Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, February 19, 2009

6 Tips to Build Muscle Faster

By Allen Brian

When men are trying to build body, most of them are impatient and want to reach their goals faster. A lot of people are dying for the secrets of how to build muscle faster, here is some thing for you and you will get results within weeks.

First, when you are building muscles by working out, you should be careful not to do too much. There is a common mistake that many people think it is right - do more reps and lift more weights and you will get better results.

If you want to build muscle faster, instead of overtrain your body, there are several right methods out there for you to choose from. Overtraining will damage muscles and it would take weeks to months time for recover. Also, don't take any risk with your body. While lying on your back, you can't build your muscles.

Setting your maximum weight lifting of muscle strength at 70 to 80 percent is a good idea. Because breaking down more muscle means that your muscle has to repair itself and more muscle will be added with each of those repairs. Finishing workout exercise within one hour is what we called fast muscle building. It cause accumulated lactic acid in body and hurts your muscle building process.

Aerobics No More

For cardio, aerobics are terrific. But, they don't help in building muscle mass. They can actually interfere with your attempts to build muscle.

The More Meat and Fish Are Better

Be sure to eat lean red meats and fish. Such as, salmon that contains high amounts of Omega-3. The more meat is better. Meat contains a lot of protein, which will enhance muscle growth.

Get More Rest

Have a full day rest after a day of weight lifting. It means that one-day workout, one-day rest. No 2 continuous days of workout. There is a way you can try out. Day one, workout for your chest muscle, day two, workout for abdominal muscle. This is fine if you let the muscles worked out the previous day rest. In order for muscles to heal, you will need plenty of sleep. As we said above, more muscle will be added with each of those repairs.

To continue building muscles, you have to have the proper hydration. Proper hydration is important because it can bring nutrition, rid of body waste, cushion your joint and keep body temperature. These are all things that are important to your own general health and to working out properly.

Good Protein Source

Lean chicken, lean red meat eggs, tuna, salmon are good protein source for your meal plan if you are trying to build muscle faster. It's important that you eat lean meats. In order to increase your muscle growth, fat loss and increase muscle strength, you can eat some foods that will stimulate your testosterone level, like red meat and salmon.

Go for Your Doctor

For a proper muscle growth, it's important for you to check your physician on a regular basis. This is doctor's job to tell you how to stay in healthy as possible.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep 8 to 10 hours daily is important for building muscles faster. The purpose is relaxing. That amount of sleeping will relax your muscle. If you have any chance for sleeping, sleep as much as you can for more muscle mass growth. - 17274

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How to Have Healthy Eyes

By psychic

How To Brighten Eyes

There is often nothing you can do about the color of the whites in your eyes. Eating well can lead to a whiter white, but the difference many not be all that noticeable. That does not mean you have to give up on having the youthful look or bright eyes however. What you have to do is to find out some makeup tricks that can help brighten eyes.

Many of these are very simple, and you may wonder why you didnt think them up on your own. You may already have what you need at home, or you can get the required items wherever you buy your makeup.

One trick that helps to brighten eyes also helps them to appear larger. This is done with a stick of white eyeliner. You may have a bit of a hard time finding this in your favorite brand, but look through all brands in the store. Someone will have it. If not, order it online.

What you do is apply your normal eyeliner as you always do, and then add a line of white underneath the eye under your normal color. This may look funny to you at first, but no one will notice. It will brighten eyes, make them look bigger, and give you a fresh look. You may have to experiment to get it just right, but it works very well.

Another trick that can brighten eyes is one that some also use to look younger. You probably have a few shades of foundation in your house that you bought only to find they were not quite right. I know that I always put these away because they cost so much, and throwing them out hurts a bit. You want to look through these and get out the one that is too light, but still close to your natural skin coloring. When you dont have any, all you have to do is go out and buy one shade lighter (or even two) than the one you always wear.

You can use this trick to do two things. What you want to do is to apply your normal foundation as you always do. Then, to brighten eyes and look younger, you want to take the lighter shade and dab it under each eye. Blend it in and stand back. This should take away any dark circles under your eyes that have aged you, and it should also brighten eyes quite well. You can apply the lighter color around your mouth where deep lines have occurred to look even younger. Once you have blended, add your powder to keep it in place. You will love how you look when you are done. - 17274

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Acai Berries

By Jenny North

There are very few foods in the world that can claim to be superfoods. Superfoods must have many more benefits besides just providing enough calories and some nutrition. However, there are some foods that are able to be elevated to superfood status because of the incredible benefits they can deliver.

