Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Make Your Juicer Your Pharmacy

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

Is there a certain line of defense to engage when you are not well? Is it true that once you hit a certain age things begin to fall apart and youre at the mercy of a life of medication to keep organ systems going? Well, it will be true for you if you believe that. My job here though is to remind you that your body has the greatest potential for healing, and once you taste the triumph when Infinite Intelligence reverses an illness or condition, youll be empowered for life. Youll be invincible.

Everyone needs reminders. They come in the form of a good friend, a spouse, a mentor, a movie like the Secret or What the Bleep, a class or a book. The reminder is simple yet profound and that is that YOU ARE IN CHARGE. You can turn poor health around by going to the root cause of all disease: bad digestion. Bad digestion simply means youve run out of or are very low in digestive enzymes and minerals. Your job now is to eat whole, organic, take digestive enzymes every time you eat and combine your foods properly.

The Infinite Intelligence in the body considers assimilating food a high priority; in fact, all else takes second place to digestion. As a persons digestion becomes increasingly worse, the body must expend more time and energy grasping for nourishment. As the body becomes more starved and depleted it only makes sense that organs and systems breakdown, usually those that are genetically predisposed. If poor eating habits persist, the body spends more energy trying to work food through the system, organ systems break down, and the Infinite Intelligence programmed for homeostasis doesnt have a spare moment for healing. This is when people are in a real crisis.

When and if you find yourself in a healing crisis the best natural healing methods are rest and to re-mineralize. That takes the stress off of the body, freeing it up to do much needed healing, restoration. The idea is to eat as much organic and raw as possible. Not only is juicing the most effective way to put minerals in and replenish, a juicer is the best pharmacy you can go to. Juicing should be a daily routine. It can keep any family healthy and alert. It is often times up to mothers to be the serious juice masters. The rewards are great.

There are some really tasty juice combinations. In our home we love carrots, a cucumber, a green apple, celery, spinach, fennel and watercress. The cucumber and green apple lend a lot of juice and cut any heaviness in the carrots and spinach. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, great for the immune system, spinach is rich in folic acid, vitamin E and a great blood builder, celery is rich in potassium, fennel great for the digestive system and cucumber promotes beautiful skin.

Try these simple formulas: 1. Blood Building: 7 carrots, 1 beet with the greens and a handful of parsley. Add a green apple if you like. 2. Beautiful Skin: 2 Cucumbers, handful of parsley, 7 carrots, a green apple and kale. 3. Arthritis: handful of cherries, a handful of blueberries, and pineapple. Also try: pineapple, 6 carrots, and a handful of spinach. These three are only a taste of the many juice recipes you can play with. You will create many of your own favorites.

Juicing allows for simple assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Remember,always, that when ill you want to make all things as simple and restful to the body as possible.

Although you can have some lifeless in your diet; make 75% real and live food. As Earth Day is on our minds, take a stand for organic, both for fabrics and foods. Ask store owners to make sure that they do not stock genetically engineered, seedless varieties. Remember that the middle isles of stores contain lifeless food. Eat around the periphery of any store. Quality life as we age depends on replenishing the body storehouses of minerals and enzymes.

If you are healing, there are certain rules of thumb: it is better to not eat than to eat something that will throw the healing process back, drink lots of pure water every day, use only the freshest of everything you put in or on your body, make sure you eliminate several times a day, get lots of rest or meditation time, or both, have people you can trust to talk to, change the way you do things, eat every bite of food with gratitude and consciousness, help a friend, and love yourself above all else so you have more to give to others.

Here's to a Healthy You, Ellen Valentine - 17274

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Finding Health With The Vegan Diet

By Kelly Stewart

Nowadays, there are numerous people that are choosing to be vegetarian. These people want to have a good vegetarian diet because this diet is healthy. There are many kinds of vegetarians, some wanted to discontinue meat but not fish while others will not eat animal flesh period. The more conservative type will not eat any flesh and eggs or they will not eat all animal products. All of these vegetarian types are good and being a vegetarian is excellent. The vegetarians are the people that eliminate meat from their diet.

