Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, December 7, 2009

Simple, Natural Body Detox

By Jonathan Woodagte

Most people are aware of the benefits of detoxing but few achieve them because they struggle to find the time to implement the sometimes complex detox programs. Here, we'll review a simple detox that can easily be added to your daily routine, which will allow you to take in less toxins and get rid of those already in your system.

- Consume as many vegetables, fresh fruits, fish, seeds and nuts, as you can. Aim for organic foods whenever possible, so as to avoid eating foods contaminated with fungicides, herbicides, pesticides and hormones.

- Drink plenty of water; ideally equal to half of your body weight in ounces at least once per week.

- Sugar, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided at all costs. You can use honey, steva or agave nectar to sweeten foods, but not artificial sweeteners as they contain certain toxins that you're trying to stay away from.

-Help your body excrete existing toxins by consuming a fiber additive like flax seed or psyllium. Both of these are great ways to add fiber to your diet and work naturally with your system. You should have at least a 5 gram capsule daily.

- Exercise on a regular basis to improve your blood circulation. Half an hour to an hour of exercise 3-5 times a week is recommended, but if you are just starting out, begin slow and build up to this goal.

- Take hot salt baths or saunas to discharge toxins through sweating. Keep in mind that you should drink a lot of extra water so as to avoid the effects of dehydration.

This easy to follow detoxification process is achievable by anybody who is determined to make themselves healthier. On completion it will leave you feeling more energetic and vibrant. Use it 2 or 3 times a year to give yourself a boost after any prolonged feeling of not being at your best. Really, you have no excuse not to. By delaying or making excuses, you're only putting your long term health in danger. So, why not begin now? - 17274

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Back To Basics Detox Plan

By Richard Stokes

Even though there are numerous good detoxification programs available, many are difficult to incorporate into your day to day life. Today we'll detail a simple detox plan, that you should be able to easily adapt your lifestyle to.

-Look to consume lots of fruit and vegetables. You should also eat plenty of nuts, beans, whole grains and lean meats. If you can, try to find those foods that have been naturally processed, without the use of any harmful chemicals or treatments.

- Drink enough water (mixed with fresh lemon juice if you prefer) to equal half of your body weight per week. This is a minimum though, and you should drink as much water as you feel able to.

-Stay away from alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. If you have to add a sweetener to a drink or meal, use naturally derived products like honey, agave nectar or stevia.

-Help your body excrete existing toxins by consuming a fiber additive like flax seed or psyllium. Both of these are great ways to add fiber to your diet and work naturally with your system. You should have at least a 5 gram capsule daily.

-You need to exercise to see the best results of a detox. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals and toxins through your sweating. Exercise also helps your circulatory system by getting more oxygen into your blood. You should aim for at least 30 minutes of continuous exercise between 3 and 5 times a week.

- Take hot salt baths and saunas as they will help toxins sweat themselves out of your body. Remember to drink additional water before, during and after taking them to prevent dehydration.

Anyone can follow this easy and inexpensive detox plan, and set themselves on the road to good health by doing so. Really, you have no excuse not to. By delaying or making excuses, you're only putting your long term health in danger. So, why not begin now? You'll start feeling healthier and more energetic within a week! - 17274

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How to Treat Scars

By Linda Robison

When searching methods on how to fade scars, you must be careful and not over dry or irritate the skin like many over the counter products can do. Your treatment should be powerful, gentle, and should not clog your pores. It should also aid in scar tissue healing -- while getting rid of acne scars. A truly effective scar removal treatment should work on all types of acne scars including: Ice pick scars, Atropic scars, and Hypertrophic scars,

An effective treatment for scars should combine two different types of treatment: dermabrasion for scar fading and tissue healing and a skin lightener or eraser to remove hyperpigmentation.The amount of success you can achieve from a scar removal product will vary from person to person depending on the skin type and how well they respond to treatment. But keep in mind it's important that your skin is clear and your acne breakouts are under control.

