Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Build Muscle Fast with the Right Amount of Reps

By Klint Newton

So many people wonder about this, and there are just about as many answers as there are people asking. Depending on what trainer you talk to, you will get a different theory, and everyone thinks they have the answer.

With so many ideas how do you know what's right? I'll give you the scientific facts, and you can decide for yourself.

Different rep schemes target different types of muscle, and different parts within the muscle structure. Lets keep this simple and say that there are basically two different types of muscle fiber, Fast Twitch and Slow Twitch. Let's also keep the rep schemes simple and say that there are three types:

1. Low reps (3-5), very heavy weight (88-93% of 1RM)

2. Medium reps (6-8), moderate weight (84-88% of 1RM)

3. Many Reps (15-25), light weight (60-70% of 1RM)

The first scheme is designed to gain power. These reps should be done one after the other and explosively through the complete range of motion, without losing your form. This rep scheme will increase power with the heavy weight, low reps, and explosiveness of the lift. It's likely that you will gain strength, but not size with this rep scheme. A muscle needs a minimum of 36 seconds of continuous tension to signal the need for muscle growth. The 3-5 explosive rep scheme does not meet this requirement. This is why you can have a smaller person being able to lift much more, for only a few reps, than someone who is 50 lbs heavier. This type of lift recruits the maximum amount of fast twitch fibers.

The next program is best for building mass along with strength. The weight should be lifted slightly slower than the first example, lowering the weight in four seconds and lifting in two, which passes the 36 second test. If you are using between 84 and 88 percent of your 1 rep max you will be stimulating muscle growth for fast twitch fibers.

The high rep, low weight program is meant for building endurance and burning fat and primarily targets slow twitch fibers. Your cardiovascular system actually gets tired before your muscles do because of a lactic acid build up in the muscle, this is how you burn fat instead of building muscle mass.

So What's the best way? They all have their place. Muscles groups are made up of both fast and slow twitch muscle fiber. Just with almost everything dealing with exercise, you need to mix it up. Your fast twitch fibers have the most potential for growth, but the body becomes used to your intensity of trying to develop fast twitch muscle. If you hit a plateau, I would suggest you go for a few weeks of rep scheme three. One other thing, make sure to use strict, correct form in your movements. Always maintain correct form. When you can't lift another rep with correct form, it's time to end the set.

It is imperative that you start your weight training program with a well thought out plan. You need to use different rep schemes and exercises to always keep your body guessing and wanting more. - 17274

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Your Weight Loss Can Stay Lost

By Dr. Jason Fowler

America's weight problems are now so well-known they are even fair game for jokes at the Oscars. "Americans really know how to fill up a seat," jibes Ellen DeGeneres, host of the 2007 Academy Awards.

The statistics are alarming. Sixty-five percent of Americans --0 million in 2001 - are overweight. Fifteen percent of American children are overweight (up from four percent only 20 years ago). Health care costs related to overweight Americans has ballooned to $117 billion (that's billion) in 2003. And the numbers keep going up. The scales do not lie.

And yet, diet and weight-loss books fill our nation's bookstores. Low-carb diets. High-protein diets. The cabbage soup diet. The grapefruit diet. The raw foods diet. Most people we know have tried one or more of these. The new diet works for a while, then we can't take the deprivation any longer and break the diet. Then, horrifyingly, all the weight we lost comes right back, and we're right back where we started. Or possibly even a few pounds heavier. The very good news is that a real, long-lasting solution exists. The basics of this healthy approach to long-term weight loss have been known for decades. This solution is not a diet. It doesn't have a catchy name. There are, though, a few "magic" secrets to this food plan that works.

"Secret" Number 1 - eat six small meals throughout each day, separated by 2.5 to 3 hours "Secret" Number 2 - combine protein and carbohydrates in each meal "Secret" Number 3 - drink plenty of water (eight to ten glasses) throughout the day "Secret" Number 4 - eat two portions of vegetables each day "Secret" Number 5 - take one day off each week (a "free" day) and eat whatever you want, whenever you want Why combine protein and carbohydrate at each meal? This critical combination feeds our muscles by providing the amino acids (from protein) necessary to build and maintain muscle tissue, and the carbohydrate needed to shuttle the amino acids into the cells. If the carbs are not there the protein doesn't get used. There's also a human performance benefit - eating balanced meals enables better cognitive/mental function. So we're not only getting healthier on this food plan, we're getting smarter!1

Why eat six times a day? Studies have shown this approach results in a faster metabolic rate, a lower percentage of body fat, and reduced "bad" cholesterol levels, all while maintaining lean muscle mass.2,3 Each meal contains approximately 300 calories (proteins and carbohydrates in each meal are in "portion" sizes). That is it! This sensible, easy approach to food allows you to eat everything - there are no restrictions. And, on your free day you can indulge, or not, letting your natural instincts guide you.

