Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, July 5, 2009

There Are Legitimate Ways To Grow Tall

By Shaun Davids

If you have the desire to grow tall, be careful of falling for websites that give you false hope with their exercise programs, manuals and DVDs. These sites do not only waste your money and time, but also put you at risk of injuring yourself with slipped discs and torn tendons. Do not fall the lies given by those pharmaceutical giants that sell their height growth vitamins and supplements. These solutions do not work and should be avoided.

But does this mean that doing stretches to grow tall does not work? No. It is simply more beneficial to do them when your body has not stopped growing.

When we are toddlers, a lot of our skeletal structure is composed of cartilage. Over time, as we reach adulthood, that cartilage hardens and ossifies into strong bone. And over these years, we go from having to 300 bones to only 206.

In the middle of this, when we reach puberty, cartilage growth plates on our bones start to lengthen gradually. However, once these growth plates are done growing, no amount of stretching or grow taller exercises will make them lengthen by even a centimeter.

However, performing exercises to grow tall while you're young can help make your bones strong. It also releases growth enhancer hormones that help you grow taller faster. Keeping good exercise habits, as well as good posture, will keep your bones strong and healthy even into your older years, preventing bone weakening diseases and shrinking.

Another way to grow tall is to get the right nutrition. With a bad diet that is low in amino acids, carbohydrates, calcium, protein and other nutrients, you risk having weaker bones and joints, which can stunt your growth and cause other ailments. As we grow old, our bodies start to leech calcium from our bones, which causes us to shrink.

This is why it's important to diet and exercise to increase height growth while you're young. Doing so will ensure that your body flourishes and grows as much as it can during this vital period.

If you're past adulthood and wish to grow tall, don't lose hope. There are several height enhancing alterations you can make to your wardrobe, shoes, hair, and more to make yourself look taller and slimmer.

Do not lose hope because of one bad experience you had with a grow tall scam, Try a real solution today, and see positive results soon. - 17274

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A Treadmill Mat is the Most Important Accessory for Your Treadmill

By Matt Traylor

There are expensive treadmills with all the best features you can imagine, and even some you can't, and then there are budget lines of treadmills that barely have a handful of workout programs. But regardless of how much or how little the treadmill cost you, you can buy as many useless accessories as you like. Of course, you could also buy some very useful accessories, such as a treadmill mat, that are well worth your money.

The first thing you may want to consider buying is a home repair kit for your treadmill. This will be handy for minor problems you may encounter with your new toy and will save you from having to spend the time and money visiting a repair shop.

The only limitation of a repair kit is that it is only good for minor problems. It is important that you take your machine in for a professional if it requires major work. But the upside is that most treadmills will come with adequate warranty to cover any mechanical or parts failure.

It is crucial that you keep the treadmill clean so it will endure the lifetime of operation it was built for. Keeping the treadmill free of debris build up will go a long way to avoiding certain problems that frequently plaque machines.

A cleaning kit can be purchased and it usually will come with a set of tools as well as instructions on how to regularly perform some maintenance cleaning. The kit normally includes a cleaning brush, cleaning solution, and an application wand.

As with any motor, lubrication is an important part of protecting and maintaining the motor. Your treadmill will run into motor problems early if it is not properly lubricated. Lack of proper care is the leading reason that most motors will die or suffer serious problems before they should.

One of the most important accessories that some would say is a must more than it is an option is a treadmill mat. The mat goes underneath your treadmill to protect junk such as motor lube from messing with your floor or carpet. The mat will also catch any unwanted loose carpet fibers and ground dust from going upward into your treadmill whenever it is in use.

There is also a treadmill cover that goes over the treadmill when it is not in use. This is not as important because the purpose it serves is really keeping dust off the top of the treadmill. It is more important to keep dust from going up and inside the motor by putting the treadmill on a mat.

