Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Guarana: The New Superfruit?

By Jen Lakeshield

Weight loss can be a particularly difficult pursuit to take up. It is hard to lose weight once you have put it on.

Luckily, there are some answers to your weight loss problem that can help boost your weight loss and make you feel better.

One of these solutions is Guarana Pure, a weight loss supplement packed with the world-renowned "superfruit" guarana.

What are the Guarana and how can they help you lose weight exactly?

The Guarana is known for its detoxifying and rejuvenating properties and has been harvested for hundreds of years just for this purpose deep in the Amazon.

In recent years, Guarana became very popular and has been studied and shown on various news outlets. Celebrities and sports stars have also begun to adapt the fruit into their diets because of its great benefits.

However, the Guarana Pure product doesn't just stop at Guarana... it also features other ingredients that are known to help weight loss including green tea extract.

Guarana Pure can increase fat oxidation, increase your metabolism, fight fatigue and increase your energy levels quickly to help you lose weight faster.

It contains a myriad of vitamins and nutrients including Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils along with many vitamins.

If you want to start losing weight today and taking advantage of the Guarana, then take a look at Guarana Pure today. At the time of this writing, Guarana Pure is even offering a free trial so that you can try it with no risk and see the benefits for yourself. Give it a try today! - 17274

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Does a High Carbohydrate Diet Make Me Bruise More Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

Anyone who is subject to bruising easily, and anyone who is attempting to make sure that you no longer fit that category, it's definitely the proper time to undertake a more critical study of our diet. Carbohydrates have been cast as one of the major culprits that have come on the scene in recent years, and blame has been heaped on them for essentially everything on the planet. Even with all that has been said, carbohydrates, fortunately, carbohydrates have almost nothing to do with the causes that make us bruise more easily, but the reality is that we should learn more about the foods that are rich in carbohydrates.

When you get right to the crux of your situation, bruising easily more than usual is normally a strong indicator that the capillaries in your body are getting weaker, or even fragile, as we get older. If you want to try to prevent your tendency to bruise easily, you should seek out the foods and nutrients that afford you the ability to improve the strengthening or repairing of the capillaries. The areas where carbohydrates do provide help resides in the fact that they are necessary when it comes to maintaining your immune system in top working condition and being certain that our body has sufficient energy reserves to deal with the damage that can be done by bruising. Carbohydrates can help us get beyond a bruise quicker than you might otherwise.

We need to first consider the evidence that carbohydrates are not necessarily bad for us, and in fact, they are necessary in keeping our body properly functioning. They provide help for our body to do a multitude of things; including the storage and transportation of energy and helping us to maintain proper cell health. In a similar manner, you'll also determine that they execute a role in stimulating our immune system, giving us as much help or more than any other food does.

Are you aware of what are the best sources of carbohydrates available for you when you are trying to eat healthfully? You probably should evaluate whole grains, fruits and beans. These foods not only give you with a beneficial dose of carbohydrates, you'll also discover that you are also going to be receiving some great sources of minerals, fiber, and vitamins. Not only can you obtain certain levels of vitamin K and vitamin C, you can also be proactive about making certain that you get those carbohydrates that are easily digestible.

There is another link that carbohydrates has to bruising, and that is that carbs have been associated with diabetes. One sign pointing to diabetes is easy bruising, and a singular cause of diabetes deals with the eating of too many carbohydrates from highly processed foods like sugared sodas, fast food, and many other sources.

Allocate some time to be certain that you are really examining what your options are going to be when you are trying to be certain that you are maintaining a well balanced diet. Bruising easily can be a signal that something is not well in your body, so pay attention and stay determined so that you will eat in a way which best keeps you healthy. - 17274

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Choosing A Colon Cleanser That Will Work For Your Body Type

By Kym Butterworth

There are more people than ever taking advantage of the health benefits that can come from colon cleansing. As a result, there are also more products than ever being sold to help everyone achieve their goals. Before you go out and purchase the first product you see, take a moment to consider all of your options and select the one that fits into your lifestyle best.

Pills for this purpose are sold everywhere and almost everyone is aware of them. Yet, most people do not realize they are not the only option. Actually, for many people they may not even be the best option.

