Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Information Regarding Weight Loss As Well As Bodybuilder In Singapore

By Gareth Parkin

So many standards and expectations are set by the planet of beauty that these days almost everyone desires to seem good. This is precisely why the sweetness business tempted so many individuals with high quality beauty product, technological innovations, skin enhancement, whitening creams and most significantly, weight loss.

Undoubtedly, the best way a person will look smart is by built trim and fit. And moreover, staying slim not only makes you look good but also makes you escape the harmful effects of excessive weight gain. More and more folks are finding radical and controversial means that to cut back weight by pushing the limit of the body and going below the knife.

Health professionals and specialists all opine that unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle are the leading causes for modern day diseases and illnesses. Moreover, 1 of the leading causes of deaths in Singapore and therefore the United States are cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, only recently did health care professionals and government health specialists declare officially that the number 2 killer of Singaporeans are cardiovascular diseases. Hence, it is not stunning that lose weight has become one of the the majority of important activities in the life of Singaporeans. Television programs, public media announcements and advertisements all have stressed on the importance of a healthier lifestyle to ensure a healthy and fitter Singapore.

Thanks to recent efforts from health care officers and health consultants in Singapore, Singapore has now reached an elite group of some countries that is tackling the problem of weight loss from the grassroots level. As an example, tackling the problem of childhood obesity. Thanks to these efforts, Singapore was in a position to effectively bring down the childhood obesity levels through successful campaigns like physical activity programs and college nutrition. Typically even drastic measures were taken like reducing the amount of food available in schools to a counseled limit and strict exercise regimens in schools.

Moreover, Singaporeans do understand that they can't lose weight overnight and hence such programs were initiated to instill in the youth of the country the benefits of sufficient exercise and a correct diet. Moreover, Singaporeans are so careful of what they eat currently, that they create positive they follow a smart balanced diet that has all the mandatory nutrients the body wants to fight diseases and guarantee optimal body function.

Even bodybuilder has jumped onto the bandwagon by stressing on the importance of exercise and rigorous workout routines. Fitness centers and gymnasiums are now springing up in all corners of Singapore as of the government's efforts to enlarge the importance of exercise in the general objective of weight loss. Some people take shortcut routes to attain the proper body and physique, but going beneath the knife and taking powerful diet pills isn't recommended. Singaporeans consider that the most effective manner to lose weight while not incurring and drastic effects on the body is by following a balanced diet and routine exercise. Additionally, thanks to the success of the government's health programs in the grassroots level, everybody expects that the youth of Singapore will be more disease free and healthier. - 17274

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The Reality Regarding The Acai Berry And Fat Loss

By Jorge Carroll

There is an amazing little berry that grows in the rainforest of Brazil that is now known to be a benefit for our health for such concerns as weight loss, cardiovascular health, cancer prevention and more. The acai berry is one of the most dynamic superfoods found on planet Earth.

Because of these astounding health claims it is unavoidable that such a variety of acai berry products would start inundating the market. Regrettably some of these products have used inferior processing methods and therefore many of the exceptional and naturally occurring nutrients have been destroyed. Many of these products may also have too many other additives such as man-made preservatives or other added fruit juices that cause the advantages of the actual acai berry inert and inactive.

When the acai berry is processed using the highest quality standards the result is a remarkable superfood that has life-enhancing nutrients and some of the highest antioxidant capacity found in any food. However, if the acai berries are processed with heat, evaporation or vacuum and pressure methods the resulting product loses much of its original bioactive components and naturally occurring antioxidant power.

Unless you reside in the rainforests of Brazil the acai berry products you are buying have been processed. This is because the acai berry fruit is highly perishable and it only grows in one locality, the rainforests of Brazil. It has only been in recent times and due to advancements in processing methods that this remarkable nutritional fruit has been available throughout the world at all. However, different processing methods can either retain the nutritional value of the fruit or destroy it so it is crucial to be aware if the product you are buying has been processed with the highest quality methods.