1Fischer K, et al: "Carbohydrate to protein ratio in food and cognitive performance in the morning." Physiol Behav 75(3):411-423, 2002 2Jenkins JD, et al: "Nibbling vs. gorging: metabolic advantages of increased meal frequency." NEJM 321(14):929-934,'89 3Verboeket WP, et al: "Influence of feeding frequency on nutrient utilization in man: consequences for energy metabolism." Eur J Clin Nutr 43(3):161-169,'91 - 17274

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The Truth About Fasting to Lose Weight

By Melissa Newton

Many Americans struggle with losing weight, and the new trend is fasting to lose weight. Any diet requires commitment and sacrificing the foods you love to get the perfect silhouette you dream of. It is so demanding that people generally search for the plan with the fastest results. There are healthy programs that include exercise, maybe replacement meals and restricted calories. Unfortunately, people sometimes get so desperate they will try anything including fasting to lose weight or synthetic processed supplements that have ingredients they can't even pronounce.

But really, among all the programs that are available everywhere, how can you determine which one is safe and effective? Is it really safe to engage in fasting to lose weight? Is there a magic pill that can make all the unwanted pounds go away? The answer to the question is no. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is by dieting and exercising.

Note that the word "diet" is very different with fasting. Dieting is more of choosing the right kind of food and consuming them in amounts that are just right for your body type, weight and activities. On the other hand, fasting means abstinence or not taking food at all. While dieting nourishes your body for proper functioning, fasting does not. Therefore, fasting to lose weight is not only harmful healthwise, but it also causes your body to lower your metabolism rate. When you are trying to shed off some fat, a slow metabolism is something that you would not want. Why? Because it makes your body burn calories slower than it should.

After you realize that fasting will not help you lose weight, you need to research several diets that will supply your body with the proper nutrients and energy it needs to thrive. You can find an unlimited amount of meal plans in books and on the internet. If some of the popular programs haven't worked for you, a professional nutritionist could provide you with a personalized program based on your needs. This would surely be a great help, but would also be very expensive.

Please remember that dieting is only part of the process to lose weight. To see the desired results faster, you could also start exercising. The two in combination will give you a perfect figure, and also make you feel so much more healthy and happy than if you were fasting to lose weight. - 17274

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How To Lose Belly Fat Fast?

By James Hopkins

Lose Belly Fat Fast

Weight loss is a hot global issue. Everyday we heard people mentioned about tips and guidance for weight loss. However some people only facing problems in reducing belly fat. Thus what is the best way to lose belly fat? Are those recommended ways of losing belly fat safe? Let?s take a look on few tips to lose belly fat fast.


You will not get rid of belly fat if you refuse to take water. Water is the compulsory beverage for losing belly fat. Drink a glass of water every early morning when you wake up. Water is the best medium helps to chase away toxin from your body. Thus they also plays a vital role in weight control.

Avoid Sugar

Cut down the intake of sugar everyday. Sugar is one of the main contributors for body fat. Thus they are the number one enemy for losing belly fat. Please make sure you stay away from sweetened food and beverages. These sweetened food and beverages are inclusive of carbonated soda, cakes, cream puffs and ice creams.

Healthy Diet

Practice healthy diet and eating habits speed up the process of losing belly fat. Your diet should include fresh ingredients like vegetables and fruits. Try to avoid high calories food like pizzas, burgers and fries. Take more high fiber food like grain and oat.


Generally, cardio exercises are referring to outdoor exercises. They are the best activities for losing belly fat. Thus they help to build muscle while burning fat. The bet cardio exercises are inclusive of swimming, jogging and skiing. However there are some indoor exercises also good for losing belly fat like ballroom dancing and aerobics.

Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss drugs also help in losing belly fat. Weight loss drugs like fat burning pills are needed for people that seriously over weight. However not all weight loss drugs are safe to consume. As such you need to take advice from doctors before you go for any weight loss drugs.

