Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mineral Supplements " Your Easy To Understand Guide

By Neil Butterfield

Everyone knows you should take a multivitamin supplement, but if you're not taking a multi-mineral supplement too, then you'll never reach your full health potential. Minerals are just as important as vitamins but not as well publicized.

Minerals are involved in almost every body function; from strengthening our bones, to our brains. They are also are a catalyst for many chemical reactions our bodies need to stay healthy.

Although your body can make vitamins, no one has the capacity to make minerals. Minerals can only be acquired by eating the right foods and through supplements.

There have been some very recent studies that have shown just how minerals affect our health. Here are a few things you should know.

1.Over the past 50 years, calcium, iron and other minerals have been on a rapid decline in our foods.- (Canadian study)

2. A study done by the US Department of Agriculture confirmed that a large percentage of the American population were not getting sufficient amounts of minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, chromium, and selenium from their food.

This means even if you are eating a diet that is packed with fresh fruits and vegetables, and you are eating meat you are still at risk of becoming vitamin or mineral deficient. A lack of minerals can do a great deal of damage when it comes to your health. Even if you take enough vitamins if you do not have sufficient minerals your body will not be able to use the vitamins.

3. Chelated minerals have an absorbency rate that is less than 20%. That means if you are taking chelated minerals you are not getting the amount you think you are. However, studies have shown that liquid minerals are almost 100% absorbed by the body, and liquid ionic minerals are the best because they are completely water soluble.

Science That Is As Good As Nature.

It's more difficult to make a high quality liquid ionic mineral supplement than most people realize. A scientist has to think like Mother Nature. Simply combining several kinds of minerals does not give you a high quality supplement. That's why you should always know more about the company you're buying from.

Within the USA, there are very few regulations for nutritional supplements. That means that no one is making sure those companies are living up to their promises, or that their supplements are of good quality. However, one label you can trust is the GMP compliant label. These supplements answer to the highest standards on the market.

Choosing Mineral Supplements.

Some of the most important mineral supplements are as follows:

Calcium/Magnesium- these two supplements go hand-in-hand. Together, magnesium and calcium keep our teeth and bones healthy and strong. If you're only taking calcium supplements then you're not getting the full effect of calcium.

And worse yet if you are taking a compound tablet, capsule or even chelated calcium you are only absorbing a maximum of 20%. That means if you take 1000 mg of calcium you will get at most 200 mg absorbed and it can be a lot less in many cases. Thats why you need to take liquid calcium. Because it is water soluble you will absorb almost 100% ensuring you are actually getting the dosage you are taking. This applies to all minerals.

Zinc - promotes healing, strengthens our immune system and helps us metabolically(weight control) as well.

Chromium " is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and in regulating blood sugar levels. It also controls fat and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Selenium " This is a trace element that is essential for building a healthy immune system. It is found in almost every cell, and its also found in soil.

These are the five most important minerals, although there are lots of others. Now that you know each one does, you are ready to choose a liquid ionic mineral supplement that fits in with your lifestyle and your life. - 17274

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Acai Roots Review - The Real Deal or Another Supplement Scam?

By Travis Van Slooten

As you'll discover in this Acai Roots review, supplement scams and fraudulent products are nothing new to people looking for a healthier lifestyle. It can be nearly impossible to tell a good product from a bad one unless you know exactly what you are looking for. Fortunately, there are a few ways to tell if a product is good and, just as importantly, if the company is worthy of your patronage.

Acai Roots is one of many companies currently selling acai supplements. They have offices in the United States and in South America where the acai grows naturally. They claim to sell a completely pure product grown naturally in Para, northern Brazil. But there are a few things to consider before determining if Acai Roots is a company worth your patronage.

The Product

Let's face it, you are mostly concerned with the product itself. If the supplement is enhanced artificially or loaded with fillers, you may be paying for cheap fluff or even ingredients which could be bad for you. Fortunately, the product you get from Acai Roots is grown naturally and organically in Brazil. It is wilf-harvested so no land is destroyed to farm the berries. It also ensures organic quality since there are no chemicals used on the wild trees.

