Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Benefits of Wheat Berries

By Scott Davis

Living in our modern cities we have forgotten what farming is. We don't remember what it was like to till and plant and grow crops. And especially what it was to eat simple, wholesome good foods.

But there has been a resurgence reminding us of the importance of whole foods. Reminding us of simpler times when people didn't eat overly processed foods. This whole foods revival has reminded us that things like whole wheat berries, the fancy name for whole wheat kernels, contain a more complete set of nutrients.

Getting Back to Healthy Ways

One of the great things about wheat berries is that they can be used to make your own whole wheat flour. When whole wheat flour sits for a while, it looses a lot of its nutritional value. Refined flour is even worse, as most of the nutritious parts are removed during the refining process. To get the most healthy whole wheat flour it's best to mill wheat berries and make flour as it is needed. This ensures the flour stays loaded with fiber, iron and vitamins.

All You Need Is Imagination

While it may be strange to start cooking with whole grains initially, with a little creativity you'll be on your way. There are tons of whole foods recipes to choose from. Just pick something that suits your fancy and that your family can enjoy. Getting children who are accustomed to processed foods eating whole foods may be difficult as your getting started. But starting children eating whole foods at a young age will get them into good habits while they are still young.

Using More Whole Wheat

Can you use wheat berries for every meal? Yes, of course, your ingenuity is the only limit. Breakfast served with cooked wheat berries and mixed with yogurt and fruits can combine for a delicious meal that is at the same time filling and healthy. A quick lunch can consist of a whole wheat bread sandwich and a cranberry juice, while dinner should include some whole wheat pasta. Dieticians recommend between 25 and 35g of fiber a day, so get your recipes out of the closet and start figuring out the gram amounts for each meal. Be careful however not to jump suddenly from little fiber to a lot of fiber, as the increase may cause stomach pains and painful gases. Do it gradually.

Let's Visit The Pyramid

They US Food Pyramid recommends between 6 and 11 servings of whole grains a day. This can include wheat berries and other cereals, breads and pastas. On serving is 1 slice of bread or a half-cup of cereal or pasta. So it is pretty easy to gradually add whole grains to your diet, one serving at a time. - 17274

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Is Eating Meat Good Or Bad

By Nate Rifkin

So should you be eating meat or not?

Here's the final answer: The human body was designed to eat certain kinds of food. And you can tell which kinds by looking at other animals.

Let's take a look at the characteristics of MEAT-eaters versus herbivore animals.


1. Have eyes that face forward. This is for hunting.

2. Have sharp teeth for tearing into meat.

3. Have a smaller stomach since meat is easy to digest.


1. Have sideways-facing eyes to watch out for predators.

2. Have almost exclusively blunt molar-like teeth for chewing tough vegetation.

3. Have large stomachs to get the nutrients out of grass.

So is your stomach as big as a beach ball or closer to a softball? When you smile, do you see sharp or entirely blunt teeth? Are your eyes facing forward?

Face it: We were meant to eat meat. Now if you're a vegetarian for personal reasons, that's fine. Just don't go spreading the gospel that you're healthier as a result.

Are there studies showing vegetarianism as more healthy than eating meat? Yes. But that's almost certainly because restraining yourself from eating meat shows you have self-disclipline compared to the average person. And being more healthy than the average person is not exactly a big feat.

Take someone with the same self-discipline and allow them to eat meat, and you've got a whole other result.

You must, however, stick to eating healthy meat that isn't stuffed with preservatives. Whole Foods makes great burgers which have ruined me for regular meat. If you go natural, the healthier stuff really does taste better. - 17274

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Natural Remedies for Menopause and Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

For many women, menopause is a challenging time of transition from the reproductive years to the post-childbearing years. Menopause occurs when female hormones naturally decline, and a woman's body stops causing egg follicles to mature every month in preparation for pregnancy.

Unfortunately, menopause can be difficult for some women because of its often uncomfortable symptoms. These can include hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of interest in sex, and irritability. Unexpected weight gain is another frequent consequence of menopause.

Even women who don't change their eating and exercise habits during menopause may experience weight gain. This can be frustrating, prompting women to wonder what caused this sudden and unexpected weight gain. Weight gain can also be a result of hormonally triggered overeating. Another cause of weight gain is the natural metabolic slow-down that happens as people age. When a woman's metabolic rate slows during menopause, any extra calories ingested have a far greater effect than they did pre-menpausal.

