Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Stay On Track With The Right Muscle Building Diet

By Robert Harvard

When most people start bodybuilding, they typically focus on the exercises necessary to build muscle and reduce bodyfat. However, the bodybuilding diet is the most important aspect of the entire process. Without a proper diet, those muscles you've worked so hard to build will be covered over with a layer of fat, which goes against everything a bodybuilder tries to do.

A bodybuilding diet isn't difficult to keep up, it just takes a little discipline and know how. With a few tips and a lot of self control, you could be well on your way to the physique you've only dreamed about.

Split Up Your Meals

As we grow up, our parents usually taught us to eat three meals a day. Those meals were to contain the four food groups and they were generally large enough to keep us satiated until the next meal came around. However, the more you eat in one setting, the more your body has to work to digest it. Health experts now tell us to split up our meals into four to six smaller meals, eaten throughout the day. This, too, is what the bodybuilding diet entails. By splitting up your meals into four to six smaller, more manageable, meals each day, our metabolisms speed up, enabling us to burn more fat than ever before.

Stay Away From Processed Food

When you begin your bodybuilding diet, you want to refrain from anything that uses processed flour. Experienced bodybuilders will tell you to stay to the outside perimeter of the supermarket, where the dairy, meat, fruit, veggies and bread are located. They will tell you to stay away from the inside aisles of the supermarket, where all the chips, and other processed foods are located. The simplest way to keep to your bodybuilding diet is to tell yourself to keep it natural. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and stay away from anything laden with sugar; as this will turn into fat in the long run.

Water, Water, Water

It can't be said enough. When beginning any bodybuilding diet, you can't refrain from drinking lots of water. Water flushes the fat and toxins from our body and also helps us in fighting disease and illness. After all, we are seventy percent water so we need to drink plenty of water if we hope to stay healthy. A good rule is to drink a glass of water before each meal, during each meal and once between meals. This will keep you plenty hydrated and that's important, especially when it comes to your bodybuilding diet.

If you stick to the above tips and work hard, you could become a bodybuilder in no time. Remember, being a bodybuilder doesn't just mean having big muscles, it also means having low body fat. While working out will give you the muscles you want, it's the bodybuilding diet that will strip you of that fat so that those muscles, and all your hard work, will finally be revealed. - 17274

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Finding Body Building Gyms And Fitness Centers

By John Vopel

Everyone has at one time or another thought of going to a gym or fitness center. Most who think about joining get intimidated by all of the people who know what they are doing. Most people are afraid about walking in to a place looking and feeling out of shape. People tell themselves that they will join after they lose some weight.

People can make all kinds of excuses for not going to a gym, but that's exactly what they are, excuses. Depending on the lifestyle that a person has will determine the type of place they should join. Bodybuilding gyms and fitness centers can be local or global. If a person is ready to take care of themselves they should first set an easy goal to attain and then look at their job and the demands it puts on a person.

If a person travels a lot for business, they need to find a national chain that is located in many of the cities where they will travel. This allows the person to regularly go to the body building gyms and fitness centers. On the other hand, if ones job keeps them in the same place everyday it might make more sense to join a local bodybuilding gym and fitness center.

There are also some differences between using a gym and a fitness center. The fitness center will probably have many machine stations and aerobic workouts while a gym is more likely to have a larger assortment of free weights for their customers.

Choosing The Right Bodybuilding Gyms And Fitness Centers

How does someone know what place to join that would be best for them? Each person must decide for themselves what's best for them. One choice is as good as any other except for different prices and the staff employed to help people. Sometimes, the local fitness center might have low prices but might not have the best workers. Some others might be a national chain with higher prices but excellent customer service.

Bodybuilding gyms and fitness centers are in business to allow people to get and stay in better shape. They are also not non profit so they have to make money to stay in business. Consider this when trying to choose one to join.

Bodybuilding gyms and fitness centers can help people to feel better and also to become healthier. Whatever type a person decides to join, remember that the whole reason for joining is to feel better and stay healthier. With the right attitude any one can truly succeed in being healthier than ever. - 17274

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Yeast Free Diet - Is it Okay to Eat Rice?

