Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, March 21, 2009

How To Stay Motivated For Weight Loss

By Dr. Bill

When I got to New York, it was covered in snow. I had been fantasizing about 50 degree weather, but no such luck.

I like how the neighborhood looks when it's covered in show -- it's really quite lovely. This appreciation for all the loveliness is usually short-lived and I tend to want to leave when the feeling fades. This time was no different, but I have no choice -- I must stay.

One of the problems many people have with weight loss is motivation. People often start with great expectations, and then, when they hit a roadblock, their plan or program comes undone, and they fall back into old habits.

I've found that there are a few tactics that work well for many people.

1. Changing your mental pictures

2. Documenting your measurements.

3. Keeping a journal

4. Coming to terms with the fact that no one, including yourself, is perfect.

Unfortunately, overweight people often think of themselves as failures in some way. So they eat for comfort. The junk food is way of saying to themselves, "I'll be fine as long as I have my ice cream and french fries."

This, of course, is a completely backwards way of thinking, but to the person who is thinking those thoughts, they're true. This way of thinking must change. It's vitally important to start thinking of yourself as a healthy person who is worthy of staying fit. This change in thinking does not come easily, but it is absolutely possible for you to get there -- if you practice. Altering your mental picture has a huge payoff.

You will become what you imagine if you practice.

It's perfectly fine to use a tape measure to get accurate body measurements, but I believe in taking photographs. Take a picture before you begin your program, look at that picture, imagine yourself as how you would really like to look, and then begin.

A journal is such a good way to keep a record of your progress. You can hand-write it, or you can use the computer. Each day, keep a record of what you are eating and how much you are exercising. At the end of each week, take a photo. You will really start seeing results after about 3 or 4 weeks -- your body will look different, better. And you'll hardly believe you eyes after looking at photos from weeks 10 through 12.

Slip-ups happen to everyone who is in the midst of a weight loss routine. Don't beat yourself up about it. The best thing to do is log it into your diary and pay attention to when and how the slip-ups happen -- this will show you where your weak spots are. If you feel guilty, get in an extra workout. Don't let you slip-ups get in the way of your progress -- just take note of them, get back to your routine, and stay positive.

Your body will be very thankful.

It's so important to listen to your body. As you begin to get fit, your body will begin to tell you what types of healthy things it needs. But if you don't listen, your body may give you another message, and this one won't be nice.

In addition to good food and exercise, your body needs certain other elements to function at a higher level. One of these elements is enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil.

You should be taking enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil every day for any number of reasons, including optimal joint function, healthy brain and nervous system function, along with the cardiovascular benefits.

I've been taking pharmaceutical grade fish oil for quite some time, and I can tell you, for instance, that if I miss taking it for a day or two, my joints start talking to me.

(Hi Bill...it's your joints here. We noticed that you did not give us any fish oil for the last few days. Here comes a message for your right knee...yes, I know it hurts...so don't forget next time!)

It's happened more than once, since I travel frequently, but I solved the problem by getting extras that are "travel only" bottles, which never leave my travel bag. - 17274

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Better Living for Men Through Nutritional Supplementations

By James Anderson

Men with a good life-style and no lasting disease had the smallest danger for erectile dysfunction; the largest difference was heard for adult males aged 65-79. E.g., men who worked out at any rate three hours every week had a 30% smaller risk for ED than those who worked out little. Fleshiness, smoking, and excessive TV seeing were also affiliated with having a bigger danger of erectile dysfunction.

Likely the most all important sign of male menopause is the decrease in sex drive. This can much have depressive disorder in a male as well as anxiousness. It may even result to matrimonial problems as male menopause oftentimes happens at the time of mid life and a married woman may become confident that her husband is not caught up in her sexually since he has new woman.

Vitamin A is needed for typical reproduction, and a lack of Vitamin A has been proved to induce atrophy of the testes and ovaries in male and female rats, resulting to sterilisation.). A inadequacy in vitamin A is also believed to result in a decreased yield of sex hormones as well as dry, scaly skin (it is essential for softened and lovely skin. Vitamin B-1 is necessary to energy production and the metamorphosis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, therefore a deficiency of vitamin B-1 can lead to decreased vitality and cut down drive. More symptoms of deficiency include weariness, reduced wakefulness, impairment and heart symptoms like rapid heartbeat.

