Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cellulite Vitamin Supplements

By El Bilson

Taking vitamin supplements is one way to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. However, you should be aware of products that claim to cure cellulite. Vitamin supplements are an important element in fighting off cellulite but are not a cure. A low fat/high fiber diet, exercise, drinking plenty of water, and taking supplements are the most effective ways to reduce cellulite.

Several vitamins and minerals aid in the reduction of cellulite. Moreover, there are specific reasons why these vitamins and minerals work against the appearance of cellulite. Vitamin C is one of the best vitamins you can take for cellulite. Vitamin C helps strengthen the skin and is a powerful detoxifier. Good food sources of Vitamin C include asparagus, berries, tomatoes and onions, however one of the best sources of Vitamin C is citrus fruit. The recommended daily allowance for Vitamin C is 75 mg. for women and 90 mg. for men. Smokers should add an additional 35 mg. per day because their metabolic turnover of Vitamin C is more rapid.

Another vitamin supplement that can be used to combat cellulite is Vitamin E. Found at your local vitamin store in oil capsules, Vitamin E improves circulation in the body and helps improve the appearance of this skin. A good source of vitamin E is nuts which are high in protein as well. However, nuts also have a high fat content. If you are on a low fat diet, limit the intake of nuts and add a vitamin supplement of Vitamin E instead. Green leafy vegetables are another good source of Vitamin E.

Another vitamin supplement that can help reduce cellulite is Selenium. This supplement works by improving the action of vitamins C and E. Broccoli is an excellent food source of selenium and calcium. Broccoli contains lipoic acid, which helps prevent the hardening of collagen in the skin cells.

In addition to selenium, calcium is another vitamin supplement that will assist in reducing cellulite. Calcium is important for fighting body fat and providing strong bones. A few good food sources of calcium are low fat yogurt, skim milk, spinach, cottage cheese, and baked beans. Calcium can also be taken in supplement form although not much is absorbed this way.

Many health specialists recommend that adults between the ages of 19-50 should have approximately 1000 mg of calcium per day. For adults over 50 years of age, the RDA is 1200 mg. per day. It is often difficult to get the RDA of vitamins and minerals just through your diet alone. Vitamin supplements can help assure your body has all the vitamins and minerals it needs to fight cellulite and other health problems. You will start to notice a difference a few months after taking them.

While it is known that there is no one method that cures cellulite, vitamins and minerals are crucial in increasing the bodys ability to maintain healthy skin elasticity. When the collagen, septa and other components of healthy skin are properly nourished, then the appearance of cellulite can decrease eventually. A long-term change in lifestyle and diet is necessary to maintain healthy, cellulite free skin. These lifestyle changes will lead to other improvements in the body as well.

Proper diet, exercise, drinking an adequate supple of water and adding vitamin supplements are the lifestyle changes that need to be made in order to have perfect skin. Lifestyle changes such as reducing intake of alcohol, quitting smoking will help reduce cellulite. Also exercises such as yoga that increase blood circulation will help reduce cellulite. In addition, there is the extra-added benefit of having a healthier body over-all with these healthy lifestyle changes. - 17274

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Benefits of Acai Berry Juice

By Carter Sinclair

Deep in the Amazon Forest in South America, the acai berry grows. This long, reddish/purple fruit has long been held as a healing tonic for the natives indigenous to the area. With the introduction of the acai fruit to the United States, it has quickly grown in popularity as one of the super foods. This popularity has led to the use of this berry in a host of products, including a weight loss supplement, in health drinks and as an energy enhancer.

If you are wondering why this berry is so special, there's an easy answer. This once unknown fruit has one of the highest antioxidant contents available. Surpassing the popular grapes by 10 times, and blueberries by twice the antioxidant content, the acai berry is nearly unsurpassed. The popularity of this berry was made common knowledge by a doctor, Nicholas Perricone, when he appeared on Oprah discussing the acai fruit as a super food.

The acai berry comes with a long menu of health benefits. Although it is still being studied, thus far the acai berry is believed to increase energy and improve mental focus, as well as increase stamina during strenuous activities. It also helps with improving sleep. These overall benefits make the acai berry a good product to try.

The antioxidant content is also believed to lead to better heart health. The antioxidants have been shown to regulate cholesterol levels in research. High cholesterol is proven to be a leading cause in heart disease. This may mean that acai berry will be proven in preventing heart disease and extending life expectancy.

Another important role antioxidants play is in the maintenance of blood circulation. Having strong circulation can lead to increased sexual performance, since blood will be able to get to the sexual organs. It also affects heart health, since the heart works to pump the blood.

Digestive problems have also been improved through use of acai berry products. This is due to the high level of fiber, good for both elderly people and anyone else with digestive problems. Eating fruits and berries is a natural laxative, but by consuming foods with a high fiber content will help the body resume natural bowel function.

