Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Five Ways to Start Losing Weight

By Chris Robinson

Many fail to lose their weight consistently. Typically, those are individuals that try every new-coming slimming strategy hoping to succeed at last, but normally success pass them by.

Same mistakes are repeated over and over again, that's why people keep failing at their weight loss plans. It's understandable because as a normal human being, you keep ignoring things that don't make you feel comfortable.

Bellow you will find 5 things that should help you to make first steps to successful weight loss.

1) Keep track of everything you eat by writing it down.

Majority considers that diets they have are healthy but same time are surprised why weight isn't coming off. To keep the track of what you eat and find the faulty piece in your diet, write everything down what you eat. Just get yourself a notebook and simply start writing all down.

Chocolate sweet, crisp, another sweet, your partner's uneaten pizza slice ... In the end of the day you will be surprised how many unhealthy stuff you actually eat.

2) Eat only when you are hungry, drink only when you are thirsty.

Ask yourself "why" every time you reach for food or drink. Ok, water doesn't count. You might eat when you're sad, depressed, happy, tired or for millions of other reasons. If you're bored, go out with friends or watch the movie, if you're tired have a sleep etc. Eat only then when you're hungry and drink when you're thirsty.

3) Do not starve yourself.

It's a common mistake thinking that starvation actually can help you lose weight. It sounds logic; if you gained weight with overeating then you can lose it with not eating or eating very little. It doesn't work like that. Firstly, most will break at some point and then will eat anything. Secondly, bodies are built to survive and they will start saving energy and use "internal reserves".

Forget about starvation and start eating healthy meals. Have 3 (better 5) well balanced meals every day and drink plenty of water. Your usual unhealthy snacks replace by healthy options like nuts or fruits and vegetables.

4) Have your favourite foods occasionally.

Don't exclude your favourite foods from your diet completely but treat yourself with them, once a week let's say. Remember of moderation of course and don't forget that you're on a diet. This will help you to keep going and you won't feel that bad and depressed.

5) ... and exercising.

If you've never exercised then start small. Start with 5 minutes a day and add an extra 5 every week. Get yourself a treadmill and some weights and start doing something. You won't even notice how your exercising will increase from 5 to 30 or even 60 minutes a day. - 17274

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Do Supplements Really Help Your Workout And Make You Stronger?

By Vari Hemluisha

Do supplements really help your workout? Many are manufactured specifically to boost the results you get at the gym. Whether or not they will work will depend on several factors but many can make quite a difference.

Of course it partially depends on the brand of the supplement. For example, a poor quality brand may not be absorbed properly into the body. Obviously, if it is just passing through you, you are not getting any benefit. It can also depend on the type of workout you are doing.

Creatine supplements, for example, have been shown to help a weight lifting workout. They make the muscle stronger and capable of doing more reps. Because you can lift more weight for more times, you will get more out of the workout and muscles will gain more in mass and size. However, creatine is only useful for anaerobic exercise. You do not get the same benefits when doing aerobic exercise.

Everyone can benefit from taking mineral and vitamin supplements. They will specifically help your workouts because they help your body operate at peak performance. There are many brands of these supplements and many are not easily digestible so it is important to get ones that are high quality.

Protein supplements have been popular for years and are sold as a way to build up more muscle. Whether this will help you or not will really depend on how much protein intake you have from your diet. You absolutely need the nutrition from protein to feed your muscles. If you are not getting enough from your meals then taking a supplement will help, ideally after your workouts.

Glutamine is an amino acid that is often touted for helping muscle recovery from workouts. It helps to repair muscle after you work out and protects it from being used for fuel during your workouts. Perhaps more importantly, it feeds your immune system so supplementing with glutamine helps to keep your immune system strong while you are working out hard.

Thermogenic substances that speed up your metabolic rate are also often used. These are such things as caffeine, guarana, ephedra and kola nut. Ephedra is no longer on the market, however. These supplements are sometimes used to get more energy for working out and to help burn more fat. Caution should be used in taking these types of products, however. Those who have heart conditions should check with their doctors first.