Spray drying is a often used way to preserve the acai berry. However, this method is inferior in that it heats the fruit to high temperatures, which destroys many of the important, life-giving nutrients, and then it also uses chemical or unnatural preservatives to preserve the fruit. The remaining product is inferior to the natural fruit and many of the bioactive components are eliminated.

If you want a outstanding acai berry product it is important that you look for acai berry products that are processed using a freeze-drying method. This method is applied almost immediately upon the harvesting of the fruit thereby eliminating any natural spoilage. Freeze-drying allows the berry to retain all of its natural color, consistency and nutrients. The berries can be completely reconstituted to their almost original form later just by adding water. Freeze-drying is the preferable method to process acai berries and acai berry products.

There are many ways to enjoy of the benefits of the acai berry. You can consume whole berries, drink the juice or even use a capsule or pill form. No matter which you choose, if you want to get the complete benefits it is crucial to make sure that the product you use was processed in the highest quality manner.

If you are spending your money on acai berry products it is crucial to be aware of the processing methods used for the individual product. It can mean the difference between amazing health advantages and outcomes or no results at all. - 17274

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3 Raw Vegan Diet Misconceptions

By Alistair Bedingford

There are some common beliefs about a raw vegan diet that are actually myths. In the proceeding article I plan to debunk three of the more common myths in hopes that more people will be encouraged to experience a raw food diet.

Myth #1 - Raw food means always eating cold meals

Many people think that if you are on a raw diet you are eating cold food. Guess what? Food is considered "Raw" until it reaches a temperature of approximately 115F. This is the temperature in which the enzymes found in raw food are killed.

There are different methods of heating raw food. One of the more popular is called a raw food dehydrator. This device not only dehydrates food but also has the capability to heat food such that it stays lower than the 115F level.

Myth #2 - A raw diet means that I can never eat out or at a friend?s place

Some people believe that a raw vegan diet relegates you to the equivalent of being a social hermit. This is simply not true. To get the health benefits of a raw food diet you only need to eat raw at least 75% of the time. You can enjoy a cooked meal with friends then invite them to your place to enjoy delicious and healthy raw food.

The other reason that eating raw does not mean you are stuck eating at home is that raw food cuisine is growing in popularity and new raw restaurants are opening in many cities every day. Most new Whole Foods Markets have a raw section with lots of tasty meals.

Myth #3 - Eating raw is too expensive

The main reason this is a myth is because when you are a raw vegan you are eating veggies and by in large veggies are cheaper than meat.

Another great reason that eating raw doesn't have to break the bank is because raw food fills you up more than cooked food does. It has more fiber in it, which causes you eat less and if you are eating less you are spending less.

A raw food diet means eating with friends, the option of hot meals, and potentially saving money - 17274

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DC Personal Trainer Lets You In On The Best Weight-Loss Dining In DC

By Josef Brandenburg

This may seem all too familiar to you. You have been trying to lose weight but choosing what you eat has been a tough task. Since most often you need to eat out, you have no control over what you should eat, as opposed to the control you have at home when you prepare your own food. This is a very hopeless situation for all those who target at losing weight. But do not worry, there is a way out of this calorie dominated lifestyle.

It is quite difficult, if you have no choice but to eat outside. It is very common to consume at least a small quantity of what is not allowed, in spite of the fact that you will not be able to achieve your weight loss goals. You can however, get great food that does not increase your fat level and is still available at affordable prices according to the most efficient DC personal trainer. Some famous restaurants in DC area that can provide you with fresh and healthy food at sensible prices are discussed below.

Hanami (www.hanamijapanese.com)

Do you like sushi? If so, you're in luck, because Hanami (www.hanamijapanese.com) has a lot of fish you can choose from that is very high quality and very fresh. You can also choose from quite a selection of starch free items if you're looking to restrict starch in your diet. Choose from mouthwatering dishes like the tuna and salmon sashimi or the Dragon Ball, with veggies, crab, roe and sauce, wrapped in thinly sliced avocado.

