family is important to you. Miracle Mineral Solution gives us a choice that can lead to a healthier happier environment. - 17274

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The Best Bodybuilding Supplements to Increase your Muscle Gains

By Ricardo d Argence

There is more involved in bodybuilding than just lifting weights. A bodybuilder needs to be aware of nuteitional needs also,as to achieve the best results. You will need plenty of protein and complex carbs,that you should have a well-rounded diet.

Protein is the essential building block of muscle tissue. Proteins are directly responsible for repairing muscle damage, because that is what you are doing to a muscle when you lift weights, you tear the muscle then as it is repaired, it grows larger.

Complex carbohydrates. They are slow burning and provide lasting energy and are essential for stamina. They also maintain the enough amount of sugar while you are exercising.

Surprisingly, fats are a much-needed nutrient as well, it might seem counterproductive to add fat to your diet when you are trying to build muscle and lose fat, and however the right fats are crucial. Essential fats are monounsaturated fats, these aid in energy levels and boost the immune system.

Choosing and eating the most nutritious food available is ideal. In order to keep yourself from overeating, it may be wise to go from eating three large meals to six small meals in a given day.

When you are bodybuilding, it can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need strictly from your die,yhis is where supplements are beneficial.

Omega three fatty acids, reduces insulin resistance and produces healthy growth and development.

Studies have proven that creatine can substantially boost mass for body builders.

Sometimes getting adequate supplies of protein is difficult, it then becomes necessary to take it in a supplement form. Some forms are slow acting boosting muscle repair while you sleep.

Should you be categorized as underweight, you might have to take high-calorie supplements for the purpose of gaining pounds. Your endurance will be increased due to the extra caloric intake, while at the same time building muscle mass.

Many things go into making your body all that it can be and that will maximize your routine and help you build muscle, are the proper diet and exercise with the right supplements and adequate rest. It is centered good health of the key to any workout whether it is for muscle stamina or weight loss. Take the proper supplements to kick your routine into high gear,and eat a healthy diet high in calories, workout. - 17274

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How to Prevent Colorectal Cancer With a Good Diet

By Michael Byrd

Preventing colorectal cancer and your diet are most likely the same.

Your colon and rectum are responsible for lots of factors regarding nutrient absorption, water management and elimination of waste.

A scientist is not needed to tell you that a garbage in equals to a garbage out. Let's see what these experts have to say.

It was found that intake of red and processed meats are a major contributor of colorectal cancer. However, group of doctors in France are unconvinced by this "existing evidence." They've decided to make a comprehensive study for these themselves.

There were 478,040 men and women in a span of nearly five years that they followed before they have concluded that red and processed meat were a positive cause for colon cancer, adding that eating fish would reduce a person's risk. [Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 15;97:906-16]

This is not the only research that explains omega 3 oil, from fish is a factor in reducing colorectal cancer.

Doctors associated with the New York University Women's Health Study watched 14,727 women for 7 years. They found out that "a progressive decline in risk of colorectal cancer with increasing the intake of fish and shellfish."

Aside from that, they found that women who are inversely proportionate to the amount of calcium they consume also take a similar decline in its risk. This would mean that, a woman who takes most calcium will get the lowest risk.

But, they were not that confident about the red meat connection to the colorectal cancer as how our friends in France were. Actually, the doctors in NYU said that, the issue of associated of red meat to colorectal cancer "remains unclear." [Nutrition & Cancer, Vol. 28:276-81]

Also, a study out of Harvard suggests that it's not the read meat and fats which causes the problem but our "western" lifestyle itself.

They cited that a person, who's obese, physically inactive, has a diet low in vegetables and fruits while high in red meat and processed goods, contributes to one lifestyle that causes high levels of insulin in the blood!

It was explained by researchers that elevated blood insulin "promotes colon carcinogenesis" because insulin is a "growth factor" which causes cellular divisions of epithelial cells in the colon. [Cancer Causes & Control, Vol. 6, No. 2:164-79]

Curious what do we have to do to the colorectal cancer prevention and diet? It's pretty easy.

Stick in eating whole foods, with lots of green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, fiber rich foods, continuous use of unprocessed oils, intake of lean meat like fish and chicken, low fat dairy and lots of pure water.

The studies suggest that it's very important to cut down the alcohol, practice more of stress management and exercising regularly is a must.

With these guidelines, you not only reduce the risk for colorectal cancer, but you reduce the risk of other cancer, heart diseases and diabetes too. In addition, you will also improve you vim, vigor and vitality. - 17274

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What Are The Most Popular Diet Plans? CLICK HERE & Find Out!

By Jessica A. Andersen

It is nearly impossible to flip on the television today and not see an advertisement of one kind or another for a weight loss plan. If all these plans worked are there so many? the best that I can give you in order to pick the best diet is right for you is to know how your body works. Directly below I've outlined some of the most popular weight-loss programs available online and below I have provided links to highly successful ones you had never heard of.