Removing Acne Scars - Dermabrasion for Scars

Home microdermabrasion or dermabrasion is one of the most effective ways for scar fading and healing scar tissue. Microdermabrasion is done by rubbing a slightly abrasive cream or lotion that helps to exfoliate away the top layers of the skin. This method is more effective in fading very severe acne scars. A dermabrasion treatment leave your skin feeling smooth, soft, clean and shiny - while preparing to absorb the skin eraser/lightener more deeply. It's great for any type of skin, especially if you're over 40 years of age.

How To Treat Scars - The Scar Eraser

Another effective way for removing acne scara is to use a skin "eraser" to lighten scar. This lightner should contain powerful plant based ingredients that are still gentle to the skin because you want aid in scar tissue healing and not further irritate scar damaged skin. A good skin eraser can help rebuild skin from the inside out while healing scar tissue and fading discoloration, melasma, and freckles.

Actually, the best way to treat scars is to use both treatment options listed above. They can be used on all skin types and will not only help in removing acne scar, but will unclog pores and give you clearer more radiant skin. Visit the Best Treatment for Acne Scars for more information on using these treatments. After years of research and evaluating the best treatment for acne scars, we have found these two steps to be superior and recommend it to patients with confidence. - 17274

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6-Step Detox Plan

By Sally Height

Even though there are numerous good detoxification programs available, many are difficult to incorporate into your day to day life. Today we'll detail a simple detox plan, that you should be able to easily adapt your lifestyle to.

- Consume as many vegetables, fresh fruits, fish, seeds and nuts, as you can. Aim for organic foods whenever possible, so as to avoid eating foods contaminated with fungicides, herbicides, pesticides and hormones.

-Every few days, you need to drink at least half of your weight in fresh water (with a little lemon juice added to it if you want). The days in between, aim to take in at least 8 glasses per day.

- Sugar, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided at all costs. You can use honey, steva or agave nectar to sweeten foods, but not artificial sweeteners as they contain certain toxins that you're trying to stay away from.

-Help your body excrete existing toxins by consuming a fiber additive like flax seed or psyllium. Both of these are great ways to add fiber to your diet and work naturally with your system. You should have at least a 5 gram capsule daily.

- Perform regular exercise so as to sweat out toxins and keep your blood circulation high. Exercising three to five times a week for at least a half hour per time is ideal, but beginners should start slowly and build up to this level.

- Take hot salt baths or saunas to discharge toxins through sweating. Keep in mind that you should drink a lot of extra water so as to avoid the effects of dehydration.

This easy to follow detoxification process is achievable by anybody who is determined to make themselves healthier. On completion it will leave you feeling more energetic and vibrant. Use it 2 or 3 times a year to give yourself a boost after any prolonged feeling of not being at your best. Really, you have no excuse not to. By delaying or making excuses, you're only putting your long term health in danger. So, why not begin now? - 17274

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Detoxing : The Simplest Way Is The Best Way

By Kevin Robson

Even though there are numerous good detoxification programs available, many are difficult to incorporate into your day to day life. Today we'll detail a simple detox plan, that you should be able to easily adapt your lifestyle to.

-Look to consume lots of fruit and vegetables. You should also eat plenty of nuts, beans, whole grains and lean meats. If you can, try to find those foods that have been naturally processed, without the use of any harmful chemicals or treatments.

- Drink enough water (mixed with fresh lemon juice if you prefer) to equal half of your body weight per week. This is a minimum though, and you should drink as much water as you feel able to.

-Stay away from alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. If you have to add a sweetener to a drink or meal, use naturally derived products like honey, agave nectar or stevia.

-Help your body excrete existing toxins by consuming a fiber additive like flax seed or psyllium. Both of these are great ways to add fiber to your diet and work naturally with your system. You should have at least a 5 gram capsule daily.

-You need to exercise to see the best results of a detox. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals and toxins through your sweating. Exercise also helps your circulatory system by getting more oxygen into your blood. You should aim for at least 30 minutes of continuous exercise between 3 and 5 times a week.

- Take hot salt baths and saunas as they will help toxins sweat themselves out of your body. Remember to drink additional water before, during and after taking them to prevent dehydration.

