Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Some Very Healthy Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips

By Nancy Diner

Everyone knows something about weight loss it seems, but there are some quick and easy weight loss tips that you can follow that are also healthy as well.

There are many reasons as to why you may want to lose weight but the two most common are to look good naked and to feel better throughout the day. But if your main goal is to just look better on the beach and you don't care about feeling better then you have your priorities all wrong!

Put Down the Remote and Get Active

Some quick and easy weight loss tips involve a lot of exercise and in reality it all depends on what your normal daily activity level is that will determine how much exercise will be effective for you.

Vigorous exercise before your body has got used to being active again can cause you long term damage, or even death. So take it slow at first - little and often.

If you live a pretty sedentary life then you will notice that you wont have to do much before you get out of breath. This is fine, you will still see some great results if all you do is take your dog for a walk around the park everyday - instead of just to the end of the block.

You can vary the amount of exercise you do and just eat cleaner if exercise is really not your thing.

Rubbish InWont Get You Thin

You may have decided to look for some quick and easy weight loss tips as a way to avoid cutting out all your favourite foods, snacks, and treats. Well you're in luck, you wont have to cut them all out. But moderation is the key.

Truth be told that cutting back on sugar and starchy foods will perpetuate your weight loss efforts into a league of their own.

For those soda hounds out there, limit yourself to just one can a day and you will be losing weight faster than you thought possible. Hey, at least you don't have to cut it out completely.

All junk food like candy and cookies need to be cut out completely. If you add this to your quick and easy weight loss plan then you are in a better position to lose some serious weight quickly.

Try to find healthy alternatives to those midday treats that you can't resist. Always make sure that you have plenty of fruit in the office and the home so that when you get that candy craving at about 3pm, you can reach for a banana and be on your way to losing a couple of pounds that week.

Will Power

Your success will be measured by how much you are able resist those temptations that we face in our every day lives - don't forget this.

Without will power all quick and easy weight loss tips that you try are useless so before you even look into quick ways to lose weight be certain that you are really ready to lose weight and will stick to a program you are given. - 17274

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How To Get Your Diet Pill Online|Best Diet Pills on the Market|What You Should Know About Diet Pills

By Sam

Prescription slimming pills are medical drugs. As such they are governed by the Food and Drug Administration agency (FDA). The FDA rigorously monitors their fallouts, their advertisement as well as prescriptions. The most popular of these is Xenical, which is presently the only certified weight loss drug for long-term use. However, drugs being drugs these slimming products always have side effects. For example diarrhea, oily and unanticipated fecal expel is just some side effects that come with Xenical. Therefore, users are advised to take it with a mild fat diet plan.

If you want to use slimming pills, you better check the nearest wellness food store or pharmacy in your local. You can as well try anticipating for a weight loss online. The net not only serves as a medium for quick and easy communicating. Rather, it can also serve as a marketplace for several products.You can definitely find a weight loss online. A quick search using the major search engines will produce thousands of weight loss choices that you can opt from.

Manufacturers of diet pills do not want to have the restrictions the food and drug establishment would impose if they were to take over testing their products.The two sides have been combating for years over this field. The conflict will continue as both sides feel that they are right.The producers of diet pills stand to loose a lot if the food and drug organisation were to win. In past decades, millions of people have gained from taking diet pills. When they are taken in the right dosage, diet pills can aid the overweight in achieving their weight loss goals.

Diet products cause a person to urinate more frequently due to its diuretic effect. This could lead to drying up, thus, causing complicatednesses. As a pre-caution, it is best to drink eight glasses of water everyday while on diet products. Never take more tablets than you should. Take only the recommended dosage. Taking more than required will not service you slim down but will decidedly increment the chance of fallouts.

