Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lose Belly Fat Diet - Low Carb Or Low Fat

By Curtis Weber

Most people incorrectly believe a low fat diet is the way to lose belly fat. Several research has proven that a locarb diet is indeed better for belly fat loss.

From the early 70s, USA citizens reduced their fat intake from forty percent to 34%. Yet, the obesity pandemic has been rising steeply since it commenced in the early 1980's. Why?

Excessive consumption of carbs. Our primal ancestors lived on a hunters-gatherers diet of essentially meat, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. Grain wasn't even part of human diet till rural started about 10,000 years ago. The rise in human population and decline in hunted large game made it required for humans to take on agriculture.

The development of human diet from typically animal sources to grain products ( refined carbohydrates ) has led on to a fall in the quantity and quality of human life. Sicknesses and conditions like diabetes, obesity and heart problems which were once non-existent, are now common.

Have a look at your existing diet. Are you consuming tons of refined carbohydrates such as bread, pastas, cereals, cakes, biscuits and sugar? Excess consumption of refined carbohydrates forestalls stored body fat from being used as energy. The body becomes adapted to burning sugar as fuel and forgets how to burn fat.

Everyone wants some carbohydrates. In the body, carbohydrates are converted into glucose as a main source of energy for the brain. New glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Only the glycogen in the liver can be converted back to glucose to be used by the brain when necessary.

The body has limited capacity for storing carbohydrates. Though the muscles can store more glycogen than the liver, its reserves can't be broken down when energy is necessary by the brain. Once the glycogen reserves are full, excess carbs are converted into fat.

Eating a high carb meal may cause a spike in glucose levels. This prompts the pancreas to release insulin into the bloodstream to lower the glucose levels. The bad news is insulin is a fat storage hormone. It tells the body to store excess carbs as fat. Fluctuation in blood sugar levels causes longings for more carbs and hence, more fat storage replying to insulin. - 17274

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Do You Want To Know How To Lower Your Choleterol? These Three Foods Will Help

By Joe Dungait

Although your goal may be looking into ways how to lower your cholesterol, what you have to remember is that not all cholesterol is bad for you. Therefore what you really need to be doing is looking to reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol you have while at the same time increase the amount of HDL cholesterol you have. Although food can help with your cholesterol levels, the majority of it is decided by the amount that is produced in your liver; nonetheless every little bit helps so with that being the case let us now look at three foods that can help to reduce your LDL levels.

How To Lower Your Cholesterol

1.Oats- There is a substance known as soluble fiber which is found in oatmeal and oat bran that is hugely beneficial in helping to lower bad cholesterol, while at the same time not reducing the good cholesterol levels. In fact, soluble fiber is so effective at maintaining a healthy heart that in 1997 the FDA approved its claims for being able to do just that. For it to have any kind of impact on your bad cholesterol you need to have around 5 to 10gms per day; short term this will lead to about a 5% reduction in bad cholesterol, however over the long term the reduction could be as much as 23%.

2.Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Omega-3 fatty acids have also been found to be significant in reducing LDL levels, however though there are several sources of omega three and the ones that seem to have the most impact are fish oil omega3. Not only does the fish oil omega3 help reduce LDL and raise HDL, but at the same time it also helps reduce the triglyceride levels too which is important in preventing against heart disease. In addition to that LDL increases the plaque in the blood which can cause clogging of the arteries, the properties in the omega three fish oil helps to thin the blood and counteract this plaque buildup.

3.Nuts - Certain nuts are packed with nutrients that are not only packed with anti-oxidants, but also contain properties that help control LDL levels. The main properties that do this are their fats (both poly and monounsaturated) and also the plant sterols that they contain. One word of caution though, and that is nuts can be calorific, so best not to consume too many. - 17274

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Get Hooked On Stand Up Paddle

By Adam Champagne

I'll never forget my first time on a Stand Up Paddle Board. My step father is Clay Feeter publisher of "Standup Journal". He is a huge advocate of the sport as well as having the best magazine in the business! He is a super positive guy, fun to be around and will not let you have a bad time under any circumstance.

I remember going to visit my mom and him a few years ago and upon my arrival Clay was already primed up and ready to get me out on the lake for a stroll with the Stand Up Paddle Board. I always have to say yes to Clay because his positivity simply makes it impossible to give another answer.

We put the boards down in the water and Clay hopped on and started paddling with such ease and precision that I decided I could do the same thing. He made it look so easy, I guess it's because he has been surfing the majority of his life.

I proceeded to get on my board and quickly learned that I needed some serious help in the balance department. I think I ended up off my board quicker than I got on it. I was craving a swim in the lake so it was O.K.

After a couple of quick tips from Clay I able to gain my balance on the board and quickly gained confidence. Clay gave a "Woo Hoot! You got it man!" In his usual fashion which always makes you feel like a kid who just got his first trophy. The feeling I got from Stand Up Paddling was absolutely amazing and one I will never forget. It is like you are walking on water. You paddle as fast or as slow as you want, the water is yours!