Body fat and estrogen also have a unique complementary role. Body fat helps regulate the production of estrogen, the female hormone that declines dramatically in menopause. Sometimes, the body will fight to hold on to fat in an effort to stabilize estrogen levels. Hormones and body fat also interact with each other in complex was that affect weight gain through changes in appetite, digestion, and metabolism.

Instead of turning to prescription hormone therapy, which increases the risk of breast and reproductive cancers, there are a number of natural remedies women are increasingly using to fight weight gain and other symptoms of menopause. Some of these remedies include black cohosh and sage, to regulate hot flashes; evening primrose oil, widely used to relieve PMS during perimenopause and control moodiness in menopausal women; and St. John's Wort, a natural anti-depressant and stress alleviator.

Many women mistakenly believe that these remedies will prevent weight gain and other menpausal symtpoms by themselves. The fact is that the most you can to to prevent or even eliminate weight gain while going through menopause is to eat well and work out.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in whole-foods is more effective approach than using herbal remedies. There are many herbal remedies available to alleviate menopausal symptoms. However, many women find that healthy eating and exercise are enough, and they do not need to waste their money on such products.

Eating a nutritious diet involves avoiding bad fats, and instead eating heart-healthy fats in moderation. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables should form the bulk of the diet, supplemented by lean protein and dairy foods (or non-dairy foods that contain calcium). Avoid food alcohol, spicy foods, and caffeine if these exacerbate your menopause symptoms, and of course, avoid fried or fatty foods, excess sugar, and junk in general.

Added 8 glasses of water a day for about half an hour several days a week exercise has potential, you can approach your significant weight loss, and even in the face of obstacles to menopause hormones. By stabilizing your hormones with a diet and excersize program, you will see relief from other menopause issues as well. - 17274

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How Much Weight Should I Gain During Pregnancy?

By Ricardo d Argence

Many women do not mind becoming pregnant, what they do mind is the weight gain they have to experience during the 9 months and a couple of extra months after the pregnancy. Gaining weight during pregnancy is a must, it helps give the embryo its vitamins and minerals to ensure a healthy growth pattern.

In the past, the concensus was that pregnant women should not gain any weight; however, now that pediatricians now understand more about a fetus' growth, that thinking has changed. One big question pregnant women always ask is how much weight should I gain during pregnancy.

Some exercise and a proper diet is extremely important for the mother and her child. The weight gained during pregnancy is distributed throughout a woman's body; most of it is the baby, some the placenta, some to the breasts (for milk production), and some as extra fluids needed during pregnancy.

A good natural weight limit to set for pregnant women would be a minimum of 15 lbs for overweight women who become pregnant. For skinny women who become pregnant, if they gained 45 or 50 lbs it is still considered a good weight.

However, with the use of ultra sounds some women find out they are going to have more than one baby. In this case, it is natural for pregnant mother to gain even more than that, because there are now more vitamins and minerals that need to be divided between the embryo's. Women who do not gain weight tend to have troubles with the development of the embryo, and can cause trouble for the newborn baby, they tend to be sickly babies.

Pregnant women do not need to eat more than 300 calories per day. Junk foods are not really good for pregnant women. Expecting mothers will usually see a little weight gain during the beginning of the pregnancy, and then they may not experience a large amount of weight gain until later in the pregnancy.

If you gain too much weight than its tough for you to lose your weight. In order to not cause your baby some future troubles you should not eat salt while pregnant.

Women that are obese tend to have higher blood pressure ratings, gestational diabetes, and other issue while they are pregnant. They also increase the chances of having a miscarriage.

Here are some instructions for a pregnant mother like light exercise and little bit swimming is good however they should consult with doctors who can give good advice. Swimming is a great way to burn calories; short walks and some easy exercises are good for pregnant women or consult with pediatrician.

Keep in mind that you are now taking care of at least two people now, so it is that much more important to take care of yourself. - 17274

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The Benefits of Wheat Berries

By Scott Davis

Living our modern life of convenience and processed food we seem to have forgotten what it was like to eat natural foods. Simpler, whole foods seem to be such a thing of the past. Especially since anything that takes longer that 5 minutes to cook seems to be an outrageously long prep time.

