Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Guidelines For Extreme Dieting

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

As much as I am against crash diets, I understand that some people are going to do them regardless of the consequences. So I have decided to provide some tips on how to crash diet while minimizing the negatives.

Now why are extreme diets so dangerous? The biggest down side by far is the massive weight regain that happens because of an altered metabolism. And if taken too far, there can be even worse consequences.

So here is how to minimize the damage of drastic dieting:

1. Learn how to stop. You cannot just stop cold turkey here. A slow phasing out of the diet is your best option. If you simply stop the diet and start eating the way you used to, you will gain a lot of weight very quickly.

2. Take a multivitamin. Any extreme diet is going to leave you lacking in certain vitamins and minerals. So you absolutely have to supplement with a high quality vitamin supplement.

3. Identify your circadian rhythm alerting. Your biological clock will grant you with two times of day when you are most alert. Figure out when they happen and do your most mentally demanding tasks when they activate.

4. Distract yourself when the hunger pangs hit. You will feel some extreme hunger pangs with a crash diet. The best thing to do is distract yourself. I knew a wrestler that used to play video game tournaments during the most tough bouts of dieting.

5. Embrace the rebound.You are going to gain weight once you stop, period. Do your best to minimize the rebound, but do not get down once it happens.

6. Do not do it long term. Even if you are getting outstanding results. Doing so can seriously damage your metabolism. And once your metabolism is haywire, it can take a lot of work to fix it.

Extreme dieting can seriously alter your metabolism if done for too long or if done incorrectly. If you decide to go on an extreme diet, however, make sure to follow my guidelines! - 17274

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Bodybuilding Workouts & Tips, How Deadlifts Can Help You To Build Muscles

By Ricardo d Argence

Are you ready to build your muscles? Do you want to get ripped? Do you want a body that commands attention and respect, regardless of where you are? That is your goal, is it not?

Today I'm going to talk to you about one single exercise that will help you to achieve that powerful body quicker than you ever thought possible. All you need is a good old-fashioned barbell and a flat surface.

What you're going to want to do is make sure that the bar you choose has as much weight as it possibly can. Once you have done this, pick it up and keep your back perfectly straight. This might sound simple, but it is the best upper body exercise you can do, and it is called the deadlift.

If your goal is to gain as much muscle mass as possible, in the shortest time possible, the the deadlift is definitely the way to go.

This is a very powerful exercise; as a matter of fact it can actually work the entire body in just one movement. The motion that you make can stretch every muscle in the body at once.

Mostly you are working out the upper and lower back, and your thighs. The deadlift however, has it's effect on the entire body. It won't take you long to notice this and start believing that it is true. When you start doing it regularly, your body will feel as if it is undergoing a complete workout.

There are actually a few ways that you can do the deadlift, but that's another story for another day. Let's go over the basic type, which is a the bent-leg deadlift. This is the standard way of doing it, and we'll go over it right now.

What you want to do is ensure your feet are wide apart, which is to say shoulder width. When you are sur4e you have it, grip the bar with your hands, and put your hands outside your legs. Most people use an overhand grip, but if you want you can have one palm facing in and one out.

Now it's time to start your workout, so make sure that you are squatting. Keep the bar close to your shins, and keep your back flat. Stare straight ahead and push upward with your legs.

When you've done it, it's time to start lifting. Pull up on your weight until you're standing up fully. After that, lower that weight just like it was picked up.

Rest the plates on the ground briefly, regroup, take a deep breath and pull the weight back up again. Continue the lift until your legs reach muscular failure or until your form starts to slip.

Maintaining proper form is of high importance when performing deadlifts. You should be able to handle a reasonable amount of weight here, and this increases your chance of injury.

Keeping your back straight is another important part of deadlifting. When you do lift, make sure that your weight stays close to your body. You also want your abs to be tight, that way you don't end up stressing your lower back any more than it needs to be.

Do this repeatedly, that way you get it down to a science. When you're ready, you can start adding more weight. If you want to keep your grip from faltering too quickly, you can try using lifting straps in your deadlifts.

