Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Discover How to Grow Taller By Improving Posture Permanently and Easily

By Rodney Williams

If you are poring over this matter with drooping shoulders and head held down, wake up! Tell yourself to wake up to good posture all through the day if you really want to increase your height and stand tall. Height gain is possible only if you relieve the pressure on your spinal column.

Good posture boosts growth of the spinal column. Methods and tips to grow taller by improve posture during various activities like sitting, standing, sleeping and lifting are explained below. These will not only increase your height but also boost your mood.

Standing: To straighten the small of your back, place one foot at a greater height than the other while standing. You can use table or chair footrests, little stools, steps of a staircase, etc. Wear flat shoes to avoid the tilted pelvis that troubles the high-heeled people.

Sitting: Always use a chair that has a firm and high backrest. Sit with knees a little higher than the hips. If the chair is too high to allow you this position, place some object under your feet to raise them. Never get too comfortable in any position. Get up from time to time.

Sleeping: Sleeping with straight legs is not good for posture as it causes a swayback. Sleep with a pillow or two under your knees when you sleep on your back. If you prefer to sleep on your side, bend in your knees and hips to straighten the spine. Place a pillow in between the knees to avoid strain on the spine.

Lifting: If you suffer from lower back pain, you shouldn't be lifting heavy objects at all. If you don't have a choice, remember the following: Do not twist, get as close to the object as possible, and bend your knees rather than bending at the waist.

Maintaining a good posture is not only good for the body but also the brain. Remain in the correct posture for the good part of 24 hours and the question of how to increase height will resolve itself. If you are not able to sustain good posture, take up posture improving exercises that strengthen muscles in key areas.

If nothing else, just imagine a giant rope tied to your head and pulling you up into the sky. When you lie down, imagine two of those ropes pulling you in both directions and stretching you out. You will soon see yourself literally standing taller. - 17274

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Great Tips For A Healthy Body

By Connor Sullivan

The major priority of any person should be health. It is very important for a person to stay healthy to keep sicknesses from happening, viruses and other types of health related problems which are increasing day after day. Many people are dying of cancer today and so many related diseases. Research has found a number of methods in which serious diseases can be prevented. By keeping these diseases from happening, individuals also get the opportunity to improve their health and life style. Some of the basic natural techniques of getting rid of diseases and maintaining a healthy life comprise of liquid zeolite, green tea, phytochemicals and ellagic acid. These are the substances which occur naturally or are components of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, there are many other ways of improving health.

Keeping a healthy body means having a happy life in which there are hardly any signs of illnesses and sicknesses. few of the green plants contain very huge amounts of nutrients. They help to strengthen the system and aids in proper digestion of food. Vegetables such as artichoke increases bile production and prevent the liver from toxins. It is important that people realize that the most important meal of the day is breakfast and it should not be ignored. Secondly, lunch should be a healthy one. Individuals should not eat a lot of food because as the day passes by, the body burns less calories and the daily activity decreases.

Another necessary supplement to include in the diet is multivitamins. There are many people who do not enough time to prepare a healthy meal everyday so multivitamins can replace a healthy balanced diet. It will provide the body with the essential nutrients which are needed on a daily basis. Stress is a major contributor of poor health and individuals should try to get rid of it as much as possible. The problems associated with a distressing life include headaches, fatigue and high blood pressure. Removing stress from ones life will lead to a much healthy lifestyle and a healthy body.

Fruits and vegetables consists of essential vitamins and minerals and they should be included in the diet as much as possible. A healthy diet should be inclusive of green vegetables and vegetables which originate from the cabbage family such as cauliflower, broccoli, and kale and so on. Processed foods are not recommended to be eaten regularly as they reduce the rate of metabolism and rises the chance of inflammation. This in turn increases the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart problems. The processing reduces the quality of carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals that can be obtained from eating real food. Moreover, as these sources of nourishment are disintegrated, the process of digestion is also made difficult.