Acai berry is one of these foods. With its ability to do everything from increase weight loss to fighting off disease, acai berry can provide you with better health without any effort.

What makes Pure Acai Berry such an incredible food is the fact that its nutritional content is as close to perfect as possible. First of all, it is absolutely filled with antioxidants. Click here to find more information about Acai Berries.

As you probably know, antioxidants are necessary for slowing down the effects of aging and for fighting disease. The berry also has monounsaturated fats, which are the healthy type also found in olive oil.

Fiber and phytosterols are also part of the package, as is a well balanced amino acid complex. In all, this food is a very complete way of getting energy, nutrition, and antioxidants all in one package.

Because of its extremely complete nutritional content, the acai berry has the potential to provide tons of benefits for your body. Among the most popular reasons for people to use the product are to increase energy, maintain better health, and to lose weight.

You can expect to have more energy when you use the acai berry because of its combination of carbohydrates and fats and its high concentration of antioxidants. All of these things combined make it a very good source of energy and a great way to increase your stamina during the day. Because you are likely to feel and be healthier while taking it, this will also increase your energy.

The antioxidant levels of this berry are more than five times as high as in blueberries and other such foods. This makes them very powerful in terms of fighting aging and bodily damage. Many people rely on this berry to fight off the free radicals that can be implicated in everything from cancer to wrinkles.

Antioxidants have the amazing power to neutralize free radicals, which can help you feel younger and healthier than ever before. By using foods with high levels of antioxidants, you can experience great health and fend off the damaging effects of pollution, UV light, aging and more.

Pure Acai Berry can also help you with your weight loss goals as it has the ability to help your body burn fat more efficiently and to increase your metabolism. In addition, because it can help your body work more efficiently in general, you can expect losing weight to be easier.

For instance, the ability of the berry to increase your stamina will make it easier for you to exercise, and the berries perfect amino acid complex will allow your muscles to function properly during exercise. The berry even provides digestive support so that you can use your food more efficiently.

The benefits of the acai berry are hard to beat and it is a great addition to any diet. Since it is not a local crop, the best way to get the benefits of this berry is in the supplement form offered by Pure Acai Berry.

Since this is the most concentrated and purest way of getting the incredible benefits of this berry, you will be able to reap the benefits of this berry much sooner. Begin now and you can even get a Free Trial of Pure Acai Berry to see the benefits for yourself! Click on Acai Berries to find out more. - 17274

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Mind Power For Burning Fat

By Nate Rifkin

When I was in school, I worked out a couple times per week with a friend. Once, another friend named Jason joined us. And I do emphasize ONCE.

"I can't workout unless I'm motivated," Jason said. "I need to listen to the music from Rocky."

My friend had a good laugh at his expense, but my first thought was: So what?

If he needed to listen to Eye Of The Tiger or Hearts On Fire EVERY time he trained, then why not just listen to them every time?

If it works for you, go for it.

I work out a little after I wake up. Mostly I say others should do the same. But if you're more of a nightowl, make that work for you.

Some people need to eat a little before training, and some can only go on an empty stomach. Some of my best workouts were when I was feeling hunger pangs.

I also can't stand a cold gym. Others love it. I like to wear heavier clothes when I workout, some prefer as little as possible.

It comes down to not thinking, "I HAVE to do such and such" thinking that's a negative. If a certain condition helps you out - follow that to the letter. If you need a cold atmosphere, lots of noise, and heavy clothing to stay in shape in the afternoon, do that. If you prefer lighter clothes in a quiet room right after you wake up, do that instead.

Listening to Gonna Fly Now can't hurt either. - 17274

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6 Tips To Help You Lose Fat Not Muscle

By Victoria Jamison

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, one of the most difficult things to do is eat so you lose fat without shedding muscle. There are a few things you can do to help make this possible.

Keep On Eating

The way to lose body fat without losing muscle mass is to eat more, not less! Eating 6-7 meals throughout the day will provide the body with protein at regular intervals while limiting muscle loss.

This will reduce the bodies tendency to go into "survival mode", which is where your body starts storing calories as fat when you haven't eaten for a long period of time.

It's extremely important to keep your blood sugar levels .. well, level. When they fluctuate up and down, it's nearly impossible to lose fat. When you go for an extended amount of time without food, your blood sugar level drops dramatically.

When you eat smaller meals more often, your body can better digest what you're putting into it. This means greater nutrient absorption and utilization. When you're body runs more efficient it craves food less often. Try to keep your meals 3-hours apart at the most.