Maca is other one of the mens vitamins that promises to regenerate vigor. This all typical herb is traded in capsulates and comprises many another various vitamins such as B1, B2, C too as minerals and aminoalkanoic acids. Maca is supposed to modulate the hormonal system and put up an energy promotion for both men and women. Maca comes from Peru where it is oftentimes exchanged for Viagra, which is usable by prescription in the America. Still, unlike Viagra, Maca is all natural and does not have any side effects.

Numerous people do not know that certain blends of botanicals and herbaceous plants have been practiced for centuries to raise manfulness and have a improve bedroom life. Here are 4 standard botanicals and herbs applied to treat numerous male symptoms assorted with making better bedroom life, muscularity and exaggerated blood flow (erectile dysfunction). For the sake of this article, I am simply including the profits of each component. L-Arginine is recognise to gain nitric oxide, a key for nourishing sex routines, with increased blood flow and circulation. Rhodiola is an energizing herb serves step-up general blood flow in all organs, gains libido in men, and has been utilized to process erectile dysfunction. Epimedium is used to increment libido by maximising nitric oxide.

It has been verified that obesity makes Men's heart problems and the Adult Males who are heavy have a higher hazard of suffering a heart failure than those little people. Besides being heavy points to various kinds of other mental and physical problems. One more than usual trouble sustained here is having a premature ejaculation and this can too be processed if a medical physician is consulted for the corresponding. - 17274

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The TBow Exercise

By Carol J Bartram

Many people have asked me what a T-Bow is. My answer is that a T-Bow is a wolf in sheep's clothing; a home exercise device that looks like nothing you've ever seen before. All it appears to be is a piece of strong plastic in the shape of a small humpback bridge. It is bright orange and has a blue mat on the curved side. Believe it or not, this T-Bow is the only piece of home exercise kit that you will ever need! The only extras you will need are some inexpensive elastic exercise bands and perhaps some hand weights, to vary your exercise routine. Not only can the T-Bow be used for cardio-type exercises, improving heart and lung function and aiding in weight loss, it is also perfect for strength exercises which are an essential part of any full-body exercise routine, helping to build lean muscle and burn more calories even when you are not exercising.

The T-Bow can be used in several ways, meaning that it can give you a varied work out and you are less likely to get bored. All you need to do to get started is lift the T-Bow up by the easy-to-carry edge and lay it down on the floor. It does not even need a mat to stand on, carpet is perfect. When the curved side is facing up, the T-Bow will not move when you stand on it, giving you confidence and allowing you to do step workouts. Step is very good for weight loss and fat burning, and you can do step even if you are out of condition, a mature adult, or even quite overweight, as the T-Bow is very strong. Just by stepping you will tone the fronts and backs of your thighs, the harder to get at area inside the thigh and also your calf and butt muscles.

The second way of using the T-Bow is to turn it over, curved side down. Stepping on the T-Bow now and placing your feet on the edges in the foot grips (make sure you turn your knees out) means that the T-bone will rock. Just standing this way challenges your balance and works all your deep stomach and back muscles. Rocking from side to side works your leg muscles in different ways and can be quite challenging when you first start -- after just a few minutes your legs will feel as if you have been running for an hour! This is concentrated exercise and burns calories very quickly. You are never more than a few inches off the floor and can step off safely at any time if you lose your balance. Best of all, it's fun!

Most pieces of home exercise equipment only do one part of a workout, be it cardio or toning. With the T-Bow you can move seamlessly from cardio to strength training just by attaching elastic exercise bands to the sides of the T-Bow; these bands are included with the full T-Bow kit. Using the bands for resistance you can work all your major upper and lower body muscles, toning problem areas like butt, thighs and the backs of your arms. Ladies, do not worry that you will build big, bulky muscles; this is not going to happen! What you will build is toned, lean muscle that burns calories all day, not just when you are exercising.