On the contrary, no matter how minor the meat that you wish to give up, it is essential to distinguish that you are making an extraordinary choice for your own health and for the benefits of Mother Nature. The vegetarians are free from the bad fats and cholesterol of all the meat. With this form of fit and healthy diet, your body will be in fine condition all the time.

The red meat has a possible risk for developing cancer in your body. The preparations of meat are not good for our health, most of the red meats are grilled, and grilling is not a healthy way to cook food. The grilled meat will accumulate carbon contents from the charcoal. The carbon from the charcoal is being suspected as a carcinogen. Thus, the red meat that is frequently grilled is blackened on the outer part and this is an indication that the meat contains carbon. Therefore, if you are eating the blackened part of the meat, then this means that you are actually eating the carbon from the charcoal.

The vegetarian diets include good foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The antioxidants are good for our body because these are the substances that will fight diseases and will produce healthy skin. The antioxidants are very effective in avoiding cancer and health problems. The green leafy vegetables and fruits are good sources of antioxidants.

You can have a complete vegetable meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Together with food that is rich in carbohydrates, like baked corn and pasta, you can eat tasty vegetable salads with delicious dressing. There are many vegetarian recipes that are available on the internet. You can get the usual vegetable salad recipes to the modern vegetable soups from different websites.

If you make your mind up to be a vegan and sustain this healthy diet, then you will have a great body condition within a few weeks. The vegetarian diet will be dependent on what type of foodstuff that you are eating. You might also feel a good effect when you visit your physician for regular health check-up. The pleasant vegetable diet will positively increase your health resistance and gives you a great skin.

To make certain that you are taking useful and necessary vitamins and minerals from meat, you must be sure that you obtain sufficient protein, iron and vitamin B from beans and other protein rich vegetables. The legumes and beans are the best source of protein like meat. The iron minerals can originate in dark green vegetables and other leafy vegetables.

In this modern day, the global consumption of meat is increasing seriously as the budding world profits are expanding. Choosing to have a good vegetarian diet is special and environment friendly. If you want to have healthy and long life, then be a vegetarian now. - 17274

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Fat Burning Techniques: Is Cardio The Way To Go?

By Melissa Newton

It seems like everyone is looking for a new way to lose weight according to their current lifestyle. Some people want a pill or strange piece of equipment, and others would rather use more natural methods like changing their diet, lifestyle or exercise like cardiovascular workouts as fat burning techniques. More and more people are turning to the natural methods due to the healthier side effects, but it requires a high level of discipline and determination to actually reach weight loss goals.

One of the most popular natural methods is cardiovascular exercises as fat burning techniques. This consists of a series of systematic workout sessions that will also help improve your heart condition along the process. The first session usually starts with interval training which can be accomplished by a combination of high-intensity and low-intensity exercises; this process is greatly beneficial for improved cardiovascular efficiency, and it is also very effective in increasing the burning of more calories and fats in the body.

At this point in your program you can chose different fat burning techniques from various methods of cardiovascular exercise, like cross training. This type of technique includes various aerobic exercises and different levels of intensity. A different type of technique is periodization, or choosing your own desired activity in each session depending on what you prefer and the stage of your program.

Circuit training is another one of the many cardiovascular exercises that exist. It consists of using different cardio methods one after another in a single session. This is very popular among people in the advanced stages of the program because it breaks up the monotony of cardiovascular training.

Cycle training is another method to choose which involve increasing the intensity of each session as the individual progresses to another stage of the whole course. In any case, using different methods of cardiovascular exercises as your preferred fat burning techniques is one of the best ways for you to efficiently lose excess pounds in your body and achieve your desired ideal body mass index; being a natural weight loss method, it offers safer options and one of the best ways toward healthier life. - 17274

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Diet Insider: The Best Diets to Lose Fat

By Melissa Newton

There are so many weight loss programs in the world today and most of them have their own secret diets to lose fat. There is the famous Atkins diet, but so many people are more keen on the chocolate cake diet. Whatever you fancy, they all have pros and cons depending on lifestyle and food preferences.

I'll give you some tips to help you lose weight apart from the programs mentioned earlier. Some of the things I tell you may sound a little off compared to what you are used to hearing. I think you need to eat more! You need to have five to six meals a day. You heard me right, you need more than three meals a day. The theory is that your metabolism will increase if the frequency of consumption increases. Everyone knows that if your metabolism is increased you will burn more fat.