There are many supplements that can be taken to enhance your workouts. First make sure you are getting good nutrition both in terms of your diet and any vitamin and mineral supplements. Then you can experiment and see what works best for you. - 17274

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Are Contraceptives Preventing You From Losing Weight?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

They have changed and improved a lot since women first started taking them. You see, the newer versions are much easier on the female body, less potent and equally effective.

Nonetheless, the question still remains as to whether or not oral contraceptives cause weight gain in the female body.

Well, the science shows that they can. However, the gains in weight were modest. Here are the possible mechanisms that can cause said weight gain:

1. Poor insulin functioning. This is more of an issue for women with pre-existing insulin issues. The main problem with decreased insulin functioning is that it can cause weight gain. One way to tell if you have poor insulin functioning is to look at the size of your abdomen.

2. Less catecholamines. Catecholamines are the fight or flight hormones your body secretes when the occasion arises. And they do a great job at mobilizing fat so that your body can burn it. In fact, a lot of energy pills are made to increase catecholamine secretion.

3. Amino acid disruption. The main issue with not getting enough amino acids is that it compromises recovery. And if you are not recovering properly, you will start to hit plateaus. Said plateaus are horrible for your progress and motivation.

4. Bloating. Since contraceptives are estrogen-like substances, they can cause excessive water retention which can leave you with the dreaded bloated look. One way around this issue is to take diuretics. This approach, however, may not be very good for your health.

In the end, deciding not to take contraceptives is a very personal decision. And remember that each individual will react differently to contraceptives.

Now if you feel like what you're taking is causing excess weight gain, you should talk to your primary care provider for additional options. You may want to try a less potent formulation or stop taking them altogether until you reach your goal.

Finally, I would like to point out that acting on the information in this article is critical if you don't want to forget what you have learned. - 17274

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A Enhanced Pace Of Life With Abs Work Out

By Trevski Hindy

A leaner and fit stomach area is not only for vanity's sake. It also serves your health as well. It is proven that belly fat is among the most dangerous fat on your body. Excessive belly fat can lead to a number of health complications, including increased risk of heart disease. Abs work out along with healthy eating can help you attain a healthier and more appealing stomach area.

There are a number of exercises that will target your center. Along with a healthy diet, you are sure to start seeing results. The hardest part of any new endeavor is sticking to it. Once you have made up your mind that a leaner waist line is what you want, there is no turning back.

The traditional system of training your abs includes the classic crunch. With this exercise you must first lie flat on your back. Bend your knees so that you have both feet placed firmly on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and pull your abs in, but do not strain your neck, and pull your shoulders off of the floor. You can also put your hands across your chest.

Another popular option is the bicycle crunch work out. Once again, you will lie on your back. Place your hands behind your back and lift your legs off of the ground and begin motioning your legs as if you were riding a bike. When you bend your left knee bring it to meet your right elbow. You will alternate knees to meet with alternating elbows. All the while you will be lifting your shoulders off the ground with the crunch of your abs, not the strain of your neck.

A full vertical crunch is another effective ab busting work out. You lie flat on your back and place your hands on your head. Your legs are fully extended upward and you pull your shoulder blades off of the floor with your ads. Your legs remain outstretched the entire time.

If you want to do another variation of the crunch, this is possible with the reverse crunch. You lie on your back and extend your legs upward, only half outstretched. You draw your abs inward so that your shoulders rise off of the floor. You will use the muscles in your stomach (abs) to lift your hips off of the floor.

This is just one ab work out among many that can help you on your journey to leaner and flatter abs. Stick to it and you will be enjoying flatter abs before you know it. Good Luck! - 17274

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The Basics Of Acne Cure Home Remedy Treatments, Mandatory Reading For Those With Acne Troubles

By Michael Poulle

Before you begin any type of acne cure home remedy treatment make sure that you are not allergic to any type of natural substance like papaya, eggs, milk, lemon, garlic, etc. The great thing about natural remedies is that you are sure to find a natural substance that will work for you and you do not have to worry about any kind of chemical side effect.

Let us begin by getting to know what causes acne. Blackheads are usually the start for pimple formation. Pimples are the result of dirt, oil and dead cells becoming trapped in a pore. When you have pores that are inflicted by these substances they will become inflamed to form a pimple. Access pimples on the face are known as acne and can be very stressful on a person's self-confidence.