Go For Weight Loss Surgery

People will not choose this unless they can?t think of other solution for losing belly fat. Thus weight loss surgery did contain risk on health. The most common weight loss surgery that we heard is fat liposuction. However the surgery might cause sight effects to the patient in long term. - 17274

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The Benefits Of Body Cleansing Detoxification

By Erik Loebl

Your health is the most important thing you have. All of the money in the world won't do you a bit of good if your health doesn't allow you to spend it. Millions of people across America are taking several different kinds of medical drugs today that are actually destroying their health. There is a natural way to avoid those body damaging drugs. Learn all about body cleansing detoxification.

Everywhere you look you hear about different detoxification cleanses. There are cleanses for individual organs or ones that cleanse the whole body. No matter what kind of cleanse you choose to do, it will make a difference in your health.

Toxins are all around us no matter where we are. That means free radicals are entering your body at an alarming rate. The only thing that can stop them is your body working at its full potential and being fortified with anti-oxidants. The free radicals hinder the natural work of the cells, causing disease.

When you perform a whole body detox, you are cleansing your body of the toxins that are stored inside of you. The main idea is to eliminate diets that are rich in white flour, sugar, meats, caffeine and dairy products. The body detox program usually begins with a two day fast. The diet that is used after the fast consists of raw, fresh vegetables and fruits, fruit juices and water.

You will need to have a good workout plan to follow, and you will need to reduce the stress in your life considerably for the detoxification to take place successfully. Some detox plans include taking herbal laxatives to cleanse your colon naturally.

Colon cleansing is a very important part of the body detoxification process. The colon is actual the body's sewer system. It is where all unwanted and unused materials are deposited and, eventually, eliminated from the system. Any type of blockage in this area keeps harmful toxins inside of your body.

Some people choose to go to their doctors for a warm water enema to cleanse their colon. The problem is that you will have to return four to five times to get the job done. Why not choose to do a natural colon cleanse right at home?

When a colon is blocked or it has become narrow in places, the person can experience problems such as constipation, bloating, diarrhea, discomfort, abdominal pain and nausea. If the fecal material has begun to build up on the intestinal walls, it will rot inside of the body. That sends toxins throughout your body and can lead to allergies, colds, cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular disease and influenza among other things.

One of the easiest and simplest ways to get rid of toxins in your body is by doing an ion foot bath detoxification. You just sit in a chair with your feet in the water container. The positive and negative electrons in the warm water that flows beneath your feet attach themselves to the toxins that are in the body, pull them out through the feet and dissolve them in the water.

You can find a variety of body cleansing detoxification methods on the internet or in the bookstore. When health problems first appear, do a complete body and colon detox first. The only way your body can heal itself is by getting rid of the toxins. - 17274

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Is Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building The Best Fitness Program?

By Caitlin Ryan

Watch late night television and you will see a plethora of muscle-building programs being promoted by perfect-bodied models and some who claim to be actual participants in the program (usually backed with a before and after photo). If you search on the internet for a muscle-building program, you will also find many choices.

Why is Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building program ranking so high on the list? Well, for one, Vince is a very successful fitness trainer with a rock hard body. In addition, his partner Shannon Clark is also a highly regarded fitness expert and writer. They both live the life or walk the talk, so to speak, so their advice and program should follow suit. In other words, they know what they are talking about and how to help you achieve fantastic fitness results.

Progressive overload is used in the body-building industry and now you can benefit from this scientifically backed method to build lean body mass and reduce body fat. Progressive overload continually increases the weight, which in turn continually challenges the muscle.

Your body was designed to survive. Your ancestors had body builds that matched their needs. If they used their arm muscles, the body adapted to allow them to continue their job. If they needed to run frequently, their bodies responded to the demand. If the weight became heavier, their bodies built more muscle. See?

In our modern world, we build muscle via additional exercise or activities outside the necessary actions we take every day. You need to continually challenge your muscle by increasing the amount of weight used, not the amount of reps. This will save you time in the gym and build the best lean body mass possible.

Vince and Shannon also have some stellar (yet practical) advice on eating lean proteins, fruits and vegetables to help you best achieve a lean, healthy body.

Do not worry about building "too much" muscle. When you build lean body mass, you increase your metabolism and make weight loss easier. The program is designed to help you lose body fat.

The program is designed to produce the physique you desire, not that of a body builder's unless of course, this is the body you are aiming for. Either way, you will have a good chance of achieving it with No Nonsense Muscle Building. - 17274

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Thermothin Plus: Get The Diet Results You've Been After

By Tommy Patrick

Everyone has known for years now that carrying extra weight can be a health problem, but not everyone knows that even 10% of extra body fat can land you with some serious medical consequences like

* Hypertension * Depression * Type 2 Diabetes.