1. Jenny Craig. This one has been in the news quite frequently of late. Between Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, everyone has heard and seen what Jenny Craig can do for you. The monthly fee may be twenty dollars, but the cost of food is what will get you. Still, the program combines good food provided by the center with salads, low fat dairy, lots of water, fruits, and exercise. You can speak with a counselor about your progress when you go for your weigh-ins.

2. Weight Watchers. The Weight Watchers diet has been one of the most successful diets in the history of dieting. What makes it so popular is that no food is off limits. As long as you do not exceed your daily point limit you can eat whatever you want. The diet is instructive has great literature and the teachers provide great information about what to eat, how to lose weight and not feel hungry. Exercise while not a large part of this diet or a central theme is always encouraged. My advice, as you may well guess, is to develop your own exercise plan and follow it religiously. Exercise should be made part of your daily routine. When you do this you will feel better, look better and feel better.

3. South Beach. The South Beach diet gets so much attention because of its advertisement that you can lose up to 13 pounds of fat in the first two weeks you're on the diet. this weight is lost because the diet is extremely restrictive than the first two weeks. The idea behind the diet, is to reprogram the body in order to burn calories more efficiently. Those foods that are excluded in the first two weeks are then slowly added back into the diet over time. This diet became so popular so quickly because there are many different makers of South Beach diet products: frozen meals, bars and breakfast cereals. These products are sold in thousands of very popular grocery stores.

4. Nutrisystem. This diet focuses on the glycemic index. This is a rating system that describes the nature of carbohydrates. A carbohydrate that scored highly on this index is one it releases its energy extremely quickly. When you eat these foods causes a rush of sugar into the blood. You get a burst of energy than you crash quickly and you are hungry again almost immediately. the diet provides you with prepackaged food that contains exactly the correct amount of low glycemic index carbohydrates in order to provide you with a stable energy burn. You will not experience a sugar rush, you'll feel more satisfied, and you will not be hungry when you eat these low glycemic index prepackaged meals.

So how you you choose the right diet for you? All of them are promising and will work. Let me help you. Visit my site now, learn more about these diets and I'll show you how to choose the correct one for you. Visit my site today. When you visit today and sign up for my newsletter you'll receive free diet software. Click on the links below now! - 17274

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Sean Nalewanyj's Truth About Building Muscle - Inner Circle

By Westy

Muscle building goal which many find elusive is made very simple and real by Sean Nalewanyj's step-by-step mass gain program, Muscle Gain Truth- No Fail System. Sean admits that "Building muscle is one of the simplest things to understand but one of the most difficult to implement." Learning to build ones muscles is very easy. However actually doing it is another ball game. This is where Sean's program comes in. It is unique and simple. Sean understands that many people although equipped with the knowledge required for it, fail.The Truth About Building Muscle

Why Do People Fail Their Muscle Building Program?

1. Laziness

2. Lack of information about bodybuilding

3. Loss of focus on the goal.

Once you learn to get past the obstacles that are confronting you, there will finally be results. There are some things that you can do to prepare for your muscle building. The success that is reached with the program will depend on you and your motivation and focus on the goal. You should understand that the concept of muscle building is relatively simple, but practicing those concepts is difficult.

Sean's program is just not mental preparation but a whole lot more- It is a step-by-step, planned and organized program. Sean asks you to allow him to become your new muscle building dictator. Why? Because this will let you to unlearn the nonsense which you "think" you know about weight gain.

You just need to follow the basic principles highlighted in his program. The same that Sean used to build his 80 lbs; that many people have successfully followed to flaunt impressive bodies. Seans principles- Principles that bring out great results.

(1) Workouts- Many people unfortunately do not understand the meaning of "intense workout" and its relation to a mass gain program.

Sean's program does not just state what to do but tells you why to do it. Under the program you just need to dedicate 3 INTENSE workouts a week. One for an hour. The other time you rest and eat. When Sean says "you must train with 100% intensity" he tells you just what you need to do to bring major changes in your body.

(2) Nutrition: The type and the kind of nutrition that you take play a pivotal role in muscle building. According to Sean this is when the "real magic" of muscle building takes place.

Included in your workout:

(1) Lessons in video to show you the plan in minute detail.

(2) Workouts that include warmups, stretching and selecting the right exercises to get the job done.

(3) minute attention to details like the correct way to breathe and when to rest. - 17274

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How To Cook A Salt Free Food Using Salt Free Seasoning

By Nnaemeka Ferdinand

Getting your meal to be tasty can be done even if you want to keep a salt free diet. Salt as it has already been mentioned in all types of media can be inimical to one's health, especially for one's heart. If consumed a lot, it can prevent the elimination of water from one's body. This has caused many to give up salt and instead enhance the flavor of their meal using salt free seasoning.