Lastly, staying active and doing regular exercise is also mandatory to keep the body in a healthy condition. Getting at least two to three hours of work out weekly will help to maintain weight and lose weight. However, it is important to begin with what is comfortable for different people and how much time they can put in per week in regular exercise program. These basic tips will provide an individual with a way to maintain a healthy living and a healthy body which is not vulnerable to diseases and sicknesses. - 17274

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Elements of Destruction to the Body Understood

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

To understand the way that free radicals and antioxidants interact, you must first understand a bit about cells and molecules. This is a quick course in Physiology/Chemistry lesson: The human body is composed of many different types of cells.

Cells are composed of many different types of molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements joined by chemical bonds.

Atoms are made up of a nucleus, protons, electrons, and neutrons. The number positively charged particles (protons) in the nucleus of the atom is what determines how many negatively charged particles (electron) will surround the atom.

Electrons are responsible for the chemical reactions that take place inside the atom as well as the substance that holds the atom together to form molecules. Electrons orbit the atom in one or more shells.

The innermost shell is full when it has two electrons. When the first shell is full, electrons begin to fill the second shell. When the second shell has eight electrons, it is full.

The most significant factor in determining an atoms chemical behavior is the number of electrons in the outer shell.

An atom that has a full outer shell does not enter in chemical reactions. Atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability by one of the following:

Eradicate or pick up electrons to fill or empty the shell

Bonding with other atoms to share electrons to complete the outer shell

The most common way atoms complete their outer shell is by sharing electrons with other atoms. This bonding share strategy used by atoms satisfies the stipulations needed for maximum stability of the molecule.

Normally, bonds wont split in a way that leaves a molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. But when weak bonds split, free radicals are formed--free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability.

The most common way free radicals attack is by finding the closest molecule that is stable and from there they begin the process of stealing electrons. When the molecule that is attacked starts losing the electrons, it becomes a free radical as well. When this process begins, it creates a chain reaction in which the end result is a disruption of a living cell.

Free radicals will frequently arrive during metabolism and sometimes the body will even produce them to fight off viruses and bacteria. Free radicals also come from pollution such as radiation, cigarette smoke, and pesticides.

The body usually defends these free radicals well, however when antioxidants are not available or free radical damage becomes too excessive, cell damage can occur. The most significant importance to this free radical damage is that it accelerates the aging process in humans - 17274

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Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 4 " The Second Change to Consider for Your Diet!

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are thinking about preventing bruising easily, you already know that you need to avoid eating foods that have been highly processed and that are high in fat and sugar, but do you know what you should eat? Bruising easily when the cause is age and the deterioration of your skin and your veins is something that can be combated through good habits, and one of the best habits that you can develop is eating properly.

The first change you should consider for your diet in order to prevent bruising easily is to learn which foods will provide the necessary nourishment your body requires without raising your blood pressure. When you realize that high blood pressure is common for many people, even those that don't know that they have the problem, carefully scrutinizing your diet becomes the means to provide the most help in lowering your blood pressure. You must look at how you can lower your sodium intake as an important first consideration.

If you are considering changing your diet in order to help reduce bruising, you should at least consider cooking more meals at home. High blood pressure has blindsided many people who were unaware of how a significant portion of restaurant food is prepared. You might be really amazed about how much fat and salt is used in the preparation of some restaurant food.

In order to make the necessary diet modifications, examine your protein intake first. If you are going to make diet changes to help increase your body's capability to prevent bruising, you are probably going to discover that you need more lean protein added to your diet, rather than having to reduce protein quantities. Sticking to very lean cuts of pork and beef, while increasing your poultry intake, is probably going to give you your best results.

Eggs are an excellent way to increase protein in your diet, but you must consider how this can affect your cholesterol levels. Medical research has proved that the type of cholesterol that is absorbed into your system from eggs, can actually be beneficial to your body's healing processes when taken in moderation.

An ideal way to help prevent easy bruising is to increase the amount of vegetables contained in your diet. The increase of nutrients that the body absorbs from higher levels of vegetables in the diet will help the body heal itself faster, and it can also help you to decrease your sodium intake. Do not use too much fat or salt when preparing your vegetables, and consider eating vegetables raw as an excellent way to improve your healthy lifestyle.