Once your cardio and toning workout on the T-Bow has been done, you can move seamlessly to floor level and use the amazing T-Bow for Pilates-based exercises. Experts have proved that is doing Pilates regularly shapes and strengthens your body from the inside out, improving your posture and your balance, mobilising stiff joints and strengthening the spine. And I know of no better method than Pilates for flattening the problem area of the lower stomach, that seems to bulge no matter what you do! All workouts should ideally finish with a couple of minutes stretching all the major muscle groups to lengthen and relax them. All your stretches can be done using the T-Bow, and this is a perfect way to end an exercise session. - 17274

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Celebrity Diets - discover one of their favorites

By Errol Gollands

Well known, celebrity weight loss program, The South Beach Diet is frequently linked to other low-carb diets, most of which have received negative reviews in the recent past.

If you want to successfully lose weight by following the South Beach Diet, it is vitally important that you follow the basic rules of the program to ensure maximum weight loss whilst maintaining good health. Furthermore, if you are serious about achieving weight loss success, you must ensure that you consume the correct types and precise quantities of fats and carbohydrates.

Having been shown to lower cholesterol levels, claims have also been made by some people that the diet also reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Following a weight loss program often results in unwelcome food cravings that are a common side effect of many diets. However, the South Beach Diet is said to avoid this problem because if you stick to the meal plan, you simply dont feel hungry.

It takes a high degree of motivation and determination to follow the South Beach Diet plan in order to succeed with weight loss.

Learning to eat healthily whilst on the South Beach Diet and discovering which are the good carbs and fats, will help you to care for your heart as well as losing weight.

The South Beach Diet is not a low-fat, low carb diet like so many of the other high profile diet fads and whilst on the South Beach Diet you will discover that not all carbohydrates and fats are bad for you.

Learning how to eat the right sort of carbohydrates and fats is key to making the South Beach Diet work for you. Eating the right proportion of "good" carbohydrates and fats will take some getting used to but will quickly become second nature.

The initial two weeks of South Beach Diet program is when weight loss of up to13lbs can be expected. After this period, you will find that things slow down but you will continue to steadily lose weight.

It is entirely possible to achieve long-term weight loss, rather than just losing weight in the short term, if you are determined to stick to this healthy eating plan.

South Beach Diet, when correctly followed, is highly effective at ridding your body of excess weight whilst also keeping you healthy and improving your well-being.

Working in stages, like the Atkins diet, the South Beach Diet program is really more like a lifestyle. You will be eating three portioned meals and two snacks whilst on the diet and the very flexible meal plans that come with the program can easily be incorporated into anyone's lifestyle.

You will find it easier to reach your weight loss goal if you first of all write down exactly how much weight you would like to lose. Once youve written it down, place it in good view so it acts as a constant reminder and source of inspiration for sticking to the South Beach diet.

Before starting the South Beach Diet, it might be a good idea to go through your cupboards and clear out any forbidden foods you find lurking as this will help you stick to the diet more easily.

Drinking lots of water serves two purposes whilst on most diets. Firstly, it will help you to feel more full and secondly, it will help to flush any toxins in your body that may be released as a result of following the South Beach diet.

It is important, regardless of whether you are following a diet program, that you make the time to fit exercise into your schedule. Regular exercise, as well as improving your fitness levels, will help to speed up your weight loss.

Maintaining your motivation at all times can be a challenge and, naturally, there will more than likely be times when you slip up whilst on the diet. If this happens, it is not the end of the world and certainly not the end of your new healthy eating program. Simply start again, picking up where you left off and will youll soon have the weight dropping off once again.

Celebrities on the South Beach Diet program are Bill and Hillary Clinton and Bette Midler. - 17274

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Which Personal Trainer is Suited Best for You?

By Jay Bonaretti

So you?ve decided to undertake the services of a fitness professional? Here?s the problem ? selecting the right one. Personal trainers come in all different shapes and sizes, so it makes sense to do your research and make an informed decision on who will be best for you. Let?s analyse various aspects that you should consider when deciding on your ideal trainer.