Cooking with salt free seasoning refers to mixtures of spices and herbs free of salt added to this blend meant to make your food tastier and thus more appealing. Seasoning of course varies from one dish to another, depending on whether the dish contains meat or not. Some spices as they are combined would rather go with vegetables or with a certain kind of meat, white or red. Recipes of salt free seasoning are available from a variety of sources, be they internet sites or cookery books.

A type of salt free seasoning is that which actually makes the salad dressing. As usual, the dressing should be done with a bit of oil and vinegar. But additionally you can add garlic and onion powder, basil, sage and black pepper. Your salad will still be delicious without any salt, unlike what you actually expect in case you are used to eating salted food.

Another type of salt free seasoning is the one meant for cooking fish or seafood. In doing this you should mix one and and half table spoon of pepper with lemon peel and two table spoons of crushed dill, tarragon or chives. Garlic powder or dried mustard are optional. In case you are cooking fish, a bit of paprika will not only boost the flavor, it will also add to the nice and appealing aspect of the dish.

Last but not least the oriental seasoning can also be prepared without any salt and thus we can obtain a different kind of salt free seasoning. Oriental flavors traditionally rely on ginger, garlic and pepper and these can be added in equal quantities so that all three main ingredients can be tasted and felt equally. Usually up to half a spoon should do for one pound of meat.

Of course Mexican food is also a delight to many. A Mexican salt free seasoning can as well be home prepared and it should contain onion, chili and garlic powder mixed with ground cumin. In case you like thyme, basil black pepper and oregano these can also be added to the blend.

Whichever of the seasonings you prefer and discover as a favorite in supermarkets, you can prepare at home on your own. All you need is to buy your own ingredients and make your own salt free seasoning based on the ingredients mentioned on the label of the seasoning you like so much. By doing this, you can guarantee better health and tasty food at the same time. - 17274

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Jeff Anderson Presents Homemade Supplement Secrets

By Westy

With the elevating prices of supplements in the market, the new e-book Homemade Supplements Secrets launched by Jeff Anderson has come as an aid to solve all our problems. The trainers are now relaxed as their budget has become thinner. Anderson has come up with a great idea of serving up all ties with the supplement companies that have earned large revenues. His e-book is a sure shot success and should be tried by every trainer. He also tells you the secret behind manufacturing your own supplement. How? Surprising, but true, you can get it done with the help of your kitchen table and mixing tools.

That's true, it can be done almost with the same ingredients and the product you make for yourself is of a better quality than the ones available in the market. And of course, all this just for a fraction of the price you pay for a pack of supplement. Jeff calls these supplements "knock-offs" and can be made in the forms of capsules and powders. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Homemade Supplement Secrets Revealed!

Trainers have already begun using this method in their programs.

The program will go into detail about how the manufacturers make their supplements. It will also show you how the commercial supplements do not often contain the right amounts of these ingredients that will give you the most benefit. When you learn all of this information you will not be able to be fooled by these manufacturers again.

People who are in desperate need of losing weight will often pay large sums of money to the supplement companies who promise them results. The companies count on that kind of desperation and use it to promote their products. It is not that the supplements do not work, but you must make sure that you are using supplements in the most intelligent fashion. The only intention that these companies have is to part you with your money and not help everyone become thin and healthy.

If you are planning to use supplements to help you lose weight or gain muscle, you must learn all that you can so that you can make intelligent choices about your supplementation. Jeff Anderson will show you how to save some of your money and make the products on your own. For instance, there is one popular supplement that is sold for $79.90 that can be made in your home for only $16.85. That's quite a savings and one that I'm sure you could use.

Jeff goes into detail about how the supplement companies get away with this huge markup and how they are taking advantage of the consumer. It is, indeed, a wake up call for those who have been buying these supplements to help with their bodybuilding efforts. The price of these supplements and the hype that surrounds them is something that Jeff Anderson seeks to dispel.

Having this information available to you might make you a little angry when you consider how the manufacturers are taking advantage of you. The products can have a direct impact on your health and you should know all that you can about the quality of the products that you are buying. You will be an informed consumer and able to make some smart decisions about the use of these products in your bodybuilding or weight loss programs. - 17274

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Health Resources - Heart Rate Monitors

By Melinda Mahrer

Heart rate monitors used to be exclusively operated by physicians and nurses alone but that was soon rectified with today's multi-tasking generation. Every person seemed to want to know about everything that was related to them and that of course included monitoring their own heartbeats.

Also known as a cardiac monitor, a heart monitor is a piece of electronic equipment that can be used to track or notice heart functions continuously. It allows people to place a numerical value on their healthiness based on their heart rate and have a target heart rate to work for. The more complex versions of the heart monitor allow physicians to see any signs of deterioration or improvement and make the necessary adjustments immediately.