Everyone has particular specifications they want for their treadmills but most of these are well worth the money for anyone who wants to keep the treadmills functional for the duration of their useful life. - 17274

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Green Tea And Losing Weight

By Jen Lore

Tea is the favorite drink of many people around the globe. Popularity of tea has encouraged scientists to carry out research on the benefits of drinking tea. Among all the three popular varieties of tea namely green, black and oolong or wu-long tea; green tea has gained recognition for being the most healthy and beneficial tea. We have heard a lot about the health benefits of green tea. Chinese people are known to make the most green tea consumption. Right from the ancient times, people of china have been drinking green tea. The popularity of this oriental beverage reached the occidental or western boundaries. But west needs more scientific basis to recognize and verify the health benefits of green tea. Therefore, many studies have been done on the health benefits of green tea from the past few years. Let us take a look at why green tea is healthy and beneficial for getting an improved life.

What makes green tea good for health?

All tea varieties namely green, black and oolong or wu-long tea belong to the same species; Camellia-sinensis but numerous factors such as weather, height of plantation, climate, temperature and processing cause the differences in the appearance, color, taste, aroma and qualities of the tea. The least processed variety of tea retains maximum natural quality. Green tea is the least processed variety among black tea and oolong tea. Therefore, it releases vast number of antioxidant polyphenols, especially a catechin known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG is considered to be the prime factor behind the health benefits of green tea. EGCG is renowned for it's anti-cancer quality. The absorption of EGCG is increased considerably when green tea is taken with black pepper.

What are the health benefits of green tea?

Tests and study done by hundreds of reliable international institutes have accentuated some of the key health benefits achieved by everyday use of green tea. Individuals drinking green tea on everyday basis have less chances of getting bacterial infections, cardio- vascular (heart) diseases, viral infections, cancer, and obesity. A huge number of individuals who desire to get rid of weight without losing nutrients and healthiness are suggested to drink green tea. Anti-cancer or anti-oxidant characteristics of green tea can undoubtedly lessen the hazard of getting breast, lung and prostate cancer. Green tea is tremendously useful for people troubled with diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, weight loss, neurodegenerative diseases, as well as halitosis. Plenty of LDL Cholesterol that boosts the danger of cardio- vascular diseases is shrunk by drinking green tea regularly. Tests and researches done by honorable Japanese, European and American institutes have confirmed that an individual who consumes green tea three times in a day faces lessened peril of afflicting from any sort of sober or serious disease. Furthermore, than just giving defense from diseases, green tea provides revitalization and cheerfulness to mind, body and soul.

What are other green tea health benefits?

Green tea is also effective in countering brain tumors in children, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases as well as flues. It reduces blood pressure and assists in the prevention of hypertension, arteriosclerosis, ovary cancer, osteoporosis and even colorectal cancer. It also protects liver from alcohol and other chemicals, kidneys from renal diseases; and helps in building bones.

These were few aspects of the health benefits of green tea. However, besides these benefits, green tea has an enjoyable scent, superb taste and is merely stimulating. - 17274

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How to Gain Muscle in the Fastest and Safest Way

By Ricardo d Argence

Achieving a muscular and well toned body seems to have become a trend among today's younger generation. If you are a person that is inspired by the muscular body's of Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger and want to develop a physique that is similar, keep reading to discover some secrets that will have you building muscle in the fastest and safest way possible.

There really are some fast and safe ways to build muscle. When talking about fastest and safest it does not refer to a shortcut or "easy" way to gain mass. The saying "there are no shortcuts to success" hold true in this case. You will have to put in some hard work in order to get the results you want, but there are some ways that are safer as well as faster that will deliver superb results.

In order to give a significant boost to your bodybuilding process it is very important to follow the points mentioned below:

Will power and strong determination is the first factor that is needed when beginning you muscle building program. There is really no way to have a well toned and muscular body without will power and determination. You will need to understand that muscle building is not a simple task.

It is not unusual for an individual to be very motivated in the first few days of their muscle building program. It is also not unusual for this motivation to begin fading when they understand that it is going to take a lot of work to get the results they are after. This happens to nearly everyone, and it is those with will power and strong determination that go the distance.

