Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, August 9, 2009

How to Get a Good Bicep Workout

By How to Get a Good Bicep Workout

Typically, a work out serves as a vital element in every person's quest for a healthy and well fit physique. But in order to get the best results, it is extremely vital to give much consideration on the right execution and techniques of these exercises. This is important in order to refrain from any muscle cramps and injuries in the future.

As we all know, having a well formed bicep serves a source of a person's confidence as it indicates strength and well conditioning of the body. Due to this fact, a lot of people are exerting more effort in focusing their work outs more on this type of muscle. But as discussed earlier, only a few were able to achieve the best of results while a lot of people lack important knowledge in the proper execution of a bicep work out. But in order to make the most out of your bicep work out, there are several ways and factors that should be considered.

One particular technique is give importance on antagonistic muscles. This certain type of muscles is the opposing ones that provide balance for each other. This specific type of muscles include quads and hamstrings, abdominals and the lower back, the chest and the upper back, and the bicep and triceps. Antagonistic muscles should be given equal amount of focus for a more balanced effect. Growth for a maximum potential is the main goal for such technique. And as for your bicep work out, this just simply means that you should not forget on your triceps.

Focusing on direct and indirect movements is also another strategy for a better bicep work out. Isolation exercises best define direct movements while indirect movements are composed of compound exercises. Specifically, a curl is a fine example of an isolation exercise while pull-ups and pull-downs, define compound exercises. Direct and indirect movements are extremely vital for a bicep work out as it gives your focused muscle with a full range of movement for a more toned and detailed formation and growth.

To best define a good bicep work out, Great Guns in 12 Weeks is one of the best programs to be considered in developing those biceps. This is developed by Ian King who used to be a noted trainer of Olympic athletes. From this program, you will be expecting improvements on your arm size literally within 12 weeks. This program is the best choice for those who are in dire need of a well formed bicep to be achieved in the fastest way possible.

Four various phases that give equal importance on both the triceps and the biceps comprise the program. Furthermore, the Great Guns in 12 Weeks program is meant to be a part on other work outs meant for other parts of your body. As a start, you must first be able to choose a weight which is moderately challenging and subsequently add them up on each passing week. An individual must give great importance to this one as it provides nothing but the bust of results on muscle growth and development. Find out more information about workout online. - 17274

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How Healthy Drinks Can Benefit You

By Sandra Ryan

It is vital to have a good variety of healthy drinks in your diet. Today, there are a lot of people continually relying on diet sodas, regular sodas, and energy boosting drinks. These contain mainly artificial sweeteners, artificial flavorings, and caffeine. The body cannot perform and reach its peak performance with a continual intake of these types of drinks.

One of my favorite substitutes for these types of drinks is orange juice. It tastes great, is readily available, is natural and can actually help boost your health. it contains high levels of Vitamin C to boost the immune system and help fight disease. There are also healthy levels of phytonutrients and potassium. It has also been demonstrated to lower blood pressure.

Apple juice is another one that has many benefits. It carries significant amounts of the Vitamins C and A and it has also be shown to slow down the processes that can lead to heart disease. The old saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away may be true after all.

Many people have discovered the benefits of adding cranberry juice to their diet. Its medicinal properties have been known for centuries and is still frequently used today for the treatment of urinary tract infections. It has significant antioxidant properties and the acidity provides an unfavorable environment for bacteria to grow in.

Beyond the standard juices that you commonly find, you can get a little bit more exotic in your choices. Mango, pineapple, carrot, and wheatgrass are all great produce that provide wonderful health benefitting juices. A lot of companies are now offering these in the form of smoothies and other freshly made juices. As people become more and more conscious of their health, these will become the future of the drinks industry.

As you can see, there are many more options available to you than the regular sodas. Once you give these a go you will be amazed at how quickly you will start to feel healthier and you will soon find yourself turning away from sodas and energy drinks altogether. Like anything, it takes will power at first but you will soon lose the taste for the unhealthy varieties. - 17274

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10 Reasons Why People Are Crazy About Acai

By George Alarcon

The Acai Berry is a tiny fruit is power packed with antioxidants, and has recently become the most popular fruit in the Northern Hemisphere. There are ten main reasons why this little berry has become the mainstream.