You have two options. You can purchase a product to do the cleansing from home or you can book an appointment with your doctor for a colonoscopy. Each has their own benefit.

The big benefit to the medical procedure is that it is carried out by a professional with expertise in this area of health. The downside is that it can be expensive and it is more invasive than just taking a pill over the counter.

Since that is a rather easy decision, the question then becomes whether you want to take a supplemental pill or go another route.

Most pills for cleansing the colon or even for the entire body are sold as a system with more than one pill to be used together. Some of the pills can be quite large. If remembering to take them at the proper times of day is not an issue and you have no issues swallowing, then this is likely to be an affordable option with a lot of products to select from.

When colon cleanser pills are a problem, you have to turn elsewhere.

The second popular choice is probably the cleansing tea. It is obviously much easier to swallow, but you may still have to drink it at key times during the day and possibly more than once a day to get the full benefits.

This could be a natural option that fits right into your lifestyle if you are already in the habit of drinking tea. It also tastes great and will make taking care of your body feel like a reward rather than a chore.

You may also want to consider an enema product, though this is an unappealing measure that is a lot more invasive. The people who go this route want immediate results, but be careful that you do not do this too often.

Once you decide on a product and use it for the given period of time, it is important to give your body a rest before doing it again. It will take time for toxins to build up before you need it again, but you can keep the benefits long term if you clean up your eating to include more fiber. You may also want to take a fiber supplement or use a high quality psyllium husk supplement before bed each night.

The trick to effective colon cleansing is to find something you can do without interrupting your daily life and then to use it responsibly. Great health benefits have been linked to these products, especially if you are trying to lose weight and get healthier. - 17274

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Lose Weight With Colon Cleansing

By Laura Larose

As our colons age, they can be the source of many illnesses and diseases.

The colon is a very important part of our body that keeps us healthy and gets rid of harmful waste.

It also makes sure we get enough nutrition to live each and every day.

Unfortunately, when it is filled with toxins, bacteria or more, there can be many long term poor effects on us.

Among the short-term effects are a lack of energy, loss of motivation, bloating and constipation.

So, how can we solve this problem and keep our colons healthy? To insure that it stays healthy and clean, you may want to consider a colon cleansing supplement which can allow you to feel better and live more healthily.

Colon cleansers can keep your body clean and are a natural way to eliminate waste in your colon so that you will look better and not bloated.

They are usually formulated to insure a gentle cleansing so there is no need to worry about side effects.

A natural way combining ingredients proven clinically means that you true aid.

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle and lose weight in the process, take a look at IntraCleanse now. It is available now for a free trial so you can get a look at its effectiveness without even having to put down any money first! - 17274

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Organic Vegetable Gardening ? Giving You and Other People Healthier Food

By John Dean

Engaging yourself in organic vegetable gardening is something worthwhile. This will make healthy foods available for you and your family all of the time. Nowadays, the alarming news about dangerous chemical being used on plants has scared of many vegetable users. At least, there is a safer alternative that you can go for --- and that is to simply go organic.

Organic vegetables are pure stuffs. They were never touched by commercial fertilizers and other materials that can be harmful. Because of this fact, you can expect that they are healthy to take in and they are tastier. Many consumers in different parts of the world have switched to organic foods because they are proven safe and delicious.

If you will only buy these stuffs at stores, it will cost you much. It is advisable to raise your own organic vegetable garden if you do have a green thumb. There, you can take care of your own crops. This is a more economical alternative because the expenses won?t be that big and the food is just around your garden. You can just pick up what you want when needed.

What makes an organic vegetable gardening produce pure is that no commercial chemical has touched it in anyway. No harmful substance was associated with it. The materials used on it are 100% organic such as composts, animal manure and so on. They are materials that are natural and friendly to the environment.

If this is your first time to try it, you can download some materials from the net which will guide you on how to do the task. These materials are also good for those who have tried this before but weren?t able to attain much success. These reading stuffs were written by experts who were able to put up and maintain an organic vegetable garden.

You can place your own organic garden in your home as long you?ve got a space where you can put it. The backyard is the most advisable area or anywhere else where the plants can be exposed to sunlight for 6 hours or more. You should also make sure that there is enough water. Having your own garden like this will give you the chance as well to decide on what vegetables to grow.

