Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bodybuilding Workouts & Tips to Increase Your Bench Press and Build Muscles Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Most people know that in order to build up muscle in the upper body one of the best exercises to do is the bench press. A frequent question bodybuilders ask each other is how much you can bench press. Let us examine what it takes to build muscle and how to achieve a bigger bench press. This can be done in a few very effective ways that will make a noticeable difference fast.

Build up your triceps. Nearly two thirds of the total muscle mass on your arms is composed of the triceps muscle. The ideal exercises to build up muscle on your triceps are using barbells and dumbbells, and doing close grip bench presses and skull crushers. Exercises that involve isolating the muscle are not as good because they isolate the muscle completely. Building up your triceps will certainly add weight to your bench press.

Try training your triceps separately. Usually bodybuilding programs recommend that you train the chest in the same session as the triceps. Doing this means that you can train them very intensely and trigger muscle growth in the process. Do this over a period of weeks and then go back and see how many more kilograms you can press.

Variety. Have you been doing that same old workout routine for months now? When your muscles have done the same workout a few times, they have already been able to adjust to it and so the need to grow bigger is not there. Keep changing your routine, it can involve little changes such as changing the grip width or even reversing the order of your routine or they can be bigger changes such as doing super sets or compound sets and more.

Do not over do it. While with many things in life, more is better, when it comes to muscle building that is not quite the case. If you over do it, and over train your chest, then it will be hard for you to recover and grow more. Concentrate on intensity and technique instead of quantity. A short intense exercise program is far more effective than a long one.

Rest well. Your muscles will not be growing at the gym! You need to be getting a good amount of rest, as muscles will grow as you are resting. If you do not give enough time for growing then they will not grow. A good rule to set is to is to limit yourself to 6-9 sets per session for each muscle group otherwise, you will risk overtraining.

Take a break from training. If you find yourself reaching a training plateau, then think about taking a complete break. This will allow your body recover from all the strain you have put on it. After you have taken a break for a couple of weeks, you can return to your workouts with more conviction.

Examine your diet. Are you eating 6 meals per day with a minimum of 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight you have? If you are not following this sort of diet, then it is probable that you are limiting your gains by not following a muscle building diet. In every meal try to eat 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and the remainder can be fats.

Concentrate on your technique. Are you pressing correctly? Bad technique can take away the focus from the chest muscles and can put you at elevated risk of injury. Make sure you are not lifting your feet up off the ground and that your hands are not grasping the bar too close together. These are the two most commonly made errors.

By sticking to the tips above you will be greatly increasing your chance to develop more muscle mass on your chest quickly. - 17274

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Why Good Probiotics Are The Foundation Of Good Health

By Dr. Jeffrey Marrongelle DC CCN

Probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics. We all know what antibiotic are. They're pharmaceutical that literally mean against life. Anti means against, biotic means life. They target and kill specific pathogenic microbes. Things like viruses and bacteria. Of course, they also cause some "collateral damage."

Probiotics then are the opposite. Instead of trying to kill the bad in our bodies, theyre natural flora that promote the things that sustain life.

Did you know that there are over 500 types of life-forms (like bacteria and yeast) in your intestines that support your digestive and immune systems? Its true. In fact, without these bacteria and yeast and other types of flora, we wouldnt be able to survive.

Our natural immune system just isnt strong enough to fight off the constant attacks of bacteria and intruders on its own. Our bodies function in harmony with these flora and good bacteria to break down and defeat the bad bacteria.

It's an unending war.

When you take a good probiotic every day, you help to fortify your bodies immune system. Some studies suggest this dramatically aids your body in the fight against seasonal illness.

But thats not the only way that good probiotics may improve your health.

Studies also suggest that good probiotics can help remove toxins, support your metabolism, promote mineral absorption, produce lactic acid and even promote good oral health.

When choosing a good probiotic, you want to avoid one that cant survive much stress. For example, if the probiotic needs to be refrigerated, thats one indication that its a weak strain that wont do much for your immune system.

In my own experience, most probiotic supplements are killed by alcohol. Even if youre not a drinker, this is cause for concern about the strength of the supplement.

