Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, December 26, 2008

Free Muscle Building Workouts, Shoulders

By Ricardo d Argence

One important part of bodybuilding is the development of the shoulders. You will look great just standing there, and you will look even better when you strike a double-back bicep pose. If you develop your side deltoids in proportion to the biceps, the arms and biceps look large and well defined.

The shoulder region includes the posterior, medial, and anterior deltoid muscles. If you are including the whole shoulder girdle, then the rotator cuff muscles as well as the upper trapezius are included.

The deep muscles of the rotator cuff attach different sections of the thoracic area to different parts of the humerus. Upper trapezius muscles are the muscles that run from the back of the neck; extend to the medial deltoid, then downward to intersect with the middle trapezius. Toward the back of the shoulder, you will find the posterior deltoid muscle, beneath the lower region of the upper trapezius. The outer part of the shoulder is a where the medial deltoid lies, with the anterior deltoid muscle being visible outside of the pectoral muscles.

Each shoulder has a specific function when lifting the arm. The anterior deltoid is responsible for bringing the arm forward, inward and for rotating the arm. The medial deltoid allows the arm to move away from the side. The posterior deltoid comes into play when the arm moves back or rotates outward. When the scapula is moved upward toward the ears, like shrugging your shoulders, the upper trapezius muscle does the job. Lastly, the muscles of the rotator cuff stabiles the arm during movement and allow the arm to rotate.

To build up the shoulder muscles, exercises such as the military press, Arnold press, lateral raises (bent-over, lying, or standard), and neck/behind-the neck presses, should be performed. Rowing in an upright position as well as while bent over will facilitate building the shoulder area to dramatic size.

The key to building massive shoulders is to understand how the shoulder works and keeping it healthy. Nothing will halt your progress faster than an injury in the gym, so clearly injury should be avoided. One of the most common injuries is to the rotator cuff muscles. The muscles that make up the rotator cuff are not large strong muscles. In order to prevent any injuries try incorporating some band work into your shoulder workout.

Make sure that you use the proper amount of weight and this will reduce your chances of injury. You should be able to have control of the weight through the entire movement. If you discover that you are just able to perform partial reps or you have to redistribute the weight, then it's too massive of a weight. Using too much weight puts too much stress on the shoulder and is likely to cause injury. Before increasing the weight, be sure that you can maintain the proper technique and use the full range of motion.

Although building up shoulder muscles takes a bit of effort, bodybuilders concur that the result justifies the work involved. Because each body grows at its own rate, research and patience are vital. - 17274

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Cholesterol In Shrimp - Is It bad For You ?

By Adrian Fletcher

For people that have to lower their cholesterol levels by altering the foods they eat, it may be a depressing thought to think about all the foods you can't eat. For some people, concern about the cholesterol in shrimp or other favorite foods may be preventing them eating these types of foods while in the process of trying to lower their cholesterol. But in fact, this is not always true, not all foods that contain cholesterol are bad.

It is a common belief that shrimp contains cholesterol and is, therefore, a food that should be avoided. The cholesterol in shrimp does increase the LDL levels of cholesterol, but the level of good cholesterol is incrementally increased by a higher percentage. So you do not have to totally avoid shrimp, as long as you don't overdo it, eating shrimp should not have an adverse effect on your cholesterol levels.

Your diet should include foods that are not only healthy and nutritious, but foods that you actually like and will enjoy eating. Do some research and look into the types of food that fit with your dietary requirements and learn to prepare them properly. The effect of cholesterol in shrimp or other foods might be offset by preparing it with light fat-free sauces or a sprinkling of spices as opposed to dowsing with heavy cream sauces.

Choosing foods you hate from a diet you loathe following is a sure recipe for failure. This is a massive mistake. Choose heart healthy, cholesterol lowering foods that you will enjoy eating. You can put together a diet full of healthy foods, but if you dislike all those foods and don't eat them, they won't do you any good! Often you begin with the best intentions in the world and will commit to eating only the most nutritious food you can ever find. But often, these nutrition rich but dull to eat foods fail to please your palate, and that is why a good cookbook might be in order.

It is entirely possible to have a healthy diet and at the same time like the food that you eat. Seek the help of a nutritionist to choose the type of foods that you can enjoy which will at the same time keep you in good health. Make sure that you put enough effort to work on the diet to ensure that you are gaining the best nutritional value out of what you eat.

Careful menu planning is the key to maintaining your diet and achieving your health and decreasing cholesterol levels. Often, poor planning is the cause of backsliding when it comes to dieting, but it doesn't have to be that way. Just by knowing the values of cholesterol in shrimp and other dishes can help you create a satisfying and healthy meal plan.