Aside from the fact that you can get healthy foods anytime that you want, organic vegetable gardening within your reach will give you extra income. You can sell some of the produce that it will yield to your neighbors or to other people who will be interested. That way, not just you and your family will be healthier --- you will share the health benefits to others.

Go to my blog now to get some more ideas about organic vegetable gardening. - 17274

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How to Get Big Muscles Fast?

By Nicolas Cobos

How can I get big muscles? That's the question that every man on earth has at least thought about once in his lifetime. Big muscles not only give you self confidence, but also good presence among everyone. Girls would look at you all the time because you look sexy and very manly, and you will also set respect and admiration for the boys looking at you.

Now let's get down to the real thing, on how to get big muscles?

As your car needs fuel to work, your muscles need an excellent nutrition in order to recover and grow from hard workout.

The two main types of food you should consume are: Protein and carbohydrates, this to feed and give energy to the muscles. As a recommendation you should have from 5 to 6 meals a day, in order to supplement your body with the amount of food needed.

I'll tell you what! I will give you three tips in order for you to start your own process of getting big muscles:

First: Per day you should eat one gram of protein per every pound you weight. Let's say you weight 140 pounds, then you should eat 140 grams of protein per day. Talking about carbohydrates, you should eat from 2 to 3 Carbs per every pound you weigh. So if you weigh 140 pounds you should eat from 280 to 420 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Second: Drink tons of water. You need to drink at least 66 ounces of water per every pound you weigh, because your muscle is 93% water, so that will promote muscle growth and also the elimination of toxins.

Third: Train hard. To get bigger you have to stimulate your fast-twitch muscles, because these fibers can grow up to 4 times their size. The best way to get them to work is when you reach muscular failure between 6 to 12 reps, as a recommendation you should work the basic compound exercises, such as squats, barbell presses, and rows.

These three tips are the basics on how to get big muscles, but there's more than that, you need the guidance of a professional to do things the right way and obtain the desired results, which in this case are big muscles. For that I recommend you to follow an integral bodybuilding program and nutritional plan. - 17274

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Pull Weeds, Not Your Back!

By Dr. Jason Fowler

As springtime approaches, weather warms up and leaves turn green, many people will spend more time outside planting, mowing the lawn and pulling weeds. Gardening can provide a great workout, but with all the bending, twisting, reaching and pulling, your body may not be ready for exercise of the garden variety.

Gardening can be enjoyable, but it is important to stretch your muscles before reaching for your gardening tools. The back, upper legs, shoulders, and wrists are all major muscle groups affected when using your green thumb.

A warm-up and cool-down period is as important in the garden as it is for any other physical activity," said Dr. Scott Bautch of the American Chiropractic Association's (ACA) Council on Occupational Health. "Performing simple stretches during these periods will help alleviate injuries, pain and stiffness."

To make gardening as fun and enjoyable as possible, it is important to prepare your body for this type of physical activity. The following stretches will help to prevent muscle pain after a day spent in your garden.

Garden Fitness Stretches Before stretching for any activity, breathe in and out, slowly and rhythmically; don't bounce or jerk your body, and stretch as far and as comfortably as you can. Do not follow the no pain, no gain rule. Stretching should not be painful. While sitting, prop your heel on a stool or step, keeping your knees straight. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in the back of the thigh, or the hamstring muscle. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Do this once more and repeat with the other leg. Stand up, balance yourself, and grab the front of your ankle from behind. Pull your heel towards your buttocks and hold the position for 15 seconds. Do this again and repeat with the other leg. While standing, weave your fingers together above your head with the palms up. Lean to one side for 10 seconds, then to the other. Repeat this stretch three times. Do the "Hug your best friend." Wrap your arms around yourself and rotate to one side, stretching as far as you can comfortably go. Hold for 10 seconds and reverse. Repeat two or three times. Finally, be aware of your body technique, body form and correct posture while gardening. Kneel, don't bend, and alternate your stance and movements as often as possible to keep the muscles and body balanced.