When you are determining which vegetables that you are going to cook, keep in mind that the best vegetables are those with somewhat bright colors. For example, while white potatoes may be fine in moderation, they are essentially just a starch with little nutritional benefit. On the other hand, if you replace white potatoes with sweet potatoes, you now have a great source of beta carotene and fiber.

When you think about changing your diet, cutting fatty meats and including more vegetables will likely help you to achieve the results that you want to see to prevent bruising. Also consider the benefits of adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which has been proved to help you overcome your easy bruising and help you reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether. - 17274

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Garden of Life RAW Mens - RAW Ingredients To Protect And Improve Men's Health

By Ben Pate

Men need a diet rich in nutrients and minerals to keep them functioning at their optimal levels of performance. However it's statistically proven that men are less likely to pay proper attention to their health than women. For this reason men commonly have reduced immune function and suffer from lack of energy. The primary culprit for these problems is a nutrient deficiency in the foods that men eat. Vitamin Code Mens Vitamins provides all the rounded nutrition that men need.

Designed to specifically target the essential health needs of men, Vitamin Code Men's Formula, Garden of Life is built around the core bodily needs of the male physiology. The unique Vitamin Code formula is an encompassing and all-inclusive system designed to support the body with vitamin E, lycopene, selenium and zinc. These unique ingredients are designed to make up for the aspects of balanced health that men routinely overlook.

Engineered from the start to boost daily energy and mental capabilities to provide instant results in your daily routine, this system goes far beyond that. With a highly effective mixture of nutrients and minerals, Vitamin Code RAW provides prostate, heart and vision health care and maintains the utmost level of bodily health and function in men.

The secret to RAW's powerful formulas is in their production and method. Vitamin Code vitamins are individually cultivated with unique goals in mind and specific uses. By approaching health on a more precise and unique basis RAW is able to address the needs of each consumer by including enzymes, probiotics, amino acids and antioxidants that address the needs of the consumer directly.

With each passing year the use of herbicides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers increases wildly as a way to make more food for a growing world. The painful truth of this fact is that as the years go by the food we produce is becoming much less nutritious for us. A comparison drawn of food nutrition between the 1960's and 70's to the present day shows that overall food nutrition has been reduced by almost 25 to 50 percent in just those few years.

Making the problem worse is the method in which we pack our foods. For convenience and safety we subject our foods to elaborate chemical treatments including irradiation, chemical preservation, and heating. While these processes may increase the overall safety of our food they greatly and further lower the nutritional quality and health benefits of the produce. By the time the produce actually reaches the consumer it has been put though so many changes that the nutrition of the product is a fraction of what it once was!

To ensure that you get the most of your food you need to be sure that the food you eat is able to provide the nutrition your body requires. The Garden of Life Vitamin Code RAW Mens system gives you food that is natural and hasn't been corrupted or tampered with. By eating these types of natural foods your body is getting the nutrition and benefits of the foods you in eat in the healthy and beneficial way that nature had always intended. Many people don't even realize that by simply heating the foods they eat they are ruining much of the vitamins and minerals the food would otherwise provide. - 17274

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Keep Your body Free of Radicals

By Dr Lorna Mistranski

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

The process of the body's cells consuming oxygen, creates a by-product known as a free radical that can do lots of harm to the body. Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals. Adding antioxidants to your daily diet is the best way to protect yourself from these free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

Depending on where the damage was created by these toxic radicals, the range of destruction can lead to neurological damage all the way to hormonal problems. The acai berry produces enough antioxidants that when taken as a regular part of your diet can prevent and fight off these free radicals.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

Dr. Perricone is the one who introduced the mainstream audience to this amazing fruit by writing a book entitled, the Perricone Promise. In this book he writes that the acai berry is the most perfect food on the planet.

In this book, Dr. Perricone also states that the acai fruit berry has every ingredient needed to look and feel younger. Also, according to Dr. Perricone the fruit contains everything needed to revitalize your health and hinder the process of aging.

