Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, August 17, 2009

Watch The Caffeine And Sugar - For Good Health You Need Sleep

By Jose Bautista

Many individuals do not get enough sleep, but what they do not know is that they are risking their health. In order to keep your body healthy you need to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Most people do not get enough sleep and when they are tired during the day they turn to caffeine.

In order to compensate for the lack of sleep the vast majority of individuals will turn to coffee or sugary foods to keep them alert and give them a boost of energy. While these foods may help for a very short time they cannot compete with a good night's sleep and can actually make it more difficult for you to sleep the next night. They also have adverse health effects.

Sugar foods only provide a very short relief to your tiredness. When the sugar wears off you will crash and burn and be worse then you started. Most individuals find themselves to be even sleepier then before and much slower to react. Instead of sugar to keep you alert you should eat foods that combine some protein and carbohydrates. A great example is apple slices with peanut butter.

Coffee is regularly consumed for the caffeine to get you going. However the caffeine in the coffee you drank in the morning will stay in your body for up to 12 hours. The effects of that caffeine can last long after you have finished your coffee. If you have problems sleeping and drink a lot of coffee you should try not drinking coffee. If you feel you still need some caffeine in the morning then try chocolate or soda, as they have smaller amounts of caffeine.

Even those that drink decaffeinated coffee are not safe because this type of coffee still has caffeine in it. The caffeine in decaffeinated coffee is equivalent to drinking a 12 ox coke. Decaffeinated coffee is a good option for individuals that are not sensitive to caffeine.

So in order to stay healthy try and cut out some of the caffeine and work on getting a good night's sleep. Exercise can help if you have trouble falling asleep at night. - 17274

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Eliminate Stomach Fat Today Without Abs Exercises

By Tim Williams

Want to know the answer to What the best ab workout is for losing belly fat?

There is none! There is no single abs workout that can help you lose body fat the best!

Most people who have excess fat believe that the answer to having ripped abs is to do abdominal workouts which they believe is going to burn the fat off their abs.

While in fact, this is the incorrect way of trying to burn the fat off their abs! You dont lose stomach fat through abs exercises.

The problem is that focusing most of your time and effort on abdominal exercises and abs workouts to try to flatten your stomach and bring out 6-pack abs is simply wasting your time from doing the correct workout programs that will actually reduce your body fat for good. These are a few better alternatives to regular abs exercises:If I were to choose an answer as to what the best exercises are for losing belly fat, my answer would include full body exercises such as the following: presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting.

If you were to create a workout schedule, one that produces the best results in the least amount of time, these are the kinds of exercises you would be planning around. These exercises done together in the correct fashion is going to maximize your metabolism which is very important in burning off fat.~

Don't get me wrong... I do recommend a certain amount of exercises that directly target the abs and core, but these are only a small fraction of the programs I design for my clients as your time is better spent focusing on the full body exercises that stimulate the greatest hormonal and metabolic changes within the body. In addition, a side-effect of working out using mostly full body multi-joint combo exercises are that you indirectly work your entire midsection even though you are not specifically targeting the abs.

Keep in mind that the most important factor for losing belly fat to see your abs is actually in the nutrition arena. No matter how hard you workout, if your diet is full of junk, then your abdominals will be covered with ugly fat. Nutrition is without a doubt the "king of getting a six pack".

So let's clear this up for good... Stop spending so much of your time focusing on situps, crunches and, leg raises and all those silly worthless "ab contraptions" in your efforts to try to develop ripped abs. Lose the belly fat in a faster amount of time by focusing on fully body workouts at high intensity. Combine that with a well balanced diet and youll be seeing results in no time! - 17274

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Shed Pounds and Gain Health with Acai Berry

By Patsie Adams

Scams and dubious selling methods should not stop you from trying out Acai Berry health supplements. Acai Berry supplements can definitely help you lose weight as it detoxifies your system and improves circulation.

Brazilian Acai Berry has been proven by laboratory tests to be rich in antioxidants and and other enzymes that slow down aging. So yes, Acai can also make you look younger.

With its popularity and endorsements from Oprah to skin doctor to the stars Dr. Perricone, Acai has become widely available. It comes in different forms: you can get them as whole Acai berries, powders, juices and pills.

