Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, September 28, 2009

How to Protect Against the Swine Flu Virus with Gene-Eden, an Antiviral Natural Supplement

By Susan M. Roucher

Recently the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) published a press release reporting that the antiviral supplement Gene-Eden may offer protection against the swine flu virus. Gene-Eden was developed and is marketed by polyDNA, a biotech company specializing in science-based nutritional supplements. Gene-Eden is a broad range, all natural, antiviral supplement that targets viruses during their chronic or latent phase.

The formulation of the antiviral supplement Gene-Eden is based on five ingredients. These ingredients were identified by the scientists at polyDNA. To arrive at the specific formulation, the scientists downloaded thousands of scientific papers, analyzed these papers with the polyDNA proprietary in-house bio-informatics-based computer software, and then, based on the results of the analysis, identified the most powerful, yet safe ingredients.

Some of the scientific papers that include the clinical and laboratory results, which attest to the strong antiviral effect of the five natural substances, are available on the company's website. As expected from the scientific method used by polyDNA in developing the supplement, users of the supplement describe much improved health.

The next section includes the body of the press release by the CBCD.

"Everyone is looking for ways to protect themselves against the swine flu virus. Let me tell you about my personal encounter with the virus. About three months ago, I read an article on Dr. Hanan Polansky's book, where he describes his discovery of the relationship between chronic viruses and chronic disease. After I read the article, I started taking Gene-Eden, a broad range antiviral supplement, to reduce the number of chronic viruses in my body. My decision to start taking Gene-Eden had nothing to do with the swine flu virus. However, about two weeks ago, a lady working in my office was diagnosed with the swine flu. The poor lady was struck hard. She stayed in bad for a few days with high fever. She had a sore throat, muscle aches, was coughing, and felt completely drained. I was worried. Since we share the same office, I was certain I was next. About a week and a half ago, I started feeling a tingling in my throat. My first thought was "Here it comes!" But than I remembered that Gene-Eden targets many viruses. So I carefully read the label on the bottle, and decided to increase my dosage to the highest recommended one, two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon. I was amazed at the results. The tingling in my throat disappeared, and now, ten days later, I am completely healthy, no swine flu, no soar throat, no fever, nothing. Together, Gene-Eden and I beat the virus, and it surly feels great."

The above testimonial was collected in a study the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease is currently conducting with users of Gene-Eden. In one section, the study asks the participants to share their personal experience with the supplement. The above text is one of these experiences.

See more information on the antiviral supplement on the Gene-Eden website. To purchase Gene-Eden, you can go to Amazon.com.

The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) is a non-for-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)3 of the IRS tax code. The center's mission is to advance the research on the biology of chronic disease and to accelerate the discovery of a cure for these diseases. "This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. - 17274

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Treating Constipation Naturally

By Troy Adams

There is no reason to use a laxative or other product to cure constipation, because everything you need is probably already in your house or can be purchased at any local grocers. While you might immediately think of those ingredients commonly used in natural home constipation treatments like rhubarb, buckthorn, flaxseed, aloe, and senna, the simplest and most effective natural home treatment for constipation is changing your diet and drinking more water. First, you'll want to increase the amount of insoluble fiber you consume, because fiber naturally scrapes the walls of the intestines and helps clean them out. Next, drink lots and lots of water. Staying well hydrated makes stools moist. Both clean intestines and moist stools mean they are easier to pass and you are less likely to become constipated.

Insoluble fiber can be found in things like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Since fiber passes through the digestive tract virtually unchanged, wheat bran, brown rice or whole grain breads are a good way to add fiber, but eating plenty of fruits and vegetables daily is a good preventive measure. For example, eating raw vegetables, such as celery, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower can be the most effective because they act as natural scrubbers as they pass through the intestinal system. Of course, you can cook the fruits and vegetables, but for the most fiber and nutrient content, raw is recommended.

You can also alleviate constipation and prevent future constipation by ensuring you drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water each and every day. Your body requires this much water to stay hydrated, function properly, and keep from becoming constipated. While many people think they get enough water in their diets because they drink soda, coffee, tea, or alcoholic beverages, that isn't the same. Alcohol and all the sodium in many soft drinks can actually dehydrate the body rather than hydrate it. And excessive coffee and tea often upset the body's balance and result in diarrhea.