Below you will find a list of acne cure home remedy treatments that will help your acne. Keep trying until you find the one that works best for your skin type.

1.) Increasing your vitamin B intake will help your acne. You can do this by taking a vitamin B supplement. This should help you acne improve within a few weeks.

2.) Check out your diet. What are you eating? If you are eating too many unhealthy foods clean up your diet and you'll be surprised by the affects this will have on your skin. A healthy diet can dramatically clean up acne.

3.) Mix cold milk with ground nutmeg. The milk should be just enough to give the nutmeg elasticity. Apply on your skin and let it soak for 2 hours. Use this on a daily basis and watch as your skin clears up.

4.) A honey and cinnamon powder paste can be used as a mask and applied before going to sleep. Wash off in the morning. Use this for 2 weeks consistently or until acne is gone. You can use it thereafter for maintaining clear skin as well.

5.) If your skin is more durable you can add 1tsp lemon juice to 1 tsp cinnamon powder and use as mentioned in step 4.

6.) Garlic (yes, I know it does not smell good) can help your acne. Rub garlic on the pimple and the surrounding affected area. This will clear up acne as well as prevent scarring.

7.) Applying mint juice to your skin over night as a mask can help fight acne and also treat other skin irritations as well.

8.) Tomato pulp is another natural ingredient used to cure acne. Apply on affected area for an hour and wash. Repeat daily until acne clears.

Your skin may dry out from any one of these treatments, this is normal, just apply your preferred facial moisturizer accordingly. - 17274

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The pH Balance Diet Boasts Three Major Benefits

By Beth Shimanovsky

Many people have begun to realize that the alkaline pH balance diet can be important for both men and women from all walks of life. Researchers have begun to study how certain foods affect the body, and surprisingly, they have learned that alkaline foods are far better than those that are acidifying. The body's pH must be maintained at a slightly alkaline level if you are to enjoy complete health. The thing to remember is that you can change your body's pH with the food choices you make every day.

Dairy products, sugary sodas, processed snacks, alcohol, and sweetened fruit juices all create an unacceptably high acid load for anyone who wants to stay healthy. On the other hand, by choosing a good alkaline diet system , you can learn how to choose the proper foods to maintain the perfect pH.

If you think that an alkaline diet is going to be bland or boring, think again, because there are plenty of delicious items that are still on the menu. Alkalizing foods include pumpkin seeds, cabbage, apples, potatoes, and japonica rice, all of which most people find delicious as well as filling.

There are many health benefits that a pH balance diet can offer you. Here are 3 of the most important reasons that you should consider making this diet part of your wellness program.

The pH Balance Diet Makes Your Body Function Better

The human body operates best when its pH is slightly alkaline, and it is now known that as the body's acidity increases, the unhealthier a person becomes. When individuals eat foods that create a more acidic internal environment, bacteria and viruses can take charge and create many problems. Bacteria and yeast infections usually do well in acidic environments, so if you are not consuming the foods on the pH balance diet , you may unwittingly be leaving yourself vulnerable to illness.

Reduce Your Risk of Premature Bone Loss

Our cells are always growing. Like all life, they need an alkaline environment to operate at 100 percent efficiency. When you eat too many acidifying foods, your body responds to the shift toward the acid side of the spectrum by pulling alkalizing minerals from your teeth and bones. It follows that an alkaline diet is a safe and effective way to maintain bone density throughout life.

Quickly Increase Your Energy

By adhering to a pH balance diet, you give your body the foods that naturally boost your energy levels. Countless people have learned that focusing on alkaline-forming foods is the easiest way to banish fatigue and gain the energy they have always wanted.

These are just a few of the health benefits of the pH balance diet. Join the many people whose health has been transformed by this revolutionary nutrition program. - 17274

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The Pre-Workout Muscle Supplements Matchup: No Xplode Vs Superpump 250

By Zachoria Meloshio

Muscle Supplements can be an effective way for serious bodybuilders to quickly get the most out of their workouts. Generally, these pre-workout supplements will give better and quicker gains over time in addition to better blood flow to muscles in a workout. Frequently they also include some kind of energy and focus booster in the special formula. It can be tricky to narrow down what tub of muscle builder to pick up at the store, so today, we'll look at these two: NO Xplode Vs Superpump 250.

