Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, May 11, 2009

Cellulite in Men - Does it Happen?

By El Bilson

Wondering if cellulite in men is common? Cellulite is mostly a problem found in women, but men can get cellulite too. Do you want to get rid of those lumps and bumps that appear under your skin? Or do you simply want a more attractive, trim physique? Whatever it is, it can help to learn more about cellulite if you want to get rid of it for good.

Cellulite is the display of fatty deposits under the skin. Cellulite is mostly harmless, although in some rare cases it can cause health problems. Everybody can be a victim to cellulite accumulation, and it doesn't matter what race, age, sex, or body type you are. If you're not careful with your diet and workout regimen, you'll always be susceptible to cellulite.

It was once thought that the principal cause of cellulite accumulation is obesity. However as we study cellulite more, we find that it is the weakening of blood vessels that bring nutrients and remove waste products and toxins from certain parts of the body. Cellulite in men is less likely because they have fat cells that are deeper than those in women. But being a man doesn't mean you don't have to take good care of your body. It is important to remember that you too could be a victim of cellulite.

Though cellulite formation can be prevented by maintaining a healthy diet plan, exercising on a daily basis, and drinking plenty of water, cellulite accumulation is sometimes inevitable. This is due to the fact that appearance of cellulite is often based on your genes. If your mom or grandmother had cellulite, odds are good that you too will experience it. Cellulite is also affected by hormone changes in the body. In addition, poor lifestyle choices can also lead to cellulite formation.

There are a variety of ways to get rid of cellulite. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine will help improve your skin. Exercising burns excess calories, consequently burning fat and helping cut down on cellulite. Toned muscles provide a smooth place for the skin cells to rest - this can help improve the appearance of cellulite. It helps blood circulate more freely by eliminating fat around the arteries. Exercise can also give you more energy and stamina to get through your day.

Liposuction is another method that has proven to be succesful for some people who want to get rid of their cellulite. Liposuction is a surgical operation designed to remove fat from different parts of the body. A small incision is made on the portion of the body with unwanted cellulite, and fat is then removed by a suction and a syringe powered by a vacuum. Like any other surgery, liposuction is associated with risks and might not get rid of all of your cellulite. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the surgery, or you run the chance of seeing cellulite come back.

There are also many synthetic pills out there that claim to get rid of cellulite within a certain amount of time. One of the more popular brands of these pills is Cellasene. Skeptical scientists say that taking these pills isn't advisable due to the fact that they may cause side effects that could damage the body.

Overall, exercise coupled with a healthy lifestyle is still the best way to get rid or prevent cellulite in men. Exercise will also help clear out blocked arteries and improve blood circulation. Make sure to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated. And maintain a healthy diet to reduce fat blockage and water retention.

Cellulite in men can be a little easier to deal with because men develop muscles more easily due to the large amount of testosterone in their bodies. But this doesn't mean you can ignore the condition completely - painful cellulite can lead to other medical conditions down the line if left untreated, regardless of what your sex is. If your experiencing pain due to cellulite, make sure to seek medical attention immediately. - 17274

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Can Fish Oil Help Youngster's Brains?

By Dr. Bill

I was pumped up by the weather report I saw this morning, which predicted a couple of Florida-like days could be coming, later in the week. I'm going to go out and get some Coppertone and lay out on the back porch. (Just kidding... like George Carlin once said, I only get in the sun to neutralize the blue.)

It will be so nice not have to gear up with a winter jacket, hat, gloves, and scarf, just to go get the mail. And I can definitely retire the snowblower for the year.

While being inside, due to the snow this winter, I got lots of reading done, and I've discovered quite a bit of new info about fish oil. This is interesting to me, because I had done such an exhaustive study of fish oil, while putting together my own fish oil formula. The existence of this new information is confirmation for me that I was on just the right track, when I put this company in business.

One study I read was done by a professor named Basant Puri, and it appeared in London's Daily Mail. Puri posits that today's school-age children need supplementation to their diet in order to be healthy. His study was done on schoolchildren in Britain, whom Puri is convinced do not eat a healthful diet.

It's my belief that the situation here is very similar.

Puri is convinced that the British school children's diets are lacking in omega-3 fatty acids. He believes that supplementation is the only way to insure that the children get these vital fatty acids.

He also believes the same thing is true of adults.

Professor Puri has impressive credentials: he is a professor of Psychiatry at London's Imperial College as well as a consultant at Hammersmith Hospital with a specialty in neurological disorders.

Youngsters in the study were given pharmaceutical grade fish oil, and after 3 months remarkable gains were seen.

The study showed an average increase in the reading age of the schoolchildren by one and a quarter years, and the youngsters' handwriting became more legible and much neater.

In concentration, three children scored perfect results, even though they were not at the top of their class.

The children also showed marked improvement in their short-term memory.

When brain scans were done on the school children, the most striking finding emerged: all the scans suggested that the children had developed a larger density of nerve fibers.

According to Puri, "The results were astonishing. It was as if the brains of these children were three years older."