When the Bulbs Are Planted... If you already feel muscle aches and pains and did not complete the warm-up and cool-down stretches, there are ways to alleviate the discomfort. Apply a cold pack on the area of pain for the first 48 hours or apply a heat pack after 48 hours, and consider chiropractic care.

Prevention is Key! The best way to fight the pain, emotional stress, and missed work that may accompany a spinal problem is to prevent it from happening. The following tips will help you identify and eliminate "spinal stressors" and incorporate spinal health into your daily routine. - 17274

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Strength training and its benefits.

By USGSF Staff

Strength training is an important element of fitness and exercise. If you are trying to lose weight then it is essential that you incorporate some strength training activities into your routine. Losing weight is about burning calories. It is about burning fat and one way to do that is to build your muscles. Basically the more muscle you develop the more energy you burn, resulting in greater weight loss success.

Strength training does not have to be a daily grind. There are many classes or exercise programs you can follow that will help with building your muscles. Most gyms have classes like total body fitness or group power lifting. Typically these types of classes use many types of weight training equipment including barbells, hand weights,resistance bands and my favorite....Kettlebells. The typical class lasts for about an hour.

Over all it seems to be women seem to enjoy these types of strength training classes more than men. Men typically enjoy working out the muscle groups by adding bulk. Strength training classes help to shape and tone your muscles into lean mass without the bulk. In addition, since the instructor pushes you along during the class at a very rapid pace, there is a bit of cardiovascular benefit as well. A final note about going to an instructor lead strength training class: they can ensure that you are doing the exercises with the correct form to help you avoid injury.

Lets say you do not care for classes there are many exercises that you can do from home using just simple hand weights will do just fine, and there are many strength exercises that require no equipment like the simple pushup. Find a DVD to follow along to help you with your exercise. A good program to follow will help keep you on track, motivated and more likely to do the exercises correctly without injuring yourself.

Many people go to the gym to lift weights. Typical regimens include alternating days of upper body work with lower body work. For instance, on Monday and Thursday you might work your upper body, while on Tuesday and Friday you might work your lower body. This gives the muscles time to repair and grow between workouts. Most weight lifting programs involve lifting in sets. For instance you might do three sets of ten repetitions of bench press exercises. It really depends on your goals how many sets and repetitions of each that you attempt to do. - 17274

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Benefits of Acai berry Diet

By Dana Hawkes

The Acai Berry, pronounced as ah-sigh-EE, is mostly regarded as a super food as it offers dense nutritional characteristics and health benefits that are almost too numerous to count. But what exactly are Acai berries, and what is the Acai berry diet all about?

The Acai fruit can only be found growing at the top of a special plant that can be found in South America's Amazon basin. For centuries the locals have been aware of this unique berry and its legendary benefits and properties, and it has been known for possessing healing powers beyond much of what conventional medicine is able to. Only recently has the remainder of the world finally wised up to the incredible power of the Acai berry and the Acai berry diet.

Only recently has the remainder of the world finally wised up to the incredible power of the Acai berry and the Acai berry diet. Although you may get mixed information when reading an Acai berry diet review, the truth about the Acai berry diet information that is out there is that the people saying bad things about Acai are unwilling to believe that it is as incredible as it is in boosting the immune system, fighting the signs of aging, boosting over all health and aiding in natural, healthy weight loss.

But what every good Acai berry diet review will tell you is this: If you try it for yourself, the results will astonish you. There is no way to deny the incredible results that the Acai berry diet is capable of achieving once they actually happen to you. If there is any doubt in your mind that the Acai berry diet will produce incredible results, simply try it for yourself and then you will see for yourself what this "super food" really can do for your health and well being. - 17274

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Langhorne Exercise Videos - Are They Better Than E-books?

By Jose Loni

Are exercise videos better than e-books? Technology has advanced so much in the past few years with email, e-books and anything internet-related. Despite that, exercise videos are easier to access and better than e-books. They're also more dynamic and interactive and allow us to accurately go at our own pace with simple steps and great visuals - something that an e-book can't do.

Remember the Jane Fonda exercise video craze? Or how about Suzanne Somers? And who can forget Richard Simmons?