Firstly, you need to actually LIKE your trainer. This doesn?t mean that you should be best buddies with them (this could be quite counter-productive). But you should be able to have some rapport with the fitness professional in order to keep the communication lines open. Plus if you don?t like him/her, you won?t respect them and therefore you won?t get value from your investment.

Next, ensure that your trainer has the correct qualifications necessary to be your fitness coach. You would be surprised how many people out there have insufficient education and qualifications, yet claim to be a personal trainer! This can be dangerous if you are putting your body in the hands of someone who isn?t entirely sure what he or she is doing.

A considerable amount of experience is also fundamental to the best personal trainers out there. If this person has years of experience under his or her belt, chances are that they will be able to identify real-world problems that aren?t identified within a syllabus.

If you are going to hire someone to achieve a particular goal, it makes sense to check to see if they are capable of achieving that goal themselves. So if you want to improve your fitness, see whether or not they are fit themselves. The body of a personal trainer is like a shop-front. After all, you wouldn?t hire a cleaning company if their retail outlet had stained floors, dusty furniture and an off smell!

Ask others about that trainer. Speak to their other current or past clients and find out if they are happy with the services that this personal trainer provides. Whilst a trainer may seem qualified, educated and fit, they may turn up late, ignore their clients and end all their sessions early.

Once all that has been done, book an appointment with that trainer. Discuss with the trainer what your goals are and ascertain a clear plan to achieve these goals. If you feel comfortable with this plan, then you are well on your way to a better body!

Please go and do something about it NOW. Don?t be left behind and decide to do something next week, or the week after. Don?t make excuses not to find a trainer, but focus on the reasons why you should get a trainer. It is well worth the investment to make such significant positive life changes. Your productivity, health, wellbeing, enjoyment and overall life experience will improve when you move toward what you want to achieve. - 17274

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3 Unique ways, Acetyl-L-Carnitine reduces brain fatigue and increases memory vitality

By Brian Reese

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (also known as ALCAR) is an amino acid, which helps in accelerating your memory retention. In fact, it is a powerful enhancer for your overall health. However, it is well-known for promoting brain health. Brain nutrients are powerful and do an amazing job for better memory retention. The need of brain nutrients intake is necessary, because human beings are largely exposed to external atmosphere and the diets they follow also do not provide them with vital nutrients. Hence, there arises a need of effective brain nutrients such as Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

Another concern of many people, while consuming this brain nutrient is to accelerate memory retention and have healthy brain function. However, if you are serious about your brain, then you must do every possible thing to lessen the dietary and lifestyle changes that may harm your brain. In addition, you need to avoid stress at any cost. Avoid smoking, drinking and drug intake. Try to live a pious life and do things what you really love and wish to do.

What you Should Know about Acetyl-L-Carnitine Acetyl-L-Carnitine is chockfull of healthy nutrients such as vitamins(B), phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine, magnesium and DHA/EPA (fish oils) which make this a very valuable form of brain food. These nutrients bolster the efficacy of Acetyl-L-Carnitine amazingly well.

By preventing your brain cells from harm, it also does its bit to see that remembering powers are not unduly affected. Scientists have concluded after performing various studies on humans that this substance is also very effective in helping those people who are suffering from Alzheimer's. As a matter of fact, Acetyl-L-Carnitine has a marvelous benefit. It happens to be one of the important brain foods that can help in even preventing Alzheimer's.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine functions in numerous ways to make sure that brain cells do not get unduly spoiled because of growing old. How it works to ensure this is that it functions as a strong antioxidant, makes sure that your brain flourishes with healing energy, and concomitantly making Acetylcholine, which is an important molecule which transmits messages, work better. When there are significantly low amounts of acetylcholine in the brain, Alzheimer's patients tend to face problems with remembering things. Acetyl-L-Carnitine boosts acetylcholine quantities, speeding up the remembering process and also lowering the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease.

