Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, January 10, 2009

How do antioxidants promote health?

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Supplements containing antioxidants give the promises to the consumers to slow aging is undeniably irresistible. We can only conclude that the desire to avoid the effects of aging is a universal desire.

Vitamins that have been particularly noted for their antioxidant properties include Vitamins A, C, and E. Aside from the fact that these are a wound to the pocket, antioxidant products offer a delight to those who would like to look young in a flash. But how does this free-radical sponge really work?

Free radicals are produced naturally in your body and are perfectly safe if they stay below a certain level. They are known as "reactive oxygen species", or ROS and first identified by Moses Gomberg in 1900. Free radical creation is part of living and as the cells produce energy (for function and survival), the also create oxygen molecules that are unstable because its electrons are unpaired.

Free radicals are produced naturally by many cellular processes, but more importantly, their output can be greatly increased by exposure to environmental factors such as pollution, tobacco smoke and radiation. They may cause cell damage which may lead to a breakdown in your cells ability to function properly.

If we persistently have stress and do not take them away by way of exercise, we give way to the formation of free radicals. If we dont have a good sleep at least seven hours, we are actually exciting production of more free radical.

A lot of changes in our body are as a result of the activities of the free radicals. They damage the DNA and impair other vital functions of cells, causing premature death to these cells. Over time, all these damages would mount up and cause our body to accelerate aging.

Free radical production is actually a normal part of life, part of the equation of simply breathing in oxygen. This process is likened to the oxidation of metals. Once oxidized, aluminum turns to be white, iron becomes rusty, and copper transforms into green. In the same logic that oxidation damages metals. And it is in here where free radicals form, free radicals are also detrimental to our body.

Antioxidants are molecules that have the capability of preventing oxidation of other molecules (by the name itself: antioxidant). In the light of anti-aging, antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals.

Antioxidants are a class of nutrients that protect the body from damage caused by different factors, most importantly oxidative damage caused by free radicals. It helps preventing oxidation, may increase immune responses, and possibly decrease risk of infection and cancer.

Antioxidants are the knights in shining armour that subjugate the attack of free radicals in the body, the hazardous molecules that damage cells and procure aging and disease. They prevent glaucoma and the age-related degeneration of our macula, and fight the effects of free radical damage by boosting the skins natural protection.

Supplements like Vitamin A, E, C and selenium, are known to be powerful antioxidants. Glutathione is said to be the most powerful among all forms of antioxidants. They are naturally present in our body since we were young but depletes as we get older.

Don't believe in antioxidant supplements? Then take the advantage of eating solid vegetables and fruits such as blueberry and raspberry which are said to contain the most number of antioxidants.

As you have the current understanding of antioxidants as reducing agents that break oxidative chain reactions, often by scavenging reactive oxygen species before they can cause damage to the cells, no wonder those magic tablets in such high demanding. - 17274

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Natural Bodybuilding Advice and Where To Get it!

By Dave Vower

There is a lot of work involved in building muscles for your body. You will have to put in the time and effort to get the kind of look that you want. Some bodybuilders use drugs to achieve the big muscles that they want for their body, but this is a dangerous approach to your bodybuilding routine. You will find that you can get the best results in the healthiest way when you use natural techniques to build your muscles.

Foremost, do your homework. Try looking for authentic information online. Read procedural books or journals on natural body building. Ask some advice from friends who also underwent a similar fitness program. Did their strategies work for them? Know how and know why? Did they make use of drugs?

You should always look for a professional if you are looking for health advice. They are the ones that will be able to give you the best information on the topic. Try to compare your body type to theirs and determine if the methods that they used are likely to give you the same results.

Natural bodybuilding will help your self esteem and also save you a fortune in the process.

The most important part of your natural bodybuilding regimen is a healthy diet. You should make sure that you are using good sources of vitamins and minerals along with the nutritionally balanced meals that you are eating. Look for low fat sources of protein for your diet and make sure that you stay away from fatty foods.

You will also need rest built into your workout routine. Rest is an important component to your natural bodybuilding routine. Make sure that you give your muscles a chance to heal after the workouts so that they will give you the results that you want.

There is plenty of advice out there for you if you are looking for a natural approach to your bodybuilding workout and regimen. You should make sure that you are following the healthiest approach to your goals and sticking with your program. - 17274

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