The great thing about it is you can Stand Up Paddle in any water. You can go down rivers, surf in the ocean, take a cruise on the lake or wherever else you want. It's truly a fun and diverse sport which is gaining extreme popularity worldwide.

The people you meet while out on your stand up paddle board are amazing. Most of the time people are both curious about what you are doing and eager to try it for themselves. It's a great sport to get hooked on because it is both adrenaline pumping, relaxing, and healthy all at the same time. I hope to see you out the soon! - 17274

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Your Good Health Depends On The Right Diet

By Ali Bautista

Going on a diet is something that few people enjoy.

Eating correctly does not have to be something that drives you crazy. Eating correctly means eating well balanced meals and healthy snacks.

If you are unsure of what eating plan will work for you, then you should begin by calculating your BMI. A quick internet search will bring you to a BMI calculator. Enter in your number and allow the calculator to do its work. You will receive a number back from the calculator which represents the number of calories needed to maintain your current weight. If you want to lose weight, multiply that number by ninety percent. The resulting number will allow you to lose weight.

When reducing calories, be sure you are not so strict that your body begins to hold onto fat. When the body senses a lack of food, it begins to slow down its metabolic processes and you reach a dreaded plateau. Start eating a few more calories and you will actually gain weight. For this reason, fad diets often fail.

In planning your meals, the USDA has provided a revised food pyramid. This pyramid will help you to choose the foods that are healthy for you while avoiding those you should not eat. Remember, that you can eat anything you want, but you may need to restrict the amount of calorie dense foods that you eat.

Some people enjoy the six meal eating plan. In this plan snacks are replaced by small meals and normal meals are smaller so that overall, the calorie count remains the same. The advantage of this plan is that blood sugars are regulated and the crash of a famished dieter does not have to be filled with binge eating.

Your BMI will change as you lose weight. After a significant weight loss, you may need to adjust your calories consumed.

If you follow this diet plan you will lose weight. - 17274

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A Cholesterol Free Diet From Dr. Sam Robbins

By Dr. Sam Robbins

Some types of cholesterol are not dangerous. Bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) forms blocks on the walls of the arteries. Oxygen and nutrients are transported to the heart and brain by the way of blood vessels. When cholesterol blocks the vessels it can cause a stroke or heart attack. When you have a blood test and it shows your LDL cholesterol levels are over 100, you need to change your lifestyle and your diet.

Do not eat food with saturated fat. This type of fat is solid at room temperature and can elevate blood cholesterol levels. This is a list to avoid: * Lunch meats * Bacon * Sausage * Fatty red meat * Dairy products made from whole milk * Chicken skin

Do not eat food with trans fatty acids because they will raise your blood cholesterol. This food needs avoided: * Margarine * Fried foods * Fast foods * Processed crackers and cookies

There are foods that have plain cholesterol in them: * Egg yolks * Shellfish * Liver

Animal products produce cholesterol; therefore, you would think a vegetarian diet would keep cholesterol levels low. There are several food substances that are high is saturated fat and trans fatty acids: * Palm oil * Palm kernel oil * Coconut oil * Cocoa butter Avoid these; however, there are many substitutes for them.

Fried foods contain trans fatty acids. Fried food soaks up the oil and butter. It is recommended that you cook with alternate methods like baking, broiling and grilling.

Exercising can lower blood cholesterol levels since a sedentary lifestyle is often associated with high cholesterol levels. Exercising regularly improves metabolism and helps you burn fat and increases your energy level. Along with a healthy cholesterol free diet, you need to do keep doing physical activities in order to keep your blood cholesterol levels low. - 17274

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Are You Serious About Your Weight Loss?

By Helen Adams

If you are determined to lose weight, then you have the power to be successful. You will need to change your lifestyle for the long haul if you want to drop pounds and keep them off. You might or might not decide to use the help of dietary supplements to curb your appetite and boost your energy. Do not take any of these pills before talking to your physician.

When you are attempting to lose weight you need to try to eat a little less (so long as you never eat fewer than 1200 calories in one day). Cutting back on what you eat is not as hard as you might think. Simply eat smaller servings and skip second and third helpings. Try not to snack throughout the day if you are not truly hungry.

Cutting back on drinks with calories will help you to lose weight. Drink more water and less soda and juice throughout the day. Say no to alcoholic beverages (or drink every few) over the course of the week. This will be good for your health and help you to lose weight. Try not to add extra calories to your day by not snacking on foods while you cook.

Make sure you are drinking at least eight servings of water each day. Water is essential for every function in your body. Without enough water your metabolism can be sluggish and you can be too. Drink water to boost your metabolism and to boost your energy levels so that you can burn off more calories.

Start to live an active life. You will not want to spend much time sitting around. Consider joining an aerobics class, going to the gym or taking a walk each day. If you are not that thrilled about regular exercise, find other fun ways to be active. Maybe you like to hike or want to ride bicycles with your kids. You will find ways to be active if you are looking.

Eat a diet that does not have a lot of fat or processed foods. Search for healthy protein sources. Dine on whole foods rather than those that are overly starchy. Stock up on fruits and vegetables. If you eat well and work to stay active whenever possible, you will be able to lose weight. - 17274

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7 Minute Muscle Review - Is 7 Minute Muscle A Scam?