Take care that you have enough quantity of food in your diet to keep your hunger in control and also help with your weight and cholesterol. Knowing facts like the cholesterol in shrimp will be helpful to you when it comes to making adjustments to your food selections and allow you to have a more varied and palate pleasing diet. - 17274

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How to Lose Your Belly Fat

By Jose Loni

Lose your belly fat the easy way. Losing belly fat has never been easier. By following some simple principles of diet, exercise and stress management, you will achieve the goal of losing your belly fat.

Our diets usually consist of fast foods, sugar, processed foods and foods high in fat. In addition, we tend to eat more than we need to. When we consume so much food with high calories, and are unable to burn the calories through our daily physical activity, the excess food is turned into fat and stored in our belly.

Matching what we eat, with what our physical activities are is a great way to lose your belly fat. Decreasing our meal portions and eating several meals throughout the day will help us maintain our energy levels.

Increasing our physical activity as well as decreasing the amount of food we eat, will help you lose your belly fat. Our bodies can use the stored fat to fuel our muscles during activity.

By simply incorporating resistance training into our exercise activity, we enable our bodies to utilize the energy from foods and the stored fat. When this occurs, we also increase our metabolism, which also adds to the fat burning capacity of our bodies to burn belly fat.

Managing our stress is also another factor we need to control because when we have increased stress in our lives, the hormone Cortisol is released, which stores fat in our belly to prepare us for an emergency situation.

We can utilize various exercises and activities that will help us decrease our stress levels. Activities such as tai chi, deep breathing and meditation have all been useful in reducing stress.

Diet, exercise and lowering our stress levels are simple ways as to how you can lose your belly fat. By committing to change how we eat, exercise, and decreasing the amount of stress in our lives, you will be better able to lose your belly fat. - 17274

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Are You Tired Of Wrong Information About Cooking With Seasonings?

By Ferdinand Okeke

Seasonings are mixtures of herbs, spices and condiments meant to flavor and boost the taste of your food. Experts say that seasoning and flavoring ones food is not exactly the same thing if we were to be more precise in definition. According to them salt should not be considered as having seasoning qualities because all it does is improve the flavor of the meat you are cooking. On the other hand, pepper and basil are to be included in the category of seasonings because they transfer a certain flavor the food you are cooking.

Just in case you can not find sazon seasoning in your local superstores then you can simply buy bulk herbs and spices and prepare your own mixture at home. The ingredients used in this seasoning can boost the flavor to more or less spicy food for the dish you are preparing. For example, blackened beans and rice rely on the sazon seasoning which requires that you add to the dish olive oil, chopped onions, chopped bell peppers, oregano and paprika, salt, black and cayenne pepper. Black beans and rice is a specific Mexican dish and sazon seasoning is quite recommended in order to obtain the original taste. Other dishes for which you can use sazon seasoning are chicken cutlets, crock pot roast, kidney bean and rice, and so on. The list can go on.

Just like any other flavorer, sazon is for those who want to make their meals a wonderful experience. People like eating and trying foreign cuisines and this is no longer restrained because of the space and distance factor. If you want Latino taste, then all you need is sazon seasoning which is a whole lot cheaper than buying a plane ticket to Spain or Mexico.

Fish dishes are also very common, although today much of the fish is imported since the fisheries of the Mediterranean Sea are no longer what they used to be. Seafood is still paramount in many of the standard Mediterranean dish recipes. It is quite obvious that certain types of meats and fruit or vegetables, as it is the case with Mediterraean cuisine, ask for specific/typical seasoning, in this case, mediterannean seasoning. Mediterranean foods and dishes include barbecue or grilled meats, pita bread, hummus and falafel which normally ask for special seasonings which are to be found in the area of Mediterannean seasoning obviously.

Celestial seasoning tea production dates back to 1969. In Aspen, Colorado it all started with collecting herbs from the Rocky Mountains and using them to prepare tea. This action was led by Mo Siegel and his friends who later decided to make their own shop in Boulder. Whatever came after is only the logical course of events related to a growing business. The celestial seasoning tea became popular all throughout North America because they have created many categories and types of teas meant to suit an entire population. - 17274

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Real Smoothies - Keep it Healthy

By Nick Jaggs

Have you any idea of what is going into that smoothie you are drinking? In recent years this type of drink has become big business and many companies will use words like "healthy" and "natural" to describe theirs. However, what you may not realize is that the smoothie you purchased from your local grocery store is not all that it seems. Although the label may show a sunny outdoor scene or lots of fruit in a blender to show you that they contain lots of living ingredients. What you will soon discover that these have been produced on a mass scale using fruit puree that has been pasteurized to help extend its shelf life.

Also although many juice and smoothie bars have opened not everyone offers customers natural products. Some will use frozen fruit purees that have high levels of sugar in them and which are supplied by the companies who supply their smoothie making and juicing equipment. Because these types of blenders are expensive to buy, juice bars will tend to purchase a company's frozen fruit portions to make their drinks because they get the equipment for free.