But it doesn't stop there. Many companies taint their products in the manufacturing phase. Acai Roots uses only freeze-dried acai berry in their supplements. Freeze drying locks in the nutrients and allows the product to be transported long distances without sacrificing quality. A freeze-dried product can have as much as 50 times the antioxidant level of a product that has been spray-dried. Spray drying is a process where the liquid is heated out of the berry and a polysaccharide called maltodextrin is sprayed into the product. Not only is the spray-dried product nearly worthless nutritionally, it contains a filler which the body absorbs as glucose. In addition, inferior products may contain fluff such as caffeine that is intended to make a person feel energized. You may think it is the acai berry, but in reality it is just a stimulant that you're paying too much money for.

Acai Roots Business Practices

So the product is good. But that doesn't always mean the company is legit. Some companies offer good products, but they burn you on their bad business. And if you're looking for acai supplements, you already know about the scams. The sad fact is that many shady businesses are taking advantage of the recent realization that this fruit is one of the healthiest on the planet. You may notice that many of them claim to have support from famous doctors or celebrities like Oprah. The fact that Acai Roots doesn't make these lofty claims is one way to tell that they are straight-shooters. Companies which offer free samples or try to lure you in with celebrity endorsements are the ones to be wary of. Acai Roots knows its product can speak for itself.

Not only does Acai Roots let their products speak for themselves, they also have a wide array of products to choose from. You can get the standard capsule, but you also have a choice of smoothies and frozen pulp. Regardless of which product you choose, Acai Roots backs it completely.

The Company behind Acai Roots

Now that we've established that Acai Roots has superior products and sound business practices, let's see how this company also gives back to the environment and to the locals that they employ as workers. Most businesses are only concerned of the profit that they will get, but the founders of Acai Roots are also involved in activities that promote social responsibility. They get many of the natives in the Amazon rainforests as berry-pickers so that they won't need to cut down trees for a living. Not only does this gesture protect the environment, it also gives the people a sustained source of income. Acai Roots also has projects that give a hand to the poorest in Brazil.

So what do you end up with when you look more closely at Acai Roots? First, you get a product which comes in almost any form you would like, from pills to powder to smoothies. You also get to deal with a company which makes no false claims about celebrities supporting their product and does not offer shady free trials. All of their contact information is readily available for each of their offices. Finally, you have the peace of mind knowing that the product you purchase is coming from a company which actually strives to do good in its community. Not only does Acai Roots offer a superior product, but they do so with a business model which other companies should strive to match. - 17274

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How Can a Strict Yoga Regimen Help Me Reduce Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

There are lots of activities and remedies that you can take when you are looking at reducing your bruises, but you may not have thought about a yoga program before. Yoga means different things to different people. Where some people get involved with yoga for the spiritual aspect, other people enter into it for better strength and for better flexibility, which might be a means to help you be able to use it to help prevent bruising.

There are a number of alternatives available for you when it comes to practicing yoga. A yoga mat that will provide you sufficient traction and some joint protection along with comfortable clothes are about all you really need to get started. You should have no difficulty in locating a number of classes for yoga locally, or you may choose to learn on your own by making use of easily obtained video or downloading an internet DVD for instruction.

When practicing yoga, you are toning your muscles and strengthening your body. Besides the strengthening and toning you will be taught to relax your body which in turn will train you to move and fall more gracefully. As your body becomes more healthy day by day because of the exercise regimen, you will find that your bruising frequency is greatly diminished.

There are many different forms of yoga from which to choose. Hatha yoga is the method most commonly taught, and vikram yoga, is considered to be an aerobic activity because of the intensity of the workouts. Also, there is very gently yoga that is practiced mainly by pregnant women or parents with small children.

The practice of yoga will cause you to sweat, and through this sweating, your body will be removing impurities. Consider for a moment how impurities can build up in your body and deplete your body's resources for combating those impurities. Your body needs to be able to devote its resources towards healing bruises both effectively and quickly, and this is the reason that a good exercise routine can be beneficial.

