Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Side By Side Look at Elliptical Machines and Treadmills

By John Andrews

Elliptical machines are slowly taking the place of the treadmill. These machines provide a person with a complete cardiovascular workout. They are sold in all different price ranges; some are as low as 400 dollars and some as high as 4 thousand.

The elliptical machine combines skiing, walking, and bicycling in its design. These machines typically have screens on them that will display a person's heart rate while they are working out. Some elliptical machine screens display the calories that they have burned as well.

A great thing about elliptical machines is that it does not apply pressure on the joints of the feet while using it. This makes it different from the treadmill because walking on a treadmill puts constant pressure on a persons ankles and feet. There is very little impact on the ankles and feet when using an elliptical machine.

Another great aspect of the elliptical machine is that elderly people or people who have been injured can use them. People who have had ankle injuries may find it difficult to walk or run on a treadmill because of the pressure that is puts on their feet. They will not feel this pressure when using the elliptical machine, because it is not there.

Some seniors may find it hard to walk on the treadmill due to a fear of falling or sliding off of it. On an elliptical machine their feet are set in one place and it is impossible to slide off, and falling is unlikely. Most elliptical machines have different programs that a person can pick from.

Some ellipticals have up to 20 programs to choose from, these are usually the more expensive ones; the cheaper ones have fewer than 10 programs. Elliptical machines have resistance levels that can be changed; this way more than one person can use the same elliptical machine. Ellipticals provide a person a more better workout then a treadmill, because they workout more muscles.

The word elliptical means oval, this is due to the motion that the legs form when using the machine. The bigger the strides, the more room a person will have to move around when using the machine. Most elliptical machines normally are designed with 10 to 20 inch strides.

When a person purchases an elliptical machine, they should ask themselves three questions, will it fit my budget, my house, and me? Elliptical machines come in many different designs. Some can fold up to give a person more space in their home, but most should be put together in a spot that they can stay for a while.

Elliptical machines are found in all gyms nowadays and are frequently used by gym guests. Elliptical machines focus more on cardio and will help a person shed those unwanted pounds by burning fat without building too much muscle. Although ellipticals help to burn fat, they can be programmed to help build muscle if that is what the person wishes.

Another wonderful factor about elliptical machines is that they can be used without electricity. A person may not be able to see how many calories that they burned, but they could still use the machine and get a good workout. A treadmill can only work if it is plugged in to the wall.

Ellipticals provide a better workout then treadmills. They do not need to be powered in order to use them, and they do not affect the joints of the feet like treadmills do. All in all they better in many different ways than the treadmill. - 17274

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The Right Way to Use Creatine Supplements

By Lionel Weathers

Creatine is one of the most popular body building supplements out there, and so naturally there are a lot of questions about what are the proper ways to use it. The other problem is that you'll get different answers from different sources! Let's go over a few of the different theories that are out there about how to use creatine supplements.

Creatine Loading and Cycling

If you've ever used creatine supplements before then you've probably gone through a loading phase. The standard loading phase would usually be to take up to 20g of creatine a day for 5 days, then back off to a maintenance dose of 5g a day. The idea here was to saturate your muscles with a bunch of extra creatine and then try to maintain that saturation with the rest of the cycle.

Supplement companies love this idea I'm sure, because by the time you're done with your loading phase you've pretty much gone through your first bottle of creatine! But is it really necessary?

A lot of people will tell you that it really isn't necessary. I've read articles before (I'd source them here, but I can't remember where I read them!) that suggest that if you use creatine supplements long term you will get the same benefit as loading. A lot of users have also found that it probably isn't necessary either.

I found another interesting twist on the creatine loading cycle idea from MuscleHack.com. He tried a technique that involved loading for 3 days, abstaining for 3 days, and repeating that cycle over and over again. The idea being that if you cycle in this way you will maintain a higher level of creatine concentration in the muscles over time.

In the end, I don't think there really is a 'best way' to cycle. This is one area where you should experiment and see which method reacts the best with your body. Try a few things and stick with what works for you.

When to Take It Creatine Supplements

Another common question is when creatine supplements should be taken. This was my first question when I started using creatine. The standard suggestion has often been to take creatine soon after your workout (unless you are doing a standard loading phase, then you would take it throughout the day).

But, as with everything it seems when it comes to creatine, there are variations to this standard approach as well. For example, if you're going with the 3 days on 3 days off approach suggested by MuscleHack Mark McManus, you would take creatine before your workout, after your workout, and then at least 2 other times throughout the day. You really have to load up on a cycle like that.