But there has been a resurgence reminding us of the importance of whole foods. Reminding us of simpler times when people didn't eat overly processed foods. This whole foods revival has reminded us that things like whole wheat berries, the fancy name for whole wheat kernels, contain a more complete set of nutrients.

Getting Back to Healthy Ways

As a soft or hard grain, wheat berries can be added to bread (baked with) or salads, where they make a satisfying crunch sound while filling our bodies with fiber, iron and vitamins B and C. You can also mill your wheat kernels to make flour which you will then use to make all kinds of satisfying and healthy products, from pasta to bread to cookies to pastries (muffins and cookies). The kernel of whole wheat contains 3 important elements that must be present in order to earn the appellative of whole grain: endosperm, bran and germ. You can even plant the whole grain to grow your own wheat if you have the land, the time and the patience.

Just be Creative

While it may be strange to start cooking with whole grains initially, with a little creativity you'll be on your way. There are tons of whole foods recipes to choose from. Just pick something that suits your fancy and that your family can enjoy. Getting children who are accustomed to processed foods eating whole foods may be difficult as your getting started. But starting children eating whole foods at a young age will get them into good habits while they are still young.

Eating Whole Foods Regularly

Immediately switching to whole wheat and grains may seem like quite a shock to people who are used to processed foods. But it doesn't have to be like that. This isn't an all or nothing thing. By slowly adding whole wheat and whole grains to your diet you can make it a smooth transition. Start using whole grains by swapping standard items for their whole grains alternatives. Doing it like that will make the process go so much smoother.

Examining the Food Pyramid

They US Food Pyramid recommends between 6 and 11 servings of whole grains a day. This can include wheat berries and other cereals, breads and pastas. On serving is 1 slice of bread or a half-cup of cereal or pasta. So it is pretty easy to gradually add whole grains to your diet, one serving at a time. - 17274

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Getting In Shape In 2009

By Nate Rifkin

To help you finally get in shape in 2009, here are 5 secrets goal-achievers use to succeed:

1. Keep your goals PRIVATE.

If someone isn't as committed to their health or fitness, they might feel negative about you trying to do your best. And you might get some bad energy sent your way for trying to lose weight or get in shape. Don't let this happen.

2. Decide your reason for achieving this goal.

If you want to drop 20 extra pounds, think about why. And dont think this is obvious stuff either. What you need to know is what personally motivates you and gets you emotionally involved. Is it because you want to look better? Have more energy? Attract a new mate? Re-attract and old one? Figure it out.

3. Use this reason to keep you going when things get rough.

Whenever it gets tough maintaining your new habits day after day or you start to prioritize other things, keep this reason in mind. Focus on it and you'll be back in action in no time.

4. Don't do this alone.

Your habits reflect the habits of those around you. Getting around healthy people will make achieving your goals easier. Being around unhealthy people gets you up for failure.

5. If you miss a few days, don't pout.

If you don't exercise as consistently for a few days, relax. If you eat a few too many cheat meals, don't worry. Feeling bad won't do any good. Just keep moving forward and you'll be all the better for it.

Arm yourself with these five strategies and youll get halfway through 2009, look back, and realize youve transformed your body for the better. - 17274

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What To Expect From Diabetes Symptoms?

By Deniss Durrell

It has become the epidemic of our time. Diabetes is a disease that is affecting more and more people on a daily basis.

It is a disease that can be monitored and handled , but you have to recognize that you have diabetes to treat, it properly . There are several diabetes symptoms that will facilitate you know that you might be suffering from the symptom .

One of the most common diabetes symptoms is that you will take repeated trips to the bathroom . If your glucose stages are too high in your blood then you will need to urinate more often than average.

Another symptom of diabetes is a constant thirst. If you cannot seem to ever quench your thirst then that might be due to the fact your body is trying to pull excess water from your blood stream.

Losing weight without any effort can also be part of diabetes symptoms. This is an especially large indicator when it comes to Type 1 diabetes. Additionally, excessive fatigue can take its toll on your system when it emerges as one of the diabetes symptoms. This happens again when the glucose levels in your body are off kilter.

The last of the very recognizable diabetes symptoms is a feeling of numbness in your extremities. This can occur after a bit of time, and it can come on slowly so you will want to be sure to pay attention to it if it arises in your system.