1. Acai berries detoxify the body. Acai berries are said to contain more than twice as many antioxidants as blueberries and ten times as many as grapes. Antioxidants detoxify the body by fighting toxins and repairing damage done by free radicals.

2. Acai berries contain high levels of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids help maintain healthy hair, skin and nails. Omega-9 fatty acids help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

3. In addition to fighting cancer and other diseases, the Acai Berry has many heart related benefits. It can allow the body to maintain a healthy blood pressure and cholesterol level, strengthen the heart, and reduce the risk of other heart related problems.

4. Acai Berries do not just strengthen the heart muscle, but all the muscles and bones in the body. In case of an injury, Acai can reduce recovery time and help the body to heal more fully.

5. Acai berries encourage weight loss. The antioxidant properties of the berry and the additional energy it provides contribute to weight loss.

6. It also contains high amounts of fiber, and provides the body with several vital minerals and vitamins.

7. All the benefits of the Acai Berry increase a person's life span. This reduces the effects of aging and inevitably makes people look and feel younger.

A strengthened immune system is also an effect of the large amounts of vitamin C that the berry contains. Acai Berry has three times the amoount of vitamin C than a blueberry.

Another healthy reason is that the Acai berry helps improve memory loss and elevates the mood.

Last but certainly not least, the Acai Berry is down right delicious. It can be used in smoothies, shakes and juices. It's sweet but slightly tart taste has tantalized more that a few taste buds, and has proven to be a definite winner among those who fateful enough to try it.

Because acai berries do not transport well, they are not available directly in the United States. However, they can be found in juices and capsules, as well as in a powder form. The best place to look would be in local health food stores, but acai berry products can also be ordered online. With so many health benefits, the acai berry is worth trying. - 17274

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Learn about the Real Cause of Autism?

By George Alarcon

Autism is a neurological disorder that affects the functioning part of the brain. This disorder is in a category called Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), and is described as a severe impairment in development. People who suffer from autism absolutely must have certain rituals in the day. Often, if these rituals are disrupted, the autistic person will be consumed with fear. Symptoms of autism usually appear by around age two, with the child having difficulty communicating verbally and non-verbally. Children with autism will struggle with social interactions and playing well with others. The most common question among parents is, Can autism be treated?

It is generally accepted that autism is brought about by abnormalities in the structure of the brain or some kind of malfunctioning of the brain. It is considered a neurological disorder. As of yet, we do not know what causes this malfunctioning. There are several theories. One is environmental factors such as toxins in the air, viruses or exposure to chemicals such as mercury. Another is that autism is hereditary, as it does seem to run in families. However; they have not been able to isolate a gene that causes it. In addition, there is evidence that the potential to develop autism also runs in families. But this only a theory so do not take it as fact before it has yet been established as such.

The presence of Thimerosal in vaccinations, particularly in the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine, has long been thought to cause some cases of autism. The preservative has been removed from the vaccine due to this belief but many parents remain unconvinced that the vaccine is safe. Parents have the right to choose not to vaccinate their children--if they feel their children may suffer a serious health risk. Other parents argue that autism may be caused by the overload on the immune system by the current vaccine schedule. Many children with autism suffer from asthma, other respiratory ailments and impaired immune systems. It is now hypothesized that exposure to a virus either as a fetus or as an infant might also cause the damage to the immune system which results in autism; of course, this is only a mere theory which tries to search at the core cause of autism.

The diet of the pregnant mother might also contribute to autism. Studies have suggested that retinoids, retinoic acid or too much Vitamin A could increase the chance of a fetus developing autism. It is also believed that environmental toxins or pollutants may contribute to the development of autism although no definitive link has yet been found. An increase in regional cases suggests an environmental trigger and much is being done to study this possibility. Of course, this also is only a mere theory at this time.

Living with an autistic child is certainly not an easy task, but it can be easier, armed with knowledge of the disorder and taking advantage of the professional services available. There are many support groups as well. It is thought that 1.5 million people in the U.S. may have some form of autism. And this is a growing figure that may well climb much higher in years to come. How is the current health establishment going to manage all of these new cases of autistic patients with a system which is already overwhelmed? - 17274

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Organic Farming or Conventional Farming? The Debate Goes On.