A routine life is a very important factor in muscle building success. Leading a chaotic lifestyle will do nothing to help your body building process. You will have better results with your muscle building program if you lead a very routine life.

A good workout program is a must. It should be obvious that you won't see the results you want unless you have a good workout plan. Doing the wrong workouts will do nothing for your efforts, so it's suggested that you join a gym and get proper instruction from a trainer.

Bodybuilding diet plan: in case you think not eating and only working out will help you grow your muscles then let me tell you that you are highly mistaken. A proper and healthy diet is as important as a proper workout program. Consult you dietician, who is the right person to prescribe you the right diet plan that will help you enhance your bodybuilding program.

Water is important for nearly everything we do. It is also important for your bodybuilding process. Drinking 8-9 glasses of water per day is very essential. When you are working out, you tend to sweat a lot, which makes your body dehydrated. Drinking water hydrates your body and helps in its proper functioning.

Sleep is one more factor that you just can't afford to neglect, no matter what. Your tissues undergo wear and tear while you are working out; therefore, when you are sleeping your body gets the amount of rest that is required for repairing your tissues.

By following all of these points to the letter, you will be pleased with how big and how fast your muscles will grow. - 17274

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Lose 10 Pounds Faster By Consuming More Water

By Thomas Gerrard

Water is an underrated tool used in weight loss. But it not only help's the body in its metabolism, it helps in the transport of fluids around the body.

It keeps the joints well lubricated, and this helps us to have better results from exercising. Its important to drink plenty both before and during exercise.

Water helps to evacuate the fiber from the body, and it adds on "bulk" so that you will fell "full". This helps to keep the appetite at bay. We require about 64 ounces (1.9L) daily for this, at the very least.

Water is also great for enabling the body to properly absorb the nutrients it needs into the body's tissues, during the course of the day.

In order that the body's energy levels are maintained throughout the day, it is essential that we consume water at regular intervals. 6 ounces (170 ml) every hour is the recommended level, except when taking part in exercise.

For best effects, water should be drunk slowly. Depending on the temperature of the water, the reaction of the body will vary.

If you want to lose 10 pounds quickly, remember that the body is better able to absorb water when it is at room temperature. But the ice water is better for calorie burning. So the best method is to drink both ice and tepid water, every other time

This becomes clear when you realise that the body needs to heat up the ice water, and it burns calories doing this. But the water at room temperature prevents the body from retaining tissue fluid, so this will also help you to lose weight.

When you get dehydrated, the body automatically begins storing water in tissues. This can add about 5 pounds to your weight!

And the consumption of water will keep hunger at bay, especially when you alternate between ice water and tepid, and you use only purified water. Its the easiest type for the body to process.

If you are serious about losing 10 pounds, drinking more water is the way to go. It boosts the body's metabolism. Also, more water means less fat deposits.

This is because because your liver will not have to work so hard metabolizing fat. The liver is the bodys main fat burning organ requires a regular supply of pure water.

And that is why hydrating is very important when you are exercising. When you are involved in all that exertion and your blood is racing, the sludge needs to be flushed out of your body.

After exercise, you should drink 16-24 ounces (470 to 700 ml). This helps greatly with the cleaning process, giving an easy exit for all the toxins. The more water you can make available to your liver, the better it can function.

Water is the main tool used by our bodies in the process of detoxification, and it enables the liver to sort between nutrients and toxins. It will increase your energy levels, and decrease your waistline.

So make a decision to increase your water intake, now that you know how much it helps you to lose weight. Your body will benefit - and you will lose 10 pounds faster! - 17274

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The Best Low Fat Diet Plan Out There. (How I Quickly Lost 59lbs!)

By Mindi Everett

First, let me say that I am not a great salesperson, but I am someone who has used a very successful low fat diet plan that let me lose the weight I wanted to lose. My name is Mindi Everett and I wanted to share with you my story. I have been in your shoes and know what it is like to not know where to turn.

The great news I want to share is that there is something you can do about your weight. If you've been looking for a low fat diet plan that works, you've come to the right place! I believe in it so strongly that if my story can help one person become healthier and happier then it makes it worth sharing.