Your local health food store is likely to have the Acai Berry supplement for you. You can also have it delivered straight to you through many online sellers. Just make sure you get you Acai Berry supplements from a good source!

Acai Berry for weight loss and anti-aging is no myth. Lab tests have proven that, aside from antioxidants, this wonder food is rich in amino acids, proteins, xanthones, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Acai is also quite high in omega fats. These are good fats! The omega fats will do wonders for your skin. Dermatologist Dr. Perricone explains that Acai berry has anti-inflammatory properties that help fight wrinkles and sagging skin.

Your cardiologist would be happy with Acai's omega fat content as well - omega fats are good for your heart and total cardiovascular health.

Anecdotal evidence from many Acai users show the supplements also boost immunity. After taking Acai regularly for at least one month, they attest to getting less common illnesses like coughs, colds and flu. Another bonus they say is more energy and less fatigue.

If you are trying to lose weight and improve your health, Acai Berry would definitely be a big help. Remember though, when using any dietary supplement, you should include exercise and an overall healthy diet as a standard routine.

If you are on an exercise program, Acai berry helps by increasing your energy. Coupled with healthy eating, the exercise will definitely do you a lot of good.

Acai Berry supplements should generally be affordable. Make sure you get yours from a trustworthy supplier. Some try to sell highly diluted products that won't give you full benefits. Research. Ask around from people you trust who are already taking it. Read labels!

If your are serious about losing weight and improving your health, the Acai berry is one of the best supplements on the market. Research proves that yes, Acai berry is for good for weight loss and has anti-aging properties. - 17274

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Body Building Tips for Life

By Robert Johnson

Body building is a phrase that conjures a thousand pictures in people minds, but what exactly is it? This is done for the purposes of competition or merely to look their best. The result of these intensive training and dietary programs is visible in the form of strong and toned muscles, which creates a very attractive and sexy appeal for those professional and amateur body builders. Bodybuilding is certainly a wonderful sport, but is there a way to ensure that all criteria will be fulfilled using only the best methodology to get into shape? There are basically two steps to an effective body building program, the first is weight training and second through the use of proper nutrition.

Let's start by taking a closer look at the first element, weight lifting. You need physical endurance and strength to undergo a rigorous weight lifting session, which normally includes the use of machines and equipments. Weight lifting is often linked to sporting events, but there are plenty of non-athletes who perform weight lifting routines for aesthetic purposes. There are tremendous benefits of weight lifting for the entire body, plus it is also useful in assisting the body to recover from a serious injury. Due to its miraculous health benefits, it is a good idea to incorporate it into a health and recuperation program.

A good diet and nutrition is essential to ensure that you get the best out of your body building program. Ideally the suggested best ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat would be 2:2:1. Complex carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Select food that is rich in carbohydrates for that fast energy such as brown rice, sweet potato and oatmeal. It is important to consume a lot of fiber in your diet to assist digestion and metabolism during your body building program.

Your body needs ample supply of water to avoid any damage to the existing muscles. Start a healthy habit by drinking plenty of water just before you embark in a vigorous routine at the gym and pamper yourself by indulging in more refreshing water after a tiring session. You can even drink between exercises!

The training instructor can show you how to perform weight lifting and what you need to do to stimulate the proper body parts when performing vigorous routine in the gym. - 17274

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Why Trace Minerals Are Important For Your Body

By Neil Butterfield

Trace minerals are essential to our health and are found in the body in trace amounts just like the name indicates. These minerals are essential for your overall health and are required in minute quantities each day. And even though you need so little they do so much. In fact, you couldnt live a healthy life without these trace minerals.

If you're taking a compound or chelated (pill form) trace mineral supplement you may be getting less than 20% of what it says on the bottle. That's because your body is unable to process pills any more than that. However, liquid trace mineral supplements are water-soluble which means you will get almost 100% of what it says on the bottle. That's because water-soluble supplements are so easily absorbed.

Below are some of the trace minerals and what they do.

Selenium " This mineral protects your body from disease and works to keep you healthy. It will control free radical cell damage and it strengthens your immune system. It also prevents the formation of dangerous blood clots in your body. You can find selenium in fish, grains, and some nuts.

Chromium - if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, hypoglycemia, or looking to prevent these diseases then chromium is the must-have mineral. Sources of chromium are orange juice, whole grains, broccoli and grape juice.