There are other diabetes symptoms that can come so you will desire to be on the lookout for. If you begin to sense blurred sight, repeated infections, or even dry skin you might desire to go to your physician's office to make sure for diabetes. - 17274

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Products to Lose Weight During Menopause

By Ricardo d Argence

Apart from the bothersome symptoms of menopause, weight gain is very common during this time in a woman's life. This weight gain is often unexpected, and happens even in women who haven't made any dietary changes or reduced their activity level.

As you might imagine, there are a lot of weight loss products aimed at menopausal women. But are these products really worth it? Let's take a look into a variety of products and their strengths and weaknesses, the mechanism for weight gain during menopause, as well as risks related to overweight in the menopause.

There are several reasons for weight gain when menopause. Once you get older, you will find that your digestion process is slower and not as efficient. Keeping nutrition in the digestive domain of an individual, ensures that you swallow more nutrients, with fat and calories, from your food.

Menopause causes hormonal changes including lower estrogen levels, which can lead to weight gain. This is because estrogen and fat production are linked, fat cells help regulate estrogen production. When estrogen levels go down during menopause, a woman's body might attempt to retain as much fat as it is able in order to deal with this decrease in the amount of estrogen. Hormones and the fat of the body to work together, a complex feedback loop, affecting appetite, metabolism and fat storage.

The risks of weight gain are amplified for menopausal women. More weight at any position of life risks, such as the increase in high-risk high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breast and reproductive system cancers, diabetes and heart disease. As estrogen is a proactive reason against the cardiovascular disease, the chances of suffering from heart disease enhances when the estrogen level goes down, even if the women going through menopause phase don't gain extra weight. The risks of these health problems are compounded, for women who are overweight after menopause.

So, should you use menopausal weight loss produces to control weight gain in menopause? Let's examine a few of these products:

Estrin-D: This product contains a number of metabolism-increasing stimulants. These are xanthine (caffeine) derived formulations like yerba matte, caffeine, and guarana, along with some other innocuous herbal ingredients. While the product does indeed rev up metabolism, there are many risks associated with stimulant-based products. Also, the high levels of caffeine and other stimulants in this formula can cause tachycardia, high blood pressure, a feeling of 'edginess', and excessive perspiration. Caffeine is also thought to contribute to hot flashes during menopause. These considerations make Estrin-D a less-than-ideal choice for menopausal weight loss.

Zalestra: While treating some of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause,Zalestra includes a far safer array of herbal ingredients that are designed to create a more gentle increase in metabolism. This item does not share the caffeine content of similar products.

Estrolean: The product is similar to Zalestra, but with a smal volume thermogenic ingredients. It is the estrogen which helps to control some of the hormonal imbalances that often accompany menopausal weight gain.

Some of these menopause products will help with your symptoms; however, you must also exercise and eat a healthy diet in order to lose weight. Ideally, they may assist somewhat with losing weight, and in the worst case, they might produce harmful and distasteful side effects.

During menopause, it is vital to eat a diet rich in fiber, eat whole foods, and keep your fat intake at moderate levels to achieve optimum weight control. Along with adequate amounts of vital nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fats,a healthy diet that emphasizes fruits, veggies, grains, and lean sources of protein. There's no better way to lose weight during menopause. - 17274

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Kids - Urinary Tract Infection in Children

By Manu Hagen

Urinary tract infection makes urinating painful. The infected children thinks twice before going to the bathroom and they always get a feeling to go to the bathroom. The urine also smells bad because of the infection. Bacteria are responsible for infecting the urinary track.

The kidney does the major job of cleaning waste from the blood. The waste material is urine which is passed to the bladder through the ureters. The shape of the bladder is very similar to a deflated balloon. When the bladder gets filled two hundred and thirty seven milliliters of urine, the brain sends signals to go to the bathroom. When the person gets ready to pass, the muscles located at the end of the bladder relax which lets the urine rush through the urethra, from the bladder, and out of the body.

When children grappling any of the symptoms of urinary track information, they should talk about it to their parents as the symptoms are visible to the patient more than to others. Parents can notice the urinating frequency of the children. The child feels terrible pain while peeing. He/she is healthy to pass only small quantity at a time. He/she also gets up several times during the night to go to the bathroom. There is a strange sensation in the lower part of the belly. Blood can also pass along with the urine. Also the urine isn't a clear solution and is cloudy. The urine smells badly after passing. These are all the symptoms of bladder infection. The child can also feel feverish along with chills. Pain can be experienced in the back or the belly. When the pain is right below the ribs, it is a clear sign of kidney infection. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the child should be taken to the doctor.