The Center for Disease Control has made it very clear that carrying any extra weight at all can be an obstacle to your enjoying a full and happy life. That's why you need the benefits of Theromthin Plus. This is a revolutionary new weight-loss supplement that combines the antioxidant power of the Acai berry with Western scientific knowledge. It's important to remember that even a 10% weight loss will improve your overall health and even losing those pesky love handles will give you a better outlook on how you think and feel.

So the question is on everyone's mind who is very serious about losing those extra pounds is, 'Does thermothinplus work?" All the skeptics need to do is take a quick look at their website to realize quickly that the testimonials supplied there answer the question with a resounding yes.

Western Scientific Knowledge And The Acai Berry.

It's in the ingredients of thermothin plus with Acai that the success of the product is founded. Beyond the Western scientific knowledge and green tea extract that is used in this product, the Acai Berry that has been harvested by Brazilians for hundreds of years lends Thermothin Plus With Acai the power to help you take weight off and keep it off.

The antioxidant powers of the berry have been well known in Brazil for years now. This is the product that has a four pronged approach to its success. First off, Thermothin plus works by suppressing hunger. That means that the pill actually helps to curb your appetite. Then it boosts your energy levels so that you can burn off more energy. Finally Thermothinplus burns your belly fat so that you can lose weight naturally.

The experts all agree that anyone will see a drastic change for the better when they lose even 10% of the extra weight they are carrying. Of course the smart consumer will want to be sure they get the best product on their side and that's Thermothin Plus With Acai. - 17274

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Can Adjustable Dumbbells Replace a Room Full of Equipment?

By Hanif Furqan

The Bowflex Selecttech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells have been invented to solve an issue that many fitness enthusiasts thought was unavoidable. The majority of consumers who do strength training at home have tied up a great deal of floor space and money towards sets of steel discs and bars. Those oversized stacks of equipment are never exactly appealing, nor will they be simple to move or store. Weights aren't especially practical if you just have one size, though. So what other possibilities could you find?

Bowflex has designed a type of adjustable dumbbells which will solve the storage problem. Imagine a specially made stand intended to contain a collection of steel discs in a vertical position. Now imagine a creatively devised housing shaped like a dumbbell and can rest on top of the discs. The housing is fitted with a dial in one end of it which works like a combination lock. An individual mark on this dial locks in a certain combination of the aforementioned weighted discs. For instance, if the dial is set to 20 lbs, the housing captures the needed set of discs which, when lifted together, weigh precisely 20 lbs. The remaining discs are disconnected from the housing. As you remove the housing from the stand, the extra discs are left in the stand, so you merely lift a 20lb barbell. What you are now imagining is Bowflex's adjustable dumbbell.

Bowflex Selecttech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells can adjust between 10lb and 90lb, which is the reason that they handily take the place of 17 separate pairs of dumbbells. Now then, how much of the floor would they clear off in your spare room? Once you understand the kind of space these ingeniously made dumbbells can save, you will probably ask the next obvious question: it storage space their lone benefit? The simple answer is; they have a few more benefits.

Because SelectTech adjustable dumbbells are abel to be recalibrated with one quick motion, you will transition from tricept raises to lunges without having to pick up heavier barbells or disassemble and reassemble discs. You only replace the dumbbell in its stand, move the dial to the increased weight, and raise the dumbbell again. SelectTech dumbbells permit you to adjust the weight in 5lb increments, consequently you can gradually add the weight while your physical conditioning progresses.

An additional selling point is the housing containing the individual discs and thwarts them from slipping or slapping together as the dumbbells are being moved. Yes, those compact and easy to use adjustable dumbbells are even quiet to exercise with.

Bowflex has come up with a set of adjustable dumbbells made to be compact, convenient, and quiet. Do you need one more reason to go find some? Okay, then, here it is; these SelectTech adjustable dumbbells costs less than the entire set of dumbbells they take the place of. Most often, products which rely on the best fitness technology are pricey. Although, because these dumbbells use fewer materials than the entire collection of weights they take the place of, the Bowflex Selecttech 552 could probably cost less than a normal set of weights.