The acai berry is categorized as a super food that gives you all of the nutrients needed when eradicating, preventing, and fighting harmful radicals. This fruit is defiantly worth researching if your goal is improving your overall health and well being

The acai berry is the perfect food to improve overall health, reduce aging, and fighting free radicals and could be just the missing supplement your body needs to creating the new you. - 17274

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Your Tired Toxic Body

By Ezekial Bramschild

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

The process of the body's cells consuming oxygen, creates a by-product known as a free radical that can do lots of harm to the body. Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals. Adding antioxidants to your daily diet is the best way to protect yourself from these free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

Depending on where the damage was created by these toxic radicals, the range of destruction can lead to neurological damage all the way to hormonal problems. The acai berry produces enough antioxidants that when taken as a regular part of your diet can prevent and fight off these free radicals.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

Dr. Perricone is the one who introduced the mainstream audience to this amazing fruit by writing a book entitled, the Perricone Promise. In this book he writes that the acai berry is the most perfect food on the planet.

When it comes to a food that will make you look and feel young, Dr. Perricone says that the acai berry has all of the ingredients needed to accomplish this. Also, when looking for a diet that will revitalize your health and slow the aging process Dr. Perricone says look no further than the acai fruit berry.

The acai fruit is known as a super food that contains every nutrient your body needs in fighting harmful free radicals. If your goal is to improve your overall health, as well as strengthen and maintain your body, then you should look further into the numerous benefits of the this amazing fruit.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a diet that will fight off free radicals, improve your health, and reduce aging, then looking further into the benefits of this miraculous super food could be just the next step for you. - 17274

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Wonderful Food Combinations That Further Your Nutrition

By Leo K Matthews

We all how influential nutritional value is to our health and well-being. The fare that we devour presents all of the significant vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are critical to our lasting healthiness. Consuming vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as supplements is also useful to our healthiness but science has revealed that consuming a nourishing and varied nutritional regime is more helpful to our wellbeing because of the synergy between foods.

The foodstuff located in nature are rich in phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. When they are united in concert they function even more successfully. Combining certain foods can exponentially enlarge the wellbeing advantages of each food compared to eating the foods on their own. The nutritional synergy expands the health-promoting capabilities.

This synergy of nutrients appears to be something that can't be duplicated. Even multivitamins that have many nutrients together in one capsule can't copy this clear synergy. So far, there has not been a supplement created that is as valuable as just eating a healthful diet because nature has provided the top of nourishment for our bodies.

Some very valuable combinations incorporate broccoli and tomatoes. Both of these vegetables are extremely nutritious on their own but when combined they provide sophisticated cancer-fighting ability. Broccoli has sulfur, which helps to eliminate tumor-causing toxins. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an influential antioxidant that is a innate cancer preventative. When they are united in concert they supply superb cancer-fighting properties.

Green tea is enormously rich in antioxidants but if you put in a little bit of lemon to your tea you will in fact be able to absorb up to 13 times the quantity of antioxidants you obtain. The citric acid and vitamin C in the lemon swell the efficiency of the catechins in the green tea. This can improve your immunity and trim down the danger of cancer, cardiovascular problems and Alzheimer's disease.

If you want to improve your iron absorption from spinach, add some oranges to your spinach salad. It tastes delightful but more notably you will end up absorbing up to two times as much iron as you would from just eating the spinach alone. Spinach and oranges are both superfoods because of their great nutritional content but together they are remarkably useful and even more healthful.

Combining apples with berries can be a very effectual nutritional stratagem. Apples are rich in quercetin, a powerful antioxidant. When quercetin is united with the catechins in blueberries, grapes or acai berries, they react together in the body and obstruct platelet clumping, which can put off heart attacks and strokes. By mixing the two you can realize much more of the nutrients in a much smaller helping than if you were to consume either on their own.

And there are many other tremendously nourishing fruit and vegetable combinations. The most valuable detail to remember is that when you unite very beneficial and nutritious fare you obtain a synergy of the nutritional value and the combinations are even more efficient as your body absorbs more of the fundamental nutrition. - 17274

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How to Find a Suitable Juicer

By Layla Smith

There are so many juicing machines around these days it is difficult to choose a suitable one. I initially became addicted to juicing when I purchased a Lalanne Power Juicer. Many people frequently buy a juicer that is not suitable for their needs.

It is important to realize the reason for buying a juicer and then go looking for one. Since fruit and vegetable juicing machines are different from wheat grass juicers it is important differentiate the two. I would advise writing a list of all the features you want in a machine prior to going out and buying one.