Before you make your ultimate choice about your top diet pill online, you have to refer with your physician. Think that you have to refer an adept before taking any medicinal drug. Familiarize your top three picks to your doctor and let him resolve which among these options best suits your health circumstances. - 17274

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Good Food Does Not Equal Good Nutrition

By Virginia Pipolini

It is a relatively basic fact that good nutrition comes from the earth. Newsflash " over the past 100 years there has been a serious depletion in the value of our foods. This decrease in our food value has not gone without notice; in fact in recent years the International Medical Geology Association was formed to address these global health concerns.

I had never heard of medical geology prior to reading the article, The Emerging Medical and Geological Association published by the American Clinical and Climatological Association, but now it makes a lot of sense. Most of the nutrients in our food are derived from our soil and its mineral content.

The ever-decreasing nutritional content of foods is not the only concern. There are other issues related to our geological connectivity. There are toxins unleashed from the soils, such as arsenic and mercury. Other potentially harmful substances are released through natural events such as volcanic action.

When we look into the health concerns related to nutritional deficiencies, it is easy to see that there have been many studies into modern world ailments and nutrition. Some of these studies focus on regional, focusing on concentrations of MS cases in the Pacific Northwest, but others are global. Goiter, for example, has been tied to an iodine deficiency. While there are over 450 million residents in China who are at risk of this thyroid condition, Goiter is known to be a problem worldwide.

I am intrigued by the association made between geologic materials and trace element deficiency associated with iodine. Iodine deficiencies were identified nearly 100 years ago, with more studies and recommendations related to iodine continuing worldwide. Did you know that iodine deficiency is associated not just with thyroid function and deficiency related conditions such as goiter, but also cretinism, low IQ, birth defects and miscarriages?

There is no easy answer to the concerns of our planet and its effect on our health and nutrition. We can all make choices that benefit both the world and our own pockets and nutritional needs. Collectively we can support those who work hard to educate us and guide us to a healthier planet. - 17274

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Fat Loss - Balancing Flexibility And Strength

By Dan Solaris

The fast-food culture has conquered most of the globe and the world's inhabitants are succumbing to the tasty, mouth-watering drive-thru fare that just so happens to be dripping with LDL cholesterol (yes, the bad kind). Fortunately, there are a gauntlet of exercises proven to combat the surplus of caloric energy stored in love-handles and bouncing bellies.

Most of us are aware that no fat-loss workout regimen would be complete without some form of cardio exercise thrown in. The challenge for most people is choosing the right mix that will keep them exercising consistently, prevent hitting a plateau and getting bored. Dull workouts lead to skipped workouts which in turn results in slow fat loss.

A lot of people are still unaware of the usefulness of Pilates for losing weight and getting lean. More than a few novice gym goers stop working-out because they find their programs too dull and tiring. Because Pilates workouts are done at a low intensity and are invigorating, they're actually perfect for beginners who want to lose belly fat without dreading each session.

Because the movements don't take much effort to do, people of almost all ages and ailments can benefit from Pilates workouts. After consistent Pilates sessions, flexibility, balance and suppleness are improved significantly.

Cardio combined with strength training is the most common exercise program prescribed for fast and effective fat loss. Incorporating Pilates sessions with these will improve fat-burning efficiency of your workouts even more.

Weight training is essential in a fat-loss program because building muscle improves our metabolism. Resistance training causes stiffness to connective tissue and the joints however. This is where Pilates can come in- the smooth and continuous movements stretch the muscles of the whole body and this regains the lost suppleness lost from lifting weights.

The moves in Pilates exercises involve simultaneous action of all the core muscles- the upper and lower abdominals, the lumbar muscles, the obliques and even the buttocks. Since several muscles are being utilized at the same time, this means more calories burned in less time, ergo speedier weight loss.

A raised metabolism is one of the best weapons for keeping of excess weight because a larger amount of calories are burned. Constantly stretching the body's muscles causes them to be leaner, allowing a faster metabolism and a less flabby physique. - 17274

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The Best Ab Workout Is Not About The Abs

By Jose Loni

The best ab workout is a full body workout. We are always exposed to media ads of ab exercises and machines that promise great looking abs by training the abs directly. The fact of the matter is, the best ab workout is a full body workout that emphasizes increasing the body's metabolism, by training with weights, interval training, monitoring what we eat, and managing our stress.