There are some warnings and considerations, however. Some trainers say that people might lose some of their gains if they stop using the supplements. Over time, a person's body will build up a tolerance to some of the energy boosting ingredients, so breaks from usage for several weeks are usually recommended. Long-term side effects are also unknown. Also, it's important to check with a doctor before starting one of these supplements if you have certain medical conditions, like high blood pressure.

NO-Xplode is a completely legal pre-workout muscle supplement that's been used by lifters for years. It contains a nitric oxide formula, which helps augment muscles, creatine, which helps fluid get into muscles, and glutamine. It also contains a healthy serving of caffeine for an energy pump before, during, and after your workout. You'll be getting a lot of energy and better blood flow with this product.

A lot of bodybuilders on the internet have had good results with this product, especially the energy boost that comes from the caffeine. However, some people have had some bad reactions to the supplement, including a few that had some trouble from increased liver enzymes that only reverted back to normal after discontinuing NO-Xplode.

The next contender in the NO Xplode vs Superpump 250 matchup, the pre-workout supplement Superpump 250 contains many of the same ingredients as NO-Xplode, with a few important differences. Superpump 250 is known to give a non-jittery increase in energy and focus. The ingredient waxy maize also helps with the absorption of the active ingredients of Superpump.

Superpump 250 has its adherents, especially the orange flavor of the product, which is said to be absolutely delicious. However, a well-known and common side effect is upset digestive system and gas. Some people can solve these problems with a change in eating times before and after working out. It's generally considered a good, but not great pre-workout muscle supplement.

Both of these supplements should be used with some kind of protein shake, and better comparisons of NO Xplode Vs Superpump 250 can only be experienced by personal use. - 17274

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The Truth About How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast

By Parker Smith

Are you wondering why it is so difficult for some men to gain muscle mass fast, while other men seem to sprout bicep muscles as soon as they eat a chicken leg? The truth is that sometimes life just isn't fair. Fortunately, if you follow the proper steps, you will be able to build up your muscles fast. In order to be successful, there are two main ingredients. You must first resolve to be passionate and diligent in your exercise regimen. Eating the right things, in the right amounts, is the second ingredient necessary to successfully gain muscle mass fast. A closer examination of these two elements will be helpful.

You should be performing a concentrated, energetic workout. Reclining on the couch, watching TV for hours, will not help you to gain muscle mass fast. Eating only salad all week, and running 2 miles every morning, will not give you the result that you are looking for. Very clear cut, targeted weight lifting is necessary in order to build muscle mass. You must perform the specified weight lifting exercises in the correct way to be successful, no shortcuts will get the job done.

Gaining muscle mass fast also requires consuming large amounts of food. This process should not be confused with dieting, as losing fat is not your goal. In the process of gaining muscle fat will burn off. Your body is going to need fuel to keep up a high level of energy during the highly demanding weight lifting sessions. Consuming lots of calories will give your body this energy. A concentration on high protein foods such as lean meats, eggs, nuts, and tuna, will be highly beneficial. It is typical for a bodybuilder to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals daily, having consumed no less than 3,000 calories by the end of the day. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also a must, as well as beneficial complex carbohydrates such as those found in whole wheat pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal. You will ensure that your body has the fuel that it needs for your workouts if you include these foods in your diet.

Do not make the same mistake you see a lot of bodybuilders make and exercise to excess, getting to the stage that your natural mobility is hindered. You will notice that some bodybuilders can not even tie their shoelaces and are unable to raise their arms properly. You see guys like this all the time in the gym and wonder why on earth they did it to themselves. There is such a thing as too toned! You want to look good, not wrong.

