Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, December 8, 2008

No Nonsense Muscle Building - Turn My Skinny Body Into Sexy Fast

By Westy

No Nonsense Muscle Building will help you to turn your skinny body into a sexy well muscled body in no time at all. The principles that are shown in this program by Vince Delmonte, will work toward helping you reach your goals if you follow the guidelines exactly. There will be no question in your mind about where Vince stands on excuses. From the very first page you will find out that the only obstacle that has prevented you from having the body that you want is you.

He believes in doing away with negativity and following reality, by this he means that you can follow a strict routine and shape up your body. If you can follow his program and execute it meticulously, you will surely succeed. Vince has a clear perspective of a "fitness model physique", he abhors the "body builder types", in fact, and Vince happens to be a competitor of fitness model physique and is highly successful. He indulges in certain training programs like flexibility, endurance and also muscular balance, which are completely overlooked in other similar training programs.

One thing you need to remember is the focus of the program lies on adding muscles to those skeletal-like bodies. Vince brings to you the best approach to develop great muscles; he emphasizes on it and says "The Skinny Guy's Secrets to Insane Muscle Gain." Vince would love to see you free from excuses and heading for some great work. Once he is convinced, he'll put you through his work out methods based on the 9 principles of growth. Every trainer has to abide by these basic rules, missing out on one will not produce the best results.

When the goal of your program is a massive amount of gain, you will have to follow the methods and techniques that are presented in the program. Explanations will help you to understand why you are using the techniques and methods. This is important if you are to fully understand the program. It is written very clearly so that you will have no problem understanding the information that is contained.

There is a lot of emphasis placed on the importance of recovery and hormones. Two full chapters are dedicated to these important factors. You will understand why you should rest your body when you are bodybuilding. The reason that you will be able to gain mass is because of the hormones in your body. When you follow a diet and workout that is designed to increase these hormones in your body, you will gain the positive results. The program is not easy and Vince is a tough bodybuilding trainer. You will receive what is promised if you stick with the program.

You might find the program to be a little complicated in the beginning. When you get past this part of the program it becomes easier and easier. The members part of the program will help you to get past this part of the program. It will answer all of the questions that you might have in the beginning. A calendar is included so that you can schedule your workouts and make sure that you stay on track. The exercises are completely described and animated so that you have a very clear picture of how to use the exercises properly.

This helps you to set your goals and have a clear understanding of what you are supposed to be doing. The program will require you to use a three week gym session that gives you full body workouts that are extremely intense. The program can be personalized to help you determine where you need improvement and how you can work the program to your benefit. All of the issues that you might have with the program are dealt with and an individual program that works for you will be determined.

Flexibility training (stretching done to increase your body's flexibility from the very first day), lessening muscle imbalances (maintaining an even balance between the strong and the weak parts of your body) and specialty workouts are a part of Vince is training section. You start with the weight training and proceed towards some of the modern techniques of maintaining your body.

Listening to your body is also an important part of the program. You will learn how to use what your body is telling you to your advantage. This is something that every trainer has to be aware of when they are working with bodybuilding. - 17274

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Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Neck

By Westy

A common difference between a bodybuilder who's been at it for a while, and a bodybuilder who's getting big, but not THAT big, is that the neck is much more developed. Growing a thick and strong neck can help prevent injuries when lifting heavier weights during the major comprehensive exercises like behind the neck press and bench press.

The shrug is the most common exercise that you can use to improve the muscles in your neck. There are variations on the shrug that you can use to help give the exercise a little more intensity, but it is a very simple exercise to perform.

You can choose to use dumbbells or a barbell when you are doing your shrugs. There can be a great amount of weight used when you are doing the shrug. You will only be required to use a short range of motion and this can be accomplished with more weight. You should hold your weight near your waist and shrug your shoulders. It is as simple as that. The control that you use is what will add to the intensity of the exercise. Make sure that you lift and lower your shoulders slowly to exercise the most amount of control.

The amount of strength that you can develop is quite high with this exercise. The ideal amount of repetitions is between five and seven. Make sure that you are well warmed before you do your shrugs. Do some workouts using a lesser amount of weight to determine where your repetition range should be. You don't want to have an injury in the neck, it can affect your entire workout.

There are some other exercises that you can add after you have begun to develop the muscles in the neck.

The exercise is called the weighted neck flexion and it is performed as follows:

1. Wrap up your weight in a towel.

2. Lay on a bench with your head sticking out over the end (this is the professional description! haha)

3. Put the plate on your forehead and use your hands to support the weight.

4. Lift up your body in a movement similar to a situp, bring your chin to your chest.

5. Lower your body until you are back to the original position.

6. Keep going until you are finished.

Do this exercise in reverse on your stomach.