After the birth of my second child I found the weight gain from my pregnancy harder to take off. In fact I gained more with my second child than with my first and became too busy to watch what I ate and regulate portions. Once my second child arrived I found that I had no time to balance my diet, my eating habits, or my time to research healthier options for cooking.

Soon I became embarrassed by photos taken of me and stopped being in the pictures at all. I was embarrassed at how I looked and felt and knew there needed to be a change. So I started every diet out there from the low carb to the calorie restriction diets looking for a solution.

In fact I tried so many diet fads that call themselves low fat that I could quote the calories and fat content for every item they offered in their tasteless recommended portions. I am sure you have been there and done that too. They just don't work long term!

Then I found and tried the only low fat diet plan that ever worked for me. It was easy, fit my lifestyle, and most importantly effective! I lost the weight I gained with my second pregnancy plus some. I now weigh less than I did before I got pregnant and have kept it off. It does work and you have nothing to lose but the weight you deserve to. This might be the last low fat diet plan you ever need to try. - 17274

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Good Tips for a Healthy Lower Back

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Strong bones are important for all of us, not only for the aging baby boomers about whom we are hearing so much lately. And, "strong bones" are much more than a marketing ploy cooked-up by the dairy industry and pharmaceutical companies.

Bones are incredibly dynamic, constantly reshaping themselves in response to physical forces. Bones provide structure for our bodies, and they carry our weight around as we move from place to place. Long bones such as the thigh bone act as factories to produce blood cells. So, bones are an important part of our overall health and well-being.

Lots can go wrong when your bones aren't strong. If you suddenly fall onto an outstretched arm, you'll probably be OK if your bones are healthy. If not, you'll probably be in a cast for four weeks to help repair a wrist or forearm fracture.

If an older person falls, hip fractures are the main concern. A fit, healthy person can usually walk away. With weakened bones, hip fractures can result in many other problems, both immediately and long-term.

Bones lose their strength due to a calcium imbalance and/or not enough physical exercise. For most of us, these factors can be corrected. The best approach, of course, is to be proactive and ensure enough calcium in the diet and regular exercise.

So how much calcium and how much exercise? Recommended daily calcium requirements1 vary, and 1000 mg per day is a good ballpark amount. Dairy products are the best natural source of calcium, and dark leafy greens such as spinach and broccoli, as well as dried beans, are also good sources. Vitamin/mineral supplements typically provide 25-50% of the daily calcium requirement.

Regarding exercise, both the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend 30 minutes of exercise, five days a week. This takes some effort and planning, particularly if regular exercise is a new addition to one's routine. By making the effort and spending the time, we're saying "yes" to health and wellness, empowering ourselves as well as our family and friends.

Importantly, regular exercise in combination with sufficient dietary calcium is the key. Taking calcium alone will not be effective in maintaining strong bones. Unless long bones are undergoing consistent mechanical stresses, as with exercise, there's no need for them to use the calcium that is available. Exercise plus calcium makes the difference!

Core strengthening3 is a hot topic in the world of fitness - Pilates training and its offshoots. But the principles of core strengthening have been around for many decades - dancers, gymnasts, boxers, and wrestlers have been doing these things all along. Only the term "core fitness" is new.

As it turns out core fitness is critically important for all of us. By adding a handful of core exercises - 10 minutes at most - to your regular routine, you will profoundly improve the mechanics of your lower back, hips, and pelvis. And, these remarkable exercises improve the efficiency of your heart and lungs. A very big "bang" for your exercise "buck"!