Zinc - is in oysters, whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, dairy products, and nuts. Although most famous for its ability to fight off the common cold, sore throats and other infections, this mineral also helps with healing and infectious diarrhea. Two types of people most at risk for a zinc deficiency are breast-feeding mothers and alcoholics. These two types are at usually at least 50% deficient.

Copper -is found mostly in whole grains, dark chocolate, oysters, leafy green vegetables, cherries, nuts, fruits, and poultry. Copper is crucial for bone growth, processing sugar and nervous system function as well as producing a healthy and flawless skin color and blood health.

Boron -is in prunes, tomatoes, pears, raisins and apples, Boron could also be called the great regulator because of its ability to regulate calcium, magnesium and phosphorus as well as gender specific hormones so they work to their full potential. It even keeps the brain and memory healthy and prevents arthritis.

Sulfur - found mostly in fish, onions, eggs, garlic, and cabbage, controls bacterial infections, helps with sustainable energy, and makes your skin and nails and hair look great.

With enough trace minerals, you can help your body remain healthy and vibrant and young for years to come. So why wait until you start to see symptoms? Take a liquid Ionic trace mineral supplement today. - 17274

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Basics of Knee Arthroscopy

By Dr. Richard Edelson

Arthroscopy is the use of a miniature camera to view the interior of a joint. It is particularly useful when diagnosing and treating damaged or diseased knees. Using an arthroscope, an orthopedic surgeon can get a clear view of the inside of the knee and make a definite decision as to how to treat the condition.

Modern arthroscopes and high resolution cameras make this hi-tech solution a very effective method for diagnosis and treatment of ailing knees.

The Structure of the Knee

The femur, tibia, and patella are the three bones that comprise the knee. The point at which these bones meet is cushioned with articular cartilage. This lets them move with comfort and ease.

The remainder of knee surfaces are coated with synovial membrane. This is a smooth, thin tissue that creates a fluid that lubricates the moving parts of the knee. This lubrication facilitates smooth functioning of the knee.

The knee is a large joint - the largest in the body, in fact. It is in almost constant use in every day activities. The lower end of the thigh bone - the femur - rotates on the upper end of the shin bone - the tibia. The kneecap - patella - slides along a groove on the end of the femur. The knee gets stability from large ligaments that connect the tibia and the femur, and strength from the large muscle of the thigh.

Click here for more on knee arthroscopy .

Knee Difficulties

When knees are healthy, they function smoothly; however, knees take a beating every day. They are used almost constantly as we go about our daily tasks. After a while, the knees become worn by work, sports, injuries, aging, arthritis, and general weakening of the tissues. The result is pain and a general loss of function.

With arthroscopy, a number of conditions can be diagnosed and treated:

When the articular cartilage is softened and/or the surfaces of the joints are damaged, it is called chondromalacia.

Crystalline arthropathy, is characterized by gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and/or inflamed synovial membranes.

The patella or kneecap can become unstable or misaligned.

These problems can be located using arthroscopy.

Meniscal cartilage can become torn.

Loose and fragmented cartilage and bone.

Posterior and anterior damaged cruciate ligaments can be diagnosed.

Using arthroscopy, these problems can be located and assessed. This tool is extremely helpful to orthopedic surgeons. Using arthroscopy, diagnosis becomes more accurate and easier. This, in turn, makes treatment more effective and efficient. - 17274

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Will a Consistent Walking Program Help Me Reduce Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

Once you've decided that you want to begin a walking regimen, you should be congratulated for your decision that will have long time healthful benefits. A consistent walking regimen will help you improve your endurance while improving your cardiovascular system. Losing fat while increasing your muscle mass are generally known results of a walking program, but you probably didn't know that your walking routine can also be a solution to helping your prevent bruising as well?

As we grow older, we do tend to become much more subject to easy bruising. It seems as if at any particular moment, we can look down and see bruises on our arms and wrists and be unable to recall lightly bumping into a kitchen countertop a few days ago. Our collagen level decreases as we age, and some of our blood vessels can become more fragile, with the result of bruising that is particularly spectacular when judged against the bruise's modest origin.

We should keep in mind that easy bruising is not a situation that can't be overcome. If we want to avoid having to think about covering up our bruises or stopping having to see them at all, it is time to evaluate what a specifically designed walking program can do for us. Making the decision to commit to this walking program can improve our health for the balance of our life.