This easy to follow detoxification process is achievable by anybody who is determined to make themselves healthier. On completion it will leave you feeling more energetic and vibrant. Use it 2 or 3 times a year to give yourself a boost after any prolonged feeling of not being at your best. Really, you have no excuse not to. By delaying or making excuses, you're only putting your long term health in danger. So, why not begin now? - 17274

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Stay Calm with L-Theanine

By Keith Woolley

Feelings of anxiety and stresses can often go side by side with our busy 21st century lifestyles. Whether it's sitting in rush-hour traffic, long days at the office or family pressures, as a society we rarely get time to unwind and relax as much as we should to benefit our well-being.

Some people can cope better emotionally with stress, however for many it can take a heavy toll on health, work performance and personal life. Excess stress could also affect sleep quality, mood, libido, concentration, immune health and weight-control.

Though there are plenty of natural 'mood enhancing' additions available to ease the side- results of stress, a number of these are shown to contradict with other medications and can also take a number of weeks to show benefit.

A comparatively new, medically analyzed 'stress-reducing' natural supplement called L-theanine, has shown in controlled studies to improve feelings of calm and relaxation ( without fatigue ) within forty - 60 minutes of ingestion. This soothing cure may be employed as and when needed and has changed into a popular choice for managing anxiety, stress and scared defects, or merely to calm nerves and help the brain stay centered for job interviews, work shows, flying and even first dates!

Where does Theanine come from, and how does it work?

Well, it is an amino acid found in very small doses in green tea leaves and certain mushrooms. Please note, there is no caffeine found in L-theanine additions.

And it is absorbed easily in the digestion and then transported to the brain where it excites alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves indicate that we're in an alert, yet relaxed and calm state - similar to meditation.

Also it is shown to reduce the brain's beta brain waves ; a surplus of beta waves are associated with nervousness, anxiety, scattered thoughts and hyperactivity.

Lift your mood : L-theanine influences the releasing of brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. These 'feel good' chemicals are required as a stimulant to elevate mood and feelings.

Study and work performance : L-theanine has effects on the releasing of brain chemicals that support memory and learning ability. Studies indicate that L-theanine can help can be helpful for those that need to maintain mental clearness and perform under pressure.

Relax : L-theanine is excellent to help ease away work concerns and ease travels tensions at the end of a busy day. The calming properties of L-theanine won't cause direct drowsiness, although due to a more relaxed mind state, improved sleep quality may also be achieved.

Solgar L-theanine is suitable for vegans ... vegans.

Other de-stress tips:

Reduce intake of tea ... coffee - look for caffeine free possibilities Eat three meals limiting ready-made foods Eat quality protein with each meal to keep blood sugar balanced Increase your ingestion of necessary fatty acids Take a B-complex with breakfast to revive energy levels and mood Walk for 20 mins every day and target breathing deeply. - 17274

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Muscle Improvement Advantages - Not Just For Men

By Amelinda Nunez

Women who are interested in fit thin and too skinny bodies won?t even contemplate looking at the various sides of healthy exercise. Yet again, muscle gain is not only meant for those who sought to have muscles but as well as individuals who wanted to maintain a beneficial way of life. Living is not just eating right and getting the right sleep hours. You have to make your body perform in order to get firmer and raise your body?s circulating position.

Currently, there are a large number of women who get keen on body building to achieve a body that is recognizable among the masses. What's more, bodybuilding can contribute to a more positive energy. It relieves negative aspects of work and stress causing factors and changes it with a rejuvenating feeling. Really, there are no bad effects if you tauten up those muscles every once in a while. Generally, individuals wanted to apply muscle growth in order to expansion, lose and enhance. What are the separate reasons why women wanted to get into bodybuilding?

Reason # 1 - Burn up excessive fats: For women who weigh more than they should, bodybuilding is a way to lessen the fats within their body. This will reduce their odds of getting diseases and disorders like liver troubles and heart troubles which is the end product of being obese or eating unhealthy. Some women who are doing well in burning fats are liable to produce muscles that are also common in men. And because men have an increased level of testosterone, it is expected that they would have the greater bulk of muscles as opposed to women. Women, in contrast, are toned easier.

Reason # 2 - Contest purposes: For women who are into bodybuilding, one of the chief purposes why they wanted to expand physique is to enroll in bodybuilding competitions. By being successful in competitions like these, women challenged and simultaneously are happy with themselves. For athletes, being skinny is not an option because it is only applicable to models that want to preserve flesh and bones just to remain in the business.