It's been my recommendation for years that adults take pharmaceutical grade fish oil, to improve brain function, and I am not really surprised that Puri's study showed the same could be true for children.

And now it looks as though the benefits for children may be as high, or higher, than for fully grown adults. This is really tremendously good news. However, until such findings are confirmed by other studies, I can't actually recommend this for kids.

There is another study I have not read yet which was also done in England which proposes that supplementing the diet of violent teenagers with fish oil helps tame their behavior. The supplementation is now being used in psychiatric treatment and has shown some promising results. - 17274

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Portable Water Purification Needs Of Average Consumers

By Chris Channing

Even if you aren't a risk taker or a traveler, you will still need a portable water purification system handy in your reserves. While you may not be visiting strange countries with a questionable water supply, you will still run into problems in life that demand you have water purification methods at hand.

The first instance in which you would need portable water purification is if you get a local "boil order" from your town or city. This order simply states that you will have to boil water before using it due to problems in how the water was filtered. Don't take chances with your family's health, and filter the water through a portable water purification system after boiling the water to stay safe.

Traveling through an area that is unfamiliar to you or is not around others can be dangerous if your car breaks down. If that happens it is possible food and water will be hard to come by. In buying a portable water purifier, you can save yourself from such situations.

Gardening is also benefited by water purification processes. Professional gardeners won't give their plants just any type of water- they will give them purified water that will promote health and growth. If tap water contains any bacteria or other microbes, you could also be endangering your plants since they can become infected. Portable water purifiers can solve this problem with ease.

If you have a humidifier, you wouldn't want to put in tap water that is going to become heated and spread out though your breathing area. It would only incubate the bacteria and help the microbes grow and multiply. If you have a humidifier, it is urgent that you only use purified water for a healthier lifestyle. Using a portable water purifier is a good option so you can easily add water at will.

Teens could make use of the purified water as well in their daily face washing routines. Some health conditions such as acne will become a serious threat if not treated. Regular tap water could contain bacteria and other things that could worsen the condition. Have teens carry around a water purification device to wash their face with so they can reduce the odds of worsening the condition of their acne.

Closing Comments

Purified water has a lot going for it, much more so that has been listed here. Obtain your portable water purifier to see how you can start getting the benefits listed here. Purifiers are inexpensive to upkeep, so you don't have much to lose. - 17274

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How To Grow Taller Even After Puberty

By Kenneth Jones

Is it possible to grow taller even after puberty? Did you know that if you were to make changes in your diet and little tweaks in your daily habits, you could add inches to your height? Don't believe me? You don't have to.

If you're like everyone else, you've probably been told that you can't grow any taller once you're past puberty. It's "commonly known" that our growth spurts would have been over by then, and we just have to accept whatever God gave us. But what if you refused to accept "common sense"? Growing taller naturally is possible at any age. You can increase your height and grow taller just by making simple changes in your lifestyle, like in the food you eat and the exercises you do.

When you want to grow taller, it's best to start as early as possible to work with your body's natural ability to grow. One of the most important considerations is the food you eat. Nutrition is very important in helping you to get taller, simply because food is what the body needs to rebuild itself and grow. With the proper nutrition, you enhance your body's ability to continue growing no matter what age you are.

The proper diet and nutrition planning are essential when you start a "How To Grow Taller" program. If you want to get the most height increase possible. The kind of foods that will greatly enhance your body's ability to grow taller are rich in calcium, amino acids, essential proteins and calories. Without these elements, your body has nothing to use to help you grow taller!

Together with the right exercises to help you grow taller, these nutrients will help you increase your height and here's why:

Calcium is needed for your body to replace old, dying cells with young and healthy ones. It is also responsible and crucial for healthy bone growth and proper functioning of your muscles. This is why you hear how you need to have calcium rich foods to build strong and healthy bones!

Did you also know that calcium keeps your heart beating steadily, your blood, nervous system and muscles functioning properly? Hard to believe that all that comes from just one nutrient, right? Because what happens when you don't get enough calcium, your body will start to extract and "steal" calcium from your bones. And guess what? This weakens your bones and in time, can lead to osteoporosis.

As for proteins, it also helps you to grow taller naturally. Protein is necessary for the building and repair of our body tissues. As we exercise and go about our daily activities, our bodies are subject to natural "wear and tear". Protein is needed to rebuild and keep our body healthy and functioning. It also produces enzymes, hormones and other substances that our bodies need in our daily life.

The things that our body does, like water balancing, transporting nutrients, and contracting muscles will be impaired when you don't get enough protein. Helping our body to resist diseases that commonly occur to malnourished people is also something that protein does. To keep us from getting easily fatigued, protein is needed by our body to produce stamina and energy.

Proteins use amino acids as the building blocks. With 20 different types of amino acids required to construct the protein used in the growth, repair and maintenance of our body tissues, is it no wonder that we require protein? Of the 20, 11 of these amino acids are manufactured by our body internally, and 9 of them come from our diet. However, we need to have all 20 amino acids in order to function properly.