There are many varieties of juicers around in the market. It can often be confusing trying to choose between a centrifugal juicer, a masticating machine, and a twin gear juicer. By far the most common and most affordable are the centrifugal juicers. They process fruits and vegetables at very high speeds and are very effective. They are, however, unsuitable for foods like spinach, wheat grass and lettuce.

Juicers with single or twin blades are often advised in order to avoid any juice going to waste. For these varieties, special kinds of juicers are available. The Miracle-mj 500 electric juicer is one of the types widely available in the shops today. They are cheap and contain no aluminum parts, making them particularly easy to disassemble and operate. Low speed machines reduce the oxidation of the fruit and make a higher quality juice.

It is important to check the warranty on offer before buying your juicer. Most quality juicers should offer between 5 to 10 years on the warranty. As the cutting blade wears out roughly after 2 to 4 months of use, proper checks should be performed before any purchasing.

Have a look at the percentage yield of the appliance. This will give you an idea of the output and efficiency. Ideally you want a lot less waste and more juice. I would suggest buying an appliance with a power output of about four hundred and twenty watts. The heat from higher powered motors can damage the juice by oxidation.

A branded machine like the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer is often a better buy than a non-branded appliance. The reason being replacement parts are often more easily available and often a lot cheaper.

Many juicers are multi-functional as they can be used for making different foods besides juicing vegetables and fruit. They can be used to produce pasta, nut butters and ice cream as well as many other foods. They really are quite versatile machines. - 17274

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Ice Cream - 8 Great Reasons To Make Your Own

By Mia Kane

I get asked a lot of questions about making my own ice cream. Besides the fact that I love it and enjoy it, I have found over the years that there are many more reasons that I stopped buying and started making ice cream. Here they are. I hope I can help turn you into an ice cream maker.

1. My family and I love ice cream. We eat a lot of it all year round not just in summer. On a regular basis I found buying ice cream adds up, and on a monthly grocery bill, well lets just say I got a real shock. When I make my own, I make it a lot cheaper (but just as tasty, even tastier) than store bought. So I save on my food bill.

2. By making my own ice cream, I reduce my food miles. (embarrassingly my kids told me about that one). My children come home from school asking me what am I doing to save their planet. Well, making ice cream means that I am not using fancy packaging, tubs and useless cartons that it comes in, and I have not paid for it to travel from several hundred miles away to my door. Everything I put in my ice cream, I get locally. You can too.

3. I get to know exactly what is going into my kids mouths. There are no additives or preservative in my home made dessert. Only natural goodness no artificial rubbish.

4. I know so many people, my kids friends especially with allergies of all sorts. I can leave them out of the ice cream, so everyone get to enjoy it.

5. It comes in really handy when invited out to dinner or to a barbecue, instead of wasting money on flowers etc, I bring along the dessert, yes my home made ice cream.

6. Getting the kids involved is a great way of involving them in what they eat. It sparks an interest in how things are made, not to mention it can keep them and their pals quite on a wet afternoon.

7. I also use ice cream as a way of getting the kids to eat some things they normally would not. Like I maybe put a spoonful of oats on the top (so they can't separate them out), or I sprinkle nuts into it. They eat fruit better like that too.

8. I always make my ice cream with lower fat cream or half and half. Honestly they don't notice the difference. It's so much less calorific than store bought.

There it is. My ice cream tastes great. Looks wonderful and costs less. I hope you start making yours too. It really is so much more rewarding than buying it. - 17274

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A Massage Chair With Shiatsu Massage

By Joel Jones

It is now common to find shiatsu massage techniques in massage chairs. This ancient Japanese massage therapy was promoted to assist in the production of stress and to relieve many elements of the body. Although this is a famous Japanese technique, it development originally began back and ancient China. It is a form of acupuncture that uses pressure instead of needles. The subtle techniques of shiatsu massage have been duplicated by many different manufacturers of massage chairs.

Shiatsu is a derivative of acupressure massage therapy. Acupressure uses increasing pressure to activate trigger points located throughout the body. Acupressure is a form of acupuncture but uses pressure instead of using needles. Both techniques target trigger points in the body for activation.