A diet intended to lose fat should also include foods high in protein in every meal. It has been found by scientists that protein is high in Thermogenesis Induced by the Diet or TID levels, this is the energy used by the body to digest nutrients. The more foods high in protein that are consumed the more energy your body uses.

Furthermore, you should also increase your intake of food rich in carbohydrates but with low G.I. index or Glycemic Index. This is the rate of carbohydrate conversion into glucose that enters the bloodstream. This is also essential because secretion of insulin is usually triggered by carbohydrates; and insulin is accountable for the progress of fat tissues in the body. Hence, consumption of food with low G.I. index minimizes the development of adipose tissues because it also means lower rate of glucose entry into the bloodstream.

There are other helpful things that can be done to tweak your diet to lose fat. The few tips included in this article should be a great starting point for you and your weight loss goals. But the most important factor in your weight loss program is your determination. - 17274

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What's All The Hype About Soy Milk?

By Mike Green

Soya milk, or soymilk, is a beverage which is made from Soya beans by soaking them in water and then grinding them to form a stable emulsion. The credit of having discovered this nutritious beverage goes to the Chinese who had even mastered the process of converting Soya milk into tofu or bean curd.

The commercial production of Soya milk has been in practice ever since the recognition of its numerous benefits and it is one of the oriental products which have been readily acknowledged by the entire world as a part of healthy living. This has in addition resulted in commercial packaging and distribution in an assortment of flavors around the world.

Soya milk in its original form is unsweetened and although after being sweetened it is made use of for diverse preparations, the salty Soya milk is found and is consumed only in China. One of the most popular by products of Soya milk are bean curd and tofu, which are made from this milk in the same way as cheese is prepared from the cow's milk.

One of the most key reasons that Soya milk was willingly accepted by individuals was that it did not cause any variety of milk allergy in human beings while offering the same amount of nutrients. The extra reason was that unlike the dairy milk which comes from an animal, this milk was a derivative of the plant and hence was more readily satisfactory by vegetarians.

The Soya milk is a rich source of plant protein. However, unlike cow's milk, Soya milk does not contain calcium which is then added to it during its manufacturing process and nor does it contain lactose which is the main cause of milk allergy amongst kids.

A plethora of the advantages of Soya milk over cow's milk are that it contains a low percentage of saturated fats as well as being rich in vitamin E and lecithin. This form of milk is what's more rich in the organic chemicals known as isoflavones which are useful to the human body in a number of ways like reducing the chances of breast cancer and controlling osteoporosis.

The ongoing rise of Soya milk's recognition has an after-effect of its rising popularity, nowadays one can find a Soya milk machine in the market sold under the category of household appliances. - 17274

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Discover the Easiest Means to Reduce Fat

By Taw Jensun

Is there a fast way to lose weight successfully? Well the answer is YES. How can you achieve this? It's all about exercise. Too many people focus on diet and not sufficiently on exercises. When you exercise, you burn calories. Excess calories are what have made you fat. When you workout, your body begins to use these calories.

Your body begins to become more effective at burning calories. This means you don't need to reduce a lot of calories from your diet. Your body would need them to supply itself with energy to manage with the exercise which it is doing.

Then there is the doubt of what exercise you should be doing. See warp speed fat loss which will guide you in this aspect. There is absolutely no need to spend hours and hours doing long boring cardio sessions. Cardio is a conventional method associated with losing weight, but it is not the best method or the only one. You need a form of exercise that is going to force your body to secrete chemicals and hormones which will increase its abilities to burn calories very rapidly.

Appending weight training to your exercise routines is the answer. Now there is no need to groan at this. Weight training demands your body that force it to crank up your metabolic rate. This means a more efficient calorie burning machine.

On top of that it will assist tone your body far better than doing cardio would. You may extend down the same road of hit and miss fat loss methods, or if you really want to know the swiftest means to lose weight, then modernise yourself about weight training methods.