If you establish a proper walking regimen, you can enjoy the benefits of aerobic exercise. You are improving your cardiovascular health as you participate in the aerobic workout you can get from walking, which means that you will be causing your blood vessels to get stronger. Healthier and less fragile blood vessel walls will mean that as they become stronger, they will be much less likely to rupture and cause bruises by some light contact.

Walking will cause you to increase your muscle mass. This muscle growth can help you become more graceful and balanced, which will allow you to exercise more control of your body so that you are less likely to bump into things nearly as much. Even when you do bump into something, toned and healthy mass will help prevent so much trauma from taking place.

Regular exercise should be an important part of anyone's life, but remember that it can also help you with the bruising that you might be encountering. Maybe you are just getting a few small bruises here and there or maybe it feels that every time you turn around there is a new black and blue spot that you need to deal with; a good walking program can help.

Before you start up any new exercise program it is advisable that you should speak to your personal physician. He or she might have recommendations to make about your beginning intensity level and how quickly you should progress. Get good walking shoes, and if at all possible, try to find a good track to walk upon, rather than concrete sidewalks. If you walk just on sidewalks, it can be surprisingly tough on your body, particularly the knees if you're not focused on the hazards.

A dedicated walking program is a terrific way to help start preventing your bruises, but don't overlook a daily, natural supplement program. As an example the uniquely formulated blend of supplements found in Bruises Be Banned has been proved to be effective to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17274

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How Can I Look 10 Years Younger In 10 Days?

By Susan M Adams

To have the chance to look look 10 years younger in 10 days sounds too good to be true. However, according to experts like Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone it is, in fact, true. These experts have both been guests on the Oprah Winfrey show and both claim that it is possible to look 10 years younger in just 10 days. The key to this age defying miracle is in the foods you eat. Add some food they term super foods to your diet and then you are well on your way.

Now the biggest question is, what are superfoods, I haven't seen anything labeled 'super food' at my health food store, do they need to be imported, are they expensive, do they take a week to prepare? Well, you'll be happy to know that the answers are a lot simpler than you think. The super foods that you need to turn to are local, cheap, and easy to find.

Switching to a healthy diet which promotes a younger more youthful looking appearance is what the super food diet is all about. Our society has moved far away from natural, simple foods which contain essential vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, towards a fast food diet fraught with chemical additives and over processing. Include the following foods in your diet to counteract the aging effects waged by a processed diet: 1) seeds and nuts, 2) barley, 3) sprouts, 4) hot peppers, 5) acai berry, 6) beans and legumes, 7) green foods such as wheat grass, 8) yogurt, 9) buck wheat, and 10) foods in the allium family.

"Is that it?" you ask? Well, as simple as the super foods diet seems on the surface, it runs much deeper. The key is that you move towards a diet containing these foods, and they will replace the bad foods in your diet. Another key is that these foods be eaten naturally - ie, roasted honey barbecue nuts with double the salt but aspartame to reduce calories does not count for nuts. Remember, eat the foods for the foods - that is where you will receive the benefit. Cut out the chemicals, the added sugar, the added salt, the fried in saturated and trans fats.

Think about how you can include these foods in your meals. Salads can be much more than just lettuce with a few garnishes for color. Why not try making a salad which is 3/4 vegetables (cucumber, heirloom tomatoes, avocado, red and green peppers, zucchini and Juline carrots) and 1/4 greens. Make your salad with spinach or a greens mix (rather than iceberg lettuce). And then sprinkle nuts or seeds on top. Top with a dressing of olive oil, apple cider vinegar and a bit of Bragg or soy sauce. This salad will be super healthy as well as filling, so you will eat less of the the bad processed foods that you normally fill up on.

Another way to get a good helping of super foods is to eat hummus. Hummus, as you might be aware, is of Middle Eastern origins and is a delicious blend of garlic, garbanzo beans, lemon juice, salt, and Tahini paste. In my opinion, it might just be natures most perfect food combination. Tahini paste is crushed sesame seed butter. Therefore, this mouth watering dip includes beans, seeds, and garlic which means 3x the super food power.