By Matt Bournston

Have you recently started on a yeast-free diet? Or maybe you are thinking about going on a yeast-free diet. Whichever applies to you, you may be wondering whether or not you can eat rice, as there is conflicting information about whether or not rice is okay. So, what's the deal here? Is it okay to eat rice on a yeast-free diet not?

The answer is: yes, rice is absolutely fine. However, it's not necessarily as simple as that, because it does depend on how it is cooked and ingested. Sometimes other foods that you have eaten (particularly sugary or starchy foods) can create an environment enabling yeast to survive at an abnormal level.

To reduce the starch content of rice, potatoes, etc., before cooking leave them to sit in cold water for a minimum of an hour, and then rinse them thoroughly with cold water. After cooking, rinse with HOT water.

Also, make sure you avoid bread, fruit juices, and indeed any food that has a high amount of sugar in it. Also avoid drinking fermented alcoholic drinks such as beer.

Sugar really is the main thing you need to stay away from apart from yeast itself. Why? Well, sugar feeds the yeast, causing it to grow to an unhealthy level. For snack alternatives try rice crackers, corn crackers, or (if you're not intolerant to oats) oat crackers. These foods do not contain yeast or sugar, and are a healthy way to keep hunger at bay.

Whilst on a yeast-free diet, it can also be helpful to take certain supplements; for example grapefruit seed extract and oregano oil. Oregano oil is known to destroy yeast.

However, if you're not sure about any of the things mentioned in this article, then I recommend you see a qualified nutritionist who will be able to guide you through the whole process. - 17274

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There is More To The Low Fat Vegan Diet Than You Know

By Alexis Martin

There are so many diets out there that one of the questions could be how does one remember all of them? There is one that has become quite popular among many. They are called healthy vegan diets . Just what is it? What does it entail? Want to know all there is? Then here is something that can help you learn all about this diet.

This diet was created in 1944 when two people heard about how those who were vegetarian were not going to consume dairy products. They liked this idea and held strong to the belief. Support for this diet began growing, although it did not hit the United States until approximately 1948, where support in the US grew.

While in 1944, this vegan vegetarian diet was very popular; it was not popular in the United States right away. It has been said that trends take time to reach the Untied States when they are started elsewhere. That is why in 1948 a society was created for those in this country who wished to pursue the vegan lifestyle.

The idea for it is actually a Buddhist ritual. It is said to keep the body pure. If you read about the beliefs of the Buddhist culture, then you should see why they seek to use this as a part of their life. So, just what is a vegan diet?

The vegan diet is quite a bit different than the vegetarian diet. Vegans do not eat the meat of any animal, nor do they consume dairy. They do, however, take it further than those who are vegetarians. While you might think there is not that much of a difference, speaking with those who follow both paths will bring forth information as to the similarities and differences.

There has been much debate as if this lifestyle is a good lifestyle to lead. While you do not get the fat of animals that many in the United States are used to having, this in fact could harm the body. Scientists have said that the fat of animals gives us the protein that the body needs. Many, however, abuse this and eat too much.

People of all ages and races have enjoyed the benefits of practicing a vegan lifestyle. Teenagers who are looking for their own identities and questioning accepted practices have really picked this up. So have animal rights activists who say this is a major way to demonstrate.

While people continue to debate the pros and cons of this lifestyle choice, there are some who are embracing this and restaurants and the food industry in general are responding. The menus of many food establishments have been incorporating vegetarian and vegan choices, as have many colleges. - 17274

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Add These Top Ten Ingredients For Good Health

By Susanne Marra

Physical fitness and good eating go hand and hand, but no one food is going to have magical effects on your health by itself. Eating a variety of foods from these food groups is the best route. To avoid overeating you should pay attention to the portion size. If you create a relaxing environment for your meals these healthy foods will along with healthy emotions will contribute to a healthy body for you. Add these to your diet to improve your health.

Berries - Perhaps you have a favorite berry or, you may love them all,either way you can't go wrong grabbing some berries as a snack. Try a smoothie made from mixed berries as a luscious dessert. Most berries have a high vitamin C content and some have other beneficial nutrients as well. Great for the circulatory system are blueberries which are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidant. Less known Gogi berries are loaded with nutrients that will keep your body fit.