By Richard Murray

Organic, holistic and naturalistic are disciplines of agriculture that are growing in popularity each day. People everywhere are extremely concerned about the environment especially as how it relates as to what we put into our bodies and also how it affects our earth.

American farmers over the years have done a wonderful job of providing substantial amounts of nutritious and healthy food for a growing world population, but is this scenario of farming sustainable? At the present time there is a tremendous amount of debate between organic farmers and conventional farmers who are both looking for common answers to this question.

Organic farming largely excludes the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, plant growth regulators, and livestock feed additives, such as hormones. Organic farmers rely on crop rotation, crop residue recycling, animal manure and mechanical cultivation to maintain the soil and to control weeds, insects and other pests.

Enhancing and maintaining soil health and productivity is the mainstay of organic farming. Many natural methods are employed including crop rotation, green manure, cover cropping, application of compost and mulching, Organic farmers also use certain fertilizers such as seed meal and mineral powders such as rock phosphate and greensand which are naturally occurring forms of potash.

Organic farming began as a reaction against the industrialization of agriculture in the early 20th century. Scientific research produced hybrid seeds, fields grew in size and cropping became specialized to make efficient use of machinery, irrigation, fertilization and the use of pesticides. Cheap fertilizer was available in the form of nitrates produced as explosives and converted to fertilizer as a source of nitrogen.

As a means to insuring a successful crop, the usage of genetically modified organisms (GMO), human growth hormones (HGH), sewage sludge and antibiotics in the production of our food supply gained a foothold and can now be considered a threat to our health.

Conventional farming allows farmers to precisely apply only the necessary fertilizers to the soil in order to minimize waste pollutants. Organic farmers do not have that option because they have to depend on natural fertilizers such as manure which contains fixed amounts of various elements which can not be adjusted. The most common problem is over application of these organic fertilizers because of their relative lack of potency. These over applications can very easily lead to pollution of the water supply.

Can agribusiness convert to large scale organic farming and still be able to make a profit without raising the consumer cost to unacceptable levels?

The current food distribution system favors high volume production with large farming corporate operations and cannot be easily altered. What we know as organic farming may change very dramatically in the coming years but it will take a growing consumer market encourage conventional farmers to convert to organic agricultural production methods. I believe this will happen. - 17274

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Body Building Tips To Build Muscle Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Muscle gain for some people is harder and may take longer than for others. A good fitness workout plan may not give you the desired strength.

The most effective workout for muscle gain, strength and fitness is the elusive prize for millions of workout enthusiasts. Having a good sensible diet and a good fitness workout is the fastest way for muscle gain and strength. In order to build muscle tissue, the body is stimulated with a balanced diet.

Training techniques. The importance of training the largest muscle groups in order to create a highly anabolic environment within the body, it is important that the largest muscles of the body are trained and stimulated to grow. Why? Since these muscles comprise such a large amount of the total muscle mass on the human body, any training stress of sufficient intensity to cause these muscles to grow will also place great stress on the body overall.

The stress thus placed on your body is obviously greatest from expending enough time and intensity training the largest muscles of your body. You need to remember that your body works as one, not as individual parts, so this will produce an anabolic environment that allows the growth and repair of muscle, which will allow you to see stronger changes, faster.

Protein as well as water. It is very important to get enough protein and carbohydrates to help your body adapt to training stress. Generally, people find better success with a low carbohydrate/high protein diet.

If you are training hard and taking in a good amount of protein it is almost impossible to drink too much water. Water serves two important purposes as the largest constituent of muscle, it helps to remove waste products from your system and to reduce the stress on the kidneys.

Water is essential in aiding the distribution of nutrients throughout your body, which enable the bathing of all tissues to their best capacity and guarantees the best possible health, which is key for positive gains. An environment with a low water intake will not achieve this.

In order to have the proper growth and changes in your body all of the right ingredients need to be present, so don't underestimate the power of multi-vitamins and mineral supplements that make up what the body may lack.

By getting the proper exercise and nutrition you can easily increase your size. You have to give your body the right fuel in order to gain the correct muscle mass. - 17274

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Best Tips To Lose Belly Fat

By Ben Jayson

Almost everyone looking ways to lose weight and want to lose some excess fat on their body somewhere especially belly fat. They want to lose belly fat fast! A fat belly is probably one of the hardest areas to successfully remove because its made up by stubborn fat. You have to work hard to lose belly fat.