As a Certified clinical nutritionist, I always recommend a good probiotic (that isnt easily destroyed) as a foundational nutritional supplement. - 17274

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The Dangers Of Calcium Supplementation For Fat Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The BBC aired a documentary touting the benefits of calcium. And one of the benefits was its ability to block dietary fat from being digested.

Does this mean that extra calcium in your diet could aid fat loss?

Well, I wish I could say it would. But the bottom line is that taking in a bunch of calcium is most likely NOT going to have a significant impact on your body fat levels. And it's probably not a good idea to block fat absorption.

After all, healthy dietary fat is essential for any successful fat loss program.

Even worse, please consider the following risks of excess calcium supplementation:

1. Compromised iron assimilation. Taking a high amount of one nutrient usually has an effect on another nutrient. And this is the case with calcium and iron. Now remember that iron is critical for maintaining energy levels. Why? Because it helps transport oxygen throughout your body. Without oxygen there is no life.

2. Lower amounts of calcium. If you take a bunch of antacids to get more calcium, you should probably stop. Why? Because certain minerals in antacids can actually leave you with a net negative amount of calcium!

3. Kidney stones. Although this usually doesn't affect healthy individuals, if you have any history of kidney disease then you have to see a doctor before supplementing with calcium. Stones are very painful?

4. D overdose. Some scientists refer to vitamin D as a hormone because it plays such important roles in the body. And getting enough vitamin D is very important for optimal functioning. However, too much of any good thing will eventually become bad for you. Many calcium supplements are also loaded with vitamin D. So be cognizant of how much vitamin D you are getting or you could overdose and suffer from toxicity.

Supplements do have their place in any prudent and effective fat loss plan. However, keep in mind that optimal nutrition is NOT accomplished by merely putting a vitamin or mineral into your body. The best approach here is to get nutrients from natural sources. - 17274

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Can You Really Lose Weight With Acai?

By Alice Drew

In recent times, there has been the onslaught of weight loss products on the market. If one wishes to lose weight, one may be tempted to try any one of many different types and kinds of products. As with any product group, some weight loss products will be better and some weight loss products will be worse than others.

There has been, in recent times, a weight loss product that is taking the world by storm and that weight loss product is called the acai berry. What is the acai berry?, you may ask. Originally, it is grown locally in Central and South America on palm trees. It has been eaten there locally for many years and used for medicine in some cases due to its great nutritional and medicinal benefits.

These days, companies are utilizing the benefits of acai berries and bringing them to people all over the world to use for their dietary supplement and weight loss purposes. Today, you can buy acai in powder, juice or even in its original fruit form. This is beneficial especially to people who live in areas where acai berries do not grow naturally.

Let's get more specific and take a look at some of the benefits that the acai berry brings. Firstly, acai berries are known to improve the cardiovascular system. In addition, acai berries can improve the immune and digestive systems. It is also widely known that people who consume acai berries have higher levels of energy, improved sleep patterns and healthier skin.

Another great effect that acai berries provide is a detoxification of the body. Because the product has high fiber contents, this allows toxins to be flushed out and the stomach walls to be cleansed. This helps the body absorb new nutrients later from food that one might eat.

Other nutrients included in acai berries are the little known Omega-6 and Omega-9s as well as some anti-oxidants. These help us by lowering blood cholesterol and improving the blood circulation throughout our bodies.

Many people now call acai a "super food" because of its great effects. It surely does contain many nutrients and is a substance which is greater than many of the "normal" foods that we eat on a day to day basis.

If you are looking to lose weight or maintain the weight you have, you might be interested in trying out acai to see if it gives you the benefits or results that you want. At the very least, acai is a fruit and organic so you do not need to worry about chemicals or other substances that may be added to other kinds of weight loss products.

