Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Are Their Any ad Effects On The Slim Fast Diet

By Cathy Maree

For anybody to lose weight you first need to understand that you need to take in fewer calories than you use up. The Slim fast diet, like a lot of other weight loss diets, follows that basic plan. Here's a short glimpse at the Slim fast diet.

First let's consider the basics of the Slim fast diet. The crux of the diet is drinking Slim fast shakes in the place of two of your daily meals. The dieter can also eat a regular meal for dinner, as well as 2 pieces of fruit and one Slim fast nutrition bar. This diet cuts about 1000 calories from the median male's diet, and 500 from the average female's diet averaging about 1200 calories daily. Slim fast recommends physical activity while on the diet, but even without that you'll lose weight.

This Slim fast diet is easy to use, that's its focal point. If people can maintain a diet without much difficulty, they're likely to be successful. Another healthy aspect of the Slim fast diet is drinking a lot of water 6 to 8 cups everyday.

People need certain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients which are not found in the Slim fast diet. Most of these are found in the average foods that individuals eat, but not all are found in the Slim fast shake or nutrition bars. Unfortunately, many folks on this diet also cut out that real meal. They believe this will help them lose weight at an even more rapid pace. That's a formula for disaster because a person doing this will be when its all said and done starving themselves.

There's a modified version of the Slim fast diet which includes drinking only one shake each day, and eating two regular meals. That can be very effective, especially if the substituted meal is lunch, which many working people often eat at fast food restaurants.

If you you are serious about good health then it is advisable to maintain a healthy intake of nutritious food, Slim fast diet can work for you. - 17274

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Eating Right While Pregnant

By Corey Hatfield

Nine months of pregnancy. These 9 months will be full with lots of emotiono both good and bad. No matter what, this point of your existence is definitely something you will always remember and you will tell to your children years from now. This may be exciting but there are a lot of things that you have to take care of because you are pregnant, especially with what you eat.

Many females think that once they get pregnant, they will be able to eat whatever they want. This is common to see. Actually, when you are pregnant, you should do just the opposite with what you eat because this goes to your new baby as well. Your unborn baby development is realized by the food you have so eating correctly is definitely something you should remember.

Because of your pregnancy, you are at risk of getting gestational diabetes. Be careful with not to eat a lot of sweets. Caffeine should be avoided as well. Artificial sweeteners are not a good idea as there are studies saying that it could impair your babys development.

Even fruits such as mangoes and strawberries should be avoided. These fruits have high sugar content that is not helpful for your condition. Choose bananas for their potassium content. You should also choose food that has fiber to help in your bowel movement.

Make sure that you consume a couple glasses of milk daily. Your doctor might recommend milk designed for pregnant mothers. This milk has many nutrients that you should have and calcium which is imperative for your babys brain and bone development.

Oily foods should not be eaten. Also, eating of salty foods should not be too much because salt causes you to retain water. This could mean edema, or the swelling of your ankles or your feet, because of the water that retaining in your tissues from the salt that you consume.

Lastly, it is good to remember that eating right while pregnant involves drinking right. Take at least eight glasses of water everyday. Your baby floats in water and if you are dehydrated, he or she might not get enough fluids needed everyday. Just keep in mind, that the healthier you eat, the healthier your baby will be. - 17274

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How To Lose Belly Fat Without Radical Dieting

By Jose Loni

How to lose belly fat the right way is the question we all want to know. With the many ab machines, diets, and ab exercises, it can sometimes get overwhelming as to the right way to lose belly fat. An overall system of exercising with interval training, healthy eating habits, and reducing stress is the right way to getting a flat belly.

Interval set training is a fast way to achieving results and increasing the metabolism. The fast sets, with intense exertion results in a situation where the muscles have little or no oxygen and there is a buildup of carbon dioxide and lactic acid. These waste products would need to be removed to allow the muscles to function better.

The increased metabolic activity of the muscles requires more energy and burns more calories to function. The body will be forced to expend more energy and burn excess body fat to supply the muscles. This activity carries on even after the body has finished exercising and is in a rest mode.

Improving dietary habits is another way we can reduce belly fat. A diet that is rich in carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fat, and protein is a good way to allow our body to consume the calories we eat. Cutting out the fat, fast foods, sodas and sugary snacks allows us to better control the calories we eat and keep our body from storing the excess calories as fat.