By Kenneth Lim

Do you wish to find out more about the 7 Minute Muscle Guide? Muscle building can be a very tedious process as I have discovered myself. Not only do you need to find the time to do your workouts, you must also make sure that you do the right exercises or you will see very little results.

When I first discovered the 7 Minute Muscle guide, I thought that it was exactly the type of workouts and results that I wanted to achieve, but I was still quite skeptical at the same time about whether it would really work.

By restricting each exercise to only about 1 to 2 minutes, you are working your muscles within the best time period to ensure that they grow quickly.

1. Who Created 7 Minute Muscle?

Many magazines and websites have given a positive review for the man who created this system, Jon Benson. He has created a workout routine that can help anyone build muscles and improve their overall body health with just 7 minutes of their time every day.

The author has also written various other books related to fitness and health. His earlier books are more focused on explaining the concepts of body-building and keeping fit, whereas in the 7 Minute Muscle, Jon really goes into the detailed steps that anyone can implement into their schedules.

2. The 7 Minute Muscle Concept

Having used the system myself, I am impressed that I started to see results on my body only after about one week of using it. My workouts every day last about seven to ten minutes just like the ebook says, and these intense exercises have made my body much leaner now.

Using the 7 Minute Muscle has helped me learn many real concepts about fitness. A shorter workout is definitely more effective than a longer one, provided you do the right exercises and keep your resting periods limited. - 17274

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Turbulence Training Review - Do Turbulence Training Routines Really Work?

By Lesley Tuthill

Is the Turbulence Training Guide useless like many other fitness guides? This guide works on the principle of building lean muscle to lose fats. It is claimed to be the most effective body building and fat loss method.

1. Who Is Craig Ballantyne?

Craig is a certified specialist in the fitness industry, and he is the creator of the Turbulence Training program. You may also have read his works in men's magazines like Men's Health. His Turbulence Training Program is one of his latest breakthrough systems than he claims can achieve faster fat loss than any other training program.

2. What Does The Turbulence Training Guide Teach?

This system aims to make a person's body burn fat regardless of whether the person is exercising or not. This includes the times when he or she is sleeping, eating or doing any other activities. With a combination of the right exercise methods and appropriate levels of strength training, a person's metabolism can be increased greatly to achieve the above goals.

3. How Long Do The Workouts Take?

The workouts are created mainly to boost metabolism throughout the day, and this can be easily achieved with short and intense exercises. Resistance and interval training are heavily used through Turbulence Training.

The best thing is, the workouts are very short and easy to complete, and users will not have to spend hours in the gym with this system.

4. Conclusion

If you have an exercise ball and a barbell in your home, you can easily execute all the workout routines in your own home. This has allowed me to save up on gym membership fees and still get the lean body I want. My body fat percentage has now dropped to 11% from a previous 18% when I first started with Turbulence Training. - 17274

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Gynecomastia Can Now Be Treated With Natural Male Breast Reduction

By Dustin Fennell

Natural male breast reduction is an alternative most males with gynecomastia seek. Gynecomastia is a condition in men who develop enlarged breasts similar to women?s breasts. This is actually a common condition with one third of male populace suffering from this problem. The breast tissue in males which consists of glandular tissue and adipose develop due to various reasons like hormonal imbalance, metabolic imbalance, obesity, heredity etc.

What are the best ways for natural male breast reduction? Since breasts appearance in male is in the form of fatty deposits, a well balanced diet can help. Check with your doctor or nutritionist for inputs. Go for a proper balanced diet that can significantly minimize fat from various parts of the body, most importantly the chest. There are chest fat burning exercises that can do a world of difference.

In some cases, the breasts sustain and do not reduce in shape or size, much to the embarrassment of these men. In such cases, male breast reduction surgery is a permanent option to cure this problem.

However there is a risk element in the male breast reduction surgery and it is always recommended to have a proficient plastic surgeon to do the job. Besides it is expensive and your medical insurance may not cover it. The total cost of the surgery could run into more than $3000. So are there some ways to bring about natural male breast reduction? Here are some of the options:

Natural male breast reduction can be brought about in the following ways: 1. You can make use of a well planned diet that can reduce breast formation in male. Your nutritionist or doctor can put you on an alkaline diet that not only reduces your weight, brings you in shape but also, reduce fat from the chest.

2. Workouts can be of help to shed fat from all over the body, including the breast area. Do lighter weights and repeat them many times. You have to concentrate on shedding the fact, that shaping it into lean muscle

3. Many people take male breast reduction pills that are advertised to be beneficial enough. You should go for specially formulated natural herbal pills that contain naturally occurring ingredients to reduce the male breast without surgery. These pills are targeted to reduce the fat by acting on the glands on the chest.

Natural male breast reduction techniques that are pursued with dedication and perseverance can definitely provide fruitful results. Thought male breast reduction surgery is a guaranteed, permanent way to get a flat male chest, it is always recommended by doctor as well, to change your diet and exercise well to see if you can reduce male breasts naturally. - 17274

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