When you provide your cells with energy, it is a wonderful thing because then they can work at their best and grow better. If there is not enough energy, then they can even perish. It is probably the worst thing that can happen to cells, specially if they belong to your brain because these cells cannot be renewed once they die. This is why it's important to make sure your brain cells are keyed up with valuable nutriments like Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

More Remarkable Points: Considering that Acetyl-L-Carnitine is entirely an organic compound which helps in recalling things better, it is also harmless for the brain and helps it work at its best. Acetyl-L-Carnitine performs four functions which are very valuable for the proper working order of your central nervous system, that is, your brain and your spine:

1. Lets the neurons remain active and fine 2. Works on membrane signal transduction receptors to fix and save them 3. Safeguards neurons from injury that can come about because of nervous tension 4. Boosts the levels of acetylcholine to speed up the remembering process and learning ability

It's obvious by now that if you want to maximize your memory retention powers Acetyl-L-Carnitine should not be ignored. It is easily available at all health care stores, and can be bought as an over the counter supplement. - 17274

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Fish oil benefits

By Daniel Fittman

The benefits of fish oil have largely been debated by scientists of traditional medicine and homeopathy, and while some of the myths about its extraordinary benefits have been dispersed over time, the fact remains that, as a dietary supplement, fish oil is still one of the main sources for Omega-3 essential fatty acids, and is still being prescribed for patients with Omega-3 deficits worldwide.

It is a known fact that great health problems can occur from an unbalanced diet, and the lack of Omega-3 essential fatty acids makes no exception to the case. On the contrary, Rheumatoid Arthritis, breast or prostate cancer, heart disease, strokes, psoriasis and depression can be caused by a low Omega-e factors intake, and can also be prevented or controlled after being administered an Omega-3 dietary supplement, in the form of fish oil (or other Omega-3 supplements on the market).

Research over the past few decades has been conducted in order to attest the validity of fish oil as a source of Omega-3 fatty acids and many of the results show that despite the (relatively reduced) side-effects of using this product, its benefits are undeniable.

The necessity for such supplements appears from the fact that foods specific for the western culture dont have a high content of Omega-3 essential fatty acids (while they abound in Omega-6 essential fatty acids). It is only relatively recently that fish based foods, seaweed foods and shellfish foods (the main sources for Omega-3 fatty acids) have been introduced into wide circulation, and it is still only a small number of people that can afford or are inclined to consume such products. As such, for the rest of the population, the need for supplements to make up for that lack in their diet has become apparent.

Fish oil can bring your cholesterol and triglycerides levels back to normal. It will also keep them there if you keep taking it. It has quite a big positive influence on your heart and coronary system. Fish oil can also prevent illnesses like lupus, kidney malfunctions, Crohns disease, prostate and colon cancer and strokes.

Another disease where fish oil can be helpful is the prevention of the onset of schizophrenia. Especially if fish oil is included in the diet of young patients that have only shown the first signs of schizophrenia it seems that fish oil helps control this disease or even reverse the symptoms. Studies on this matter have not been fully confirmed yet.

Studies have also shown that the lack of Omega-3 acids and the resulting chemical imbalances can trigger depression. In cases like these the use of fish oil as a supplement to the diet can also very much improve patients condition.

Fish oil is a very effective supplement to your diet but it is not some sort of a miracle cure for all your problems. So do not take any action without consulting your doctor about your condition and if taking fish oil can be beneficial to your health or not. - 17274

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How to avoid muscle injuries

By Jon Cardozo

Starting out on any project can be a lot of fun. There's usually excitement, and this is enough to get people going for a while. Unfortunately, this period is more like a honeymoon and doesn't really last long. Building muscle, for example, takes consistency over long-term.

If you're serious about building a huge amount of muscle, you'll need the right information to get started. This information can help you make progress more effectively and more quickly while avoiding injury. If you don't take time to learn some fundamentals in the beginning, you may end up paying for it down the road.

First, be sure to correct any weaknesses before tackling a more difficult program. If you have any lingering injuries, such as sports injuries or repetitive strain injuries, now is the time to correct these before they turn into something more serious. Check with your doctor to obtain a proper diagnosis, but you should also consider working with alternative healthcare professionals such as chiropractors and massage therapists.