Another key way to avoid constipation is to go to the bathroom to have a bowel movement as soon as the urge strikes. Don't wait. Waiting often results in dry, hard stools that can cause hemorrhoids. Most constipation is caused by poor diet and dehydration. So the best, most natural way to treat constipation is to change your diet and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

For people who accumulate a large amount of mucus in their intestines, a colon cleanse may help clean out the intestines to enable stools to pass easier. You can do a colon cleanse easily at home, but don't leave the house if you do. You'll want to be near the bathroom because it gets fast results.

The first part of this remedy is to add a teaspoon of sea salt to a glass of warm water and drink twice a day, to be supplemented with the colon cleanser detox formula. The colon cleanser formula is 2 tablespoons of natural lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup and 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water, to be drank 6 to 10 times a day.

This detox mixture is actually a remedy often utilized over a 7 to 10-day period to induce weight loss. However, it also works very effectively to treat constipation naturally. The natural ingredients are very effective for cleansing the entire digestive and intestinal tract. Those who wish may use this treatment every few months throughout the year. In between, they should make an effort to eat a healthy, fiber-rich diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and drink lots of water to stay regular and avoid constipation. - 17274

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Negative Calorie Foods Diet Tree

By Stan Towers

If you've done much research on diets at all, then you've probably already run across the concept of negative calorie foods. The negative calorie food diet is one that has come under a lot of scrutiny, but despite this it's an idea that has created a lot of imitators based around the same basic principles. For a much criticized diet, it sure has a lot of imitators!

This imitation means that there are a great deal of diets based at least in part around foods that are part of the negative calorie foods list. Some of these related fad diets include the grapefruit diet, pineapple diet, and cabbage soup diet. Aside from these popular fad diets, it's also obvious that vegetarian diets will also have a lot in common with this weight loss plan since all the foods on this list are either fruits or vegetables.

The pineapple diet has several different forms, but all revolve around eating a lot of pineapple. Pineapple is found on the negative calorie foods list, and is often mentioned as a healthy food that has enzymes that are hard for the body to break down, encouraging weight loss.

The cabbage soup diet is perhaps the most popular example of a diet that has many of the same foods, roots, and tenants as the negative calorie foods diet. While this eating plan varies in a great many ways, and also takes into account calorie cycling and nutrient cycling, the base cabbage soup that's eaten every day is composed almost completely of vegetables found on the negative calorie list. There are also days on this diet that only allow fruits, vegetables, or both, in addition to the soup - making this a close working model of how negative calories can be built into a diet.

And the grapefruit diet is yet another example of an eating plan that could have been designed simply by picking out a person's favorite negative calorie food and just running with it. Grapefruit has enormous popularity as a diet food because it is high in water, fiber, and vitamins and low in calories. In addition to all this, grapefruit is notoriously hard for the body to break down and process, forcing your body to work and burn more calories to process it.

Vegetarian diets are going to have large portions that mirror foods found on the negative calorie list because all negative calorie foods are going to be fruits and veggies. The huge difference between the two is that a vegetarian eating plan will be complete and include grains and rice, while the list is there to supplement an eating plan, not be the end all be all of dietary restrictions.

Even beyond the ones mentioned in this article, there are many other diets out there which are based in some form or another on these foods. While not many of these diets are likely to admit to the truth, the evidence is obvious.

All arguments aside, you're not likely to ever find someone who says eating more fruit and vegetables is a bad nutritional choice. Negative calorie foods are all about the fruits and veggies, so no matter what type of arguments remain this diet is likely to stay around. - 17274

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Antioxidant Rich Foods Could Lose Nutrition As Time Passes

By Kirsten Whittaker

If food and drinks are stored that are rich with antioxidants for longer than you should they can start to lose their nutritional benefits over time.

A study looked at compounds within green tea. These are often referred to a catechins and are thought to be able to improve the immune response, fight infection and help prevent cancer.

Since this type of tea doesn't spoil and stays on shelves for long periods, a team from the Western Regional Research Center of the U.S. Department of Agriculture researched to check if the amount of this amazing compound stayed constant over time.

There was a progressive reduction over time, but even after a short time the levels of catechin reduced. By the end of six-months of storage the levels have gone down by about 32%.

In addition another study from the University of Foggia in Italy evaluated a few varieties of olive oil that had been produced within a day of the olives being taken from the fields in the Apulia region of Italy. This team was strict about the oil being "extra-virgin" ensuring that the processing was limited solely to washing, decanting, filtration and high-speed mixing.

