Mineral Supplements " Your Easy To Understand Guide
Minerals are involved in almost every body function; from strengthening our bones, to our brains. They are also are a catalyst for many chemical reactions our bodies need to stay healthy.
Although your body can make vitamins, no one has the capacity to make minerals. Minerals can only be acquired by eating the right foods and through supplements.
There have been some very recent studies that have shown just how minerals affect our health. Here are a few things you should know.
1.Over the past 50 years, calcium, iron and other minerals have been on a rapid decline in our foods.- (Canadian study)
2. A study done by the US Department of Agriculture confirmed that a large percentage of the American population were not getting sufficient amounts of minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, chromium, and selenium from their food.
This means even if you are eating a diet that is packed with fresh fruits and vegetables, and you are eating meat you are still at risk of becoming vitamin or mineral deficient. A lack of minerals can do a great deal of damage when it comes to your health. Even if you take enough vitamins if you do not have sufficient minerals your body will not be able to use the vitamins.
3. Chelated minerals have an absorbency rate that is less than 20%. That means if you are taking chelated minerals you are not getting the amount you think you are. However, studies have shown that liquid minerals are almost 100% absorbed by the body, and liquid ionic minerals are the best because they are completely water soluble.
Science That Is As Good As Nature.
It's more difficult to make a high quality liquid ionic mineral supplement than most people realize. A scientist has to think like Mother Nature. Simply combining several kinds of minerals does not give you a high quality supplement. That's why you should always know more about the company you're buying from.
Within the USA, there are very few regulations for nutritional supplements. That means that no one is making sure those companies are living up to their promises, or that their supplements are of good quality. However, one label you can trust is the GMP compliant label. These supplements answer to the highest standards on the market.
Choosing Mineral Supplements.
Some of the most important mineral supplements are as follows:
Calcium/Magnesium- these two supplements go hand-in-hand. Together, magnesium and calcium keep our teeth and bones healthy and strong. If you're only taking calcium supplements then you're not getting the full effect of calcium.
And worse yet if you are taking a compound tablet, capsule or even chelated calcium you are only absorbing a maximum of 20%. That means if you take 1000 mg of calcium you will get at most 200 mg absorbed and it can be a lot less in many cases. Thats why you need to take liquid calcium. Because it is water soluble you will absorb almost 100% ensuring you are actually getting the dosage you are taking. This applies to all minerals.
Zinc - promotes healing, strengthens our immune system and helps us metabolically(weight control) as well.
Chromium " is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and in regulating blood sugar levels. It also controls fat and cholesterol levels in the blood.
Selenium " This is a trace element that is essential for building a healthy immune system. It is found in almost every cell, and its also found in soil.
These are the five most important minerals, although there are lots of others. Now that you know each one does, you are ready to choose a liquid ionic mineral supplement that fits in with your lifestyle and your life. - 17274
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