Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) and Nerve Regeneration

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Out of the kitchen, into the pharmacy, the gourmet mushroom Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) with its unique flavor resembling lobster or shrimp appears to also possess likewise unique medicinal properties. It has been found to stimulate nerve and myelin regeneration, which may be beneficial in many neurological conditions. World renowned medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets suggests its potential application in conditions such as Alzheimer's, dementia, multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. [134]

In the wild, Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) grows on hardwood trees, especially oak, sycamore, maple, walnut and beech. It can be found throughout the temperate areas of the world, from North America and Europe to Japan and China.

"Erinacines" is the name of the medicinal compounds from Hericium erinaceus that are being researched for their neurological health benefits. They are small enough to pass through the blood brain barrier, which or course is a requirement in order to effect any healing on the myelin sheaths or neurons. [152, 153, 154]

In Japan, there are two patents on extracts of Hericium erinaceus. The first was filed in the 1990's for a process of extraction that yields what has been named "Nerve Growth Stimulant Factor." [150, 151] The second from 2004 is for a water extract of Hericium erinaceus. It is likewise used to stimulate nerve regeneration. [155]

In addition to its effect on nerve regeneration, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also prescribes Hericium erinaceus extract for stomach and digestive conditions, as well as cancers of the digestive tract and related organs.

Two modern studies have confirmed this ancient wisdom. One done in 1985 showed positive results for treating atrophic gastritis. Another conducted a decade later, in 1995, showed some ameliorating effect on hepatoma, with a marked life extension of treated patients. [156]

Finally, a few additional areas where modern research has reported benefits from the use of Hericium erinaceus extract include: Anti-tumoral [159]; stomach cancer [134]; inflammation [134]; immune support [157]; antimicrobial against Aspergillus and Candida. [158]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any herb (or mushroom) except as advised by a licensed medical practitioner.

Credit to Paul Stamets for research and source material. - 17274

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Food That Cause Gout: The Root Of The Problem

By Rashel Dan

The most common way to prevent gout is to avoid food that cause gout. To determine which foods are detrimental, you should first get to know the main factors that contribute to the development of gout. Uric acids and purines are precursors to gouty flare-ups, so you should look for food or beverages that are low in purines, low in uric acids and sufficient in Alkalines.

What happens when gout occurs?

A gout condition can happen when a person has an abnormally high level of uric acid deposits in certain areas of the body like the joints. The accumulation turns the uric acids into crystals that somehow "jam" your connective tissues, making it hard for you to move your fingers or toes. The crystals will grow overtime, usually in a matter of hours and therefore causes inflammation-you will see your skin physically swelling and turning red as a result. If left untreated, the swollen area will burst as the crystals exude through the skin.

What is uric acid?

Uric acid comes from purine in food. We all naturally have uric acid in our bodies, but sometimes we could have abnormal levels either at birth or by eating certain types of food that cause gout. Uric acid can form into crystals that cause pain and swelling.

What are purines?

Purines in food and nutrition are chemicals that occur in nucleic acids as nitrogenous compounds. They are excreted as uric acid and are not considered vital in our diet. Since purines are excreted as uric acid high-purine sources are obviously food that cause gout. It is estimated that 50% of those who have high-purine diets have a higher tendency of developing gout. Purines can be found in food that cause gout, so listing food sources would be essential.

Below is a list of high-purine food that cause gout:

- Beef - Pork - Poultry: turkey, goose - Meat organs: liver, heart, tongue - Seafood: anchovies, herring, salmon, crabs, shrimps, scallops, mussels - Vegetables: asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms. - Legumes: green peas, lentils, dried peas, beans, - Sauces / dressings: creamy sauces, gravies, meat broths - Beverages: coffee, alcohol (beer, wine, etc.) - Oatmeal, wheat bran and wheat germ, yeast - Sweetbreads

The above-mentioned are just some of the foods that can trigger high level of uric acid. One way to lower acidity is by eating alkaline foods.