Increasing our meals to 5-6 meals throughout the day is another way we can provide our body with constant energy and keep our blood sugar levels from dramatically going up or down.

Stress plays an important role in how our body stores fat. When our body experiences stress, it releases a hormone called Cortisol, which begins to store fat in our belly. The fat is stored in the belly to be used in case of emergency.

Stress management techniques such as tai chi, meditation, deep breathing, and yoga are all effective ways to reduce stress and keep away body fat storage.

We all want to know how to lose belly fat the right way. By doing overall exercise training with intervals, healthy eating habits and reducing our stress, we will be able to flatten our belly. - 17274

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Lower Ab Workouts - Burning Abs Don't Mean Ripped Abs

By Jose Loni

Lower ab workouts are great! We feel the burn but we see no results! That's because the whole principle of spot reduction does not work. The ads and TV commercials we see always claim to get fantastic results by using their product. In fact, you just have to increase your metabolism through resistance training and your body will burn the fat. You will see results!

Lower ab workouts are excellent for toning and strengthening lower abs, but spot exercises can't burn a lot of excess body fat. To really see a difference, you should do full body movement exercises.

Infomercials selling all sorts of magic machines usually show their always-smiling, perfectly shaped models in various contorted positions, trying to make their contortions as enticing to the viewer as possible, with the magic promise of getting your own body in model-perfect shape as well.

Unfortunately, those ads and machines don't work. They are marketing their products to target the abs directly and that will not work. Spot reducing does not work. The abs will get stronger but they will not burn the necessary fat that is covering the abdominal muscles.

Resistance training is a great way to really get six pack abs. When you train the big muscles of the body with heavy weights, you increase the muscle's overall activity, which results in more energy expended. The muscles end up using up more energy and the body needs to keep providing fuel for the muscles, it will also use the calories that you eat as well as the excess body fat on our body.

Working the body out more causes the muscles to use up more oxygen than is available in muscle stores. So now, the body has to supply more oxygen to the muscles to keep them functioning. In addition, the body has to get rid of any waste materials collected in the muscles as a result of constant muscle work.

This whole supplying, clearing and repairing processes requires a lot of energy and because this process takes awhile to complete, the body is constantly 'working' or metabolism is now raised, and the body starts burning fat.

So you're better off just going to the bathroom when you feel the burn after doing lower ab workouts. This burn is not fat burning. To burn fat and reveal six pack abs, you have to start training with weights in order to raise your metabolism enough to melt abdominal fat away. - 17274

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You Can Lose 20 Pounds the Healthy Way

By Sara Greene

Everybody has a special occasion that they want to look their best for. Maybe it's a special vacation, or a family reunion, or even a wedding. If just the thought of losing weight in time for some big event has you hyperventilating, relax. If you start now, you will have enough time to lose 20 pounds and feel great, too.

There are several things you can do in order to lose weight quickly and safely. Even a fairly large amount of weight, like 20 pounds, is not impossible to lose in a relatively short amount of time. You just have to stay focused and be persistent.

Start your weight loss program with breakfast. Oatmeal not only makes you feel full, it also lowers your cholesterol. Oatmeal also absorbs the little fat globules floating around in your bloodstream, AND it tastes good! Those 20 extra pounds don't stand a chance!

Drinking cold water burns more calories than drinking warm water. And drinking water instead of soda or other sweetened drinks is better for you in two ways - it fills you up, so you don't feel hungry AND no sugar means no calories. Diet sodas may have no calories, but the "sweet taste" causes your insulin to rise, which causes cravings. For food.

Eat LOTS of fruit - especially citrus, apples and bananas. Apples have tons of fiber, which fills you up and helps flush out the fat. Bananas also have fiber and potassium, which is good for your heart. Citrus fruits, like oranges, grapefruits and lemons, again have tons of fiber AND tons of Vitamin C, both of which help maintain a healthy body and weight.

Not only does fiber fill you up, it also aids in digestion, moving things right along, so your body doesn't have time to absorb every last calorie out of your last meal!

Want great taste AND quick weight loss? Eat spicy foods! The spice enhances your metabolism, which makes you burn more calories, more quickly. Spicy foods also help your immune system fight off infection. Don't eat too much, though. A little goes a long way.