Citrus - You hear citrus and you know you are getting vitamin C. Fully ripened fruits are always the best choice nutritionally. It is also best to get fruit as close to the tree as you can. Picking ripened fruits from the tree at their peak is also best and they should be eaten right away to get the most nutrition out of them. A very good breakfast choice is a grapefruit. As a quick dressing try adding a splash of lime juice to your salad. An alternative dessert could be some orange slices sprinkled with coconut and drizzled with honey.

Vegetables - Vegetable is a group with so many choices. Choosing vegetable for a nutritionally sound diet is a way of life for vegans and vegetarians. You can get many of the minerals need by the body from the vegetable group. Some people do not realize that the body needs potassium for good health. Some people believe that one bananas the only place to get your potassium requirement. here is something you may not know, eating a stalk of broccoli can give you the potassium you need also.Another good choice can be pasta mixed with pine nuts and green leafy vegetables. Spruce this up with feta cheese and a light vinaigrette dressing for an interesting lunch.

Whole Grains - For this group you will want to add a variety of grains for them to be sound nutritionally. You can often get a whole protein source by adding two or more grains together. An example of this is some wheat kernels mixed with brown rice and seasonings which is popular in many other countries.

Salmon - One of the leanest fish and best nutritionally is Salmon. Rich in Omega-3 oils which are believed to improve the functioning of the brain. Baked whole salmon using just fresh lemon or lime as a seasoning is great for a min dish or a or as a featured lunch item. You can also mix salmon cold with other fish as a chilled seafood dish.

Legumes - A legume is the name for a variety of fruits with a single dry seed. Legumes are sometimes called pods. Examples of edible legumes are soybeans, peas, dried beans and peanuts, among others. Legumes are rich in iron and high in fiber, making them excellent nutritional choices. Peanuts are a type of legume that have been used to make hundreds of different products some edible and others with various types of helpful uses.

Nuts and seeds - These tiny little packages really pack a punch! We all pretty much know the benefits of pecans and walnuts, but you may not have realized how good flax seed is for your brain function. Flax Seeds contain essential omega-3 oils from a non meat source which many people want.

Lean proteins - The keyword here is lean. Americans eat far too much protein compared to the rest of the world. Cut down of portion sizes--three ounces will provide all the needed protein needed for your day. Also, trim all visible fat from your protein source. Alternatively, use non meat substitutes such as the complete proteins found in vegetable dishes like beans and brown rice.

Tea - According to the type of tea you choose, you may get an energy boost if you should choose green tea or guarana, or feel more relaxed from say chamomile. Mint tea will get you going in the morning as well as a nice cup of earl grey. Herbal teas are tasty, good for you and have the ability to sooth you. When you need to function choosing non herbal teas can keep you alert.

Olive oil - Most people are aware of the benefits of olive oil at this point. This is the healthy fat. Using it can be as easy as mixing with vinegar for a quick dressing. It can also be used as a healthier choice for frying foods. One tip is to keep the heat low so you do not break down the oil.

These suggestions are not a cure all but they will get you on the track to better eating and better health. - 17274

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How to Survive the Holidays

By Dr. Jason Fowler

The day after Thanksgiving is a milestone of sorts in America. It reminds us of just how quickly the year has gone by- and how close we are to the holiday season. This realization- coupled with the fabulous sales at major department stores and malls everywhere- helps make the day after Thanksgiving our biggest shopping day of the year. And until we flip the calendar over to a new year, the chaos just doesn't let up.

"Our bodies have the capacity to do more than we normally do," says Dr. Scott Bautch, past president of the American Chiropractic Association's (ACA) Council on Occupational Health. "But our bodies do not adapt very well to doing a lot more than we normally do. Since the added demands of this season can stress the capacity of our bodies, we need to do everything we can to help ourselves. Eat right, drink plenty of water, stretch, exercise and take a few minutes to slow down and reflect on what the season is all about."

So relax and enjoy the holidays! Dr. Bautch and the ACA encourage you to consider the following tips to help keep you and your loved ones healthy, happy and safe this season.