Clean and Lean Food

Make sure to consume plenty of lean proteins, complex carbs and fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Simple carbs like white flour products (bread,crackers) and sugar(cookies and cakes) can spike up your insulin level and prevent your body from burning fat efficiently.

Sugar - The New Fat

If you're not care, you'll consume more sugar than you thought you were. Why? It's hidden with all these fancy names. The next time you're doing an ingredient check, look for things like glucose, sorbitol and even lactose. They're all types of sugar.

Water, Water and more Water

You're probably sick of hearing about water, but it really is God's perfect thirst quencher. I know the people at Gatorade don't like to hear that, but water does a great job. It will also help build muscle and burn fat. If you're drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, you're doing a lot to help your body run more efficiently. This will result in better health and a leaner body.

Eat Protein

When you don't give your body enough protein it will turn to it's own lean muscle to gain energy. This obviously isn't a good thing. So, keep putting lean and clean proteins in and you'll be fine. Sometimes this is difficult to do. Try eating fish and chicken as much as you can. You can even throw in some lean beef every once in a while.

Rotate Carb Amounts

Rotating carbohydrates allows you to control and manipulate your blood sugars and insulin response so you are allowing your body to burn more calories for energy instead of storing excess carbs as fat. Carbohydrate cycling is the act of lowering your carb intake for 1-2 days and bringing it back up. This keeps your metabolism from slowing down and makes dieting easier knowing that you can have higher carbs and calories in a few days.

If you have been struggling with weight loss and desire to lose fat fast then look at your carb intake and consider using "carb rotation". Soon, you'll see the results you've been seeking. - 17274

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Is The Acai Berry Safe For Teenagers To Take?

By Carter Sinclair

If you are a teenager, or a concerned parent, who is considering taking Acai berry, then you might be wondering; "Is Acai berry safe for teenagers?" It is good to ask this question before taking any new type of health supplement, especially when the person taking the supplement is still growing up.

However, when it comes to the acai fruit you are in luck. This hot new health trend is incredibly safe, because it is a natural fruit. The only difference between the acai fruit and apples, oranges, and bananas is the fact that is it so incredibly good for you.

Instead of turning to healthy alternatives, most teens are reaching for soda, energy drinks, or coffee when they need a bit of a pick-me-up. Most schools do not help this problem and give students easy access to these high sugar energy drinks. This is very sad, because these drinks are known to stunt growth and promote obesity.

Acai berry juice can be a great tasting and healthy replacement for these drinks. In fact, most people report that the energy they get from Acai blows both coffee and Redbull out of the water. There is no better way for a student to start off a day of school than with a glass of Acai juice.

Teenagers face many peaks in valleys as they work their way through high school. One of the great benefits of acai is that it is packed full of omega fatty acids. These essential fatty acids will help teens get through the tough times in life, as they are known to improve mood and fight off depression.

Acai is one of the most powerful antioxidant foods on earth, which will help with many teens' #1 problem: Acne. Antioxidants help repair damaged skin and hair, and are one of the keys to fight off acne.

A high quality acai product is an organic way to help teenagers reach their full potentials. If you make sure to purchase an all natural pure acai product, you will never have to wonder if the acai berry is safe for a teenager. - 17274

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The New Super Fruit - Ninxgia Red Wolfberry

By Deborah Lindholm

New wonder foods and super fruits often cause a media sensation before interest fades. The red wolfberry from the Ninxgia region of China is a fruit that seems to exceed all expectations and will gain a permanent place in the history of health foods. Also known as the goji berry (or Tibetan goji berry), red wolfberry juice and other derivatives have been a hit.

There are two species of wolfberry, Lycium barbarum and L. chinense. Found in Tibet and Mongolia but commercially produced on a large scale in China, the red goji berry has been used in Chinese medicine for millennia. It has been cultivated in the West for several centuries as an exotic plant and was popular in Victorian gardens.

Along with other superfruits, the wolfberry or goji berry has been identified as a highly nutritious food, as well as having medicinal properties. It is especially rich in antioxidant-rich phenols, which counteract the ageing and carcinogenic effects of free radicals. They contain four times more antioxidant than prunes, one of the fruits highest in antioxidants.

Goji berries are rich in vitamins and minerals. The fresh berries (rather than the dried product) are far richer in vitamin C than fruits such as oranges, with levels measured at as much as 150mg per 100g. They are also rich in beta carotene, which promotes healthy vision, and vitamin B2 (riboflavin). They are a valuable source of essential minerals, including iron, zinc, potassium, calcium and selenium.