Two of the best foods to eat when trying to lose weight are FISH and CALCIUM-RICH FOODS. Why? It's simple. Both are loaded with protein, which fills you up like nothing else. When you're satisfied, you don't eat as much. In addition, the omega-3 in fish is terrific for your heart, and it may have appetite-suppressant capabilities.

Exercise. Don't kid yourself about this one. You don't have to get in tri-athalon shape to lose weight (despite what you see on TV), you just need some form of regular activity to help you burn off the calories and fat. You can walk, swim, roller blade, jump rope or ride a bike. Just find something you like doing, and it won't even feel like a chore.

Try to incorporate as many of these tips into your life as possible, and have faith. You will lose those 20 pounds in no time. Guaranteed! - 17274

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Fat Loss - What Works And What Doesn't

By Dan Solaris

Companies specializing in health products are making huge profits these days. They sell anything from fat-burning pills to expensive exercise contraptions and people are snapping them up. With almost 65% of the populations in the countries of the West overweight, it's no big surprise.

As the lure of fast-food spreads eastward from the Western countries, statistics for obesity and high blood pressure are increasing. The unbalanced, protein-centered drive-thru fare is gaining a worldwide following fast- leaving soft, rounded bellies in its wake.

Fad diets earn a huge following because in increasing number of folks are desperate to lose fat. Sadly, most people find out the effects of dieting are only temporary and they fall off the wagon and gain back the weight they lost after a few months.

Life these days require us to spend most of our waking hours in our office chair, behind the wheel or browsing the internet. These activities don't actually require much energy and so the excess calories that we get from food eventually find their way into our love-handles and potbellies.

Fat loss happens faster when we exercise and use up a larger amount of caloric energy than we get from our daily consumption of food. Aside from improving our physique, working out regularly also conditions the cardiovascular system and produces endorphins which improve our mood.

Trying to lose fat by depriving ourselves of the right amounts of food can result in weight loss, but it might not be all from fat. Furthermore, it can lead to binging and losing control when we're in a party with delicious food.

Experts say it's more effective to eat small portions whenever we get the munchies rather than stuffing ourselves every meal. Doing this can also keep our metabolism high and lets us burn calories more efficiently. It's been discovered that our metabolic rate slows down considerably when our body senses a shortage of food.

Eating smartly by choosing healthier foods we're getting our daily dose of calories from will ensure proper metabolism and the proper nutrition. Doing fat-burning cardio exercises along with resistance training to build muscle will also ensure quick fat loss and a lean physique. - 17274

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5 Little Things to Control Your Diet Easily

By Thong M. Dao

If you are attempting to lose weight, a correct diet is the way to go. Because of our hectic lifestyle, we tend to cheat every now and then. But you should always stick to certain healthy foods on a daily basis.

These 5 small modifications can help to ensure your body doesn't get too far outside of the balanced zone, even if you do cheat and stray off your perfect diet plan.

1. Organic fruit. A minimum of 2 portions of fruit should be eaten each and every day. Blending fruit into a smoothie and splitting into 2 portions is an easy alternative to raw fruit. It's not just delicious, it actually makes it easier for you to keep on course.

2. Organic veggies. We all have to eat veggies each day, it's part of the suggested daily rations. They keep us healthy and provide a good source of fiber which is helpful in many ways.

If you don't enjoy consuming vegetables, try including rich, leafy veggies into your smoothie every day. It would be a nice surprise to you that this is so delicious.

3. Sprouting is actually easier than most people think. Simply grab some seeds that you can germinate, such as lentils or wheat berries, put them in a jar to soak for a couple of hours and then drain the water off.

Lightly wet them 2 times per day and they will germinate fairly quickly. Get some of these whenever you feel hungry for their marvelous health benefits.

4. Meat and fish are good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, but the best source is flaxseed oil. Include this in your everyday routine and you would be startled at how much of a difference it's making in your health.

5. Water. Even though it's not a food, it's even more important to your diet. Consume a lot of water equating to half the weight of your body daily in ounces along with ocean salt of quantity one pinch per 16 ounces.