If you are serious about working out, conserving space, saving time, and safeguarding your cash, the only reasonable next step is to locate your neighborhood Bowflex dealer and inquire about those adjustable dumbbells. - 17274

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Great Ideas To Ready For A 5K

By Connor Sullivan

Will was preparing to enter his first 5k. He had always thought of participating in various 5k runs and now he was finally looking to challenge himself and get involved in something that would require an exercise and training regimen. In preparation for his run, he developed a new exercise schedule and started eating much better. On his first day of training, he dug his Vitamix blender out of the cupboard and created one of his favorite juices using delicious goji berries. He was invigorated and headed out for a run. Will had picked up a few tips for how to train for his first 5k. If you are considering taking up running as a hobby or thinking about becoming involved in a 5k race for your favorite charity, the following three easy, common sense tips should help you as you prepare.

Buy the perfect pair of running shoes. Yes, it is true that a good pair of running shoes can be a bit on the pricy side and some will argue that an expensive pair of shoes is unnecessary. However, most runners will tell you that a great pair of shoes is perhaps the best investment you can make. Purchasing shoes which have been engineered to withstand the impact of foot on pavement will keep feet and legs at their most comfortable and will help with injury avoidance. Shoes specifically created with the runner in mind will provide extra cushion and shock absorption, keeping those joints feeling strong and limber.

Do not be afraid to load up on good carbs. Carbohydrates sometimes get a thumbs down from the weight conscious or those promoting weight loss diet plans, but for the runner, good carbs are good fuel. While every runner, male or female benefits from consuming good carbohydrates, such as bananas, apples, and pasta, it is not a bad idea to develop a thorough eating plan for your particular training goals. By consulting nutrition and/or running literature, you will be quick to find suggestions and menus for your gender, size, and your running schedule.

Be certain you are taking care of your body. When beginning any new exercise program, the body puts forth much effort to handle new responsibilities. Although it seems simple, do not overlook the importance of getting enough sleep. Your body will be tired, especially at first, and will need to adjust to a different schedule. Of course, in the long run, as your body gets into shape, you will find yourself less tired and more energized, particularly after a good run. Be sure to limit alcoholic consumption and if you are a smoker, quit!

It was not long before Will was ready for his big challenge and when the day of the 5k arrived he was able to complete it in good time and with out any complications. He was very proud of his accomplishment and decided that he would continue observing his training regimen from that point on. Like Will, you too can benefit from the mindset of the jogger while taking great care of your body, from muscles and joints, to heart and lungs too. - 17274

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9 Bodybuilding Tips For That Bikini Body

By Ricardo d Argence

1. Love your curves! It doesn't matter if you're not a perfect size zero, because you're not going for a walk on the catwalk. When it comes to beaches and bikinis, a woman with curves is always going to look good. But it's important to find the right bathing suit for your body type which will enhance those curves, and minimize the areas of your body you're looking to hide.

2. There's a reason tanning salons are so popular. Everyone looks great when they've got a golden, healthy tan. In bodybuilding competitions people put on tanning creams and spray tans in order to define their muscles and draw attention to their spectacular physiques. So before heading out to the beach this summer, consider visiting a tanning salon or, if you're uncertain about using a tanning bed, get a spray tan or some tanning creams to make your body look its best.

3. Watch Your Carbs.Consuming a great deal of refined carbohydrates is a great way to promote water retention - something that is not going to act as your friend when it's just you and your bikini walking down the beach. Focus more of your carbohydrate intake on fruits, vegetables and unprocessed grains to eliminate this issue.

4. Interval training. Interval training can be vital in helping you to keep your body in top form, so consider adding them to your regular cardio routine. It's been proven that these are more effective for burning fat than a long, gentle bout of cardio. So, try a simple thirty second hard, intent burst of interval training followed by a minute of easy, and then rest for half an hour. As you get better, and stronger, you can increase the amount of work and cut back on the resting.

5. Stand Up Straight. Possibly the single most important thing you could do to instantly look better when in a bikini is use good posture. Pulling your shoulders back and keeping your head up will not only give you loads of confidence but will also pull your stomach in and improve the curvature of your back.

6. Add In Some Squats. If you aren't currently doing squats in your exercise program, now is the time to start. If there is a single weight training exercise that is going to improve your lower physique, this is it. It will help lift your bum while also toning your thighs. Add to the fact that it's so intense in nature and will therefore be a terrific calorie burner and you really can't go wrong.

7. Drink More Water. Staying well hydrated will not only keep your skin looking clearer but it will also help to reduce any bloating you are experiencing from the foods you eat. If you aren't getting 7-8 glasses a day, now is a great time to start.

8. Next time you go for a walk, whether it's on the treadmill or outside, try adding an incline. No only does this make for a more intense workout, but it really helps shape and define your bottom while increasing your endurance at the same time. If you don't have an area to walk or hike that has hills, remember that treadmills can be adjusted to add an incline.