Cancer fighting properties are also being researched. This elusive cure may be around the corner, as acai berries have been shown to actually destroy cancer cells. Not only a preventative, this brings the potential for a cure to an exciting new level.

Don't wait to experience these health benefits for yourself! Whatever it is you have ailing you, the side benefits of taking something with such a high antioxidant content will only give you improved health. This secret that has been known by the natives may be available for all of us, and something we should have known all along - nature genuinely is the best healer. - 17274

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The Abs Diet - Starvation Stops Results

By Jose Loni

Actually, there is no ab diet to follow to get ripped abs. If you want abs, choose exercise, not dieting. Dieting is just one component of getting a flat stomach. We should take part in an active lifestyle of monitoring what we eat, exercising regularly and reducing stress in our lives.

A variety of diets exist out there, but the key to a successful diet is still one that does not encourage deprivation, but rather a diet that focuses on intelligent choices and reduced intake. The more you starve yourself, the more your body goes into emergency mode, leading to greater fat storage around the stomach area and less fat used as energy to prepare for the emergency.

Smart food choices include lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, which your body primarily prefers as its main efficient energy source. The calories from these foods are quickly used up allowing your body to now burn excess fat to fuel its needs. Moreover, energy requirements to digest small, frequent meals throughout the day burns more calories and also stabilizes our energy and blood sugar levels resulting in less food cravings.

Training with resistance will help to increase our metabolism. Not only will we sculpt our bodies, but it helps our body to optimize its fat burning capacity. When we train with weights, and in quick interval bursts, we can increase our metabolism to burn fat. In addition, the muscles we develop will need more energy to function, which increases the body's overall metabolism.

With increased metabolism, our muscles need to work harder and as a result it needs to expend more energy. It then takes the excess fat that we have and utilizes that as energy. The body becomes more efficient at burning fat, even up to several hours after an exercise session.

Relaxation techniques to lower stress like yoga, tai chi, and deep breathing exercises have been found to effectively combat and manage stress levels. Less stress means less Cortisol (a hormone that stores fat in our stomach area) released into our bloodstream.

There is no ab diet that will get us ripped abs. Instead of dieting, choosing exercise, watching what we eat, reducing stress from our lives will get quicker longer lasting results, which will give us the six pack abs that we want. - 17274

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Why You Should Drink Coconut Oil

By Borgon Trocepticlon

Coconut is one of those unique foods savored by man since the earliest ages. Even today, coconut is widely used in many recipes to add flavor. Coconut is the most widely used food on many islands even today. Almost one third of the world's population relies on coconuts for food and financial systems.

Before the era of science, coconut was thought to cause obesity because of its high content of fat. But today, astounding research has proven that the fat in the coconut can actually help a person lose weight. Amazing isnt it? The theory behind this fact is that coconut is rich with fats which are not taken in by the bloodstream as is the case with other fats, but instead they are taken to the liver to be broken down and converted into energy.

Coconut is very rich in dietary value. Its importance is significant in its great use in modern medicine. It first enforced its importance in the earlier ages and it has maintained its name up till now. Deadly and contagious viruses like AIDS, influenza, herpes and hepatitis can be battled by the daily use of coconut. Osteoporosis and stomach aches are also kept in considerable check by its regular intake. It enhances the bowel function and improves the digestive system of the body. Organ threatening cancers like breast cancer and colon cancer are also reduced by coconut.

Athletes have also acknowledged the benefits of coconut oil. Its use enhances athletic performance, improves bone structure, improves endurance, provides instant energy and reinforces tissue repair. It also helps in reducing weight by speeding up the metabolism.

Coconut is also healthy for the skin as it prevents creases and wrinkles from forming on the skin. It also eliminates skin spots and keeps the natural chemical of the skin in balance. It keeps the skin healthy and prevents cracks and dryness. Beauty can be enhanced by applying coconut oil as it keeps the complexion fair and smooth and also protects from UV radiation. Skin disorders like eczema and dermatitis can also be helped to a high extent with its application. Hair care is also its area of excellence. It keeps the hair shiny and helps clean dandruff.

Heart patients can find quite a lot of relief by eating coconut because it maintains the blood pressure of the body and keeps the cholesterol level under control. Clogging in the arteries is also reduced and health of the heart promoted through improved blood flow. Diabetes patients can also enjoy its benefits as it regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

For those suffering with dental problems, coconut can give relief as it prevents tooth decay and strengthens the teeth. Coconut oil is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. It improves the immune system of the body. Coconut oil is the most widely used massage oil. Patients who have suffered from a stroke can find relief if the affected parts are massaged with coconut oil.