Outback Steakhouse (www.outback.com)

Outback Steakhouse is famous for its deep fried onion treat also known as "bloomin' onion". This delicacy is the first thing that would strike your mind when you hear of this restaurant. Bloomin onion is certainly to be avoided by all those cautious about their growing waistline. Nevertheless, this land of mouth watering delicacies has some perfect choices, such as the seared ahi tuna appetizer, for those looking for a low-carb meal.

Logan Tavern (www.logantavern.com)

Yes, a DC personal trainer can also be lured into a tavern, specially since their starchy side dishes can be replaced by vegetables and the crab cakes available here are delicious and also a great choice for those on a strict diet. They are across the street from Whole Foods on 14th and P.

The Heights (www.theheightsdc.com)

Although the words "Mustard crusted tuna" may not get your mouth watering, it is delicious and is the best choice for dieters with high nutrition and low calorie requirements. There are several other dieter oriented items on the menu to choose from. But make note of the fact that all dishes come with a side of pasta or potatoes unless otherwise specified. So, make sure you get some veggies instead.

Grillfish (www.grillfishdc.com)

Grillfish is a great choice, because everything on the menu is something you can have, as long as you avoid the starches. That's easy to do -- just ask for vegetable side dish subs for the potatoes, etc., when you need to and stay away from pasta.

One last thing you need to follow even if you are used to to eating outside, is to plan your meals in advance. Ensure that you include certain kinds of food in your menu like fish and steamed vegetables and also avoid items like deserts to help you stay fit. - 17274

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5 Exercises For Great Abs

By Henry Artigon

They've created a ton of products with the express purpose of keeping you from getting the ab results you really want while selling you machines that don't work very well. Who are they? They're the big guys in the fitness business who are very aware of the big money to be made this way. So, wise-up, don't waste your hard earned money and precious time on these contraptions, instead, just do these five exercises and watch the fat melt away while you get the abs you really want.

#1 - The deadlift is an exercise that is a must for any ab development program. This not an exercise for sissys. You have probably seen huge, musclebound powerlifters performing this on the international competitions. Don't worry, you will not look like one of those guys. Special diets are required to acheive those results. The real benefit you will receive from the deadlift is a good workout of your back, legs and especially your abs.

#2 - Of the five exercises, the squat is one that will greatly benefit your leg muscles. Of course we are not really wanting to develop great legs as much as great abs. Well, we're in luck because the squat also produces a large benefit to the abs due to the need to keep the body straight while balancing a weight on your shoulders, that is required when doing the squat. Just keep your abs tense and your chest out and see how much your abs will benefit from the squat.

#3 - We certainly don't want to forget the Sit Up. the classic ab exercise. It is extremely effective when performed at the end of the weights routine. It is considered to be an isolation exercise and these kinds of exercise are best performed at the end of other routines since they stress the muscles that have been exercised already.

#4 - The Military Press This is another weighted exercise, and one that also exercises your chest, shoulders and arms. In order to engage the abdominals, you need to stand upright while performing this lift -- sitting down takes the strain off your abdominals and instead places it on your legs. Simply push your weights from shoulder height to above your head, all the while using your abdominals to keep your body straight and upright.

#5 - The Leg Raise This one requires a small amount of equipment, but nothing that your local gym can't provide. Another great exercise to end your routine with, the leg raise involved hanging from either a chin-up bar or a leg raise frame, and simply raising your legs to your waist, all the while keeping them perfectly straight and pointed. Save this one for the end of your routine -- it'll exhaust your stomach and leave your abs pumped. - 17274

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Looking for HCG at a HCG Weight Loss Clinic?

By Amelia Handley

Looking for HCG injections? Or are you really just looking for the weight loss results. No one blames you if that's the case. 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per day is absolutely amazing. And it's unbeatable in the industry. And considering the amount of products and supplements and diets and procedures flooding the weight loss industry that's really saying something.

So if you're looking for the results offered by what many refer to as HCG...where should you look? HCG Weight loss clinics? Many are looking at the HCG weight loss clinics. In fact...they're nearly as flooded as the weight loss industry is flooded with products. If you're going to look for weight loss at one of the HCG weight loss clinics make sure you head to a reputable clinic. Check pricing and make sure that they are competitive. If they are too high you're wasting your money. If they're too low...you might not be getting the full story.