These days it is not hard at all to find acai berry containing weight loss products. For example, if you live in a city or any urban area, you can easily find a health foods store that will provide you with acai berry products. On the other hand, if you live in a more rural area or simply do not want to go to such stores, you can always have companies ship you acai berry products through the internet. Of course, remember to consult with your doctor before taking on any new kind of diet or weight loss program to make sure there are no health risks to you. - 17274

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Exercise Guide : Kettlebell Workout Programs

By Mark Walters

When performed properly, kettlebell workout programs help provide complete body fitness. As well as conditioning, toning and strengthening your muscles, kettlebells also improve flexibility and cardiovascular health. To help you succeed in using kettlebells to reach your fitness goals, try following the below tips:

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #1 Don't Overestimate Your Strength

Those just starting out with kettlebells often make the same mistake. They start off with weights that are too heavy for them, and rush through the routine. It's much, much better to start off with a weight that you are comfortable with and then increase it slightly each week.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #2 Don't Go Too Fast

Intensity and pace should be steadily, not rapidly, increased. When it comes to kettlebell workout programs, people have differing degrees of endurance. Hence, the frequency, pace, weight levels and repetitions will vary for every person. Whatever the pace and intensity of each routine though, you should aim to workout at least three per week.

You'll know when the time is right to increase your pace because you'll be able to perform the kettlebell exercises without feeling any strain on your body. Should you notice significant changes in your muscle tone or weight, this is another indication that you need to increase the intensity of your program.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #3 Prepare Beforehand And Take Rests

Proper preparation is critcial. It is important to warm up first for 10 minutes or so before the days session. If you're not sure how to properly warm up for kettlebell exercises, get a friend or fitness instructor to show you.

To train safely you should also be taking regular breaks. This is necessary to help your muscles recover and is the most basic preventive measure against serious injuries.

Breaks can be as simple as a few seconds between repetitions to skipping routines every other day. As an additional measure, if you start regularly performing then you should take a few consecutive days off from it a month.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #4 Sets Of Exercises Create a routine that works on as many of your muscles as possible. Though kettlebell programs can be a complete workout, for them to be so, you need to do a range of exercises. The three major muscle areas that kettlebells work on are the lower, upper and core muscles of the body. - 17274

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Are You Trying To Lose Arm Fat While Feeling Hungry All The Time?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you're serious about figuring out how to lose arm fat, you're going to have to restrict your caloric intake. And if you don't restrict those calories the right way, losing arm fat can become a hungry nightmare.

The key here is to increase satiety as much as possible. Satiety is the sense of fullness you get in between feedings.

So here's how to lose arm fat by feeling full all the time:

1. Fiber. Fiber does a great job at improving blood lipid profiles, but it also makes you feel very full. As it mixes with water in your stomach, it expands and creates a large bolus of mass. This mass will push against mechanoreceptors in your stomach sending a very strong feel full signal to your brain.

2. Foods high in protein. Dietary protein causes a lot of thermogenesis when compared to other foods, and it also creates a sense of fullness. In fact, if you compare all the macronutrients side by side, protein has the greatest effect on satiety.

3. High fat intakes. Fat has more calories than any other macronutrient, but that doesn't mean you should avoid it. Why? Because a high fat meal causes the release of a hormone that will increase satiety. Fat also slows down digestion to a certain degree.

4. Blood sugar. Having fast digesting meals is a sure fire way to feel hungry despite a high caloric intake. Now if you haven't been eating clean for a while, you may have grown accustomed to this level of hunger. But trust me, you shouldn't be feeling this hungry. Stick to low glycemic foods as much as possible.

5. Watery food. Foods that have a lot of water in them can cause your stomach to expand. And an expanded stomach will provide a strong sense of fullness. So don't skimp on foods with lots of volume!

Learning how to master your hunger is critical if you are trying to figure out how to lose arm fat. You see, a single bingeing session from too much hunger can really put a dent in your arm toning efforts. So follow the advice in this article and apply it today not tomorrow! - 17274

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Being Fat Increases the Level of Inflammation

By Roberto R. Helsel

Being fat increases the level of inflammatory activity in the body, while being physically fit decreases it, according to a new U.S. study.

The study included 452 men who had levels of different groups of blood cells measured during exercise. A high total white blood cell count is a marker of inflammatory activity and is a strong and independent risk factor for coronary heart disease-related illness and death, according to background information in a news release from the researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La.

None of the participants smoked or had been diagnosed with a serious disease or chronic condition, all of which are known to be associated with a higher white blood cell count. The men were weighed and measured and had their blood pressure taken before their level of cardio-respiratory fitness was assessed using a standard treadmill test.