Bruises are created from the seepage of blood from breaks in the small blood vessels located just beneath the skin, but do you know what you can do to help prevent the bruising? Yoga provides the means to prevent bruising by causing your cardiovascular system to improve, encouraging your blood vessels to become stronger and more flexible and thereby stay intact during the bumps that could otherwise cause bruising.

You will also find that one of the biggest advantages regarding yoga is that it will make you more graceful. You will have much surer movements, and you will discover that you can much more easily move about without bumping yourself roughly. You may also even learn to fall in such a way that will reduce bruising in general.

You've now learned how yoga can be beneficial in helping you overcome your bruising easily. Perhaps now would be a good time to evaluate how combining a daily, all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your yoga routine can increase the chances of your helping reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17274

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Fish Oil Treatment That Works for ADD

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil is an excellent treatment for ADD. This is how it works and why.

Studies have shown that children with ADD and ADHD have symptoms which are similar to that of people who are deficient with essential fatty acids.

An information published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that children "with lower compositions of total omega 3 fatty acids had significantly more behavioral problems, temper tantrums, and learning, health, and sleep problems than did those with high proportions of omega 3 fatty acids." [Vol. 71, No. 1, 327S-330S]

Parents will surely like this natural form of treatment for ADD kids.

And the moment they know that they have several choices; it makes it a lot easier for them to make a decision. It gives them the chance to try the natural approach first.

There are medications of course, but some may be apprehensive to use it due to the side effects that it may bring. In the case of fish oil, the only side effect it can give is the extended list of remarkable health benefits it gives from childhood through old age.

The promotion of this natural treatment for children with ADD and ADHD is now endorsed by scientists.

Take for instance, a research publish in Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, the authors specified that using omega 3 fatty acids as treatment for ADD and ADHD is "safe compared to existing pharmacological interventions" [Vol. 63, No.1-2, pp. 79-87]

It has become more exciting, as one scientist took time to review all available studies on omega 3s, and posted a statement in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry [Vol. 48:195-203], "that higher dosages of omega-3 fatty acids (2 to 4g daily) may ameliorate the symptoms of several psychiatric conditions" ? that includes ADD and ADHD.

It can really be a bold statement to make for a scientist. We do not normally see it daily in the scientific world that they became so excited and even used the word "ameliorate" to illustrate a natural nutrient found in food.

"Ameliorate" means make healthier or better (like "cure") and would normally be used only for prescription drugs.

It is good to know that scientific studies back up your need to find ADD fish oil treatment for your kid. And certainly omega 3 fish oil is a very simple solution. By simply adding more oily fish to your family's daily diet plan can jumpstart things for you.

But we do not mean fish sticks and fish patties. These are made of white meat fish, which are obviously low in omega 3s.

All that you need is to serve them with salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel or herring. It would be good if you get to serve it as often as possible. It can really be challenging to get 2 to 4 grams of fish oil in your diet coming from eating those fishes.

However, you can supplement your family's diet with excellent quality fish oil capsules as an easy alternative.

If you must prefer the natural approach instead of conventional medicines, you may need to look for a fish oil product that is pure and without toxins, contains a balanced potency and has the eight members of the omega 3 family.

It is truly a solution verified to work fine for ADHD and ADD fish oil treatment. - 17274

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Discover A Training System And Optimum Diet That Can Help You To Lose Fat

By Barbara C Jones

Right now in the United States obesity and being overweight has reached nearly epidemic proportions. Our lifestyles are sedentary and we eat too many nutritionally vacant foods in the Standard American Diet. We don't keep fit enough and we eat too much.

All through times past our bodies evolved in such a way as to ensure continued existence. This means that our bodies naturally preserve energy and fat to defend us in times of food shortage. The problem today is that the only food crisis we ever actually live through is the self-imposed one that we get when we go on restrictive diets.

On the other hand, our bodies cannot discriminate between a food crisis and a limiting diet. We start dieting and our biology sabotages us by slowing down our metabolism and conserving every little bit of fat and energy that it can. That is one rationale why our dieting efforts get more and more difficult with every successive diet.

A big part of the answer to this dilemma may be to just stop dieting and start eating. Begin working with your biology instead of against it by discontinuing the mad diets and eating like you are supposed to.