Once you've determined which clinic is appropriate; make an appointment. I'd suggest that you be ready for a waiting period or even a waiting list. HCG weight loss clinics are busy right now. The drastically increased interest occurred basically overnight and they are having a hard time keeping up with the demand.

After you've endured the waiting period and it's time for your consultation be prepared to make future visits. HCG weight loss clinics require frequent visits...and by frequent you can assume that I mean daily in most cases. The HCG injections have to be administered on a daily basis in combination with the low calorie diet. So be aware that you'll be paying for subsequent office visits in addition to the HCG.

Now that you're headed to the office for your visit...I'd suggest taking a book. A large number of HCG weight loss clinics can be identified by their crowded waiting rooms. The recent popularity of this particular form of weight loss has inspired many HCG weight loss clinics to take advantage of the demand while it's available. That often results in overbooking and long wait times for those with appointments amongst many others in the same boat.

So if you have now decided that you aren't necessarily looking for injections, but just the results they offer (1 to 2 pounds of weight loss a day on average) then there's something else you should consider. HCG Diet Direct's homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. It offers the same product at a much lower price without the need for injections. Instead of injections you are taking the product orally (through palatable drops). The drops offer the exact same weight loss averages as the injections with far less hassle (they're available for sale online with immediate delivery) and the same astonishing weight loss results. - 17274

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Washington, DC Personal Trainer Reveals The Secret To Why You Don't Like Exercise

By Will Branden

Have you ever speculated why people tend to avoid exercising in comparison to slimmer individuals? Josef Brandenburg is more than a Washington DC personal trainer, he also researches and observes the mentality and reasons why people dislike exercising. He is not concerned about this alone. However, some of the theories that he and others have come up with are capable of bringing a change in the way you look at your own fitness program and the reasons why you may dislike such programs.

Is it Laziness?

One philosophy that runs through everyone's mind when they come across someone who rarely exercises but consumes more is that they are just plain lazy. Washington DC personal trainer Josef Brandenburg has confessed in his writings that at an earlier stage even he had similar perceptions.

However, research from this important Washington, DC personal trainer has indicated that it may not be laziness that is driving the problem. In other words, people who exercise less regularly than their healthy counterparts may not be lazy at all - they may lack durability!

What does Durability mean?

Without getting too complicated, durability of the body is a concept of an indication of how well someone moves. This is something that can be measured through a tool called the Functional Movement Screen. Washington, DC personal trainer Josef Brandenburg uses this with all of his clients undergoing his personal fitness program, and this tool gives a score ranging from 0 to 21 (21 being best) that is a measure of how well a person's body moves. This score essentially means that an individual may move well or may not move well, and as previously mentioned is a measure of durability.

Through his own research in using this durability measuring tool, Washington, DC personal trainer Josef Brandenburg has published that he has found that durability affects an individual's exercise mentality. In other words, the lower the score on the Durability measure, the more that that individual thinks that they don't like exercise. Conversely, a person who is more active and likes to regularly exercise usually has a higher Durability score.

The same concept works for understanding body fat composition as well, according to your personal trainer from Washington DC. If you have higher scores on the Functional Movement Screen, you are likely to have low body fat composition when compared to those with lower scores.

What can be done?

Washington DC personal trainer Josef Brandenburg believes that fighting against your body's durability by undergoing the agony they experience while exercising, is the most horrible thing anyone can do. Our body generally protects itself from any damage and the pain is just your body's way of telling you to stop. Consulting a Functional Movement Screen specialist is the first thing you need to do if you feel you are facing a similar problem.

To conclude, your negative mentality towards exercise is not because of being lazy but has something to do with your durability. Your Washington DC weight loss expert along with others have come up with the idea that durability is just your body's self protecting function with a view to avoid pain which may otherwise lead to a mentality to avoid exercising. Working with a Washington DC personal trainer or any other expert who is knowledgeable about body durability and other specific techniques required will be your best option, if you face a similar situation. - 17274

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Tone Abs Are The Secret To Good Health

By Jace P. Andersen

Everyone nowadays is obsessed with tone abs. They look great on a slim or muscular body. They are what we used to determine if someone is in good shape. But tone abs are much more that aesthetics. Besides looking good, they represent a healthy body.