The blood tests showed that levels of all groups of white blood cells were lowest in the most physically fit men and higher in men who had a combination of higher body fat and lower levels of fitness.

The more body fat, the higher the white blood cell count. But the study did find that a high level of physical fitness negated the effect of extra body fat.

The researchers noted that white cell counts tend to increase after a session of vigorous exercise, but regular exercise may condition the body to respond more efficiently when doing physically demanding activities. The study was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

In the last decade, scientists have proven that some antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to scavenging free radicals, there are antioxidants that actually block inflammation. The antioxidant effect (the blocking of certain oxidizing proteins) lowers the activation of inflammatory signals. Scientists have also found that combinations of certain antioxidants have greater effect than single antioxidants on certain types of inflammation

A 2004 study funded by the NIA found that taking an antioxidant supplement was associated with CRP levels similar to those seen in those who exercised 180 minutes/week or more and did not take supplements. The study involved 2,964 people. Blood samples were checked for serum levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, and plasma levels of TNF-alpha.

The best sources of antioxidants are vegetables, fruits, tea and wine. It is best to get your antioxidants from a variety of sources. The more colorful your natural foods the better - yellow, orange, green, red, brown and blue-purple plant foods provide a variety of antioxidants, and the more brightly colored, the richer the food is in anti-oxidants.

Some of these brightly colored fruits rich in antioxidants include Camu Camu, Goji and Noni, Acai and Mangosteen. Since these fruits are difficult to obtain fresh in your local market you can get them in their as good as fresh condition from Dr. Tims Juices. - 17274

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Here Are A Few Facts About A Good Ab Exercise Routine

By Gerald Holt

Getting a perfect set of washboard abs is the ultimate goal of lots of people, and there is no real short cut to obtaining them. The gimmicks sold on TV do not work---they are simply a marketing ploy to part you from your bankroll, and most of them are useless. To get a good set of abs and strong core muscles, you need a good ab exercise routine that includes a sound nutritional plan to go along with your exercises.

In order to get those great abs you are dreaming about, you must have a good ab exercise routine, of course; with the correct exercises; but also, you must base that routine on sound nutritional action and as well, you must have a positive mindset. The exercises will strengthen the core muscles and increase your endurance; but the nutritional plan and the positivity will pull the whole scheme together into one workable idea that will produce results.

The guidelines for a correct ab exercise routine are such that you would do what is comfortable for you over the length of the plan; usually a bevy of 3-5 ab exercises alternated from day to day, and they would be performed 3-5 times per week. As you get more comfortable with the number of reps and the exercises themselves, then you can gradually increase the reps. Make sure you select exercises you like and will stick with, and vary your routine over the months so boredom does not set in.

There are numerous kinds of ab exercise routines, and it is up to you to choose the ones that fit your schedule and that you like to perform. Some of the more common ones are side bends with dumbbells, medicine ball situps, cable crunches, and weighted curls with a medicine ball. Vary your routine and choice of exercises so you stay motivated and pumped.

Commitment in this business is the big C word----you must have it or you will fail. Any good ab exercise routine will get you to your goal, but you can't stick with it if you are not committed to it. Your mental outlook is all important and that combined with good nutrition and a bevy of multi-joint workouts so your metabolism is boosted by the fat burning hormones that are released; will allow you to achieve the perfect set of abs you are looking for.

In any ab exercise routine it is imperative that your nutritional intake be supportive of what you are doing exercise-wise, because without a sound nutritional base, your body cannot perform at its peak, and you will find you run out of energy fast. Stay away from junk foods, and those fad food plans you see on TV; keep your eye on good, sound, nutritionally dense natural foods that complement the exercises you are putting your muscles through. Keep a positive mindset for life: this is very important because many folks fail when they do not have this mindset.

Keep your eye on the prize and you will make it. Develop a sound ab exercise program for life that combines tailored exercises to develop core strength and endurance, good nutritional products that supply energy and vitality, and a positive mindset that will carry you through. Stick with it, and through thick or thin, with the right plan and the right positive attitude, you can do it. Those great looking abs can be your dream come true. - 17274

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Lose Weight Quickly Without Diet Pills or Potions.