If you are looking for a quick fix to combat natures evil aging plan, the best place to look is your diet. Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone say that you can look 10 years younger in just 10 days. If you make a concerted effort to incorporate the superfoods into your diet, and rid yourself of the bad foods, at the very least you will be improving your health, and will probably lose some weight at the same time. And that will definitely make you look younger! - 17274

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Soothing Acupressure Massage Contain By Massage Chairs

By Mike Manus

Acupressure massage is an ancient healing art. Acupressure uses the application of pressure to the body's acupressure points. Acupressure seeks to regulate the flow of energy throughout the body. It helps to bring the body back into its natural balance. This ancient healing art has been advanced by technology and is now available in the best massage chairs.

Acupressure massage is based on sets of meridian lines that run through the body. These meridian lines have certain junctions called trigger points. The trigger points can enhance or hinder the energy flow in the body. Acupressure utilizes certain methods to stimulate these trigger points to control and regulate the energy flow in the body. There are a number of definitive techniques that help to control the energy flow and to restore balance back to the body.

Many of the best massage chair brands like Panasonic, Omega and Sanyo include a body scan technology to accurately identify an individual persons acupressure points. The software then adjusts the massage for each person. There are over 300 acupressure points that have been identified throughout the body. Acupressure uses these trigger points to manipulate the flow of energy throughout the body and to help to remove blockages.

These massage recliners take a reading of your back as the acupressure massage is activated. The computer in the chair takes in all the information. It will then, processes it and then create a program just for you. The recliner knows how to manipulate the most critical trigger points and knows the precise location of your points. The massage recliner runs a customized massage just like a massage therapist. These acupressure massages are very effective in revitalizing your body and spirit.

To help you relax some massage chairs incorporate other features to compliment the acupressure massage. Most spas have soft meditative music to help the mind to relax and get away from thinking about the stresses of the day. Some massage chairs have MP3 players built in with headphones to help you to relax. You can also find heat therapy, where there are heating elements constructed into the chair. Heat helps to reduce swelling and increase blood flow.

The utilization of acupressure improves lymph flow. The lymph system is the cleaner of last resort. What the blood does not clean is left for the lymph system. Acupressure helps to flush more toxins from the system. You may not know that acupressure also provides these benefits:

Less muscle discomfort; Increases in joint mobility; Improved flexibility; More positive outlook

The ancient Chinese pioneered the use of acupressure massage. They discovered that your trigger points are correlated to greater healing and longevity. These treatments were effective if done on a recurring basis. This is perhaps the greatest challenge of massage is getting it done frequently. Now, with massage chairs, one can have affordable access to these important therapies. Getting recurring massage from an economic perspective is much cheaper with a massage recliner. - 17274

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What Do We Need For Healthy Living?

By Jill Gorman

Healthy living depends on so many factors. You must take care of you physical health, you must take care of your emotional health and you should also take care of your spiritual health.

Of course, physical health is essential to all round healthy living and we must pay sharp attention to how we take care of it. This is partly achieved by maintaining an optimum diet for health. This includes lots of fresh fruit of different varieties and home prepared food that that is predominant in leafy green vegetables and beneficial fats and proteins. Unfortunately, the modern diet is tilted too much toward over processed foods with high sugar, carbohydrate and saturated fat content.

An active lifestyle is a recipe for good health. We know the benefits of exercise in promoting health and well being. The human body was designed to work and with our increasingly sedentary lifestyles the body is denied the opportunity to work and keep itself strong. Today's work is more likely to have you sitting in front of a computer instead of heaving behind a set of oxen and plough. To offset this, it is important to supplement exercise with a daily workout of your preference.

Healthy living is very much tied up with healthy relationships. Humanity are social beings and our natural inclination is to live and work together in groups and societies. Relationships such as family ties, friends, colleagues at work and our relationships with authority such as government and police, form the very bedrock upon which our lives exist. It is important to ensure that our interactions with others are positive. Continued unhealthy relationships lead to stress and general malaise.

Spiritual health is perhaps the most overlooked in healthy living. Human beings have always sought communion with a superior consciousness. We have described it in so many ways but throughout there is a common thread; what we perceive with our physical senses is not all that there is. The nature of the higher source is harmonious and in seeking to be at one with it we must be harmonious too. Without this quest in life there is more room for decadence and criminality to be at work. - 17274

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Use An Abs Program To Maximize Your Abs Workout

By Greg Correll

Any attempt to lose weight can be fruitless if you do not have a proper structure and guide to follow. While you're trying to gain abs, it can be doubly painful when and especially you have no idea how to get there. Weight loss program might get you lean, but no necessary ripped if you're looking to get six pack abs, use a tried and proven six pack abs program instead that will offer you more depth.