I recommend performing deadlifts once a week for 1-2 all-out sets. How many reps should you perform for each set? Well, deadlifts are such an incredibly effective exercise that they'll work no matter what rep range you use. My suggestion is to stay in the range of 5-7, but some people go as high as 20.

Mess around with it, and see which system is best. Make sure that you do this respectfully, and be ready for a life changing experience. - 17274

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Insulin And Weight Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

You can ignore all the different angles and theories and focus on one thing: controlling insulin. Why is insulin so important? Because it ultimately controls how much fat you can lose.

You see, no matter how much you run, no matter how much you lift weights, no matter how many supplements you take, if insulin is high you will never lose fat.

Thus, here is how to lower insulin for better weight loss:

1. Stick to low GI carbs. Carbohydrates by far have the biggest impact on insulin levels compared to other macronutrients. So if you have anything white in your diet or if drink a lot of liquid calories, it is time to start phasing these foods out.

2. Get in shape. Paradoxically, you need lower levels of insulin to lose weight, and you need to lose weight so that insulin decreases. In other words, the more fat you lose, the less insulin your body will produce to function properly. This is one of the reasons why thin people can eat a lot and not gain weight as fast as heavy people.

3. Deal with the carb withdrawal. Sugar triggers the same areas in the brain that drugs trigger. This is a proven fact. So once you ditch all the sugar and fast digesting carbs, you may miss the rush. A good way to overcome this is with loose leaf teas and with distracting activities.

4. Avoid the whole grain mentality. We have been told for far too long that whole grains are healthy. And while they do contain more fiber than sugary foods, they are still NOT optimal for weight loss. We did not evolve over history to eat whole grains.

5. Ditch the martini. I bet you have heard about the effects of alcohol ad nauseum. Well, get ready to hear them again. You see, alcohol has a TON of calories and it promotes the storage of fat around your stomach. So please stay away, far away from the spirits.

Mastering insulin will allow you to lose as much weight or fat as you want. Time and again the research keeps on pointing to insulin as the main reason for excess weight gain. So get on top of your insulin levels and start losing weight today. - 17274

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Healthier Than Sodas

By Dave Hodges

I've been a soda lover all of my life. I love the sweet, crisp flavor, and I really love the feel of the bubbles and the carbonation.

As much as I love these sodas, I've come to terms with the fact that I need to put an end to the habit, or at least cut back on my intake. I'm getting more mature and I need to start treating my body well, and eliminating soda as a regular part of my diet is probably the first step.

You might be wondering why I don't just start drinking diet sodas, but I've never been a fan of things with chemicals in them. Even the foods I eat are mostly organic, as I really prefer the health benefits of eating natural ingredients. The same goes for my drinks.

I've tried club soda and while I do like it for the health reasons, I find it to be really bland. I need to be drinking something with at least a bit of flavor in it! Maybe not even soda, but something that at least tastes interesting to me.

I recently came across an alternative that both tastes great and happens to be healthy. In fact, it's even healthier than seltzer. Made completely of fruit, it tastes like a soda but it's all natural.

There are probably a handful of brands offering these products but I'm going to focus on two of them, Izze and Fizzy Lizzy's. I've found both of these to be the best, and they're really similar in terms of taste and price.

Both of these companies have pure carbonated juice blends that really do taste as if they're real sodas. With no added sugars of any kind, these are really like drinking a glass of fruit juice with some seltzer thrown into the mix.

If you want to kick your soda habit too, I'd say that looking into these options would be a huge step in the right direction. Give them a shot next time you're craving a soda. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. - 17274

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Did You Know That You Can Stay In Shape By Walking To Lose Weight?

By Caitlyn Sierra

Okay chances are you are trying to get into shape by learning more about walking to lose weight and you have come to the internet to find out if this is the best way to get back into shape. We all know that losing weight can be one of the most difficult things that we as a society can ever achieve.

With so much information online about how to lose weight; we are all looking for that "little magic pill" that will help us shed those unwanted pounds. In fact if you are one of the thousands of people who are looking for the best ways to burn fat and stay in shape then you have come to the right place. We want to share with you how to begin getting into shape and getting back your self esteem so that you can look and feel great.