The primary place we tend to store fat and where body fat is needed to protect organs and internal structures. Thus, your fat belly is the best place to hold onto it. In order to get lose of your belly fat, youre going to work really hard and more effort to put in.

How to lose belly fat using exercise? First, hit the weights. When lifting, you try to lift as heavy as you can, as this will rise up your metabolism to the highest. The most appropriate for metabolic effects is to shoot for the 6-10 rep range.

Second, don't do hours on just cardio up, focus on doing sprint. It will be good if you do sprinting first, and then doing more steady state cardio. This will help to release the fatty acids from the tissue which activate them and then burn them off during the steady state cardio. This type of arrangement will be more effective to lose stubborn belly fat than doing a usual cardio session.

Lastly, be careful of your lose belly fat diet. Too many fat or carbohydrates calories will slow your progress; while protein will help body burns more calories and fat to build muscle.

No Nonsense Bodybuilding Program will show you how to exercise productively, where you aren't spending hours in the gym, but you are getting results. It shows you a plan that combines both a healthy, long-term way of eating with healthy exercise that doesn't feel like torture. Remember, losing weight should be a lifestyle approach, not just changing what you put on your plate - 17274

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A Guide To Buying Home Fitness Equipment

By John James

Home fitness equipment has never been so popular and there is a huge range to choose from. Do not make the mistake of buying apparatus and then forgetting why you bought it, however. Before you decide on anything specific, think about it carefully.

Be careful when you see commercials advertising fitness apparatus as it will always be shown in the best possible light. Sit down and think about what it is you are hoping to achieve before you take out your credit card, and don't make the mistake of purchasing the latest product advertised on television.

Remember that home fitness equipment is designed to perform different tasks and you will need to work out just what parts of your body you intend to train. If you have other outside physical activities then hopefully the equipment will help you train for these. The problem is that buying the equipment is the easy bit, it is actually using it that takes determination.

Some think that spending a lot of money on an expensive piece of equipment is a guarantee that they will use it. Unfortunately, this is far from truth. If fitness training is your hobby and you find it fun to work out, the price of the equipment will not matter. Similarly, if you are not a fitness enthusiast, you will find it hard to train even on the most expensive workout machine.

Although this is not always true you might find yourself buying expensive equipment that is of poor quality while a cheaper alternative, such as used equipment, can actually be made to a high standard. However, if you prefer to have new home fitness equipment with a guarantee then start your search with ex-demonstration stock used in stores or older models that may be sold for less.

Before making a purchase, make sure you have enough space at home for the equipment. It is also worthwhile taking a physical examination before you buy this kind of equipment, just to be on the safe side. The importance of trying out the equipment first cannot be underestimated because you may find it not only difficult, but even painful to use.

Joining a local gym and learning how to work out properly and at the same time getting used to the gym equipment is also a good way to start. You can then decide which of the two options suits you more: training at the professional gym or having your own fitness equipment and working out at home. If you find it hard to decide on the type of a product, asking a fitness instructor for advice might help you make the right choice. - 17274

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Extreme Results with P90X

By Austin Mcgonigle

This topic came to me this evening, while I was talking with a friend of mine. He went into this whole story of why he didn't se the need to work out, because he never "notices" the results in the mirror. Now people, you might be under the illusion that getting results is all about how much weight you can push on the bench press, for the P90Xers out there it could be how many pull ups/ push ups you can knock out, but the simple truth is that's a very small portion of it. The ONLY way you going to get the results you desire is by changing what you eat. P90x and Tony Horton set up a nutrition plan, to go along with the videos. Now you don't have to use the P90x nutrition guide, but you will need to make some changes to your diet, to achieve maximum results.

You can exercise all you want, and lift all you want, but if you're not doing some kind of nutrition you're not going to get true visible results***RIPPED ABS!, don't get me wrong you'll get in shape, but you're not going to have the amazing definition. When I started P90X I went a little far, I completely cut out soft drinks, processed foods (for the most part), sugars, fast food, and anything else I thought was junk. Now I know that's not realistic for everyone, but everyone can make little changes to get them on the path. So I thought I would lay out what I eat, not saying what I eat is right, but it is what works for me.