Spot reducing is not effective when it comes to the abs. Specifically training the abs, will help increase the strength of the abs, and help stabilize the hips and low back, but to get six pack abs, we must train our overall body to burn fat. When we burn the excess fat, the underlying abdominal muscles will become visible and give us the six-pack appearance.

Using resistance training to train many body segments at once will help to increase the body's metabolic activity. The resulting lean body mass causes the body to utilize and burn excess body fat to fuel the increased muscle activity.

Training with intervals also helps the body increase its metabolism. By adapting to the high intensity sets of the activity, the body must increase its metabolic activity. The increased metabolic activity causes the body to seek out and convert excess fat from the body into a consumable fuel. The increased metabolic activity has been shown to continue its fat burning well after the exercise session has ended.

Controlling what we eat will help our body's metabolism by helping it utilize the food we eat to fuel our physical activity. Eating food made up of complex carbohydrates and lean protein allows our body to fuel its metabolic activity. By avoiding fatty foods, sugar and carbonated beverages we can monitor the calories we take in and allow our body to use it as fuel. If we take in too many calories, the excess calories are converted and stored as fat.

Instead of eating 3 large meals per day, we should eat 5-6 smaller portioned meals throughout the day to help us maintain our energy level for our daily activities and to keep our blood sugar levels from fluctuating up or down.

Decreasing the stress in our lives is an effective way to prevent further fat storage in our belly area. When we experience stress, our body releases Cortisol, a hormone that causes fat to be stored in the abdominal area. This fat is stored there to be used during a time of emergency.

By training several body parts at once, we are better able to achieve results in our abs. Making changes in how we train using resistance and interval training exercises, controlling what we eat and decreasing our stress levels will get us the fastest and best results for a flat toned stomach - 17274

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Losing Weight Quickly

By Aaron Roberts

The rise in the number of fast foods joints that have a lot of saturated fat in the meals, the use of a lot of refined sugar in sodas and other processed foods and eating food with less fiber have all contributed to the fact that there are more people than before who are classified as either overweight or are obese.

A person's metabolism can be slowed down due to many different things, namely your genetics, overeating and also age. As this happens it become more and more difficult to burn the calories that you eat through out the day. Losing is weight is good, but not too quickly. There are health and appearance risks for doing so.

Losing weight for each person will depend on a number of things. Your daily routine, stress, lifestyle, gender, age, caloric intake, health and starting weight are all things that need to be factored in. Besides that, although being overweight is not totally desirable, it isn't always a complete indicator of a person's health. Some studies even show that these slightly overweight people might live a bit longer than people of a more normal weight.

There is holy grail of the weight loss world. Some pills out there surely might help, but a healthy diet and a good exercise program has always been the best way to do this. Lower the caloric intake a bit and increase the exercise, and you'll be off to a great start.

Firstly, you will need to choose a diet program that will work for you. This might take some trial and error, as not all diets were created equal. A program will usually consist of an eating plan and an exercise plan; and occasionally certain supplements for you to take. The best plans out there will include both weight training and cardio work. This will help you burn calories while increasing your lean muscle mass, thus increasing your metabolism and losing weight.

A good diet should have food from all the food groups. This is made up by 2 things. The first is carbohydrates. The food that a person consumes should have vitamins, minerals and fiber. A lot of this can come from oats, rice, potatoes and cereals. The best still come from vegetables and fruits since these have phytochemicals, enzymes and micronutrients that are essential for a healthy diet.

In regards to fat, there is saturated and unsaturated. Try to eat the former more sparingly. There are quite a bit of calories per gram of fat compared to other macro nutrients, so be careful when consuming these foods.

All diet plans are made with the idea of taking in a smaller amount of calories every day. You don't need to always eat less to accomplish this. You will need to eat smarter and pick those foods that are better for you. You can actually lose weight without eating much less than you already do.