Everyone needs to realize is that it is not possible to shed those excess pounds by continuing to sit in front of the television on your couch. One of the main reasons that reasons that so many people are unable to get the body that they deserve is because they are not willing to put forth the effort to get back into shape.

If you want to get back into shape then you have to stop being lazy. Regardless of what you tend to believe it is going to require you to do some type of exercise. One of the great things about exercising to lose weight is that you can easily begin walking for 30 minutes each day to get back into shape. You have to put forth the effort to get back into shape and get the weight off.

Thousands of people in our society have been extremely unhappy with the results that they get when they jump from one diet to the next. You have to know that it is possible to get back into shape and get the results that you desire however you have to be willing to stick with it for as long as it takes.

Most people will never reach their weight loss goals that they say that they want to reach. One of the main reasons that people will never get to their desired weight; is because they will give up on working towards their goals before they get the results that they deserve.

Stop by and visit our site right now and find out more information about how people have lost weight by walking to lose weight. In fact you will discover that exercising to lose weight can help anyone reach their goals as long as they continue doing it everyday. - 17274

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How To Succeed With Arm Fat Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

It is very common for women to get so caught up with the diet and exercise part of the arm fat equation that they forget to change how they think for optimal success. And changing your thought patterns is what will ultimately help you succeed.

Why is a mental game plan so critical? Well, no matter how good your arm fat burning program is, you WILL eventually get tired of it. Psychology and biology dictates that you simply cannot stay highly motivated towards a singular pursuit for extended periods of time. Thus, your mental plan will ultimately carry you to victory.

So here are 6 tips for winning the war on arm fat:

1. Change how you value food. We have been conditioned to value food that is both cheap and convenient. Unfortunately, food that falls into this category is usually very bad for you. Accept that food for losing arm fat may be a little more expensive and may take a little more time to prepare.

2. Avoid negative internal dialogue. They may seem harmless, but over time their cumulative effect can singlehandedly undermine your arm fat loss efforts. So never criticize your body no matter how bad you think it looks.

3. Truly believe in compliments. How many times has someone complimented your progress while deep down inside you say that the person is just being nice? Hogwash! Outside feedback is usually the most objective you can get. So use it as way to keep the fires of motivation burning.

4. Avoid obsessive weight checking. Your weight is like a series of waves, no matter what you do it will keep on going up and down. So why check it so frequently? Also, do not forget that weight is a highly inaccurate indicator of progress.

5. Truly accept that magic does not exist. Some approaches are far better than others, but never forget that the magic bullet does not exist. Any type of change is going to take effort.

6. Don't diet and exercise to lose arm fat. I know this sounds crazy, but if you focus on the process instead of the goal, you will feel like a giant bag of bricks has been lifted from your shoulders. You will also avoid the dangerous and unsustainable deadline mentality.

Failing to take a serious look at the mental game plan that goes into losing arm fat is a huge mistake that too many women are making. And with the advice in this article, you will be much closer to reaching your goals! - 17274

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Discover Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss with Acai Berry

By Davion Wong

Acai Berry products are unique health supplements that guarantee benefits such as colon cleansing and weight loss. If you think that this is just like any other supplement and diet product that is out in the market, you are making a mistake. Acai Berry has powerful properties that is uniquely its own and cannot be found in any other supplement. It effectively promotes weight loss, wellness and good health altogether.

Acai Berry products are made from natural ingredients and have an excellent safety profile. They promote healthy digestion and metabolism. Its colon cleanse property can be attributed to its detoxifying action. It actually eliminates all the toxic build ups that have accumulated in the colon by flushing them all out. This allows the digestive tract to be free from all toxic wastes and unnecessary build ups. The result is an efficient and healthier digestive process, proper absorption of nutrients and faster metabolism.

It is healthy to cleanse your colon using an Acai Berry supplement. The best part is that you will not feel sluggish or weak during your journey towards weight loss and detoxification. You will feel refreshed from within and completely revitalized knowing that all impurities had been flushed out of your system. A healthy digestion has a lot to do with proper utilization of calories from the food you eat and burning of fats.

