Raw Veganism 3 Sub Categories of the Raw Vegan Diet
Sub Category 1 - Raw Fruitarians
Vegetarians do not eat dead animals; vegans do not eat anything produced by an animal. Fruitarians take things one step further. They do not believe in killing any living thing including plants, to get their food. Their diet consists of foods that can be harvested from a plant without killing it (ie. nuts, fruits and seeds). In this type of diet it is important to ensure that enough proteins are being consumed.
Sub Category 2 - Raw Sproutarians
As opposed to the Fruitarian need to not kill a living plants the Sproutarian focus is on consuming a living plant embryo. As the name suggests Sproutarians only eat foods that have sprouted. They feel that sprouted food has all the elements necessary for life since it has all the active nutrients to feed the plant embryo. The Sproutarian diet consists of sprouted legumes, seeds or grains.
Sub Category 3 - Raw Juicearian
The Juicearian diet relies on vegetables and fruits that need to be juiced before they can be consumed. The Juicearian philosophy is similar to the Sproutarian where they try to consume the life force of the plant.
One of the most popular foods in the Juicearian diet is wheat grass. The reason for this is that wheat grass is alive and growing up until the very moment when it is juiced and consumed. This is done to obtain the greatest amount of life force that resides in the plant.
Juicearians, Sproutarians, and Fruitarians are 3 different subcategories of veganism with different methods and beliefs. Enjoy learning more about veganism and the health benefits that result from a raw diet. - 17274
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