Nowadays, there's belly dancing, pilates, yoga, tae bo the list goes on. No doubt exercise videos have made their mark on us that's why they are still around.

It is more motivating to exercise when there aren't any obstacles to discourage us. That's why exercise videos are better because they are very accessible. No technological issues to deal with. Just pop in and play the video anytime you're ready.

Videos are inexpensive. A one-time cost gives you a lifetime of workouts and if we don't feel like it, we're not pressured to train because our membership is almost up or the gym will be closing in an hour. And there are no monthly fees or hidden costs of gas, parking, and travel time.

In addition, videos allow us to go at our own pace especially when there are certain moves we need more practice with. We're shown how to do it correctly and we can also pause the video at any part and keep repeating the section if we need to.

Exercise videos have the benefit of being very visual with simple instructions. Therefore, it is easy to imitate the movements demonstrated. There is little to no confusion of how they should be done. This is not the case with e-books. Words can easily confuse especially when typos occur.

Seeing is learning. That's why exercise videos are better than e-books. The step-by-step visuals, easy accessibility and great dynamics with interactivity all make exercise videos better. The less hassles we encounter, the more motivated we are to workout and to achieve our goals. - 17274

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Learn About Mesotherapy

By El Bilson

Mesotherapy may be something you've heard about recently. But what exactly does this cellulite treatment involve? It is the injection of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and various medicines into the body. It has many different uses including:

* Enhances the weight loss process * Improve wrinkles and fine lines that come with aging * Get rid of scars left behind by stubborn acne * Smooths out stretch marks caused by weight gain and pregnancy * Reduces cellulite formation

Sound like something you might be interested in? Mesotherapy is practiced all throughout the United States. Although the procedure originated in France, this procedure is now available worldwide. Many major US cities such as Houston and Los Angeles are home to some of the best treatment centers in the world.

It is important to trust the person performing the treatment. Be sure to ask any question you may have and read up on the procedure you want to have before you go.

As with any cosmetic procedure there are certain risks involved with meso. Although this treatment has been around for a while, it is not currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However many people have had very positive results with meso treatments.

It is thought that meso is more effective in treating cellulite than liposuction. This is because it treats cellulite directly unlike liposuction which can potentially worsen the appearance of cellulite.

Another plus about meso is that it does not involve recovery time or extensive hospital stays. This makes it an appealing treatment for those who are crunched for time.

Results from treatment will vary. Several session may be needed to get you the results you're looking for. Most often though, patients report seeing results after just one session. This can be encouraging for those who may be skeptical about getting the treatments.

To keep your body looking great after the procedure, doctors recommend sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. Also regular maintenance treatments may be necessary.

For the majority of patients, side effects will be mild to non existent. Bruising and soreness are often reported on the affected area. A supplement of arnica is often taken to help speed up the healing process.

In conclusion, meso is a great way to improve your skin and reduce the amount of cellulite you have on your body. This treatment is ideal for not only cellulite, but a wide variety of skin disorders. - 17274

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Brazilian Pure and Cha de Bugre

By Jen Levine

If you are looking to lose some weight and keep the pounds off, you may be wondering about the best way to do this.

There are solutions for you that can help you lose weight easily.

One of these solutions is Brazilian Pure, a weight loss supplement packed with the world-renowned "superfruit" Cha de Bugre.

How can the Cha de Bugre help you?

For hundreds of years, the Cha de Bugre has been known for its rejuvenating and detoxifying properties and has been harvested in the Amazon just for these purposes.

Cha de Bugre has become particularly popular in the media in recent years and has been adapted into the diets of celebrities and sports stars alike.

However, the Brazilian Pure product doesn't just stop at Cha de Bugre... it also features other ingredients that are known to help weight loss including green tea extract.

Brazilian Pure can increase fat oxidation, increase your metabolism, fight fatigue and increase your energy levels quickly to help you lose weight faster.

There are also many different nutrients and vitamins in Cha de Bugre that come in Cha de Bugre Pure like the Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils.

So, if you are looking to lose some pounds and keep those pounds off, try out a free sample of Brazilian Pure today. The free trial is being offered for a limited time so make sure to check it out soon to get a risk free look at how Brazilian Pure can help you. - 17274

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