The properties of Acai Berry are backed up by scientific studies. Its unique features are beneficial for one's health and over all wellness. It also contains a natural blend of powerful antioxidants that can protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals. With Acai Berry, you can also fight the early signs of aging. Moreover, you will achieve a radiant glow on your skin and healthy looking hair.

Acai Berry is known for its weight loss properties. In fact, it is easy to lose weight through colon cleansing because the process involves flushing away all the waste products from your system which are responsible for all the unnecessary weight you are carrying on your body.

Moreover, after detoxifying and cleansing your digestive tract, your digestive system will work like it has never worked before - fast, healthy and efficient. So you do not have to worry about having an extra serving of dessert because your digestive system will take care of it.

Acai Berry supplements are incomparable to other weight loss products because the colon cleanse property promises long term benefits.

Colon cleansing and weight loss is possible by taking Acai Berry supplements. Having a slimmer and sexier figure is achievable by making a healthy choice in your diet supplements. - 17274

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Muscle Building Techniques to Supplement Your Workout

By Larry Floyd

Weight lifting, for it to be efficient should require some helpful muscle building techniques. These techniques are intended for advanced body building who have achieved specific plateaus in their workouts. The following techniques are drop sets, super sets and negatives.

The drop set technique involves forcing your body to keep lifting non stop, every time reducing the amount of weight you carry. As an example, you may do some military press at 100 pounds for 10 repetitions and then continue to lift at 90 for 10 reps and so on.

There are some extremists that actually go to the point of dropping 10 pounds at a time until they are left with just the bar. These are of course extreme cases and are only practiced by advanced body builders. This is a very successful muscle building technique.

The next effective technique are supesets. They are essentially two or more workouts performed back to back, targeting opposite muscle groups with no rest between the workouts. These kinds of exercises shock your muscles with the amount of work and effort they involve, resulting in an effective muscle increase.

A good example would be performing some bench press followed by some bent over row or single arm curls followed by tricep extensions. These are just examples and you can construct your own superset as long as you take into consideration the muscles they are targetting.

The final technique called negatives are the most effective of the three. A negative is what most people don't think when they are weight lifting. When you lift weights and you push the weights away from you, your muscles contract and do a positive. As soon as you release the weight, you are now doing a negative. You in fact work the tendons more in a negative movement than you do a positive. This is the reason why I consider negatives as the best muscle building technique. This on the other hand makes it the most challenging technique to execute.

To sum it all up, weight lifting is not all about who can carry the most, there are also techniques involed like all other sport. The three I've mentioned above are what I believe to be the best muscle building techniques for more experienced weight lifters. I wouldn't suggest this for starters as they could be shocked by the amount of effort they require. Nonetheless, you can choose to try the techniques for a day with the help of a trainer and see how your body reacts to the exercise. - 17274

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Easy Tips To Change Your Diet

By Selene Foong

Keeping your body healthy in a world where greasy fast food and unhealthy junk food is easily available is pretty tough. It is not easy to choose between delicious yet unhealthy junk food such as french fries, sweets, pastries and healthy options like fruits and vegetables.

Fast food is so much easier to grab on the go but have you ever stop to think what you are feeding your body? When it comes to making a choice between a tasty burger and a healthy wholesome salad, I am sure you will go for the burger. Eating unhealthily on a long term basis will not only cause overweight issues but it will also cause health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol levels and heart disease.

When you constantly eat unhealthy food, it will shorten your life span and also cause an impact on your quality of life as you may be afflicted with various health conditions that require constant medical attention. So, here I would like to share some steps on how you can change your diet for the better without depriving or starving yourself.

1. When you are on the go - if you are in a hurry and need a quick bite, don't just settle for chips or a greasy fast food burger. You can always go for the healthier option of a healthy, wholemeal sandwich. You can grab such sandwiches at places like Subway. Always remember to ask for extra vegies, choose the wholemeal bread and for dressing, don't ask for mayo but choose the healthier sauces like olive oil or even a tad of mustard.