In order to recognize your goals, you have to set them up. If you would like to get into competitions, you have to lay out your plans that are appropriate in getting your purpose. Your purpose is to bulk up which means that you have to go into meticulous sculpturing of your body. Your diet must be at a limit and calories should be maximized in order to give your body extra energy for muscles to get bigger.

Bodybuilding has become popular for women because of the personal benefits that they expect to achieve. Weight lifting has also become popular. In order to be healthy in all areas, one should initially practice exercising different parts of the body so that it won?t strain the body. Soon, you will note how your body can become accustomed to the exercises.

When you have achieved the desired body, all you have to do is retain it. It is also imperative that one introduces different exercises in order to let your body undergo other exercises and let your body tone even more. With these benefits, there are an abundance of women getting enthusiastic about muscle improvement and many even endorse the trend in order to maintain muscle strengthening and growth. - 17274

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How To Prevent Getting The Cold

By Isabelle S. Mihajlov

Are you following any of these healthy living tips ?

Since our bodies have the amazing ability to heal itself, many people can experience no illness for years despite unhealthy choices. Some people take their health for granted until they get sick then they desperately search for a quick remedy. Those who depend only on doctors or medications are sometimes frustrated when they temporally feel better and seem to continue to get sick or start developing chronic conditions.

Getting sick is not normal and can be avoided if you apply the following healthy living tips.

Exercise Proper Body Preventative Maintenance

Total body cleansing (which may include your colon, liver, kidney, and gallbladder) is essential to vibrant health. Our bodies need to properly eliminate the toxic build up that has formed in our intestines (colon), which may lead to sickness and disease. By being free of toxic build up our body organs and tissues can function optimally and also help our bodies to receive the essential nutrients our bodies need.

Abiding with Our Creator God

Quality food plays a major factor in keeping our cells healthy and our immune system strong. Food not only provides energy to your body, but all the nutrients that are essential for a vibrant health. Unfortunately, our modern society has created an unhealthy demand for "on-the-go," heavily processed foods. These are stripped of vital nutrients and are overloaded with refined sugars, refined grains, chemicals, additives, and preservatives. Additionally, many foods today contain excessive amounts of antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, artificial substitutes, and heavy metals. "Junk" food may taste good, but it will provide little energy nor give our cells what they need to work efficiently. Alkaline forming nutritious foods like organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains like brown rice, millet, buckwheat, and oats are a valuable source of the vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Clean out the Toxins in Your Body

Our Creator God has given us all the power of health and healing within our own bodies. Illness and disease cannot invade the slightly alkaline body that has a healthy immune system. In order to experience vibrant health, we must deal with the root cause of sickness and disease, and not just treat the symptoms. Regular activities like getting moderate exercise, a healthy deep sleep, properly dealing with stress, personal hygiene care, and a spinal adjustment all help promote vibrant health. Ok, this tip is not new, but are you doing anything to practice these activities?

To enjoy optimal health, knowing these healthy living tips is a start and will lead to consistent vitality. But, you must take responsibility for your own health and apply these tips before you start experiencing any symptoms. It may include many lifestyle changes, but I am sure you will agree, great health is always worth it! - 17274

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The Secrets to Deiting that the Diet Industry Doesn't Want you to Know

By Josh Wintrop

It is amazing that obesity and weight problems still plague hundreds of millions of people despite the thousands of weight loss products and solutions available.

There are critics who place the blame on the overweight public, saying they are just stubborn. That simple folks like us are simply not capable of working our way towards a healthier life. The "health experts" have it wrong and regular folks are not going to take their insensitivity any longer.

There certainly is a good reason why almost all weight loss products and solutions do not work. And to tell you the truth, there's really a secret that the weight loss industry does not want you to know.

That dirty little secret is that all of those pills, plans and programs are designed to fail. That is because the weight loss industry will crumble if these products and solutions are effective.

This is the closely guarded secret that the establishment does not want you to know. The industry wants you to buy more pills and fat loss supplements. Because, let's face it. They are not in business to make you a better person, they are in business to make money.