The abdominal muscles are a very important muscle group in the body. They are our midsection that protects our internal organs. Whereas our heart and lungs have a ribcage to protect it, our intestines rely on our abs. These muscles must stay strong as they are a main defense for our body. They hold our body together. Making sure your abs are tone is a great way to stay in shape overall.

The abdominal muscles are extremely important to our posture. They help us stand up straight. When are abs are not strong we tend to slouch. We then rely on other muscles to hold our body upright. These other muscles (such as our lower back) were not meant to do our abs job.

A good abdominal workout can often help with lower back pain. Because weak abs tend to get help from other muscles, making them stronger prevents that. When abs are stronger they no longer depend on other muscles. Building stronger abdominal muscles and using them instead of the back muscles can prevent lower back pain.

Because the abdominal muscles and back muscles are so close, correct abdominal exercises are important. When engaged the abdominal muscles can get help from other muscles. This is especially true if they are weak. This can cause the other helper muscles to become injured. When doing an abdominal exercise make sure the abdominal muscles are actually engaged.

Balance is often overlooked in abdominal exercises but it should not be. Balance has been important to professional athletes for many years. Good balance prevents injury and encourages increased performance. Balance also helps the body to work as a whole - meaning each muscle does its job. When there is poor balance, muscles compensate and often cause injury. One of the abdominal muscles main job is to ensure good balance.

Not only does balance keep the body's muscles running smoothly, it also prevents everyday injury. Poor balance causes falls and other injuries. Without good balance it is difficult to stand on one leg or even walk. The abdominal muscles are extremely necessary for standing on one leg.

When looking for a good abdominal workout, sometimes you should consider balance exercises. Taking time to do these types of exercises to strengthen balance will benefit your abs. Yoga is a great example of a balance exercise program. Even doing exercises with a balance ball is a good idea. Although these exercises say they improve balance, they do so by toning the abs.

The abdominal muscles may be the most important muscle group to keep tone. They help with posture. They are the reason we can stand up straight. Tone abs help maintain our balance and have been the secret of gymnasts. They prevent injury to out vital organs. Perhaps most importantly, tone abs just look good! - 17274

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7 Reasons NOT To Run Put Forward by Washington, DC Personal Fitness Trainer

By Josef Brandenburg

Many trainers may confirm that running is great. But, Washington DC personal fitness trainer gives you an altogether different version. There are many reasons that justify why running should not be on top of your exercising list. These seven reasons confirm this fact.

#1: Runners seldom look good.

The main reason why most of us try to lose weight is to look good. But, have you ever observed that runners look terrible. Some of them may look heavy while others look worn out. You may still look better if you attempt to run over shorter distances. The reason being, short distance runners are lean with tight abdominal muscles. Any good Washington DC personal trainer would reiterate this fact to you.

#2: Running has negative effects on your hormones.

The hormones created during the running process can actually destroy muscles, make you feel sick and boosts the amount of fat storage you have. In other words, if you are hoping to lose weight, you do not want to run. You will be working against hormones.

#3: The process of running eats your muscles and reduces metabolism.

To some extent, your body's metabolic rate is determined by the amount of muscle mass you posses. Having more muscle mass can help you burn fat faster while with less muscle consumes few calories; thereby you tend to put on more weight. Fast twitch is one of the two kinds of muscles present in the body that helps you run faster and also aids in building up a great body with faster metabolic rate. Endurance training on the other hand promotes slow twitch muscles that do not enhance your metabolic rate.

#4: Running worsens your athletic ability for other sports.

Endurance training lets you run at a slow pace for a longer duration. Generally in most sports, the aim is to go from one place to another faster than your opponent. These sports with small bursts of activity are known as interval workouts. Endurance training does not build up your fast twitch muscles, which results into you being a poor athlete beyond long distance running.