The answer encompasses more than just eating however. The Standard American Diet or the apropos acronym SAD is significantly contributing to our troubles with obesity and overweight. Our bodies were never intended to eat the unwholesome, nutritionally void and processed foods that are so plentiful in our culture.

People were intended to eat the unsurprisingly nutritious, wholesome foods from nature. This earth that we live on provides the foods that are optimal for our bodies including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and even fish and lean meats. The a lesser amount of processed and more natural a food is the better and more wholesome it is for our bodies.

As homo sapiens we were also designed to move and work out. None of our ancestors led a sedentary life. They were always up and around, moving about in the course of living. If you want to realize optimum health including losing weight you need to add in both exercise and an optimum nutrition diet.

If you desire to combat obesity, drop weight for good and build optimum vigor start by shifting your diet to take in the healthiest foods from nature and integrate an exercise plan into your days. Your body will thank you and the pounds will drop off. - 17274

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Berries In Colours Reflect Power In Antioxidants

By Anastacia Sampson

When we get tired of the raisins we can add cranberries to cakes or muffins. We have fresh strawberries and these are high in Vitamin C. Yet there are other berry types! There are many varieties, from blue-staining blueberries (that are blue-purple in colour) to raspberries, cranberries, mulberries and other juicy sweet berries.

Some berries are not that sweet but rather harmful and fatal. To come across wild berries, mushrooms and other unknown varieties it is worth not even trying them for taste. Know before you pick and eat what is poisonous. Although mushrooms may look appealing, they are a fungus and can be dangerous.

Mushrooms are of high moisture content, while shitake mushrooms are known to be very health supporting. Nutritious berries supply various levels of protective antioxidants. To reduce our rate of ageing and help ward away the development of disease we have blueberries. Therapeutically for urinary tract infections we have cranberries. Susceptibility to kidney stones is alleviated by taking cranberry juice. Medications for urinary and bladder problems incorporate cranberries.

Various medical studies display the potency of cranberry juice to protect against some forms of kidney stones. Do not neglect the beneficial blueberries that have also been shown to effectively protect and treat urinary tract infections. These blueberries and cranberries prevent the harmful bacteria from latching onto the urinary walls. Consequently the harmful bacteria are unsupported to create a flourishing family to grow and cause ill health. In certain countries berries tend to grow and are more popular and available. Access to fresh berries at our nearby grocery stores is not general but rather to frozen and canned berries. Being fragile, berries are not suitable for mass transport and storage in fresh form.

Mulberries not only feed us but the leaves of that mulberry tree feed silk worms. For many years we have used berries to make juice, which is an age old practice and we can always find berry flavoured juices or concentrated berry juices.

Often we have cherries on ice-cream or cakes. It may top it off like no other colourful decorative piece. The red cherries are usually preserved and available in packages. Loganberries, blackberries, black currents and raspberries deliver valuable iron levels. Gooseberries may be more common and have a yellow tinge. Blackberries are highly regarded for their Vitamin E levels.

Berries all around and together are generally high in fibre, minerals and vitamins relative to various other fruits. Indeed berries may be minor juicy fragile ball-like fruits; nonetheless they do pack a punch for nutritional health. - 17274

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What Men Should Consider When Fitness Training

By Frank Powell

No one knows the number of men who have shifted their focus on why they are working out. You can run a sample survey in any gym, but the variety of answers will probably vary with both the mood of the participants, and the demography of the sample. Someone who's had a bad day at the office may offer a different explanation than he would if he had just closed an important deal.

Just wanting sexy abs is not the only reason to work out; it is necessary to also work out to become healthy which includes extending the lives of the men working out, losing weight, and keeping up with the world changing atmosphere.

Some men are still sweating and straining to add definition to a finely sculpted body, or so that they can attract a date for Saturday night action. But whatever the reason there are several factors that need to be considered. Not all of these factors are directly connected to getting the body into shape.

What category you belong in, whether you want to be healthy, ripped or both, is up to you. Once you know what youre going to do you have to have a plan to achieve your goals. There are many ways to go about achieving your plan. Trainers have developed countless fitness routines tailored to each goal.