The pioneering evidence today shows that coconut and coconut oil weigh the scales heavily when it comes to healing advantages. Though coconut has many advantages, its oil is said to take the lead. So set on today to use coconut daily to gain optimum results. - 17274

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Acai Berry: Royalty among Purple Fruits!

By Caitlin Ryan

Do you need more energy? Do you wish you could turn back the clock to more youthful skin and better hair quality? Purple fruits such as blueberries and blackberries have been touted for their health benefits, but acai berries reign supreme over any purple fruit!

It was not long ago that I was feeling tired and sluggish. I was noticing more lines on my face and my hair began thinning and had a high amount of breakage. I could not figure out what was wrong. I ate as well as possible trying to get enough fruits and veggies, but it is not easy to get eight servings a day as the FDA recommends. I even exercise often.

After a visit to the doctor where everything checked out okay, I decided to explore other avenues. I decided that I must need a supplement. After much research, I decided that acai berries were the way to go. They offer antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and essential amino acids.

Many supplements contain these nutrients, but not as much as acai berry supplements. The antioxidant content in acai berries is through the roof and the essential amino acid content is nearly complete which is rare for plants.

In fact, when measured using Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC), the total antioxidant power of Amazonian acai berries is 90,000 while blueberries are 2400. Blueberries have been touted as being a fantastic food source of antioxidants, so imagine how great acai berries are! They simply have more antioxidant capabilities than any other source!

Anthocyanins are the phytochemical (and antioxidant) that give purple fruits their gorgeous color. Found in acai berries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, plums, bilberry and elderberry, anthocyanins have been studied extensively.

One of the most compelling actions of these highly powerful antioxidants is their anti-inflammatory ability, which lab studies have found to prevent a number of health problems.

In instances where animals were given anthocyanin supplementation, excessive inflammation was prevented thus preventing blood vessel damage (as in atherosclerosis), lowering allergic reactions, reversing age-related neurological deficits and reducing capillary malfunction that occurs in diabetes. Anthocyanin has also been found to inhibit human tumor cell growth making them highly promising in preventing cancer.

As far as overall health, antioxidants such as anthocyanins are able to neutralize free radicals, repair damage and aid in cell regeneration. Free radicals and the damage they incur are responsible for the aging process as well as a host of other health problems such as cancer and heart disease.

When I began offering my body acai berries and their vast array of health benefits, I had more energy within the first week and better skin quality and thicker more radiant hair within a month.

Acai berries are not a quick fix for energy such as caffeine. Acai berries will not cover wrinkles or give your hair volume immediately like mousse. What they will do is work to improve your health from the inside out, which will in turn make you more energetic and improve tissue health.

These are just a few of the amazing benefits of acai berries and more are bound to be found. - 17274

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Fast Ways To Lose Weight At Home

By Ron George

You have to wear that old dress or suit to an important function but it is to small, so without hesitation you search for a diet to lose weight fast. While there are many ways to shed weight quickly, losing it too fast can be a shock to your body and thus a danger to your health. Fad diets, diet pills, extreme fasting and other fast weight loss methods may work short term but they can also cause you to lose muscle which is counter productive to a long term weight loss program, and can cause damage to your heart and other internal organs.

Because losing weight is simply expending more calories than you take in, figure out exactly what you take in. Maintain a written record of every morsel, for at least a week. Don't take short cuts that's cheating. Cheating on this only harms you. Then write down the calories in each of these foods and drinks. There are many sources such as http://www.mypyramidtracker.gov that can help with this.

Now that you know the calories you consume, start reducing. This can be as straightforward as cutting down on portion sizes. Serve sizes are generally too generous both at home and in restaurants. There are a lot of other easy cuts that you can make that don't extensively modify what you eat and your lifestyle. These include salad dressing, butter, candies, as well as juice or soda. Salad dressing is the prevalent source of calories on most dinner tables! Getting used to the delicious taste of a salad with a pinch of lemon juice makes a large difference to your diet. Also note that empty calories such as sugars and white breads (carbohydrates) are the earliest things to reduce. These can with no trouble at all be substituted with sugar substitutes and whole grain breads.

What about that side dish? This portion of the meal often holds more calories than the main course. Make a switch to healthy foods, or get rid of the sides completely.

Build up some muscle to increase muscle mass and metabolism using exercise. That leads to burning extra calories even when sitting still. Aerobic exercise is the best for calorie and fat burning. Many experts say to do aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day 3-5 days a week. Hog wash! Find an activity you can sustain for seven days each week, and forever and one that you enjoy..

You have your orders. So get moving! - 17274

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Discover the Secrets Powers of Phosphatide and how it can reduce brain cell loss

By Jamie Reese

There is quite a lot of Phosphatide present in people's brain in the form of chemical or lipid. Around 30% of Phosphatide or phospholipids are present in the brain of a human. Approximately 1/5th of the nerves found in the body of humans are made up of phospholipids or Phosphatide.