I can't think of anything more important than what I'm about to tell you, so pay close attention because this is the key to a good nutrition planmake SURE you eat breakfast every day. I know that everyone is in a hurry in the mornings, and a lot of times breakfast is the last thing on our minds, but the truth is by not eating breakfast you're sending your body into starvation mode. Now think about this, you should stop eating 3-4 hours before you go to sleep, now assuming you do that, and most people get at least 6 hours of sleep, and you decide to skip breakfast and eat lunch some where around 12:00, and you went to sleep at 10 the night before and stopped eating at 7, that's 17 hours you went with out eating. That sends you body into starvation mode, slows your metabolic rate, and you body becomes extremely efficient, and doesn't like to burn calories unless absolutely necessary, that means there are less calories being burned and more fat being stored, which is extremely counter productive. The purpose of that huge run on sentence up there was to explain why breakfast is soo important .so eat something in the mornings!!!

For me breakfast is always the same, just rotates through out the week: Turkey sausage, some kind of fruit, slice of wheat toast, and a glass of juice **the rest of the day it's nothing but water** Protein shake and fruit 8ox Oatmeal, fruit, and juice 3 egg whites with chopped onions/mushrooms/ham, slice wheat toast, and a glass juice. And that's it for breakfast, it's one of those 4 things everyday.boring I knowbut like I said it works for me. In between breakfast and lunch I'll have a snack, now by snack I don't mean a crispy kreme, or candy bar. Snack's are fruit, nuts, turkey jerky, or a protein bar/shake.

Sadly to say lunch never changes for me, I'll have a can of all white albacore tuna, I don't mix it mayo and pickles and all that, I just eat the tuna right out of the can, sometimes I'll put a little balsamic vinegar on it, and have a salad. If I can't get home, and have to eat lunch out, I'll normally find a deli, have a half of some kind of sandwich on wheat, along with a salad.

Dinner is the most important meal of the day, because in the past I would eat just to have something to do , so I make sure that dinner is good, so I don't have to go looking for something to do in a couple of hoursJ For example I would do a tuna steak on sear it on both side for a couple of minutes, maybe some steamed vegetables, and either brown rice or wheat pasta. Something along those lines would be a good dinner that would keep me happy till morning. I cut a lot of red meat out of my diet now, so it's mostly tuna, pork, chicken. Now I'm not saying red meat is bad, it was just a personal decision, and I still love a great steak, just not as many as I used to love. Do whatever works for you, like I said this is what works for me, the important thing is to put some kind of plan into action, and follow through..GOODLUCK and STICK WITH IT!!!!! - 17274

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How A Modern Bread Maker Makes Baking An Easy Process

By Chris Channing

Bread makers sound easy enough to understand. You put ingredients in, and you get bread out- what's not to love? The science behind how your bread maker operates might actually be more complex than what you thought- involving modern equipment and technologies.

Baking bread once was an all-day affair. To make bread for an entire family, it wouldn't be a surprise if someone had to stick in the kitchen all day and make a job out of it. Today the bread makers that are available to use can do the work for us, and in a lot less time. Through the power of electricity, circuits, and smart chips, devices can make their own decisions on how to bake the bread so you don't have to.

The mixing and kneading process is the first thing that occurs once the ingredients are ready. The electronics inside the bread maker know exactly how long the dough will have to be kneaded, how long it has to rest for gluten to develop, and when to finally start the rising process. The kneading is a pain to do by hand, so it's nice to outsource this section of the process.

The bread maker will have another circuit that controls how long the bread will take to rise. The thermostat included in the bread maker will go up noticeably as the bread maker attempts to create the perfect atmosphere for bringing the bread to its full size. At this point the bread isn't cooked, so right after the rising process we go straight to the cooking process.

The temperature is again raised for the cooking process. This time you actually tell the bread maker how long you want the bread to bake, since it would be impossible for the machine to determine this. Look in your recipe book to see what baking times you need and program it in before going about the baking process. The machine should automatically quit at the timer, and pause itself as it allows the bread to finally cool in the end.

Baking a good loaf of bread doesn't require that you buy the most expensive machine you can find. Instead, you need only to find a machine that is moderately priced and has good reviews among others. The price should be easily justified once you see how easy the baking process truly is. And once you start baking your own bread regularly, you can save money on food costs from that point forward.