Today, heart monitors have been constructed by a millions as great as written to support specific sorts of individuals. Some heart monitors have been essentially written for weight detriment programs whilst others have been meant for a have make use of athletes or aptness programs. Some have been wireless or come as a built-in underline of practice apparatus similar to a treadmill or a practice bike. It can be strapped to your wrist or of substantial size. It might or might not evacuate any electromagnetic waves, depending upon a purpose. A deadly heart monitor, for instance, contingency not furnish any waves during all as this might start an illness of a baby.

ECG-Accurate Monitors with Chest Straps - Heart monitors that come with chest straps are more often not the most accurate of heart monitors. The chest strap is strapped around your chest, a few centimetres below your breast. It contains a device that's healthy to detect electrical activity of your heart and transmit it to the brain of the organisation - just like an ECG. The results are shown on the display monitor, which most of the times is attached to your wrist like a watch. Others however prefer results to be transmitted through audio messages via earphones.

Upon choosing heart monitors with chest straps, you need to remember to keep the strap constantly connected to your body lest you want the heart monitor to produce inaccurate readings.

Lastly, the only alternative against buying heart monitors with chest straps are the ones that rely on pulses on your fingertips. These however do not provide readings as accurate as those with chest straps.

Heart Monitor Features - Basic and lower end models tend to display only your heart rate and maybe the elapsed exercise time as well. This of course does not wage sufficient information if you want to know exactly how much you need to improve before you can be eligible as a completely healthy individual. Higher end models will naturally offer a wider range of features - for a price. Examples of such features are - but not limited to - heart rate regularize alarms, timers and number of calories burned. It may also allow users to set pre-programmed workouts along with a targeted heart rate.

Ease of Have make use of - Lastly, we contingency squeeze a heart rate guard which we will have no problems of using. What great would a tall finish heart guard do if it takes us an hour to work it? Have been a numbers as great as difference looming in a heart rate guard readable? Can it be used in no-light situations? Have been buttons well-labelled as great as ergonomically positioned?

Heart monitors can be especially costly, more so if you are intent on purchasing higher-end models. If you have a limited budget, you should ask yourself whether or not you truly need to buy a heart monitor. You can of course purchase one of the lower-end models but low calibre heart monitors can lead to inaccurate results and that sort of defeats the purpose of buying one.

If we have been vigilant upon purchasing a heart monitor, we need to ask you an additional question: do we need to have a piece for one person squeeze or is it alright with we to have make use of a heart guard which comes as a built-in underline of a treadmill? Lastly, we should recollect as great which we can regularly compensate your alloy unchanging visits as great as have him guard your heart rate for you. - 17274

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Hazardous Weight Loss Methods

By Ricardo d Argence

The world today promotes the super thin as ideal and perfect body types. It does not to fit into that ideal body type as the thing is only more than 80% of the world. That leaves many people feeling like failures, and sometimes this leads people to go to drastic measures.

With the way our world is these days, people are saying that being thin is in and that if you are over weight then you are no good. Heavy people really will resort to anything they can do be thin. And this can be a problem. They have so many eating disorders this day and age. People need to realize that it is all about exercising and being active.

In the pursuit of the perfect bodies some people abuse laxatives to rid their bodies of unwanted calories. The problem is that the body has already absorbed the calories and the only resulting weight loss is from loss of fecal matter and fluid, which will return within a day or two. The return of fluids will result in the person feeling the need to use the laxatives again.

Over use of laxatives is a dangerous habit that can leave the user unable to relieve themselves without them. Eventually abuse of laxatives can lead to permanent bowel damage and even death.

By sticking fingers sown their throat or chemically another often used process is throwing up, a person may force themselves to throw up manually. While Syrup of Ipecac is liked by people with this form of eating disorder, what they do not realize is that usual use of this medication is toxic. To immediately regurgitate everything in their stomach it causes the user.

The impact on the body as a result of this process includes erosion of tooth enamel, complications form the chemicals and irritation to the esophagus. The effects of ingesting ipecac syrup may include irregular respiration and heartbeat or even heart attack, any of which can be lethal.

Another method for fast weight loss is the use of diet pills or diuretics. There are several kinds of medications that are used in weight loss. They include diet pills, which can increase your metabolism, control food cravings, or both. Diuretics function by eliminating excess fluids from your system. A lot of these have gotten FDA approval, but that doesn't mean they are a completely safe option for weight reduction.

Including pulmonary hypertension, dry mouth, and chest pains,prescription diet pills as well as some over the counter medications have been linked to serious health problems.

By following safe weight loss methods you can lose weight and enjoy a healthy life. - 17274

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