This will make an amazing difference to your health. You'll see after you take it for a week. - 17274

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A Detox Diet for Cellulite

By El Bilson

Cellulite is a condition that many women wish they didn't have to deal with. A detox diet for cellulite is something that may help you get rid of ugly skin for good.

Are you wondering about a detox diet for cellulite? While there is no diet that will solve cellulite, following a detox diet can help reduce the appearance of it. There are several detox diets that you can try and we will look at where to research these special diets.

How exactly does a detox diet help improve your skin? What does it mean to detox the body? This is a good starting point for more information on detox diets and how they work. Before you start a detox diet it is crucial to check with your doctor. This is especially important if you have health problems or are on any medications.

There are several different organs in the body help clean toxins from the body. Toxins are found in the foods we eat as well as many every day chemicals that seep into the skin. The main detox organ is the liver. Other organs such as the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph, and skin all play their part in cleaning the body as well. Our bodies are a miracle in that all the systems work together.

After many years of cleaning the body, the cleansing organs often contain built up toxins. These toxins hamper the functioning of the body's organs. Cellulite can improve with a healthy diet. However you may want to start is by detoxifying your body through a good cleanse. After that you can choose low fat, high fiber foods that will continue to improve the functioning of the body.

Many of us are eating processed foods that are high in fat and low in fiber. With the wide availability of junk food, it is easy to get off track. My husband and I travel a lot and most of our meals are consumed in restaurants. Many people give into their cravings for french fries or pizza on a regular basis. But over time these foods and others like them cause the body to be loaded down with toxins.

These toxins put a lot of work on the liver and kidneys and the other detox organs. Going on a brief detox diet gives these organs a rest and allows them to clean the toxins from the body. Detoxifying the body allows these organs to play catch up on the work they are designed for.

Cellulite is the term used to describe the unsightly look that is found on the skin. As skin ages the connective tissue, called septa, in the subcutaneous layer of the skin loses its elasticity. When this happens, the fat deposits that are a normal part of the body push up between the connective tissue. This is what causes cellulite to have a rippled or dimpled appearance.

By changing what we eat and drink, we can improve circulation to the septa. When blood circulation is improved, a reduction in cellulite can be achieved over time. Of course, this is a change in lifestyle. Permanent results require us to give up some of the foods we may enjoy. But the good news is that the healthy change in diet will not only improve the look of skin but will result in a healthier body overall.

There are plenty of detox diet for cellulite to choose from. Visit your local library or bookstore or do a web search and you will find many methods to detoxify the body. Some of these detox diets include fasting. Others are liquid diets that include fresh fruit and vegetable juices. It is important to find a detox diet that works for you and fits into your schedule. Make sure you do the detox diet frequently, but stick to a normal diet most days. Regular detoxing will lead to not only improve cellulite, but improved health overall. - 17274

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Lawsuit Over Recalled Durom Implants

By Maxwell Schmickman

As we start to get older, every day it can feel like there's a new twinge of pain. Part of this pain is just the natural aging process, as our body looses some of the ability to recover that we've always prized. But for some, this pain takes the form of joint deterioration, and moves from the everyday aches into a realm that is debilitating.

If you've ever had joint pain bad enough for the need or a replacement, you know how difficult it can be to have so much pain that even walking within your own home can become impossible. This is why artificial replacements for knee and hip joints were invented. If you have had a hip replaced, keep reading for more information on the Durom implant recall.

When you have led an active lifestyle, at a certain point, your joints stop working correctly. As we have made advances in health and technology that have led to longer and longer life spans, we are beginning to see the limit on how long natural human body parts can last. One of the first parts of a body to fail under the stress of a longer and more active life style is the hip joint. If you are in your 70's, a hip replacement can be a great way to get more years of activity. But because hip replacements often fail within 10 years, someone who is in their 50's and 60's faces one or more further surgeries to replace their replacement. This is why the Durom implant was invented.

This is the reason that the Durom implant was invented, and how it was sold to doctors as the right solution for their patients. A standard hip replacement will begin to wear and need replacement itself within ten years. This means that for a younger patient, they could need as many as three surgeries, and their replacements themselves need replacement. This is a huge burden for a patient to face. The Durom implant was designed to be longer lasting, so that instead of needing to be replaced, it could continue to function for a much longer period, avoiding the need for further surgery, and making it a good solution for younger patients.

