Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 5 - How Vitamins Can Help Overcome Bruising Easily!
Remember that the purpose of vitamins in your diet and your daily regimen is to replenish resources that your body cannot make for itself in sufficient quantities. Because your body cannot create these nutrients, your body is going to need them to be provided from an outside source. Take a moment and think about how your diet is set up and whether you could be depriving your body of something that it really needs. There are several vitamins that you need to keep in mind.
If you are looking for positive affects in your attempts to overcome easy bruising, vitamin C should be your first choice. Vitamin C has a reputation with many doctors as that of a cure-all. Have you noticed the positive affects gained from drinking a lot of orange juice when you are contracting a cold? Keeping your immune system is in excellent shape is another positive benefit of vitamin C. Vitamin C is also a critical component in bodys capability to produce collagen, which is the lubricant for the joints and the substance that enhances the skin's flexibility.
To add more vitamin C available to your system, you will learn that citrus fruits contain high levels of this vitamin. Grapefruit, oranges and limes all contain excellent levels of vitamin C, and eating these fruits raw whenever possible, will allow the nutrients to be more readily absorbed into your system. Vitamin C supplement tablets are a convenient means of obtaining proper levels as well.
When you want to add strength to your body's circulatory system and reduce your bruising easily, be certain to evaluate vitamin K. Vitamin K is essential in keeping your blood circulation working optimally. After all, the the German word meaning "coagulation" is the source of the use of the letter K for this vitamin. Vitamin K has been proved to help heal bruises when used as a topical serum and to prevent bruising easily when taken internally.
If you want to get more vitamin K into your life, there are several ways to get it. One way is to make sure that you eat lots of vegetables that have a significant amount of vitamin K in them, and these include spinach, kale and collard greens among others. Also keep in mind that vitamin K can be applied as a topical salve or ointment as well as taken as a supplement.
Finally, remember that vitamin E is another good vitamin to evaluate only for external use, especially when you want to heal bruises. Nuts and seeds like almonds and sunflower seeds are the prime source for vitamin E, and it can be obtained in a liquid form for topical use.
If you are really ready to overcome your tendency to bruise easily, you have to add critical vitamins to be successful. You should consider a daily natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which combines the proper dosage of essential vitamins and other important nutrients to help you prevent bruising altogether. - 17274
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