Do not try out to starve yourself, as that does not work. Eat the appropriate food at the right time and you will lose weight. Finally there would come a time when you follow a weight loss routine not to reduce weight but to be whole and in shape. Motivate yourself to lose weight and you will be fine; you won't be telling yourself "I need to reduce weight"! - 17274

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Rachel Rays Acai Berry Show

By Megan Smith

We all know Rachel Ray drinks acai juice. Acai is a berry promoted by Rachel Ray amongst other celebrities such as Oprah and celebrity doctors such as Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone. Acai berry is dark purple or green in color and grows atop palm trees in the Amazon rainforests of Brazil. For centuries the local population used the berries to make a fruity pulp that was used as a food flavoring ingredient. Acai is a relatively new concept in Europe and North America but it is really catching on and is now commonly found in most health food stores. and Europe.

Acai berries are a significant source of anthocyanins which are a particular antioxidant nutrient. This nutrient is the same as that which provides red wine with it's health benefits. Acai are also a good source protein and fiber. Lastly, acai berries also provide a good quantity of vitamins and omega fatty acids. Acai Berries provide a remarkably powerful combination of many healthy nutritional benefits.

Since being introduced to us by Dr. Perricone, acai has garnered a lot of attention. The internet is now full of acai promotions. Acai Berry ranks among Dr. Perricone's top ten superfoods. These superfoods if consumed regularly are supposed to make us look significantly more youthful in a short period of time. Acai berry has captured the eye, attention and imagination of many television celebrities. Rachel Ray drinks a type of acai berry juice daily and claims it makes her feel great.

Healthy lifestyle information is becoming more common. We are regularly hearing that we should eat more foods rich in healthy oils and antioxidants.. It is commonly known that antioxidants are absolutely critical to enjoying good health. Antioxidants help us fight the ongoing threat of illness and disease and the deteriorating and debilitating effects of aging. Antioxidants are well recognized as an essential and critical part of a healthy lifestyle.

As a science oriented person and an avid healthy lifestyle reader, I was interested in learning more about Rachel Ray and acai berry. Recently, I was very interested to learn that some food scientists had investigated the antioxidant benefits of commonly available acai juice blends. Three acai juice blends containing presumably varied and definitely unspecified concentrations of pure a?a? juice were compared for in vitro antioxidant capacity against other commonly known antioxidant beverages. These other antioxidant beverages included red wine, tea, six types of pure fruit juice and pomegranate juice. I want to note that acai juice blends were being compared to pure fruit juices so we need to be a bit skeptical about the results. The antioxidant capacity of the acai juice blends was approximately equal to that of pure cranberry juice, and was higher than that of pure apple juice, tea and pure orange juice. The antioxidant capacity of the acai juice blends was actually ranked poorer than that of pure pomegranate juice, pure blueberry juice, and the unspecified type of red wine. Is their misinformation being provided by Rachel Ray about acai? I do not think so. Acai juice blends are significantly better for you than some pure fruit juices but not as good as either red wine or pure pomegranate juice.

I have seen these blends and there is no telling whether they are 90% acai or simply apple juice with a splash of acai. The problem with this study is that it uses juices with unspecified quantities of acai. The above experiment was done on commercially available acai berry juices. In fairness to Rachel Ray and acai she promotes a specific type of acai juice which might have a greater concentration of acai. - 17274

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Body Fat - How Is Yours?

By Greg White

'Body fat' is a common term. However, many people link this term to obesity, cholesterol and an unhealthy constitution. While excess body fat content can cause many severe problems, the body requires a certain amount of body fat for various metabolic and structural functions.

Body fat is produced in the body through the absorption of fats present in the food consumed. As the body breaks down these fats, two byproducts are released into the body - glycerol and fatty acids. The liver processes glycerol into glucose and stores it as a stock of energy. Fatty acids provide energy for all major tissues, especially for the cardiac muscles and the skeletal muscles. So, it is very important to include appropriate amounts of fatty substances in the diet.

The function of body fats include:

* Body fats help to maintain healthy skin and hair.

* Body temperature, it is essential to have adequate body fat.

* Body fats are the storehouses of energy in the body.

* Smooth functioning of cells is maintained with body fats.

* Body fats have a cushioning effect on organs and tissues.

* Bones use body fat as a shock absorber.

* The body will not absorb many vital vitamins like A, E, D and K unless they combine with fats.

* Body fats are also believed to act as immunity boosters to protect the body from ailments.