Before starting any exercise regime, it is important to ask your doctor weather you are healthy enough to exercise. Once you find out that you are healthy enough to exercise, you have to determine whether you are one of those men that want to stay home and watch a video in you home or if you would like to go to the gym and watch yourself progress in your fitness training.

The decision to go to a health club would necessitate checking out the facilities to see if they are suitable for your needs. Do they have the apparatus, and the personnel you are looking for? The choice to pursue fitness at home presents the challenge of the brand and the type of devices you need to be successful. Do you have an appropriate space to accommodate everything you need?

After you've made a final decision on how you are going to proceed you still need to consider if the club you've settled on is really reliable. What's the turnover in their personnel? Do they maintain and update their gear on a periodic basis? Or if you've chosen to make your home the base for your workouts you need to locate a source for the equipment. Check the reliability of the manufacturer and the kind of warranties they offer. When you're satisfied go for it. - 17274

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Faster Weight Loss With The Right Superfood

By Jane Larose

There had been many weight loss products introduced in the market. People who have weight issues are often attracted to try various weight loss products in the hopes that they would work for them. Unfortunately, not all of them work and in some cases, they even cause negative effects.

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often grow from the Central and South America. Many local people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries like Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products like yogurt or cakes.

Various companies are now marketing acai berries as a dietary supplement and weight loss product all over the world. It comes in various forms like powder, juice or even as fresh or dried fruit. All this is bringing the benefits of an organic product to many people and even to places where the acai palm tree doesn't grow.

The purpose of the acai berry doesn't end in its weight loss effects. Studies about the fruit revealed that I is also good for human's cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems. Many claims that it can provide increased in energy, healthier and young looking skin and improved sleep. There are also many vitamins and minerals in this product that is good for our health.

One of the impressive effects of taking acai berries is the detoxification benefits it provides. The product has high fiber contents that cleanses the stomach walls and flushes out the toxins present in the body. This in return would help the body properly absorb the nutrients from the food we eat.

Our heart also benefits a lot from the acai berries. There are presence of omega vitamins in this fruit that lowers the blood cholesterol and helps improve the blood flow. It also has anti-oxidants that are said to be good for our bodies aging process.

With the countless benefits that acai berries provide to our health, many people deemed it as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals are not endorsing this product not only for weight loss but also for overall health. In fact, many TV shows and magazines featured the acai berries.

If you are one of the people who want to lose or maintain weight, you might be interested on how the acai berries would work for you. The good thing about it is it's organic and very minimal preservatives are added to the products marketed. In fact, you can even order acai berries in its natural form and include it in your recipes for a healthier meal.

Just remember that anyone with pre-existing conditions, pregnant or have any health concerns must consult with their physicians first before taking the product. It is currently sold everywhere in the world in health stores or you can also order it through the Internet. - 17274

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The Truth about Antioxidants and Aging

By Travis Van Slooten

Would you like to slow down the aging process? Wouldn't it be great if one of the anti-aging theories proved to be true? Has anyone actually found the Fountain of Youth? Well, research and studies have been conducted over and over again finding that antioxidants may work to slow down the aging process.

Here is the main information about antioxidants and aging: there are a lot of benefits that can be obtained from antioxidants found in food or in high quality supplements. These benefits include the delay of the aging process and prevention against diseases. The aging process slows down aging in the cells, tissues, organs and skin.

Fruits and leafy vegetables are natural sources of antioxidants, which, studies have shown, can protect our cells from damage caused by oxidation. One of the basic effects of this is the strengthening of our immune system, making us less susceptible to viruses and infections. Antioxidants are also known to lessen the risk of developing cancer cells, and lower possible incidence of diseases associated with the heart and bad cholesterol. The threat of macular degeneration, a form of blindness among the elderly, and glaucoma are also lessened. Having a stronger resistance against diseases and overall good health would also preserve our bodies from aging fast.

Free radicals, which are the substances that cause damage to our cells, are caused by our mere breathing, eating, and all other activities that we do on a daily basis. They can also increase the more we get exposed to the pollutants in the environment. While free radicals in lower levels are not harmful to us, when they start to increase their damaging potential grows too. They can cause illnesses and poor health. Antioxidants are the best defenses against free radicals in the body. Some of the common antioxidants found in food sources are Vitamins A, C, and E, and the minerals zinc, beta-carotene, selenium, and all of the phytonutrient carotenoids.