#5: Running is painful, a Washington DC personal fitness trainer knows.

Any person who is obese would cause damage to their joints by running long distance. Short distance runs, similar to sprints are not at all harmful for your knees. In fact, you will end up damaging your knees if you run for longer period of time. For weight loss any distance beyond a 30 seconds sprint is considered to be too long.

#6: Running is not appropriate for weight loss.

Ask a Washington, DC personal fitness trainer the real value of running: nothing, at least not for weight loss. Aerobic exercise, like this type of running is the worst thing you can do to lose weight.

#7: Running is boring.

One last question you can ask your Washington DC personal fitness trainer is: If they ever had fun while running. Running is usually monotonous and you will probably end up not seeing it through. - 17274

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Do Organic Coffee Beans Taste Better?

By Bart Forcey

Saving the earth and its limited resources starts in your own home with the choices you make. We consume millions of gallons of coffee and tea everyday around the world. Why not start the greener living campaign by changing your coffee or tea to organic coffee beans or tea leaves?

Organic coffee beans derive from coffee trees grown under an awning of taller growing trees and plants, usually banana trees. These natural tree awnings are the perfect shield allowing just enough sunlight and rain to seep through. 50% shade is ideal for the slow growing conditions sought. The falling plant leaves serve as a natural compost and mulch layer at the bottom of the coffee plants to retain moisture and top quality soil profile. No synthetic pesticides may be used on organically certified products.

The popularity of the coffee bean is astonishing as it is ranked second in terms of world trade with oil at the number one spot. These small green seeds have a retail market of an estimated Seventy Billion US Dollars. In the past, pricing of beans where haunted by significant drops and rises caused by super sensitivity to volatile conditions in the market. The impact of world recessions on bean prices have been eliminated by the fixing of minimum prices.

When ready for harvesting, seeds are carefully picked from the coffee trees as a tree produces a mere 2.20 pounds of coffee beans per year. The beans are soaked in water until no pulp is present around the seeds. The seeds are then dried in the sun and weighed. After the weighing, the seeds are prepared for their long journey across the world to various coffee drinking countries. The seeds are sacked and re-weighed where it's then stored in special organic produce store rooms and safe guarded until auction and final shipment is done.

A small consumer disadvantage to organically produced products is the possibility of inaccessibility. Organic foods are sometimes more expensive than conventional foods due to costs related to labor intensity, high start-up costs, land and accreditation requirements, and low yields.

Communities gain major economic advantages from organic coffee bean farming projects as they are introduced to the international marketplace. The farmers individually also enjoy recognition for their hard labor and efforts in their attempt to supply top quality produce while complying with strenuous international quality control guidelines laid down by independent organic organizations, Fair Trade and KNCU.

Farmers of organic coffee beans and their nations make a commitment to changing their lives for the better by taking positive actions in countries often labeled as third world. By participating in farming of organic coffee beans, these farmers are helping to build up their communities, establish better health care and education opportunities as well as creating brighter economic futures. - 17274

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General Rules of Submission Wrestling During Matches

By Wayne Truter

Submission wrestling is not that different from other martial arts like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo or Sambo. This is because you get to use the same techniques when you fight an opponent using non-lethal force to make them submit.

The best way to do that is to learn one of the martial arts which form the basis of submission wrestling. A few examples of these include Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Catch Freestyle Wrestling, Judo and Sambo. There are many schools these days so you won't have a hard time finding one.

Most people who get into submission wrestling do it for one of three things. This is to stay fit, know how to defend oneself or compete. In fact a lot of people decide to enter a tournament not only within the submission wrestling organization but also mixed martial arts competitions like the UFC.

Submission wrestling is an amateur sport that is governed by the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles or FILA. Although this is not yet considered an Olympic event, its other disciplines namely Greco-Roman and Freestyle are. In the US, the biggest organization is the North American Grappling Association or NAGA.

Keep in mind that people get hurt in submission wrestling even if it just a sparring session. One way to prevent that is to get yourself used to the idea of falling down or being held in a certain position. Although giving up is hard to accept, you must do this rather dislocating your joints.