During the course of the program, the person should still consult with the doctor and other health experts to monitor ones progress. There will be times that it is essential to modify the diet plan to further lose weight. It is up to the person already to stick to the program to see that it works. - 17274

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Then, Eat Modestly

By Dan Solaris

Billions of people gawk and fantasize about them when they see them on billboards, on the pages of GQ or Vogue on MTV and on the silver screen. Indeed, six pack abs adorning the midsections of models and actors are a sight to behold and who would not want their own?

Watching movies that star Brad Pitt, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hugh Jackman, it's easy to get the impression that lean and muscular individuals are a dime a dozen in the U.S. Strolling on American beaches during summertime however, one realizes that it's quite the opposite.

Figures recently collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that 66% of adult Americans are overweight. Given the unhealthy fast track lives most of us lead, it's not really surprising. We spend most of our waking hours on our butts- in our office chairs, in our vehicles and at home on the couch or the computer chair.

The market is chock-full of seemingly innocent munchies packed with flavor and loaded with calories. Ours has turned into a culture of fast-food and the surplus calories are showing-up on potbellies and lovehandles across the Western world.

You know what? We aren't at all helpless. It may seem impossible but getting lean enough to get a well-defined six pack on our midsections is just a matter of finding the right workout that fits with a tight schedule.

Conventional strength-building exercises with the use of free weights or machines have a heavier effect on six pack ab formation than you may think. Adding muscular tissue to one's frame actually increases our basal metabolism or our metabolic rate when we're at rest. Experts say our basal metabolism accounts for 75% of our caloric usage in one day!

Our basal metabolic rate is our normal rate of metabolism- when we're at rest. The high percentage of calories it consumes means raising our BMR through regular exercise will result in more calories burned during and even after our workouts. The key to rapid fat-loss is using-up more calories than we get from the food we eat.

The increased muscle tissue we gain from resistance training improves our metabolism and already increases our body's ability to burn calories. Increasing the intensity of weight-training by shortening the rest periods between sets will result in even more calories burned because of EPOC (excessive post-workout oxygen consumption). This will let us shorten our workout sessions effectively and get us out of the gym faster. Always remember that moderation in eating means moderation in working-out. - 17274

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Fast Abs Workout - Think Stability, Not Sit Ups

By Dan Solaris

The hugely successful food industries in North America and Western Europe have caused approximately 65% of their populations to become overweight, statistics show. Efficiency in food production- especially in meats and sweets has made it difficult for most people to maintain healthy eating habits.

The only thing that can counter the nutritional quagmire that we're in is constant exercise. Sadly, a lot of people find it a challenge to stick to a regular exercise program and thus are suffering from all sorts of health problems from diabetes to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Most folks start workout programs but eventually stop after a few months. Slow results and boredom are the major hindrances to consistent exercise. The solution is a workout program that brings results that can be seen quickly.

A majority of gym goers or fitness aficionados start workout programs to lose body fat and get flat six pack abs. When results come too slow, this results in boredom and because they become disheartened, a lot of people give up exercising regularly.

Aside from regular cardiovascular exercises that facilitate rapid body fat burn, the best way to tone-up and develop the midsection is through developing the core muscles and improving the body's stability. By doing exercises that include balancing and stabilizing the body, all-around core strength is improved.

The core of the human body refers to the muscles in our center. That means the upper and lower abs, the obliques on either side of our midsection and the lumbar muscles. Most fitness buffs make the common error of putting too much focus on the abdominal muscles and ignore the muscles on the lower back. A highly-developed abdomen would be useless without an equally strong back because injury can result from this imbalance of support.

A faster abs workout that can give you a stronger core in less time can be attained through the use of tools like a Swiss ball or a Bosu ball. Both of these have round surfaces which when used as support for the body when executing abdominal or other resistance exercises will force the core muscles to work harder. The effort of trying to keep steady while working out on an unstable surface means more calories burned and improved core strength faster.