2. Eating out - many people do not cook because they do not have the time to cook or simply because they are not interested in cooking. Whatever the reason, when eating out, you always have the choice of going to a healthier place to eat rather than going to a fast food place. Choose a restaurant that offer healthy options like salads and grilled dishes. If you do not like salads, you can choose mains like chicken that are grilled or roasted but not deep-fried. Also stay off the skin! The best is to go for grilled fish with a side of steamed vegetables and yes, hold the mashed potatoes or fries. Instead, asked for baked potato with dressing aside.

3. When you go to parties or during celebrations - parties and holiday seasons like Christmas means there are loads of goodies to try such as cakes, cookies, pastries and high-fat foods. Instead of depriving yourself completely of these goodies, you can choose to eat less. This means you can eat those goodies but do with with moderation in mind. You can eat the chocolate cake but keep it to a small slice and do not go for seconds. The same goes for the other food, keep it all at smaller portions. Instead, you fill up on salads and fruits first before going for the mains and desserts. This way, you tend not to overeat.

You don't really need to be counting calories but as you slowly reduce your portion size and add in more healthy vegetables and fruits, you will find the pounds slowly dropping away. The best part is that you are not even depriving yourself but just cutting back and changing some of the foods for healthier alternatives. Try it and you will see the results! - 17274

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Discover How To End Constant Tiredness By Eating the Right Fats

By Cecil Kelly

You have heard the myth that fat equals fatigue. You know that your excess body fat increases your tiredness. However, do not believe that dietary fat is causing your weight gain or your lack of energy.

Asking "why am I always tired" has a surprising answer. A lack of healthy fat has been proven to cause burn out and chronic fatigue. Your body interprets a lack of dietary fat as malnutrition. This triggers your body to convert other foods to fat and store that fat. You literally gain body fat because you did not consume enough fat.

On the other hand, eating plenty of healthy fats can end your cravings for sugary foods, stop weight gain, and give you an energy boost. These healthy fats are made of essential fatty acids which fuel your metabolism longer, like a slow-burning log which provides on-going sustenance. The more your energy has been drained, the more essential fatty acids you will need. You can get these essential fats through supplements, but it is best to get them in your diet naturally.

One trick to consuming healthy fats and preventing extreme tiredness is to consume them at the right temperature. As with many foods, certain types of fats lose their energy boosting attributes when they are heated. The heat breaks the chains of fatty acids, changing them into a form that is either unusable or toxic. Keep in mind that if this kind of fat has ever been heated it will no longer be useful even if you are consuming it cool.

Processed foods almost always have fats that are toxic to your body and can increase fatigue. These should be avoided at all costs. Certain heated oils such as canola, peanut, corn, cottonseed, safflower, and sunflower oils should always be avoided.

Many of the best fats must stay cool or at room temperature in order to prevent your extreme tiredness. Almond, grape seed, flax seed, primrose, sesame, and avocado oils are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, but they have to stay cool or at room temperature. The same is true of Omega 3 rich oils like salmon, walnut, and pumpkin.

Other fats can be heated and retain their healthy properties. Olive oil can be consumed at room temperature or cooked with and is a great source of essential fatty acids. Fowl derived fats, like turkey and duck fat, are great for cooking. Natural butter, palm kernel oil, shea nut oil, sour cream, and cheese are also very healthy fats that can be heated.

Stop avoiding fats because it is making your extreme tiredness worse. Eating right is always an important component to having more energy. This includes getting the healthy, essential fats in your diet that can help you feel invigorated again. - 17274

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Discover the Foods that Build Muscle

By Harley Radowski

Ensuring that you give your body the fuel it needs to build muscle is an important part of bodybuilding. Eating to build muscle is just as important as your weight lifting program or other bodybuilding routines.

Lifting weights forces your muscles to work hard, and can also cause minor injury to muscles. Although those injuries can heal very quickly, eating the right foods that build muscle can really speed up the process. Food supplies fuel that the body needs, and the right food can do wonders.

When looking into the types of food that helps build muscle, you probably immediately think of eating a low fat diet. That is great, but probably the most important type of foods that build muscle are foods containing high levels of protein. Foods like meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cheese and other milk products. Nuts are also a great protein source.