Once again, it would seem that you will need to experiment and see what works best for you and your body. Do whatever works for you in the long run.


My intent in writing this article was not to come out with some kind of decisive solution as to what is the best way to get all the benefits out of using creatine supplements. As you can see, there are several different approaches that different people have found to work. In the end you really do have to test and see how your body reacts to the different approaches. - 17274

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What are you willing to do in order to build muscle?

By Jon Cardozo

The goal setting is one thing that I've often been excited about, but I haven't always kept up with it the way I should have. I've recently decided that I need to become more consistent, and I've been reviewing my goals carefully. I started to think about what it would take to achieve these goals, and they got me thinking about what it really takes to reach your fitness destination.

I asked myself a critical question: Are you prepared to work diligently towards these goals? If so, what are you willing to give up in exchange for these objectives?

Asking yourself if you're willing to do what is necessary is crucial to success. Obviously, when I say are you willing to do whatever it takes, I'm not talking about some outrageous action or something illegal. It means that you're going to have to learn to make the choices that are necessary, and you're going to need discipline in your own life to reach your goals.

Unfortunately, many people begin working on a project without asking themselves some critical questions. They start to lose steam somewhere in the middle of the project, and they get distracted by other daily things that seem more important or just more fun.

Whatever you choose to do in your life will be at the expense of something else. You can really only do one thing at any particular moment, so you should know what you're willing to give up.

So are you willing to do what it takes to reach your fitness goals? Which do you prefer, watching that favor TV show or working on a solid strength training program? Can you give up the incredibly tempting ice cream sundaes you eat every day in exchange for a healthier and better looking body?

As much as we may try to deny it, you won't reach your goals overnight with one single action. It's going to be a series of small choices, probably hundreds or thousands of choices, that decide whether or not you will be successful..

Remember that a little bit at a time is far better than a big work out all at once. Stick with your plan step by step and you'll soon reach your muscle building goals. - 17274

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Usana Rev3 - Join the Energy Revolution

By Angela Giles

Usana Rev3, an energy drink manufactured by Usana Health Sciences, provides long-lasting energy by stimulating energy production at the cellular level. Usana Health Sciences is a top-rated producer of dietary supplements in the USA and 14 major countries of the world.

The Mitochondrion is an organelle in the human cell that converts glucose and fats derived from food into ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate), in other words, into chemical energy. This process of energy production is commonly called as the Kreb's energy cycle. In addition to producing ATP, the mitochondrion also supports different cell functions such as differentiation and growth.

Usana Rev3 is superior to other energy drinks because its contents include L-Carnitine, a substance that supports the mitochondrion in the production of energy. L-Carnitine works by transporting essential fats into the mitochondrion, which are then converted to energy. It also helps to extract from the mitochondrion harmful byproducts of the energy creation process. Rev3 also contains a coenzyme Q10, which produces a significant share of cellular energy.

Along with L-Carnitine, Usana Rev3 also contains citric acid, malic acid, Korean ginseng and rhodiola, ingredients that are necessary for the proper functioning of the Kreb's cycle and electron transport mechanisms. They are also effective in dealing with everyday stress and fatigue.

Normal energy drinks are prepared with sugars having a high glycemic index. They tend to produce a temporary increase in energy which is followed by a sudden decrease, which makes the drinker feel drained out. Usana Rev3 is different than other drinks because it contains sugars with a low glycemic index, which provides long lasting spread of energy. With just one drink you can sustain energy for day-long activity.

The main ingredients of Rev3 are natural caffeine and a blend of various teas. It also contains a nutrient blend of multiple vitamins and anti-oxidants prepared from fruit extracts. In addition, it contains Olivol, a patented olive fruit extract which is useful in preventing oxidation of low density lipoproteins. Rev3 has an all-natural crispy taste and does not contain any artificial flavors, sweeteners, colors and preservatives. Rev3 drinkers report an increase in their mental alertness and stamina.