9. And don't forget to relax! Summer is a time to have fun, and it's easier to have fun and enjoy yourself when you feel confident in your own skin. Don't buy a bathing suit that makes you feel self conscious. Buy the one that makes you feel great, and if you're still not sure you can pull of a bikini, try buying a wrap until you do. - 17274

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Discover Some Untried Ways to Exercise and Gain Muscle Fast

By Brad Morgan

Some exercises work better than others when your goal is to build muscle. These exercises can help you get the most out of all your workouts.

What exercises are most effective for building muscle and keeping it on?

1. Use supersets to work complementary muscles.

When you are building muscle, long workouts are actually less effective than short, intense ones. To get the most from each and every session, keep them short and hard. Your muscles need to be challenged.

The most effective way to do this is to superset. Supersetting is when you do two exercises, one right after another, with no rest in between.

You work two muscle groups consecutively with very short rest periods in between sets. This way, you work more muscle and you reduce the risk of injury because the strain on your tendons and joints is less intense.

An example of a superset is pairing bicep curls with tricep kickbacks. You can also work back and chest muscles together or quads and hamstrings. You will see results more quickly and make your workouts much more efficient and safe.

2. Raise the difficulty level with compound exercises.

Short, intense workouts are essential in building muscle. You should limit your sessions to no more than 35-40 minutes, and up the intensity so they are very strenuous.

A great way to both increase your intensity and see results is to use compound exercises, in which more than one muscle is required to do the move. Some examples are:

* Pairing a walking lunge with an overhead press

* Completing a pushup with side planks

* Squat with overhead press

* Adding bicep curls to lunges

* Pushups with one armed row

Compound exercises like these have a lot of benefits: you work on balance and coordination, make sure all your muscle groups are active, and add intensity to your workouts. In addition, you can reduce your risk of injury. And you?ll see more muscle mass.

3. Muscles need rest to develop.

It is important to build rest into your workout routines. Your muscles develop when you are resting, not when you are working them.

Daily workouts or working the same muscles in consecutive workouts causes your muscle building efforts to stagnate. You are not giving your muscles the chance to grow.

Try this routine for effective muscle building:

* Schedule three weekly workout sessions.

* Assign each part of the body one day (shoulders, triceps, and shoulders on day one, back and biceps on day two, and legs on day three).

* Build in rest periods.

* Repeat!

A schedule like this will help your body build muscle and also prevent injury, which can further delay your results.

When you add supersets, compound moves, and rest into your workout, you will be able to build muscle fast. These are the most effective means of increasing your workouts' potency. - 17274

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Vince Delmonte Scam? What You Need to Know

By Jason Ritas

Are you looking for signs of a Vince Delmonte scam? You've probably heard about his no nonsense muscle building program if you're reading this, and you're probably looking to find out if this program actually works.

I've seen so many things online making crazy promises that I have a hard time believing could possibly be true. I almost felt the same way after seeing the Vince Delmonte product page, and had to think twice before making a move.

Let me tell you that I was in the same boat that you are now, and I'm here to tell you the truth about the Vince Delmonte no nonsense muscle building program.

I first learned of the program earlier this year. My college roommate had a friend who came to our dorm, and I hadn't seen him in over a semester. He used to be a skinny kid, probably no more than-0 pounds.

I would say he had gained at least 25 pounds, and it seemed like it was all muscle. He was in great shape and carried himself with a lot more confidence than ever before. He was even dating some nice looking girls, which had never been the case in the past!

At first, I thought steroids. I couldn't see any other way he would have achieved results like these. I had to ask, as I had been trying to put on lean muscle mass myself for a long time. This is when he told me about the Vince Delmonte no nonsense muscle building program.

I visited the product page and came close to buying, but it still seemed like this was nothing more than a Vince Delmonte scam. I did some more research online, learned of the money back guarantee, and figured I had to eventually take a chance.

After buying the program, I put in the time. This is the biggest recommendation I could possibly make. Do what needs to be done, and the program will wholeheartedly work. I, too, worried about a Vince Delmonte scam, but soon saw for myself that this program is the real deal.

I'm now' pounds heavier than I was in June. Since I've really followed a strict diet, I have to assume that almost all of the weight I've gained has been muscle mass. Don't worry about a Vince Delmonte scam - put in the effort and I'm sure of the fact that you'll see some great results. - 17274

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