In comparison with other lipids, phospholipids in the brain are more active. They aid in alleviating brain fatigue and are also believed to boost memory power while at the same time providing important nutrients to the brain.

One more thing that Phosphatide is responsible for is the assimilation of a very crucial messenger neuron known as acetylcholine. If there is any lessening of acetylcholine levels, then we tend to become less attentive and we cannot remember new things easily. We also tend to forget things as a result of that. If the brain has the ability to maintain and to boost the levels of acetylcholine, then directly due to that, we tend to learn better, remember more accurately and we also have increased attention spans. When the acetylcholine goes up, then it starts working immediately, making us better at focusing on things and remembering things more accurately.

Maintaining the Right Amount of Phosphatide

If you want to make sure that Phosphatide remains in the brain in right amounts, then you should try taking Nan Lecithin Granules. These granules have been derived from pure soybeans and are free from oil and they have not been modified genetically. There is no added taste or color or any sort of additives.

Soybeans have a high Phosphatide content and their flavor is nice so people can eat it without any issues. Nan Granules are easily digestible and they are light so you can eat them along with cornflakes, oats, muesli, fresh salads and other kinds of food.

Lowering Brain Fatigue and Increasing Memory with Phosphatides

One of the most important things that Phosphatides do is to lower the amount of brain fatigue a person experiences and to boost the memory levels remarkably. Phosphatide can be found in nature and it gives a huge rush of energy. When the amount of Phosphatide in the brain goes up, people get better at remembering things and they are able to concentrate better.

If we cannot remember things properly, then brain fatigue will take place. So, it becomes very important to make sure that Phosphatide levels are always at a high in the brain.

If the level of Phosphatide is proper in the brain, it helps to boost memory power, because Phosphatide is found in assured quantities in each and every cell. The vital organs in the body of a human contain high levels of Phosphatide. In all, 20% of Phosphatide is concentrated in the nerves and 30% of Phosphatide is concentrated in the brain.

Phosphatide helps in the fusion of a neurotransmitter acetylcholine, leading to decreased fatigue and stress in the brain and improvement in the functionality of human brain. Neurotransmitters communicate with human body cells with the help of Phosphatide. The main functions of Phosphatide are carried out by phospholipids. It helps in maintaining the acetylcholine levels in ones brain. The phospholipid present in the Phosphatide is called as Lecithin. It is accountable in keeping a check on the stress levels of brain, fatigue and extra work of the brain that cause disruption in the functioning of neurotransmitters.


Hence, phospholipids present in Phosphatide that is there in our brain, aids us in managing the working of the brain. Due to this there is considerably lesser brain fatigue and consequently the brain tends to remember better. As a result, we tend to have better attention spans and focusing abilities. - 17274

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How To Get A Six Pack - Melt Your Whole Body, Not Just Abs

By Jose Loni

The best method to getting a six pack is one that will melt your whole body fat not just abs. We are always seeing ads that claim great results with their ab machines or ab exercises. The most effective way is to train your metabolism by training with resistance and watching your diet - it will melt the fat off your whole body.

Spot reduction is always talked about, advertisements claim their products work and by training the abs directly, you will get ripped abs. But they are misleading you and spot reduction does not work. Defined abdominal muscles require general fat burning and not specific ab exercises. Ab exercises will get your abs stronger, but they won't get them ripped.

Let's keep it simple. To lose body fat, train the whole body by increasing the body's metabolism. Resistance exercises are the best ways to increase metabolism and burn more fat.

This type of training should be done at least 4 times during the week and require high intensity, and lower repetitions. The resistance workout will incorporate multiple body parts and muscle groups to really burn calories.

A great workout can be done with a sequence of exercises done in a row, with a rest period after the last exercise. Then the sequence is repeated 6 times during the exercise session. The exercises can be step-ups, lunges, chin-ups, push-ups and squats. The intensity of the exercises should be done at high intensity for 20 seconds.

The body will work extra not only during the exercise session but also afterwards as well as throughout the day. Because the exercise was very intense, the muscles need to work hard after the exercise bout to repair and help replenish. The body must also look for sources of energy for the muscles to maintain its metabolic activity, which results in greater fat burning to provide energy to the muscles.

Eating healthy is another factor to consider when getting six pack abs. Eat complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. Eat small meals throughout the day to keep energy levels constant and to control caloric intake. Avoid overeating and eating sugary snacks, sodas and fatty fast foods. The high calories from those foods will not allow our body to burn all the food and the excess will be stored as fat.

Spot reduction does not work. To get a six pack, you need to boost your metabolism, have your whole body become the fat burning machine and give you the abs that you long for. Six pack abs can be done in such a short amount of time, why wait, Get Started! - 17274

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