Usana Rev3 has created a revolution in the energy drinks industry by being cleaner, stronger and smarter than other drinks. Usana products have always been recognized to be superior in comparison to other dietary supplements in the market. - 17274

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Are You Aware of These False Claims for Healing Bruises?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you're ready to get rid of bruising, you may not know which way to turn. There are lots of people around who are constantly dealing with easy bruising on a continual basis, and if you determine that you are bruising with no seeming provocation or for no apparent reason, you absolutely want an answer to what will make the bruises fade and vanish. The fact is that there are certainly some treatments that work superbly and can make your splotches disappear as if by magic, but there are also a multitude of so-called cures that seem to begin from old wives tales and poor advice. To say it another way, there are a lot of falsely recommended treatments available.

The primary thing that you should understand is that heat should not be applied to the bruise. An application of cold may help, but heat is only going to increase the inflammation of the area, and in most cases, cause it to be worse. Although it is true that applied heat can help circulation, and although circulation is very important, this is not the tack you should take when dealing with a freshly formed bruise. Consider that a bruise is the result of the breaking of tiny blood vessels under the skin's surface, and the last thing that you would want to do is to encourage is supplying more blood to the area. Heat application can actually foster a bruise that is much more pronounced.

Don't rub onions on a bruise. Using onions is one of those old wives tales that has been circulated a long time. Even if someone's mother or someone's best friend told you that cold slices of onion laid against your bruise will help reduce the discoloration, the fact of the matter is that all that you are going to accomplish is for you to end up smelling like an onion. The cold may feel nice, but a cold pack, if the bruise is hurting you, is a much better alternative. Keep away from this supposed remedy because, it actually doesn't do any good.

Another old wives tale that has been widely told is the idea that dairy products can help reduce a bruise. Well, milk may do a body good, but in almost all cases, this happens when used internally, not externally. Bathing in milk might be good for your skin, but there is not nearly enough lactic acid that is going to soak into your skin to make a difference in your bruising. Use the milk and cottage cheese for healthy bones, but keep it away from your bruising.

Don't use Orajel (the teething pain medicine) or any other type of similar product on your bruise. Consider the ingredients. Basically, products like these are meant to reduce swelling, and they just might give you a pleasant little tingle at the location where they are applied, but the fact of the matter is that they are not designed for this purpose, and while they might help alleviate some pain, they will do nothing positive for the bruise itself.

For each of the folks with bruising problems, it appears that almost everyone has their own unique way to overcome their bruising. Their individual cure may work very well for them, but remember that we all bruise differently and that our bodies are completely different. While trying to find a cure that is appropriate for you, always be certain that you know the reasons why the cure should work, and what the rationale behind it is. - 17274

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Does Drinking Oolong Tea Cause Headaches?

By Jared Rothe

Oolong tea is a mixture of both black and green teas and because of this some may wonder does Oolong tea cause headaches. The fact is that Oolong tea has been around for centuries and it has been believed that drinking this tea can relieve headaches! So what is the real reason for headaches? Let's look at what makes up Oolong tea for a better understanding of why a person may experience headaches.

Oolong tea is made up of black tea. Black tea contains a lot of caffeine about 40mg per cup. Black tea should be drank in limited quantities to avoid being addicted to caffeine. The dependency will give you headaches if you quit consuming the tea or drink too much of it.

Green tea is the second ingredient in oolong tea. It is processed to contain about 20mg of caffeine per cup. Green tea contains many antioxidants that fight of free radicals and help to protect against cancer and heart disease.

Many people of china drink tea for medicinal purposes. One such treatment it is used for is to cure headaches. Researchers believe that when you have a headache tea helps to reduce the problem. It depends on your weight and genetics with how much you should drink.

People will become dependent on the caffeine from tea if they drink too much. Sometimes headaches occur when you go through withdrawals by not drinking enough tea or caffeine. On the opposite if you never drink beverages that contain caffeine you can also shock your body and headaches can happen.

One of the many benefits of Oolong tea is that it has many antioxidant properties as mentioned above and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for years. When a person drinks Oolong tea their body begins to flush out toxins and free radicals that cause damage to the body. This process of cleansing and flushing these harmful agents from your body can actually cause a headache. So it is not actually the Oolong tea that is causing the headaches it is your body's defense mechanism as harmful toxins are flushed out.

To answer the question does oolong tea? The answer is yes, but its not the tea directly its either the antioxidants or the caffeine causing the headaches. - 17274

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Jump Start Your Metabolism Quickly with Natural Supplements

By Thong M. Dao

The body is a surprising masterpiece. Most of the time, we are not even aware of the fact that our body is functioning and doing as many tasks as it is at one time. All too often in our lives, there is certainly something that we all take for granted.