Making this oil part of your diet has long been thought helpful for cutting the risk of heart disease, stroke and even some types of cancer. Once Antonella Baiano and her team looked at the antioxidant levels, they remained unchanged for 3 months of storage. But, by the 6-month mark, most of the oils had lost about 40% of their antioxidant properties.

So, this means that even if you do everything right foods can still lose their nutritional stength. So, antioxidants are more fragile than initially thought, and the fresher you eat your food the better.

So, go for containers that have dark glass to reduce the chance of antioxidants breaking down. - 17274

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The Plain Fact In relation to How To Lose Tummy Fat

By Stelios Appleby

Learning the top way to lose stomach fat is on occasion a hard job. There are so many professionals that appear to say opposing things in relation to how to cure this issue permanently. This piece of writing will hopefully open your eyes to the simple facts in relation to how to eliminate that unsightly tummy fat permanently.

I am probably going to astound you by what I am going to declare next. In essence one of the top methods to eliminate tummy fat is by cutting down on the amount of abs exercises you are doing. What does that mean?

I am not saying that you must not do tummy exercises what I am saying is that if you are just doing abdominal training alone you are undoubtedly not going to obtain the answers you are searching for. The reason for this is that six pack workouts by themselves do not create enough of a metabolic response in your body to eradicate the excess fat.

It isn't a good idea to avoid the abdominal workouts totally since you do have to be doing a set quantity of focused abdominal work to tone the tummy area and to get that ripped six pack look. However, moderation is important and there is a lot to be said for diversifying your exercise routine.

The fact is that it will be very hard to get your tummy muscles to be toned if you don't do a few other things apart from only specific belly exercises. You need to also concentrate on doing some cardio work as well as consuming a healthy diet that will aid you in getting free of the fat. If you do not do other things as well, then you are extremely unlikely to see significant benefits.

If you really want to do well at getting your tummy muscles toned or ripped then you have to make sure that you are keeping a close eye on what you are eating. Having bad eating habits is one of the prime reasons, individuals do not see the improvements they want to, when attempting to get six pack abs.

How desperately do you desire to have six pack abs? If you desire to truly have the tummy muscles that will have people stopping and staring at you on the beach then you have to get your eating habits correct. That doesn't mean you necessarily need to eat like a bodybuilder and be strict with everything you have, but it does mean that you have to be conscious of what you eat and that you might have to make some prudent adjustments.

If you want to change your diet for good then you are going to need to understand that your issue may not be physical. Peoples issues with food usually come from their psychological relationship with food and how they associate food mentally, if you can do some work on changing your thoughts in this area, you are much more likely to be successful at changing your dietary habits permanently. - 17274

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Get the Best Abs

By James Statham

Ready to start getting the best abs? I will be showing you, in this article, how you can get a six pack, using the proper methods. Specifically, there are 3 vital components you need to understand. They are your diet, your workout routine and your dedication. By the end of this article, you will know what you have to do to get ripped!

The one thing you should stay away from, is the traditional abs exercises. These are what basically everyone thinks are the best way to get the best abs, but really aren't. I personally had a routine where all I did was crunches and sit ups, and never got the results I expected! The two key factors that are essential for massive fat loss, is to raise your metabolism, and lower you body fat levels. Now crunches, sit ups and the like, will not do either of these two things. What you need to be doing are proper exercises, especially designed for maximum fat burn.

Incase you didn't know, your metabolism determines the amount of calories your body burns throughout the day. The higher this number is the more fat you burn. Simple. Therefore, you need to get this number up, whatever you do, or you will spend forever trying but never succeeding. Thankfully, there are specific abs exercises that will bring your metabolism up, all you need to do is find out what they are!

Another big mistake most people make when attempting to get the best abs, is not following the correct diet. A common belief was that to burn fat, you need to follow a low carb diet. Wrong! In fact, by following this diet, you could end up adding to the excess layer of fat around your stomach! Instead of this, you should be eating foods that are high in protein, such as meat, fish, cheese etc. These foods are great for muscle building, and also should be eaten if you want to get ripped!

Avoid typical cardio workouts. Stay off the treadmill! A long drawn out cardio workout is not only boring, but isn't intense enough to burn fat sufficiently. To get the best abs, the cardio workout you should be doing, should be short and sharp. A high intense, half hour cardio session will be so much better for you in the long term than simply jogging for hours on end.

Once you have gained information about diet and exercising, there's one more thing needed to really get the best abs, and that is your dedication. As long as you can stay on track, and not give up, then you will have the results to show off to the world! - 17274

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