What is alkali?

Alkali is an acid-neutralizing compound. It raises pH levels to more than 7. Acid has a pH less than 7, so alkali can be used to dilute uric acid in the body.

Below is a list of alkaline foods that could help counteract high uric acid levels in your system:

- Bananas - Watermelon - Orange juice - Potatoes - Spinach - Figs - Dandelion Greens - Chocolate - Mineral water

Take note: Sources high in fat are known to be food that cause gout. Also avoid foods that are high in proteins, because they are often high in purines that raise levels of uric acid in the body. - 17274

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Nine Tips for Quick Weight Loss

By Curt Joel

Trying to lose weight quickly is going to be problem. Among other things, quick weight loss slows metabolism. This is obviously not productive if your goal is weight loss. So, what is that trick to weight loss? Lifestyle. If you just eat 500 fewer calories everyday you will lose 1 pound of scale weight every week. You can do this just be reducing the consumption of fats. If you use spreads like butter, peanut butter and salad dressings - simply eliminating 5 tablespoons of fat consumption from your diet every day will give you a one pound weight loss every single week.

1. Consider the difference in fat intake if you made your omelet using whole eggs instead of egg substitute. Egg yolks are 75-95% pure fat while egg substitute is 0% fat. Making this one simple shift will reduce your total calorie intake dramatically.

2. If you're over fat, you became that way because of your habits, tiny daily actions. It was your lifestyle that caused it to happen. The obvious solution then is to change your lifestyle. This requires a life change. Part of that life change is the foods you currently choose to eat.

3. It is not that difficult to learn to like new foods. Some simple shifts to different, fat-loss friendly foods, foods that will be kinder to your waistline and hips. For example, if you want to alter the appearance and taste of skim milk, you could add condensed skim milk to it. This contributes just a few extra calories of protein and carbohydrate, but no additional fat calories.

3. To lose body fat successfully, that is, to rid the body of fat and keep it off, you must change what you enjoy eating. This is an integral part of the commitment to changing your life-style. If you don't do this, you will never rid the body of unwanted fat. Consider this, if you simply ate five hundred fewer fat calories per day (that's five tablespoons of butter or margarine), you could probably lose one pound per week of fat (and probably more than one pound per week of total weight).

4. Now consider cheese and nuts. These foods, popular as snacks and condiments, provide huge fat-calorie load. Many health advocates recommend both nuts and cheese as "health" foods. Unfortunately, if fat loss is your goal, the high fat content of nearly all cheese, even those that advertise themselves as part-skim, makes cheese an unwise choice for most people who are interested in ridding their bodies of excess fat.

5. Most cheeses get more than 70% of their total calories from fat and they are far from "health" foods. They can be eaten in moderation as part of a healthy diet; but the very high saturated fat content makes cheese a poor choice for people concerned about their waistline.

6. Portion size is also a big consideration. How much fat you eat per day is cumulative. In other words, if you eat small portions of something containing fat throughout the day, although the fat count may be low, the total fat consumed adds to your daily total. One big step in losing body fat the easy way is finding the low/no-fat item that replaces the high fat one and keeping the total fat in your diet to a minimum. - 17274

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Making the Effort to Eat a Healthy Breakfast

By Juan Valdez

A lot of people skip breakfast. This is a really bad habit to get into, since a healthy breakfast is the best way to start off the day. Even if you are trying to cut calories or don't have a lot of time in the morning, you should still try to fit in this important meal.

After sleeping the night, your body needs a healthy breakfast to help fuel it so it can get through the day. Think how long it has been since your last meal; that is a long time to go without food. It is better to eat something healthy so you don't end up eating junk a little later because you are starving.

Studies continue to show that skipping meals just sets you up to binge at later meals, and doesn't really save you any calories. In fact, people who eat a healthy breakfast eat less over the course of the day than people who skip breakfast. They are less likely to binge later in the day.