By Ryan M Hall

Today we are constantly promised that some magic pill or super machine will make us lose weight quickly without having to diet or exercise. Of course, those of us who have fallen for the diet scams know that these products, pills and potions just don't work, but if we don't want to lose weight without using over promising and under delivering diet products, what can we do?

If you want to lose weight quickly, there are 3 easy steps you absolutely must follow. You need to have a good diet plan, build muscle with resistance training and get plenty of rest. If you're waiting for the part where I say you need to run for hours on a treadmill, that's not going to happen. You don't need hours of cardio to lose weight fast, it may help, but it's not necessary. If you follow these 3 steps, you will lose weight fast, but how fast? 2 lbs a week, 5 lbs a week, 10 lbs a week? This is really up to you and how much you have to lose. The more you have to lose, the quicker it can come off.

Dieting is the first thing you try when it's time to shed a few lbs. The problem is that most diets just don't work. You cut carbs, or you eat more grapefruits, but you lose a few lbs only to gain it back. What you need is a diet plan that allows you to eat plenty of protein and carbohydrates and still lose weight quickly. You should also be sure to eat plenty of veggies. Sounds great right? I doubt it, but vegetables are high in fiber and keep you full without being high in calories, so they are the perfect weight loss food, especially green vegetables, I know the kid in you is screaming right now!

Go workout if you want to lose weight fast. More common sense advice, I know, but this time with a little twist, you don't need to run 8 miles a day to lose weight fast, though that might do it, you need to build more muscle. The way you build more muscle quickly is with a good resistance exercise plan. Lifting weights packs muscle onto your body and forces it to burn calories for up to 72 hours after the workout, so you can burn fat even while your not working out, which leads to our next weight loss tip, rest.

Can taking a nap really make you lose weight? Maybe, but when I say rest here, I mean rest from workouts. I'm not saying you can't take a nap it can help when you're working out. After all, your body needs plenty of sleep to build new muscle. The problem is that too many of us decide we're going to lose weight and hit the gym every day running and lifting weights until we're too exhausted to even function. Then we rest for a week or two with good intentions to start again, and never do. Resting for a few days in between workouts will help avoid this burnout that most of us experience.

If you follow these steps, you should have no problem burning more fat, and if you want to lose weight quickly, you need to be sure to stay on track and stay disciplined. Lift weights, Diet and get plenty of rest and you should do just fine. - 17274

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How to Lose 100 lbs, Simple steps that Will Make or Break Your Success.

By Ryan M Hall

So you want to lose 100 lbs or more, but you don't know where to start. Well, you've come to the right place. Losing 100 lbs may seem like a huge and overpowering goal, but it doesn't have to be once you are committed and have a good serious plan. Just remember that every choice you make each day will add up to give you huge results in the long run. You can lose 100 lbs if you follow a plan and do the work. It's obviously not going to happen overnight, but it will happen if you stay committed. Here are a few guidelines to follow as you lose your weight.

If you intend to lose 100 lbs or more, you need to set a specific goal, and despite what it may sound like "lose 100 lbs" is not a goal. The best way to make a goal is to state it in the positive. Instead of saying how much you want to lose, say how much you would weigh after you lose your 100 lbs. For example, if you weigh 300 lbs right now, then you will weigh 200 after you have reached your goal. This gives your mind a real picture to focus on, rather than an action, lose 100 lbs.

Can you picture what 100 lbs of fat looks like? Can you actually picture losing 100 lbs? or does your mind try to figure out what you will look like AFTER you lose 100 lbs? It's probably the latter. This is how your mind tries to relate "lose 100 lbs," it tries to apply it to you, so why not make it easy on your mind. Focus on how you will feel when your body is thinner, lighter and healthier. This gives your mind an actual target, with feelings and pictures, to focus on. Make achieving this goal, this thinner happier you, and you are much more likely to make it happen.

If you are going to take on losing any amount of weight, you need a system that is guaranteed, but if you are taking on a large amount of weight and you want to lose it quickly, you need a system that will help you lose weight without plateaus.

Be sure that the system you choose includes both a diet plan and an exercise plan so that you will be doing everything in your power to slim down quickly. I'm sure you want to reach your goals sooner rather than later, right? Stay committed to your plan and you will. Too many people don't stay committed to their plans, they start then quit and fail. Don't end up like them. Be sure when you start your plan that you will be able to follow it through to the end.