Red wolfberries are also exceptionally rich in a carotenoid known as zeaxanthin, as well as in polysaccharides, plant sterols, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Unfortunately, extravagant claims have been made for goji berries and red wolfberry juice, including that it prevents breast cancer. These have attracted critical attention from food safety agencies in Europe and the USA, so use your careful judgment when assessing claims.

Some studies have investigated the properties of the wolfberry and its effects. It seems to act as a bactericide and fungicide and may be effective in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. It may be effective in diseases including cancer of the cervix and hepatitis B. In traditional medicine, Chinese doctors prescribe it for various health problems. It is said to promote healthy skin and good vision, serves as a tonic for male sexual performance and boosts kidney and liver function. One man who ate goji berries every day was rumoured to have died at age 250.

One of the most popular forms in which wolfberries or goji berries are marketed is as a fruit juice. These products are usually juice blends, rather than pure goji juice. It is also worth noting that the quality of the products available varies according to where it is grown, how it is cultivated and the methods used to process it. - 17274

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Top Tips on the Best Way to Lose Weight

By Titania Cole

They say there is no one single best way to lose weight. Some strategies though come closer to ensuring weight loss than others. One of the best ways to effectively shed pounds is to eat. You read that right. There are ways and means to not get fat and still eat what you want.

Meal Planning

It is not really the food that is at fault for your weight. The real problem is how and when you eat your food. Indiscriminate eating can do you in. The solution therefore is to not be liberal with your food choices and schedules. You need to plan your meals everyday to ensure that you dont eat too much of something. You can keep a special food calendar intended only to keep track of what and when you eat.

Calorie Counting

This is as old as the concept of dieting itself. Some people though take calorie counting for granted. If you feel that it is too much of a chore to count calories, you can use any of the free online counters to help you out. Typical counters help you figure out how much you are burning in various activities and how many calories you should be ingesting based on your personal details.

Portion Control

Portion control plays a big role. Eating wont be the best way to lose weight without portion control. This simply means that you can even eat foods with carbohydrates and fat as long as you make sure that you eat within your limits. Aside from dividing food types into appropriate portions, you should also make sure that you eat your portions at the right time. You should never skip breakfast. It is also a good idea to divide your daily meals into five instead of three. This will help ensure that you dont go too hungry in between meals.

Water Rationing

Drinking water has a lot of advantages. This time, dieting experts recommend that you drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help you lose weight. Water can help ensure proper digestion and plays a role in fat metabolism. Moreover, water can contribute to efficient waste disposal.

Regular Exercise

Eating the right food in the right way is not enough. Eating should always be paired with regular exercise. You may already be able to lose weight through meal planning and portion control. You will however improve your chances of achieving sustainable weight loss if you make exercise a habit too. Add muscle enhancing exercises to your aerobic routine and you will also promote better muscle tone.

Food Diary

Another helpful technique to help you lose weight is to keep a food diary. This is especially if you are still starting out with your program. A diary will not just help you take note of what you put into your body. It can also help motivate you to do better and to stick to your diet plan.

Who'd have thought that eating can be the best way to lose weight? The sooner you realize that food is not your enemy, the closer you are to healthy and effective long term weight loss. - 17274

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Health Tips - Pains during Growth in Children

By Jan Maurer

When the child stops growing so will the growing pain and when adolescence is reached, they disappear completely. Growing pain can occur between three to five years or eight to twelve years of age. Growing pains are usually experienced in the legs usually in the calves, in the area in front of thighs and behind the knees. The pain starts either in the afternoon or night, just before bedtime. The child can go to bed pain free, but can wake up in the middle of the night complaining of throbbing pain in the legs. But the good part is that these pains vanish by morning. About twenty five to forty percent of the children are known to experience growing pain.

One of the major reasons of getting growing pains is because of the strenuous activities of the kids during the day. All the jumping around, running and climbing make the muscles tired. But no evidence has been collected which can prove that the growing pain is caused by bone growth. Growing pains are also known to be caused by spurt of growth. This happens because the tendons or the muscles are too tight and do not synchronize with the growing of the bones. As a results muscle spasms are caused which last for less than fifteen minutes.

The child usually gets pain in both the legs and not just one. And usually, growing pains do not get accompanied with redness, swelling or fever. The pain should be over by morning and if it is still persisting after the awakening of the kid, the problem could be related to something else and more serious.