Unfortunately for patients who have received a Durom implant, this promise has not held true. At a clinic where the implants were used, an astoundingly high twelve percent of patients needed their replacements removed and replaced in under two years. This is a much shorter time span than the traditional replacement, and is no where near the claims made by the Zimmer Durom company. While the company denounced the high rate as surgeon error, in their own studies done under ideal conditions, the replacements failed seven percent of the time, which is still an amazingly high number.

Because of the high failure rate of the Durom implant, a class action law suit is being considered for those with failed implants, or for those who have this type of implant which has not yet failed. If you or a loved one has received a hip implant before July 2008, contact your doctor. - 17274

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Healthy Food Choices Made Easy

By Thong M. Dao

In order to create healthy eating habits, it's crucial that you make a list of healthy food choices, then create a healthy menu and meal plan based on those. It's not as hard as you may think.

This list will make this task a breeze.

1. Grains. We should consume 6 ounces of grains per day. To do this, we can eat whole grain cereals, breads, rice, crackers, or pasta. We can get an ounce of grains in a single slice of bread.

2. Vegetables. Lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes are a few examples of healthy food choices. 2 things to remember, the greener the better, and two cups and a half per day are recommended.

3. Fruits. 2 cups daily will do just fine. Fruit juice is great, but keep it to a limit. Fresh fruits are always the best choice.

4. Milk. Milk is our calcium rich friend. 3 cups is the ideal goal for adults and 2 cups for kids. When choosing milk products or yogurt, always go for fat-free or low-fat. Those who don't like milk or can't have it, should opt for lactose-free products or other sources of calcium such as fortified foods and beverages.

5. Meat. Eating 5 ounces a day is great, and we should go for lean protein. When eating meat, remember to bake, grill, or broil it, as this will prevent grease from adding to the equation. Try to vary our protein as well, with more fish, beans, peas, and nuts.

To get the most healthy food menu without adding cholesterol, you have to remove from your grocery list some items like butter, margarine, shortening and lard.

When you shop for foods, take the time and look at the nutrition label. Each item has its nutrition label located on the back or sides of package. High saturated fat, trans fat and sodium are what we need to avoid.

Take control of your body with healthy food choices and workout routines, too. This is where it all begins. Make it or break it, you decide! - 17274

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Fat Loss - Wise Tales vs. Wisdom

By Dan Solaris

The huge demand for health products and exercise equipment is evidence that an increasing percentage of people around the world are becoming concerned with fat loss and getting in shape. Companies that sell protein pills and ab machines are making a killing because more and more folks are becoming overweight.

As the lure of fast-food spreads eastward from the Western countries, statistics for obesity and high blood pressure are increasing. The unbalanced, protein-centered drive-thru fare is gaining a worldwide following fast- leaving soft, rounded bellies in its wake.

Fad diets earn a huge following because in increasing number of folks are desperate to lose fat. Sadly, most people find out the effects of dieting are only temporary and they fall off the wagon and gain back the weight they lost after a few months.

The secret to fat loss is no secret at all. It's all about using-up the calories that we get from food and the only way to achieve that is through physical activity. Since the days of plowing the field and foraging for roots and berries are long gone- replaced by drive-thrus and dial-a-pizza, it's quite difficult to burn our daily input of calories without regular exercise.

Fat loss happens faster when we exercise and use up a larger amount of caloric energy than we get from our daily consumption of food. Aside from improving our physique, working out regularly also conditions the cardiovascular system and produces endorphins which improve our mood.

Trying to lose fat by depriving ourselves of the right amounts of food can result in weight loss, but it might not be all from fat. Furthermore, it can lead to binging and losing control when we're in a party with delicious food.

Since our metabolism also drops when our body senses a shortage of food, keeping it at the proper levels by snacking on healthy fruit and nuts between meals will prevent overeating. Eating too much at one time will cause us to form potbellies if done habitually.

Developing an active, healthy lifestyle by eating smartly and doing regular aerobic and muscle-building exercises regularly will raise our metabolism. More calories burned means more fat lost- making us look better, feel better and live better. - 17274

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My Review of Burn the Fat Fitness Program

By Martin Knight

I'm soooo sick and tired of miracle diet bull!