Note: Diet plans that cut out important nutrient groups may get you instant results, but will lead to plateaus and eventually weight gain later.

Yes it?s true that cutting carbs completely will help you lose weight, but at what cost? Usually when you cut carbs, your body goes into Dietary Ketosis. This is a condition where your body starts to shed water from your body then begins to convert fat and muscle tissue to continue working properly. Why is this bad? It?s bad because while you are cutting fat, you will also be losing some muscle tissue. Find a diet system that is well balanced and healthy. After all, there are plenty of great programs to choose from out there, and it?s really a matter of finding one you believe you could stick with throughout your weight loss journey. The most important thing is that you achieve your goal and feel better about being you.

Once you have your goal in your mind, stay focused. It is very easy to overeat when you're out with friends or at business lunches, but if you intend to make your goal as quickly as possible, you need to say "no." This may sound easy right now, but when the time comes, and when it involves food, it's often much harder than it seems.

We all love junk food, and we all eat junk food for one reason, it tastes good. That's why McDonald's does so well. Everybody knows that it's not good for them, but we all go through the drive through every once in a while. The problem starts when we go to fast food too often. If you do, it will guarantee you failure.

If you are going to succeed, you need to get rid of your vice food. This means any food that is your vice. Maybe it's ice cream, chocolate or potato chips. Whatever it is, you have to get it out of your house so that it won't tempt you when you're feeling weak. This is one of the biggest reasons diets fail, junk food is tempting and easy to get to. Don't allow yourself to fall into this trap. Get rid of your vice food until you've reached your goal.

When you intend to lose weight, you need to let your friends and family know. Tell them you plan to lose weight and that you are very serious about it. Ask for their help to stay on track. If your friends struggle with weight loss, let them know how committed you are. Often our closest friends won't be as committed to their health as we are, and will accidentally tempt us to sweet snacks or a nice meal with friends. Ask for their help to stay on track and let them know how committed you are.

When you do this, some of your friends may surprise you and jump on board with you. Others may just sit back and not interfere. These friends and family will be the ones that make or break your success.

If your friends and family are resistant to you changing, get a coach or mentor, or, if you have to, healthier friends that will help you succeed. If worse comes to worst, you can move forward alone. After all, you are the only one that can make this happen and you are the only one who will finish it.

Even though you have to stay on track, it's important to indulge occasionally. Get a plan that keeps you burning fat constantly so you can't get discouraged, then you are able to occasionally fulfill some of your cravings. If you don't, you will fall off the wagon eventually, and when you do, it will be harder to get back to it. That's just not worth it, this is your health we're talking about, but it's also your life, and life is for living. Get a diet plan that allows you to eat some of your favorite foods. Despite what most diet plans think, you aren't a robot.

Eating cake or having fast food occasionally is just fine, but doing it at the wrong times can send you moving back up the scale, rather than down. Your diet plan must have flexibility built into it. There are plans available that let you eat your favorite foods while still losing weight.

If you want to lose 100 lbs safely and easily, follow these tips and above all, stay committed, even if you back slide, you can do it. It?s up to you to take action once you have a plan, and when you do, you will be amazed by the results. Imagine the feeling of being 100 lbs lighter. Imagine feeling light and full of energy. If you can imagine it, you can do it! It?s all up to you! - 17274

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How to Build Muscle with Bodybuilding Exercises

By Wakelin Smith

If you want to look for a bodybuilding exercise program just right for you, you may determine what techniques are also right for you specific to your body type. For example, if you're very slender, you might find that some traditional bodybuilding techniques are not going to work for you. These techniques are not designed for very slender people. If you want to gain weight quickly and healthfully, we'll need to concentrate on things like shoulder stability, balance, flexibility training, cardiovascular conditioning, core stability, and so on.

When you focus on posture and balance, you help align both your posture and your body in general. Before you begin your bodybuilding exercise program, you'll need to have proper posture. Because most professional bodybuilders have good posture, their programs may not concentrate on this particular feature. However, if your posture is good, you can look more fit simply because of the way you hold yourself.