Benefits of eating a healthy breakfast include being better able to concentrate, getting more vitamins and minerals, being more productive and having lower cholesterol, among others. This really is the most important meal of the day.

Aim to get a combination of lean protein, low fat dairy, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains in your breakfast. It is best if you choose a breakfast containing foods from three of these groups.

Eating a healthy breakfast doesn't have to take a lot of time. There are a lot of grab and go options that are good and good for you. You could have a bagel with peanut butter and a piece of fruit, for example.

Planning ahead and preparing breakfast or setting out everything you need the night before can really help people who are in a time crunch in the mornings. This way you can quickly either grab your breakfast to take with you or eat it before you leave.

Finally, breakfast doesn't need to be what is typically considered breakfast food. You can have a slice of leftover vegetable pizza, or a turkey and cheese sandwich on wholegrain bread. - 17274

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Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

By Francine Summerstone

The cornerstone of any diet should be several servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. In fact you should be eating at least five servings and nine is much better. The FDA officially recommends 3 to 4 servings of fruit and 4 to 5 servings of veggies. There are more benefits to eating more fruits and vegetables than we can easily discuss in one article, but let's take a look at some of them.

When you start eating more fruits and vegetables, you'll notice one of the benefits right away. Fruits and veggies are high in fiber, which not only keeps you regular but helps you feel full quicker and stay that way longer. This means that you'll have less desire for more food and can lead to weight loss.

Fruits and vegetables are also chock full of antioxidants, which can both help prevent cancer and slow the growth of existing cancers. Broccoli and other green leafy vegetables are especially beneficial in this regard. Fruits and veggies also contain large amounts of natural vitamins and minerals which are necessary for your body to function.

Your body is also able to digest and process whole foods such as fruits and vegetables more easily than it can junk food. Having your body spend less energy on digestion means you'll feel more alert and have more energy.

If you have a craving for a sweet snack but don't like the crash you feel afterward, fruit is your answer. Since fruit contains natural, non-processed sugars, your body handles it differently and doesn't dump a huge amount of sugar right into your bloodstream. Instead you feel a constant surge of energy that lasts for hours with no crash when it's gone.

There are a whole host of problems that are caused by lack of fruit and vegetables in the diet. Constipation, hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome can all be helped by eating more fruits and vegetables. - 17274

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Keep the Brain Strong with Excercise

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Two types of patients that were diagnosed with mild Alzheimer's showed contrasting results when dealing with the patients brain size-patients with a high physical regimen had larger brains than the patients with that had low levels of activity.

121 people age 60 and older underwent fitness tests using a treadmill as well as brain scans to measure the white matter, gray matter and total volume of their brains. Of the group, 57 were in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease while the rest of the group did not have dementia.

"People with early Alzheimer's disease who were less physically fit had four times more brain shrinkage when compared to normal older adults than those who were more physically fit, suggesting less brain shrinkage related to the Alzheimer's disease process in those with higher fitness levels," says study author Jeffrey M. Burns, MD, of the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City and member of the American Academy of Neurology.

The results remained the consistent needless of age, gender, severity of dementia, or physical activity and frailty. There was no relationship between higher fitness levels and brain changes in the group of people without dementia.

"People with early Alzheimer's disease may be able to preserve their brain function for a longer period of time by exercising regularly and potentially reducing the amount of brain volume lost. Evidence shows decreasing brain volume is tied to poorer cognitive performance, so preserving more brain volume may translate into better cognitive performance," Dr. Burns said.

"This is one of the first studies to explore the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and Alzheimer's disease," said Burns.

Dr. Burns also makes clear that people should be cautious when interpreting the study results because scientists only observed the standard measure of fitness at one point in time.