This so called alternative therapy is becoming more common and can offer recovery options that simply are not available in a doctor's office. The important point to keep in mind is that these injuries should be should be dealt with before they become a more severe problem. Remember that an injury like tendonitis can hamper your ability to train and delay your progress significantly.

After beginning a muscle building program, many unfortunately don't follow a good recovery program. You have to remember that the actual growth of your muscles does not occur in the gym, so you need to give your muscles enough rest in between workouts. Following this warning can help you progress more quickly as well as avoid injury. So many make the mistake of increasing their workouts when they don't see immediate results.

Their logic is simple: more is better. While this may be a simple concept, it is inherently flawed because it ignores the basic principles of muscle-growth. The goal of a strength training workout in the gym to is to challenge the muscle beyond its previous limits and create small tears in the muscle. The body will adapt to this new stress by rebuilding the muscle in a larger size (hypertrophy). However, the growth of the muscle itself will occur during the recovery phase, not during the actual workout in the gym. Allowing the body to heal before the next workout is critical to long-term success, and many experts only recommend as few as 3 hours of training per week!

If resting is important, then sleep is absolutely crucial. You should understand your muscles are not the only parts of your body that need to recover. Your entire body, including your nervous system and immune system, need to recover from your workouts. Moreover, deep sleep is necessary to build your muscles as effectively as possible. Do not underestimate the importance of sleep. Simply lying around and taking it easy isn't good enough either. You have to devote enough time to sleep each day.

The last bit of advice I would like to give you before you begin your new weightlifting program has to do with listening to others. When you start going to the gym or hanging out in a bodybuilding forum, you'll probably be exposed to many different opinions that contradict each other. It's tough to sort it all out, but you need to look for people who have proven their philosophies and achieved success. Look for a trainer who has proven how to build muscle naturally without steroids and even with no supplements (or a minimum of supplements). - 17274

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Recession Causing US Citizen to Put on Weight

By Alex Strength

Many people are feeling the pinch of the recession. Those that arent are hunkering down expecting the current lull to last a very long time. The fact is that there are just so many things to worry about now that sometimes people forget that their health is still something that they should be wary off. There is no point in worrying about you finances, childrens education etc while neglecting something as basic as your own health.

There was a very interesting article published in a local weight loss magazine that stated that Americans are some of the most obese people in the world. According to them, we have some of the highest rates of heart disease in the industrialized world. This was even before the terrible turn in the economy. The funny thing though was how the belt tightening of the general American population has actually increased our levels of obesity and risk of heart disease. As you might imagine this is rather counter intuitive. Most people would think that if you are tightening your belt and spending less on food that you should actually get a little skinnier and not be exposed to higher risks of heart disease.

When investigating we came upon the answer to this strange phenomenon. It is mainly down to the pricing structure of foods in the US being radically different compared to other less industrialized nations. During the industrializing of the US and in the early post-war era, Americans demanded more meat and didnt have as much demand for vegetables. As a result of the economy of scales, animal proteins and fats are actually cheaper to buy than vegetables and low G.I (glycemic index) carbohydrates. Shoppers looking for deals in supermarkets can very easily purchase off cuts of meat that have been ground up for a mere few cents per pound.

The main problem is that Americans who are trying to save on the costs of food are still going about purchasing their food items at the same places they are used too, namely supermarkets. Supermarkets simply do not provide for people who are looking for quality foods at a bargain basement price. The cheaper meats are normally low in digestible protein and high in fat. The cheap carbohydrate products have some of the highest G.Is and the cheap drinks are almost always filled to the brim with sugar to make them taste better. This is a perfect combination for heart disease and diabetes.

This is made even worst with the abundance of fast food restaurants and diners which offer foods at very cheap prices. Although suitably cheap for those in distress the long term affects of eating foods like these are a very sharp deterioration of health and a much higher incidence of heart disease. In addition to the over abundance of animal fats and proteins in their diet they also suffer from a lack of important fresh green vegetables which can provide very important nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidants.