The urine is taken in a plastic cup, into which the child pees. Before passing, the child must wipe the area with special wipes, so that the germs from the body do not confuse with the germs in the urine. Germs in the urine are an indication of infection. Although there are million of germs residing on the exterior of the body, they are completely harmless. Only a few of them actually infect the body. A stick is dipped in the urine sample. The stick is special, that is it is a specially treated paper which changes color upon determination of an infection. Otherwise, the urine sample can also be sent to the laboratory. Incase of a bladder infection, the doctor will prescribe medicine that kills the bacteria.

The child will begin to feel good just few days after starting to consume the medicine. But he/she must stay away from food and liquid which has caffeine in it as it can elevate the bladder irritation and the patient will feel very uncomfortable. After the test, if kidney infection is detected, the child will be hospitalized for few days. He/she will be given a germ fighting medicine which will be administered by a small plastic tube which will be introduced in a vein.

The most important thing is to maintain cleanliness. The private parts should be washed everyday. It is best to take a shower or a bath daily. The child can use wipes to clean every time after passing urine. Children should never hold the urine. When they feel the urge, they should rush to the bathroom immediately. Fluids intake must be increased. Best fluids are water and cranberry juice. Water washes the bacteria out of the body and cranberry juice prevents another bacterial attack. Bubble baths aren't good as it can irritate the urethra. Cotton underwear will absorb the sweat and body moisture, which will prevent bacterial growth. Underpants must be changed everyday. - 17274

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How Does Wu Yi Tea Work To Promote Weight Loss?

By Halvor Owen

By now, you've almost certainly heard of Wu Yi tea, especially in regards to its ability to help you lose weight. Does Wu Yi tea really work to make you lose those extra pounds? We'll answer that question in this article and look more closely at this ancient tea which has been making inroads as a sort of natural weight loss supplement as of late and look into whether drinking Wu Yi tea for weight loss is something which can really work.

The short answer is yes; when consumed on a regular basis, Wu Yi Tea really can be helpful for those looking for a little bit of an edge in their weight loss program. As long as you keep in mind that it isn't a miracle cure for obesity - and anyone who tells you that Wu Yi tea will allow you to become slender overnight isn't telling it to you like it is, this tea can give you that little bit of an extra boost that you need to start shedding those extra pounds and keeping them off.

How does Wu Yi tea work to help you lose that extra weight you've been carrying? Before we go into this, let's look at where this tea is from and what makes it different from other teas. All teas are made from the leaves of the same plant (the Camellia Sinensis plant), the processing that the tea goes through after being picked is what makes the real difference. Wu Yi tea takes its name from Mount Wu Yi in southern China, where the tea is grown. The soils in the area are rich in minerals, which may account for some of the weight loss properties of the tea.

However, it is the process of drying and fermentation which helps Wu Yi tea work to help dieters lose weight in a safe, gentle way. The tea plant is rich in compounds called polyphenols. These compounds help the tea plant to carry out its own biochemical processes, including photosynthesis. Now this may not mean much to you, but these compounds have a lot to do with how Wu Yi tea works with your own metabolism to help you lose weight.

Wu Yi tea's ingredients include small amounts of caffeine, as do all teas. This provides a small temporary boost to your metabolism, helping you to burn off calories at a higher rate. However, the amount of caffeine contained in Wu Yi tea is relatively low; it is also the polyphenols in WU Yi tea which increase the metabolism.

A study conducted at a Japanese medical school measured the energy expenditure of subjects (measured in calories) after drinking either water, green tea or oolong tea (like Wu Yi tea). The subjects in this study who drank oolong tea burned off 10% more calories than those who drank only water - the rate of energy expenditure was even higher in the first hour or so after drinking the tea. You may want to have a cup of Wu Yi before your next workout to increase the number of calories burned!

There have been a number of different clinical studies on How Wu Yi tea works to promote weight loss in universities and institutes all over the US, Asia and Europe; all of them have found that Wu Yi tea really works to help people lose extra weight and keep it off.