The amount of calories burned while doing abdominal exercises on an exercise ball or other round surface is increased significantly compared to doing sit-ups and crunches flat on one's back. Studies show that more muscle fibers are engaged in activity when a person is lying on a round surface. The wider range of motion means more calories spent and hence a faster abs workout. - 17274

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The Amazing Amazon Acai Berry

By Jordan Jervishus

The Acai berry comes from the Acai Palm tree, native to Central and South America. The fruit that grows on these palms is a small, round, blackish-purple berry about 1 inch in diameter. It looks similar to a grape, but has less pulp and is slightly smaller and darker. There is one large seed in the center of each berry, making up about 80% of the fruit.

Because the seed is so large compared to the size of the berry you have to use a lot of berries to make a large portion of pulp. It is fortunate that the Acai berry grows in groups of 700 " 900 berries. Each year to crops of the berries are harvested. The seeds are used too. They are used for livestock food, soil for plants, and for planting more Acai palm trees.

South American countries have used Acai berries for many years as antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. The Acai berry is litterly a superfood that is very high in antioxidants as well. It is also a good source of protein, fiber, and is a good source of iron. It is one of the best sources of nutrients in the world.

High amounts of antioxidants in Acai berries could even prevent you from getting cancer. There are also small amounts of every known mineral in Acai fruit. There is glucosamine and even high levels of anthocyanins. The anthocyanins improve eyesight, protect your nervous system, repair collagin, and protect blood vessels.

A very beneficial way to lower your cholesterol would be to eat Acai berries because of their high protein levels. The fiber in the berries is also great for the digestive system. Omega 9 and omega 6 essential fatty acids are also present. The acids help absorb vitamins D, A, E, and K. This can also help prevent hypertension and cancer.

The people of Brazil have known about this secret berry for decades. We are just now finding out how beneficial this berry can be. The purest form of the Acai berry is hard to obtain in America because it is grown in the Amazons so make sure you get Acai berry from a legitimate source. Research has just begun on this very healthy fruit but already they are seeing how great of a superfood it is. - 17274

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Toned Abs - Exercises To Help You Lose Belly Fat

By Dan Solaris

An increasing number of people around the world are becoming obese because of the proliferation of fast food. The availability of delicious, calorie-loaded western food has in fact caused roughly 65% of people in North America and Western Europe to become obese.

The first mistake people do in their attempts to lose belly fat and get toned abs is doing ab isolation exercises. Although common-sense may make sit-ups and crunches seem effective in isolating belly fat, getting a lean, flat abdomen takes much more than that.

Leg-raises, sit-ups and crunches do develop and harden the muscles of the midsection, but they don't do really isolate the subcutaneous layer of fat hiding that six pack from full-view. The only way to get flat toned abs is through exercises that burn all-around body fat in the shortest amount of time.

Total-body aerobic workouts are the most effective way to burn enough calories from body fat in the shortest time. Only by doing whole-body movement during our workouts can we hope to burn a significant amount of body fat and flatten an oversized abdomen and love-handles.

Doing total body cardio exercises at high enough intensity not only results in fat-loss- they also condition the heart and lungs, putting more oxygen into the blood stream and lowering blood pressure. The metabolic rate also goes up and stays elevated even after working out. This means more calories burned throughout the day.

By maintaining a high metabolism, overweight people can facilitate fat-loss better because more calories are expended throughout the day. This means less calories left over to be stored as body fat. If a person burns more calories than he takes in each day, this will of course lead to loss of belly fat.

Another way to increase the body's metabolic rate and get rid of surplus calories easier is by building muscle. Resistance training through free weights or other forms of resistance can help prevent fat gain because the more muscles we have, the more calories we can burn. Experts have discovered that muscle tissue eats up calories even while inactive. The more calories we burn while away from the gym means the less effort we have to make during our workouts.