Finding out how much protein to eat when you are interested in building muscle fast is actually not difficult. First, you will need to find out your lean body mass weight in kilos, and then you simply multiply that figure by 2.75 to determine your daily protein requirement. Calculating your lean body mass uses some complex formulae, so ask a professional at the gym if you do not already have this figure.

Foods that build muscle include carbohydrates. Many uninformed people believe that all carbohydrates should be eliminated in order to obtain a fit, lean body. Nothing could be further from the truth. So long as the carbohydrates you ingest include plenty of fibre, carbs will contribute to building muscle mass - not body fat. Great carbohydrate based foods include rice, oatmeal, bananas and other types of fruit such as apples and pears.

Reducing fat in your diet is also important when considering what foods build muscle mass. I said earlier that protein is essential for the best muscle building nutrition. The problem is that many protein sources are also high in fat. The key, therefore, is to eating plenty of proteins that are low in fat. That way you get the benefit of the protein, and you reduce your fat intake at the same time. So cut all the fat off your meat, and the skin off your chicken, and drink low fat milk instead of the full fat variety.

You may argue that drinking has no effect on what to eat to build muscle. But you would be wrong. Hydration is critical to general health and wellbeing. Even more so when you are working to build muscle mass.

Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day (even 12 glasses) is absolutely essential to allow your body to properly digest all the good food you are eating. For those who just cannot stomach the taste (or lack of taste) of so much water, other types of liquid although not quite as good are still acceptable as water substitutes ? fruit juice and even soft drinks can suffice as long as you (preferably) drink some of your liquid intake in water form.

Regular bodybuilding workouts are also essential to maximise the effects of good bodybuilding diets. It is all very well knowing what to eat to build muscle, but if you do not combine this great new diet by building muscle mass with weight lifting exercises or other bodybuilding routines, you will not be able to build muscle fast. So do both - eat foods that build muscle, and undertake bodybuilding workouts, and you will end up with a body you will be proud of. - 17274

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Build Muscle With These Power Foods

By Mariana Coshner

The most important part of building lean muscle is choosing the correct high-protein foods to add to your muscle-building diet. High protein foods lead to increased muscle and are also essential to a healthier lifestyle. Choose high are ?complete proteins? low in saturated fat. Complete protein foods contain amino acids, which are the building blocks for lean muscle.

Eggs are one of the best and most readily available sources of protein. There are so many delicious ways to prepare eggs. They can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but do not leave out the yolk. Not only are egg yolks full of quality protein, they are a major source of vitamin B12, which breaks down fat and assists with muscle contraction. Eggs are also a key source of riboflavin, folate, vitamins B6, B12, D, and E, in addition to iodine, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, calcium and iron.

Fish is a flavorful, high protein source that contains very little carbohydrates and saturated fat. Cold water fish varieties like salmon, trout, or sardines contain high quality protein. Fish is also a chief source of omega 3 fatty acids, iron, zinc and calcium. Salmon is a popular and delicious protein that is overflowing with omega-3 fatty acids, which is vital in reducing muscle-protein breakdown following workouts and also improves insulin resistance.

Beans are often overlooked in the search for high protein foods. Kidney beans are a low-fat and very nutritious food that plays a large part in building muscle. Not only are beans are a major source of high quality protein, they are also high in fiber, folate, manganese, iron, phosphorus, copper and potassium.? Kidney beans contain an incredible 14 grams of protein and 11 grams of fiber per one cup serving.

An excellent source of iron and zinc, two essential minerals for muscle building and cancer-fighting selenium, beef is also the best source of creatine, which supplies your body with the energy it needs to create muscle. Extra-lean cuts of like round, loin, or flat iron varieties are among the best choices.

A muscle-building diet is incomplete without the vital addition of unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats support nerve transmission and support the body?s ability to absorb nutrients, foster proper hormone function and advances overall cell health. Choose plant whole food sources of unsaturated fats in the form of fresh avocado, olives, flaxseed, almonds and peanuts. - 17274

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