Shiatsu is similar to an acupressure massage. However, the difference really lies in the placement of the massage. Acupressure massage is typically done only over the acupoint. Shiatsu massage has been expanded beyond the acupoints and involves a greater range of massage movements.

Just like any other massage technique, shiatsu continues to evolve in its definition. Other techniques and movements have been used as part of the overall shiatsu framework. It is common to find movements that include chopping, gripping and even vibration. These are effective for loosening and stimulating the body.

Typically, the movements in a shiatsu massage are accomplished through increasing pressure in a rhythmic pattern. This also involves the stretching and manipulating of different soft tissue areas. Increasing pressure is often used to stimulate the acupoints in the body.

Massage chair manufacturers have studied the precise movements of the shiatsu massage technique. A variety of different technologies have been developed to precisely replicate this effective massage treatment.

The mechanical systems used in massage chairs are very sophisticated. Some are able to move in three dimensions. Massage chair manufacturers utilize a number of different movements which help to relieve, loosen and soothe the muscles of the body. This produces a satisfying shiatsu massage treatment.

Penetrating through the muscle tissue to relieve tension is a characteristic of shiatsu massage. In order to accomplish this, vibration motors are utilized which effectively penetrate deeply into the muscle tissue. In fact, they can penetrate all the way through to the bone. This provides excellent deep tissue relief.

Another common technology used in massage chairs is that of air compression. Air compression helps by the squeezing and grasping action which is a typical trait of shiatsu massage. This squeezing anxious and helps to relieve tension in the muscles and reduces soreness, aches and pains.

Did you know that massage chairs have their own computers? Yes a computer board is used to control the various technologies and a massage chair. This computer is programmed with customized software to coordinate the precise movements of different elements in a massage chair.

Manufacturers of massage chairs have extensively studied the subtle movements of shiatsu. This has enabled them to effectively duplicate these techniques to provide relief and stimulation of the body. All of these come together with the ability to activate the massage by pressing a single button.

Shiatsu massage therapy is best thought of as a framework of different techniques. These techniques when used in the right combination are effectively known as shiatsu. These techniques also continue to evolve in order to deliver the most effective treatments.

Many massage chairs have very effective shiatsu massage techniques and provide for full body massage capability. The best way to find out what is right for you is to try a shiatsu massage chair and find out how it feels for you. - 17274

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5 Things You Need To Know About Sexy Arms And Sweeteners

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you like sugar and want to get sexy arms, you're in for a long ride. But not all hope is lost. How so? Because of artificial sweeteners. They give you all the taste without the arm fat gain.

Sounds great, right?

Unfortunately, there is a growing body of research showing that artificial sweeteners can be very unhealthy for you.

So here are 5 things you need to know about sexy arms and sweeteners:

1. They can increase cancer. Large intakes of artificial sweeteners have been linked to increases in cancer of up to 30%. So I wouldn't suggest loading up on endless cans of diet soda. And make sure you don't have more than a couple servings of any sweetener per day.

2. They're hidden in many foods. You are probably eating a substantial amount of low calorie sweeteners without even knowing it. Nowadays, food companies are loading their products with multiple combinations of sweeteners to buffer any bad after tastes.

3. Safety studies have been short term. All studies showing the safety of sweeteners have been very short term. Even worse, they have been conducted by the companies themselves. Very little unbiased research is out there right now.

4. Aspartame was found to be toxic in rodents. The largest rodent study to have ever been conducted found that aspartame (i.e., equal or NutraSweet) increases rates of various cancers. And the legal limit for aspartame consumption in the United States and Europe is twice the amount given to the rodents.

5. Just because it's natural doesn't make it safer. Stevia use to be my favorite sweetener because it's natural. Then I came across some research showing that it converts into a mutagen within the human intestine. Not good, even if you really want thin arms!

The bottom line is that we do NOT know if low calorie sweeteners are safe for long term consumption. Thus, I recommend that you limit your low calorie sweetener intake to no more than 3 servings per day. And less is better here. So the best approach is to have the bare minimum necessary! After all, getting sexy arms should not damage your health! - 17274

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