For those of us with poor health, our bodies are constantly on our minds. It's preferable that we take better care of our bodies before anything going bad rather than attempting to fix things when they go wrong.

Remaining in shape and maintaining a healthy weight is of utmost importance to many. With the busy lives many people lead today, it is something hard to achieve. However, this does not mean it is too hard for us to carry out.

One thing we can do is keep our metabolism up, to ensure our body makes the most progress practicable. This can either be done by eating right, getting exercise or taking supplements. All of these will work and you may want to use them all.

It's pretty easy to boost your metabolism rate by using supplements. To kick start your metabolic process and keep it running well as the day goes on, consider using some kind of supplement.

The main thing is that you pick out something that is all natural so that you do not end up damaging your body in the process. Using man made chemical substances to modify the way our body works is probably not a good idea from the beginning.

While there are some other supplements capable of supercharging metabolic rate, among the safest and most powerful is green tea. This can be taken either in natural form brewed in tea, or concentrated in tablet form.

The contents of green tea are all natural substances which act as antioxidants in your body and assist in a smooth metabolic process. In order to see the effects in the shortest period of time, take this natural supplement every day as recommended. - 17274

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Kill Hunger in Its Tracks With a Hoodia Shake

By Reagan Miers

I highly recommend hoodia shakes because, in my opinion, they are such a fantastic product. They are incredibly effective because they contain the two natural, yet extremely powerful appetite suppressants of protein and hoodia gordonii. As any dieter will know, protein powders have been used in shakes for decades, however, not many people know that a protein shake is actually very effective at stopping hunger on it's own. If this power is added together with hoodia gordonii, then you get a shake that will totally stop hunger in its tracks.

While hoodia shakes are convenient, I have found a few problems with them. For starters, there are only a small number of products out there, so you are going to be really restricted with choice. I've also noticed that the range of flavours are really limited as well. They also tend to be very expensive, and to be honest, they don't really contain much hoodia gordonii, so you end up paying a high price for what is essentially still a basic protein shake, which only contains a tiny bit of hoodia.

Most of the hoodia shake products available today have 500mg or less of hoodia gordonii per scoop. That's a decent amount of hoodia gordonii, but the hoodia shake I'm going to show you how to make will contain 750mg or more of hoodia gordonii per scoop and will cost much less than any product you'll find on the market today.

One of the great things about making your own hoodia shake is that you can choose what type of protein to use. You can use soy protein or whey protein. You can also choose what flavors you want. There are many popular brands of protein powders available and they come in so many flavors beyond the usual chocolate and vanilla. One popular brand of protein powder has such flavors as banana cream, strawberry, tropical punch, and cookies and cream!

The first ingredient you will need for your hoodia shake is your favourite brand of protein powder. You will be able to pick up a 2-pound tub of high quality powder relatively cheaply, and this should give you at least 30 servings. Next, you need to buy a hoodia dietary pill - make sure it contains 100% authentic hoodia gordonii as these supplements will contain around 750mg of hoodia in each pill.

Fill a glass with some low fat milk, or even water, and then add in a serving of the protein powder you bought. To get the hoodia from the diet pills, carefully pull apart the capsule and add the powder to your drink. Make sure you mix your drink well, or maybe even blend it with some ice, and then enjoy! Not only have you just made a really tasty shake that will suppress your appetite, you will find that you have paid a lot less for your shake than any other hoodia products available on the market!

What I love about making my own appetite suppressing hoodia shakes is that I am completely in charge of the ingredients. I can add more protein powder, or more hoodia gordonii if I wish, and can make each drink different to match how I am feeling that day. I also have the option of adding other ingredients to change the flavour or offer me more benefits, like the extra hunger suppressing power of fibre for example. - 17274

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Simple Natural Treatments for Gout You Can Use to Get Rid of Gout

By John Horner

Grapes are incredible natural treatments for gout. They are very good at helping you reduce or eliminate painful gout symptoms. While grapes alone will not get rid of this painful condition, they will greatly benefit you combine them with other treatment therapies.

Grapes have several ways they contribute in treating gout. These include quercitin, water, potassium, vitamin C, and anthocyanins.

Grapes are great natural gout treatments because they contain quercitin. This powerful flavonol reduces swelling. Swelling is the main reason people suffer from gout pain.

This swelling starts when your uric acid levels get out of balance. The extra crystals enter your joints and cause damage and pain. Quercitin helps reduce this swelling.