When you're doing bodybuilding exercise, you'll also need to learn how to stabilize your shoulders so as to avoid injury. If you don't stabilize your shoulders and hold them properly, you could injure yourself, thus thwarting your bodybuilding exercise program. You'll need shoulders that are not injured so that you don't live your life in pain because you used the wrong techniques for bodybuilding.

Another thing you'll need for proper bodybuilding exercise is core stability. Core stability helps protect your lower back by strengthening your core muscles. Doing things wrong could cause you a lifetime of lower back pain. Therefore, if you've been engaging in bodybuilding workouts and you find you have lower back pain, stop. Those workouts are designed for people who already have core stability. Stabilize your core before you begin a weight-training program to help you gain weight. If you don't, you'll only risk injuring yourself.

Your bodybuilding exercise program should also focus on giving you the proper flexibility techniques for your particular body type. You'll need to focus on both your lower and upper body for flexibility. If you're stiff before you start working out, you're going to risk being injured. Therefore, you first need to perform the right exercises and stretching techniques specific to your body type so that you have the greatest flexibility possible and therefore avoid injury.

In addition, you might have certain parts of your body that are stronger than others. Therefore, you'll need to focus on building up those parts of your body that are "lagging behind" other, stronger parts of your body. The proper bodybuilding exercise program can help you do this, so that you're focusing on every part of your body in equal measure and not unduly strengthening one part of your body while ignoring another.

In addition to your bodybuilding exercise program, you'll also need to do overall conditioning. Overall conditioning requires that you add cardiovascular exercise, too. Even though cardiovascular exercise may not help you "bulk up," it still exercises your heart and lungs, which is necessary for proper health and maximum benefit. In addition, this type of training is also going to help keep you from getting injured while you work on gaining weight by building muscle.

Before you begin any bodybuilding exercise program, make sure you do your homework and choose just the right program for you. You'll need exercises that will help you work of posture, core stability, stabilizing shoulders, increasing flexibility, and focusing on overall conditioning, too. If you do things right, you can have lean, sexy muscles, or you can have bulky muscles, as long as you learn the right techniques based upon your body type. - 17274

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Nutrition And Supplements In Anti-Aging Medicine

By by Anju Mathur, MD

Vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants and other nutrients have often been removed from our civilized food chain by the effects of modern agricultural methods and food processing. Hence, their adequate supplementation in a nutrient-depleted body will greatly enhance the chance for a successful, long life, lived to its maximum potential.

Genetic background can be a help or hindrance to some of the most vicious degenerative diseases such as cancer and diseases of the circulatory system. But even these can definitely be overcome when a person decides to put his or her body back to rights and get well.

This is done by establishing your own personal metabolic individuality and determining your metabolic type. In other words it is important to know how your own body is handling food and not what a particular food is doing to the body.

This means that, by learning the do's and don'ts of proper environment and proper nutrition, and by investing what amounts to a small amount of our time and our money, we can soon be on the trail of our most valuable possession, ever-lasting good health.

An individual diet plan and needed supplements along with exercise can slow down the aging process and control or reverse age-related disease. Champion antioxidants such as Glutathione, vitamins A, C and E and beta-carotene counteract free radicals. Focusing on these proven natural therapies can undo some of the damage caused by free radicals, and slow down the ravages of age.

Free radical elimination or reduction is a very important factor in any anti-aging program, because the damage caused by free radicals is the main reason for aging, although other factors are involved. Also, the body produces waste products and toxins through its daily processes, and these must be eliminated. Correct nutrition, elimination and detoxification with safe and gentle methods are available. High blood pressure, Alzheimer?s disease, diabetes, Parkinson?s disease and arthritis are some of the diseases that are apparently mainly caused by free radicals.

Rationing of food intake can be very helpful in contributing to anti-aging medicine. Modern research indicates that restricting the amount of calories ingested can be important to extending lifespan in mammals. And the good news is that even limited periods of restricted calories can help balance hormone functions and the effects continue even when a person returns to a normal diet.

A long and healthy and productive life is possible with a small amount of effort in the direction of good nutrition and necessary supplements. The key is to work with a professional to discover exactly what is right for you. - 17274

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