Your chiropractor will be able to provide expert advice and guidance on these nutritional- and exericise-related topics. Daly RM, et al. Long-term effects of calcium-vitamin-D3 fortified milk on bone geometry and strength in older men. Bone 39(4):946-953, 2006. 2Haskell WL, et al. Physical Activity and Public Health. Updated Recommendations for Adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. American Heart Association, 2007. 3Akuthota V, Nadler SF. Core strengthening. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85(3 Suppl 1):S86-92, 2004. - 17274

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Isn't There a Link Between Bruising Easily and Anemia?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you discover that you're in a situation where you are finding new bruises almost each and every day, you will also discover that there are numerous medical explanations that can be tendered to explain this occurrence. Anemia will likely be one of the answers that is considered, so what is the relationship between anemia and bruising easily? Does easy bruising mean that you need to automatically begin to look at anemia and what it could be doing to you? The facts of the matter are that this is a difficult premise to answer without having some essential information available to review.

In the first place, let's do a little research into anemia. Anemia is defined, at the most basic level, as an unnatural reduction in the quantity of red blood cells contained in your body, although it can also be defined as a condition where you simply have a deficiency in the amount of hemoglobin contained in your blood. Other definitions may refer to various other types of hemoglobin deficiency. The overall result is that your body is experiencing difficulties transporting oxygen from your lungs to your tissues, and because of the fact that your cells cannot survive without oxygen, there are numerous clinical results that might be inferred.

There are three main classes of anemia, and they include deficient red blood cell production, excessive blood loss or excessive blood cell destruction. Some of the major types of anemia include sickle cell anemia, aplastic anemia and anemia that goes along with various other chronic diseases. Depending on the disease, the person who suffers from it, and the severity of the problem, anemia is very much a condition that can vary as to the way that it appears. Something as simple as iron deficiency and menstrual bleeding can actually cause mild cases of anemia in some people.

Holding those thoughts, why is easy bruising linked to anemia? Because anemia is a condition that can easily cause a decreased number of platelets in your body (the things that affect healing) or to problems with your blood's clotting ability, there is a high likelihood that you may see easy bruising if anemia is the problem. However, bruising easily is only one symptom of anemia, and unless you are also experiencing pale skin, chest pain, cognitive problems, fast heartbeat, diarrhea, and weight loss that accompany it, it is highly unlikely that your bruising is a symptom of anemia. Spend the time necessary to determine exactly what is taking place with your body, and if you are still of the opinion that anemia may be the cause, have a discussion with your doctor.

However, easy bruising is also something that happens as we age and as our bodies get more fragile and frailer. If your bruising is just a normal fact of aging, make sure that you take a look at the daily Bruises Be Banned program, which is a uniquely formulated, natural means to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17274

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Maqui Berry Helps Boost Metabolism

By Kyle Synderhelm

The Maqui Berry is a powerful fruit from Chile located around the Patagonia region. This oddly named berry is being dubbed as the worlds most powerful berry because it contains a ton of antioxidants. It contains about 2500 antioxidant strength per gram of the powder.

The world's most popular berry at the moment is the Acai Berry. You can find the Acai berry mainly grown in Brazil. The reason this is the most popular berry is because the very popular Oprah show did a mention on it.

After Oprah hyped up the Acai berry, hundreds of products with it came out. You can find juice, pills, capsules, and many more products containing the Acai berry. You can even find it at your local super markets and stores now.

Acai became incredibly popular after the Oprah show mentioned it mainly because it had an extraordinary amount of antioxidant properties in it. This is also the same reason why the Maqui berry will soon become the world's most popular berry in a few months.

The Acai and the Maqui berry are currently the two strongest berries discovered so far in the world, however they are far from similar. The Maqui berry beats the acai berry in comparison by everything except one tiny factor.

The Maqui berry is only missing one thing when it is compared to Acai. The Acai contains the Omega 3 fatty acid which can be good for your health. However, since the Maqui berry contains so many more antioxidants it truly isn't even an honest fight.

The Maqui berry will soon be a household name in a few years. It is gaining incredible amounts of popularity every day because of the power it has. It will not take many more months before it starts growing as fast as the Acai did.

If you are quick on your feet, you can beat the crowd to owning your own maqui berry supplement. Since the Acai is more popular right now, you can grab the maqui berry products really cheap. Act fast and enjoy the maqui berry diet long before the crowd does! - 17274

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