If you work out in short bursts of high weight high intensity you will build much more muscle mass than long workouts at low intensity. Look at it like this, you can lift a light weight thirty times, or a heavy one six times. What is the best way to spend your time? When your goal is to gain muscle mass fast you have to do the right things that build up muscles the fastest. The key is short intense workouts, as apposed to long easy workouts. - 17274

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Crash Diets That Work: Things To Keep In Mind

By Amy Bernstein

Crash diets are sometimes defined as those kind of diets prescribing lowcal intake on meals. Since intake of calories is limited, there is a good chance for a fast weight loss thing often preferred by ladies. These are intended to be started for a brief period only as doing this in long term might lead to starvation.

If you need to try this diet, it's important to take vitamin tablets during the period of a crash diet. One case of crash diets that work are celebrity diets, often made up of vitamin tablets, 4 glasses of skimmed milk, and others.

Other crash diets that work quickly are cabbage diet and grape fruit diet. Both of them can work even at long-term. To fight hunger while in the stage of fast diets, you need to work hard for you to conquer it. Changing your way of life is extremely important during this phase.

If you want, you can try solid foods after a week of a liquid regime. This is done every other week. You can try vegetable salads. But make sure not to eat chocolates. Many diet experts have identified juice and cabbage soups as factors for a successful diet plan.

Some experts suggest trying some simple exercise like walking while under a crash diet. There are a number of crash diets that work. However, as the name implies, it should only be done for a little while. Doing this for several months would result to health concerns. You may also feel dizzy frequently.

This is designed for folks who require or need to shed pounds in a span of a month, or in a span of a couple of days. When you have achieved your desired weight, all you have to do is to maintain it. But you can now eat a more varied set of foods after you already did it.

Fast diets are typically attacked by some groups saying it would just lead to major health issues. That would occur if you would do it the wrong way. Extreme diets that work are possible. You have to solidly remember the reminders once under the phase of a crash diet.

If you are determined to shed pounds under a particularly brief period of time, you can try certain fast diets. In doing so, however, do not exaggerate and deprive yourself of everything. You should also work to break the monotony as you can eat the 'normal' food items every fortnight. Don't forget also to take supplements to give your body the vitamins and nutrients that you need.

These are only some of the reminders you must remember once you have made a decision to try a crash diet. These are guides that would help you successfully overcome your aim of losing weight.

After you have accomplished your desired weight, see to it to constantly do physical exercises and eat decent meals only. You can treat yourself of a sumptuous meal from time to time but make efforts to burn the calories immediately. - 17274

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How Have You Begun To Bruise Quickly Since You Turned 50?

By Jan Doan

Many people get bumps and bruises throughout their day. Bruises can be bothersome but generally go away on their own. However, some people get more bruises than others. If you are one who sees a lot of bruises and asks yourself "Why have I begun to bruise easily since I turned 50?". You are not alone. Many people suffer from easily bruising. There are some reasons this may occur. Checking with a physician is the best way to determine the cause of the issue.

Bruising is typically a damaged or broken blood vessel. They can be caused easily by banging or bumping yourself on something. They hurt for awhile. Many times people do not remember what occurred to cause the bruise. They are easy enough to do. Knees are a common place since it is easy to bang yourself in the knee or leg while sitting down at a table. After bruising yourself do not be shocked by the range of colors your bruise may show. The colors will go from red to black and eventually to a yellowing brown color. They look bad but do not dismay they are in the healing process.

Aging is the number one reason why people bruise easier as they get older. Sometimes seniors can bruise without doing anything to the area. As we age, skin looses its flexibility and becomes very fragile.

There are other reasons why a person may bruise easier than the other guy. Medications can be to blame. Many have bruising as a side effect. For example, ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin all can cause bruising. Intense bruising can be a side effect of Warfarin, which is a medication taken for blood clots in the legs and near the heart. Drugs in the cortisone family also can make the problem worsen.

If a person has any nutritional deficiencies, they can lead to this problem. Studies have proven this link to a low level in certain vitamins. A person must ensure that they are receiving their daily requirement of vitamins C, K, B12 and Folic Acid. If not they could be susceptible to this problem. Eat a healthy diet with lots of vitamins and minerals. Make sure you get your daily allowance full of them.