The study was funded by the National Institute on Aging, the University of Kansas Endowment Association, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Oppenheimer Foundation. - 17274

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Don't Use Artificial Sweeteners When Natural Sweeteners Are So Much Better

By Jamis Hartley

Whether you are trying to lose weight or on a special diet due to a health condition, natural sweeteners are much better for you than sugar substitutes. There are a lot of good and bad products out there offering sweetness and hopefully this little bit of writing can help a few good people make the right choice.

Sugar substitutes like saccharin, aspartame and the like are reproduced and processed in such a way that they are not good for you. When you have the option to use a sweetener that is good for you and works just as well as sugar (if not better), why would you use unnatural substitutes? My best advice is to stay away from any sweetener that is man made. I could be wrong, but in general I think it's good practice to trust mother nature over the good intentions of man.

Some of the promising natural sweeteners hitting the market are Mannitol, Sorbitol, Stevia, Xylitol and, my favorite, Erythritol. These sweeteners are a good healthy alternative to sugar but even among these healthier choices there are things to consider. Erythritol is the natural sweetness in many fruits and vegetables. It is all natural and is easily digested making it a safe choice.

Erythritol is a calorie free natural sweetener made from fruits (as previously mentioned). It occurs naturally in melons, pears, grapes, mushrooms and a few other kinds of foods and drinks. This is one of the only natural sweeteners that will not cause tooth decay and is commercially produced and added to various foods and drinks to provide sweet flavor. It is also better for those with digestive system problems as it is more easily digested. If you decide to use natural sweeteners, Erythitrol is the best for you all the way around.

Natural sweeteners like Erythritol are great for diabetics and those with other medical conditions. Erythritol will not effect you blood sugar levels, does not hurt your teeth and has practically zero calories. It scores zero on the glycemic index, has no carbohydrates and has .2 calories per gram. Even better, you can cook with Erythritol where you can't with many other sugar substitutes. Erythritol is my preferred natural sweetener. Before you make it yours make sure you read around and try it for yourself. - 17274

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The Risk Factors for Ischemic Heart Disease

By Barb Hicks

Ischemic heart disease is defined as decreased blood flow to the heart due to narrowed coronary arteries. The obstruction results from cholesterol deposits sticking to the artery wall interrupting the flow of blood to the heart. The deposits harden causing hardening of the arteries. This is called atherosclerosis, which is a medical term sometimes interchanged with arteriosclerosis. Both have the same affect, whereby both impede blood flow to the heart.

High cholesteril and triglyceride levels are what creates the placque buildup or arteriosclerosis. When this occurs, blockage occurs in the blood vessels which are the life giving forces that feed the heart. Once this has occurred, the blockage to the heart will result in heart attack symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath and irregular heart beat. However, if heart disease was already present, the patient will not feel these symptoms as the nerves surronding the heart have already been damaged.

As time progresses, Angina will occur. This is when the arteries narrow, creating inefficient blood flow to the heart. This strangling of the heart or Angina Pectoris causes chest pain due to the lack of oxygen from the lack of blood flow to the heart. Patients afflicted with this type of heart disease are at an extremely high risk for attack and cardiac arrhythmia.

People who are at risk for ischemic heart disease most likely have a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. The risks, in most instances, can be alleviated or eliminated altogether by drastic changes in lifestyle such as losing weight and stopping smoking. While these changes may reduce risks, they do not necessarily cure ischemic heart disease that is already present. If the person has had a previous heart attack, they have an increased risk for having another heart attack within 5 years. Regular visits with your physician to monitor any changes in the patient's condition will alert the physician to any potential problems that may crop up and slow down the rate of disease progression.

There is good news regarding ischemic heart disease. It is able to be prevented or its severity lessened with proper healthcare and lifestyle changes. Though these changes may seem a daunting task after being set in your ways for twenty to thirty years, the results of these changes are well worth the effort. - 17274

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Not to Lose Body Fat Totally

By John Knight

You do need body fat that is good for we also need it as our source of energy. Not all fats are harmful to our body. In fact, they carry vital nutrients that help our systems work correctly. They form the building blocks to develop bodily hormones, controlling inflammation and digesting some vitamins and minerals that are good for us.