So why does Wu Yi tea work better than regular Oolong tea? While all Oolong tea contains a lot of polyphenols, Wu Yi tea is an especially good source for these natural weight loss compounds;;but how do the polyphenols in Wu Yi tea work to produce this weight loss effect?

As it happens, polyphenols signal your body to start producing enzymes which break down energy stored as fat - this process is called lipolysis. Wu Yi tea works because it used your body's own natural fat burning processes to help you lose weight - all without the harmful side effects of the chemically produced diet pills on the market. If youve been in search of a safe, natural way to lose weight or to maintain a healthy weight, Wu Yi tea is an excellent choice. Wu Yi tea really works to help you lose weight " it wont happen overnight, but anything worth having is worth waiting for; and since this tea is so delicious, youll want to drink it every day. - 17274

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Risks of Weight Gain After Menopause, Breast Cancer

By Ricardo d Argence

Even though many women feel that it is okay to gain weight during menopause, because it is something that happens almost naturally, it certainly is not something you want to do.

Many women face the challenge and all of them have to tackle it. If you allow yourself to just pack on the pounds without doing anything at all about it, you are risking your health more than you may know.

As your weight increases during menopause, so does your chance at getting breast cancer. If you find yourself gaining weight during this time in your life you need to be aware of the problems that could very well come along with it. The risk level is reversible though. Once you begin lowering your weight you will also be lowering your risk at getting breast cancer.

It has in fact been found by researchers from the Harvard Medical School of Public Health that women who have gained fifty-five pounds or more since they were eighteen are forty five percent more likely to develop breast cancer compared to women who did not put on that much weight. By using postmenopausal hormones you can actually increase your risk of cancer as well.

It's best not to gain weight in the first place. Sometimes things happen that we don't expect, so if you have reached the point where you are interested in shedding some weight, it is possible to do it. The sooner you act the better. Your breast cancer risk will drop the faster you lose your extra weight.

Making sure that you are dieting and exercising properly is key though. You want to make sure that you are doing everything in moderation. It is important to make sure that you are still giving yourself enough protein and everything else you need for your body to function properly. With regular diet and exercise you will be able to lose the weight you need.

Dropping a pound or two a week is a healthy rate. Striving for faster results can both damage your system and make it more likely that you will regain weight in the future. Slow and steady is the best way to lose pounds.

Although there's the fear of breast cancer, you might also hurt the body in a number of ways if you do not take good care of yourself when you exercise and diet. Gather information and get active and you will be on the way to acheiving a better looking and healthier you. - 17274

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Are You Considering Proactol to Lose Weight for Your Weding?

By Ricardo d Argence

Your wedding day is approaching and you suddenly realize that you may need to lose a few pounds before the big day. Whatever your objective, you will see that several things should be kept under consideration.

One of the options that people turn to is dietary supplements and one that gets mentioned a great deal is Proactol. What is this supplement all about, and can it really help you do what it says it will?

Proactol is a weight loss supplement designed to help you reach your goals. When looking at the packaging, it proposes to help you reduce your food craving and to burn off 28% of your fat intake. Not only does loss of pounds result as a benefit of taking Proactol, but you will also discover that its additional stated benefits are the enjoyment of more energy, a lower level of cholesterol, and greatly improved flexibility.

The ingredient in Proactol which receives the most notoriety is Neopuntia, a plant fiber obtained from the prickly pear, also known as the Optuntia Ficus India Cactus.

When you are thinking about figuring out whether Proactol is something that might work for you, it is important to understand how this supplement works. The main gist of its effectiveness is the prickly pear, which is known to be rich in vitamins B1 and B2, as well as pathothenic acids and niacin. Prickly pear is known to stimulate weight loss, and this is considered a positive for this supplement.

On the other hand, it is important to consider the possible negitives of taking this supplement. Those who take prickly pear too often can have stomach problems, it can also be problematic fot those with kidney problems or elevated cholesterol. It is strongly recommended that women avoid it if they are breast feeding.

Remembering that is can be difficult to choose whether or not you want to start to take Proactol. The obvious issue is putting unreasonable demands on your body, when you would be going into a period of high stress levels anyway.

Many times the only way to weight loss is diet and exercise. You'll soon discover that only exercise and a proper diet are going to carry you the rest of the way, even if your nutritional supplements are helping to give you a boost.

Weight your decisions carefully when you are considering Proactol and figure out what your needs are really going to be before your big day! - 17274

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