Treat Holiday Shopping As An Athletic Event Stay hydrated! Drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water a day. (Coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol are diuretics/dehydrators. Don't substitute them for water.) On shopping days, you may need to drink even more water. Be sure to stretch before and after a long day of shopping. When you are stressed-out, your muscles are less flexible than usual. Wear shoes with plenty of cushioning in the soles to absorb the impact of walking on those hard shopping mall floors. According to recent studies, 60% of women report wearing shoes that are uncomfortable. Make sure the clothing you wear is as comfortable as possible. It's a good idea to wear layers, because you may be going from a cold environment (outdoors) to a warm environment (indoors). Leave your purse at home. Wear a light fanny pack, or if necessary, a light backpack instead. Pack only those items that are absolutely essential (driver's license, credit card, etc.). If you start to feel some pain, nip it in the bud. Apply an ice bag to the affected area for 20 minutes, then take it off for a couple of hours. Repeat a couple of times each day over the next day or two. "During the holiday season, we're running at absolute maximum capacity, which can lead to stress and even depression," says Dr. Bautch. "Why do so many people become depressed around the holidays? We need to stretch and stay hydrated to increase our capacity, so we are not overwhelmed by the activities of the season."

Plan Frequent Breaks Into Your Shopping Day During a day of heavy shopping, most people should take a break every 45 minutes. Those with less stamina may even need to take a break every 20-30 minutes. If you work in a physically demanding job where you are accustomed to being on your feet most of the day, you may be able to get away with taking less frequent breaks. If possible, obtain a locker. Lockers can help cut down dramatically on how much you have to carry around. You can take a load off by scheduling trips to your locker into your breaks. If your mall or shopping center doesn't offer lockers, try to plan trips to your car. Don't carry around more than is absolutely necessary at one time. When taking breaks, try to eat light foods. A salad and some fruit is a much better option than a burger and fries. Skip the coffee break! Coffee and sodas contain caffeine and sugar, which add even more stress to your body. Pass on the designer coffee at the java stand and keep drinking water. "We actually need to eat better than normal during the holiday season," explains Dr. Bautch. "On average, people gain five to six pounds during the holidays. And heart attacks occur more often during the holidays as well. Eating a heavy meal and then running out on an exhausting shopping trip can be very dangerous."

Shopping With Children If at all possible, DO NOT bring a child or children along on a holiday shopping trip. Most children simply do not have the stamina for such an event, and you and your child will only become frustrated with one another. Do not add this type of stress to an already stressful situation. Try to split "child duty" up with a spouse or another parent. They'll watch your kids while you shop, and vice-versa. "Shopping with children is just a bad idea," says Dr. Bautch. "If your hands are loaded with shopping bags, you may not be able to hold your child's hand, which could increase the chances he or she might wander away from you. Take whatever steps necessary to not have to bring your child along."

Wrapping Your Gifts Since there is no "ideal" position for wrapping gifts, the most important thing to remember is to vary your positions. For example, try standing at a table or countertop for one package, sitting on a bed for another, sitting in a comfortable chair for another, etc. Do not wrap packages while sitting on the floor. Wrapping packages while sitting on a hard floor can wreak havoc on your posture, and should be avoided. Always stretch before and after you wrap gifts. "When wrapping presents, it is a good idea to 'stretch the opposites,'" says Dr. Bautch. "In other words, if you are leaning forward when wrapping your gifts, stretch backward when you are done. - 17274

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Natural Organic Foods Are Here To Stay

By Lee Reid

With hypermarkets becoming an agglomeration of poisoning so-called foods, and in the conditions of more and more sensitivities and illness, it's no wonder people turn towards natural organic foods.

Although comparisons between non-conventional and conventional foods show great relevancy, the rule of the common sense is the one that influences the purchase decision. The dangers that lurk in non-organic foods are hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and fertilizers. The non-organic livestock is raised in very harsh conditions, while the fruit and vegetables are synthetically boosted to look great and take the consumer's eye. By contrast, natural organic foods are cultivated or grown according to the rules of Mother Nature, with very little human intervention.

Natural organic foods may also have traces of pesticide residues, but these usually come from nearby farms that rely on chemicals to grow crops. Furthermore, with natural organic foods there are a lot more nutrients and fewer threats for the health. Let's take eggs for instance, analyzes indicate that besides the lack of hormones and antibiotics, there is less saturated fat, less cholesterol, huge amounts of beta-carotene, superior levels of vitamin A, twice more Omega3 acids than in non-organic eggs. The difference is therefore huge, not to mention that the protein quality is incredible.