Ever feel like you're the unwitting pawn in a corporate greed tug-of-war??

On the one side, you have the companies that sell every kind of fast food and junk food ever created...

who all want to sell you, and sell you, and sell you again, on their latest flab building "food."

On the other side we have one "miracle" diet product after another, which, by the way, do NOTHING to help you lose weight and EVERYTHING to make you feel so discouraged you just want to give up and go pig out on more junk food!

Aren't you sick and tired of all this bull????

That's why I have vowed to NEVER EVER go on another diet...

...because we know diets do not work!

What's the good of losing 20 pounds only to gain back 30?

I know that the ONE and ONLY thing that does work is to IGNORE everyone who is trying to make money by telling you what diets to eat and what supplements to take...

...and find someone who ALREADY LOOKS the way YOU want to look...

...and learn what THEY do to look that way!

Does that make sense to you?

It sure does to me.

I work at Fitness-Programs-Review and we evaluate fitness programs to find fitness programs that actually work.

So I went on a personal quest to find SOMEONE who can tell me for a FACT what works and what doesn't when it comes to gaining muscle, losing fat, and looking and feeling GREAT.

There are plenty of programs out there who CLAIM they can do this......and almost none who can back up what they say.

Most are just repeating what they've heard others say... "Burn more calories than you take in... avoid fat... avoid carbs...eats lots of veggies... blah blah blah."

If this advice was enogh, we'd ALL have gorgeous bodies.

I did find a couple of programs that sounded promising, but I had to wonder why the authors weren't showing off their own bodies.

I would think the proof is in the pudding! It's hard to follow the advice of someone who doesn't take their own advice.

So I left those out.

Of course, I also used other criteria to evaluate if these programs worked. These included: 1000s of happy customers, a money back guarantee, an inexpensive price, a low return rate, credentials of the author, and no ridiculous claims.

When we were done, only 4 programs were found to work, out of 48 programs tested!

Out of the 4 programs, all of which are excellent, one stood out as my favorite.

If you went to this site right now and look at the author's photo....

I think you would agree with me...

3.7% body fat!!

Now here's someone who appears to be following his own advice. He used to look quite different, which means his advice is worth following if you want to make a change.

We also found that his program does not make outlandish claims, is filled with highly usable information, has 1,000s of happy customers, is inexpensive, does not require a gym membership, and even though it is guaranteed, only 3% of his customers have asked for their money back. In short, the program works.

But how did he learn the secrets to looking like THAT??

It seems he's been working at it for 14 years, perfecting a system that works not just for him, but also for the people he teaches it to.

Where did he get his knowledge?

From fitness models and competitive bodybuilders (who did not use supplements of any kind).

These are people who HAVE TO look good for a living.

Notice, he studied "Fitness" models, not anemic or anorexic drug ingesting fashion models.

People who get paid to look fantastic and HEALTHY, not like they're refugees from third world countries (as most fashion models look.)

I bet I'm going to get letters on that last comment. ;-)

If want to know how to do something well, I believe you should find someone who is already doing it, and do what they do.


Tom Venuto is practically OBSESSED with nutrition and fitness.

He's spent almost his entire adult life studying everything on nutrition he could get his hands on, trying every diet ever created.

That's how he found out for himself that weight loss supplements and diets are a total waste of time and money. They can even be detrimental to your health and cause you to GAIN weight, not lose it.

Based on his research of what DOES work using the secret techniques of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models, Tom has developed his own complete fat burning system.

...and it comes with a full 56 day money back guarantee.

So, if Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle doesn't work for you, and you don't get a gorgeous body like his, just ask for your money back.

Can't beat that!

P.S. You'll notice a long list of bullet points on his home page at Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

Here are 5 of which impressed me!

...these alone are worth the price of the entire course!

--How to almost INSTANTLY boost your energy levels higher than you ever thought possible, starting from day one...

--How to eat 50% more while storing NONE of it as fat...

--The top 12 worst foods you should avoid like the plague...

--The top twelve wonder foods you should eat all the time...

--How to be practically "hypnotized" into working out consistently and eating properly... No willpower required!

You can go read the bullet points to find your favorites...

... or begin your journey to lean, muscular and sexy right now... - 17274

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