Many times people jump into a weight loss program without knowing exactly how to begin and from where to begin. This is where an abs program jumps in,there is a special formula to getting abs and unfortunately not everybody sees it that way and realized that. A proven abs workout guide is able to help you gain confidence as well as the stability needed to carry out massive weight loss and muscle building plans.

When attempting to do anything without a plan or a structure, you are most likely destined to fail and not get what you want. By understanding exercises laid out in an abs program, not only you'll do it right, you'll also reap great benefit from doing so! Pay attention to your stomach, because this is where most people fail. Stubborn fats stored as back up energy plan by your body is not going to go off easily.

Abs program, especially those that are around the market for a while are proven to work. If you think these programs will offer you the exact same thing as those you see in the fitness magazines, then you are dead wrong. Instead of just information, most of these programs are designed in a way that you can not go wrong. Everything have been outlined for you and techniques are just a stone throw away, simplicity is often the best approach to getting abs.

Knowing exactly what you can eat and what you should eat to get that great six pack abs appearance is important because eating alone is half the battle for six pack. Therefore an abs program can effectively guide you to success and save you from going through the trail and error yourself with their effective meal plans.

So what sets an abs program apart from another? The answer is simple, look for customer feed back! The more the better, because that way the assumption of that particular abs program are meant for general and normal population, and this is important. Getting six pack abs doesn't have to be an uphill struggle, as long as you follow closely what's outlined in a program. - 17274

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Summary of Research on Agaricus blazei

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Cultivation of the medicinal mushroom Agaricus blazei began in Japan in 1993, even though the strains used were collected from fields northwest of Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Research on Agaricus extract has largely focused on its anti-cancer properties. Results on uterocervical cancers appear promising. [25]

One study reported that Agaricus extract contained a higher level of beta glucans than any other medicinal mushroom. So while not included in this article, it may be worthwhile to also look into beta glucan related research. [25]

Testing on cancer cells in laboratories (in vitro) have yielded mostly negative results, while testing on live subjects (in vivo) has been very positive. This indicates that the medicinal compounds in Agaricus extract work by stimulating the immune system of the patient rather than directly attacking mutated cancer cells. [135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140]

In 2002, a Japanese study presented results indicating that Agaricus extract stimulates the immune system to perform a two-stage attack against cancer cells. In stage one, eight hours after administering Agaricus extract, the macrophages (white blood cells) excreted "alpha tumor necrosis factor," a well-known cancer killing compound. In stage two, which happened an additional four hours later, another compound was excreted by the same macrophages to finish off cancer cells weakened by the initial attack. [141]

Another specific cancer related effect of Agaricus extract is that it inhibits the enzyme aromatase, which is associated with the development of breast cancer. [142]

Alcohol and water extracts of Agaricus blazei mycelium ("roots") are both rich in potential medicinal compounds. [143, 25]

Some non-cancer related research has also been conducted on Agaricus extract. One study reported significant results against salmonella. [144]

Before ending this article, some words of caution: A test conducted in 2003 showed that Agaricus blazei from China had much higher concentrations of cadmium (a heavy metal) than U.S. cultivated Agaricus. [145]

It should also be pointed out that while research shows great promise for the use of Agaricus extract in the battle against cancer, ironically, Agaricus blazei mushrooms also contain cancer causing compounds known as agaritines. (Agaritines are also found in Button Mushrooms, Portobellos and Crimini Mushrooms.)

A paper by Stijve et al. published in 2003 reported that Paul Stamets' Agaricus blazei extract, produced in Washington state, contained drastically less of the carcinogenic agaritines compared with samples from China or California by a factor of 8000% and 2000% respectively. [145]

"Years ago, Paul Stamets ... developed methods that precluded agaritines, and Stijve et al. (2003) published a comparison of commercial products from the US, China, and Japan. All but [Paul Stamets] products contained significant amounts of agaritine." [145]

Additional therapeutic effects of Agaricus extract as listed by Paul Stamets in his book Mycelium Running may include: Blood sugar; viruses; cholesterol; sarcoma; colorectal cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor. - 17274

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