The word has traveled far about the positive aspects of natural organic foods, and since not all geographic areas benefit from the direct access to organic retailers, it is good to know that many of the products can be now ordered online from the closest source. If you want to buy natural organic foods, it is more likely to find them at the market than in hypermarkets. Moreover, in case you travel to the country side, the chances to find producers of natural organic foods is a lot higher. Run a basic research and check for supplies.

The only problem with natural organic foods is their price, products will often be 10% or 40% more expensive than non-organic foods. When it comes to vegetables and fruits, the products are very easy to recognize by their look: there will be no huge perfect apples or strawberries, but various fruit sizes, some better than others. The same thing stays valid for meat, but you will only be able to tell which is which by shopping from the special organic sectors in markets or supermarkets. - 17274

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Prepare for Body Building Competition

By Tom Shane

Bodybuilding is not just about having a muscular physique; it is also sport that involves tough competitions. Bodybuilding can be done simply for personal enjoyment, but many choose to enter the world of bodybuilding competitions. It takes a lot of preparation, time, and commitment. There are several different categories that can be entered during a bodybuilding competition.

It is important for the participant to be aware of each category and be prepared. These may need special outfits and some definitely require specific poses to show of certain muscle groups. Preparation for these individual events is key.

Bodybuilding and Routine

Anyone who is serious about bodybuilding should be working with a personal trainer and possibly a nutritionist as well. These people work to make sure that every precaution is taken and every necessary requirements are fulfilled. It is a good idea to hire a personal trainer when gearing up for a competition.

Working out is the biggest necessity in bodybuilding. It is not all lifting weights however. Lifting weights will help gain muscle mass, but will do little to burn fat. That makes it imperative that the bodybuilder also adds cardio to their routine workout. Without this, a bodybuilder will look soft even if every muscle is perfectly formed.

Nutrition is the second part of ever bodybuilding routine. When in preparation for competition, there are foods and supplements that will aid the body in reaching peak performance. The most important is protein and can be found in meal replacement products. The protein helps build and repair muscle, making it an essential part of training.

Other supplements include glutamine and other amino acids that can be depleted during intense workouts. These supplements are most often in powder form and can be added to shakes. Prohormones are a supplement that will naturally increase testosterone levels. It does need a prescription to obtain, but is easily done through the sporting industry. Finally, there are thermogenics. Thermogenics are the weight loss and fat burning products that are constantly being commercialized. They are very popular in the bodybuilding world.

Bodybuilding is an extreme sport and should not be entered into lightly. These competitions are brutal but can amount in a lot of prize money and notoriety. It is all about dedication, but it is also about how far someone can push his or her body. That is what makes it an extreme sport. - 17274

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Ovarian Cyst Pain: The Truth about Using Birth Control Pills To Eliminate Ovarian Cyst Pain.

By Lisa Page

Do you often find yourself in unbearable ovarian cyst pain just when your menstrual cycle is about to start or just before it ends? Or even though you are using contraceptives you still get ovarian cyst pain on a regular basis

The truth is that the conventional ovarian cyst treatment of using birth control pills to shrink ovarian cyst is not as effective as we have been made to believe.

If they were, many woman would not end up on those theatre beds having a surgery to remove their ovarian cyst after using birth control pills for many years.

The reason your doctor prescribes birth control pills to get rid of ovarian cyst pain is so that you don't ovulate.

But you see if you already had cysts before you started using the pills, the pills won't do anything to shrink those cysts. Yes, new cysts may not develop but what about the old ones already there?

Any already existing cyst may continue to cause you pain, discomfort and not to mention the potential for it to rupture or twist on itself.

Aside from that, birth control pills have a long list of negative side effects such as unexplained weight gain, high blood pressure, blood clots, gallbladder disease just to mention a few.

What about when you are ready to have children of your own? It is impossible to keep using pills and expect to conceive. So what do you do?

You need to get to the root cause of your ovarian cyst pain and eliminate it from there and not just treat the symptoms like birth control pills do.

How do you eliminate Ovarian Cyst Pain? One simple step is to stop taking oestrogen pills (birth control pills) as prescribed by your doctor and start applying natural progesterone cream.

But doing this alone will not eliminate your ovarian cyst completely, but is it virtually impossible to talk about all you need to know in a single article. - 17274

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