The types of fats found in our diet are: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and the trans fatty elements. According to medical guidelines, it is not the fats that cause our diseases but the types of foods that we eat. So, the right amount of fats is indeed important for our bodily needs.

Trans fatty ones are no good at all which are found in baked and fried foods. Monounsaturated ones help lowers bad cholesterol which can be found in olive oil, fish oil and nuts. Polyunsaturated fatty elements found in liquid vegetable oils, fish, seeds, meat, eggs lower bad cholesterol and controls heart function as well as proper clotting and many more. Saturated fatty substances are contained in butter, coconut oil and other oils which raise total bad cholesterol but helps raise bad cholesterol.

Be mindful of the elements or substance that you apply on your skin or you touch for they can be absorbed by the skin and will be circulated in your system. The skin is trans-dermal in nature so anything that gets in contact with is just the same as putting it in your mouth. Having known these things, you will be more selective and careful with the foods that you put into your mouth.

You can find on the internet the natural and organic substances that can be good for your health. You will be able to find in certain websites the methods to eradicate the undesirables. If you want to have further studies on the good and bad fats, you can browse and make a research online on how to lose body fat. - 17274

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Fun Features Of Massage Chairs

By Joshua Baum

There are many new features being added to massage chairs every year. Most of the features being added are therapeutic and provide good health benefits. Other features however may be more gimmicky and not provide the extra health value. Many new technologies are being integrated which provide some interesting types of therapeutic treatments. We take a look at some of the great features of massage chairs.

Massage chairs work with a remote control. The remote control contains normally automatic massage functions as well as manual functions. Additionally, LCD screens have been integrated to display icons which are more intuitive to use.

Most remote controls have a LCD screen which allows you to see the massage options. The LCD displays the massage activity in real-time. Although the remote looks complicated, learning just a few basics helps to simplify the entire process.

Massage chairs use body scanning technology. The massage chair has various sensors which are used to locate key points of the body. Some sensors will detect acupoints, location of the neck and shoulders and other relevant parts of the body.

When a body scan is performed, the information is then used to provide a more customized massage. The body scan will find key points of your body. This information is then used to direct the roller mechanism and the types of massage and pressure.

You can find many different massage techniques in these advanced recliners. There is shiatsu, Swedish, acupressure, reflexology and even deep tissue. Each of these techniques use specialized mechanical movements directed by sophisticated software.

At the touch of a button, you can enjoy a full body Swedish massage. The massage chair will begin by using various massage movements throughout the chair. Unlike a masseuse, who works in sequence, a massage chair can work your body and parallel.

One of the advantages of a massage chair working in parallel is the amount of time to get a massage. Since the massage chair is stimulating multiple parts of the body, the total time of the massage can be much shorter with the same coverage.

One of the great new features defined in many massage chairs is a reflexology foot massage. Many people have tired and aching feet at the end of the day. What better way to rejuvenate them then with a reflexology foot massage.

Many massage chairs use a combination of air compression and the triggering of reflexology points in the feet. The air compression provides for a gentle squeezing action. This helps to relieve tight muscles in the feet.

Specialized reflexology nodes and plates are used to trigger the reflexology points located on the bottom of the feet. This helps to induce full body relaxation. As you get your feet massage, the rest of your body begins to relax as well.

One feature which is not available in a lot of massage chairs is music. I cannot imagine going to get a massage from a masseuse without having soft music. Music helps my mind to relax which releases the tension in my body.

It is exciting to see how technology is starting to bring about many different benefits. It is amazing the absolute variety of massage techniques contained in massage chairs. I remember when massage chairs can only vibrate. Now they can massage you from head to toe with an arsenal of massage techniques. Massage chairs are tremendously convenient and fit around your busy schedule. Find out more how a massage chair can benefit you. - 17274

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