There are many home remedies that can assist a person who has this type of difficulty. For example, an easy home remedy is if the skin is not broken open, cut an onion in half and place it over the area that has been injured.

Many people recommend using margarine. Spread a little bit of margarine on the area and it will disappear in a little time. Another easy treatment is to mix together one part cayenne pepper to five parts melted Vaseline. Apply this to the area and it will aide in healing the bruise quickly. Using parsley can clear up a bruise in twenty four to forty eight hours. Crush up fresh parsley and apply several times. There should be improvement quickly.

There are many causes for bruising easily. Some of the reasons are due to medications, medical conditions or a nutritional deficiency. There are some home remedies that can assist a person with healing a bruised area. - 17274

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Organic Fair Trade Coffee: An Explanation

By Ali Bautista

Common among politically conscious java drinkers, "Organic Fair Trade Coffee" is a phrase we hear a lot, but is not often explained. "Why should I seek out and purchase this particular kind of coffee?" One might ask. "How can I tell which brands fit this description and even then, where can I find it?" Well, hopefully all of those questions can be answered in the following paragraphs.

What does it mean?

Around the world, farmers in poorer nations are simply being paid too little for the amount of beans they produce and labor they put into their work. The movement is simply a demand for these farmers to be paid a reasonable price for the beans they cultivate. Considering how much the average person pays for a cup of coffee, this doesn't seem like too tall an order.

How Can You Tell Which is which?

You probably already know the answer to this, but just in case you don't, all certified coffee comes with the official stamp of approval, which features a man holding two coffee baskets along with the word "CERTIFIED." It's as simple as that. Now, the next time you're quenching that thirst for a cup of the strong stuff, keep an eye out for that logo. Consider it just one extra step you make before your purchase.

Where to Purchase

Nowadays, just about every independent coffee shop serves certified coffee, if not exclusively. However, if this isn't your type of spot, then you can even head over to Starbucks. Yep, it's true. Most people don't know, but all you need to do is ask and Starbucks will provide you with a cup of certified coffee or whatever intricate coffee-based drink you desire. If you prefer to just go home and brew it yourself, that's no problem. Nearly every major supermarket carries at least one certified brand.

So, those are the basics behind Organic Fair Trade Coffee. It's an attempt to level the playing for farmers in struggling nations and it's a worthwhile cause. It's also very simple for anyone to chip in -- any coffee drinker at least. Even if you only buy the rare cup via a Starbucks drive-thru, you can make a difference. So, next time you hear some people chatting away, don't be afraid to chime in. - 17274

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How To Accelerate Arm Toning By Burning More Calories

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Want to learn how to put your arm toning into high gear with your metabolism? If your answer is yes, then you've made a wise decision.

Increasing your metabolism is one of the most important things you can do to melt away that ever jiggly arm fat.

In this brief (but informative) article, I'll reveal some great ways to take your metabolism to the next level.

So without further ado, here are some things you should start doing TODAY for the fastest arm toning possible:

1. Eat every three hours. If you're still eating 3 square meals a day, you're missing out big time. Eating every couple of hours (about 6 meals a day) will provide a higher thermic effect (more calories burned). As an added bonus, insulin (the #1 fat storing hormone) will be kept at an extremely low level.

2. Consider long duration cardiovascular work as enemy #1. Running on the treadmill for hours on end is one of the fastest ways to destroy your metabolism. The resulting loss of muscle mass, will bring your arm toning to a screeching halt.

3. Do high intensity cardio, only if needed. This one is optional and only necessary if you have some really stubborn fat stores that are preventing maximum arm toning. Get your heart rate really high (80% of your max) and try to keep it there for 20 minutes. Practice intervals if you need a little rest during your all out cardio session.

4. Make weightlifting your best friend. You will not develop manly arms because your body does not have enough testosterone to do so. Don't forget that weightlifting (increasing muscle mass) is the absolute best way to increase your metabolism.

Well there you go, 4 cool tips to keep your metabolism and arm toning fired up. Apply this information, and you will see substantial improvements in your results. And a fast metabolism is the key to flabby arm success.

And remember that the faster you implement this information the faster you will notice results. Even better, you won't forget what you have learned. - 17274

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