Antioxidants work by eliminating the corrosion and oxidation in your cells, tissues, organs and skin. With the increase of phytonutrient carotenoids in your body from the antioxidants, the healthier you will be.

Even if you already know what to eat, the problem is that people just don't consume enough natural foods to actually get the amount of antioxidants they need. It is vital that you choose a high quality supplement that contains all of the daily vital antioxidants you need in order to get them to the cells and other parts of the body so that the aging process is slowed down.

The main list of antioxidant rich fruits and veggies are: tomatoes, berries, oranges, pink grapefruit, beets, red peppers, carrots, apricots, plums, peaches, papaya, red grapes, broccoli, spinach, greens, and Brussels sprouts

Try to get as many of these foods in your diet as you can. If you find it difficult to do, then you should seriously consider taking high-quality antioxidant supplements. - 17274

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Michael Thurman Body Makeover - Make Your Weight Loss Experience Easy

By James Kim

Many people are shocked by the amount of food that they will eat on the Michael Thurman Makeover program. This always leads to the inevitable statement, "I don't have time to prepare all of these meals." I will go over a few ways to make meals in a hurry.

First off, you will need to grocery shopping once a week. When you shop, try and plan out your meals ahead of time and prepare a list of what you need. This way, your shopping experience will be and in-and-out procedure.

Next, prepare all the meals once or twice in a week. This means that you will have to cook a large amount of food so that it takes a little bit of work later in the week when you're busy. Also, try to cook your food when you're schedule allows you to be at home for a few hours. For example, if one meal asks for 1-2 cups of veggies, cook veggies for a whole week and store them in the fridge. When it's time to eat, prepare your meat and heat up the veggies.

Cook large amounts of food, it takes the same amount of effort to cook a large batch of vegetables as it does to cook a couple pieces of corn. Prepare your cooking days during times when you know you won't be busy. If you are already planning meals for your family, take this time to cook additional food for your own diet. Just like a cooking line, you can "prep" your food by cutting, mincing and sauteing vegetables ahead of time. Once cooked or cut, just simply place in a container until you're ready to eat them. The same goes for fruit, just cut up or slice the fruit and grab it out of the refrigerator when you want to eat.

Cook large batches of chicken ahead of time before your meals. Cut the chicken breasts up into little pieces and start in a plastic sandwich bag for your mid-morning and late night snacks. Potatoes are a popular staple for many people that are on the body makeover plan. Boil, peel or mash a large amount of potatoes and store in the fridge for pre-made food. Efficiency is the key when losing when on the Michael Thurman diet. - 17274

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When You Buy Omega3 Will You Buy The Best?

By Terry Johnston

You buy Omega3 because of all the health benefits for:

*the heart

*the brain

*the joints

*the skin

*the immune system

*our vision

*aiding digestion

Fish oil has the most potent Omega 3 fatty acids. Natural sources are the most effective means of introducing nutrients t the body. When you buy Omega3, make sure it's naturally sourced.

There are good fish oil and bad fish oil. Bad fish oil can come from eating fish that are contaminated with heavy metal toxins like mercury and PCBs. There are many of bodies of water where the fish caught should NOT be eaten and these contaminants also tend to concentrate in the fatty acids and should be avoided.

The best fish oil is purified and free from contaminants, is produced with a low oxidation (decomposition) level for freshness. Being naturally sourced means it has natural triglycerides or ethyl ester form which is not produced artificially.

Omega3/DHA is a "Super" anti-inflammatory. Higher levels of DHA mean higher levels of action against the inflammation.

A blend of hoki oil and concentrated ester tuna oil, does something inexplicable, it more than doubles its anti-inflammatory action. This has been dubbed the "X-factor" because of this synergistic action.