Whole body cardio exercises, aside from being highly effective in burning massive amounts of calories per session, are also more fun to do. The more a person has fun and looks forward to his workout sessions, the less likely he or she would be prone to get lazy and stop working out. Just as with any other endeavor, consistent exercise is the key to losing fat and getting toned abs with good definition. - 17274

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Get Flat Abs In Less Than 2 Months

By Jose Loni

Get flat abs in 30 days and change your life! Here's how you can get flat abs in 30 days. Train your body with resistance training regularly to kick-start your metabolism, then watch what you eat. Combining these two factors will get you results fast.

It's only 30 days! First, let's plan a regular exercise program at least 3-4 times per week. Then revamp your exercise program to incorporate resistance training. The type of resistance training that you will do is going to push you to really work hard and push your body. In doing so, the body will have to burn more calories as well as burn more fat.

Weight training that uses more body parts and muscle groups will burn more calories. Adding greater resistance and lowering the number of repetitions will also force the body to work harder, combining that with minimal rest between sets will add to the intensity.

More calories are burned from increased exertion using the energy source from food intake as well as from excess body fat. When the body is finished exercising, the body will increase its delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles to replenish and repair damage caused by the exercise session. As a result, the muscles burn more calories, increasing the body's overall metabolism.

The cumulative effect of exercise sessions throughout the week will force the body to increase its calorie consumption and end up burning excess fat. As a result, the body will be burning fat for most of the day and night, as it works hard fixing and healing the muscles.

Healthy eating is another key factor in controlling how much fat is stored. Choosing a proper diet that excludes sodas, sugary snacks and fast foods will enable you to control your calories and allow your body to burn calories and excess body fat more efficiently.

Eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day is a great way to keep your energy levels up and keep you from overeating. When you overeat and the body is not able to burn all the calories, the body converts those calories into fat and stores it.

Get the body that you've always wanted in less than 2 months. Start by making a plan of exercise, incorporate resistance training to boost your metabolism and then eat a good diet. Follow these simple steps, and you'll have rock hard abs in just a few weeks! - 17274

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What Foods Have the Most Resveratrol in Them?

By Jeremy Lucas

In order to protect themselves from bacteria and other outside attacks many plants produce a substance called resveratrol. There are also some initial indications that this compound can be very beneficial to humans as well. Studies on this substance began when scientists looked into why red wine drinkers were less prone to develop heart disease. Even though resveratrol is very powerful, it really is not found in many plants.

What foods have the most resveratrol in them?

Resveratrol is most prevalent in the red and purple varieties of grapes. Other dark berries such as mulberries and cranberries are also good sources, along with peanuts. Areas that get a lot of rain produce more plants with resveratrol, because the substance is produced to fight off attacks from the outside.

Even in the same type of grapes, the resveratrol content can change based on where the grapes are grown. If a grape is grown in cool weather, then it is likely to have higher content than if it is grown in warm weather. Organic fruits are also known to have higher levels, because they do not have as much protection from pesticides. Grapes grown in North Carolina are usually said to have the highest levels of resveratrol.

Additionally, the resveratrol content in foods can decrease when heated up or cooked. The decrease is drastic, going down by as much as half of the original raw content. Also, since resveratrol is a natural protector for plants, most of this compound can be found in the skin of the fruit. This means that the best and healthiest way to eat grapes, berries, and peanuts is unpeeled and uncooked.

Resveratrol can also be obtained via Japanese Knotweed supplements. This can help you get a higher concentration that is hard to get by eating grapes and nuts alone. This doesn't mean you should ignore these, because it is best to get nutrition from the foods you eat and not just through supplements.

Red wine is known to contain more resveratrol than grape juice, but if you are not comfortable having one glass of alcohol each day, it is also an option. If using grape juice, fresh and organic is the only way to go. Avoid all the juices that are packed with refined sugar, as these will do more harm than good.

If you make sure to keep your kitchen stocked with grapes, strawberries, and blueberries then you will be able to get all the benefits they provide, as well as a decent dose of resveratrol. Using these as snacks will provide you with a healthy, tasty, snack that doesn't kill your body like fake sugar and high fructose corn syrup will. This will help prevent obesity and keep you feeling and looking young much longer. - 17274

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