If the pain is unbearable, the parent or caretaker should administer pain relieving medications which are available over the counter such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Aspirin should not be given to children as they have a tendency to develop a very serious illness known as Reye Syndrome. Heating pads can be placed on the region that is hurting to ease the pain. Massage can also be given by the parent or the child can do stretching exercise to help the muscles relax. If the child develops fever, redness, swelling, tenderness, limitation in movement, or if the child limps while walking, the doctor should be approached. Before that the parent can do a little diagnosis of the intensity of the pain by feeling around the area and observing the pain experienced by the child.

The doctor conducts the diagnosis of exclusion to understand the problem. According to this diagnosis, it is not prefabricated until all the conditions are checked before considering growing pains. The doctor studies the child's medical history and conducts a physical examination. In some serious cases, the doctor advices to go for X-ray or blood test before the final decision is made.

Children can prevent the growing pains by doing stretching exercises on a daily basis. The exercise need not be complex. Even if the pain subsides, the exercise should be continued so as to keep the tendons and muscles relaxed and to adjust with the growth spurt. Fluids, when taken in good quantity, decrease the cramping. For this reason, the child should be given tonic water or quinine before going to bed. - 17274

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Body Cleansing for Beginners

By Charlie Reese

Just like home spring cleaning, a periodic body cleansing diet does your body good!

When the cold months end and spring is in the air, most home makers get in the mood for a good and vigorous spring cleaning, chasing away the accumulation of spider webs on the outside of the windows, cleaning up the garage and closets and doing tasks that require opening the windows, such as oven cleaning. A hundred years ago, people also gave their bodies a 'spring cleaning', using herbs and various elixirs designed to clean the body. Somehow, (maybe due in part to the odious cod liver oil Mama always had on hand), this practice fell by the wayside as modern medicine progressed, with a solution to every ailment. However, a yearly body cleansing diet is perhaps more necessary than it was a century ago.

Today, there are many environmental pollutants which accumulate as toxins in our bodies. For example, automobile, truck and bus emissions are everywhere. If you've ever gone outside a major metropolitan airport to stretch your legs while waiting for a connecting flight, you know what I'm talking about " the air doesn't look fit to breathe and smells just as bad. Pesticides are other offenders. Poor dietary habits can create deficiencies which leave your body in a poor condition. All of these factors contribute to a variety of health conditions. Using a body cleansing diet is one way to fight back and flush some of these toxins from your body and give you a fresh start.

Here are just a few ways to refresh your body's organs and boost your immune system function, all without the unpleasant ritual of cod liver oil!

Your liver and kidneys are the main storage and processing organs for any toxins which find their way into your body. Let's address these first. The root of the dandelion plant is a marvelous tonic for your liver, detoxifying and strengthening the function of this most important organ. Every body cleansing diet should include this powerful and safe herb. If your liver function is impaired with a condition such as the classic 'fatty' liver, use Milk Thistle seed, another safe remedy, which, while acting as a tonic, also has the proven ability to regenerate liver cells.

To keep your kidneys in top condition, cranberries are an excellent way to disinfect the kidneys and flush out accumulated toxins. This addition to your body cleansing diet decreases your risk of urinary tract and other bacterial infections of the kidneys. If you like cranberry juice, a glass a day helps keep the doctor away. Alternatively, you can buy powdered cranberries, in capsules, at the health food store to keep your kidneys healthy.

One reason we feel so bad when we're down with the flu is that an excess of toxins are released into the blood stream, causing those awful muscle aches and pains. Here, burdock root provides a way to rapidly and throughly clean your bloodstream.

In moist and damp winter climates, you may develop respiratory conditions, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Given the right conditions, these can become chronic, eventually progressing to even more serious and even fatal conditions. Even if you breeze through the cold months without coming down with anything, a good body cleansing diet should address issues of the lungs. A combination of elecampane root, pleurisy root and a dash of cayenne pepper, in approximately a 8:2:1 ratio respectively, restores your lungs and cleans out any pockets of mucus you may not have even noticed.

Get your immune system response in top condition with Echinacea, now widely known to ward off colds, when taken at the fist sign of symptoms.

We all have just one body to carry us through life. Implementing a body cleansing diet once or twice a year will help keep you hale and hearty well into your older years. - 17274

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Do Fast Fat Loss Diets Really Work?

By Christine G. Shannon

Reasons to lose weight vary with each individual. The one thing they have in common is they want quick and easy fat loss diets. It's not always easy trying to lose weight, whatever your reason may be. When you are on a restrictive diet and it does not work or give any long-term results, it can be discouraging. It can be difficult to find a fat burning diet that will give you results.