And often, the products that they market can cause you to become sick or cause health problems years down the road. No matter what they say, you are still consuming chemicals and artificial additives that can harm your body. Some of these products have even recently been found to cause a multitude of health issues, even when they were purported to be safe!

The answer to obesity and weight problems do not lie in some fancy weight loss products. The top secret fat loss secret can be found closer than you think. In fact, get a mirror and take a look. You see, the top secret fat loss secret is inside you! The reason you can't lose weight and get in shape has to do with your chemical and physiological makeup. A lot of it has to do with what is in your intestines and your stomach.

Since the invention of sweeteners, preservatives and other artificial ingredients, your system has been inundated with things that are bad for it. These things sit in your digestive system, waiting for you to give it something that will flush all those nasty elements out. They will continue to breed and multiply as long as they are in there.

In fact, if you will allow these intestinal and colonic plaques and parasites to remain, they could reach an aggregate weight of as much as 25 to 30 pounds. Now, if you could flush these impurities out of your digestive system, how much healthier would you look and feel? Wouldn't it be nice to lose 25 to 30 pounds?

Losing excess weight however is not the only benefit that you can get if you flush the nasty critters and parasites that crawl freely in your gut. There are many toxins, chemicals and other bad for you things trapped inside your digestive system. These things are constantly seeping into your system, causing all sorts of health issues.

And, if your digestive system is not working as it should, then you are not benefiting from all the good for you foods that you are eating. It just cannot absorb those things because it is blocked up. The excess nutrients are converted to fats and stored in your body. So no matter how many pills you pop, you will still not lose weight. That's because your gut is full of parasites that prevent you from losing weight.

If you want to realize real weight loss results, then you need to get all the gunk out of your digestive system. In just a matter of days you will feel lighter, look better and be healthier than you have in years! - 17274

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Still Waiting for HCG: 9th Day

By Amelia Handley

Lisa and I are still awaiting the delivery of our HCG and the HCG diet protocol that comes along with it from HCG Diet Direct. While we've been waiting we've been looking around for info online and we've found a few sticky topics that get talked about a lot. And they're going to be a bit rough if they're actually true. We're treating them as rumors at this point; nothing's set in stone until we get the HCG diet protocol booklet from HCG Diet Direct. Then we'll have to really deal with the trouble areas.

But for history's sake I thought I'd dedicate my daily article for today to the problems I foresee. I'm definitely going to have a big issue of diet soda isn't allowed. I figured it might be since it's zero calorie, but I've heard some say that you can't have it. I'm also going to really dislike it if I'm limited to just one kind of berry (the strawberry is great, but there are so many other yummy options out there to choose from). And I also heard that there is no approved ground meat. That seems difficult to me since there are really lean ground meat options out there. And lastly...what's this I hear about no substitutions?

Really? No diet soda? No Crystal Light? That's going to be tough for me. I mean...if it's true. I'm still hoping this one will fall on the rumor side of the scale. If it's actually listed in the HCG diet protocol handbook I'll have to deal, but until that point I'm going to be planning on using it to tide me over as I refrain from having Cheetos or chocolate cake.

And what about this rumor I hear about berries? I thought all berries were really quite good for you, but some comments I've read suggest that the strawberry is the only approved berry on the fruits list for the official HCG diet protocol. If so...I'm so sad. I really like berries: raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, AND strawberries. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they're all approved until I read differently in the handbook.

And that brings me to the lack of ground meat on the approved HCG diet protocol. It seems fairly logical, but I just wanted to complain really quickly because it's going to make it hard to make good HCG diet protocol approved choices at the next family barbeque. But that's alright. I'll figure something out!

So...no substitutions? Yikes! I think it would make it a lot easier if I could split up my little bits of food to have a little here, a little there throughout the day, but some forums are saying you just can't do that. That seems a bit beyond strict, but maybe there's a good reason for the rules. I sure would like to option of saving a serving of fruit for a late night snack, though. So...again...keeping my fingers crossed this one is actually just a rumor.

And now we're at the end of my sad tale. I feel like I've whined at you enough for the day. I'll let you go ahead and hold your breath waiting for my next titillating installment as I document my course through the HCG diet. - 17274

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