Water can help reduce painful gout symptoms. Grapes are a great way to get the water you need. They are made up of approximately 2/3 water. By eating water dense fruits such as grapes, you can increase your hydration. Proper hydration lets you flush out excess uric acid.

Potassium is a great component of treating gout pain. Potassium treats this disease by liquefying uric acid. This enables your kidneys to get rid of it more effectively. One serving of grapes will provide you with approximately 5% of the potassium you need on a daily basis. You can help increase this number by adding several more fruits to your diet such as cherries and pineapples. Fruits are a major part of any successful gout therapy program.

One way grapes treat gout is by lowering uric acid levels. They do this through vitamin C. Grapes have quite a bit of vitamin C. Many popular fruits are filled with vitamin C and this is why fruits are such a great antidote to for not only gout, but also your overall health.

Arthritis and Rheumatism (2005;52:1843-7) published a scientific report that showed supplementing your diet with Vitamin C lowered uric acid around 10% after a two month period. The supplementation was at 500mg per day. By controlling this acid it can help reduce your frequency and intensity of attacks.

Anthocyanins are another reason grapes are great treatments for gout. Anthocyanins are flavonoids and help control swelling. Does the color of the grape make a difference? Some would say yes. The higher the anthocyanins found in the grape, the more beneficial the grapes are in reducing swelling. Darker grapes would be better as they contain a greater amount.

Grapes are so important when you are trying to treat gout naturally. However, they are best used when combined with other fruits. Many fruits, such as cherries, contain a lot of these healthy properties that help you get rid of gout pain. - 17274

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Cellulite Causes and Remedies

By El Bilson

Cellulite causes a lot of physical and emotional stress to sufferers, especially women since women are much more likely to get cellulite than men. Cellulite is basically accumulated fat under certain spots of the body, such as the thighs, the hips, and the belly. Needless to say, such problems are difficult to hide with clothing, and can be a source of embarrassment.

Cellulite can be caused by many things including:

#1 " Heredity. Cellulite is one of those things that gets passed down from generation to generation. You are more likely to get cellulite if your parents and grandparents also suffered from it. It's an unfortunate skin problem that many people deal with on a daily basis.

If you have an older relative who successfully got rid of their cellulite problem, then don't hesitate to ask them how they did it. It's likely that what worked for them will work for you " after all, some things might work better for some people than others!

#2 " Medication. Some forms of medication can trigger hormonal changes in the body. These changes can accelerate the accumulation of fat in the body. Such medications include birth control pills, diet pills, and sleeping pills. It's always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any medications. This is especially important if your family has a history of cellulite.

#3 " Smoking. Cellulite is a condition that's affected not only by the buildup of fat under the skin, but also by the condition of the skin itself. Smoking doesn't only cause lung cancer and heart problems " it also weakens the skin and thus making cellulite look even worse. It's never a good idea to smoke. Poor skin with cellulite is just another reason to kick the habit soon.

#4 " Bad eating habits. Eating too much junk and fast food as well as drinking too much caffeine and alcohol is one of the most prominent causes of cellulite. It's not unusual to see kids as young as 14 with cellulite these days, mainly because good eating habits aren't taught well enough at home and school. Unfortunately, there are other problems caused by bad eating habits " you can also add obesity, migraines, vertigo, impotence, and hypertension to the list.

The best diet to counter cellulite contains much less junk food including fried food, fast food, processed food " and more of the good stuff. Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits are always good. But you don't have to swear off the bad stuff altogether " you can still have them every now and then. Just remember to balance it with good food and exercise every week.

#5 " Bad drinking habits. Believe it or not, the amount of water you drink in a single day can also affect cellulite. Water is needed by the body to flush toxins out of the body regularly. Some toxins are the leading triggers of cellulite. If you don't drink enough water in a day, too many toxins will be left in the body, and cellulite buildup will be inevitable.

Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water everyday to keep your skin hydrated. Water will also keep your skin from drying, improving the overall appearance of even your fatty bulges. Fruit juice is also okay, but be careful " some brands of fruit juice have the same amount (sometimes even more) of calories as soda. This can make it harder for you to shed those unwanted slabs of fat.

Now that you know about the most common cellulite causes and how to address them, the next thing you need to remember is to start slowly. Healthy habits can be hard to stick to, but practice makes perfect! Eventually you will see healthier skin as a result of your efforts! - 17274

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