Closing Comments

You won't have to conduct your search long to find a bread maker that would suit you. Many retail stores stock them, from cooking stores to department stores. For the best selection you can go online to see how much the bread maker is going to cost you and to compare. - 17274

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Sit Up Bench - How To Avoid Injuries And Build Strength

By Sean Luna

The sit up bench is designed for enhancing and toning the upper arms, abdomen and the thighs. These benches generally have a couple of upright racks on the one end that supports the weights and barbell. This bench is created to accommodate the customer, who can either lie or sit on it, usually with the legs on one side while lifting barbell with the help of arms.

Preacher Curl Weight Bench: Preacher Curl sits up bench brought into play to strengthen the biceps and during this whole process arms remain stabilized. This bench is idyllic for home gyms because of their comparatively small size and easy to move. Usually it is used with Olympic or standard curl bars.

Preacher curl weight bench plays a vital role in strengthening the biceps and during this whole procedure, arm is stabilized. This bench is usually used in home gyms because of their small size and easy to move. Mostly, it is used with Olympic or standard curl bars.

Olympic Weight Benches: Preacher Curl and Dumbbell Weight Benches does not support a bigger bar that's why they are not suitable for weightlifters. Unlike above two types Olympic weight benches can hold up larger rods. This is the only reason that they are frequently used in gyms and are perfect for weightlifters.

Abs Weight Bench: Abs sit up bench is used to tone abdomen. It provides the platform to do curl-ups. At one end of abs weight lifting benches foot grips are present and are adjustable according to their requirement

While purchasing weight bench, prefer the one which is comfortable and prop up heavy loads. If you are familiar with correct usage of regular standard weight lifting benches, you can build your muscles stronger and firmer with usual bodybuilding exercises. In order to perform exercises of different complexity level, adjust the Olympic weight bench in flat, incline and decline positions.

A sit up bench can help you to increase muscles with your workout routines, if you know how to use them in a correct way. Set an Olympic weight lifting benches decline, flat and incline positions for more options on performing compound exercises. In a flat direction, do barbell and dumbbell bench presses using 4 sets of 7-11 reps.

Now, place the bench in decline direction and apply dumbbells for bench presses. At initial levels try to apply low volume approach for example 6 sets of 3 reps, and then move to less concentration and improved rate e.g. 4 sets of 15 reps, now again move to the flat direction and do the same thing again. - 17274

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Female Bodybuilding Advice, How To Build Beautiful Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

How to do build beautiful female muscle? Many might say muscle is built by weight training, but that's only part of the equation. The answer is weight training with the proper intensity, right form, and training just enough to stimulate growth.

If you can identify the 6 common women's bodybuilding errors you can tweak your training program and successfully make satisfying muscle gains.

1. Not challenging oneself is the biggest muscle building mistake I witness. Granted, some women train hard, but few challenge themselves each training session. Muscle growth occurs when maximal force is applied using progressive overload.

2. Failure to employ heavy compound exercises is another training issue. A compound exercise is a multi-joint exercise, where all the muscles and joints of that specific area are called upon to execute the movement. Compound exercises are the backbone to any muscle building program. If your training program is lacking compound exercises, it's lacking muscle growth potential.

3. The third mistake that I see in muscle growth is being inconsistent. You will not be able to build up muscle by working out casually. You must make out a detailed plan and follow the schedule meticulously.

4. A program must be given enough time, or else it will prove to be a failure, which is a usual mistake. Patience is the key in any muscle building program. For making sure that your work on building of your muscles is being successful. you can log your workouts and then on visually seeing them you can asses the progress.This way you have the assurance that you are challenging your muscles every workout.

5. Expecting overnight changes is a very common female bodybuilding error. You can make changes, but they are not going to appear overnight. When you see well-developed built ladies, they worked hard for that physique. They didn't just pick up a weight and eat right and have that body overnight. Such well built physiques followed the proper training principals and avoided these common female bodybuilding mistakes.

6. Another popular bodybuilding error with women is training too much. Don't say you are not guilty of it because everyone has trained too much at one time or another.

Muscle growth doesn't take endless reps at the gym or doing a weight training marathon. The fact is, if you over train you will halt muscle growth. - 17274

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