There are many exercises that can be used to strengthen your neck muscles. You can even use your own body to perform a simple exercise when you are trying to increase the strength. Place your hand on one side of the head and push your head in the opposite direction against your hand. You will find that this is a great way to start off with neck exercises. Do not attempt a neck bridge unless you have been working the neck muscles for some time. Most of the people who use this exercise do so because there is a need such as for wrestling or martial arts.

The neck is a small part of your upper body workout and should be strengthened along with your chest, back and shoulders. Make sure that you are working on the muscles in your neck to gain the strength that will benefit you in other parts of your workout routine. - 17274

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Weight Training for Teenagers, the Sooner you Start, the Better

By Ricardo d Argence

More and more teens are getting interested in body-building. Getting in shape and building muscle is not a bad idea if it is done correctly. Although a teenager may seem to be fully grown, there are important areas where they are still developing. Every successful body-building routine for teenagers includes three key components: using weights, proper diet, and adequate sleep.

Teenagers have energy reserves that are the envy of others, and those reserves may cause problems during a body building workout. Because of teen's never ending energy supply, they make over work one set of muscles and ignore others.

Contrary to popular viewpoints, less is more when it comes to weight training. A rounded workout in which all muscle groups are worked equally is better. Once a muscle hits the point of exercising no longer effecting it, overexerting them may cause injury or undo the work you have already done.

Weights should be started slowly and advanced, in other words do not grab the heaviest weight in the room and go to town on it. Start with light to moderate weight and work your way up.

To many times nutrition is neglected in favor of massive amounts of supplements. While supplements can be helpful in moderation eating the right quantities of protein and fiber are more important. You see when you are training you are actually tearing the muscles and in order to heal properly and "build" they need proper nutrition.

Another oft-forgotten part of the process is water. Water comprises over 60% of your body, and water is necessary for your major organs to receive adequate nutrients. This includes your muscles. Everyone should drink at least eight, 8 ounce glasses of water per day, but if you are in training you will need even more in order to replenish your fatigued muscles. Your joints and vital organs will thank you, plus you will increase the success of your work out.

Next to water, this is the most overlooked aspect of training, especially in teens who feel indestructible. When you sleep the growth hormone, IGF-1 and testosterone are released, these are both necessary to the repair and growth of your muscles. That is what sleep was designed for, reparation of the body.

Goin to the gym daily to increase muscles isn't enough, you need to establish a balanched plan for growth. People who are into instant gratification will find this hard to do, but it is the best way to prevent injury and achieve success.

You can start weight training now; if you're into sports like football it's important that you are strong and healthy. Following these simple work out tips will provide you with both a safe and productive exercise session. - 17274

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Muscle Building Workouts, How to get a Solid Chest

By Ricardo d Argence

When building muscles for your chest you need to be aware of the common pitfalls and misconceoptions out there. To achieve the famed chiseled look in the pectorals, or in any part of the body, it takes disciplined work. Some body builders think the most efficient way to achieve this goal is through bench presses. One exercise alone can not obtain real definition in the pectoral muscles.

If you do these easy weight workouts, you can create an attractive and well-built chest.

Low Cable crossovers, is another inner pec exercise, the key is the correct amount of tension. High Cable crossover will work the difficult to reach inner Pecs.

Bench press-Close grip, this will work the inner Pecs quite well, however the movement will also work triceps and upper chest. Bench press-Wide grip, your wide spaced handling will work the lower pectoral.

Finish with: Dumbbell Flyers works the inner pectoral muscles but you really have to squeeze them together. Alternate this on incline, decline, and flat bench. Dips, depending on elbow position, you can work either the inner or the outer Pecs.

These are a few good chest muscle exercises, varying your workout will decrease the likely hood of you reaching a plateau. Now it is important that you also realize that nutrition and rest are equally important.

Good nutrition is equally necessary to building muscle as weight lifting. When you lift weights, you are actually tearing muscle tissue. Complex carbohydrates and proteins are required by your body to make it larger and repair muscle. It is also a good idea to increase your vitamin and mineral intake.

Drinking water is also important for any workout routine. The body needs water in order to deliver nutrients to cells, get rid of wastes, and control bodily temperature. Additionally, water is a protector for all the major internal organs in the body as well as a cushion for joints. Strenuous exercise decreases fluid levels at a rapid rate. Its important to augment your water intake above the recommended daily amount.

Equally important to a good bodybuilding is getting the correct amount of rest. Some product marketers have pushed the idea that sleep is detrimental to muscle building, claiming that a catabolic happening can occur while sleeping. This is where the muscle wastes away, however, this is a false claim by marketers wanting to sell their product. Not only is this an outright lie, it can lead to serious repercussions both mentally and physically.

Sleep is your body's way of regenerating and healing itself, without sleep your muscles will not heal properly and all your work will have been for nothing. Not to mention the fact that you will be fatigued and enable to complete future training sessions.

Combine all of these elements and you will quickly build your muscles and have the strong, toned chest you desire. To increase the benefit from your body building work, remember to eat well, set aside enough time for quality sleep and diversify your workout routine. - 17274

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