One of the basic rules about dieting is that you need to understand that in order to burn fat and calories, the process is not going to work overnight. You need to learn which foods are the best to eat and when to consume meals. A weight loss program which increases energy is obviously better than one which deprives you of vital nutrients and decreases your energy levels. Some diet secrets involve starvation, which is not a diet you can stick to in the long term, not something which is enjoyable and will never work if you want long term results.

You want a fat loss diet that is easy for you to understand and follow. This is essential when choosing the right diet program for you and your lifestyle. If you settle for less, you will find the diet hard to commit to and eventually give up all together concerning that particular diet, maybe even all the rest, depending on your experiences. Finding a diet that you hope will work but does not can be very depressing. This causes your attempts at weight loss to become harder for you to use.

The majority of pre-packaged diet programs can seem a bit bland and boring after a while. Besides, it is better to eat regular everyday foods when you are on a diet. These types of diets often involve a great deal of money to maintain the diet program and the weight loss.

Many people fail at low carbohydrate diets because they are much too strict and your body does require a certain amount of carbohydrates to be healthy. You can regain the weight once you start eating carbohydrates like before the diet.

Low fat diets are often high in calories which can cause weight gain rather than weight loss. Low fat foods can be expensive, especially if you are eating them every day. Just because something is low fat does not mean it is low in calories. Following a low fat diet can be boring and bland because many low fat foods are low in flavor and this type of diet can cause cravings.

To lose weight you need a diet that you can fit into your lifestyle with your own favorite choices of foods, so you will enjoy being on the diet. Things you keep on hand all the time, or buy often at the store, that you like to eat.

After you have tried all the fast weight loss diets, you may still not have gotten any results. You need to try a weight loss diet that can work for you. Once you have committed to losing weight and finding a program that works for you, Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below may be just what you are searching for. - 17274

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Children - Swimmer's Ear in Children

By Melinda Mahrer

Swimmer's fruit is bacterial growth infection inside the canal of the ear. It is also known as Otitis Externa. It differs a lot from fruit infections which are dealt with on a regular basis, which is contracted at times when the child catches a cold. The common fruit infection is known as Otitis Media, in which the middle of the fruit is infected. Incase of swimmer's ear, the fruit canal which leads towards the fruit drum is infected by bacteria. The first symptom is that when the finger is stuck inside the fruit canal, it will hurt a lot. In normal cases, it won't hurt at all.

The skin within that are is very delicate and hence, is fortified by nature by a thin wax coating. Usually, water can easily glide inside and then outside the fruit without any problem. But when the water cleans some or all of the wax and if some of the water is retained inside, the bacteria will take advantage of this situation. Chemicals in the water aggravate the situation by increasing the irritation. It starts growing within the soft and warm fruit canal and can cause swelling and redness. A slight itchiness also accompanies it. But the child must be instructed to not to scratch, otherwise there is a greater chance of the situation becoming worse. If there is no itchiness, obviously there will be pain, which is the initial symptom.

Hearing can become difficult due to the bacterial infection as that will swell the ear canal and block the passage.

The pain and itchiness can only be gotten rid off by fighting the infection and killing the grown bacteria. In usual cases, ear drops are prescribed by the doctor. These ear drops have antibiotics which are meant to kill the bacteria. The dosage and number of days to use the ear drops as told by the doctor should be strictly followed. If the doses are missed there is a possibility of bacterial re-growth. A wick is also introduced inside the ear, sometimes. This wick actually is small piece of sponge with absorbed lotion. The wick is left inside then.

This procedure is used when the doctor thinks it is important to apply medicine directly to the part of the ear canal which is infected. If the pain is unbearable by the child, parents can give pain killers, but only after taking suggestion from the doctor. Once the antibiotics begin working, pain killers can be stopped.

Swimmer's ear cannot be just attained cause of water entering the ear at the time of taking baths or showers. Children, who have joined the summer swimming camp, can complain of this problem. After the swimmer's ear is treated, the child shouldn't swim immediately. Doctor, usually, advices them to stay away from water for a week or two. The time period may sound very long, but it keeps the pain away for a long time. Special ear drops are available over the counter which can be put inside the child's ear after swimming is over. This will dry up any water inside the ear, if any. Swimmer's ear can also be caused when inquisitive kids try to stuff things inside the ear and thus damaging it. Bacteria get a chance of developing on the scratched area. In this case, only parent's supervision will do the trick. - 17274

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