When buying Omega 3 oils, you will want to look for this formula, which has 2 " times the inflammation inhibition of normal fish oil and double that of highly refined and concentrated forms of it, according to studies done by "Trinity Bioactives", part of Wellington School of Medicine in New Zealand.

inflammation Reduction is a big reason many choose to buy Omega 3. In the article "The secret killer" in Time Magazine (May 2004). They offer solutions like aspirin, Statins, Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors or you could just buy some Omega 3 fish oil. It is much stronger than aspirin, but is gentle on your stomach.

Now you can buy Omega 3/DHA in higher concentrations of anti-inflammatory then you can get by eating fish. Newer supplements on the market have some of the most highly effective fish oil concentrates, higher than normal fish oil that many people buy.

Brain function improves when you use Omega 3 fatty acids.

One of the most impressive clinical studies found Omega 3 fatty acids or fish oils taken on regular basis reduced the risk Alzheimer's by 60%.

Daily supplements of Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil is recommend by the American Heart Association guidelines, because of proven heart health benefits.

In conclusion, when you buy Omega 3/DHA, and start taking it you will realize many health benefits, based on proven clinical studies. Look for Omega 3 in a concentrated supplement for from natural triglycerides, with high amounts of DHA for the best results.

For more information about he amazing benefits of Omega 3/DHA fish oil, please visit my Web Site - 17274

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Research Shows Fluoride In Water Is Dangerous!

By Terry Johnston

Fluoride and the Pineal Gland

Many years ago science determined natural fluoride in water helped prevent tooth decay. And this was seen as a possible way to protect the general public's teeth.

Armed with that knowledge government set about adding fluoride to drinking water to protect children's teeth. Fluoride has 4 isotopes (2 natural and 2 manufactured) Cheapest of these isotopes (is made from industrial waste).

FLUORIDE IS TOXIC--that's why there are warnings on toothpaste containers about never swallowing the toothpaste.

It effects the pineal gland. A small structure located in the brain, which produces melatonin--the hormone that controls, your circadian rhythm, (wake and sleep cycles) the onset of puberty and the health of your immune system.

Over half of U.S. citizens suffer from some form of sleep disorder.

The question is Why? Worldwide sleep is at pandemic levels.

Lack of sleep negatively impacts on your immune system and is correlated to depression, stroke, and heart disease. Insufficient melatonin production allows the earlier-than-usual onset of puberty.

A 1955 study produced some extremely puzzling results scientists have yet to explain. Young girls drinking fluoridated water were reaching menstruation five months earlier on average than the girls who drank un-fluoridated water. Premature menstruation has been linked to increased risk of breast cancer and obesity.

A study in the American Journal of Public Health, contends that early maturation almost certainly doubled up the odds of someone facing obesity.

Scientists, knew that Fluoride could affect the pineal gland wanted to learn more about that process.

One concerned scientist--Dr. Jennifer Luke, Ph.D., found the pineal gland attracts fluoride. The fluoride interferes with melatonin and its functions. Studying the pineal gland of cadavers during autopsies, she discovered concentrations of fluoride in the pineal gland--ranging from 9,000 PPM (parts per million) to 21,000 PPM. Far higher then anyone had expected.

Mongolian gerbils (the best research animal for studying effects on the pineal gland) when given fluoride had reduced levels of melatonin and early puberty.

The question is does fluoride cause the early menstruation we are seeing? There is an obvious connection between insomnia and the amount of fluoride found in the pineal gland. Which seems to contribute to the nationwide epidemic of sleep deprivation.

This means you need to find a way to reduce your fluoride intake. A simple kitchen faucet filter is not enough. You will also need a shower head filter (as not to breathe in the vaporized fluoride)--and make sure no one takes a bath.

The best over all way to reduce manufactured fluorides in your water is to Install a whole home water filtration system which will eliminate synthetic fluorides (roughly 40%-60% of the fluorides found in water) the remaining fluorides (are naturally occurring). At the same time we should lobby to understand the danger and stop putting fluorides in the water.

An aluminum salt system supposedly removes all fluorides, but is apparently so dangerous that no reputable expert is willing to recommend it.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is currently testing fluoride for its potential to interfere with the human hormone system.

We should know more very soon.

For more information about systems to purify your water, please visit my Web Site - 17274

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