However, there are now a few juice bars where to simplify their operations and save money actually make their own frozen fruit products. Again some will produce good drinks, but a few others load theirs with sugar. Don't think that for one minute the company that create these are trying to prevent us from getting natural ingredients, they just use this as a way to help streamline their business to ensure that they make a profit. Although there may be times when we as the consumer lose out because of this.

The original idea of a smoothie was simple; it was a blended health drink. It was made popular in the USA; although today there is still no specific definition to describe this drink. However, most of us know them as a thick, smooth drink that is fruit based and will be created using either frozen fruit or frozen fruit and ice. A large number of the independent juice bars around today are health focused and will offer a high quality of freshly prepared natural products. Also for the health enthusiasts they will provide super foods and boosters to further enhance their smoothies.

If you happen to have a juice bar like this close to where you are then you should support it. But if your only contact with smoothies is drinking the ready bottled variety you are losing out on getting all the goodness and flavour that freshly prepared ones offer.

A great way of trying a smoothie to see if you like it is to make your own at home. However, there has been some confusion caused by a few of the blender manufacturers regarding smoothie makers. When we talk about smoothie makers we actually do mean a blender which has for many years been a vital piece of equipment in many kitchens. That was until some bright spark in some marketing company thought it would be a good idea to call them smoothie makers so that a company could target those people wanting to make their own smoothies. It is for this reason alone that we think blenders and smoothie makers are two different machines, when in fact they are not.

It is very simple to make a smoothie just place the ingredients in the jug of the blender and press the button. Only a few seconds later you have a jug full of pulped fruit and juice which will cost you much less than you would pay for the high street ones. As well as tasting great these smoothies are full of essential nutrients. You can like others use frozen fruit chunks or you could use some fresh fruit mixed with ice. To make the smoothie creamier and tangier add some yoghurt or just experiment to gain more health benefits by adding other healthy ingredients to it.

For making such drinks you need a blender or smoothie maker. It is important that you go for one which will do everything you require and is able to deal with frozen ingredients. The cheaper models may save you money but are as effective and blending ice in such machines can be very demanding on them. So it is better to go for a more expensive model. Ideally go for one that allows you to mill dry ingredients as well such as the Mill Blender by the American company L'Equip. This is a machine that not only allows you to create smoothies but allows you to grind up flax which is full of essential fatty acids and which can be added to the drink.

There are many health enthusiasts who place great demands on their kitchen equipment and spend hundreds on buying commercial grade equipment such as the Blendtec Total Blender. Although a luxury model they do offer you a long time of service, but you yourself don't need to break the bank to make your own smoothies at home. If you intend to blend ice or frozen ingredients in your smoothies avoid those that cost below 60. Instead to go for a much more expensive model such as the smoothie makers to be found at www.ukjuicers.com. - 17274

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Are Mangosteen Juice Supplements Recommended?

By Julieanne van Zyl

This article discusses whether or not Mangosteen Juice products are necessary. If you are a frequent exerciser and you tend to continually keep fit, then you should be aware of what your body needs. One of the major reasons many people often fall sick is as a result of their lacking nutrients and optimal nutrition. For most people, this might not make sense, but for nutritionists and enlightened fitness buffs, I am sure that you can relate to this. During the day, we all tend to lose a lot of nutrients as a result of our daily activities and if this is not replenished on a daily basis, the body is more than likely going to come down with some ailment or may crash as a result of the stress.

Not just that, as a result of the increased requirement on our bodies these days, and because we hardly ever eat healthily in the race against time and to make more money, we forget to fill our bodies with the essential nutrients. These nutrients in the form of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals are really essential for us if we are to become healthier everyday. Many fitness aficionado will categorically state that they cannot do without their smoothies and food supplements because they know what the benefits really are.

However, people who need a lot more nutrition supplements than most are those who exercise a lot. Exercising takes up a lot of nutrients. For instance, people who exercise a lot and break a sweat often need more nutrition supplementation than those who do not exercise. This is because when you sweat you lose a lot of minerals. You'll notice that people who exercise without adding additional nutrients often tend to look like they are malnourished or are under a lot of stress.

When taking supplements, be sure to not just take those that have a high protein quantity. Also opt for those that have a high quantity of macro and micronutrients. This information is available on the packaging of the supplements.

Mangosteen Juice supplements can be easily purchased online or from a distributor. In purchasing your supplement or shopping for one, you should be very careful of what you choose and what you need. This is why it is always better to do your homework and check the labels or list of ingredients. The needs of a weight lifter are different from those of an athlete. As a result, they would be looking for different things and different quantities of particular nutrients and minerals available.

One recurrent complaint that is often spoken by many supplement users is that they do not see the benefit or any result of taking it. Unfortunately , supplementation is not meant for those who are not willing to keep to it dutifully . Most of those who say they do not see any results are often times culpable of not taking them as they should. If you are taking %LINK1%, ensure that you follow the instructions and you will most definitely see important results in a very short while. - 17274

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