One of the critical factors to grow taller naturally is your diet and nutrition plan. While it's not the only thing to look at, it's a necessary and critical element of your height increase program. Nutrients are required as the materials used by your body to repair and rebuild itself. When you eat right, and have a good solid diet, you naturally give your body better building materials to work with. And this is one of the simplest and most natural of ways to grow taller naturally. - 17274

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Have you heard about nutritional body cleansing?

By Dave Rodgers

One question that we get a lot is "Does Isagenix really work?" Another question we get a lot is "is Isagenix safe?" These are both great questions, especially since people all over America are starting to hear more and more about the body cleansing and Isagenix. People all over North America are starting to see friends or relatives doing some type of "Body Cleansing" and seeing what is doing for them. If you are nor cleansing your body, then you should seriously start to reseach the benefits of doing a cleanse and think about doing one.

If you are looking to lose weight then you should seriously look at the "Isagenix Nutritional body cleanse". When you are cleansing your body, you are eliminating the toxins in your body and once you start to rid yourself of the toxins, your body also starts to release fat. Over 140 people have lost over 100 pounds, and some over 200 pounds (and kept it off) while cleansing their bodies with the Isagenix 30 day cleanse. Your mental clarity and energy will improve, and while Isagenix is working on the inside, you will start to lose pounds and inches on the outside.

Have you ever wanted a more youthful and healthyier body? Taking care of your body and eating healthy is one of the most important ways to start. Daily exercise is the next step and the third is to detoxify your body of toxins and waste. Eating a proper diet while always on the go isn't easy. The Isalean shakes are perfect for busy people on the go. They taste great, easy to make and loaded with much need nutrition. The Isalean shakes are included in the Isagenix 9 day and 30 day nutritional cleanse. Want a leaner and more energenic body? To doing a 30 day cleanse today!

Body cleansing works on the inside and you will see the changes on the outside, usually in lost inches and weight. You can melt away the excess weight in very little time, and it is totally safe. Taking diet pills, restricting your food intack and all those other fad diets just don't wark and can be dangerous to your health and your waist line.

You can order the isagenix food and nutritional fatloss system online. The shakes offered by this company are very nutritional, as well as delicious. They burn the fat fast and add nutrition to the body so that one can remain active throughout the day. To help get rid of excess weight one should always avoid high calorie foods. If someone has a nutritionally balanced body then he would feel less hungry and would consume less food. You need to follow all the instructions properly if you want to get the best result from the Isagenix fat loss products. - 17274

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Information on Cellulite

By El Bilson

Looking for more information on cellulite? Whenever you look in the mirror, do you see fat deposits that look very similar to cottage cheese? If you still aren't sure you have cellulite, try this trick: squeeze a part of your thigh or your abdomen - if you notice little bumps, then you have cellulite.

Cellulite isn't just a skin condition women are prone to " it can also be found in men. It also isn't true that only overweight people can get cellulite. Thin people can have cellulite as well. Genes and hormones both play a big part in how much cellulite you will have on your body.

Still need more information on cellulite? This skin disorder usually appears on the upper part of your thighs and just below the buttocks. This can be pretty embarrassing " after all, who doesn't want to show off smooth skin at the beach? Here are a few more basic things you need to understand about cellulite:

There are several theories regarding what causes cellulite formation. However, scientists are mostly still in the dark when it comes to this condition. Some say that because cellulite usually appears after a woman goes through puberty, it could be caused by an increase in hormone production. Unfortunately, this isn't a very conclusive theory, because a lot of things happen to the body after puberty. Hormones aren't the only thing that can have an effect on cellulite.

One theory is that because these fat cells are swollen, the connective fibers underneath the skin can't take the pressure. They feel that this can cause the "orange peel look. These fat cells also hinder the free flowing of blood in the lymphatic system. This can clog up the passage of fluids through areas usually affected by cellulite - namely the butt, hips, thighs, stomach and arms.

Others theorize that cellulite on the body is all about a person's metabolism. It's a known fact that as the years go by, a person's metabolism decreases. This makes it harder to lose weight and shed unwanted pounds. This can lead to more cellulite, especially in older people.

Despite factors that may be against you, there are many body creams out there that can help you get rid of cellulite. Creams such as Revitol or Avotone can help you get the smooth skin you desire. Just lather these products on affected areas just like you would with body lotion to help treat your cellulite problem. Most creams need to be applied twice a day to see results, so make sure you have time to dedicate to this process.

As with any other health issue, preventing the onset of cellulite is always better than curing it after it appears. It can never be stressed enough that a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent cellulite from forming. Eat a balanced diet with enough fiber, and exercise regularly to keep burning excess calories.

Another good cellulite tip is to try to avoid yo-yo dieting. When your weight fluctuates up and down it makes your skin lose its elasticity. Smoking can also lead to damaged skin. If you smoke, quitting could help reduce the appearance of your cellulite. - 17274

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