Although it might be a bit hard to swallow at first, just because you are in a financial bind doesnt mean that you should stinge on your food to the point of eating unhealthily. There are actually ways in which you can get fresh clean foods without having to pay very high prices. Naturally having fresh green vegetables is very important. You should always aim for freshness, leanness and fiber for the best combination diet. The best place to source fresh greens is to visit the farmers market in the early mornings so that you can get the best quality picks at reasonable prices. As for meats, local butchers can offer cuts that arent available in supermarkets and some can even offer them at very reasonable prices.

It is never a good idea to give up year health simply for the savings of a few dollars. The moral of the story is not to accept food that is cheap but of lower quality. If you look around you will be able to find foods that are both cheap and high quality. The only problem is that you must be willing to spend some time to look for the best foods available to you and your family. - 17274

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Food for Thought Keeps The Body Young

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Mediterranean diet provides substantial protection against type 2 diabetes, according to published studies.

Mediterranean meals are rich in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, but have very little meat, dairy, or alcohol.

The current studies are showing that the body has a positive effect in regards to cardiovascular disease when a diet such as the one explained is implemented.

Researchers gathered 13,000 graduates from the University of Navarra in Spain with no history of diabetes and recruited between December 1999 and November 2007; each graduate had their dietary habits and health were subsequently tracked.

To start the study off, the graduates all completed a questionnaire designed by the developers of the project. The questions were summarized at 136 and asked the participants specific questions that related to how they cooked, what types of oils they used, and their dietary supplements.

Researchers were able to gather information from the participant's lifestyle, risk factors, diet, and other medical conditions by administering a series of questionnaires every two years. From this data, scientist were able to pick up cases of the 13,000 that developed diabetes.

During the follow-up period (median 4.4 years) the researchers from the University of Navarra found that participants who stuck closely to the diet had a lower risk of diabetes. A high adherence to the diet was associated with an 83% relative reduction in the risk of developing diabetes.

Interestingly, those participants who stuck strictly to the diet also were thought to have the highest risk factors for diabetes, premature aging, a family history of diabetes, and a higher proportion of ex-smokers.

This assumption proved to be false; If fact, say the authors, they had a lower risk of diabetes, suggesting that the diet might provide substantial protection.

The primary compounds of the diet include a high intake of fiber, vegetable fat, trans fatty acids, and a moderate intake of alcohol.

In addition, a key element of the diet is the abundant use of virgin oil for cooking, frying, spreading on bread, and dressing salads.

The researchers concluded by calling for larger members and trials to confirm their findings. - 17274

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Just before Buying Green Lipped Mussels Extract

By Paul J. Easton

For the reason of the amount of lipids and other important substances obtained naturally in this marine animal, numerous health advocates consider this green mussel extract can be a powerful anti-inflammatory relieve in strictly natural form only. The green lipped mussel extract was originally developed as another healthy alternative synonymous to fish oils. This is because of its rich content in essential fatty acid omega-3. Extract of the seafood also includes iron, betain, and chondroitin sulphate and all of these substances are theorized to deliver an anti-inflammatory or other preventive result on the body.

The Latin name for the green lipped mussel is Perna canaliculus. This marine creature is also called as the Green Lips, Greenback, or Greenshell mussel. These are all trademarks determined by the New Zealand Mussel Industry Council (NZMIC). In addition, Blue Ocean Institute, a United States environmental agency, has named the green lipped mussel one of the top types of eco-friendly seafood. This particularly is for the appreciation of the manner in which it is farmed.

Some companies speedily realized the possible promise for producing and distributing green lipped mussel extract in the health-conscious market. While it could be a gain to numerous inflammation sufferers, not all extract products are what they exact to be. The problem sets in with the commercialization of the extract.

Part of the trouble is that the NZMIC does not have a mandated definition in place which limits the required elements to call a product green lipped mussel extract. Therefore, there are numerous companies out there which opted to sell a nutraceutical bearing below significantomega-3 or other nutrients.

Until there is a move from the authorities to standardize natural green lipped mussel extract products, the buyer should beware. Select the company with good reputation before making your purchase.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis. - 17274

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