Kelp is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, chief of which is iodine. Iodine is very helpful in treating goiter. The good thing with kelp is that unlike manufactured iodine, kelp does not cause allergic reactions. Kelp is also a great source of vitamin C, selenium, the B-vitamins, bromine, boron, nitrogen and a whole slew of other helpful nutrients that will help the body function as it should.
One important function of kelp is to regulate the thyroid gland. You see, a thyroid gland gone awry is a source of a lot of problems: being overweight or underweight (depending on the case), suffering from goiter, and enlarged testes and lymph nodes. The thyroid gland needs iodine to function properly and kelp provides this in sufficient amounts. Kelp is even considered better than artificially manufactured iodine, as kelp does not produce allergies. Meanwhile, one reason for obesity is linked to an overactive pituitary and thyroid gland. The nutrients in kelp help to regulate these glands, and also our kidney and prostate glands.
Kelp also works to effectively rid the body of wastes and toxins. It does this by working on the kidney, enabling it to quickly dispose of the toxins while improving our metabolic and digestive processes.
Kelp also works to neutralize substances that may harm the body by working as a mild laxative. Drugs, chemicals and heavy metals are neutralized so that they stop wreaking havoc with the body. These are bound by the algins, which are then excreted as waste.
Try kelp. It can do wonders for your health and well-being! - 17274
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