In time, you will be able to improve your skills as a submission wrestler. You win some and you lose some. If you win, take it humbly and if you lose, treat it as a learning experience because even the best fighters have to face setbacks in order for them to become better.

One other thing you have to do to become a good submission wrestler is to stay in shape. This means exercising regularly, getting enough rest and eating properly. There are different weight categories in this sport and if you gained or lost a few pounds, you will be finding in another division which you may not yet be accustomed to.

To close the gap, you have to protect your face and move to a certain position that will stop those punches or kicks from happening. For that, you can use your lock, hold or pin techniques and then wait for that person to submit.

Your only weapon in submission wrestling is your body and how you maintain it will determine how well you will perform in the ring. This is why you have to watch your diet, exercise regularly and get proper rest.

Submission wrestling matches are divided into different age groups and weights, each person must be weighed in before the start of the match. At the same time, competitors will be checked for any communicable diseases.

Do you think you can take submission wrestling and win in a mixed martial arts competition? The only one who can answer that is you.

Other people have done so and if you want your name to be among the champions, you have to work hard. - 17274

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The Truth About Noni Juice Benefits

By Nathan Marks

The supplement industry likes to constantly move from miracle food to miracle food. You've probably read things about mangosteen, acai berries, hoodia, goji berries, and thelmak root, each claiming to be the biggest and best thing for health since we learned to walk upright.

As you may know, Noni juice benefits are what everyone's talking about lately. It is in fact a healthy product, as are all of the other ones listed above. However, you're probably weary of all the hype which every new nutritional supplement receives; so what are the facts here?

In case you haven't read much about it yet, Noni (aka Great Morinad) is a tree which grows in many areas of south-eastern Asia and on many islands in the South Pacific. This is a very prolific tree, blooming and producing fruit all year. Noni fruit has a very strong odor while ripening, something which has led to its gaining the nickname "the cheese fruit". The pulp of the Noni fruit is used in some Indonesian dishes as well as in other Asian and Micronesian cuisines. Noni juice benefits make up part of the traditional medicine of the South Pacific.

Noni juice is a fruit juice. It's high in vitamin C and it has a number of compounds that are very high in antioxidants and phytochemicals, roughly comparable in dosage to an ounce of grape skins. Also, a glass of Noni juice has slightly less calories than a glass of orange juice. So, each glass of Noni juice benefits you with vitamin C as well as important antioxidants but with fewer calories than either orange juice or the equivalent amount of whole grapes.

Basically, Noni juice benefits surpass those of many other fruit juices but not because it somehow contains more vital nutrients than other juices. Instead, the real advantage is that in Noni juice you receive all these nutrients together in one quick dose which contains fewer calories than other means of getting these benefits.

What you're really interested in though is exactly what the health benefits of Noni juice are:

The vitamin C contained in Noni juice makes this a healthy choice which benefits many different parts of the body. Vitamin C helps to maintain liver health and can boost your immune function. Linus Pauling claims that large doses of vitamin C can prevent many common viral infections such as influenza and the common cold.

Noni juice's antioxidant content has been studied; in animals, it has been proven to improve cardiovascular function. The antioxidant compounds found in Noni juice are also believed to assist the body in carrying out its own natural detoxification processes and to prevent the damage caused by free radicals.

The antioxidants and fructose content of Noni juice helps you to wake up calm and with a clear mind like many of the energy drinks now available can. Fructose is a natural form of sugar which occurs in fruit in the form of sugar most readily absorbed by the human body and the antioxidants contained in Noni juice help you absorb it that much quicker. Like many other fruit juices, Noni juice seems to elevate mood by stimulating the release of serotonin in the brain.

These Noni juice benefits make the juice something worth incorporating into your diet. However, drinking Noni juice doesn't mean that you'll never get sick again nor is this fruit juice the fountain of youth in a bottle. It's just a healthy juice which provides some nutritional benefits; which should be enough reason to make this healthy tropical fruit a part of your diet. - 17274

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