Excess Body Fat - Why Is It Undesirable?

While the body cannot function smoothly without body fat, you must remember that an excess of body fat can negatively affect the body. Very often, the fats absorbed by the body do not burn off but get stored in the body. Such accumulation of body fats may lead to obesity that can then set off many other health issues like breathing difficulties, arthritis and heart disease.

According to the American Council on Exercise, body fat should ideally constitute-- - 17 percent of the total body weight of a man and for women, body fat should be around 21 - 24 percent of total body weight. Maintaining these levels will prevent problems associated with excess body fat.

Knowing the exact fat percentage in your body can help in setting realistic weight loss plans. With the various fat measurement techniques available today, it is very easy to keep track of the body fat and adopt steps to a healthy lifestyle. Four popular fat measurement methods are Home Body Fat Scales, Navy Method, Hydrostatic Weighing and Skinfold Calipers.

Is Body Fat Loss the Same as Weight Loss?

Body fat loss and weight loss are two completely different concepts. Consider an instance of two individuals belonging to the same age group - an athletically built person and a normal person. Due to the extra weight of muscles, the athletic person may weigh more than his counterpart. However, the second person's weight may be related to a higher content of body fat. Obviously, this person will be more vulnerable to weight-related issues than the athletic person. Therefore, it is important to lose body fat rather than trying to lose body weight. With new methods that measure body fat percentage, you can get an accurate report of your body fat and the amount you must lose or gain to remain fit and healthy.

When trying weight loss plans to lose body fat, it is best to adopt a plan that combines a healthy diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and a minimum of processed carbohydrates with a good exercise regimen. You should keep the body fat levels to the ideal levels and enjoy more health and happiness in your life. - 17274

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Quick And Easy Dinner Recipes

By Agnes Cheryl

The lifestyle of most families nowadays is very busy, causing people to go looking for ways to save lots of time. It's very significant for families to spend quality time together and a great way to do this is at the dining room table. In order to provide your family with toothsome and healthy meals, you'll wish to keep an armory of quick and easy dinner recipes handy. Actually there will be occasions when you have plenty of time to spend in the kitchen preparing a complicated meal, but many times you will be exhausted and rushed at the end of the day.

Luckily , we live in a time that makes preparing quick and easy dinner recipes way easier than in past centuries. Folk no longer have to spend the majority of their time in the kitchen preparing healthy and tasty meals. Smart cooks can put a meal on the table in record time with no need to resort to a junk food drive-thru or frozen pizza. Today's cooks have the luxurious of using kitchen gadgets like blenders, food processors, and crock pots to help with food preparation.

To cut your time in the kitchen you will wish to get organized. Keep all of your quick and easy dinner recipes in a spot that's's easily accessed. A recipe card file or a 3 ring binder is perfect for this purpose. Keep a well provisioned pantry with spices that use often and staples like rice, beans, potatoes, and onions.

Start your week with a plan and do everything in your power to stick to it. Choose the quick and easy dinner recipes that you will make preparations for the week. Make a list of all the items you'll need for the recipes and make a shopping list. Check you cupboard to establish if you already have some of the ingredients that are required.

When possible, plan meals that can serve 2 purposes. For instance, if you are preparing baked chicken one night, plan to use the leftover chicken in a meal the next evening. Anytime you have leftovers that can't be used straight away, store them in the fridge for use at a later date.

Many people find it very helpful to chop and cut any fruits, veggies, or meats that'll be used throughout the week in advance. If you spend a bit of time on the weekend doing as much of the prep work as feasible, you'll be in a position to prepare those quick and easy dinner recipes with extraordinarily little hassle. You can even buy many fruit and vegetables that are already julienned or chopped at most supermarkets.

Another tip for preparing those quick and easy dinner recipes is to use frozen foods when necessary. Using frozen fruits and vegetables can save a large amount of time and are as nutritious as fresh produce. Using bottle sauces can get you out of the kitchen in record time. You can prepare wonderful meals like chicken alfredo and spaghetti without making the sauces from nothing. If you chance to make sauces from the start, make a double batch for the fridge.

As you can see, it's really straightforward to prepare meals that your folks will love. Start collecting quick and easy dinner recipes that are healthy and delicious and use them frequently. - 17274

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